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Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :
Robi Mabruloh 1603062

Dosen Pengampu :
Drs. H. Surtiana Harjadijaya, M. A.


Lesson 9

A. Read the following text arefully.


Production in the economic sense is any activity resulting in

goods or services intended for exchange. In addition to
agriculture, mining. manufacturing and fishing, it includes the
services of transportation agencies, of wholesalers and retailers,
and all services of business and professional people, musicians,
entertainers, and so forth. Many services do not enter the ordinary
transactions of the economic system, as it is extremely difficult to
judge their value. Such services are: the work of the housewife in
the home, the work of the gardener who grows some of his own
vegetables and the work of the houscholder who is also a handy
man and does some of his own minor house-repairs. Economists
consider the services of these people as unproductive, as neither
the housewife, nor the gardener receives any fixed payment for
her or his work.
B. Translate the text (A) into indonesian


Produksi dalam arti ekonomi adalah segala kegiatan yang menghasilkan barang atau jasa
yang dimaksudkan untuk pertukaran. Sebagai tambahan pertanian, pertambangan. manufaktur dan
perikanan, itu termasuk jasa agen transportasi, grosir dan pengecer, dan semua layanan orang
bisnis dan profesional, musisi, penghibur, dan sebagainya. Banyak layanan tidak memasukkan
transaksi biasa dari sistem ekonomi, seperti sangat sulit untuk menilai nilainya. Layanan tersebut
adalah: pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga di rumah, pekerjaan tukang kebun yang menanam beberapa
sayurannya sendiri dan pekerjaan pembantu rumah tangga yang juga seorang pria yang cekatan
dan melakukan beberapa perbaikan rumah kecilnya sendiri. Ekonomi menganggap jasa orang-
orang ini sebagai tidak produktif, karena baik ibu rumah tangga, maupun tukang kebun tidak
menerima pembayaran tetap untuk pekerjaannya.

C. Answer the following questions, basing your answers on the text.

1. Why is work in a factory considered productive? Answers : Because working in a factory

receives fixed payments for work.

2. Do economists consider the activities of musicians and entertainers who do not produce material
goods productive or unproductive? Answers : Productive, because receives fixed payments for

3. Which activities does production in the economic sense not include? Answers : Housewife and
gardener activities

4. Why is the work of the gardener working in his own garden considered unproductive? Answers
: Because as neither the housewife, nor the gardener receives any fixed payment for her or his
D. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain your answer in
either case.

1. The work of physicians and scholars is classified as productive. (T)

2. Transportation agencies, which do not produce tangible (= nyata) goods, are unproductive (F).
3. Any kind of work that satisfies a person's wants is called productive (F).

4. A housewife who cultivates orchids in her own garden and sells them to her neighbourhood
flowershop is not productive (T). 5. Any activity done for a fixed payment is a productive
enterprise (T).

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