Sri Lanka Fact File

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Sri Lanka Introduction-Ever heard about this cute little beautiful Island Sri Lanka
known by many other names in the past.Amradeepa, Rathnadeepa, Heladiva, Traprobane,
Serendip ,Ceylon, Ceylan, Sinhaladeepa, Lakdiva are only a few out of many used to
identify this teardrop shape pearl of the Indian ocean in the past.
Be hold! Sri Lanka is about to emerge as the “Wonder of Asia” in near future.
Facts & Figures

Official NameDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka , officially established on 22-05-1972 by Hon. Prime minister
Mrs.Srimawo Bandaranayake(The World’s 1 Woman prime minister)National Holiday Independence Day, 04
February (1948)Size An Island of approx 65610 sq km Geography Sri Lanka lies 800 km
north of equator & Lies between (5° 55˙ & 9° 55˙) N and between (79° 42˙& 81° 52˙) ELocationIsland off the
Southeastern shores of India, 800km north of equatorCoastline 1340 km of coconut fringed beaches.ClimateAverage
temperature is around 27°C in Colombo. Central Hills of Sri Lanka- it feels cool with temperature dropping to 16°C.
The Southwest monsoon brings rain to the western southern and central regions from may to July, while the
northeastern monsoon brings rain to the north & east in December and January.CapitalSri Jayewardenepura
KotteCommercial capitalColomboPopulation (May 2005)20 millionLanguagesSinhala, Tamil & English. English is
widely spoken throughout Sri Lanka, with the exception of very remote villages only.Ethnic MixMajority are Sinhalese
(75%), followed by Tamils (17%), Moors (7%) and Malay % Burghers forming a minority of about
(1%).ReligionsBuddhists in the forefront Buddhist 69.1%, Islam 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 6.2% Major
ExportsReady made garments, tea, rubber, coconut ,gems, spices, cut flowers, fresh fruits, & coconut
productsHighest peakPidurutalagala (Mt. Pedro) Ht 2524m, Sri Pada or Adam’s peak Ht 2,243 Holy to followers of all
faiths.Longest RiverThe Mahaweli river (330 km) has its source close to Adam’s peak and runs into the sea near
E.C.Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 3rd Floor, P&J City Complex, Galle, Sri Lanka
Web Site: e-mail:


Time ZoneSriLanka’s standard time is five and half hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+5 ½).Voltage
requirement230-240 volts 50 cycles AC, Round three-pin plugs are usual, with bayonet lamp fittings.Currency
Sri Lankan currency is the rupee (Rs) 1 Rs = 100 centsTravelers ChequesWidely accepted in banks
and money exchanges, a 1% stamp duty is payable, plus a small commission.Credit CardsAccepted at all banks,
Luxury Food cities- Money exchanges leading mercantile establishments.
ATM’s – Common in many towns and established close to many banks.
TippingAll hotels and restaurants add a service charge of 10% in any bill. In the event of your wishing to give a tip
about 10% of the bill is generally considered a fair tip.Working weekMonday to Friday (Government sector) except
public holidays other private Establishments Monday to Saturday with only ½ day on Saturdays.
Working hours 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (Most Government)Medical FacilitiesThe professional standards of doctors and
surgeons are competent with specialist, The state owned hospitals including General Base, Teaching, Children’s, Eye,
Maternity, Cancer and Ayurvedic.
For emergencies
Accident Services (General Hospitals)011 269 1111
Fire and Ambulance 011 269 1095 | 011 243 7744
Fire Services Colombo 011 242 2222
Tuk-tuk and taxi drivers will know of the nearest hospital.

- Official Name
Hospitals Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
- Colombo : 011
National Holiday 269 1111 Independence Day, 04 February (1948)
Gampaha : 033 222 2261
- Size
Kalutara : 034 222 2261 6510 sq km
- Geographic
Negombo : 031 Coordinates
222 2261 6-10 N, 80-82 E
Galle : 091 223 2267 Island off the Southeastern shores of India, 800km north
- Location: 041 222 2261
of equator
Balapitiya : 091 225 8261
- Coastline
Hambanthota : 047 222 0261 1340 km
- Capital : 081 2233337
Kandy Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte
- Nuwara Eliya :
Commercial capital 052 222261 Colombo
Anuradhapura : 025 222261
- Population (May
Polonnaruwa : 027 2222261 2005) 20 million
Jaffna : 021 2222261 Sinhala, Tamil & English. English is widely spoken
- Languages
GSM throughout
Network900WaterFiltered water and mineral waterSri
as Lanka, with the
well as bottled exception
drinking water areof remote
- Ethnic Mix Majority are Sinhalese, minorities Tamil & Moor
- Religions mostly Buddhist, then Hindu, Christian & Muslim
Textiles & garments, tea, diamonds, gems, rubber &
- Major Exports
coconut products
Pidurutalagala (Mt. Pedro) At 2524m, Adam’s peak (Sri
- Highest peak Pada), holy to believers of all religions, ranks 4 th at
- E.C.Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 3rd Floor, P&J City Complex, Galle, Sri Lanka
Web Site: e-mail:


TaxiAir Conditioned or non air conditioned cabs could be called by telephone are of very good
value. The charges are metered.
Other taxis are available, but are not metered. So it s wise to agree on the fare (Rates subject
to change)
Cabs are operated from taxi counter at Bandaranayake International Airport(BIA) cost from
Rs(1000-1500) for journey to Colombo.
Other taxi counters may charge more. Always inquire.Hire Cars Self
drive AC cars could be hired a rates ranging from Rs.2500 – Rs.5000 per day according to the
make of the car and the number if days required. A refundable deposit from Rs.20000 –
35000. But if it is your first time here, consider hiring a car and drivers offer excellent insight
in to the Island and great flexibility, staying in dedicated driver’s rooms at the same hotel(s) as
Tuk-tuksA joy ride in a tuk tuk (or the 3 Wheelers as known here) is a recommendable mode
of travel for a maximum of three for short distance travel interior, slow motion gives good
insight to village life and places of interest there in.TrainsMany places of interest could be
reached by train avoid overcrowded buses. BusesThe SriLanka central Transport Board
maintains and island wide network of bus services. Express air conditioned bus services are
also available to all main cities from Colombo central bus stand.
E.C.Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 3rd Floor, P&J City Complex, Galle, Sri Lanka
Web Site: e-mail:

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