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What is it The Compagnie Financiere et Commerciale Du Pacifique v. The Peru-

A process whereby any party to a suit may be required to disclose all Vian Guano Company: Documents which can be ‘discovered’ is those
evidence within his possession, custody or power relating to matters in that can advance his own case or to damage his adversary.
question in the action. Almost similar to APO, but less strict.
Types of discovery
Norwich Pharmacal Co. v Customs and Excise Commissioners:
Discovery can be granted in aid of any reasonable action which the plaintiff  General discovery
has brought against the defendant. O. 24 r. 3(1): Applied by one party to the court for an order requiring the
other party to give discovery by giving a list of documents [O. 24 r.5: Form
Function of discovery 38] to the other party which are in the other party possession.
Goh Hooi Yin v LimmTeong Ghee & Ors (1977):
1. To provide parties with relevant documentary material for appraisal of  Specific discovery
strength or weakness before trial. O. 24 r. 7: Order for discovery of a particular document will be given after
2. To provide basis of fair disposal of the proceedings before trial. general discovery (O.24 r.3 (1)) is granted, subjected to court discretion.
3. To enable parties to use relevant document to support or rebut the case
4. To eliminate the element of surprise relating to the documents What happen if application for discovery is unnecessary?
5. To reduce cost of litigation. O. 24 r. 8: On the hearing of an application for an order of discovery, the
court may dismiss or adjourn the application if is unnecessary.
Documents subject to discovery:
O. 24 r. 3(4): Documents which the party relies or will rely & documents The duty to give discovery last throughout the proceeding
which could badly affect his case or badly affect the opposite party’s case O. 24 r. 8A: The party required to give discovery has a duty to continue to
or support another party’s case. give discovery of all documents on that order until trial is concluded.
Stemlife Berhad v Bristol-Myers Squibb (M) Sdn Bhd: D which is an
What happen if you fail to comply with the order official service provider of an online forum has control of who has access to
O. 24 r. 16: Where a party fails to comply with the order, the Court may its website. Two users with fake names has defamed P & P sought for
make such order such as the action is dismissed or, an order that the order of discovery against D to identify the users. CH allowed as def, being
defence be struck out and judgment be entered accordingly. the 3rd party having control of the website, allowed such defamatory
material to be posted freely with no editorial editing. Thus, D has facilitated
Discovery against a stranger the wrongdoing.
Norwich Pharmacal Co: GR- No action for discovery can be made against
a party against whom no reasonable cause of action or mere witness can 2. When P knows there has been wrongdoing, but only the third
be made, unless if got mixed up in the tortious act, he shall assist the party knows the names or identity of the wrongdoers
person by giving him the information and the identity of the wrongdoer. Norwich Pharmacal Co.: The appellants is the owners of a patent for a
chemical compound. The patent was infringed by importers of the chemical
manufactured abroad. App sought for discovery to obtain the names and
Exceptions laid out under Norwich Pharmacal Co addresses of the importers from the Commissioners of Customs and
Excise seeking orders for the disclosure of the names of the importers.
1. Where the discovery is to facilitated the tracing
Bankers Trust Co. v Shapira & Co: The plaintiff has bank account in New 3. Where the third party is jointly liable with the D in the wrongdoing,
York & issued a writ against two fraudsters and a London bank sought an P is entitled for discovery
order for discovery for the London bank (third party) to disclose all relevant Loose v Williamson: P intend to sue a guy who was using a boat to
documents and records. CH: Application allowed in AC. But there must be remove mussels (belongs to P) at the foreshore. P applied for discovery
clear EVIDENCE OF FRAUD, purpose is to AID TRACING, & real against the third party (owner of the boat) to provide information on who
PROSPECT which lead to the preservation of property. was on the boat at the specific time. CH P entitled for discovery as 3 rd party
is not innocently mixed up, but is jointly liable.

Limitation under exception under Norwich Pharmacal Co

First Malaysia Finance v Dato’ Mohd Fathi: The identity that were
alleged of committing the wrongful acts were known to P. Application

O. 24 r 7A: Gives effect to the exception in Norwich To third party after commencement of proceedings
Ahmad Zahri Mirza v PricewaterhouseCoopers Capital [2015]: If (2): If after proceeding has commence, can be sought against third party by
proceedings are not intended against the party on whom the discovery is NOA but must serve it to the third party and parties to the suit
sought, it does not mean that the application for discovery must be refused  First Malaysia Finance v Dato’ Mohd Fathi: The identity that were
alleged of committing the wrongful acts were known to P.
Application rejected.
Process to apply for discovery under 7A
To defendant before commencement
(1): Before proceeding start, P can sought for discovery against D by make
him def to the summons in ORIGINATING SUMMONS

 Purpose
Infoline Sdn Bhd v Benjamin Lim Keong Hoe [2018]: 7A is allowed to
see whether there is viable claim to the potential defendant which will save
time & cost. This case discussed application of 7A in details. TC & AC
agreed that 7A is wider than Norwich exception. The question to be asked
by the court in granting order to discovery is whether the discovery is
appropriate. Here, the resp sought for discovery of the trust document. The
resp was a beneficiary of the trust deed but subsequently removed (but he
had no idea why). Therefore, he wishes to discover whether the app has
wrongly removed him from the trust deed.

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