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Modeling, Simulation, and Construction of a Furuta

Pendulum Test-Bed

Mayra Antonio-Cruz Victor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán

Ramón Silva-Ortigoza Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Jacobo Sandoval-Gutiérrez Facultad de Ingenierı́a
Carlos Alejandro Merlo-Zapata CP 76150, Querétaro, Qro, Mexico
Hind Taud
Celso Márquez-Sánchez
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
CIDETEC. Área de Mecatrónica
Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos
CP 07700, México, DF, Mexico

Abstract—This paper presents a Furuta pendulum as a test- construction of the Furuta pendulum is as follows. Regard-
bed to experimentally validate automatic control strategies or ing the modeling, Acosta [10] described a quasi-conservative
theoretical concepts associated with nonlinear systems. Herein, dynamic model derived from the classical mechanics, which
the modeling, simulation, and construction of a Furuta pendulum allows designing controllers as if the system was conserva-
test-bed are introduced step-by-step. The development of the tive. Another work, provided by Cazzolato and Prime [11],
Furuta pendulum mathematical model is achieved by using
introduced a dynamics of the Furuta pendulum considering a
Lagrange equations of motion. In contrast with other works, the
development of this model includes an analysis of the system full inertia tensor. That dynamics was developed by using two
kinematics. Also, a numerical simulation of the mathematical methods: a Lagrangian formulation and an iterative Newton-
model is performed via Matlab-Simulink. Furthermore, with the Euler formulation. Jadlovská and Sarnovský [1] reported an
purpose of presenting a different tool for the modeling and application of a general procedure to derive a mathematical
simulation of dynamic systems, a graphical model and a graphical model of the rotary inverted pendulum with an arbitrary num-
simulation of the Furuta pendulum are carried out by means of ber of pendulum links. To design such a model, Lagrangian
Working Model 3D. Moreover, a computer aided design of the equations and a Rayleigh dissipation function were used. The
system under study is accomplished through SolidWorks, based validation of the mathematical model was shown via numerical
on such a design a test-bed is built. With the intention of verifying simulations. Concerning the construction, Allotta et al. [12]
that the test-bed built behaves according to the models (numerical
built two prototypes of the Furuta pendulum with the intention
one and graphical one) presented herein, experiments with the
test-bed in open-loop are carried out by using Matlab-Simulink, of providing test-beds for the laboratories of mechatronics, and
ControlDesk, and a DS1104 board from dSPACE. complex dynamics and control systems of the University of
Florence. In the study of Garcı́a-Alarcón et al. [13], a proce-
dure to achieve the parameter identification of an experimental
system associated with the Furuta pendulum, a computer aided
In last decades, control engineering researchers have had a design, and the system built were shown. Also, in order to val-
strong interest on the underactuated mechanical systems. This idate such a procedure, results from numerical simulations of
interest is due to such systems exhibit various problems that the system dynamic model were compared with experimental
can be observed in industrial applications, such as external results from the system built. On the other hand, two works
disturbances and nonlinear behaviors under different operation were introduced recently by Antonio-Cruz et al. [14], [15]. The
conditions [1]. Among the underactuated systems the Furuta first one refers to the modeling and construction of a Furuta
pendulum –also known as rotary inverted pendulum– is found, pendulum prototype, and the second one is associated with the
which is a mechanism that has two degrees of freedom (DOF) modeling, computer aided design, and construction of a test-
and two rotational joints. It is essentially integrated by three bed of the aforementioned system. In both works, the modeling
elements: a motor and two bars called arm and pendulum. and construction of a Furuta pendulum were reported step-by-
The motor’s shaft is connected to one end of the arm, which step. Also, numerical simulations of the system mathematical
causes the arm to be moved angularly in the horizontal plane, model, developed in those works, were performed. In addition,
whereas the pendulum is joined to the free end of the arm the Furuta pendulum built was experimentally tested to show
through a link that can move freely and allows the rotation that it behaved according to the mathematical model.
of the pendulum in the vertical plane. This mechanism is a
popular device that has been used both as benchmark for the Having undertaken the literature review, it was found that
analysis of nonlinear control and for educational purposes (see, few works have been exclusively dedicated to the modeling,
for example [2]–[9]). simulation, and construction of a Furuta pendulum. Further-
more, just two of those papers describe step-by-step the mode-
Literature associated with the modeling, simulation, and ling and construction of the system under study, but they do not

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describe, step-by-step, the simulation of the Furuta pendulum where 𝐿 is the system Lagrangian, which is determined as
model. Moreover, to the authors’ knowledge, none of the
papers reported until now have introduced simulation results 𝐿 = 𝐾 − 𝑉, (3)
obtained from a graphical model of the Furuta pendulum. being 𝐾 and 𝑉 the kinetic energy and potential energy of the
Thus, in order to contribute in this direction, the main aim of Furuta pendulum system, respectively.
this paper is to present, step-by-step, the modeling, numerical
simulation, graphical simulation, and construction of a Furuta On the one hand, 𝐾 is the sum of the kinetic energy of
pendulum test-bed, including its experimental verification in the arm and the pendulum, which are, respectively, defined as
open-loop. The aforementioned contribution could be of great follows:
help, since to implement or validate automatic control strate- 1 ˙2
𝐾0 = 𝐼0 𝜃 , (4)
gies in real time for the underactuated system under study, 2 0
the modeling, simulation, and construction of a test-bed are 1 ˙2 1
required. Particularly, the graphical simulation could facilitate 𝐾1 = 𝐽1 𝜃1 + 𝑚1 𝜐1𝑇 𝜐1 , (5)
2 2
the understanding of the system dynamics, due to, unlike the
numerical simulation, it allows to observe a graphic of the where 𝜐1 is the linear velocity of the pendulum center of
system in motion. mass. Hence, an analysis of the Furuta pendulum kinematics
is required. Then, from Figure 2, the location of the pendulum
The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. Section center of mass is determined by
II deals with the development of the Furuta pendulum math- 𝑇
ematical model; whereas, the simulations of the system under 𝑥 = [𝑥𝑥 , 𝑥𝑦 , 𝑥𝑧 ] , (6)
study are treated in Section III. Furthermore, the construction where 𝑥𝑥 , 𝑥𝑦 , and 𝑥𝑧 are defined as follows:
of the Furuta pendulum test-bed is described in Section IV.
The experimental results of the test-bed built are shown in 𝑥𝑥 = 𝐿0 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃0 ) − 𝑙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃0 ) ,
Section V. Lastly, the conclusion is given in Section VI. 𝑥𝑦 = 𝐿0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃0 ) + 𝑙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃0 ) ,
𝑥𝑧 = 𝑙1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) .
Thus, 𝜐1 is given by
A representation of the Furuta pendulum is shown in Figure 𝑇
1. There, 𝜃0 is the arm angular position measured with respect 𝜐1 = [𝑥˙ 𝑥 , 𝑥˙ 𝑦 , 𝑥˙ 𝑧 ] , (7)
to an arbitrary position, 𝜃1 is the pendulum angular position being
measured with respect to the upright position, 𝜏 is the torque [
(applied to the arm) generated by the electric motor, 𝐼0 is 𝑥˙ 𝑥 = −𝜃˙0 𝐿0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃0 ) − 𝑙1 𝜃˙0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃0 ) +
the arm inertia (when it turns around one of its ends) and ]
the motor inertia, 𝐿0 is the arm length, 𝑚1 , 𝑙1 , and 𝐽1 are + 𝜃˙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃0 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) ,
the mass, the center of mass location, and the inertia of the [
pendulum, respectively. Lastly, 𝑔 = 9.81 m/s2 is the gravity 𝑥˙ 𝑦 = 𝜃˙0 𝐿0 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃0 ) + 𝑙1 𝜃˙1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃0 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) −
acceleration. ]
− 𝜃˙0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃0 ) 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) ,
J 1; m 1
g 𝑥˙ 𝑧 = −𝜃˙1 𝑙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) .

Center ò1 l1
of mass After replacing (7) in (5) and reducing the resulting ex-
Arm pression, the following is found:
[( )2 ( )2
1 ˙2 1
I 0; L 0 𝐾1 = 𝐽1 𝜃1 + 𝑚1 𝜃˙0 𝐿0 + 𝑙1 𝜃˙0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) +
ò0 2 2
( )2 ]
Motor + 𝑙1 𝜃˙1 + 2𝜃˙0 𝜃˙1 𝐿0 𝑙1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) .
Therefore, the Furuta pendulum kinetic energy, 𝐾, is given by
𝐾 = 𝐾0 + 𝐾1 ,
Fig. 1. Furuta pendulum. [( )2
1 ˙2 1 ˙2 1
= 𝐼0 𝜃0 + 𝐽1 𝜃1 + 𝑚1 𝜃˙0 𝐿0 +
2 2 2
As the Furuta pendulum is a two DOF system, its dynamic ( )2 ( )2
model is given by the following two Lagrange equations of + 𝑙1 𝜃˙0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) + 𝑙1 𝜃˙1 +
motion: ]
( ) + 2𝜃˙0 𝜃˙1 𝐿0 𝑙1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) . (8)
𝑑 ∂𝐿 ∂𝐿
− = 𝜏, (1)
𝑑𝑡 ∂ 𝜃˙0 ∂𝜃0 On the other hand, 𝑉 is the sum of the potential energy
( )
𝑑 ∂𝐿 ∂𝐿 of the arm and pendulum. Since the arm is moved on the
− = 0, (2)
𝑑𝑡 ∂ 𝜃˙1 ∂𝜃1 horizontal plane, its potential energy is constant and can be

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Y Pendulum
In the implementation of the simulations (numerical one
P Center of mass and graphical one) the values of the parameters shown in Table
ò0 I were used.
l 1sin (ò 1) cos (ò 0)
l 1sin (ò 1)
𝐼0 = 0.4592 x 10−3 Kg ⋅ m2
xy 𝐿0 = 0.1414 m
Arm L0
L 0sin (ò 0) 𝑚1 = 0.038 Kg
ü 𝑙1 = 0.1475 m
ò0 𝐽1 = 0.2755 x 10−3 Kg ⋅ m2
L 0cos (ò 0)
xx l 1sin (ò 1) sin (ò 0)

𝐿0 , 𝑚1 , and 𝑙1 were obtained directly from the test-bed built

and, subsequently, 𝐼0 and 𝐽1 were calculated.
(a) Projection of the arm and pendulum in the horizontal plane.
Pendulum A. Numerical Simulation via Matlab-Simulink
l 1sin (ò 1) The numerical simulation of the Furuta pendulum math-
Reference ematical model, (10)–(11), was performed through a block
h P Center of mass diagram developed in Matlab-Simulink. This block diagram
consists of three blocks, namely, Input, System, and Outputs,
xz ò1 as can be seen in Figure 3.
l 1cos (ò 1) l1

1 1
MATLAB s s ò0

To Workspace
Function 1 1
s s ò1

(b) Projection of the pendulum in the vertical plane.

Fig. 2. Free body diagram of the Furuta pendulum. t
Function Outputs
considered equal to zero. Hence, the Furuta pendulum potential
energy 𝑉 is reduced to the pendulum potential energy, that is:
Fig. 3. Block diagram developed in Matlab-Simulink.
𝑉 = −ℎ𝑚1 𝑔 = 𝑚1 𝑔𝑙1 (𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) − 1) . (9)
Then, from (3), which is associated with (8) and (9), and after The description of each block of the Figure 3 is as follows:
carrying out the corresponding derivatives in the equations
system (1)–(2), the dynamics of the Furuta pendulum is found ∙ Input. This block corresponds to the torque, 𝜏 , and
as follows: is constructed with a Matlab function [16]. The code
associated with this block is shown in Table II.
𝜏 = 𝛼𝜃¨0 + 𝛽 𝜃˙0 𝜃˙1 + 𝛾 𝜃¨1 − 𝜎 𝜃˙12 , (10)
0 = 𝛾 𝜃¨0 + (𝑚1 𝑙12 + 𝐽1 )𝜃¨1 − 𝛽 𝜃˙02 − 𝑚1 𝑔𝑙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) , (11) function tau=fcn(t)
2 if (t<=0.2)
where else
𝛼 = 𝐼0 + 𝑚1 𝐿20 + 𝑚1 𝑙12 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 (𝜃1 ) , 𝛾 = 𝑚1 𝐿0 𝑙1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝜃1 ) , end

𝛽 = 𝑚1 𝑙12 𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝜃1 ), 𝜎 = 𝑚1 𝐿0 𝑙1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃1 ) . TABLE II. C ODE OF THE BLOCK Input.


In this Section, the numerical simulation and the graphical
simulation of the Furuta pendulum are described. Such sim- ∙ System. In this block the model (10)–(11) is pro-
ulations will allow to estimate the dynamic evolution of the grammed by using a Matlab function, whose corre-
system variables 𝜃0 and 𝜃1 , when a torque, 𝜏 , is applied to sponding code is presented in Table III.
the system. Both simulations consisted in applying a constant ∙ Outputs. This block delivers the dynamic evolution
torque to the arm during a period of time equal to 0.2 s, moving of the system variables, 𝜃0 and 𝜃1 , and the torque, 𝜏 ,
it from an arbitrary position, achieving that the pendulum generated in the block Input.
reaches a position between ±1 rad around the upright position
from its natural equilibrium point, that is, ±𝜋 rad. The The obtained results from the numerical simulation are
simulation time was set in 3 s. shown in Figure 4.

978-1-4799-7436-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 74

function Q=modelo(u) to the arm. To this end, the versatile properties windows
that Working Model 3D possesses were used. Such windows
theta1p=u(3); allow specifying the mass properties, geometry, constraint
tau=u(4); characteristics, and attachment conditions of the designed rigid
I0=(1/3)*(0.065)*(0.1414ˆ2); bodies.
J1=(1/12)*(0.038)*(0.295ˆ2); After carrying out the aforementioned graphical model, the
m1=0.038; graphical simulation was executed, through the graphical user
interface that Working Model 3D possesses, with the following
g=9.81; torque function:
M11=Ib+m1*(L0ˆ2)+(l1ˆ2)*m1*(sin(theta1)ˆ2); {
M12=m1*L0*l1*cos(theta1); 0.17 Nm for 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 0.2 s,
𝜏= (12)
0 for 𝑡 > 0.2 s.
M=[M11 M12; M21 M22];
C11=2*(l1ˆ2)*m1*sin(theta1)*cos(theta1)*theta1p; Thus, the positions of the arm and the pendulum, in some time
C12=-m1*L0*l1*sin(theta1)*theta1p; instants during the graphical simulation, are shown in Figures
C21=-m1*(l1ˆ2)*sin(theta1)*cos(theta1)*theta0p; 5(b)–5(d); whereas the corresponding simulation results are
C=[C11 C12; C21 C22]; shown in Figure 6.
G21=-m1*g*l1*sin(theta1); Z Z
G=[G11; G21];
T=[tau; 0];
Qp=[theta0p; theta1p];


40 θ0

(a) (b)
t [s] Z
0 Z
0 1 2 3
3 θ1 X X

−3 t [s]
−6 Y Y
0 1 2 3

t [s]
0 1 2 3

(c) (d)
Fig. 4. Results of the numerical simulation with Matlab-Simulink.
Fig. 5. Graphical model of the Furuta pendulum.

B. Graphical Simulation by using Working Model 3D It is important to mention that the graphical user interface
of Working Model 3D allows to simulate a system with various
The graphical simulation of the Furuta pendulum was scenarios and situations.
accomplished by using Working Model 3D, which is a
three-dimensional dynamics simulation software, developed by
Knowledge Revolution, whose dynamics simulation engine is IV. C ONSTRUCTION
based on Newtonian mechanics. Furthermore, this software The elements that integrate the Furuta pendulum test-bed
includes motion simulation of systems generated with rigid and the procedure followed in the construction of such a test-
bodies, easy-to-use editing capabilities, and serves as a tool bed are described below.
for engineering simulation [17].
As shown in Figure 7, the Furuta pendulum test-bed is
In the performing of the graphical simulation, a graphical composed –in general– of three blocks, namely: subsystems,
model of the Furuta pendulum was generated as shown in Fig- power stage, and data acquisition and processing. The block
ure 5(a). This model was achieved by a simple design of two subsystems refers to two subsystems, the first one corresponds
cylindrical rigid bodies (arm and pendulum) joined through to a DC permanent magnet motor and two encoders; whereas,
a revolute constraint, and by connecting an actuator (motor) the second one corresponds to a mechanical structure, which

978-1-4799-7436-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 75

fabricated by Baumer with 1024 CPR as maximum resolution.
Both encoders are of the incremental type.

20 2) Mechanical structure: The mechanical elements that

t [s]
0 compose the Furuta pendulum test-bed were drawn and assem-
0 1 2 3
bled, virtually, by using SolidWorks, since this software in-
3 θ1
cludes advanced functions that facilitate the part modeling,

0 creating assemblies, and generating plans easily and quickly.

t [s]
Also, SolidWorks allows specifying the material properties for
0 1 2 3
each part of the Furuta pendulum test-bed. Thus, a computer
0.2 aided design of such a test-bed was generated as shown in
τ Figure 8. In this figure each part that integrates the mechanical

t [s] 3 4 5 1 6
0 1 2 3
2 8

Fig. 6. Results of the graphical simulation with Working Model 3D. 7

includes the mechanical elements that are, directly and in-
directly, moved by the DC motor and those that hold the
system. The block power stage is integrated by two power 10
electronic devices, which as a whole provide energy to the DC
motor. The block data acquisition and processing is associated
with Matlab-Simulink, ControlDesk, and a DS1104 board from Fig. 8. Computer aided design of the Furuta pendulum.
dSPACE, which allow the acquisition and processing of the
data provided by the encoders. structure was labeled with a number, whose description is as
Data acquisition
➀ The arm was manufactured from a T–6061 T–6 alu-
Subsystems Power Stage
and processing
Mechanical structure minum round bar with a 5/8′′ diameter.
Analog DS1104 board

DC motor
servo drive
➁ The pendulum was made from a T–6061 aluminum tube
with a 3/8′′ outer diameter and a T–6061 aluminum sheet.
Encoders Power supply Computer Furthermore, the pendulum includes the shaft that must
be mounted into the pendulum encoder. The shaft was
manufactured from a C–1018 round AISI with a 1/2′′
Fig. 7. Block diagram of the test-bed.
➂ This part corresponds to the DC motor with encoder
described in Section IV-A1.
A. Subsystems
➃ This part is the pendulum encoder described in Section
This section describes the DC motor, encoders, and IV-A1.
mechanical structure. The DC motor provides angular move-
ment to the arm, the encoders are employed to sense the angu- ➄ The encoder holder is used to hold the encoder of
lar position of the arm and the pendulum, and the mechanical the pendulum. This holder was made from a T–6061
structure was designed via the software SolidWorks, which is aluminum sheet. This part includes a 628/6–2z deep
a tool for mechanical design in 3D. groove ball bearing from SKF.
1) DC motor and encoders: Knowing the mechanical and
electrical characteristics of the DC motor is not a trivial ➅ The upper sheet is used to hold the DC motor with
task; therefore, numerical simulations of the Furuta pendulum encoder and was manufactured from a stainless steel
mathematical model were performed with the intention of sheet.
determining the required torque to move the pendulum around
its upright position (see Section III). These simulations showed ➆ The vertical aluminum profiles were made from Bosch
that the required torque is 0.17 Nm. Thus, a 14204 Brush DC tubular profiles. The weight of the remaining parts that
motor from Pittman was used. compose the mechanical structure rests on such vertical
Regarding the encoders, the encoder that allows sensing
the arm position is included in the DC motor chassis and it ➇ The horizontal aluminum profiles keep apart the vertical
has a 500 CPR resolution; whereas, the encoder associated profiles to a certain distance, providing structural stability
with the pendulum is an ITD 01 A 4 Y 1 optical mini encoder to the test-bed.

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➈ The bottom sheet, manufactured from a stainless steel V. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS
sheet, is used to hold the power supply that provides
The experimental results obtained by using the test-bed
energy to the electrical and electronic devices.
built of the Furuta pendulum are presented below.
➉ The leveling legs are used to even the mechanical The experimental tests were performed via Matlab-
structure on a surface, which allows avoiding undesired Simulink, ControlDesk, and a DS1104 board, with the test-bed
movements of the test-bed. built in open-loop and under similar conditions of torque, 𝜏 ,
as the ones used in the simulations. Thus, the experimental
The test-bed built can be seen in Figure 9.
results are shown in Figure 10, also this figure includes the
results obtained from the numerical and graphical simulation.
The latter, in order to observe how close the simulation results
are from the experimental ones.
In Figure 10, with the purpose of differentiating the simula-
tion results from the experimental ones, the following nomen-
clature was used. For the numerical simulation results the
variables 𝜃0 and 𝜃1 are denoted as 𝜃0𝑠𝑚 and 𝜃1𝑠𝑚 , respectively;
whereas, the graphical simulation results of such variables are
referenced as 𝜃0𝑠𝑤 and 𝜃1𝑠𝑤 , respectively. Lastly, 𝜃0𝑒 and
𝜃1𝑒 denote the experimental results of the aforementioned
variables. The input of the system, 𝜏 , is denoted as 𝜏𝑠𝑚 for
the case of the numerical simulation, 𝜏𝑠𝑤 for the graphical
simulation, and for the experimental results it is defined as 𝜏𝑒 .
Fig. 9. Furuta pendulum built, connected to the DS1104 board.

It is important to mention that the design of the Furuta

pendulum test-bed was carried out in such a way that another [rad] θ0e θ0sm θ0sw
configuration of pendulum can be set (see [18]). 20
0 t [s]
B. Power Stage 0 1 2 3
As mentioned previously, the block Power Stage consists of 3 θ1e θ1sm θ1sw

two power electronic devices. The first one is a switched power 0

supply of the HF100W–SF–24 model. This power supply t [s]
provides energy to the DC motor, by means of the second 0 1 2 3
power electronic device, that is, an analog servo drive, which is 0.2
τ0e τ0sm τ0sw
used to isolate the block data acquisition and processing from

the DC motor. Also, this servo drive amplifies the current of a
signal provided by the block data acquisition and processing, t [s]
being the amplified signal the DC motor input signal. The 0 1 2 3

servo drive is fabricated by Advanced Motion Controls in the

model AZ12A8DDC. An important characteristic of such a Fig. 10. Experimental and simulation results.
servo drive is that it includes an internal control-loop, which
avoids losses when the amplified signal is delivered to the DC
motor. In order to determine which of the models (either the
numerical one or the graphical one) predicts better the dynamic
C. Data acquisition and processing evolution of 𝜃0 and 𝜃1 , the Figure 10 was inspected visually.
Also, the error between the results of both simulations (nu-
This section deals with the connection between the test-bed merical one and graphical one) and the experimental results
and the DS1104 board from dSPACE. This board was selected was calculated.
due to the integration software between Matlab-Simulink and
ControlDesk, that is, the board firmware. ∙ In the case of the numerical simulation, the error 𝑒0𝑚
associated with 𝜃0 was found by using the following
In order to connect the test-bed with the DS1104 board, expression:
a block diagram is programmed in the Matlab-Simulink envi- 𝑒0𝑚 = ∣𝜃0𝑒 − 𝜃0𝑠𝑚 ∣, (13)
ronment. Such a program contains the blocks to generate the
signal that will be amplified by the analog servo drive. Also, whereas the error 𝑒1𝑚 related to 𝜃1 was determined
the program includes the blocks related to the ports of the by
DS1104 board where the incremental encoders and the analog 𝑒1𝑚 = ∣𝜃1𝑒 − 𝜃1𝑠𝑚 ∣. (14)
servo drive are connected. Later, the program is executed ∙ In the case of the graphical simulation, the error 𝑒0𝑤
by means of ControlDesk, which allows the acquisition and associated with 𝜃0 was calculated as follows:
processing of the data provided by the encoders and by the
DC motor input signal. 𝑒0𝑤 = ∣𝜃0𝑒 − 𝜃0𝑠𝑤 ∣. (15)

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Likewise, the error 𝑒1𝑤 related to 𝜃1 was found with This contribution has the purpose of facilitating the mode-
the expression below: ling, simulation, and construction of a Furuta pendulum test-
bed. Such a test-bed can be used to experimentally validate
𝑒1𝑤 = ∣𝜃1𝑒 − 𝜃1𝑠𝑤 ∣. (16) automatic control strategies, and study some features of non-
linear systems, which will be treated in future works. Also, the
By visual inspection of Figure 10, it can be seen that problem related to the identification of the Furuta pendulum
the numerical model (the one performed in Matlab-Simulink) parameters will be reported. Furthermore, considering the
estimates better the dynamic evolution of 𝜃0 , but does not do dynamics of the actuator and driver when developing the
it better for 𝜃1 . Unlike the numerical model, the graphical one Furuta pendulum mathematical model would be interesting.
predicts better the dynamic evolution of 𝜃1 , but does not do it In this direction, some works associated with the dynamics of
better for 𝜃0 . The previous observation is confirmed with the actuators and drivers can be found in [19]–[22].
results of the errors shown in Figure 11.
e0m e0w
The work of Mayra Antonio-Cruz, Carlos Alejandro
Merlo-Zapata, and Celso Márquez-Sánchez was supported by
20 CONACYT-México and BEIFI scholarships. Ramón Silva-

Ortigoza and Hind Taud acknowledge financial support from

Secretarı́a de Investigación y Posgrado del Instituto Politécnico
t [s] Nacional (SIP-IPN), SNI-México, and the IPN programs EDI
0 1 2 3 and COFAA. Likewise, Jacobo Sandoval-Gutiérrez thanks
the financial support from Cátedras CONACYT-México and
e1m e1w CIDETEC-IPN. Lastly, Victor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán ac-
2 knowledges financial support from SNI-México.

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