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“Liar, Liar Pants on Fire”:

A New Benchmark Dataset for Fake News Detection

William Yang Wang

Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA

Abstract ing young children as sex slaves as part of a child-

abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton”1 . The man was
Automatic fake news detection is a chal- later arrested by police, and he was charged for
lenging problem in deception detection, firing an assault rifle in the restaurant (Kang and
and it has tremendous real-world politi- Goldman, 2016).
cal and social impacts. However, statis- The broadly-related problem of deception de-
tical approaches to combating fake news tection (Mihalcea and Strapparava, 2009) is not
has been dramatically limited by the lack new to the natural language processing commu-
of labeled benchmark datasets. In this nity. A relatively early study by Ott et al. (2011)
paper, we present LIAR: a new, publicly focuses on detecting deceptive review opinions
available dataset for fake news detection. in sentiment analysis, using a crowdsourcing ap-
We collected a decade-long, 12.8K man- proach to create training data for the positive class,
ually labeled short statements in various and then combine with truthful opinions from
contexts from P OLITI FACT. COM, which TripAdvisor. Recent studies have also proposed
provides detailed analysis report and links stylometric (Feng et al., 2012), semi-supervised
to source documents for each case. This learning (Hai et al., 2016), and linguistic ap-
dataset can be used for fact-checking re- proaches (Pérez-Rosas and Mihalcea, 2015) to de-
search as well. Notably, this new dataset tect deceptive text on crowdsourced datasets. Even
is an order of magnitude larger than pre- though crowdsourcing is an important approach to
viously largest public fake news datasets create labeled training data, there is a mismatch
of similar type. Empirically, we investi- between training and testing. When testing on
gate automatic fake news detection based real-world review datasets, the results could be
on surface-level linguistic patterns. We suboptimal since the positive training data was
have designed a novel, hybrid convolu- created in a completely different, simulated plat-
tional neural network to integrate meta- form.
data with text. We show that this hybrid The problem of fake news detection is more
approach can improve a text-only deep challenging than detecting deceptive reviews,
learning model. since the political language on TV interviews,
posts on Facebook and Twitters are mostly short
1 Introduction
statements. However, the lack of manually la-
In this past election cycle for the 45th President beled fake news dataset is still a bottleneck
of the United States, the world has witnessed a for advancing computational-intensive, broad-
growing epidemic of fake news. The plague of coverage models in this direction. Vlachos and
fake news not only poses serious threats to the Riedel (2014) are the first to release a public fake
integrity of journalism, but has also created tur- news detection and fact-checking dataset, but it
moils in the political world. The worst real-world only includes 221 statements, which does not per-
impact is that fake news seems to create real-life mit machine learning based assessments.
fears: last year, a man carried an AR-15 rifle and To address these issues, we introduce the LIAR
walked in a Washington DC Pizzeria, because he 1
recently read online that “this pizzeria was harbor- ping-pong-pizza-shooting-fake-news-consequences.html

Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Short Papers), pages 422–426
Vancouver, Canada, July 30 - August 4, 2017. 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
dataset, which includes 12,836 short statements
Statement: “The last quarter, it was just
labeled for truthfulness, subject, context/venue,
announced, our gross domestic product
speaker, state, party, and prior history. With such
was below zero. Who ever heard of this?
volume and a time span of a decade, LIAR is an
Its never below zero.”
order of magnitude larger than the currently avail-
Speaker: Donald Trump
able resources (Vlachos and Riedel, 2014; Ferreira
Context: presidential announcement
and Vlachos, 2016) of similiar type. Additionally,
in contrast to crowdsourced datasets, the instances
Label: Pants on Fire
in LIAR are collected in a grounded, more natural
Justification: According to Bureau of
context, such as political debate, TV ads, Face-
Economic Analysis and National Bu-
book posts, tweets, interview, news release, etc. In
reau of Economic Research, the growth
each case, the labeler provides a lengthy analysis
in the gross domestic product has been
report to ground each judgment, and the links to
below zero 42 times over 68 years. Thats
all supporting documents are also provided.
a lot more than “never.” We rate his
Empirically, we have evaluated several pop-
claim Pants on Fire!
ular learning based methods on this dataset.
The baselines include logistic regression, support Statement: “Newly Elected Republican
vector machines, long short-term memory net- Senators Sign Pledge to Eliminate Food
works (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), and a Stamp Program in 2015.”
convolutional neural network model (Kim, 2014). Speaker: Facebook posts
We further introduce a neural network architecture Context: social media posting
to integrate text and meta-data. Our experiment Label: Pants on Fire
suggests that this approach improves the perfor- Justification: More than 115,000 so-
mance of a strong text-only convolutional neural cial media users passed along a story
networks baseline. headlined, “Newly Elected Republican
Senators Sign Pledge to Eliminate Food
2 LIAR : a New Benchmark Dataset
Stamp Program in 2015.” But they failed
The major resources for deceptive detection of re- to do due diligence and were snook-
views are crowdsourced datasets (Ott et al., 2011; ered, since the story came from a pub-
Pérez-Rosas and Mihalcea, 2015). They are very lication that bills itself (quietly) as a
useful datasets to study deception detection, but “satirical, parody website.” We rate the
the positive training data are collected from a claim Pants on Fire.
simulated environment. More importantly, these
datasets are not suitable for fake statements detec- Statement: “Under the health care law,
tion, since the fake news on TVs and social media everybody will have lower rates, better
are much shorter than customer reviews. quality care and better access.”
Vlachos and Riedel (2014) are the first to Speaker: Nancy Pelosi
construct fake news and fact-checking datasets. Context: on ’Meet the Press’
They obtained 221 statements from C HANNEL 42 Label: False
and P OLITI FACT. COM3 , a Pulitzer Prize-winning Justification: Even the study that
website. In particular, PolitiFact covers a wide- Pelosi’s staff cited as the source of that
range of political topics, and they provide detailed statement suggested that some people
judgments with fine-grained labels. Recently, Fer- would pay more for health insurance.
reira and Vlachos (2016) have released the Emer- Analysis at the state level found the
gent dataset, which includes 300 labeled rumors same thing. The general understanding
from PolitiFact. However, with less than a thou- of the word “everybody” is every per-
sand samples, it is impractical to use these datasets son. The predictions dont back that up.
as benchmarks for developing and evaluating ma- We rule this statement False.
chine learning algorithms for fake news detection.
Figure 1: Some random excerpts from the LIAR
2 dataset.

Dataset Statistics
Training set size 10,269
Validation set size 1,284
Testing set size 1,283
Avg. statement length (tokens) 17.9
Top-3 Speaker Affiliations
Democrats 4,150
Republicans 5,687
None (e.g., FB posts) 2,185

Table 1: The LIAR dataset statistics. Figure 2: The proposed hybrid Convolutional
Neural Networks framework for integrating text
and meta-data.
Therefore, it is of crucial significance to introduce
a larger dataset to facilitate the development of job, home state, and credit history are also pro-
computational approaches to fake news detection vided. In particular, the credit history includes the
and automatic fact-checking. historical counts of inaccurate statements for each
We show some random snippets from our speaker. For example, Mitt Romney has a credit
dataset in Figure 1. The LIAR dataset4 in- history vector h = {19, 32, 34, 58, 33}, which cor-
cludes 12.8K human labeled short statements from responds to his counts of “pants on fire”, “false”,
P OLITI FACT. COM’s API5 , and each statement is “barely true”, “half true”, “mostly true” for histor-
evaluated by a P OLITI FACT. COM editor for its ical statements. Since this vector also includes the
truthfulness. After initial analysis, we found du- count for the current statement, it is important to
plicate labels, and merged the full-flop, half-flip, subtract the current label from the credit history
no-flip labels into false, half-true, true labels re- when using this meta data vector in prediction ex-
spectively. We consider six fine-grained labels for periments.
the truthfulness ratings: pants-fire, false, barely- These statements are sampled from various
true, half-true, mostly-true, and true. The distri- of contexts/venues, and the top categories in-
bution of labels in the LIAR dataset is relatively clude news releases, TV/radio interviews, cam-
well-balanced: except for 1,050 pants-fire cases, paign speeches, TV ads, tweets, debates, Face-
the instances for all other labels range from 2,063 book posts, etc. To ensure a broad coverage of
to 2,638. We randomly sampled 200 instances to the topics, there is also a diverse set of subjects
examine the accompanied lengthy analysis reports discussed by the speakers. The top-10 most dis-
and rulings. Not that fact-checking is not a classic cussed subjects in the dataset are economy, health-
labeling task in NLP. The verdict requires exten- care, taxes, federal-budget, education, jobs, state-
sive training in journalism for finding relevant evi- budget, candidates-biography, elections, and im-
dence. Therefore, for second-stage verifications, migration.
we went through a randomly sampled subset of
the analysis reports to check if we agreed with the 3 Automatic Fake News Detection
reporters’ analysis. The agreement rate measured One of the most obvious applications of our
by Cohens kappa was 0.82. We show the corpus dataset is to facilitate the development of machine
statistics in Table 1. The statement dates are pri- learning models for automatic fake news detec-
marily from 2007-2016. tion. In this task, we frame this as a 6-way multi-
The speakers in the LIAR dataset include a mix class text classification problem. And the research
of democrats and republicans, as well as a sig- questions are:
nificant amount of posts from online social me-
• Based on surface-level linguistic realizations
dia. We include a rich set of meta-data for each
only, how well can machine learning algo-
speaker—in addition to party affiliations, current
rithms classify a short statement into a fine-
4˜william/ grained category of fakeness?
5 • Can we design a deep neural network archi-
v2apidoc.html tecture to integrate speaker related meta-data

with text to enhance the performance of fake Models Valid. Test
news detection? Majority 0.204 0.208
SVMs 0.258 0.255
Since convolutional neural networks architec- Logistic Regress0ion 0.257 0.247
tures (CNNs) (Collobert et al., 2011; Kim, 2014; Bi-LSTMs 0.223 0.233
Zhang et al., 2015) have obtained the state-of-the- CNNs 0.260 0.270
art results on many text classification datasets, we Hybrid CNNs
build our neural networks model based on a re- Text + Subject 0.263 0.235
cently proposed CNN model (Kim, 2014). Fig- Text + Speaker 0.277 0.248
ure 2 shows the overview of our hybrid convo- Text + Job 0.270 0.258
lutional neural network for integrating text and Text + State 0.246 0.256
meta-data. Text + Party 0.259 0.248
We randomly initialize a matrix of embedding Text + Context 0.251 0.243
vectors to encode the metadata embeddings. We Text + History 0.246 0.241
use a convolutional layer to capture the depen- Text + All 0.247 0.274
dency between the meta-data vector(s). Then,
a standard max-pooling operation is performed Table 2: The evaluation results on the LIAR
on the latent space, followed by a bi-directional dataset. The top section: text-only models. The
LSTM layer. We then concatenate the max-pooled bottom: text + meta-data hybrid models.
text representations with the meta-data representa-
tion from the bi-directional LSTM, and feed them
to fully connected layer with a softmax activation while no L2 penalty was imposed. The batch size
function to generate the final prediction. for stochastic gradient descent optimization was
set to 64, and the learning process involves 10
4 LIAR : Benchmark Evaluation passes over the training data for text model. For
the hybrid model, we use 3 and 8 as filter sizes,
In this section, we first describe the experimental
and the number of filters was set to 10. We con-
setup, and the baselines. Then, we present the em-
sidered 0.5 and 0.8 as dropout probabilities. The
pirical results and compare various models.
hybrid model requires 5 training epochs.
4.1 Experimental Settings We used grid search to tune the hyperparame-
We used five baselines: a majority baseline, a reg- ters for LR and SVM models. We chose accuracy
ularized logistic regression classifier (LR), a sup- as the evaluation metric, since we found that the
port vector machine classifier (SVM) (Crammer accuracy results from various models were equiv-
and Singer, 2001), a bi-directional long short-term alent to f-measures on this balanced dataset.
memory networks model (Bi-LSTMs) (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997; Graves and Schmidhu- 4.2 Results
ber, 2005), and a convolutional neural network
We outline our empirical results in Table 2. First,
model (CNNs) (Kim, 2014). For LR and SVM,
we compare various models using text features
we used the L IB S HORT T EXT toolkit6 , which was
only. We see that the majority baseline on this
shown to provide very strong performances on
dataset gives about 0.204 and 0.208 accuracy on
short text classification problems (Wang and Yang,
the validation and test sets respectively. Standard
2015). For Bi-LSTMs and CNNs, we used Ten-
text classifier such as SVMs and LR models ob-
sorFlow for the implementation. We used pre-
tained significant improvements. Due to overfit-
trained 300-dimensional word2vec embeddings
ting, the Bi-LSTMs did not perform well. The
from Google News (Mikolov et al., 2013) to
CNNs outperformed all models, resulting in an ac-
warm-start the text embeddings. We strictly tuned
curacy of 0.270 on the heldout test set. We com-
all the hyperparameters on the validation dataset.
pare the predictions from the CNN model with
The best filter sizes for the CNN model was
SVMs via a two-tailed paired t-test, and CNN was
(2,3,4). In all cases, each size has 128 filters. The
significantly better (p < .0001). When consider-
dropout keep probabilities was optimized to 0.8,
ing all meta-data and text, the model achieved the
6˜cjlin/libshorttext/ best result on the test data.

5 Conclusion Cecilia Kang and Adam Goldman. 2016. In washing-
ton pizzeria attack, fake news brought real guns. In
We introduced LIAR, a new dataset for automatic the New York Times.
fake news detection. Compared to prior datasets,
Yoon Kim. 2014. Convolutional neural networks for
LIAR is an order of a magnitude larger, which en-
sentence classification. In Proceedings of the 2014
ables the development of statistical and computa- Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Lan-
tional approaches to fake news detection. LIAR’s guage Processing (EMNLP).
authentic, real-world short statements from vari-
Rada Mihalcea and Carlo Strapparava. 2009. The lie
ous contexts with diverse speakers also make the detector: Explorations in the automatic recognition
research on developing broad-coverage fake news of deceptive language. In Proceedings of the ACL-
detector possible. We show that when combin- IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers.
ing meta-data with text, significant improvements Tomas Mikolov, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, and Jef-
can be achieved for fine-grained fake news detec- frey Dean. 2013. Efficient estimation of word
tion. Given the detailed analysis report and links to representations in vector space. arXiv preprint
source documents in this dataset, it is also possible arXiv:1301.3781 .
to explore the task of automatic fact-checking over Myle Ott, Yejin Choi, Claire Cardie, and Jeffrey T
knowledge base in the future. Our corpus can also Hancock. 2011. Finding deceptive opinion spam
be used for stance classification, argument min- by any stretch of the imagination. In Proceed-
ing, topic modeling, rumor detection, and political ings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
NLP research. Technologies-Volume 1. Association for Computa-
tional Linguistics, pages 309–319.

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