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Lalit K.

3100 Etruscan Dr.
San Jose CA 95135
Tel (408) 771-3631

OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging career of Sr. DevOps Engineer in a dynamic environment.

SUMMARY: 20+ years experience from startups to major corporations with hands-on experience in Build
Engineering, Configuration Management and DevOps Engineering. Primary focus on setting up
the build process, maintaining source code control, building, packaging releases of product.
Automation of the daily builds and continue integration of the build system Extensive
experience in the design and implementation of Continuous Integration, executing CI Jenkins
build jobs, Management of the CVS, GIT, Perforce, SVN, Clearcase version control repositories as
well as setup and support of source code repositories and creation of development branches and
merge code across branches.

SOFTWARE: Jenkins, GIT, RedHat Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS Bamboo, Java, JSP, HTML, JavaBeans, DHTML, Java
Script, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, CSS, C , C++ , Visual C++, Perl, Shell, , VSS, CVS, SCCS, ANT, Makefile,
ClearCase, JIRA, InstallShield 6.0, MS-Windows , SDK, X-Windows , ORACLE, SYBASE Databases,
BSD UNIX 4.2, Weblogic,. Maven


5/19 - 10/19
Sr Devops Engneer (Contract)
Cisco Inc Milpitas CA
Cisco Webex Productivity Tools allow you to schedule, start, and join a Webexmeeting
Quicklywithout going to your Webex site
 Manage Release for WebEx product
 Create MOP and deployment schedule for WebEx
 AWS Cloud deployment and monitoring, Ansible
 Responsible for Administring and maintaining Jenkins and Jenkins slaves on windows and
 Automated build and wrote build script using python
 Setup Docker on Linux and configured Jenkins to run under Docker host

10/15 – 04/19
Sr Devops Engineer
GE, San Ramon CA
General Electric Predix provides the technical foundation to power industrial apps that drive
outcomes ranging from the reduction of unplanned downtime to improved asset output and
operational effciency.
 Responsible for Administring and maintaining Jenkins and Jenkins slaves on windows and
linux (Debian/Ubuntu). Created many Jenkins slaves and setup jobs on master to run on slaves.
Setup Manage and Assign Roles for permission access.
 AWS , Docker, Monitoring, Cloud Admin, Ansible, Terraform
 Setup Docker on Linux and configured Jenkins to run under Docker host
 Setup Docker Swarm for QA environment
 Working on AWS redshift,athena,kinesis,glue,ec2,emr,Linux and Windows Servers, EKS clusters
 Using GIT to maintain deployment scripts written in java and bash
 Using Maven artifactory
 Using Cloud Foundary (CF) tools to deploy apps on DEV/QA environments.

02/13 – 10/15
Sr Devops Engineer
Jasper Inc. Mountain view CA
Jasper’s IoT services platform, is a cloud-based IoT platform that enables companies of all sizes to
rapidly and cost-effectively deploy, manage and monetize IoT services for any connected device.
The platform, which is easily configurable to meet the unique requirements of business across
industries, gives companies the real-time visibility, intelligence and control they need to accelerate
time-to-market, automate operations, optimize performance, troubleshoot and fix issues, and
manage costs. Jasper Wireless, Inc. provides solutions that enable mobile network operators with
platform, applications, and design services to serve machine-to-machine (M2M) and embedded
devices markets. The company’s wireless platform enables network operators to deliver M2M
services to companies requiring services for traditional M2M applications, such as fleet
management, vehic...
 Responsible for maintaining about 1000 linux production and QA machines
 Responsible for managing and supporting Continuous Integration (CI) using Jenkins
 Done Linux System Administrator as required by Build/Release role to setup production system
 Deployed and configured Jasper product on AWS Cloud base linux
 Setup and Configure splunk VM
 Used Nagios to monitor produciont health
 Responsible for supporting 24 hrs Jenkins CI
 Responsible for supporting 24 hrs production issues
 Working on tomcat environment
 Managing perforce for source code control and JIRA for database
 Branching and Merging using perforce.
 Maintaining document on confluence
 Wrote script in shell and perl to deploy build on production environment
 Deployment cloud application on Rest, Redis, MongoDB, memcached, kestrel, solr
 Monitor env on Nagios
 Lead all the upgrades of Jenkins

06/12 – 02/13
Principal Engineer
Broadcom Inc. San Jose CA
Broadcom provides the industry's broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art system-on-a-chip (SoC)
and software solutions..
 Responsible for managing and supporting Continuous Integration (CI)
 Responsible for supporting 24 hrs Jenkins CI
 Responsible for supporting 24 hrs ElectricCommander CI
 Wrote script in shell to install and upgrade ElectricCommander
 Lead all the upgrades of ElectricCommander

11/11 – 04/12
Senior Release Engineer
UISOL Santa Clara CA
Utility Integration Solutions, Inc. (UISOL) is the integration specialist of the utility industry. They
help utilities improve their operations by end-to-end integration of computer systems and business
 Responsible for managing (branching, merging, maintaining) the source code control in SVN.
 Wrote script to make build and deploy their product on Linux RH5
 Responsible for managing patches to customers
 Wrote scripts in perl, ANT to automate the build process

10/07 – 11/11
Senior Release Engineer
CyberSource/VISA Inc. Mountain View CA
I was working for CyberSource which was acquired by VISA in Aug 2010. CyberSource is a payment
management company. It provides a complete portfolio of services that simplify and automate
payment operations.
 Responsible for managing (branching, merging, maintaining) the source code control in
accurev and Perforce.
 Responsible for deploying using automated scripts the product on staging and QA environments.
 Wrote scripts in perl, shell ,php, html and Python to automate the build process
 Setup On Demand Build and CI environment using bamboo and AntHill
 Developed webpage to make builds for QA.
 Working on Jboss, Websphere, Apache and tomcat environment
 Responsible for deploying and maintaining our product on Linux system of about 30 QA
 Responsible for delivering of manifest for production and CAS.
 Responsible for maintaining JIRA bug database
 Using Ant and Maven to make builds

03/07 – 09/07
Senior Release Engineer (Contract)
Obopay Inc., Redwood City CA
Obopay is the mobile payment service which lets you instantly get, send and spend money
anywhere, anytime with anyone.
 Responsible for managing (branching, merging, maintaining) the source code control in SVN and
 Responsible for deploying the product on staging and QA environments.
 Make builds and release patches on all the environment.
 Wrote scripts in perl ,php, html to automate the build process
 Developed webpage to make builds and deploy builds on production.
 Developed corporate pages and fixing bugs in html, jsp and java.

01/06 – 02/07
Senior Release Engineer
OnVantage, San Jose CA
OnVantage offers flexible solutions to help corporations save times and money by automating the
planning and procurement of large and small meetings with unprecedented cost control and spend
 Responsible for managing the source code control in CVS subversion.
 Responsible for deploying the product on production, staging and QA environment.
 Make builds and release patches on all the environment.
 Wrote scripts in perl ,php, html to automate the build process
 Developed webpage to make builds and deploy builds on production.

05/05 – 12/05
Senior Release Engineer
IPLocks Inc, San Jose CA
IPLocks, Inc. is the leading provider of information risk management and database security
solutions. The company works with medium to large enterprises around the world to protect their
critical information assets from negligent and malicious user threats, to manage database security
policy vulnerabilities, to ease the pain of compliance and to protect privacy.
 Responsible for managing (branching, merging, maintaining,) the source code control CVS.
 Installed Perforce and imported CVS code to Perforce.
 Managed, branched, and merged code using perforce.
 Wrote Installshield program to install IPLocks on windows
 Used Websphere and Tomcat server
 Wrote Shell scripts to install IPLocks on Linux system
 Wrote script in ANT and perl to make builds and setup the build process.
 Automating deploying the builds on Linux and Windows machine.
 Developed web page to make builds.

12/03 – 05/05
Senior Release Engineer (Contract)
CaseCentral Inc. San Francisco, CA
CaseCentral provides an online service to maintain documents for litigation management solution
that allow legal teams to access, review and manage documents throughout the litigation process.
 Responsible for managing (branching, merging, maintaining,) the source code control VSS.
 Wrote script in perl to make builds and setup the build process.
 Host builds and maintained production, QA and development machines.
 Wrote VB scripts to setup and configure IIS web service for development, production and QA.
 Wrote VB scripts to register COM control components.
 Developed web page to make builds.

03/03 – 12/03
Senior Release Engineer (Contract)
SoftRISC Communication Solution, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
SoftRISC Communication specializes in providing Communication Software on RISC processor
I am responsible for setting up the build process and maintained source code control, building,
packaging and releases of the product. The build was done on multi-platform systems RedHat
Linux and Windows.
 Installed and setup the Perforce to manage the source code.
 Keep track of release version of the product.
 Write scripts in perl and shell to automate the build process and packaging the product.
 Develop UI where developer can login and make their own build.
 Installation and administration of Linux Platform.
 Maintaining perl and shell scripts in UNIX (RedHat Linux) and Windows build systems

11/99 – 11/02 Senior Software Engineer

Financial Engines Incorporation, Palo Alto CA
Financial Engines provides online investment advice on your retirement accounts like 401K, IRA,
ROTH IRA and other tax-deferred for individual investors and participants in defined contribution
plans of all sizes.
I was responsible for designing and development of Install program and maintained source code
control, building, packaging and releases of the product. The build was done on multi-platform
systems including Solaris, HP, RedHat Linux, Windows with WebLogic, WebSphere Application
Server (WAS) 5.0 and Apache web server.
· Used Visual SourceSafe to manage the source code.
· Keep track of release version of the product.
· Wrote scripts in ANT, perl and shell to automate the build process and packaging the
 Maintained ANT, perl and shell scripts in UNIX (Solaris/RedHat Linux/HP) and Windows
build systems
· Setup a cron job that runs at night and makes build so that developer can test their
code the very next day.
· Design and develop the web site where developer can make his or her own build
· Used SQL 7.0 and Oracle database, Sun Solaris, RedHat Linux, AIX and HP.
· Debug the code written in Java, JSP,HTML, DHTML, javaScript, XML, XSL and
fixed the problem
· Maintained the clarify bug tracking system.
· Setup the configuration management process for different projects
· Setup the test environment where nightly automatic builds get hosted
· Responsible for fixing any issue that occurs on test environment in order to keep
the environment running all the time.
· Wrote InstallShield program to install Financial Engines product .
· Wrote DLL in CPP from which InstallShield call method to display custom dialog
and system check etc. .
· Used eTester to automate the test cases and run it from time to time.

2/96 – 11/99 Release Engineer

Vantive Corporation, Santa Clara CA
Managed the maintenance of CRM applications.
Worked on Vantive Sales Force Automation, which tracks information about
customers and prospects within the Sales and Marketing group.
Worked Vantive Support, which tracks and resolve problem calls received from the
customers of the organization.
· Managed patch process in client department
· Fixed bugs, adding new features and enhancements using Visual C++
· Managed the source code control system using RCS, CVS and Perforce, ClearCase
 Created and maintained Makefiles in Unix (RedHat Linux/Solaris) and Windows build systems.
· Update the Makefile as necessary to make the build.
· Wrote Perl scripts to check-in and check-out from RCS on Unix and Perforce.
· Made client and server builds on Windows and Unix
· Wrote shell scripts to make builds on Unix and setup the cronjob
· Wrote Perl scripts on DOS to make client and server builds for Windows.
· Automated the build process on Unix and Windows NT.
· Burned CD using Easy CD Creator after checking virus with Norton Antivirus
· Wrote install programs using InstallShield 6.0
Responsible for fixing critical bugs on X-Windows version of vantive clients using C++.
Modified Visual C++ code in MS Window to allow vantive software to run on a 16-bit client.

Awarded in the company for best performance and building a quality product.

PROJECTS: · Wrote text editor.

· Programming under MS-Windows, SDK.
· Programming under X-Windows, OSF/Motif.

EDUCATION: · Master of Science in Mathematics.

· Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

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