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RIPSTAR LAMINATE is a ready to use carbon fibre laminate that provides a high tensile
strength and is excellent for supplemental flexural reinforcement of concrete and wood
elements with RIPSTAR FRP LAMINATE System.

 To reinforce structures with strong elements in tension, RIPSTAR LAMINATE enables the
traditional technique of plating with steel plates to be replaced with extremely light
materials that are easy to install.
 Increase the load bearing capacity & the fatigue strength.
 Reduce deformation to the working loads (increase in rigidity)
 Limit or cover the cracking states (increase in durability)

 Enables the amount of reinforcement to be calculated and placed in relation to the
performance required or the stress flow.
 Enables less and faster maintenance, thereby reducing costs
 Increases the durability of the structures by protecting it against the aggressive action of
chlorides and freezing and thawing cycles.

RIPSTAR LAMINATE is available in 150m rolls with the following width/thickness (mm/mm):
(50/1.4); (100/1.4); (150/1.4); (200/1.4); (50/2.4); (50/2.8); (100/2.8); (150/2.8); (200/2.8).

Typical Properties:
Laminates CFK 200/2000:
Modulus of elasticity >210 GPa
Tensile strength at break 2550 N/mm2
Width/thickness mm/mm Tensile force at elongation of 0.6/0.8%
50/1.4 84/112 x 103 N
80/1.4 134/179 x 103 N
100/1.4 168/224 x 103 N
120/1.4 201/269 x 103 N
Laminates CFK 150/2000:
Modulus of elasticity 150 GPa
Tensile strength at break 2500 N/mm2
Width/thickness mm/mm Tensile force at elongation of 0.6/0.8%
50/1.4 67/90 x 103 N
80/1.4 108/143 x 103 N
100/1.4 137/179 x 103 N

Application procedure:
Surface preparation:
The surfaces of elements that are still in good condition or restored should be profiled. With
degraded structures, the whole layer should be removed by scarifying, hydro-demolition or similar
and then structural restoration carried out using suitable structural grade repair mortar. Remove
oils, grease, dust or any other loose material from the surface. Clean up the LAMINATE surface.

Apply one layer of RIPSTAR LAMINATE ADHESIVE 3mm thick on the surface of laminate and a thin
layer on the substrate. Apply RIPSTAR LAMINATE and using a roller, exert a constant pressure by
moving the tool both ways in the directions of the fibres.

Surfaces should be top coated within two days when exposed to direct sunlight or in other cases
within one week to assure proper adhesion of topcoat to LAMINATE. Surfaces shall be protected
with the protective mortar/plaster application.

Storage and Shelf life All:

RIPSTAR LAMINATE Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extremes of
temperature. In tropical climates the product must be stored in an air-conditioned environment.
Safety precautions:
As with all chemical products, care should be taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be tainted with vapour until product fully cured or
dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek immediate
medical attention. Keep away from children and animals. Reseal containers after use. Do not reuse
containers for storage of consumable item.
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and
experience, no warranty is given or implied with any recommendations made by us, our
representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved
in the application are beyond our control.

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