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Number 9 May 2020

U ovom broju:

• Health workers (physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacist) density in Montenegro,

• E-health in Montenegro,
• Role of the patient - centered health technologies in Montenegro,
• Problems caused by temporary measures introduced in Montenegro and the world overall,
• Covid-19 call center activity report for period 20 March – 18 April 2020,
• The structure of health system in Montenegro,
• Deaths attributable to air pollution in Montenegro,
• Unapređenje aplikativnog rješenja eZdravlje uključivanjem stomatološke zdrastvene
• Ciljevi i metode skrininga u zdravlju,
• Mental health status in Montenegro,
• Prevencija povreda i nasilja - kratak osvrt,
• Prevencija i rehabilitacija kardiovaskularnih bolesti,

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Health workers (physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists) density
in Montenegro

Mira Radović,
Adviser in the Directorate for public health and programme health
protection, Ministry of Health
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG

ABSTRACT Population health care is implemented at all lev-

Vision of Sustainable Development Goal is ensur- els, based on the set goals, strategies, programs
ing healthy lives and promoting the well-being at and plans, in order to provide the WHO recom-
all ages is essential to sustainable development. mendation "Health for all under the same
In accordance to the SDG by focusing on providing conditions and equal rights." The organiza-
more efficient funding of health systems, increased tional network of health care providers at all levels
access to physicians and physicians status are just of public health needs to be planned and continu-
some of the ways to reduce ambient pollution, ally improved. Through planning, it is necessary to
significant progress can be made in helping to provide an adequate number of staff, that is, differ-
save the lives of millions. ent categories of health professionals / associates
Human resources play a central role in the ad- and the necessary non-medical staff.
vancement of the health sector, but in Montene- The process of human resource planning in the
grro, as in many countries, there is a shortage of healthcare industry ensures the continuous im-
medical staff in certain branches of medicine and provement of the quality of health care through
inadequate geographical distribution. the implementation of the principles of inclusive-
Strategic activities must be undertaken in the fu- ness, equity, accessibility and solidarity. In the
ture period, primarily financial support for health analysis of human resources, in addition to orga-
care personnel in order to keep them and prefera- nizational network health care providers are re-
bly to increase them, which is essential in order to quired and demographic structure and population
keep the quality of health care in Montenegro. projections with special emphasis on the analysis
Key words: Montenegro, density, physicians, of the age structure of employees in the health sec-
nurses, dentists, pharmacists, workload. tor. Preferably analyzes and migration trends and
evaluates epidemiological situation. As the health
INTRODUCTION care system ensures the protection of human
Health workers, as the main human resource in health throughout the life span, it must be contin-
the health care system, with their knowledge, ex- uously reformed in accordance with the needs and
perience and skills should enable the implemen- requirements of the population.
tation of health policies in order to preserve and
improve the health of the population.

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Human resources in the health system in Mon- tion.
tenegro Health care in Montenegro is mostly provided
The organization of health care in Montenegro is by public health institutions founded by the state.
similar to that in most European countries. Health Private healthcare institutions, except in dentist-
care is provided at primary, secondary and tertiary ry, are more prominent in the pharmacy business.
levels. In public health institutions there is around The field of private health care is not adequately
8,000 employees, including 200 at the Institute of regulated, so there are various forms of such activ-
Public Health. About 77% of the total number of ity, which are out of control (about quality, price,
employees are health care workers and 23% are protection of the insured, etc.) and which gives the
non-medical workers. possibility of additional earnings to physicians al-
Since health care providers in the health care ready employed in public institutions (especially
system are doctors, the indicator of the number of- specialists) instead of being a supplement to pub-
physicians by population is important for assess- lic health care. The primary health care reform
ing health care in a particular country. The indi- under the Health system improvement project
cator for Montenegro is 216 doctors per 100,000 in Montenegro, which started in 2004, has since
inhabitants and is lower than the indicator in the 2006 introduced the Institute of Chosen Doctor as
EU (334 in 2011 - according to WHO data). In a primary care provider, and the health center was
2017, in the public health system in Montenegro also retained as a reference center for primary
has been employed 1,397 physicians and dentists health care with support units and other centers.
(of which 1,370 physicians and 27 dentists). By In this way, Montenegro has aligned its primary
comparison, there are currently 1,659 physicians health care system with EU standards.
working in the Montenegrin public health system, According to available data from 2017, Monte-
which is 311 more than in 2013, when 1348 phy- negro had 622,373 inhabitants differently dis-
sicians worked there. This means that the number tributed by municipalities, of which 26.98% in
of physicians (per 1,000 population) since 2013, the northern region, 48.53% in the middle and
when it was 2.1 has increased to 2.6 in 2018. The 24.57% in the coastal region.
Human resource plan by 2022, foresees an in- It is important to emphasize this because of the
crease from the current 2.6 to 3.2 physicians per health staff providing both primary and second-
thousand inhabitants, bringing Montenegro closer ary health care to the population in these areas.
to the European average of 3.5. In 2017 out of 550 doctors, 33.09% of physicians
Human resources play a central role in the ad- worked in the primary health care in the north-
vancement of the health sector, assuming that the ern region, 40.91% in the central and 26.00% in
basic requirements in terms of expertise, work- the coastal region. In the hospital health care of a
load/employment, scope and distribution are total of 785 doctors, 21.66% worked in the north-
met. Human resources are at a satisfactory level, ern region, 12.35% in the southern region, and
but overall, at the level of Montenegro there is a 65.99% in the central one, where the Clinical Cen-
shortage of medical staff in certain branches of ter of Montenegro (tertiary level) is located.
medicine and inadequate geographical distribu- The mentioned proportions by regions, regard-

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
ing the ratio of the number of doctors and the pop- er and secondary education. The lack of these hu-
ulation in them, indicates their uneven distribu- man resources in Montenegro indicate that certain
tion in the territory of Montenegro. Also, it should activities should be undertaken in the forthcoming
be emphasized that the selected teams of doctors period, primarily financial support for health care
at the primary level, depending on the region in personnel in order to increase them, which is sig-
which they work, are not burdened with approx- nificant for the continuous improvement of the
imately same population. This as well points out quality of health care of the population.
the unequal availability in the provision of health According to the trend, extrapolation for 2022
services to different categories of population (chil- should be 3501 health workers, or 70.99% of the
dren, women, elderly, and adults). projected plan.
Human resources related to medical profession- Although the projections are favorable, the cur-
als of higher and secondary education engaged rent situation indicates that the number of doc-
in the process of health care of the population of tors of medicine in Montenegro is insufficient
Montenegro in the analyzed period since 2008 to compared to the standard of a large number of EU
2017 recorded a slight decrease per 100,000 in- countries.
habitants, from 603.21 that was at the beginning Oral health is completely excluded from the
of the analyzed period to 569.75. state’s umbrella health records. The reform of
That is a decrease from 6.03 to 5.70 per 1000 primary health care in the field of dental practice
inhabitants, at the end of the analyzed period. In did not produce the desired results, and the aboli-
the European region, in 2014 the rate was 7.4 per tion of specialist activity in pediatric and preven-
1,000 inhabitants. In Montenegro, the rate per tive dentistry resulted in a significant loss in the
1,000 populations in 2016 was 5.1 per 1000 pop- quality of dental health care of the population, and
ulation, in the same period in Iceland was 14.2, today the existing specialists do not participate
Slovenia 9.7 and Serbia 6.0 per 1,000 populations. in the planning, elaboration, implementation and
With regard to the staff provision by Human re- control of prevention programs.
sources development plan by 2020, it was planned The strategic plan for the promotion and pro-
to have an equal distribution of health staff (with tection of oral health is not an integral part of
the share of 25% of staff in the northern and the Master Plan for Health Development of Mon-
southern region, and 50% in central part) but as tenegro 2015-2020, as an umbrella document
it is shown above this Plan is not fully implement- in the health system that defines the basic goals
ed, so it is necessary to further investigate the staff and directions of the health system development
needs on all levels of health care, with regard to and, as such, is harmonized with the international
the growing health problems, orientation to pro- umbrella documents in the areas of health. Also,
motion, prevention and health improvement. in terms of staffing plans for staff development
Evident rate of the workload of senior and mid- up to 2022 in healthcare, there is no plan for staff
dle medical personnel in the countries of the EU, development in the dental sector. As we can see,
and the European region indicate that in Montene- enormous problem with this structure is evident,
gro there is a lack of medical personnel with high- and in order to achieve the set goals of the Master

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Plan, it is necessary to ensure an adequate organi- was counducted by the Institute of Public Health,
zational structure of the network of dental health making this study highly significant for decision
care units. makers. This confirms the hypothesis that most
Insufficient number of health workers leads to health professionals in Montenegro have a positive
a large workload of available staff, and having in attitude when it comes to business opportunities
mind the low pay power, dissatisfaction with the abroad.
existing staff may result in the question of the The migration of skilled health professionals di-
threat of migration of health workers to coun- rectly affects the health system of the country, and
tries with the better standard. Migration of health thus the health of the population, as well as the
workers is a global phenomenon, and it is of great health workers who remain in the country. It is ex-
importance for countries to know the exact rea- pected that healthcare professionals who remain
son that motivates health workers to seek work in public health systems with an inadequate num-
abroad. Since the migration of large number of ber of health care providers will experience addi-
health workers affects the availability and quality tional stress and a higher workload, lack adequate
of health services, represents an irreversible loss supervision and information, and have limited ca-
of money invested in the development of human reer opportunities.
resources, while also hampering the necessary Conclusion
transfer of knowledge to younger generations. The available statistics, obtained on the basis
Even tho principal objectives in human resources of reporting forms on the census of health care
planning are: adjustment of education of health workers in health care institutions, in particular
resources to society needs - continuous advance- on the number of doctors and health care profes-
ment of knowledge and skills, development of ca- sionals, and their number per 100,000 inhabitants
pacities for human resources management, mobil- (percentiles) for a period of 10 years, determined
ity of health workers, threat that health workers for outpatient and hospital health care, indicate a
may start migrating can be a huge issue for the significant lack or shortage of human resources of
health system in Montenegro, specialy since the Montenegro in relation to some countries of the
Directive 2005/36/EU enables free flow of nurs- EU or European region On the basis of data on the
ing services. total number of medical doctors and other health-
The results of the study, which was conducted in care professionals, higher and secondary educa-
October 2016 on a representative sample of health tion equations are used to determine the linear
workers - doctors in Montenegro, showed that trend equations by the abbreviated method for
almost 60% of doctors in Montenegro could be pairwise series of data.
considered as potential migrants - given that they However, example of dentist in Montenegro,
had considered leaving the country for business as well as other medical workers shows that the
opportunities abroad. A framework for defining workload of health care staff in both outpatient
the sample represented the official data from the and inpatient healthcare in Montenegro is uneven
Staff report on permanent employees of the public and unsatisfactory. Compared to EU countries, this
health system in Montenegro at the end of 2015, number is noticeably lower, and it is also a similar

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
situation when compared to countries in the Eu- II Results of the survey made in Staff report
ropean region. All of the above indicates that the on permanent employees of the public health
workload of doctors in Montenegro is significant- system in Montenegro, as of the end of 2015,
ly increased. The changes are necessary and there Institute of Public Health of Montenegro 2016
are several areas where activities should be direct-
ed in order to influence the current trend of migra-
tion of health workers from Montenegro, as well as
the trend that can be expected when Montenegro
joins the European Union. So, an optimal policy
for preventing the potential migration of doctors
from Montenegro should include increasing sala-
ries, improving working conditions and providing
more opportunities for professional development.
I Population provision with nurses / techni- loads/2017/10/Analiza-zdravstvene-za%C5%A1tite-u-
cians per thousand people in Montenegro and Crnoj-Gori-20151.pdf
in the countries of Europe in 2016

• Situational analysis of health care in Montenegro for 2015. In-
stitute of Public Health
• Report on the work of the Health Insurance Fund of Montene-
gro for 2017
• Analysis of Human Resources in the Health Care System of
Montenegro 2008-2017
• Master plan for health development in the period 2015-2020
• Law on Health Care (Official Gazette of Montenegro 03/16,
39/2016, 2/2017, 44/2018 i 24/19)
• Master plan for health development in the period 2015-2020
• Master plan for health development in the period 2015-2020
Source:; %3A32005L0036 (EU region-2014) •
• Staff report on permanent employees of the public health sys-
tem in Montenegro, as of the end of 2015, Institute of Public
Health of Montenegro 2016

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
E-health in Montenegro

Ana Lasica,
Intern, ERSTE Bank
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG

The health care systems are expected to have practitoners in health centers. e-Zakazivanje
a good quality and up-to-date response to citi- allows their users to make an online appoint-
zens' needs for health care. This implies that ment, as well as to check, cancel or change
health care delivery should be in conformity with their appointment.
current expertise, focused on the needs and goals • eRecept (e-Prescriptions) - an electronic ser-
of individuals, their families and the entire com- vice that provides patients with insight into
munity, concerning patients as key partners in the prescribed and realized prescriptions. Pa-
treatment process. Patients which are better in- tients can receive information about their
formed will be able to manage their health more prescriptions at any time, both those who are
effectively in the context of daily life and maintain active and those that have been used in the
optimal well-being. last 6 months with information about where
In Montenegro, the health care system reform and when they were used.
started in 2004. One of its goals was to improve • eNalaz (e-Results) - an electronic service that
quality to ensure equal access, fairness and safety provides patients with insight into the results
of evidence-based healthcare, while facilitating the of biochemical laboratory analyzes. The ser-
continued development of skills and technologies vice was developed with the goal of giving in-
as well as patient involvement in decision-making. formation on the provided services available
From 2017 the beneficiaries of the Health Insur- to patients as soon as possible. In this way, pa-
ance Fund in Montenegro can use the new sched- tients can chronologically monitor and search
uling system for their chosen general practitoner the results of biochemical analysis they have
- the application and the portal called „eZdravlje. performed at the health center.
me“. The eZdravlje portal enables the use and pro- • eApoteka (e-Pharmacy) - an electronic ser-
vides information on electronic services in the vice for citizens (patients), developed with
healthcare system of Montenegro. Accessing the the aim of providing information on the avail-
portal can be done through a web address (www. ability of medicines at pharmacies in the ter- or mobile application (eZdravlje. ritory of Montenegro. They receive accurate
me). The registration is done by typing the health information in which pharmacies prescribed
book number and PIN. therapy can be taken. This service is of great
Electronic services available to citizens are: importance when it comes to possible chang-
• eZakazivanje (e-Scheduling) - an online ap- es in the availability of certain medicines, in
pointment scheduling service to general particular in the case of shortages of certain

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
medicines. manage their time better, beacuse waiting in lines
• eOsiguranje (e-Insurance) - an electronic can be frustrating, especially today, when time is
service that provides citizens with an insight everyone’s most important resource
into the status of their health insurance. The latest step forward in the field of e-medicine
• eNaručivanje (e-Ordering) - an electronic ser- is a mobile application for reporting symptoms
vice which provides ordering services (elec- and health status, a part of a wider integrated in-
tronic prescriptions for chronic patients; re- formation management system related to the on-
ports for calculating the remuneration during going Corona pandemic in Montenegro, launched
temporary work disability (sick leave); certif- by The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.
icates issued by the selected doctor; sick leave The mobile app provides an easy and secure way
in accordance to current measures and deci- to report the symptoms and current health status
sions of the National Coordination Body for of people under medical care in just a few clicks.
fight against COVID-19 Infection). Electronic Citizens access the application via the link they re-
ordering of individual electronic services is ceive in an SMS message. They communicate with
technically possible for those who have ful- the epidemiology service, sending the most im-
filled the above mentioned specific precondi- portant information regarding their health, which
tions for each of the services listed. makes easier the process of medical surveillance.
The use of software solutions in healthcare can
help patients as well as the entire medical profes-
sion, as it makes it easier to monitor the quality,
safety and efficiency of medical services. Using
modern technologies, the data obtained can be
analyzed, then compared and aligned with the
practice of other countries, and the development
of such systems in healthcare is an important chal-
lenge of the 21st century. The use of IT technology
in healthcare is imposed as a real need because it
enables the limited resources to be used efficiently
while maintaining a high level of quality of health

Picture 1: eZakazivanje (e-Scheduling) – one of the elec- References

tronic services on „“ portal •
Source: Author •
• - Patient-centered
Care - Reynolds A.
They proved to be very useful, not only because • „Strategija za poboljšanje kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite i bezb-
jednosti pacijenata za period 2019-2023. godine sa Akcionim
they keep patients actively involved and informed planom za 2019-2020. godine“ – public state document from
about their health, but also for allowing them to June 2019

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Role of the patient - centered health technologies in Montenegro

Milica Miletić,
Software Developer, Exploring
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG
Coming from a background of Information Tech- be accessed by anyone, at any point of time and any
nologies, I have always found that many systems in location. Patient-centered care is important for in-
Montenegro need to be updated and redesigned so creasing the overall quality of the care that health
we can move progressively forward. I haven’t had organisations provide. It empowers patients and
any knowledge about healthcare systems in my also makes the physician’s jobs easier.
country since the last time I visited hospital was We must differentiate PCC and customer ser-
years ago. But I knew it was an interesting field for
vice oriented care. Epstein[2] cautions that PCC
future improvements. That’s how I discovered this is more than just “giving patients what they want,
master program. when they want it.” And as Millenson notes, “what
My understanding of patient-centred care is that distinguishes patient-centered care in its fullest
it is focused to ensure that the patient is guiding all
sense from beneficence or better customer ser-
clinical decisions of his/her own health matters. vice is that it involves actions undertaken in col-
Balint first described PCC as “understanding the laboration with patients, not just on their behalf.
patient as a unique human being.[1] Making that It requires clinicians to appropriately share power
possible would not go easy if it wasn’t for IT sys- even when that sharing feels uncomfortable.”[3]
tems. Not long time ago, patients didn’t have Good customer service is important, but insuffi-
cient to truly providing PCC.
Montenegrin health-care system was planned to
be patient-centred. Of course, nothing really goes
as smooth as planned. That’s why we have project
management. Specifically, strategies of our coun-
try were to create a modern and flexible IT sys-
tem by developing basic infrastructure to enable
healthcare facilities, physicians and patients to
benefit from ICT, creating electronic health cards,
improving security and technological standards,
and creating a unified health information system
that integrates existing health and social IT sys-
access to medical information or social communi- Montenegro has developed eHealth portal that
ties. Medical school libraries were the only source provides users with information about electronic
the one could search for this type of knowledge. services that are available for our citizens. There
Technology is growing so fast and knowledge can are 5 services that are available for citizens and
European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja
573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
one for health facilities. They are named as fol- Then keep data about heart, like blood pressure,
lows: eScheduling, eRecepie, eResult, ePharmacy, heart rate, oxygen saturation etc. There is also one
and eInsurance. All these services combined are a interesting category called mindful minutes. Mind-
great example of a role that patient-centred sys- fulness is a state of active, open attention on the
tem is having here in Montenegro. Montenegro present. So it keeps track of how much I am being
has also started a huge project of connecting all of calm, sort of my meditation time. In the category of
medical facilities into one information system that nutrition I can keep track of how much important
can allow users (physicians, nurses etc.) to use nutrients do I consume daily. I can also measure
Business intelligence. my inhaler usage and respiratory rate if I connect it
to an app or something that could share data with
my phone. And phone itself can provide insights
into my sleep habits. It can help me determine the
amount of time I am in the bed and asleep. Hav-
ing all of these possibilities just through a phone
app assures me that PCC is becoming a huge thing
nowadays. Where do I see potential growth of PCC
technologies in Montenegro? Right there. Allow-
ing users to keep all their data on their phone and
BI has a very important role in the healthcare making possible to connect technology and share
industry due to the availability of data in diverse medical data over bluetooth, wifi, etc. That’s where
formats which makes its access difficult across dif- I see the future of health care, moving from paper
ferent departments (For e.g. Some data regarding based records to electronic health records.
the customer details is with the admin department
and some reports of test are with the concerned References
lab), this makes difficult to assemble and interpret • Balint E. The possibilities of patient-centered medicine. J R
Coll Gen Pract. 1969;17:269-276.
data, but due to robust environment BI tools pro- • Epstein RM, Fiscella K, Lesser CS, Stange KC. Why the nation
vide , the task has been made easy to a great ex- needs a policy push on patient-centered health care. Health
Aff. 2010;29:1489-1495.
tent.[5] • Millenson ML. New roles and rules for patient-centered care.
Since my job is software development, interesting J Gen Intern Med. 2014;29:979-980.
apps for me are GoogleHealth or Apple Health type • Business Intelligence in Healthcare Industry by Anmol Khan-
of apps. The one that I am using specifically, allows na, Dhruv Bhasin
me to keep records of allergies, clinical vitals, con-
ditions, immunizations, lab results, medications
and procedures. Also, it keeps track of my daily
walks and activities. I can update my body mea-
surements, track menstruation cycles, check on
my hearing using audio commands on the phone.

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Problems caused by temporary measures introduced in Montenegro and the
world overall

Natalija Drekalović, Bogdan Laban

Freelance Dev, Upwork, Appen, Lionbridge
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG

Current trends in the world, triggered by the mat comparable to other countries, so to further
COVID-19 pandemic, cause increasingly difficult improve global cooperation.
problems across all regions. Numerous institutions According to research, the most prevalent meth-
find themselves riddled with obstacles, due to the ods of polling are CAWI (computer - assisted web
fact that they are not capable to define causes and interviewing) and CATI (computer - assisted tele-
consequences of socio-economic developments in phone interviewing) methods as foundations for
a short period of time. Even the top statistical of- data collection, followed by usage of a program-
fices such as: Eurostat, World Bank, World Trade ming language/tool (usually R or Python) for sta-
Organization, UN World Tourism Organization and tistical analysis and graphical presentation of re-
others have not managed to avoid, or overcome sulting data.
these obstacles yet. Which brings us to the question: What can we ex-
This data is essential to political structures and pect after the COVID-19 pandemic?
citizens, amongst others. Various governments In Montenegro, the digitalization of the system
strive to come up with the best possible socio-eco- was directly proportional to the needs and capa-
nomic laws, and for that, they need to have a peek bilities of its citizens. However, COVID-19 brought
in this data. In the upcoming weeks, government swift changes regarding the current state of tech-
officials are expected to prepare and carry out es- nology usage across the board. Banks, schools,
sential policies necessary to guide a country and various stores and malls, started offering their
its people. services online, basically over night, followed by
One way of collecting, preparing and presenting all kinds of deliveries and bill payments. This pres-
this data, when it is rather hard or impossible to ents a load of new data, which our statistical offic-
perform classic methods of polling, relies on sol- es have no access to.
id knowledge and use of Information Systems and It is very important to mention that there is a cer-
Technologies. Regarding the use of technology, it tain trade-off between data collecting and privacy.
is absolutely essential that the privacy of the cit- These new measures force an entire country and
izens is a number one priority and guaranteed by its populace into something they have not had con-
the government. tact with before. These systems are new and un-
During the pandemic, key information for eco- tested, thus making people rightfully wonder, just
nomic sustainability of a country can be found how safe are they? As mentioned beforehand, it is
within its citizens. Collected data must be in a for- absolutely essential that the government has this

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completely under control and guarantees privacy. information needed to guide, or manipulate human
Regarding Montenegro, CATI method would sure- consciousness. Many do not even realize that they are
ly show great success. Basically, this method in- tracked 24/7, and those that do, do not find it as much
volves conducting telephone interviews, whereby disturbing as they should. Based on data collected
interviewers would fill out questionnaires directly through a simple device found anywhere; a phone,
into the system. This method is simple, doable, and certain companies can know whether a person has
very time flexible compared to PAPI or CAPI meth- a positive or a negative outlook on the government;
ods. Also, the cost of CATI model is much lower, whether they need a certain product; their browsing
as interviewers will not have to visit households, history, location, and so much more. Yes, all those
thus not have to be reimbursed for transportation apps might be free and really useful, but when you’re
costs. Also, fewer interviewers will be required, not paying for it, you’re the product. This is a period
leading to further cost reductions. when people should wonder whether the dark age re-
Picture 1 Overview of data collection methods across the world ally ended, and with it, the dictatorship and monopoly
in 2020. over information; lives.
Montenegro went through some tough transition
periods, in which it gained increasingly free market
and people. Some of those events that left a mark in
economy/history are:
a) Transition from socialism to a free market (1989)
b) Hyperinflation in Yugoslavia - crisis (1994)
c) Transition from DEM to EUR – significant re-
forms (2001-2002)
Source 1 Map created based on data from International Labour d) Transition to an independent, separate state (2006)
Organization. e) World economic crisis (2008)
More at: f) Montenegro’s EU accession talks begin (2012)
g) Joining NATO (2017)
h) COVID-19 pandemic - crisis (2020)
Global issues are something that also greatly affects This period of development of Montenegro was
our country. Such is global surveillance, which exist- marked by unrest caused by the civil wars that took
ed for years, but only became crystal clear now (even place after the fall of socialism. The whole process is
though everyone seems to always talk about it). Sci- accompanied by globalization flows, which are still
entific and technological advancements heavily rely present in the sphere of computerization of society
on exabytes of data they take from people all over the today.
world, knowingly and unknowingly. There is no perfect model of civilization/society and
As smart technology advanced so did surveillance. so the economic and political systems we strive for are
Gigantic databases of shopping malls, health institu- almost always impossible. Furthermore, it is notice-
tions, banks and markets essentially contain all the able that the governemt, political leaders to be pre-
cise, are expected to come up with an instant solution:

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people want the government to act by the end of the graphically presented in Jupyter Notebook. You can
week, they want grants for individuals and businesses, find the repository at:
etc. Basically, people are waiting for someone to do
something, or for the crisis to simply end on its own, ments-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19
for a miracle to happen, and of course, for someone to
blame if the things start going south. Widespread fear Figure 2 Histogram of working relationship of Montenegrin
is a thing, which makes it clear to see that masses are
easy to manipulate.
Which brings another question to the table: empow-
erment or intimidation? Totalitarianism or institu-
tionalism? Aid or slavery?
The success of the fight against the virus and any
other cause of the crisis lies not solely with the gov-
ernment, but with a capable, enterprising, conscious,
conscientious and responsible individual! That is why
there is a rebellion of people who think that they are
treated like animals that need to be restricted, whose
actions and opinions should be governed! Neoliberal-
ism as such, a pure, social system, clearly does not ex-
ist in Montenegro. Neoliberalism comes into contra-
diction, that is, systemic contradictions, when there is
no pure rule of law and a strong institution.
Source 2
The conclusion is that it is easy to fight the news from ic-Movements-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19/blob/master/
home and it is easy to see the epidemic as if it were the Skripta.ipynb
end of the world. What would happen if we fought
a little more courageously? For example, if we were
going to work, school, college or the like. Then there
would be solidarity in action, then we are united in
thoughts of life, survival and prosperity and salvation,
and presently we appear exactly as Njegos described
us “Ah, what is a human being, but a weak animal!”
As additional material, authors conducted a survey
through Google Forms titled “Impact of COVID-19
on Socio-Economic Trends in Montenegro”. With
nearly 600 subjects, a dataset was obtained that was
cleaned and stored for further processing in the R
programming language. All data is documented and

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Figure 3 Histogram of citizen food expenses before and Figure 4 Histogram depicting population opinion on the
during the pandemic actions of Government

Source 4
Source 3 ic-Movements-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19/blob/master/
ic-Movements-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19/blob/master/ Skripta.ipynb

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Figure 5 Histogram depicting the type of influence pandem-
ic has on population Figure 6 Histogram depicting the number of people obey-
ing/disobeying the actions of Government during pandemic

Source 6
Source 5 ic-Movements-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19/blob/master/
ic-Movements-Of-Montenegro-Under-Covid19/blob/master/ Skripta.ipynb

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prof. dr Dragan Laušević, dr Aleksandar Obradović, dr Marija Todorović,

mr Ena Grbović
Social worker in Center for health promotion,
Institute of public health of Montenegro
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG
Introduction After about ten days, due to the changing epi-
The Call Center was opened at the Institute of demiological situation in the country, the regime
Public Health of Montenegro on 20 March 2020, of work for student volunteers in the Call Cen-
and is intended for all citizens who suspect that ter was changed. From that moment on, the Call
they have been infected with a novel coronavirus Center has hired two students per day, with nine
or who have been in direct contact with people student volunteers in total rotation (those living
who have tested positive for the virus. By calling alone in Podgorica). From the very beginning, and
the toll-free number 1616, all citizens can receive now most of the time, the additional positions of
adequate information every day from 8am to the operators in the Call Center have been filled by
11pm, including weekends and public holidays. the employees of the Institute of Public Health of
Citizens make their first contact with operators Montenegro.
who are employed at the Institute of Public Health Together with them, two epidemiologists and five
of Montenegro. After the epidemiological history social medicine specialists, all from the Institute
and the triage form are completed, citizens are of Public Health, work daily at the Call Center. The
further referred to either the competent prima- work of the epidemiologists/physicians is orga-
ry health care center or for further talk with the nized in two shifts, in that two epidemiologists are
on-duty epidemiologist from the Institute of Pub- recruited every day at the Call Center, while the
lic Health. remaining five physicians rotate according to an
Operators and on-duty epidemiologists/physi- internal agreement.
cians from the Institute of Public Health of Monte- Incoming calls
negro work together at the center. Since the launch of the COVID-19 Call Center on
Operative training at the Call Center was at- 20 March, and up until 18 April (30 days), 10,977
tended by 48 students of the Faculty of Medicine calls were received. Operators responded to every
(fields: medicine, dentistry and pharmacy) and single call.
three students of the University of Donja Gorica. On average, there were 366 incoming calls a day,
The work of the operators was initially organized with variations in the number of calls received,
in three 5-hour shifts (maximum four students per ranging from 161 (Saturday 18 April) to a maxi-
shift). In this way, students had three to four days mum of 774 (Wednesday 25 March). The number
off during their engagement at the Call Center. of calls varied from day to day, meaning that if

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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the information contained therein | PROJECT
something current was happening (e.g. reporting happening (e.g. reporting of a higher number of
of a higher number of positive cases), the number positive cases), the number of calls increased and
of calls increased and vice versa. vice versa.
Similarly, a decreased number of calls during the Similarly, a decreased number of outgoing calls
weekend has been evidenced. Therefore, if we look during the weekend has been recorded. Therefore,
at the days of the weekends, the average number if we look at the days of the weekends, the average
of calls was 322, while during the working days number of calls was 209, while during the work-
the average number of incoming calls was 385. ing days the average number of outgoing calls was
Outgoing calls 293.
Since the launch of the COVID-19 Call Center on Interviewed persons
20 March and up until 18 April (30 days), 8,039 The number of persons for which the operators
outgoing calls were made. assessed the need to be interviewed for the ques-
There were an average of 268 outgoing calls a tionnaire was 1613, which, on average, was 54 in-
day, with variations in the number of calls, rang- terviewed persons a day.
ing from 75 (Friday 17 April) to a maximum of 632 From the moment when local transmission was
(Friday 3 April). The number of calls varied from established in Montenegro, all persons, irrespec-
day to day, meaning that if something current was tive of the severity of the symptoms, who were in-

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
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the information contained therein | PROJECT
terviewed by the operators, were contacted by ep- was from the age group of 30-39, and the lowest –
idemiologists/physicians from the Call Center on 5.18%, from the age group under 18 years.
the same day they called (usually within an hour
of their incoming call). References
By far the largest percentage of respondents was •
datku-sa-istim-ciljem-da-to-prije-odahnemo/1164, access
from Podgorica 56.03%, followed by Nikšić 7.77%, 20.april 2020.
Bar 5.66%, Budva 5.04%, Herceg Novi 5.16%, • [1]
Danilovgrad 4.10%, Tuzi 3.98% etc. mo/1164
Out of the total number of the persons inter- • [2]
viewed, slightly higher number were men - 812 ni-na-istom-zadatku-sa-istim-ciljem-da-to-pri-
(50.37%). je-odahnemo/1164
The average age of the respondents was 42 years.
The highest percentage of respondents – 22.85%,

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the information contained therein | PROJECT
The structure of health system in Montenegro

Željko Milić
Head of IT Service, Water Supply and sewerage Company of Bar
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG

ABSTRACT health insurance (around 620,000 policyholders).

The Montenegrin health care system is facing dif- In order to assure quality in the health care work-
ferent challenges, and in order to bridge the gap er - patient relationship, the normative framework
between opportunities and expectations, it is nec- has been changed in recent years, and measures
essary to further implement reforms, improve the have been defined to improve institutional and
organization and establish its sustainability. administrative capacity in this area. As the funda-
Key words: Montenegro, physicians, organiza- mental rights of patients are defined by the Law on
tion, health system Health Care, in accordance with the Rome Charter,
Introduction this through the Law on Patients ‘Rights further
Economic and social circumstances in Montene- defines each individual right on patients’ rights,
gro in recent years have indirectly reflected on which implies an equal right to quality and con-
the state of health care. The processes of change tinuous healthcare, in accordance with generally
towards a new social order are associated with accepted professional standards and ethical prin-
many difficulties and problems, which require a ciples, with the right to alleviate suffering and pain
gradual change and the establishment of new rela- at every stage of illness and condition at all levels
tionships. This is especially evidence of a complex of health care.
and sensitive health care system where it cannot Health care system in Montenegro is directly reg-
be allowed to interfere with its implementation ulated by systemic laws, first of all, the Law on
and to ensure the health security of the popula- Health Care and the Law on Health Insurance and
tion. The Montenegrin health care system is facing other laws such as the Law on Medicines, the Law
different challenges, and in order to bridge the gap on Protection of the Population from Infectious
between opportunities and expectations, it is nec- Diseases, the Law on Emergency Medical Assis-
essary to further implement reforms, improve the tance, the Law on Provision the Law on the Protec-
organization and establish its sustainability. tion of Patients’ Rights, the Law on the Taking and
Health system in Montenegro Transplantation of Human Organs for the Purpose
The health insurance system in Montenegro bears of Healing, and indirectly by other regulations.
a great deal of resemblance to the systems in the Health care is provided at primary, secondary and
countries in transition, especially the countries in tertiary levels.Insured persons also obtain health
the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The system care in other health institutions with which the
is based on the principles of compulsory health Fund concludes a contract on health care services
insurance and the entire population is covered by Healt.h insurance outside the Republic of Monte-

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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negro is provided by the Fund’s insured persons in for the needs of all or more public health institu-
accordance with the prescribed procedure, in the tions is carried out by a centralized fund individ-
health institutions of the Republic of Serbia with ually for their needs. Medical and technical aids:
which the Fund has concluded contracts and other prosthetics and orthotics, as well as certain other
institutions with which the Fund has business co- types of aids, are provided through the sub-agency
operation, at the proposal of the appropriate doc- of the provider of medical and technical aids from
tor’s office of the Clinical Center of Montenegro. At the Decision on the network of health institutions
the suggestion of the appropriate Doctor’s Offices - “Rudo Montenegro” Podgorica. Eye aids are pro-
and upon the approval of the Medical Treatment vided through 24 private optical shops, while tiflo-
Commission abroad, the insured persons are re- technical, hearing, aids for speech and breathing
ferred to other medical institutions abroad for the aids are provided through 6 private suppliers with
provision of highly specialized healthcare covering whom the Fund has concluded contracts for the
the most complex measures and procedures re- delivery of aids after a public call.
garding diagnostic testing, outpatient and hospital If the insured person receives health care outside the
treatment. place of residence, he is entitled to reimbursement of
The insured persons receive medical rehabilita- travel expenses in the amount of the lowest price by
tion at the Institute for Specialized Medical Reha- means of public transport. When referring for med-
bilitation “Dr. Simo Milošević” Igalo and the Gener- ical treatment abroad, travel expenses are approved
al Hospital “Meljine” for rehabilitation after cardiac according to the type of vehicle, depending on the
surgery. Also, the Law on Taking and Transplant- health status of the insured person, as suggested by
ing Parts of the Human Body for the Purpose of the doctor’s offices, ie the Fund’s First-degree Medical
Treatment stipulates that funds for the procedures Commissions.
for taking and transplanting parts of the body for Employees who have been temporarily prevented
the purpose of treatment, ie for health care related from work are entitled to compensation for earnings
to these procedures, as well as for monitoring the during temporary work disability, based on the report
health status of the donor and recipient of the or- for calculation of earnings during temporary work
gan, provided such rights from mandatory health disability. The compensation to be paid by the Fund
insurance. to the employer is 70% of the grounds for compensa-
Medicines and medical supplies are provided to tion, except in cases prescribed by law, for which the
insured persons through pharmacies of the PHI compensation is 100% of the grounds for compensa-
“Pharmacies of Montenegro Montefarm” and from tion, namely: temporary disability for work caused by
other suppliers. Procurement of medicines and a injury at work and occupational illness, isolation due
part of medical devices for the needs of citizens to germs, for donation of blood, tissues and organs,
and public health services is carried out by the during pregnancy, for persons with malignancies, per-
Montenegrin Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Associa- sons with disabilities and persons with mental illness.
tion “Montefarm”, which was established with the Health care in Montenegro is mostly provided by
aim of supplying Montenegrin citizens with med- public health institutions founded by the states. Pri-
icines, while the procurement of medical devices vate healthcare institutions, except in dentistry, are

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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more prominent in the pharmacy business. The field EU framework.
of private health care is not adequately regulated, so The lack of awareness of citizens about their rights
there are various forms of such activity, which are out as patients, as well as non-realization and weak pro-
of control (on quality, price, protection of the insured, tection of patients’ rights are the main cause of the
etc.) and which represent more opportunities for dissatisfaction of patients. Namely, if patients do
earning employed doctors in public institutions (es- not know their rights, they do not know when they
pecially specialists) than supplementing public health. have been damaged, and because of the complexity
Insured persons also obtain health care in other health and specificity that characterizes the way health ser-
institutions with which the Fund concludes a contract vices are provided. In the period of globalization and
on health care provision. changes, health systems are exposed to permanently
In addition to the right from compulsory health in- growing pressures, changing day after day. This cov-
surance, health care is financed at the expense of the ers a wide range of impacts, such as demographic
compulsory health insurance funds, which accord- changes, massive chronic non-communicable diseas-
ing to Art 13 of the Law on Health Care should be es, and accelerated advancement of health technology
provided by the state, beyond the compulsory health through possibilities of providing new interventions,
insurance funds. So, health care for insured persons political expectations and public expectations. There-
is provided in health institutions established by the fore, a special attention should be paid to health and
Decision on the Network of Health Institutions. It to the conditions for preservation and improvement
consists of a network of health care institutions: 18 of health, which will be accomplished not only by
health centers, 7 general hospitals, 3 special hospitals, activities of the health sector, but by engagement of
Clinical Center of Montenegro, Department of Emer- all social sectors. Principles of solidarity, universality,
gency Medical Services, Blood Transfusion Institute equality, accessibility and quality, which are the basis
of Montenegro, Meljine Private Hospital, Institute of for building a sustainable and integrated healthcare
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Igalo, Institute system, with a citizen being the centre of the system,
of Public Health, PHI Montefarm pharmacies, Rudo are bearers of socially-oriented European health care
Montenegro for medical and technical aids and den- system also pursued by Montenegro within the pro-
tal clinics. cess of EU integration of health.
Health care reform in recent years has created the Conclusion
preconditions for a sustainable and integrated health High-quality healthcare is defined as healthcare that
care system based on the principles of solidarity, equi- uses available and appropriate resources in an effective
ty, accessibility and quality with the citizen at the cen- way to contribute equally to improving the health of
ter of the health care system. Specially since Montene- the population and patients. This implies that health
gro is in the process of EU accession, and Montenegro care delivery is in line with current expertise, focused
is also a member country of the WHO, international on the needs and goals of individuals, their families
authority guiding and coordinating health policies and the entire community, preventing and avoiding
of member countries of the United Nations (UN), it the harm associated with treatment, and involving
is necessary to plan the health system development citizens and patients as key partners in the healing
within the context of social, legislative and economic process. The changes are necessary and there is sev-

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573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
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Table 1: Health care network in Montenegro
eral areas where activities should be directed in order • Law on Medicines (Official Gazette of Montenegro 056/11,
to influence the current trend of corruptive activities • Report of the Ministry of Health for 2017 on work and situ-
of health workers from Montenegro, so in oreder to ation in administrative areas with the report of the Health
Insurance Fund for 2017
return equity in health services, an optimal policy for • Report on the work of the Health Insurance Fund of Monte-
preventing corroption of doctors from Montenegro negro for 2017
should include increasing salaries, improving work- • Health policy in Montenegro until 2020
• Master plan for health development in the period 2015-2020
ing conditions and providing more opportunities for • The status of IT service management in health care - ITIL®
professional development in oreder to achive equita- in selected European countries, Alexander Hoerbst, Werner
O Hackl Roland Blomer and Elske Ammenwerth
ble health care. • E-Health Approach to Link-up Actors in the Health Care
System of Austria, Thomas SCHABETSBERGERa, , Elske
AMMENWERTH , Ruth BREU, Alexander HOERBST , Georg
References GOEBEL, Robert PENZ, Klaus SCHINDELWIG, Herlinde
• Law on the Central Population Register (“Official Gazette of TOTH, Raimund VOGL, Florian WOZAKa.
Montenegro”, no. 049/07, 041/10, 040/11) • Rodin, S., Ćapeta T. and Goldner Lang I. (eds.), Choosing Eu-
• Law on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette of Monte- ropean Court Judgments, New Informant, Zagreb 2009
negro, No. 079/08, 070/09, 044/12) •
• Law on Health Care (Official Gazette of Montenegro 03/16) ci_direktiva.pdf
• Law on Health Insurance (Official Gazette of Montenegro •
06/16) en.htm
• Law on databases in health care (Official Gazette of Monte-
negro 80/08)

Photo 1. The network of public health institutions in Montenegro

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Deaths attributable to air pollution in Montenegro

Luka Maraš
Software Developer, International Bridge
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG

Introduction used to be based on heavy industry, mostly man-

Although health can be an abstract concept, ev- ufacturing raw materials. Examples of that are the
ery one of us, without a doubt, would tell you that Aluminium plant in Podgorica, Ironworks in Nikšić
they would like to live healthy ever after. Even if we and Paper factory in Berane. All of them are seri-
could do everything we can to embrace a healthy ous air pollutants, especially when you consider
lifestyle, there are also factors that are outside our that socialists, that built them, had lack of care for
decision-making grasp. Many external factors in- long term effects of air pollution, and were more
fluence our health, like social and community con- concerned for economic growth rather than sus-
ditions, living and working conditions, socio-eco- tainable growth. After Yugoslavia broke apart
nomic, cultural and environmental conditions. In Montenegro’s industry slowly dwindled. For bet-
this essay we will look deeper into environmental ter or for worse, most of the big air polluters, fac-
factors in Montenegro, more precisely air pollu- tories, closed, so today we have less air pollution
tion and its effects on health of the population of from industry than 30 years ago.
Air pollution today
Montenegro We can group air polluters in Montenegro into
Montenegro is a small developing country of just three main groups: industry, transportation and
650 hundred people. It is situated in rather rocky space heating.
terrain so most of the population is concentrated Podgorica, as the administrative center with a
in urban areas. It’s capital, Podgorica, counts over central position in Montenegro, is the main one a
200 thousand people, the third of the county’s traffic junction where numerous routes intersect.
population. These urban centers, often industrial About 30% of all vehicles registered in Montene-
centers too, are usually settled in valleys or basins, gro are registered in Podgorica. It is estimated that
surrounded by mountains. We will see later why around 2,000 work days outside the tourist sea-
this is important when discussing air pollution. son in Podgorica passengers from the direction of
Montenegro’s health system as well as industry Bijelo Polje, while from Nikšić the number of pas-
is a legacy from socialist era. Health system is one sengers is about 15,000 daily. The capital city has
hundred percent government-funded. It is very about 258 km of roads. The age and quality of the
much a very tightly coupled system reluctant to vehicles used should also be kept in mind (accord-
change. ing to MONSTAT data in 2013. more than 54.2% of
While a part of Yugoslavia, industry, and there- vehicles used in Montenegro were manufactured
fore big sources of pollution flourished. Industry before 1999), as well as traffic transit during the

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
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only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
summer months. Of the total number of vehicles, 230 t of carbon (IV) oxide, 3.57 t sulfur (IV) oxide,
58.3% use diesel fuel. The average age of a city bus 120 t water vapor and 0.36 t of suspended parti-
is 19 years. cles. Despite protecting the basin high the chimney
Unlike most capitals in the Balkan Region, Pod- of the thermal power plant, under adverse meteo-
gorica does not have a steam power plant for rological conditions, helped by the terrain as Plje-
central heating. Podgorica also lacks natural gas vlja sits in a valley surrounded by mountains, and
infrastructure so the only fuels available for heat- during the heating season of households (which
ing are those that pollute more like wood or coal. burn wood), increase in the concentration of sus-
This leaves citizens with two options to keep their pended particles has been reported. Due to the
homes warm: either use electricity, or burn bio- insufficient efficiency of the electrostatic precipi-
mass fuels. Firewood is the most represented fuel tator and the change in the applicable protection
in the consumption of biomass in Montenegro. In regulations environmental and European Union
the publication “Consumption of Wood Fuels in requirements for the emission of pollutants from
2011 in Montenegro” (MONSTAT, 2013) it is stat- energy the replacement of the electro-filter plant
ed that 29,623 households in Podgorica use fire- was completed in 2009.
wood and other wood fuels for heating. Of which
21,733 (73.3%) households are located in an ur- Impact on human health
ban area. Only 60 households out of total number, The impact of increased concentrations of PM
uses wood briquettes and pellets for heating. Ac- particles on human health is twofold - mechanical
cording to the 2011 census report, the Podgorica and toxicological. The mechanical impact depends
has 56,847 households, of which 47,362 are in the directly on the particle size. Smaller diameter par-
city itself. These numbers say that at least 50% of ticles are more dangerous to human health in this
the population uses untreated firewood for heat- respect as they can penetrate deeper, although
ing. In the air quality report for 2014 European En- most of them are exhaled. The toxicological effect
vironmental Agency (Air quality in Europe - 2014 depends on the chemical composition of the PM
Report, The EEA) states that fossil fuel combustion particles, which can be very different depending
in households is the dominant source primary PM on the source of the pollution. They are composed
particles. of a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles of
Biggest industrial polluter, and biggest single organic and inorganic origin. Short-term and long-
source of air pollution, period, in Montenegro is term impacts should also be distinguished. While
the Coal Thermal Power Plant in Pljevlja. In Plje- short-term effects in healthy people can cause in-
vlja TPP, lignite from local surface mines, which convenience that does not require clinical treat-
in their own sense contribute to pollution by PM ment (respiratory irritation at high concentrations
particles, is used as fuel. TPP “Pljevlja” has been in of dust, coughing, sneezing, dry throat, etc.) and is
operation since 1982. Based on the available data, easy to spot, long-term effects can be much more
TPP Pljevlja burnes 225 tonnes of coal per hour, serious, but they are much more serious. They are
consumes 200 tons of oxygen per hour, emitting also more difficult to isolate from other influences

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
and create a causal link between disease and pol- WHO’s data on air pollution health effect in Mon-
lution. Chronic exposure to PM particles adds to tenegro is extrapolated using statistical meth-
the risk of developing cardiovascular and respira- ods, and therefore does not exactly represent
tory diseases, as well as lung cancer. real-world situation, these numbers do look wor-
Health institutions and health professionals in rying, to say at least. The fact is that air pollution
Pljevlja have been stressing the influence of pol- parameters do go over recommended limits, espe-
lution on human health for years, and have un- cially in winter due to usage of firewood for heat-
derlined the increase in the number of respirato- ing. Western europe countries are phasing out coal
ry diseases (figure 2, 3. and 4.) that are especially power plants, but Montenegro’s bulk of electricity
pronounced in children. Both children and adults still comes from our singular power plant. Poli-
with respiratory disease have shown the increase cies for urban planning and transportation could
of growth obstructive syndrome and asthma. Ac- also help reduce air pollution in urban areas by
cording to the data of the Children’s ward of the banning or reducing traffic, and using alternative
General Hospital Pljevlja and the Children’s and means of transportation that do not produce as
School dispensaries of PZU Health Center Pljevl- much pollution like, public transportation or bik-
ja respiratory infections are one of the dominant ing and walking. This topic is a complex both polit-
problems with children. ical, economic and health problem, and should be
In Montenegro, studies on the effects of air pol- that called as such. Recently government has de-
lution on human health have not yet been con- cided not to invest in expanding the power plant in
ducted. In order to make them possible it is nec- Pljevlja, Podgorica bult bicycle infrastructure and
essary to improve health statistics and expand the country is investing in renewable sources of ener-
air quality monitoring network. Available data on gy. Hopefully Montenegro finally lives up to its title
the impact of pollution on human health were ob- of being the first ecological country in the world.
tained using statistical methods conducted mainly
by the World Health Organization applying aver- References
age values from the environment to conditions in • Burden of disease from ambient air pollution for 2016 - De-
scription of method, WHO, May 2018.
Montenegro. • Exposure to ambient air pollution from particulate matter for
Based on WHO data from 2016. Over five hundred 2016, WHO, v5, May 2018.
• National strategy for air quality management, Ministry of
people die annually, on average, because of health Sustainable Development and Industry of Montenegro, Octo-
problems related to air pollution in Montenegro. ber 2012.
• Air Quality Plan for the Capital City of Podgorica, Ministry of
Out of that fifteen die because of lower respiratory Sustainable Development and Industry of Montenegro, Au-
infections, eighty because of cancer, over two hun- gust 2015.
• Air Quality Plan for the Municipality of Pljevlja, Ministry of
dred because of heart disease. Stroke related to air Sustainable Development and Industry of Montenegro, Feb-
pollution takes 175 lives annually, while chronic ruary 2013.
obstructive pulmonary disease takes fifty lives. • Ambient Air Quality Database, WHO, April 2018.
• Joint effects of air pollution - Data by country, WHO, 2016.
End word • Trozzi, Carlo & S.Villa, & J.Knezević, & C.Leonardi, & A.Pejović,
To be able to fight back diseases, first you need & R.Vaccaro,. (2013). Air quality study for Montenegro Pljevl-
ja area. 10.2495/AIR130201.
to understand it by looking at the data. Although

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
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European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja
573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
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the information contained therein | PROJECT
Unapređenje aplikativnog rješenja eZdravlje uključivanjem stomatološke
zdrastvene djelatnosti

Nataša Dević
profesor matematike, OŠ “Božidar Vuković”
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG
Crnogorski zdravstveni sistem je, po većini ja (e-zdravstvo) razvijeni su pojedini elektronski
parametara koji ga karakterišu, relativno mali servisi.
sistem i kao takav pogodan je za uvođenje i prim- U Crnoj Gori se koristi e-Zdravlje (Slika 1) aplika-
jenu novih znanja i iskustava i shodno tome rel- tivno rjesenje, koje je po svojoj namjeni okrenu-
ativno brzu transformaciju u jedan moderan, to prema pacijentima. Korisnici ovog rješenja su
kvalitetan i efikasan sistem sposoban da u pot- osiguranici Fonda za zdravstveno osiguranje, koji
punosti zadovolji potrebe krajnjih korisnika svojih su registrovani kod izabranih doktora u Domovi-
usluga. ma zdravlja. Ovo rjesenje uključuje portal eZdravl-
Zdravstveno osiguranje u Crnoj Gori se bazira na je ( i aplikacije za mobilene
obaveznom (socijalnom) osiguranju, koje se finan- telephone (IOS I Android OS).
sira iz doprinosa na zarade na teret zaposlenih i
poslodavaca i iz poreza. Osnovni principi su soli-
darnost i jednakost pristupu zdravstvenim uslu-
gama. Obezbeđuje paket osnovnih zdravstvenih
usluga za svo stanovništvo. Fond za zdravstve-
no osiguranje Crne Gore (u daljem tekstu: Fond),
shodno Zakonu o zdravstvenom osiguranju, vrši
javna ovlašćenja u rješavanju o pravima i obave-
zama iz obaveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja. Fond
donosi godišnje programe rada, predlaže finan-
sijske planove i donosi opšte akte za ostvarivanje
prava osiguranih lica. 

Integralni informacioni sistem (u daljem tekstu: Slika 1
IS) zdravstva u Crnoj Gori obuhvata IS Fonda, Pristup portalu eZdravlje je moguć putem web
IS primarne zdravstvene zaštite, IS apotekarske adrese ( ili odgovarajuće mo-
djelatnosti, IS stomatološke zdravstvene zaštite na bilne aplikacije ( Prijava korisnika
primarnom nivou, IS opštih bolnica, IS Zavoda za (pacijenta) se obavlja elektronskim nalogom koji
hitnu medicinsku pomoć, IS Zavoda za transfuziju, se sastoji od korisničkog imena (broj zdravstvene
IS Instituta za javno zdravlje i IS Agencije za ljek- knjižice - desetocifreni broj koji je upisan na prvoj
ove. Kao podrška elektronskoj razmjeni informaci- strani zdravstvene knjižice) i lozinke. Da biste pris-

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
tupili elektronskim servisima, neophodno je da se i jedinstvena je za sve elektronske servise.
obratite svom izabranom doktoru ili nadležnoj Portal eZdravlje sastoji se od sledećih servisa:
područnoj jedinici/filijali Fonda, kako biste dobili • eZakazivanje: omogućava online zakazivanje
odgovarajući korisnicki nalog. Odgovarajuću lozi- posjete, kao i provjeru, otkazivanje ili prom-
ku korisnik ce dobiti putem sms-a ili e-mail-a. jenu zakazanih termina (izabrani doktor za
Svaki osiguranik dobija osnovne informacije o odrasle, izabrani doktor za žene i izabrani
načinu pristupa Portalu u momentu otvaranja doktor za djecu). Na ovaj način se mogu zaka-
korisničkog naloga. Za maloljetnog osiguranika, zati sve vrste posjeta, osim preventivnih pre-
odnosno osiguranika lišenog poslovne sposobno- gleda (savjetovališta za djecu i redovnih imu-
sti lozinku može preuzeti njegov roditelj ili zakon- nizacija) i kućnih posjeta izabranih doktora.
ski zastupnik. • eRecept: omogućava pacijentu uvid u prop-
Osobe ženskog pola imaju dva izabrana doktora isane i realizovane recepte. Pacijent na svom
(izabranog doktora za odrasle i izabranog dok- nalogu u svakom trenutku može dobiti infor-
tora za žene) i koriste isti korsinički nalog. Loz- macije o receptima koji su propisani i aktivni,
inku dodjeljuje jedan od ovih izabranih doktora ili kao i o receptima koji su realizovani u posled-
službenik Fonda u područnoj jedinici/filijali Fonda njih 6 mjeseci sa informacijom gdje i kada su

Pregled labaratoriskih

Slika 3.
Pregled labara-
toriskih nalaza po

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
realizovan interevencije. Izbor stomatologa vrši se uz ov-
• eNalaz: omogućava pacijentu uvid u rezultate jerenu zdravstvenu knjižicu u područnoj jedinici
biohemijskih laboratorijskih analiza Fonda i u stomatoloskim ambulantama.
Na ovaj način pacijent može hronološki pratiti i eZdravlje aplikativno rješenje nema servise
pretraživati rezultate biohemijskih analiza koje su koji su okrenuti prema pacijentima u domenu
realizovali u domu zdravlja. stomatološke zdrastvene djelatnosti. Strate-
• eApoteka: pacijent dobija preciznu infor- gijom IS Crne Gore (2018 – 2023) nisu planirane
maciju u kojim apotekama može preuzeti aktivnosti koje se odnose integraciju stomatološke
propisanu terapiju zdrastvene djelatnosti i njene integracije sa aplika-
• eOsiguranje: pacijet ima uvid u status svog tivnim rješenjem eZdravlje. Ukoliko bi se u nared-
zdravstvenog osiguranja nom periodu Crna Gora odlučila na inegrisanje i
• eNaručivanje: ovog domena zdrastvene zaštite u portal eZdravlje
- elektronskih recepata (terapije) za hronične pacijenti bi dobili nove funkcionalnosti. Pored ser-
bolesnike (spisak dijagnoza za hronične visa koje aplikacija eZdravlje već koristi a koji bi
bolesti možete pogledati ovdje), bili na raspolaganju i izabranom stomatologu kao
- izvještaja za obračun naknade zarade dio ovog novog rjesenja mogu se ponuditi i sledeći
(doznaka) za vrijeme privremene spriječeno- dodatni servisi:
sti za rad (bolovanja), isključivo za bolovan- • prevencija karijesa i drugih bolesti usta i zuba
ja koja odobravaju Prvostepene ljekarske kod predškolse djece
komisije Fonda, • prevencije bolesti usta i zuba kod trudnica i
- potvrda koje izdaju izabrani doktori (tre- porodilja
nutno 2 vrste potvrda koje izdaje izabrani • elektronska komunikacija izmedju izabranog
doktor za djecu: Opravdanje izostanka iz stomatologa i izabranog ginekologa kod trud-
vrtića i Dokazivanje sposobnosti za nastavu nica i porodilja
fizičkog vaspitanja). • arhiviranje i pristup arhiviranim rendgenskim
- bolovanja (produženja otvorenog bolovan- snimcima zuba/ortopan snimka.
ja), prema privremenim mjerama i odlukama Za realizaciju ove integracije i dodatnog razvoja
Nacionalnog koordinacionog tijela za borbu aplikativnog sistema neophodno je sprovesti niz
protiv širenja infekcije COVID-19. koraka. Neophodno je na nivou Strategije IS Crne
Pravo na besplatne (o trošku Fonda) preglede, di- Gore predvidjeti aktivnosti vezane za ovu oblast tj.
jagnostiku i liječenje bolesti usta i zuba imaju dje- planirati novi projekat. Projekat bi uključivao:
ca, učenici i studenti do 26 godina, lica mentalno • stavke koje se odnose na vrste novih servisa,
oboljela, lica ometena u razvoju, oboljeli od multi- • budžetske stavke i
ple skleroze, mišićne distrofije, cerebralne paral- • vrijeme potreno za realizaciju projekta.
ize, paraplegije, kvadriplegije, slijepa i gluvonije- Sve ove stavke treba planirati u saradnji sa Mini-
ma lica, trudnice, porodilje i stariji od 67 godina. starstvom zdravlja, Fondom, stomatolozima, gine-
Sva ova lica imaju pravo na izabranog stomatologa, kolozima i primjenom dobre svjetske prakse iz
kod koga mogu da obavljaju preglede i neophodne odgovarajućih oblasti.

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Ciljevi i metode skrininga u zdravlju

Nataša Žugić
Načelnica u Direktoratu za projekte i ekonomiku u zdravstvu, Ministarstvo Zdravlja
student of Master studies in health information management, UDG
Rano otkrivanje maligniteta (skrining ili probir) je žena.
preventivna multidisciplinarna javno-zdravstvena U našoj zemlji skrining raka dojke je počeo 2015.
aktivnost koju inicira država među zdravom popu- godine. Ciljna populacija obuhvata sve zdrave
lacijom, sa prosječnim rizikom obolijevanja, u cilju žene u Crnoj Gori starosti od 40-69 godina živo-
detekcije maligniteta u ranim fazama bolesti što ta, sa intervalom pregleda svake druge godine.
rezultuje smanjenjem obolijevanja i smrtnosti od Prema podacima MONSTAT-a u Crnoj Gori, na dan
malignih bolesti za koje se skrining uvodi. Osnovni 01.01.2007. godine u ovoj grupi ima oko 114.000
cilj organizovanja skrininga za neko maligno obol- žena. U ovom trenutku, mamogram je najbolji
jenje je smanjenje smrtnosti izazvane tom bolešću metod da se pronađe karcinom dojke kod većine
na teritoriji koja je obuhvaćena programom. žena. Mamogram je rendgenski snimak dojke. Ma-
U Crnoj Gori se rade tri nacionalna skrining pro- mogrami su najbolji način da se rak dojke pronađe
grama: karcinom dojke, karcinom grlića materice i rano, kada ga je lakše liječiti i prije nego što je
karcinom debelog crijeva (skrining raka kolorek- dovoljno velik da izazove simptome. Redovni ma-
tuma), među kojime je rak dojke najčešći maligni mogrami mogu umanjiti rizik umiranja od raka
tumor i jedan od vodećih uzroka smrtnosti kod dojke.

Indikatori procjene kvaliteta programa skrininga raka dojke

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Sa druge strane, rak grlića materice je drugi po da spriječe napredovanje do raka grlića materice.
učestalosti maligni tumor ženskog genitalnog Test su samostalno izmislili 1920-ih dr Georgios
sistema u svijetu. Smatra se bolešću koja se može Papanikolaou i dr Aurel Babes. Pojednostavljenu
izliječiti, zbog toga što ima dug preinvazivni peri- verziju testa uvela je Anna Marion Hilliard 1957.
od, što je moguće organizovati efikasan skrining godine. Infekcija humanim papiloma virusom
i zato što je tretman preinvazivnih lezija i ranih (HPV) uzrok je skoro svih slučajeva raka grlića ma-
stadijuma bolesti uspješan. Invazivni rak grlića terice. Skrining raka grlića materice u Crnoj Gori
materice se nalazi na listi najučestalijih malignih je počeo 2016. godine u opštini Podgorica. Ciljnu
tumora kod žena. Obično je na trećem mjestu, iza grupu činile su žene, registrovane kod izabranih
karcinoma dojke i kolorektalnog karcinoma, a u ginekologa u dobnoj skupini 30 do 34 godina. Od
zemljama u tranziciji na prvom ili drugom mjestu 01. februara 2018. godine skrining se sprovodi na
po učestalosti u ženskoj populaciji i čini čak 12% nacionalnom nivou, a od 01. februara 2019. go-
svih malignih bolesti žena. Rak grlića materice dine ciljnu grupu čine žene koje su izvršile odabir i
predstavlja globalni javno zdravstveni problem, registraciju kod izabranog ginekologa i koje imaju
naročito u zemljama u razvoju. između 30 i 42. godine starosti. Ukoliko se do sada
Skrining grlića materice se obično obavlja po- nijesu registrovale, žene ove dobne skupine imaju
moću Papa testa. U konvencionalnom Papa testu, mogućnost da se samoinicijativno uključe u pro-
ljekar koji sakuplja ćelije razmazuje ih na slajdu gram javljajući se timu izabranog ginekologa.
mikroskopa i promjenjuje fiksativ. Generalno, sla- Što se tiče karcinoma debelog crijeva u Evropi je
jd se šalje u laboratoriju na procjenu. Abnormalne drugo po učestalosti maligno oboljenje i kod žena
nalaze često prate osjetljiviji dijagnostički postup- i kod muškaraca. Kao skrining test preporučuje se
ci i ako je opravdano, intervencije koje imaju za cilj test na prisustvo skrivene krvi u stolici (FOBT).

Indikatori procjene kvaliteta programa skrininga raka grlića materice

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
U slučaju pozitivnog nalaza, osoba se upućuje selekciju odgovarajućeg testa.
na kolonoskopiju. Kolonoskopija omogućava ot- Opšti principi skrininga su definisani kroz pre-
krivanje i uklanjanje prekanceroznih promjena poruke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije iz 1968.
(polipa) debelog crijeva, čime se spriječava nas- godine i glase: bolest/stanje zbog koje se sprovodi
tanak kancera. skrining je važan zdravstveni problem; adekvatan
Rizik od raka debelog crijeva raste nakon 40-te tretman za rane oblike tog oboljenja; mogućnost
godine života, tako da se CRC javlja 90% kod oso- za definitivnu dijagnostiku i terapiju datog obol-
ba koje imaju preko 50 godina života. Svaka oso- jenja; dovoljno dug latentni period prije početka
ba starija od 50 godina nosi 5% rizika da će do simptomatske faze bolesti; pogodan test za ranu
74 godine razviti rak debelog crijeva, odnosno detekciju koji je jednostavan, precizan, bezbjedan,
2,5% rizika da će umrijeti od raka debelog crije- validan; test bi trebalo da je prihvatljiv za cijelu
va. Simptomi koji upućuju na razvoj raka debelog populaciju; usaglašen protokol otkrivenih slučaje-
crijeva su krvarenje nevidljivo golim okom (okult- va bolesti u skriningu; ukupan finansijski trošak
no) ili manifestno, promjene u ritmu pražnjenja i/ bi trebalo da je prihvatljiv u odnosu na ukupne
ili obliku i konzistenciji stolice, bolovi u stomaku troškove zdravstvene zaštite u datom području
ili grčevi, malokrvnost (anemija). Sprovođenje gdje se sprovodi skrining; skrining se sprovodi
nacionalnog skrining raka debelog crijeva poče- kontinuirano; učesnici skrininga bi trebalo da do-
lo je 2013. godine. Ciljnu grupu za sprovođenje biju adekvatne informacije o koristi i mogućoj šte-
Programa činile su osobe 47.727 osobe oba pola, ti od skrininga.
koje su izvršile odabir i registraciju kod izabra- U cilju pravilnog upravljanja programima u Crnoj
nog ljekara za odrasle i koje su 01. 06. 2018. imale Gori i uspostavljanja adekvatnih standarda u ovoj
između 50 i 74 godina starosti. oblasti, neophodno je uspostaviti pravni okvir
Iz navedenog možemo zaključiti da skrining programa, definisati ovlašćenja, dužnosti i obav-
predstavlja promjenu individualnog testa koji eze za sve učesnike i omogućiti pristup bazi poda-
može da ukaže i identifikuje prethodno nepoznato taka stanovnika (registru). Neophodan preduslov
oboljenje u presimptomatskoj fazi bolesti, što daje je i ažuriranje kućnih adresa i brojeva telefona, te
efikasnije rezultate terapije, odnosno mogućnost formirati poseban centar za pozivanje i ponovno
da se utiče na tok bolesti. Sprovodi se u asimptom- pozivanje u slučaju da nije uspostavljen kontakt
noj populaciji u prosječnom riziku za detekciju sa pacijentom. Zbog nepostojanja registara skrin-
ranih stadijuma oboljenja, a omogućava i identi- inga, neophodno je funkcionalno unaprijediti
fikaciju prekursora invazivne bolesti koji se mogu postojeća IT rješenja i uspostaviti dobru saradnju
otkloniti. menadžerskog tima na svim nivoima zdravstvene
Skrining je kompleksan proces koji zahteva zaštite kao i posvećenost stručnjaka za provođen-
usaglašenost više faktora: funkcionisanje sistema je nacionalnih programa.
pozivanja, medijske kampanje usmjerene na cilja-
nu populaciju, izradu preporuka za ljekare i ostalo
medicinsko osoblje, saglasnost pacijenata, dovol-
jno finansijskih sredstava, stratifikaciju rizika i

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Indikator procjene kvaliteta programa skrininga za CRC 2018-2019. god

References •
• Jaffer, S. (2017), Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention: (Datum pristupa: 31.01.2020)
Health Screening and Prevention, Adult Guide •
• Nacionalni program za rano otkrivanje raka debelog crijeva CI%2910969896%28199909%29189%3A1%3C12%3A%
Podgorica, septembar 2011. godine 3AAID-PATH431%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
• Nacionlani program za rano otkrivanje raka dojke, Podgorica, (Datum pristupa: 31.01.2020)
jun 2010. godine •
• Nacionalni program za rano otkrivanje raka grlića materice (Datum pristupa: 04.02.2020)
Podgorica, septembar 2011. godine
htm (Datum pristupa: 30.01.2020)

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT

Nina Milović
Ministry of Health Montenegro

Mental and physical health are two inseparable and brake for the development and implementa-
companions, and their mutual impact and connec- tion of the state program regarding mental health
tion is deep and complex. The concept of develop- care of the population. Mental illnesses are tra-
ment of mental health should respect the sensibil- ditionally linked with the failure of acceptance
ity of a society, and therefore its social, cultural, by the society, fear and stigma. Stigmatization of
economic aspects. It is also important to stress out persons with mental health issues represents a
that the need for cross-sectoral approach to the serious problem, the consequences of which are
problem of mental health should not be ignored. numerous and they are manifested both in experi-
Montenegrin society is a traditional society with encing one’s own illness and in the reduced moti-
rigid value system, in which the disease and men- vation to request professional assistance. Stigma,
tal illness are considered as stigma of the family, due to mental illnesses is so strong that it creates
and therefore, it is very difficult to create a climate a wall of silence in relation to this problem, wors-
that will be acceptable for a civilized and rational ens the underlying illness and makes it even more
treatment of mental illness. The stigmatization of unbearable and difficult.
mental patients and their families is a prejudice People with mental health problems have in-

Burden of mental health disorders in Montenegro

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
creased morbidity and mortality from physical ill- our remaining neighbours, according to data, are
ness. The number of committed suicides, which is less depressed. In the structure of hospital mor-
an indicator of mental health vulnerability, is high- bidity in Montenegro, the greatest average length
er than the number of deaths in road accidents In of hospital treatment is given to patients from the
Montenegro. Namely, from January to December group of mental disorders and behavioral dis-
2019, 91 persons committed suicide, with the orders (F00-F99) with 45 days. Moreover, in the
most suicides occurring in Podgorica, according to Clinical Center of Montenegro and general hospi-
the data obtained from Police Directorate. There tals, the average length of stay of patients with dis-
were 16 suicides in Niksic; 12 in Herceg Novi; 11 eases from this group in 2015 was 16 days.
in Bijelo Polje , 9 in Bar, 8 suicides in the Berane , The global trend of increase in the number of
5 in Pljevlja, while 3 were recorded in Budva. The people who suffer from some of the mental health
perpetrators of suicide were men in 76.6 %. The disorders requires adequate occupancy rate and
suicide is almost 1% of all deaths, and almost two- training of personnel in the services specialized
thirds of those figures include people who suffer for this activity, including a stable and continuous
from depression. In other words, depression more financial support as a guarantee of quality and sus-
than four times increases the risk of suicide in re- tainability of the system.Over the last fifteen years,
lation to the general population. The World Health psychiatric health services in Montenegro were
Organization assume that Depression would rep- strategically focused on strengthening of a com-
resent the second most important cause of the munity based psychiatry, reducing the number of
disease by the end of 2020, and that this will be hospital beds and the length of hospital treatment
also the case in Montenegro. The fact that in the in the existing psychiatric hospitals.The former
90s the number of refugees from war affected ar- Mental Health Improvement Strategy has prior-
eas of former Yugoslavia represented more than itized strengthening the primary level of health
20% of total population in Montenegro (650,000 care through the envisaged activities of mental
inhabitants), as well as that our country is under- health centers- outpatient treatment and rehabil-
going a transitional process over last 20 years, itation of persons with mental illness, which were
with relatively high unemployment and econom- assumed as prerequisites of success regarding
ic uncertainty, increasingly worsening the global future organization of services in the field of psy-
economic crisis, puts Montenegro among coun- chiatry. The next strategic goal of community psy-
tries with highest rate of depression. In a study chiatry development was to set up mental health
published in PLOS Medicine, using data on preva- centers at the primary level of health care (within
lence, frequency and duration of depression, it is the Public Health Care Centers), whose structure
determined that depression represents the second of personnel, efficiency, quality and range of com-
cause of disability, with more than four percent of munity service delivery has not fully met its origi-
the world population affected. On PLOS Medicine nal purpose so far. Psychiatric service in Montene-
map, Montenegro is among countries with high gro still predominantly relies on hospital treatment,
percentage of depression. Among countries in this not offering a large number of necessary services
region, similar data are found only in Croatia, while in the community or specific solutions for the users

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
undergoing multiannual hospital treatment.These constant shortage of vacancies and the reason
data are particularly alarming, bearing in mind why patients in a state of unstable remission are
the fact that during the past 30 years the number released from hospital for adaptation weekends,
of psychiatric beds in Montenegro has been consid- often before due time. Special Hospital for Psy-
erably reduced. In fact, in 1989 there were 389 psy- chiatry Dobrota in Kotor is the only hospital in
chiatric beds in the entire country, while currently Montenegro that hospitalizes patients against
there are 312 of them. This reduction in the capac- their will - by type of involuntary hospitaliza-
ity of beds has not been accompanied by adequate tion, and the average length of hospital treatment
strengthening of services in the community, which of currently hospitalized patients is 9.7 years, due
has resulted in overcrowded hospitals (especially to a large number of forensic and chronic (social)
in Kotor Special Psychiatric Hospital) and short- patients. This hospital accounts for around 850-
age of capacities for acute psychiatric treatment 900 hospitalizations a year and for around 4000
in the entire country. In the same period of time examinations of outpatients. During previous year,
one could notice rapid growth of forensic patients, there were 106 voluntary hospitalizations, while
as well as of prison population. Although mutual the number of involuntary hospitalizations was
links among these three phenomena remain ques- 43. An average number of patients who are perma-
tionable, it is beyond doubt that they all call for nent ‘residents’ of the hospital is 110. For some of
urgent intervention of the society in order for the them the need for hospital treatment has ceased,
current situation to be overcome. but they continue to occupy hospital capacities be-
Special Hospital for Psychiatry, Kotor ( only cause they have no family to take care of them and
one on state level) our Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has no
Since its foundation on May 26, 1953, Special other solution for their permanent allocation and
Hospital for Psychiatry in Kotor has been the accommodation. The only legally prescribed solu-
leading psychiatric institution in Montenegro. tion is transferring such patients to a social care
As a secondary level health care institution, this facility (Nursing Home or institution for people
hospital is in charge to carry out specialist-consul- with intellectual disabilities), yet it is rarely imple-
tative and highly specialized consultative-medical mented in practice.
activity, as well as hospital treatment of patients According to latest available figures, there were
with mental problems, following the rules of ap- 22 psychiatrists, 6 neuropsychiatrists and 2 phy-
propriate medical rehabilitation. The facility is of sicians specializing in psychiatry employed in
a pavilion type and consists of nine patient wards outpatient health care services in Montenegro.
located in six facilities where patients are separat- There were also 17 psychologists and clinical psy-
ed by sex and the nature of the disease. The alarm- chologists, one defectologist, four speech thera-
ing fact is that this hospital, in which patients from pists, two senior social workers and six graduate
across the country fluctuate, exceeds the rate of sociologists. In the hospital services, there were
annual capacity occupancy, which is around 106% 16 psychiatrists, 15 psychiatry specialists and 11
for years. The daily admissions of acutely impaired neuropsychiatrists. When it comes to health asso-
patients from across the country are the cause of ciates employed in hospital health care in Monte-

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
negro, there were 10 psychologists, 7 defectolo- interventions in the beneficiary’s/patient’s apart-
gists, 1 speech therapist, 4 senior social workers ment.The current situation with regard to mental
and one graduate sociologist. health treatment of children in Montenegro is not
The geographical distribution of public health favorable for this population group, because de-
care centers in Montenegro that exist in 18 munic- spite the fact that in the last years the first special-
ipalities (while in 3 municipalities there are only izations in the field of child psychiatry have been
health care stations) is a very favorable basis for announced, the outpatient treatment of children
the relatively easy and wide availability of profes- and adolescents is carried out in Clinical Center in
sional assistance to all persons with mental health Montenegro, currently administered exclusively
problems throughout the country, on the basis of by a psychiatrist for adults. Mental health centers
communal psychiatry. 1By resolving the above ob- within public health centers offer mental health
stacles, as well as through clear commitment to fur- care and treatment services for children aged 15
ther strengthening of the capacity and role of men- and above, provided by professionals employed in
tal health centers, it is possible to achieve the goal these services, who, however, are the specialists in
- Establishment of Network of available and quality adult psychiatry, while child psychology specialists
community mental health services. It is important in these services are not included. There is also a
to emphasize that a significant part of the essential network of Youth Counseling Centers, which focus
activities of the concept of communal psychiatry their activities on young people aged 15 and over.
in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation methods There is no capacity for hospital treatment of
was not covered by the basic package of services, children and young people, but all pediatric and
which made their implementation impossible. A adolescent patients who are in need of hospital
positive step was made by expanding the package treatment are referred for treatment in special sta-
of services of mental health centers through add- tionary institutions in countries in the surround-
ing services - assertive community mental health ing area.There is a clear need for specialists in
teams, with role of carrying out home visits and child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology, as

Human resources in mental health

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
well as the need to establish the capacity for hos- 2
Priority 1: Strengthening the role of the Mental
pital treatment of children and young people with Health Centers within the Public Health Care Cen-
mental health disorders. Day care centers for chil- ters; 3Priority 2: Strengthen the capacity of General
dren and youth with disabilities were established hospitals in order to provide care for people with
in many municipalities - Bijelo Polje, Niksic, Plje- acute mental disorders, 4Priority 3: Refers to in-
vlja, Herceg Novi, Plav, Ulcinj, Berane, Cetinje, Mo- creasing the availability and quality of treatment,
jkovac, Rozaje and Podgorica. In Bijelo Polje there greater professional competence of healthcare
is also the Center for Support to Children and Fam- professionals and associates for the treatment of
ily. When it comes to the treatment of pervasive patients with mental disorders, using medication
mental illnesses, a positive shift has been made by and various forms of psychotherapy.
foundation of the Center for Autism in Podgori- 5
Priority 4: Refers to the early identification of
ca within the Clinical Center of Montenegro, in harmful alcohol abuse through the Implemen-
the first quarter of 2018. Given that it is a center tation of a Screening Program, which should be
that has recently started its operations, actual re- carried out by teams of chosen doctors in collab-
sults of its work are expected in the period ahead. oration with the mental health centers within the
Legislation public health care centers.
In the part related to legislation and human 6
Priority 5: Continuation of substitution therapy
rights, positive shift has been achieved with the for psychoactive substance users in order to re-
enactment and implementation of the Law on duce harm (methadone, buprenorphine). This ac-
the Protection of Rights of Mentally Ill Persons in tivity will be conducted by mental health centers
2005, amended in 2013, which has been applied within the public health care centers.
in Montenegro since 1st January 2006. Besides this
law, the protection of human rights is defined by References
other national documents like Constitution, An- • Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023. Retrieved from: http://
tidiscrimination Law, Law on Healthcare, Law on
Social Welfare and Child Care, Law on Patients’ • Tomčuk, Aleksandar.(2018). Situation Analysis Assessment:
Site Monetengro. Project financed by European Comission Un-
Rights. Montenegro is also a signatory of numer- der the Horizon 2020
ous international documents concerning the pro- basic_info/screening.htm (Datum pristupa: 30.01.2020)
Tomčuk, Aleksandar. (2018). Situation Analysis Assessment:
tection of human rights defined through the UN Site Monetengro.
Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Europe- • Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023
an Convention on the Protection of Human Rights • Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
and Fundamental Freedoms, Convention on the tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN Convention • Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023
on the Rights of the Child, UN Standard Rules on • Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023
• Ministry of Health.(2018).Strategy on Improvement of Men-
Disabilities. tal Health of Montenegro 2018-2023
The current Strategy for mental health improve-
ment (2018-2023) identified five priority areas:

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
Prevencija povreda i nasilja - kratak osvrt

Svetlana Stojanović
Ministartsvo zdravlja Crne Gore
Značajna oblast djelovanja u oblasti javnog ternacionalnom i globalnom nivou.
zdravlju u cilju smanjenja broja smrtnih slučaje- Sradnja na globalnom i nacionalnom nivou i
va i povreda kako na nacionalnom tako i na regio- saradnja sa vladama je veoma značajna, jer ključ
nalnom i globalnom nivou je prevencija povreda uspjeha prevencije povreda i nasilja[2] je u mul-
i nasilja. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) tidisciplinarnom, multisektorskom i multitemats-
[1] je na globalnom nivou partner zemljama člani- kom pristupu, primjeni naučnih metoda i naučnih
cama i sistemu Ujedinjenih nacija, međunarodnim rezultata iz više oblasti, primjeni najnovijih
organizacijama, civilnom društvu, fondacijama, medicinskih i tehnoloških dostignuća, koji pred-
univerzitetima i istraživačkim institucijama u cil- stavljaju nezaobilazni element svih aktivnosti u
ju implementacije mjera i aktivnosti definisanih cilju efikasnijeg mapiranja problema, definisanja
strateških dokumenta zasnovanim na naučnim najefikasnijeg rješenja, monitoringa i evaluacije
činjenicama. preduzetih mjera.
Ova veoma kompleksna oblast, zahtijeva sarad- U skladu sa prethodno navedenim, SZO sa svo-
nju na svim nivoima, saradnju sa pojedincima, jim partnerima, pored redovnoh sastanaka i kon-
saradnju u okviru porodice, zajednice, opštine, ferencija, sprovodi globalne kampanje prevencije
regije, saradnju na nacionalnom, regionalnom, in- povreda i nasilja, koje imaju za cilj podići svijest

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
This publication [communication] reflects the views |
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766
the information contained therein | PROJECT
o veličini problema i naglasiti ključnu ulogu koju definisalo i realizovalo efiksano rješenje. Takva
javno zdravstvo treba imati u rješavanju uzroka istraživanja koja su do sada radjena u kontinu-
i posljedica, kao i obezbjedjivanju koordinisanog itetu, prepoznala su nekoliko tematskih cjelina
međunarodnog odgovora, preko platforme SZO koje su dominantno sastavni dio globalne agen-
za razmjenu i korišćenje resursa zasnovanih na
dokazima i primjerima dobre prakse.
U strateškim dokumentima SZO, definisani su
ciljevi i smjernice koje su rezultirale, pored os-
talog, setom publikacija, globalnih i regionalnih
izvještaja, tematskih smjernica i vodiča, tehničkih
paketa, tematskih flajera i postera, sve u cilju pos-
tizanja u skladu sa sistemskim pristupom, efi-
kasne implementacije do tada potvrdjenih mjera
i aktivnosti iz ove oblasti, boljoj dijagnostici, tret-
manu i saniranju posledica. Kako prevencija povre-
da i nasilja ima izuzetno kompleksnu strukturu
zbog povezanosti i uzročnosti njihovog nastanka
i prirode, ispreplijetanosti rizičnih faktora, zahti-
jeva se kompleksan i višedimenzionalan sistems-
ki pristup sa uključivanjem brojnih subjekata,
predstavnika različitih sektora, nivoa upravljanja,
raznorodnih profesija i pružaoca različitih servi-
sa/usluga. Ovaj pristup je rezultat činjenice da se
nasilje ne smatra samo značajnim problemom jav-
nog zdravlja, već je to i pitanje ljudskih prava i
razvoja čovječanstva.
Nasilje rezultira ogromnim brojem smrtnih
slučajeva, prema podacima SZO, 1.4 miliona go-
dišnje ( ubistva i samoubistva čine 80% ), ali još
većim brojem povrijedjenih i onih koje pate od
niza tjelesnih, seksualnih, reproduktivnih i mental-
nih problema. Nasilje i njegove posledice stvaraju
ogromne gubitke nacionalnim ekonomijama, koje
se mjere milijardama američkih dolara, stvara-
jući zemljama troškove u zdravstvenim sistemima, de, kako po broju subjekata koji učestvuju u za-
implementaciji zakona i izgubljenoj produktiv- govaračkim aktivnostima i tako i po preduzetim
nosti. U cilju mapiranja magnitute i vrste prob- mjerama: prevencija nasilja[3] , prevencija nasilja
lema sprovode se istraživanja i ankete kako bi se nad ženama[4] , prevencija zlostavljanja djece[5]

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, zdravlje i starenje[6] , nasilja medju mladima[7] nalnih institucija/ustanova u formi draft odgov-
, prevenciji utapanja[8] , prevenciji povreda u ora zemlje, obradjeni od tima experata Svjetske
drumskom saobraćaju[9] i druge. zdravstvene oragnizacije i na kraju validirani od
Saobraćajne nezgode, kao prvi uzrok smrtnosti strane vlade, zemlje učesnice.
na globalnom nivou djece i mladih, starosne dobi Globalni izvještaji pored uporednih analiza po-
od 5 do 29 godina, rezultiraju smrću oko 1,35 mil- jedinih podata i primjera dobre prakse sadrže
iona ljudi širom svijeta svake godine i između 20 pojedinačne prikaze profila svake zemlje. Do
i 50 miliona ljudi sa teškim posljedicama. Posto- sada, pored prethodno navedenih ( reference 3, 4,
ji niz faktora koji povećavaju rizik nastanka sao- 5, 6 i 7), publikovana su četiri Globalna izvjesta-
braćajnih nezgoda i rizik od smrti ili povreda, koje ja o stanju bezbjednosti na putevima, 2009[10] ,
je moguće kontrolisati i samom tim spriječiti nas- 2013[11] , 2015[12] i četvrti[13] , 2019. godine.
tanak povreda. Generalna skupština UN zvanično je marta 2010,
Istraživanja su radjenja na Globalnom nivou u izglasala dokument, Dekada akcije za bezbjednost
koordinaciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije u na putevima 2011-2020[14] , u cilju spašavanja
skladu sa jedinstvenom SZO metodologijiom u miliona života izgradnjom kapaciteta stavlajući
cilju postizanja uporedivisti podataka na naciona- akcenat na upravljanje bezbednošću na putevima,
lnom, regionalnom i globalnom novu za sve zem- poboljšanjem bezbjednosti putne infrastructure,
lje učesnice. Rezultati istraživanja publikovani u unapredjenjem bezbjednosti vozila, poboljšanjem
Globalnim izvještajima, po prvi put u tom obimu, odgovora hitne medicinsku pomoći, tretmana li-
na globalnom nivou prikazuju setove struktu- ječenja i rehabilitacije, sistema evidencija i izv-
iranih podatke o povredama i nasilju i daju pre- ještavanja relevantnih podataka, i postizanja bez-
gled postojećih strateških dokumenta i zakonske bejdnog saobraćajnog okruženja.
regulative, preduzetih mjera i aktivnosti od strane U skladu sa rezolucijama UN relevantnim
zemalja članica. Podaci prikazani u izvještajima su za ovu temu i Agendom Globalnih ciljeva održivog
zvanično dostavljeni od strane relevantnih nacio- razvoja 2030[15] , postavljeni su novi globalni cil-

Prikaz broja smrtnih slučajeva u saobraćajnim nezgodama (izvor MONSTAT [25]) i broja
suicida (izvor Uprava Policije[26] ) u Crnoj Gori za period od 2004do 2019. godine

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the information contained therein | PROJECT
jevi, do 2030 smanjenje za 50% smrtnih slučaje- bitaka i eliminisanja rizičnih faktora[20] . Efikas-
va i povreda, a do 2050 ostvarenje „zero“ vizije, nost, prilagodlivost i modularnost SZO-je možemo
nula povreda u saobraćaju i eliminacija svih oblika vidjeti na primjeru reagovanja u slučaju postojeće
nasilja. U Strategiji Crne Gore za poboljšnja bezb- COVID-19 pandemije, gdje je SZO za veoma kratko
jednosti u drumskom saobraćaju 2010-2019[16] , vrijeme posle objavljivanja pandemije, publikovala
definisani kratkoročni i dugoročni ciljevi, su bili u materijal sa instrukcijama koji se odnosi na zaštitu
skladu sa globalnim programskim dokumentima iz djece tokom COVID-19 pandemije[21], prevenciju
ove oblasti, što je slučaj i sa važećim strateškim do- zlostavljanja žena[22] , zlostavljanja na radnom
kumentom, Programom poboljšanja bezbjednosti mejstu-zlostavlajnje zdravstvenih radnika[23] ,
u drumskom saobracaju 2020-2022. godine[17]. kao i posebne preporuke za roditeljstvo tokom ove
U oblasti prevencije nasilja na naconalnom nivou pandemije[24] .
primijenjen je holistički pristup problemu, pri
čemu su definisani ciljevi nacionalnih strateških
dokumenata, takodje u skladu sa globalnim pro-
gramskim ciljevima i ciljevima održivog razvoja,
postizanja nulte tolerancije prema svim oblici-
ma nasilja, i stvaranja bezbjednog okruženja bez
nasilja za sve, sa posebnim osvrtom na nasilje
nad djecom[18] , ženama, porodično nasilje[19]
, nasiljen nad starim osobama i nasilje nad vulen-
rabilnom grupama.
Uzimajući u obzir rezultate istarživanja, da
nasilje i povrede izazivaju velike gubitke, nastale
usled smrtnih ishoda i teških povreda, uzimajući
u obzir, kako trenutne, tako i dugoročne posle-
dice na zdravlje djece i reproduktivno zdravlje
žena, zdravlje strih osoba, posledice koje izaziva
izlozenost bilo kom obliku nasilja, gubici se na
globalnom nivou računaju u milionima života, de-
setinama miliona povrijedjenih sa privremenim
ili trajnim invaliditetima i deformitetima, dodat-
no uzimajuci u obzir i patnju, možemo reci da
su posledoce ogromne i nedopustive. Stoga, SZO
preduzima sve mjere u cilju animiranja zemalja
članica da učestvuju u aktivnostima prevencije
povreda i nasilja, da izradjuju i implememtiraju
strategije na osnovu dokaza, donose mjere i pred-
vidjaju aktivnosti na osnovu egzaktnih podataka
u cilju što efikasnijeg reagovanja i smanjenja gu-
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This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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References •
• index.html
• •
• able-development-goals/
lence/status_report/2014/en/ • Strategiji za poboljšnja bezbjednosti u drumskom sao-
• braćaju 2010-2019, Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova,
violence/en/ 2009
• Evropski izvještaj o prevenciji zlostavljanja djece, • Programom za poboljšanje bezbjednosti u drumskom
SZO, saobracaju 2020-2022, Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova,
pdf_file/0019/217018/European-Report-on-Prevent- 2019
ing-Child-Maltreatment.pdf •, Strate-
• gija za prevenciju i zaštitu djece od nasilja sa akcionim
on-ageing-and-health planom 2017-2021, Ministarstvo rada i socijalnog staranja
• •, Strategija
ing-child-maltreatment-a-guide-to-taking-action-and-gen- zaštite od nasilja u porodici 2016-2020, Ministarstvo rada
erating-evidence i socijalnog staranja
• •
port-on-drowning-preventing-a-leading-killer •
• during-covid-19-outbreak
ty#tab=tab_1 •
• dle/10665/331699/WHO-SRH-20.04-eng.pdf?ua=1
dle/10665/44122/9789241563840_eng.pdf;jsession- •
id=510E60A75D54759 8C224D1FEBD67DB7E?se- lence/workplace/en/
quence=1 •
• navirus-2019/advice-for-public/healthy- parenting
safety_status/2013/en/ • MONSTAT,
• php?id=36&pageid=36
safety_status/2015/en/ • Uprava Policije Crne Gore,
• vapolicije/naslovna

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the information contained therein | PROJECT

Tijana Lučić
Tara d.o.o Trebinje

Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) danas su sve lednjih godina jer postoje čvrsti dokazi o učinku
rasprostranjenije, pri čemu poprimaju razmjere primarne i sekundarne prevencije. Utvrđeno je
globalne epidemije. Vodeći su uzrok obolijevan- da fizička aktivnost ima snažan i koristan efekat
ja u svijetu, radne nesposobnosti, apsentizma po ljudsko zdravlje, naročito u patogenezi bolesti
i prevremene smrtnosti do 65 godina starosti. koje sačinjavaju metabolički sindrom, gdje spada-
Savremeni stil života u kome nema dovoljno fizičke ju i KVB. Fizička aktivnost svrstava se u multifak-
aktivnosti, prepoznat je kao jedan od glavnih fak- torski koncept, koji uz redukciju rizikofaktora,
tora rizika za zdravlje i nastanak KVB. Fizička promjenu životnog stila i medikamentoznu terapi-
neaktivnost odgovorna je za loš kvalitet zdravlja, ju vodi smanjenju kardiovaskularnog rizika. Kar-
nepotrebna razbolijevanja i prerano umiranje. diovaskularne bolesti su sve rasprostranjenije i
Kardiovaskularne bolesti su bolesti srca i srča- predstavljaju veliki socio-medicinski i ekonomski
no-sudovnog sistema, a glavne kliničke mani- problem, pri čemu poprimaju razmjere globalne
festacije se mogu podijeliti na one koje zahvataju: epidemije. Bolesti srca i moždani udar najveće su
srce i srčano-sudovni sistem – koronarna (ishem- ubice. One su vodeći uzrok obolijevanja u svijetu,
ična) bolest; mozak i moždani krvotok – cerebro- radne nesposobnosti, apsentizma (odsustva s pos-
vaskularna bolest; donje ekstremitete – okluziv- la) i prevremene smrtnosti do 65. godina starosti.
na bolest perifernih arterija. U osnovi svih ovih Početkom XX vijeka na KVB otpadalo je oko 10%
bolesti najčešće je ateroskleroza, odnosno suženje obolijevanja i smrtnosti, a početkom XXI vijeka
krvnog suda. Funkcijom srca i srčano-sudovnog procenat se povećao na oko 30%. Posebno zabrin-
sistema održava se tok krvi potreban za očuvan- java činjenica da se u nerazvijenim zemljama taj
je homeostaze raznih tkiva u tijelu. Krv mora da procenat kreće i do 60%, a u zemljama u razvoju
prenosi hranljive sastojke iz organa za varenje, čak do 82% .Prema podacima republičkih zavoda
otpadne materije u bubreg, itd. Ipak, najvažni- za statistiku procenat smrtnosti u zemljama regio-
je je prenošenje kiseonika i ugljen-dioksida. To na je vrlo visok i kreće se od 49,6 do 58,4% .
je najhitnija aktivnost, jer se kiseonik ne može Prema DALY (engl. DALY – Disability
skladištiti, bar ne u pravom smislu, pa snabdije- Adjusted Life Years – zbirna mjera koja označava
vanje ili nedostatak snabdijevanja kiseonikom, broj izgubljenih godina života zbog prerane sm-
obično predstavlja kritični faktor kod svakog du- rti i onesposobljenosti) da je fizička neaktivnost
gotrajnog rada. Fizička aktivnost dugo nije bila vodeći faktor rizika nastanka KVB u Srbiji (Tabela
priznata u smislu prevencije i rehabilitacije KVB. 2). Slična slika stanja faktora rizika je i u ostalim
Međutim, značajne promjene odigrale su se pos- državama regiona.

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Uzročnici rizika na koje se ne može uticati su sta- pumpalo krv pri svakom srčanom otkucaju. Ispi-
rost i pol (muškarci iznad 45 i ţene iznad 55 go- tivanja su pokazala da sve kardiovaskularne boles-
dina) i pozitivna porodična anamneza (naslijeđe). ti imaju koristi od fizičkih aktivnosti, pod uslovom
Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizaci- da je bolest pod kontrolom. Suprotno, fizička neak-
je (SZO) procjenjuje se da je fizička neaktivnost tivnost je značajno povezana sa starenjem srca,
uzrok 5‒10% ukupnog mortaliteta u regionu (za- kao i sa prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom, šećer-
visno od države) i da dovodi do gubitka 5,3 mil- nom bolešću i povišenim krvnim pritiskom. Svjets-
iona godina zdravog života godišnje zbog prerane ka federacija za srce, zajedno sa svojim članicama,
smrtnosti i smetnji. Podaci za evropski region kao ističe da se 80% prevremene smrtnosti uslijed
cjelinu navode da jedna od pet osoba ne praktikuje bolesti srca i moždanog udara može spriječiti kon-
nikakvu fizičku aktivnost, kao i da je fizička neak- trolom faktora rizika. Redovna fizička aktivnost
tivnost izraženija u istočnom dijelu Evrope . Sa pomaže da se:
pozicije savremenog sedanternog čovjeka (homo • uspori sužavanje arterija srca i mozga,
sedens), kojeg obilježava hipokinezija, preobilna • podspiješi korišćenje/potrošnja viška „usk-
ishrana i stres, fizička aktivnost nameće se kao ladištenih” masnih naslaga,
realna potreba u održanju života. Nesporno je da • popravi nivo „dobrog” holesterola u krvi,
hipokinezija u dječjoj dobi šteti biološkom rastu i • održava normalan nivo šećera (glukoza), kon-
razvoju, u odrasloj dobi šteti zdravlju, dok je neak- trolišući šećernu bolest,
tivnost u starijoj dobi najčešće fatalna. Uticaj doz- • smanji visok krvni pritisak.
irane i sistematske fizičke aktivnosti je višestruka.
Sistematski fizički trening doprinosi poboljšanju
ukupnog biomotoričkog, morfološkog, mentalnog
i fiziološkog stanja. Pomoću fizičke aktivnosti mo-
guće je poboljšanje metaboličkih, periferno-mu-
skularnih, pulmonalnih, kardiovaskularnih funkci-
ja i autonomnog nervnog sistema.

Mehanizmi uticaja fizičke aktivnosti na kardio-

vaskularni sistem ogledaju se u smanjenoj srčanoj
frekvenciji i smanjenom radu simpatikusa, što vodi
redukciji potreba za kiseonikom pri istom naporu
i time ekonomičnijem radu srca. Srce je mišić koji
zahtijeva neprekidnu aktivnost kako bi efikasno
European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja
573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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Imajući sve to u vidu SZO je u svojoj rezoluciji 2000. života, jer ona u svim područjima znatno povećava
godine afirmisala fizičku aktivnost kao ključni faktor ukupni kvalitet života. Rizik nastanka komplikacija
u prevenciji i kontroli hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. u toku fizičke aktivnosti je zanemarljiv, naročito ako
Polazeći od prethodne premise SZO insistira na strate- se kao vid te aktivnosti upražnjava hodanje. Pravilno
giji koja obezbjeđuje nadzor nad epidemijom KVB, a dozirana fizička aktivnost je potpuno bezbjedna za
koja se zasniva na realizaciji: 1. programa sprovođenja većinu ljudi.
zdravog načina života (nepušenje, pravilna ishrana, re-
dovna tjelesna aktivnost). 2. programa prevencije (za
osobe sa povećanim rizikom, rano otkrivanje bolesti i
primjena savremene dijagnostike i terapije). Poseban
doprinos u tom pogledu ostvaruje Svjetski dan srca
manifestacija od opšteg društvenog značaja, koja se
od 2000. svake godine obilježava u cijelom svijetu sa
ciljem da se poveća nivo svijesti stanovništva o tome
da se obolijevanje i umiranje od kardiovaskularnih
bolesti može spriječiti uvođenjem zdravih stilova
života. Na taj način mogu da se produže produktivne
godine života radno aktivnog stanovništva, smanje
troškovi liječenja i ekonomske posljedice. U tom cilju
preporučuje se širok dijapazon različitih aktivnosti,
kao što su šetnja, pješačke ture, trčanje, preskakanje
konopca, fitnes, javne tribine, naučni skupovi, izložbe,
koncerti, sportska takmičenja, itd.
Redovna fizička aktivnost kod mladih vrlo je važna
za njihov rast i razvoj, njihovo zdravlje i sposobnost,
kao i prevenciju razvoja rizičnih uzroka koji utiču
na njihovo zdravlje. Poznato je da je tjelesna aktiv- “FIZIČKA AKTIVNOST MOŽE ZAMIJENITI
nost značajna u prevenciji poremećaja lokomotor- MNOGE LIJEKOVE,
nog aparata, gojaznosti, blage arterijske hipertenzije, ALI NI JEDAN LIJEK NE MOŽE ZAMIJENITI
šećerne bolesti, bolesti disajnog i kardiovaskularnog FIZIČKU AKTIVNOST.”
sistema, u čijoj je osnovi ateroskleroza, prvenstveno
koronarne bolesti srca. Fizička aktivnost daje odlične
rezultate i kad se bolest srca već razvije. Vježbanje pre-
venira i razvoj osteoporoze, a time i preloma kostiju
kod starijih osoba, posebno žena. Posebno je značajno
u borbi protiv depresije, a kod starijih ljudi produža-
va trajanje nezavisnosti od tuđe pomoći. Nikada nije
kasno redovnu fizičku aktivnost usvojiti kao način

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This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
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Onlajn časopis »Sve za zdravlje- Zdravlje za sve«

God. 3, br. 9, maj 2020.god.

Izdaje: Centar za edukaciju u oblasti javnog zdravlja u Crnoj Gori



Glavni urednik:
Prof. dr Milica Vukotić

European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja

573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica
This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
European Commission. |
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only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777
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