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University of Information Technology and Sciences

Department of Business Studies

Course Code: MGT425:: Course Title : Professional Ethics:: Credit :: 3 Cr. Hrs
Course Teacher: Arif Rana

Course Content and Marks Distribution

This course is designed to review, discuss, and evaluate situational ethics and connecting the
realities of the practice of counseling with ethical codes related to professional of various
professions in common. The class will review and assess the steps and skills involved in ethical
decision making. Classdiscussions will review and evaluate the readings, ethical codesand issues
related to the practice of professionalism at a greater extent. Students will also be asked to
examine their personal beliefs, attitudes, biases, and values, and determine how any one of these
could impact the learning process.

Marks Distribution

Participation/Attendance 05 %
Class Tests : 10 %
Assignment 05 %
Term Paper 10 %
Mid Term 20 %
Final Term 50 %

Schedule of Classes (Per Week 2 Classes of 1.5 Hrs Duration per Class)

Weeks :

1Introduction to Professional Ethics

2-3 Human Values P1
3.4 Human Values P2
5-6Business Ethics, the Changing Environment, and Stakeholder Management

7 Mid Term Exam

8 Project/Term Paper preparation and Presentation

9 Ethical Principles, Quick Tests, and Decision-Making Guidelines
10 Safety, Responsibility and Rights P1
11 Safety, Responsibility and Rights P2
12 Global Issues
13 Review

14 Final Term Exam

Term Project – Problem Solving through Scenario Approach

Contact Hours :Tuesday and Saturday : 1400-1500 Hrs :(Business Faculty Room, 5 th. Floor)

NB : Minimum 80% Class attendance is mandatory.

Course Text :

1. A Text Book On Professional ethics and Human Values by R.SNaagarazan

2. BUSINESS ETHICS, A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach 6th.Edition By Joseph W. Weiss

Classroom Misconduct:

 1.    Getting out from classroom while instructor is teaching.

2.    Using mobile phones during the class room. All phones must be in silent mode or turned off.

3.    All students must show up on time. Students who came after 30 minutes will be considered late.

4.    Students being absent more than a total of  six (6) regular (i.e., 90 minute duration) classes and a total
of three (3) extended (180 minute duration) classes in will be administratively withdrawn from the course. 
Exceptions to this rule can be made by the instructor for very unusual cases in consultation with the head of
the department. 

5. Any misbehavior with the instructor of the course will result in an F grade (Fail) automatically.

Examination Misconduct:

1.    Knowingly providing or receiving information during examinations or the possession and/or use of
unauthorized materials, carrying cell phone, side talking and changing seats during the examinations.

2.    A student must finish restroom visits prior to the beginning of exams.  If a student feels that s/he would
need to visit the restroom on reasons related to ill-health must inform the instructor prior to the beginning of
examination.  Restroom visit requests, without any clear sign of sickness/distress, will be treated as
examination misconduct.           


Course Plan: Fall 2018Trimester

Department:BBA Faculty: Arif Rana

Course Code:MGT 425 Class Time:
Course Title: Professional Ethics Tue: 1030-1200 (R505)
Sat: 1500-1630(R505)
Credit Hour:3 Campus :Main Campus
Week Day Date Topic Chapter Activities
01 1-2 Introduction to Professional Ethics Class
From 10th. September 2018 to 8th. December 2018 every Tuesday and Saturday as per scheduled

02-03 3-5 Human Values Part1 Chapter 1 Class

(Book 1)

03-04 6-8 Human Values Part1 Chapter 1 Class

(Book 1)

05-06 09-12 Business Ethics, the Changing Chapter 1 Class

Environment, and Stakeholder (Book 2)
07 Mid Term Exam

08 13-14 Term paper preparation and Chapter 2 Class

presentation (Book 2)

09 15-16 Ethical Principles, Quick Tests, and Class

Decision-Making Guidelines

10 17-18 Safety, Responsibility and Rights P2 Chapter 4 Class

(Book 1)
11 19-20 Safety, Responsibility and Rights P2 Chapter 4 Class
(Book 1)

12 21-22 Global Issues Chapter 5 Class

(Book 1)

13 23-24 Review Class

14 Final Term Exam


unscheduled class cancellations.of Makeup classes due toclasses. Subject to change in case


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