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BJYM yatra for National unity & awakening

Kashmir is and will always remain an integral part of India. There is

a propaganda to project it as an issue that needs to be settled. The
government of the day seems to be acting on the separatists’
dictate and wants the youth and the people of the country to
believe that Kashmiris don’t belong to India.

A dynastic and ineffective CM is singing the tunes of the separatists.

A spineless central government is promising to give autonomy
which has already been there under article 370. What more it has
in mind ? A section of media is creating the impression of
victimisation under the pretext of human rights violation. They all
are collectively fooling the youth of Kashmir and the entire nation.

The country needs to know the truth and the youth and the people
of Kashmir need to be told that they belong to India and India
belongs to them. When the nation’s government has shrugged its
responsibility to do so, its the youth who have to take up the task.

BJYM, the youth wing of the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, has
taken up the onerous task of creating awareness amongst the
Indian people and to show solidarity with the nationalist youth in
the valley. It has decided to march to Lal chowk in Srinagar to
unfurl the National flag to send out a strong message to anti-
nationals and Pakistan-bred terrorists and their handlers.

The yatra will expose the lies being spread by separatists, a section
of media and the present government. The youth in the valley is
being misled and incited against the nation. They are fed with
fallacious stories of human rights violation with cooked up cases like
Shopian with a dream of independence which actually means
subjugation to Pakistan. The Gilanis, the Mirwaizs, the Arundhati
Roys are all stoking this fire. An attempt is on to delineate the
Kashmiri youth from the national main-stream

The country today needs to know the truth and the reality. And the
reality is :

- That Kashmir is an integral part has never been an issue.

Even the separate constitution that the state of Jammu &
Kashmir has by virtue of Art. 370, unequivocally states under
section (3), “The State of Jammu and Kashmir is and
shall be an integral part of the Union of India.”

- Also, in an unanimous resolution on J& K adopted by both the

Houses in 1994, the Parliament affirmed: “The state of
Jammu and Kashmir has been, is and shall be an
integral part of India and any attempts to separate it
from the rest of the country will be resisted by all
necessary means”. It goes on to state : “Pakistan must
vacate the area of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir,
which they have occupied by aggression”.

- That despite Parliament’s resolution, we have done nothing to

assert this right. Even when there has been widespread
unrest in Gilgit-Baltistan in POK, we did not even express
sympathy for the agitators who are legally Indian citizens. We
let the Srinagar-Muzaffrabad road open but not Kargil-Skardu

- That the Kashmir conundrum could have been resolved easily

at the time of Independence and many times in later years.

- That on 14 November 1947 when the enemy was in full flight,

the Army had reached Uri but was stopped from advancing to
Muzaffrabad and diverted to Poonch by the then government.

- That when we launched our offensive on 22 May 1948 and by

1 June 1948, we liberated Tithwal, we were tantalizingly close
to Muzaffrabad. The operation was again called off. Similarly,
in December 1948 after our resounding success in Ladakh and
Poonch, we were well poised to liberate Pakistan Occupied
Kashmir, but we agreed to a Cease Fire.

- That after the 1965 war, we handed over the strategic Hajipir
Pass, won at great cost, on a platter to Pakistan at Tashkent.
And again in 1972, we were outwitted at Shimla when we
surrendered our gains [90,000 POWs] without settling the
Kashmir issue. The war won by our great soldiers was
decisively lost by the then government on the negotiation

- That article 370 had its basis in Muslim majority in state of

J&K is a complete lie. It was only an interim arrangement
enacted in view of Pakistan’s aggression and the UN
dimension which was brought upon due to follies committed
by the then PM, Nehru.

- That Nehru himself promised its gradual erosion.

- That the nationalist Muslims considered it as an act of

discrimination. Maulana Hasrat Mohani asked for the
abrogation of article 370 as it isolated the state of Jammu &
Kashmir. Justice M. C. Chhagla demanded its abrogation way
back in 1964 saying it had outlived its utility. But 46 yrs on,
it’s still there.

- That the majority of Kashmiris toe the separatists’ line is also

a hogwash. Not many know that the Kashmiri Muslims
amongst whom the separatist sentiment and mob violence is
largely confined, are in a minority. The non-Kashmiri
Muslims like Gujjars, bakharwals and Kargil shias
alongwith Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists together
constitute 60% of the state’s population.

- That an opinion poll conducted in 2002 under the patronage

of Lord Avebury, a known British protagonist of Pakistan,
found that only 6% Kashmiris wanted to join Pakistan. 61%
wanted to remain with India.

- That, more recently, in May 2010, Kings college of London

University carried out a similar survey in Kashmir, at the
instance of Saif al Islam, the son of the Col Gaddafi of
Libya.The survey results were startling.It was found that only
2% of the people of Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan !!

- That separatist leader Gilani has demanded the release of

Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru, who is perpetually
awaiting a death penalty. Can there be a better proof than
this of him being a Pakistani agent ?

- That the stone-pelters in Kashmir were paid goons. Its

officially established now that the goons were paid Rs 400 to
pelt stones and to perpetrate mob violence.

- That there exists a nexus between state govt officials,

Hurriyat, HuM and stone pelters. Gilani and his agents in state
government collected money from fruit sellers in Sopore to
pay the goons every Friday. This has been confirmed by the
Imam of Jama masjid in Sopore, Abdul Latif Lone.

- That the separatists have adopted an alternative strategy. In

the face of declining efficacy of terror and its global
unacceptability, they have decided to resort to mob violence
rather than indulge in stray acts of terror.

- That from young school children to women and elders – all

are being incited to throw stones at security forces and
governmental buildings in order to provoke the security forces
so that they are forced to resort to defensive action.
- That in the name of freedom of the Press, we allow the Valley
Press and the so-called secular, progressive media to
constantly carry out anti-India false propaganda. The law of
sedition does not seem to apply to them.

- That the govt of India pumps in thousands of crores rupees as

an aid to state government without assigning much
responsibility. A good chunk of this money goes to buy the
peace with trouble makers [read separatists]. The
government spends money in the garb of govt jobs that need
no office presence, construction contracts to build bridges to
nowhere and to provide z plus security to separatists leaders.
From the big trouble makers, the money goes down to finance
mob violence and stone-pelting.

- That Indian citizens from other states can not buy land or
property in J & K while most of J&K businessmen and leaders
including Omar Abdullah, own prime properties in Delhi,
Bangalore and elsewhere.

- That the children of almost all of these leaders live outside

Kashmir and get modern education, travel the globe and live
well. The jihadi life-style has been reserved only for the
youth and the common people of Kashmir.

- That the propaganda against the security forces under the

garb of human rights’ violation is also untrue. The truth is that
right from 1947, when Pakistan first attacked J&K, it is the
Armed Forces which have had to make the maximum
sacrifices to protect this inalienable part of Indian territory.

- That today, our brave soldiers are being unabashedly

demonized. The picture below tells whose human rights are

being violated :
- That the biggest human rights violation in history has been
that of Kashmiri pundits. Descendents of Hindu priests with
a recorded history of over 5,000 years, these original
inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley were forcefully and brutally
driven out of their homes. Nearly half-a- million pundits -
99% of their population in the valley had to leave their homes
and property under one of history's worst ethnic cleansings.

- That majority of these people – called migrants in their own

country - still live in squalid camps with spiralling health and
economic problems. Approximately 2,25,000 Pandits live in
abysmal conditions in Jammu alone with families of five to six
people often huddled into a small room. More than 5000
persons have died in these camps so far.

- That nearly 95% houses belonging to Pundits were looted.

20,000 houses were burnt, 14,430 factories were looted/
burnt/ occupied and hundreds of schools and temples were
destroyed. Leading International Human Rights Organisations
like Amnesty International, Asia Watch and others have
yet to take proper cognizance of the genocide
perpetrated on Kashmiri Pandits.

Gradual extinction of a civilised community with an ancient

culture is yet to shake the conscience of the world. For our so-
called secular media/human rights organisations, this barbaric
ethnic cleansing does not fall under the purview of human rights
violations. The so-called cultural celebrities have time to spend in
Maoist terrorists camps but they have yet to visit the camps
inhabited by Kashmiri Pundits and see their plight !

Its time the youth and the people of this country understood these
realities and acted before it’s too late. We must not succumb to
separatists’ demands and we must call their bluff.

In 1953, the national tricolour was hoisted for the first time after Dr
Syama Prasad Mookerji, entered Kashmir defying the permit
system and launched the slogan – Ek desh mein Do vidhan, do
pradhan, do nishan - nahin chalenge, nahin chalenge. (We
cannot have two constitutions, two presidents, two flags, in a single

Dr. Mookerji’s martyrdom in Kashmir led to achievement of two of

the three goals identified in this slogan. But the third one –
separate constitution under article 370 has remained till date.
The BJYM, representing country’s youth is again marching to
Srinagar following Dr Mookerji’s steps. It will also hoist the national
flag at Lal Chowk on 26th January.

The task is big and every youth has to come forward. Kashmir is
calling all, the nation is calling all to come out and do their bit for
this national cause !

Anupam Trivedi,
Communication Cell, BJP

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