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Students will be able to recognize and say the greetings in different languages.

This activity will help students to have a cognitive flexibility. They would think about multiple concepts about it, also they live in a

globalized world, so it is necessary for them to be involved in learning new languages, and while learning them in classes or by themselves the

curiosity will start and then, students will make comparisons among the greetings in all the languages they are learning. Another point will be

making friends around the world, they would interchange information about the culture and learn new different ways to say hello.


Most of the following materials are not taken from websites, those belong to the institution and to the teacher, they are made for

educational purposes such as:




The tools that are used are:

-Technology (in this one there is a website called duolingo and it is to learn basic things about languages).
-Smart TV or video beam.





WARM UP ● The teacher arrives to the classroom, says hello ● Students say a greeting. 7 minutes
to students and ask them how are they in ● Students participate in the activity.
● The teacher teaches them how people in
Colombia say hello in a formal and informal
way depending their own culture and the place
where they are from.

BUILDING ● The teacher asks to students if they know some ● Students answer the questions with 15 minutes
BACKGROUND words or expressions to say hello in other their previous knowledge.
languages. ● Students write the words in their
● The teacher makes a list on the board about notebooks.
what students say. ● Students repeat what the teacher says.
● The teacher has the students repeat the words
and tells them where those words are from

PRESENTATION ● The teacher explains to the students that, ● Students write in their notebooks 20 minutes
depending on the culture, there are ways to say what the teacher explains.
hello. ● Students watch some videos about
● The teacher makes a comparison between the greetings in different cultures.
American greetings and Colombian’s. ● Students repeat the greetings
● The teacher writes on the board and show
videos about different ways of greeting around
the world with an emphasis on comparing
them with our own culture.

INTERACTION ● The teacher asks his students to make groups ● Students will form groups of 4 and 30 minutes
of 4 and give them a country and some will discuss the questions with the
questions: information they already have.
- How people from that country say hello in a
formal way?
- How people from that country say hello in a
informal way?
- How are those ways of saying hello similar or
different with the way we do it in Colombia?

PRACTICE ● The teacher shows a platform called Duolingo, ● Students begin to walk around the 35 minutes
if students forget how to say a greeting or write classroom showing their classmates
it they start picking the answers provided. how people from other countries say
● The teacher asks them to walk around the hello with the vocabulary they
classroom with some flashcards that are going learned.
to be a guide for students and show their
classmates how people in the country they
have, say hello in a formal and informal way.

CLOSURE ● The teacher resumes what their students did in ● Students will answer the teacher the 5 minutes
the activity. questions.
● The teacher asks his students which greeting
they liked the most and why.
● The teacher gives the students a photocopy
where they will find a list of different greetings
from around the world.
The website
The photocopy

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