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From my point of view, x-rays have been one

of the best inventions that could have come
up, so I´m going to share a little information
about them. X-rays are electromagnetic
radiation of the same nature as radio waves,
microwave waves, infrared rays, visible light,
ultraviolet rays, and gamma rays. They are a
type of electromagnetic radiation of the same
nature as radio waves, microwave waves,
infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, and
gamma rays.

X-ray discovery
German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
discovered X-rays in 1895, while experimenting with
Hittorff-Crookes tubes and the Ruhmkorff coil to
investigate the violet fluorescence produced by
cathode rays.
He determined that the rays created highly
penetrating, but invisible, radiation that cut through
large thicknesses of paper and even thin metals. He
used photographic plates to demonstrate that the
objects were more or less transparent to X-rays
depending on their thickness, and he performed the
first human radiograph, using his wife's hand.

(Wilhelm Röntgen's first medical

x-ray of the hand of his wife
Anna Bertha Ludwig)

X-ray applications
Medical: Since Röntgen discovered that X-rays allow bone structures to be
captured, the technology necessary for their
use in medicine has been developed.
Radiology is the medical specialty that uses
radiography as an aid in medical diagnosis, in
practice the most widespread use of X-rays.
X-rays are especially useful in detecting diseases of the skeleton, although they
are also used to diagnose soft tissue diseases, such as pneumonia, lung cancer,
pulmonary edema, abscesses.
X-ray scanner for passenger: control that
detects weapons, drugs or explosives at a glance.
The objective is to improve security systems at
airports. The device is not without controversy,
since its use could be understood as a violation of
the right to privacy.
X-ray telescopes: They have been used to find
objects with distances of up to 400 million light
Taking care of the enviroment: X-ray spectroscopy is what engineers and
chemists at the University of Delaware in the United States have used to develop a
technique that measures contamination in soil and water in just a few milliseconds.

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