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Iff you crry,.. i think itss becuzz..

you havve a heart.

You know pain.
You understand it.
It takkes a lott to crry.
Sumhow.. thoughh i can crry from just a little.
you KNOEE Wat pain and sorrow iss.
You see it.
Sumtimes,.. Some people Dont even crry.
I think it hass to hitt you enough.
You gotta be touched. LOL
Forr me,.. i thinkk i gett touched to easilyy.
:') Gotta toughenn upp a little. =')
Pain is when, will really learn and see.U gotta C pain? sumtimes 2 understa
nd. ('=
I am so excited, u can see letters E,X,C,I,T,E,D coming out from my ears
when u are moody, it becomes cloudy,
when u are sad, the rain comes down,
if u can trust me,i wont let one drop of rain fall from the sky...
though time only moves one way,
we can still relive "those days" in our mind
u need to know this,
as long as u are my friend
i will always stand by you until i die
when u close ure tired eyes
i will meet u there
u found me
when no one else was looking
let me tell u about the difference between u and me
it is like the story of the monkey trying to capture the moon
however close he thinks he is to the moon..
it is still just the reflection of the moon in the middle of the lake
no matter how he struggles to capture the moon
he inevitably sinks to the bottom of the lake at the end to no avail
miracles only happpen once
u will never be able to defeat me again
if i had 5 lives
then i could be from 5 different towns
and stuff myself full on 5 different types of food
and have 5 different jobs
and i could fall in love with the same person 5 times
i hate loneliness
but it loves me
the reason i become ur friend is
if something sad happened in ur life,
i would be there for u.
if something happy happened in my life,
i would share it with u.
if u strayed from the path,
i would aadmonish u.
if u committed an error,
i will forgive u
all in order to make u
that had lost his love for the world
be able to love the world once more
Friendship is not a business!
where you give when you get,
it is a beautiful feeling for someone
where you like to give even if you don't get.
Good relations dont need any promises,
terms or conditions..
It just needs two wonderful people
"one who can trust & one who can understand".
Is not a single word.!
It is a beautiful
So always keep Smiling.
Hunger forces you to work.
Failure makes you achieve.
Problems keep you alert.
It's just ur positive attitude that makes life Sweeter & Worthier.
Special Relations are hard to find.
They are rare one of a kind.
I dont care if I have few.
I have the BEST & that includes YOU.
dont blurr and stir the truth and lies
there's just too much that time cannot erase
im a lover, not a fighter but i will fight for what i love
no matter what i do
i always forget to forget u..
when u smile
the whole world stops and stares for a while
cintailah sesuatu itu sekadar saja,
brkmungkinan ia akan mnjadi kebncian pd suatu ketika,
bencilah yg engkau benci itu sekadar saja,
brkmungkinan ia akan mnjadi kecintaan pd suatu ketika..

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