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June 9, 2020

Dear City of Shreveport Elected Officials and Shreveport Police Department:

This video is troubling to watch and it reflects why protest are taking place across this country. Our officers are able
to use reasonable force when making arrest NOT excessive force. We believe what we see in the video are
Shreveport Police Officers crossing the line between reasonable and excessive force. Once again in America another
Black man dies by the hands of the people who we trust the most to protect and serve. We want justice now!

The NAACP has embarked upon our #WeAreDoneDying campaign. We’re determined to push for solutions that
will truly help the Black community and other communities of color at this critical time. Our beloved communities
are crying out for justice and leaders to address the systematic inequalities that plague our society. Yet, from the
White House to Governor’s Mansion, too many elected officials are making policy decisions that ignore the specific
needs of our community. Well, enough is enough. We’re done being discriminated against. We’re done being
marginalized and ignored. We are not disposable. We are done dying!

The Shreveport NAACP is demanding that the Elected Officials of Shreveport and Shreveport Police Department

• Immediate firing of all Officers involve in the Death / Cover up of Mr. Tommie McGlothern Jr
• Modifying and/or implementing a citizen’s review board with subpoena powers to investigate complaints
made by the public regarding police officers.
• Create a more transparent process around accountability of officers who violate citizens’ constitutional
rights, police ethics and departmental policies and procedures by making the officers’ names and their
disciplinary records available to the public.
• Create a policy where officers who discharge their weapon and/or use excessive force on an unarmed
person be suspended without pay pending an investigation. The officer’s name, policing history and
additional information outlined in public records
• Ensure transparency, accountability and safety of communities by requiring front-facing cameras to be
actively recording all on-duty police officers. The department should also ensure at least two cruiser
cameras are utilized in every cruiser, with one facing toward the street and the other toward the person in
• Include an emphasis on mental health assessments, de-escalating conflicts and improving community
relations with adequate Mental Health training for SPD Officers by Licensed outside Clinical Mental
Health professionals
• Ban the use of knee holds and choke holds.
• Actively vet applicants and recruit officers who reflect and proportionally represent the community they
serve. Use psychological evaluations in the hiring of officers.
• Provide video of all fatal shootings and arrests, as well as incidents with alleged police brutality, in a
reasonable amount of time.

We are done being quiet, done being overlooked, done settling. And we’re willing to fight for as long as it takes to

Michael R. La’Fitte II, Spokesman

Shreveport NAACP

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