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13JAN Redesign to reduce external non-GoS

“The Good Ship Alferd’s Recompense”

Content Warning
This adventure contains substantial references to cannibalism and
permanent maiming, including the genuine possibility that parts of one or
more characters will be cut off and eaten by the main antagonist.

GEORGE NOTE: This version only requires Salt Marsh. I have cut out the
other references so that I can be played with the core books + Salt Marsh
(GoS). Green highlights will be XGtE references.

Room Environment
A sinking ship en route to a small port city.

Room tier III

10-12 levels

Challenge Type
Evasion, defense

What the DM Tells the Party:

The sailing ship Alferd’s Recompense is en route to the port city of Brecken. In
its hold is cargo of great value that must be protected. Unfortunately, the
ship was recently struck by a mysterious illness that took the lives of all
hands. The party’s mission is to bring the Alferd’s Recompense to harbor with
its cargo intact and deliver it to the ship’s owner, Cabazon the Waterdavian.

What the DM Doesn’t Tell the Party:

The Alferd’s Recompense is being stalked by a brutal pirate, Prudence
Ironhand. Her ship, the Sunset Cry, is already in pursuit and has seriously
damaged the Alferd’s Recompense in a previous encounter.
The ‘precious cargo’ that the characters are to deliver is actually crates
of butchered humanoid bodies. Captain Ironhand looks human, but she is a
rakshasa and she has an insatiable hunger for the taste of humanoid flesh.
Captain Ironhand wants the ship for its cargo of butchered
humanoids, but fresh meat is much more desirable to her. If the characters
are each willing to sacrifice their dominant arm, severed at the shoulder, she
is content to let them and the Alferd’s Recompense go free.
Room Challenge Description
The characters have to defend a sailing ship against a ruthless pirate intent
on eating them.

NPCs Encountered:
The only living souls on the Alferd’s Recompense are the characters.
Everyone else is dead.

The Sunset Cry has a full complement of crew, detailed below.

Captain Prudence Ironhand, a rakshasa (she/her, MM 257) and skipper of

the Sunset Cry, a pirate ship (sailing ship from GoS 192 with modifications).
The Sunset Cry has had the following upgrades: a reinforced hull (increase
the hull’s hit point maximum to 600), screaming sails (see below), and bones of
endless toil (see below).
Captain Ironhand is always in disguise as a human, but other than that
deception, she never tells a lie and always keeps all her promises. She is
straightforward and blunt in conversation, and is happy to lay down
ultimatums. If she tells a PC she is going to kill them, then she will.

Screaming Sails. Woven from the energy of captured wraiths and bound
with the spirit of a banshee, these sails groan mournfully when they catch
the wind. As an action. while within 5 feet of the sails, the ship's captain can
cause the sails to unleash a howl. Every creature hostile to the ship who is
on board or within 300 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
throw, or the creature takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage and is then frightened
for 1 minute. Once this ability has been used, it can't be used again until 2d6
hours have passed.

Bones of Endless Toil. The bones of ancient, mysterious creatures festoon

the ship. Potent runes crawl across these remains, emitting a sickly green
radiance. When a humanoid dies aboard the ship, that creature must make a
DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, it dies as normal. If it
fails, it immediately rises as a zombie (MM 315) obedient to the ship's
captain. The zombie gains a working knowledge of the ship, allowing it to
serve as a member of the crew. A number of creatures equal to the ship's
creature ca- pacity can be animated in this manner at any given time.

All of Captain Ironhand’s crewmembers are filled with such lust for
humanoid flesh that they will use an action to devour anyone they kill,
often ignoring other targets to do so:
Maddening Feast. The pirate feasts on the corpse of one enemy within 5
feet of them that died within the past minute. Each creature of the pirate’s
choice that is within 60 feet of them and able to see them must succeed on a
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. While
frightened in this way, a creature is incapacitated, can't understand what
others say, can't read, and speaks only in gibberish. The DM controls the
creature's movement, which is erratic. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
is immune to the pirate’s Maddening Feast for the next 24 hours.

Sunset Cry Officers:

First Mate: Moof Quillsharpener (he/him, blackguard from VGtM 211, CR
Second Mate: Benediktus Quillsharpener (they/them, swashbuckler from
VGtM 218, CR 3)
Bosun: Severa Pouchard (she/her, bandit captain from MM 344, CR 2)
Bosun’s Apprentice: Lydia Pouchard (she/her, pirate bosun from GoS 237,
CR 1/2)
Quartermaster: Kalpana ‘Thorny’ Durgaas (she/her, swashbuckler from
VGtM 218, CR 3)
Cristoff Thunnilda (they/them, cult fanatic MM 345, CR 2)
The officers are fanatical in their devotion to two things: Captain
Ironhand and cannibalism. They know she is a rakshasa and worship her as

Boarding Parties:
Rössler Durgass (he/him, blackguard from VGtM 211, CR 8)
Ásbjorg Snarksnoogle (they/them, pirate deck wizard GoS 248, CR 1)
Boulos the Bloodless (they/them, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Levon Goobledogfoof (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Isolde Mitcrannelch (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Fulvia Bregu (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)

Jessie Benvenulf (they/them, blackguard from VGtM 211, CR 8)

Harlequin Taileflaith (he/him, pirate deck wizard GoS 248, CR 1)
Farting Yammith Stoney (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Setembrina Knockfoofie (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Dent Firebassfish (they/them, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Schiller the Black (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)

Neale Benvenulf (he/him, blackguard from VGtM 211, CR 8)

Askarine Khalf (she/her, pirate deck wizard GoS 248, CR 1)
Cedric Durodbakad (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Dickson Grunnvald (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Okla Euphronius (they/them, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Minnie Giggles (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)

Shastai Ranueyg (she/her, blackguard from VGtM 211, CR 8)

Mardal Didiotglob (she/her, pirate deck wizard GoS 248, CR 1)
Balador Porgnit (they/them, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Sharky Gartax (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Goliath Beaver-Arse (he/him, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)
Ormanny Lefebvre (she/her, pirate first mate from GoS 248, CR 1)

The boarding parties are dedicated to Captain Ironhand. They are

enthusiastic cannibals, but not religious about it the way the officers are.
The leaders of each boarding party are aware that the Captain is not human
and aren’t concerned about it.
As for the rest of the crew, they’re all pretty evil people. They are
cannibal pirates, after all. It’s not like they’re sitting around, studying the
Categorical Imperative all day long or moping about like Strahd. They’re
people of action and adventure, and they’re satisfied with their career
choices. If you’re looking for a complicated moral conversation, go look up
Chidi and ask him about what we owe to each other. This is an adventure
about sailing in a sinking ship trying to get away from people who literally
want to eat you. They’re not redeemable folks.
“The Good Ship Alferd’s Recompense”
Introduction Blocked Text
The party is tasked with bringing a Text blocked in the adventure
damaged ship, the Alferd’s should be read or paraphrased to
Recompense, to port: cargo intact. the players assuming that they can
Unfortunately for them, the ship is see the area and/or their actions
being hunted by a vicious cannibal deem it appropriate.
pirate, Prudence Ironhand, who is
intent on capturing the ship’s
cargo of flesh for her own Background
delectation. This room encounter Cabazon the Waterdavian likes to
is for 4-6 characters, level 10-12 call himself an ‘arms trader’ and he
(optimized for 4 characters at level means that literally: he runs a
11). lucrative business selling
humanoid body parts to
Acronyms necromancers. This is, of course,
illegal in most places, which is why
Throughout the Adventure there he operates out of the port city of
are references using acronyms. Brecken, where the laws are mere
The following are acronyms that suggestions and the city watch is
may be used. very easily bribed.
One of Cabazon’s ships, the
DMG: Dungeon Master’s Guide Alferd’s Recompense, was on its way
MM: Monster Manual to Brecken to deliver a new
MToF: Mordenkainen’s Tome of shipment of… ‘arms’ when it was
Foes attacked by the Sunset Cry, a pirate
PHB: Player’s Handbook ship captained by Prudence
SCAG: Sword Coast Adventurer's Ironhand, a rakshasa in disguise as
Guide a human. The crew of the Alferd’s
VGtM: Volo’s Guide to Monsters Recompense was able to fight her off
XGtE: Xanathar’s Guide to and escape, but not before taking
Everything heavy losses. The ship is badly
damaged and the crew not killed
in the fight have all succumbed to
The ship is now hidden in a
deep fogbank, but the Sunset Cry is
nearby, still looking for her.
The Journey A character that eats raw
humanoid flesh automatically
The journey to Brecken will take contracts bluerot. If the body part
10 days, assuming nothing goes is cooked properly, then the meat
wrong. Each day of successful is sanitized and no longer
sailing gets them closer, but events dangerous. In that case,
can occur that take them farther prospective cannibals must
from Brecken or that extend the succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
travel time. Keep track of how (cook’s utensils) check to safely eat
many days away from Brecken the the cargo.
ship is. This is a repulsive act,
Also, the resources on the though, and there are
Alferd’s Recompense are limited. You consequences.
need to track the character’s food Anyone who eats humanoid
and water consumption and their flesh must succeed on a DC 10
use of wood and canvas for Wisdom saving throw or contract a
making repairs to their ship. Each long-term madness. A character
day, every medium PC needs 1 who sees another eating humanoid
pound of food and 2 gallons of flesh must succeed on a DC 10
water. If they run low on food or Wisdom saving throw or contract a
water, refer to the Player’s long-term madness and be
Handbook for rules on exhaustion frightened of the cannibal PC for
brought about by starvation and 1d10 x 10 minutes. Failing either
thirst. of these saving throws on two
The Alferd’s Recompense does consecutive days means the
not have a fishing tackle, but if by character acquires an indefinite
chance a PC has brought one with madness instead of a long-term
them, they can attempt to forage one. Failing either of these saving
for food using it. On a successful throws three or more days in a row
DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check, a means the character acquires a
character finds an amount of food level of exhaustion as well as a new
equal to 1d6 + their Wisdom indefinite madness. Madness is
modifier (in pounds). This takes a fully described in the Dungeon
full 8 hours. Master’s Guide.
It’s hard to imagine a good
deity finding this sort of cuisine
acceptable. Clerics, druids, and
There is a limited amount of food paladins might, at your discretion,
on the Alferd’s Recompense, but the suffer additional consequences for
hold is full of severed humanoid partaking of the forbidden flesh.
body parts and even the mightiest
hero needs to eat. What happens if
a character resorts to cannibalism?
Setting Additionally, increase the pursuit
level by 1 each time the characters
The Sea. It’s tropical. If the Alferd’s have to fight off a sea encounter or
Recompense is at full speed and it are sailing below their maximum
doesn’t go astray, it takes 10 days speed (because of damage to the
to get to Brecken. sails, for instance). Increase the
pursuit level by 2 each time fewer
The Weather. It’s always foggy than 3 characters are awake at the
(see below). same time (it takes a minimum of
3 people to crew the ship). Also,
Hazards. Every day, roll to see if a every time the Sunset Cry’s hull
sea hazard occurs, then roll to see takes more than 25 points of
the severity of the hazard. damage, Captain Ironhand will
pause her pursuit to repair her
d20 Hazard craft, which decreases the pursuit
1-12 Nothing level by 1.
13-15 Fire The players might come up
18-20 Storm with additional ways of evading
pursuit. Adjudicate these as you
d20 Hazard DC see fit.
1-9 10
10-17 15
18-19 20 Catching Up
20 25 When the pursuit level reaches 5,
the Sunset Cry catches up to the
Pursuit Level Alferd’s Recompense. The pirates
attack and send over a boarding
The closeness of the Sunset Cry’s party in a rowboat while the Sunset
pursuit is measured by a pursuit Cry uses its ballista and mangonel
level. It begins at 4, with the pirates to keep the heroes busy. Captain
not far behind the Alferd’s Ironhand’s goal is not to sink the
Recompense. If the pursuit level Alferd’s Recompense, but rather to
reaches 5, the Sunset Cry catches up capture it, for she wants the cargo
to them and sends over a boarding intact. Only if her own ship is
party (see ‘Catching Up’). If the seriously threatened will she
pursuit level drops to 0, the party attempt to sink Alferd’s Recompense.
has eluded the pirates until Every time her ship catches
circumstances bring both factions up to the Alferd’s Recompense,
into contact again (see ‘Eluding Captain Ironhand activates the
Pursuit’). screaming sails on the Sunset Cry.
Adjust the pursuit level The first time the Sunset Cry
following the hazards and catches up to the Alferd’s
conditions listed below. Recompense, Captain Ironhand
demands that the characters either Cutting off a PC’s Arm
surrender their cargo or submit to
have one of their arms severed and Each PC must make a DC 12
given as ransom to her. She Charisma saving throw to just hold
promises that if the characters their arm out on the chopping
each sacrifice one of their arms, block and allow one of Ironhand’s
they and their cargo can go free goons to chop it off. On a failure,
and Captain Ironhand is a woman the character is frightened by
of her word. She will honor her Ironhand’s goon and needs to be
word if the characters allow a held down and restrained. Treat
boarding party to come aboard the this is a grapple check where the
Alferd’s Recompense, search it to grappler (the one holding the PC
make sure no one is hiding, cut off down) rolls with advantage.
one arm from each of them, and Captain Ironhand’s people
return to the Sunset Cry with the have done this before and they’re
arms. If the characters resist or good at dismembering living
fight back, then she sends over her people. It’s just one stroke. That’s
boarding party anyway and attacks the only good news.
without mercy. Bad news part one is that the
If the characters defeat the massive trauma instantly does
boarders, then the next time she damage equal to half the
sends over two groups, offering character’s hit point maximum.
them the same deal as before: that They hemorrhage and lose 1d10
she’ll abandon the pursuit if each hit points every round until
character sacrifices an arm. If the stabilized by someone succeeding
characters decline and defeat both on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine)
of those boarding parties, then check. Ironhand’s people don’t
Captain Ironhand attacks with the help in stabilizing the characters.
third boarding party. Captain The character must also
Ironhand attacks separately from succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
the boarding party by using a giant saving throw or become
octopus (MM 326) as her mount. unconscious for 1d4 hours.
She still offers the characters a
deal, but it is not as good as the
Eluding Pursuit
previous one. In exchange for an
arm, she will allow them to live. If the adventurers lower the
She will also take the cargo and the pursuit level to 0, the Sunset Cry
Alferd’s Recompense and set the loses their trail unless
newly-armless characters off on circumstances allow them to locate
the first island she sees. the ship again. This might include
a shipboard fire, spending a full
day at anchor to effect repairs, or
spending a full day at one of the
small islands for raw material or and Wisdom (Survival). If no one
supplies. When this occurs, makes a particular check, treat it as
increase the pursuit level to 1 and an automatic failure. Determine
begin tracking it again. the DC by consulting the following

Capture DC Description
Captain Ironhand has no interest 10 Light fog
in prisoners. Anyone she captures 15 Moderate fog
is cooked and eaten. 20 Heavy fog
25 Soupy fog

The Fog If all four checks succeed, the

It’s foggy every day during the result is a total success. If three
adventure, but the amount of fog succeed, the result is a success. If
varies. Every day, roll a d10 to two succeed, the result is a failure,
determine how thick the fog is. and if one or none of the checks
succeed, the result is a total failure.
d10 Fog Thickness
1-3 Light Total Success. The fog has no
4-7 Moderate effect on navigation. Decrease the
8-9 Heavy pursuit level by 1.
10 Soupy
Success. The fog has no effect
The decreased visibility makes on navigation.
navigation challenging and can
even cause a vessel to crash. Failure. The fog slows the ship
and drives it off course. Increase
Thickness Obscured Distance the pursuit level by 1 and do not
Light 30 ft. count the day’s travel toward the
Moderate 20 ft. 10 days to Brecken.
Heavy 10 ft.
Soupy 5 ft. Total Failure. The fog slows the
ship and disorients everyone on
Four ability checks must be made board, driving it wildly off course.
every day, each by a different Increase the pursuit level by 1 and
character. All checks are made add an additional day to the
simultaneously, so no character number of days it will take to get
who makes a check or assists on to Brecken.
one can make or assist on another.
The checks are: Intelligence Additionally, every day the ship
(navigational tools), Intelligence moves in the fog, there is a chance
(water vehicles), Wisdom (Nature), that the fog is eldritch:
When the Alferd’s Recompense
Fog Chance it’s Eldritch Fog travels through this oppressive,
Light 5% shadow-haunted miasma, the
Medium 10% characters feel despair. Each hour
Heavy 15% that it is immersed in the fog, the
Soupy 20% characters must make a wisdom
saving throw. The DC for this
If the fog is eldritch, roll a d6 to check is 10 + the number of hours
determine the sort: the ship has been immersed in the
Shadowfell fog. If a PC fails their
d6 Type save, they gain 1 level of
1-2 Ghost Fog exhaustion.
3-4 Shadowfell fog
5-6 Wild Magic Fog Wild Magic Fog
Few know the origins of wild
Ghost Fog magic fog, with some claiming it is
Ghost fog contains the souls of the creation of capricious gods
murder victims whose bodies were while others believe it is the result
thrown into the sea. A DC 15 of magical experimentation gone
Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals wrong. A DC 15 Intelligence
that this mist is ghost fog. (Arcana) check reveals that this
The souls of the dead want mist is wild magic fog.
the living to join them. Every hour Whenever a creature in wild
the Alferd’s Recompense is immersed magic fog casts a spell of 1st level
in ghost fog, roll a die. On an even or higher, roll on the Wild Magic
number, 2d4 hostile specters (MM Surge table in chapter 3 of the
279) appear and attack everyone Player’s Handbook.
on the ship. If a humanoid
creature dies in ghost fog, its spirit
rises as a specter that is hostile Fire
toward all creatures that aren't If a fire erupts aboard the Alferd’s
undead. Recompense, the characters must
All non-undead creatures make group checks to coordinate
immersed in ghost fog are their efforts to contain it. Four
vulnerable to necrotic damage. ability checks must be made, each
by a different character. All checks
Shadowfell Fog are made simultaneously, so no
Shadowfell fog seeps into the character who makes a check or
Material Plane at thin points in the assists on one can make or assist
boundary between the two planes. on another. The checks are:
A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) Intelligence (water vehicles),
check reveals that this mist is Strength (carpenter’s tools),
Shadowfell fog. Intelligence (Medicine), and
Wisdom (Survival). If no one Make another set of checks.
makes a particular check, treat it as Increase the pursuit level by 1.
an automatic failure. Determine Total Failure. Everyone who
the DC by consulting the following made or assisted on the skill
guidelines. If the fog is thick, checks takes 7 (2d6) fire damage,
increase the DC for each of these while the hull and 1d3 other
by 2. If the fog is soupy, increase random components take 14 (6d6)
the DC for each of these by 4. fire damage. The fire continues.
Make another set of checks.
DC Description Increase the pursuit level by 1.
10 Small, contained fire,
equivalent to an oil lantern
15 Dangerous flame, equivalent Storm
to a large campfire, or multiple, Each day the Alferd’s Recompense
smaller fires ignited at once spends in a storm, the characters
20 Intense fire with significant must make ability checks to see
chance to spread, equivalent to a how the ship handles it. Four
bonfire checks must be made, each by a
25 Sudden, pervasive flames, different character. All checks are
such as from igniting a hold filled made simultaneously, so no
with flammable cargo character who makes a check or
assists on one can make or assist
If all four skill checks succeed, the on another. The checks are:
result is a total success. If three Intelligence (water vehicles),
succeed, the result is a success. If Strength (carpenter’s tools),
two succeed, the result is a failure, Wisdom (Nature), and Wisdom
and if one or none of the checks (Survival). If no one makes a
succeeds, the result is a total particular check, treat it as an
failure. automatic failure. Determine the
DC by consulting the following
Result Effect guidelines:
Total Success. The fire is
extinguished and nothing is DC Description
damaged beyond cosmetic 10 Heavy gale
damage. 15 Strong storm
Success. The fire is 20 Typical hurricane
extinguished, but the hull and 1d3 25 Overwhelming hurricane
other random components take 14
(6d6) fire damage. Increase the If all four skill checks succeed, the
pursuit level by 1. result is a total success. If three
Failure. The hull and 1d3 other succeed, the result is a success. If
random components take 14 (6d6) two succeed, the result is a failure,
fire damage, and the fire continues. and if one or none of the checks
succeeds, the result is a total 5 Evocation
failure. 6 Illusion
7 Necromancy
Result Effect 8 Transmutation
Total Success. The ship survives
unscathed. Decrease the pursuit Abjuration
level by 1. A storm infused with abjuration
Success. The ship survives magic repels ships, as if protecting
unscathed. something in the sea. Right before
Failure. The ship’s components the storm ends, a ship within it is
each take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning teleported 5d20 miles in a random
damage and everyone who made a direction. Increase the travel time
check takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning to Brecken by an additional day.
damage and gains 1 level of
exhaustion. The ship struggles, Conjuration
moving at half speed that day. When conjuration magic churns
Increase the pursuit level by 1. within a storm’s heart, creatures of
Total Failure. The ship’s wind and rain emerge from distant
components each take 22 (10d10) realms to attack anything they
bludgeoning damage and encounter. The ship encounters
everyone who made a check takes 1d3 hostile air elementals (MM
14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and 124).
gain 2 levels of exhaustion. The
ship is blown off course and Divination
struggles to recover its bearings, When divination magic seeps into
moving in a random direction. a storm, howling winds and
Increase the pursuit level by 1 and residual whispers temporarily
add an additional day to the scramble the knowledge of a ship's
number of days it will take to get crew. Everyone on the ship suffers
to Brecken. disadvantage on all ability checks
for the next 1d3 days.
Additionally, every time the
Alferd’s Recompense enters a storm, Enchantment
roll a d20. On a 20, the storm Storms infused with enchantment
churns with magical energy. Roll magic disarm a creature's sense of
below to determine the kind of danger, enthralling mariners and
magic the storm is imbued with. causing them to speed into danger.
During the storm, any checks
D8 Magical Storm Type made to resolve hazards or
1 Abjuration manage the ship are made with
2 Conjuration disadvantage.
3 Divination
4 Enchantment Evocation
These ferocious storms are difficult and damaging the ship.
wracked with thunderbolts, The ship's hull takes 22 (4d10)
driving sheets of acid rain, bludgeoning damage, and the
exploding meteors, and other ship’s speed decreases by half
dangers. After each hour of the during the storm. Increase the
storm, every component aboard pursuit level by one.
the ship takes 5 (1d10) fire, 5 (1d10)
acid, and 5 (1d10) lightning
damage. In addition, anyone who Random Encounters
makes or assists on a skill check Every day the Alferd’s Recompense is
regarding the storm or spends at sea, roll a d20. On a 19 or 20, the
more than 10 minutes above decks ship has a random encounter. If
must make a d20 roll. On a 20, you roll both a hazard and an
they are hit by lightning, as per the encounter, the ship experiences
lightning bolt spell. both. They might occur
simultaneously or in an order of
Illusion your choice.
A storm brimming with illusions
poses little direct harm to a ship, d100 Encounter
but experienced navigators know it 01-03 1 giant shark (MM 328)
poses an insidious threat. During 04-07 1d4 swarms of quippers
the storm, the ship travels in a (MM 338)
random direction that isn't its 08-11 1d10 killer whales (MM
intended course. Add an additional 331)
day to the travel time to Brecken. 12-17 1d4 hunter sharks (MM
Necromancy 18-25 2d4 reef sharks (MM 336)
Ghosts howl and whirl in this 26-30 1d4 water elementals
storm's wind, while the remains of (MM 125)
long-dead mariners stir in their 31-36 2d4 locathahs (GoS 243)
watery graves. During the storm, 37-38 1d4 plesiosaurus (MM 80)
ld4 specters (MM 279), 2d4 ghouls 39-41 1 hydra (MM 190)
(MM 148), and 4d6 zombies (MM 42-43 1 marid (MM 146)
315) emerge from the waves to 44-50 3d4 blood hawks (MM
attack the ship. 319)
51 1 roc (MM 260)
Transmutation 52-53 2d4 merrow (MM 219)
These violently unpredictable 54 1 juvenile kraken (GoS
storms cause the waves to warp 238)
and twist. The storm transforms 55-57 1d4 aquatic intellect
the water around the ship into an devourers (MM 191; replace
amalgamation of ice, stone. and walking speed with aquatic speed)
stranger materials, making travel 58 1 dragon turtle (MM 119)
59 1 aboleth (MM 13) ocean's surface, while they peek
60-62 1 giant octopus (MM 326) above the water during low tide.
62-64 1d4 shell sharks (GoS 252) Sandbars make dangerous
65-67 1d4 giant coral snakes obstacles for vessels, particularly at
(GoS 236) high tide when they are less
68-70 3d4 giant sea eels (GoS noticeable. The crew of a ship
237) moving toward a sandbar beneath
71-75 A kelp forest (see below) the waves must have a passive
67-80 Sandbar (see below) Wisdom (Perception) score of 12
81-85 Derelict ship (see below) or higher or fail to see the sandbar
86-90 The Inferno (see below) in the way. When a ship passes
91-00 An island (see below) over a submerged sandbar, the
sandbar counts as difficult terrain,
Kelp Forest and the ship must succeed on a
Kelp grows in dense forests across Dexterity saving throw. The DC of
the ocean floor. Most forests are this save corresponds with the
found within depths of less than depth of the sandbar, as listed on
100 feet near the shoreline, and the Sandbar DCs table. If the ship
range from 10 feet to over 100 fails this save, it gets stuck on the
miles in length and width. The sandbar. A ship can become
kelp grows in vines up to 175 feet unstuck by using an action to
in length. make a Strength check against the
Kelp roots are shallow, and a sandbar's DC.
whole forest can be up- rooted by
a strong storm. But it grows at a DC Description
rapid pace, sometimes as much as 10 Deep sandbar
18 inches a day, meaning that a 15 Moderate sandbar
kelp forest can spring up quickly. 20 Shallow sandbar
Such forests can hide thousands of
small fish and other prey animals, Derelict Ship
which attract predators. The forest The derelict’s hull and
is so dense that anything within it components have 1 hit point each.
is heavily obscured to an observer It has no weaponry at all. There
more than 10 feet away, and the are no bodies aboard, no signs of
whole area is difficult terrain. life whatsoever, and nothing of
value. Additionally, roll a d20. On
Sandbar a 20, the ship is a ghost ship (see
Waves and currents deposit sand below).
in shallow water near a shoreline.
These sandbars form a line that d100 Derelict
can be between 10 feet and 3 miles 01-09 Rowboat
in length and width. During high 10-25 Keelboat
tide, sandbars are below the 26-38 Longship
39-60 Sailing Ship stop at nothing to burn the Alferd’s
61-79 Galley Recompense to the sea line.
80-00 Warship Aboard the Inferno are 1
drowned assassin (GoS 234), 2
Ghost ships are incorporeal vessels drowned ascetics (GoS 233), and 4
that carry undead crew. The crew drowned blades (GoS 235). They
often died in a grisly manner and are carriers of the disease, bluerot,
have unfinished business that (see below) and are equipped with
keeps them tethered to the 2 vials of alchemist’s fire each.
Material Plane. These crews are Their tactics are simple: set the
beholden to no master. ship on fire, board it, and murder
A ghost ship has the same everyone aboard.
statistics as a normal ship of its This encounter can only
ship type with the following occur once. Reroll if it comes up
changes: on the table again.
● The ship has resistance to
the following damage types: An Island
acid, fire. lightning, and The islands nearby are all cursed.
thunder, as well as Still, the characters might decide
bludgeoning, piercing, and to drop anchor near one and go
slashing from nonmagical ashore. The islands are all 1d4
attacks. miles long by 1d4 miles wide
● The ship is immune to cold, Roll on the tables below to
necrotic, poison, and psychic determine some details about the
damage. island.
● The ship can move through
other creatures and objects d6 Island Curse
as if they were difficult 1 When a creature dies on the
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force island, its spirit rises as a specter
damage if it ends its turn (MM 279) 1d4 hours after death.
inside an object. The specter is obsessed with killing
Ninety percent of the crew its former friends.
members and officers are 2 Creatures that aren't
skeletons and zombies, ten inhabitants of the island must
percent are specters, and they are succeed on a Constitution saving
led by a wraith. throw at the end of each hour they
spend on the island. If they fail,
The Inferno they gain one level of exhaustion.
The keelboat, Inferno, is a The DC for this check equals 10 +
legendary danger in these waters. the number of hours spent on the
The only thing the crew cares island.
about is destruction and they will 3 Each day at dawn, the island
conjures 2d10 magma mephits
(MM 261), which are hostile to 9 1 girallon (VGtM 152) and
creatures that are not inhabitants 2d8 baboons (MM 318)
of the island. 10 3d10 trolls (MM 291)
4 When a creature that isn't an 11 1d4 + 1 gold grung elite
inhabitant of the island completes warriors (VGtM 157), 1d8 + 1 red
a long rest there, it must succeed grung wildlings (VGtM 157), and
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw 2d4 + 2 green, blue, and/or purple
or be blinded for 8 hours. grungs (VGtM 156)
5 Creatures must succeed on a 12 3d8 imps (MM 76)
DC 10 Constitution saving throw at
the end of each hour they spend If the characters land, they can
on the island. If they fail, they gain forage for food and water and they
a 1-inch scar in a random place on can harvest wood for ship repairs.
their body. Only a remove curse On a successful DC 10 Wisdom
spell or similar magic removes the (Survival) check, a character finds
scar. an amount of food equal to 1d6 +
6 When a creature that isn't an their Wisdom modifier (in pounds)
inhabitant of the island completes and water equal to 1d6 + their
a long rest there, it must succeed Wisdom modifier (in gallons).
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw Each island has 3d8 trees of
or gain a random form of long- sufficient size to be useful in
term madness. Madness is further repairing the boat. The trees have
described in the Dungeon Master’s AC 11, 30 hit points, and damage
Guide. threshold 1. A single tree yields
4d12 + 60 pounds of wood. Both
d12 Island Inhabitants foraging and cutting down and
1 5d10 specters (MM 279) planking one tree take 8 hours.
2 10d10 zombies (MM 316)
3 A group of 3 mages (MM
341) and 1d4 flameskulls (MM 134) The Alferd’s Recompense
4 1 medusa (MM 241) and 3d10 The reference map for this ship is
skeletons (MM 272) the sailing ship (GoS 193). It uses
5 1 vampire (MM 297) and 2d6 the same stats as the sailing ship
vampire spawn (MM 298) except where noted below.
6 1 demilich (MM 48) and Currently, the sails are at 75
2d10 wraiths (MM 302) hit points, reducing the ship’s
7 1d6 cult fanatics (MM 345) speed to 40 ft. per round (or about
and 5d10 cultists (MM 345) 4.5 mph).
8 1 bullywug royal (GoS 232), Signs of recent combat
1d4 + 1 bullywug croakers (GoS abound for the casual observer:
232), and 2d8 + 2 bullywugs (MM cracks and holes in the decks, fedid
35) dead bodies, broken weapons and
spent missiles (both arrows and Repairs
The ship lists to the port, While the ship is at sea, the
though not significantly, and rides characters can attempt to repair
low in the water, for the battle with damaged components using
the Sunset Cry damaged the hull materials at hand. Anyone with
and the ship is now taking on proficiency in carpenter’s tools can
water. use the equipment and spare wood
The characters awaken in the in the hold to attempt repairs on
lowest level of the hold (room 12) the hull, helm, ballista, or
behind the double doors opposite mangonel. Anyone can use the
the armory. equipment and spare cloth in the
The Alferd’s Recompense is hold to attempt repairs on the
sinking. Its hull currently has 150 sails.
hit points. Until the hull is It takes 1 hour of work and
repaired, the ship continues to take success on a Strength (carpenter’s
on water. Every hour that the tools) or Dexterity (weaver’s tools)
ship’s hull starts with less than its check to repair damage. Anyone
maximum hit points, it must make who has proficiency in water
a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. vehicles makes their check with
On a failure, it takes 10 points of advantage. No character who
bludgeoning damage. makes a check or assists on one
If the ship’s hull is at 75 hit can make or assist on another. The
points or fewer, the lowest level of minimum roll for success on
the ship is flooded and only either of the checks is 10. Use the
characters who can breathe following table to determine the
underwater can access that deck. extent of the repairs. Restoring 1
If the ship’s hull is at 50 hit points point uses 1 pound of material.
or fewer, the upper level of the
hold is flooded, ruining all the Check Damage Repaired
food and water stores, the canvas, 10 1 point
the spare wood, and the cargo. The 15 1d6 + 1
hold will also fill with 15 swarms of 20 1d8 + 2
crawling claws (see below). 25 1d12 + 3
Anyone who takes damage from
the claws must succeed on a DC 12 If the ship is at anchor and the
Constitution saving throw or component being repaired is the
contract bluerot. Anyone who eats hull, the number of hit points
the spoiled food contracts bluerot restored is doubled.
The Crew everyone on board before he
started to show any symptoms. He
The Alferd’s Recompense was crewed told this to the Captain, and the
entirely by tieflings. All of them Captain agreed to keep it a secret
are now dead. Anyone not at full until they reached port because he
health who comes in contact with was afraid that the rest of the crew
one of their bodies (or the goo that would become violent. In return,
comes from their blisters) Captain Van Der Coatl was going
contracts bluerot unless they to let Ruskin go without paying
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution him as soon as they reached
saving throw. Brecken.
If the characters attempt to Ruskin didn’t tell the
talk with any of them, using speak Captain, but he caught the disease
with dead, for instance, no one on while visiting with a sex worker
board knows what’s inside the named Eustace Mullsmooch in
crates in the hold, just that they Provost City.
picked them up in Provost City
and are taking them to Brecken.
They haven’t been working for Ship Locations
Cabazon the Waterdavian for very
long, and he doesn’t tell them 1. Main Deck
anything about his business. He The mangonel has been damaged
pays very well and in return, and must be repaired before it can
expects them to respect his privacy be used at full strength. Currently,
and his property. The crew know it has 75 hit points, its attack bonus
that they were all sick and getting has been reduced to +3, and its
sicker, but they don’t know what range has been reduced to
the disease is. 100/400. If it is fully repaired, it
Captain Van Der Coatl functions normally. There is
knows slightly more: he was ammunition for it in the armory.
warned by Cabazon the The deck railing is splintered
Waterhavian that another ship and damaged but still provides
might try to interfere with their half cover for Medium creatures
voyage. He tried to keep a low and three-quarters cover for Small
profile, but, obviously, he wasn’t creatures. It could be broken down
successful. into 100 pounds of wood and used
Both Captain Van Der Coatl for repairs.
and Ruskin Nygard, the ship’s Four rowboats are stacked
surgeon and cook, can say a bit on top of each other on this deck,
more about the illness than the but due to the damage from the
others: Ruskin caught it on shore battle with the Sunset Cry, only two
leave and, since he prepares all the of them are seaworthy (50 hit
food, he managed to spread it to points each). The other two can be
repaired or used as raw material to sweetheart Leanne, another
repair other parts of the ship. tiefling.
(They each contain 100 pounds of Inside the desk are a full set
wood.) of navigator’s tools, the ship’s log
The deck is marred by (it’s quite boring and wasn’t
bloodstains and 7 corpses in updated after the battle), and a
sailcloth coffins. A successful DC 10 navigational chart showing the
Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals way from Provost City to Brecken.
that they were killed by slashing A successful DC 10 Intelligence
and piercing weapons about three (navigational tools) check reveals
days ago. A successful DC 15 that the ship is roughly 10 days
Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals from Brecken and 15 days from
that while the tieflings were killed Provost City.
in combat, they were already The captain’s footlocker is
dying of disease. A successful DC locked. It has AC 19, 18 hit points,
20 Wisdom (Medicine) check and immunity to poison and
reveals that they were all infected psychic damage. It contains
with bluerot. various trinkets and clothes and
Behind a set of double doors, 2d12 + 6 gp. It can be opened on a
directly underneath the forecastle, successful DC 12 Dexterity check
are the crew’s quarters. Each bed using thieves’ tools or pried open
has two locked footlockers (the with a crowbar with a successful
crew share beds on alternate DC 12 Strength check.
shifts). Each footlocker has AC 19, Next to the captain’s quarters
18 hit points, and immunity to is the ship’s galley. There’s a full
poison and psychic damage. They set of cook’s utensils along with a
contain various uninteresting working metal stove (currently
trinkets and clothes and 2d6 + 3 quite cold, of course) with a
gp. They can be opened on a chimney that leads to a vent that
successful DC 12 Dexterity check opens to the rear of the ship, a bin
using thieves’ tools or pried open with kindling in it (useless for
with a crowbar with a successful ship’s repairs), some pots and pans,
DC 12 Strength check. oil, a (small) collection of spices,
and salt. There is a large, wooden
3. Captain’s Quarters table bolted to the floor and a
The captain of the Alferd’s cupboard with durable, metal
Recompense, Griffin Van Der Coatl, dishes and cups.
lived here. His cabin is extremely
neat and tidy: the bed is made 6. Forecastle
tight, with hospital corners, and on The ballista has been damaged
the desk is the only decoration in and must be repaired before it can
the room: an engraving of his be used at full strength. Currently,
it has 25 hit points, its attack bonus
has been reduced to +4, and its died about two days ago, certainly
range has been reduced to 60/240. after the battle. A successful DC 15
If it is fully repaired, it functions Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals
normally. There is more that he died of disease. A
ammunition in the armory. successful DC 20 Wisdom
The deck railing is splintered (Medicine) check reveals that the
and damaged but still provides disease was bluerot (see below).
half cover for Medium creatures In the small room next to the
and three-quarters cover for Small privy there are 3 swarms of
creatures. It could be broken down crawling claws. Anyone who takes
into 100 pounds of wood and used damage from the claws must make
for repairs. a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
The figurehead is a or become infected with bluerot.
beautifully carved swan with wings
spread wide and mouth open as if 10. Medical Cabin
screaming. The tip of one of the There are two dead crew members
wings was blown off by the Sunset in the medical cabin: Ruskin
Cry’s mangonel. Nygard, the ship’s surgeon and
There is evidence of combat cook, and Milligan
all over the forecastle, including Targazellownose, the ship’s first
bloodstains and small lumps of mate.
hacked apart flesh. Ruskin was one of the last
crewmembers to die. He expired
7. Quarterdeck while performing an autopsy on
The wheel is undamaged. Milligan in an attempt to identify
The deck railing is splintered the disease that was killing the
and damaged but still provides crew.
half cover for Medium creatures The area around Ruskin is
and three-quarters cover for Small splattered with a thick, blue goo
creatures. (very sticky and dry, almost a paste
by now) and his skin is mottled
9. Privy with large, exploded blisters with
A dead tiefling, Atilla Syvwich, is in the remnants of more of the goo
the privy. He was wounded in the inside them.
battle with the Sunset Cry but not A successful DC 10 Wisdom
fatally. The area around him is (Medicine) check reveals that
splattered with a thick blue goo Milligan died about three days ago,
and his skin is mottled with large, from wounds suffered during the
exploded blisters with the attack. A successful DC 15 Wisdom
remnants of more of the goo (Medicine) check reveals that he
inside them. was also infected with a disease. A
A successful DC 10 Wisdom successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Medicine) check reveals that he
(Medicine) check reveals that the (no heads). The other 5 each
disease was bluerot. contain 3 swarms of crawling
A successful DC 10 Wisdom claws.
(Medicine) check reveals that The lowest level of the ship
Ruskin died about a day ago. A is bare of cargo and quite a lot of
successful DC 15 Wisdom water has leaked in.
(Medicine) check reveals that he
died of disease. A successful DC 13. Armory
20 Wisdom (Medicine) check The armory contains 50 bolts for
reveals that the disease was bluerot the ballista and 50 stones for the
(see below). mangonel.

11. Guest Cabins

The three guest cabins were not The Sunset Cry
being used during the voyage. Captain Ironhand’s ship is painted
Two of them are empty. The third blood red and has blood red sails.
one has 3 crawling claws (MM 44) There is a massive cauldron on the
in it. main deck, jet black, with a fire lit
underneath it. The deck has been
12. Hold reinforced with metal and brick
The hold stores the appropriate which grant it resistance to fire
supplies to outfit a sailing ship with damage. The forecastle,
a full crew for a 20-day voyage, quarterdeck, and the rest of the
but, unfortunately for the hull are not fire resistant. The
characters, much of the food and cauldron is filled with water,
water have spoiled, leaving only 40 spices, and humanoid body parts,
pounds of clean food and 40 which the Captain and crew feast
gallons of potable water. There are on regularly. Cristoff Thunnilda,
also a set of carpenter’s tools, a set the ship’s cook, is an expert at
of weaver’s tools, 200 pounds of preparing humanoid flesh.
wood that can be used to repair the It is unlikely that the
ship, and 50 pounds of sailcloth. characters will manage to board
Additionally, the Alferd’s the Sunset Cry, but if they do, all
Recompense’s hold contains 20 boarding parties that remain mass
crates, all on the lower deck and all around the party, as well as the
on the port side. The crates are first mate, second mate and, of
marked as ‘confidential’ and have course, Captain Ironhand, fighting
been enchanted: the inside of each them to the death.
crate is always 38ºF (3ºC). The It is also quite possible the
crates have been secured with characters may try to burn or sink
arcane lock spells. 15 of these crates the Sunset Cry, or even decide to
contain 50 pounds of assorted crash the Alferd’s Recompense into
butchered humanoid body parts her.
avoid collisions. Should the
Burning. The Sunset Cry is mainly characters deliberately crash their
of wooden construction, so fire ship into hers, the Sunset Cry
always presents a hazard. The ship makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving
could, with some difficulty, be set throw. It’s hull takes 88 (16d10)
ablaze and burned down to the bludgeoning damage on a failed
waterline. The vessel will not save, or half as much on a
ignite readily, for its hull, rigging, successful save. The Alferd’s
spars, and sails are all damp with Recompense must make a DC 10
sea water, and a large section of Constitution saving throw, taking
the deck is fireproof. 88 (16d10) bludgeoning damage on
Deliberate attempts to set a failed save, or half as much on a
the ship ablaze can be undertaken successful save. After the collision,
only while aboard it. This involves both ships are stuck together and
the use of at least two flasks of oil occupy the same space. A ship
applied to 2 cubic feet of dry, requires a successful DC 15
combustible material such as Strength check to break free.
sacking, cloth, wool, or wood
kindling, which is then set aflame.
Bolts of silk soaked in brandy Brecken
make excellent combustibles and If and when the characters reach
do not require oil to be ignited. the port of Brecken, Captain
Use your discretion if the ship Ironhand ceases her pursuit. She
catches fire, but assume it burns to won’t go anywhere near the city.
the waterline within 20 minutes When the characters dock
unless crewmembers put it out. the ship in Brecken, Atarte pulls
the characters out of the illusion
Holing. Attempts to hole the ship and decides which fresh hell to
and sink it require the use of axes place them in.
or similar implements applied
with vigor. This undertaking takes
5 minutes, but the noise alerts the New Creatures and
crew. Two of them are sent to Diseases
investigate and raise the alarm.
The rest of the crew rapidly Swarm of Crawling Claws
converge on the area and attack Use the crawling claw statblock
any intruders. If the hole is (MM 44) with the following
completed, the ship takes on water modifications:
and sinks after an hour if the hole ● increase size to medium
remains unrepaired. ● increase hit point maximum
to 50 (20d4);
Crashing. Captain Ironhand
values her ship and always tries to
● Damage Resistances to to decrease by 1d4 each, to a
bludgeoning, piercing, and minimum of 3. This is quickly
slashing damage; followed by a fever and tingling in
● the swarm’s space acts as the extremities. An infected
difficult terrain; creature is vulnerable to radiant
● the swarm can occupy damage and gains the ability to
another creature’s space and breathe underwater.
vice versa, and the swarm At the end of each long rest,
can move through any space an infected creature makes a DC 12
large enough for a Tiny Constitution saving throw. On a
creature to move through; success, the victim regains 1 point
● the swarm makes four claw of Constitution and l point of
attacks; Charisma lost to the disease. If the
● if the swarm has half its hit infected creature regains all the
point maximum or fewer, it points lost to the disease, it is
makes three claw attacks; cured. Other effects that raise the
● the swarm can substitute a victim's ability scores do not cure
grapple attack for any of its the disease. On a failed saving
claw attacks; throw, the victim takes 18 (4d8)
● the swarm’s claw attack is +3 necrotic damage as the boils burst
to hit, reach 0 ft., 17 (5d4 + 5) and spread. A creature that is
bludgeoning or slashing reduced to 0 hit points by this
damage (swarm’s choice), or damage cannot regain hit points
10 (3d4 + 3) bludgeoning or until the disease is cured, though it
slashing damage (swarm’s can be stabilized as normal.
choice) if the swarm has half
of its hit points or fewer.


This disease is discussed in

Appendix C of Ghosts of Saltmarsh
and is reprinted here. This disease
targets humanoids. While afflicted
with bluerot, a victim grows
grotesque blue boils on their face
and back. This disease is carried by
undead, and victims most often
acquire it through wounds caused
by infected creatures.
The disease's boils manifest
in 1d4 hours, causing the victim's
Constitution and Charisma scores

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