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High School Department

T.L.E. 7 (MS Excel)
1st half of 4th Grading Period

Name:_____________________________________ Date:_______________
Grade and Section: _________________________ Score:______________
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice on the space
_________1. It is an input device used to enter an alphabet or numeric data through typing.
a. mouse b. printer c. keyboard d. monitor
_________2. It is a process or system performed by word processor to achieve a desired output after typing
and printing document.
a. Word processing b. MS Word c. word processor d. printing
_________3. It is similar to a ledger composed of a grid.
a. column b. row c. spreadsheet d. cell
_________4. . It is a data entry capable of performing mathematical and logical operations automatically?
a. function b. formula c. shortcut key d. minus sign
_________5. Manager Jim wants to compute for the salaries of his employees for this month. What computer
application is most appropriate to use?
a.MS Word b. MS Excel c. MS Powerpoint d. MS Access
_________6. Linda wants to make a Valentine’s card for her mother. What computer application is most
appropriate to use?
a.MS Word b. MS Excel c. MS Powerpoint d. MS Access
_________7. Which command is used to change the color of a text?
a. b. c. d.

_________8. The following are typical uses of MS Excel except_______.

a. managing inventory c. making grading sheets
b. analyzing data d. creating posters
_________9. MS Excel is an example of _____________.
a. electric spreadsheet c. manual spreadsheet
b. electronic spreadsheet d. automatic spreadsheet
_________10. Which sign is used in entering formula to perform multiplication operation?
a. equal sign (=) b. hyphen (-) c. asterisk (*) d. slash (/)

B. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is wrong.
_______1. You may edit a data in a cell by double clicking the cell.
_______2. You may open MS Excel either by using the Start menu or by using the Search Box.
_______3. You can adjust the size of each column using the fill handle.
_______4. The name box is used to enter formula.
_______5. Ctrl+S is used to save documents.
_______6. Ctrl+P is used to paste objects or texts.
_______7. A thick cross pointer will enable you to select a cell or a range of cell.
_______8. A manual worksheet is done by using a ledger or a columnar paper.
_______9. Page down is used to move one screen up.
_______10. Values are numeric data used in calculations including dates.
Column A Column B

_______1. It is a floating toolbar that contains specific commands. a. Active cell

_______2. It displays formula as you type. b. Columns
c. Contextual tab
_______3. It consists of series of tabs that provides quicker access to commands.
d. F1
_______4. It is a customizable toolbar used to access frequently used commands. e. Formula Bar
_______5. It indicates the location of the cell. f. Groups
g. Mini Toolbar
_______6. It is used to increase and decrease the viewing size of the work area.
h. Name Box
_______7. It is used to access help mode. i. Quick Access Toolbar
_______8. These are horizontal blocks of cells. j. Ribbon
k. Rows
_______9. These are vertical blocks of cells.
l. Scroll Bars
_______10. More detailed tools organized according to functions. m. Zoom Control

C. MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with column B. Write the letter on the space provided before each

D. Identify the name and state the function of the following types of Mouse Pointers in Excel 2007.(two points



3. I



E. Essay ( 5 points each)

1. Why do we have to follow proper posture and correct finger position while typing?

2. What is the importance of learning how to use the MS Excel 2007?

Key to Correction


1. c 1. True 1. k-Mini Toolbar
2. a 2. True 2. i-Formula Bar
3. c 3. False 3. g- Ribbon
4. b 4. False 4. f- Quick Access Toolbar
5. b 5. True 5. a- Name Box
6. a 6. False 6. m- Zoom Control
7. c 7. True 7. c- F1
8. d 8. True 8. d- Rows
9. b 9. False 9. j- Columns
10. c 10. True 10. l- Groups

D. Identification

1. Arrow- allows you to select commands in the Ribbon.

2. Thick Cross- enables you to select a cell or range of cell.
3. I Beam- allows you to select text within a formula bar
4. Fill Handle- used to copy cell content.
5. Double Headed Arrow- allows you to adjust column’s width and row height.

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