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Advanced Technology via American Sign Language (ASL)

I) Introduction
a) Advanced Technology via American Sign Language (ASL) will be one of the topics I
will be discussing because there are more technological options available to students now
than ever before and they are featured in a more prominent role in the acquisition of ASL
in second language learners due to the current global pandemic. One of the largest
impacts these technologies have on ASL students could be a stunting in receptively skill
development, or visual comprehension, which is something that develops rapidly when
language classes are taught in person.  These challenges will likely stem from the change
to a 2-D medium (facetime, zoom, and video relay services) due to the visual and
physical aspects of the language.

b) Research Question What can educators do to analyze how to use technology effectively in
ASL? The study will conduct in survey, ethnography, and case study.

II) Purpose of statement

1. Qualitative method will be done in this study. The reasoning behind the
selection is two fold. Surveying students and teachers who are
experiencing online ASL education for the first time will provide a lot of
rich information that allows for targeted and direct improvement in ASL
education in modern times. This will benefit students, educators,
aspiring and current ASL interpreters, and students will disabilities and
will lead to more effective and comprehensive curriculum. The data
collected from qualitative surveys of these populations will shed light on
creating a curriculum that applies to both the cognitive and
psychomotor domains, which are the domains most ASL curricula
require for effective acquisition.

(b) Keywords: technology, online education, ASL, Bilingual, language delay, deaf
and hard of hearing. The key terms in the problem that needs to define such as
technology, online education, ASL biigual (bibi language), language delay, deaf,
and hard of hearing, My constitutie definition of these terms will provide a
variety of research sources and scholary to verified and valid articles from
Journal of Deaf Studies,, Deaf Education, and other empirical articles.
Each of these terms will include affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domain
for me to identify and specific articles to examine and identify the root of the
problem that needs to be addressed.

b) Constitutive terms

i) The key terms in the problem that needs to define such as technology, online education,
ASL bilingual (bibi language), language delay, deaf, and hard of hearing, My constitutive
definition of these terms will provide a variety of research sources and scholar to
verified and valid articles from Journal of Deaf Studies,, Deaf Education, and
other empirical articles. Each of these terms will include affective, cognitive, and
psychomotor domain for me to identify and specific articles to examine and identify the
root of the problem that needs to be addressed.

III) Operational definitions

i) I will decide to measure my variables, which is undergraduate American Sign Language

students in postsecondary institutions. My variables will measure dependent variable
(DV) (eg. Attitude, language learner, psychomotor, communication, and sign language). I
will aso use ethnography for my research in order to collect the data about effectiveness
of having technology-based language instruction for hearing students who wants to
learn ASL to either fulfill their language requirement or to become sign language
interpreters. Empirical research on sign language, education, online teaching and other
aspects of justification stated that it is imperative to document each process,
improvement and instruction to improve how to incorporate it in educational settings.

IV) Justification

a) I would argue it is an important question to investigate. First step is to look into technology,
sign language, and deaf education research studies because these are areas of growing
popularity that are severely under researched. One of the articles shared that modern
language corpora have not been possible until relatively recently, due to absence of a widely
recognized and favorable transcription system for sign language data and the lack of
suitable technology for ASL to capture secondary processing. With recent technological
advancements, many undergraduate students have made a quick transition from in-person
to online courses during the pandemic. Technology has increased rapidly for all students;
however, online sign language teaching is not an effective. Method for learning. ASL is visual
communication and requires physical contact because there are many structures involved
in teaching ASL, including cognitive (comprehension), affective (emotion), and psychomotor
(body movement) domains. To avoid the problematic crises that students experience
learning ASL online, it is imperative to look at what other methods would be suitable and
effective for their learning abilities. Another empirical source mentioned that sign language
test development (ASL placement test) is relatively new to educational settings, motivated
by the need for assessment tools to evaluate language development in different groups of

V) Literature Review

a) In a qualitative design, the specific questions from the literature review discussed about the
different structures in sign language and other demonstration that are fertile field for reach.

Technology advancement in ASL do partake the grammatical, facial expression,

intonation (dialect) handshapes and parameters, these aspects have a variety
approach of how to sign properly.

Advanced Technology via American Sign Language (ASL) Page 2 of 4

VI) Technology has a similar pattern with how communication has increased rapidly all over the
world such as using social media, facetime, and other platforms to be able to develop a dialogue
with the deaf and hard of hearing community.

VII) One of the research studies uses longitudinal design that would be used for studies for
technology advancement for online education such as collecting the data through language that
changes across time. The existing signs do change but it can be observed through causal
comparative such as observing two groups with hand productions and movements.

VIII) One of the literature reviews uses the research study to explore and identifying labels,
typology, and development stages (paper and pencil versus on-lone methods), especially using
short video clips in ASL. The important aspect to participants in the deaf community is their
language skills, the relationship between Deaf community and ASL, included technologies.

IX) There are some people who do not use sign language and some use ASL to communicate can
impact the study. Deaf people experienced oppression regardless of what language they learned
in terms of using their communication mode.

X) Reference tools to conduct the research studies

a) Scholarly articles, the social science journal, journal of communication, JSTOR, EBSCO (peer
reviewed journals) are the tools that will be used to collect my research studies. These
terms will be searched under online technology, ASL, grammar competency.

XI) Scope of the review

XII)The scope of my inclusion will be integrating ASL and technology in the classroom where
students will learn different types of communication mode. Students who learn ASL through
online courses is one of the difficult tasks to teach by the instructors.

XIII) When the hearing students enroll college and university level to take ASL courses, relying
on technology to communicate with the teachers, the expectation do not receive the same sense
of community in the classroom. Some instructors who are hearing teach ASL to hearing
students are different from Deaf instructors teach their students as well. Having the class taught
in-person could be flourish comparing to online courses.

XIV) In an inclusion class, hearing, deaf or hard of hearing students may be the only student in
the class or those who use ASL, relies on lip-reading, or interpreter.

i) Exclusion:

XV)The exclusion is when there is no communication system to provide an access for deaf and
hearing to understand each other. For instance, deaf kids are expected to get cochlear implant
in order to communicate with hearing people, but it excluded their identify as a deaf or hard of
hearing. As for hearing students will have to integrating into the deaf world

Advanced Technology via American Sign Language (ASL) Page 3 of 4

XVI) The advanced technology is transforming the way the deaf relate to the hearing community.
One of the article mentioned the future deaf Americans could do a lot less signing and a lot more
speaking such as speaking and listening classroom across the nation are known for their forced
exclusion of ASL and expressly forbid any contact with the culturally deaf adult role model
(Miller, 2011).

XVII) Subtopic (ASL-SRT)

XVIII) Subtopic (ASL-PA)
XIX) D) Conclusion (Findings)

XX) Participants

XXI) Confidentiaty

XXII) IRB category (I,II,III) – purpose study should considered and why?

XXIII) Proposition(s) is/are:

XXIV) Restate topic

XXV) Summarize three main points

XXVI) Revisit introduction or tie all ideas together

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