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1. Fig 1 shows the displacement – time graph for a certain wave

Determine the frequency of the wave?

2. State one effect that would be observed when water waves pass from deep to shallow
3. A source generates 40 waves in a second. If the wavelength is 8.5 cm. Calculate the time
taken to reach a wall 102m from the source.
4. Name a property of light that shows it is a transverse wave.
5. State ONE difference between mechanical and electromagnet waves.
6. Explain the following terms and state their S.I units
(i) Wavelength
(ii) Amplitude
(iii) Periodic time
(iv) Frequency
7. State THREE differences between light waves and sound waves.
8. (a) Name two types of progressive wave motion
(b) Distinguish between the waves stated in 3 (a) above
9. (a) Fig 1 shows a displacement – time graph of a wave. The velocity of the
wave is 50cm/s.

Determine the
(i) Amplitude
(ii) Period
(iii) Wavelength
(iv) Frequency
(b) State ONE factor that does not change as water moves from shallow to deep part.
10. Give an example which show that speed of a wave depends on the medium in which it
11. Give an example to demonstrate that waves carry energy
12. Best FM station broadcasts on a frequency of 250 KHz and the wavelength of its signals
is 1200m.
(i) The speed of radio waves in m/s
(ii) The wavelength of the signal of another station that broadcasts on a frequency
of 200KHZ.

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