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3, JULY 2011

Condition Assessment of Belted PILC

Cables After 7 to 68 Years of Service
Vitaliy Yaroslavskiy, Member, IEEE, Carlos Katz, Fellow, IEEE, and Matthew Olearczyk, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper summarizes the results of laboratory eval- TABLE I

uation of eight service aged paper-insulated lead-covered belted ca- CABLES EVALUATED
bles, produced by different manufacturers in the period between
1937 and 1998. Cable performance was evaluated from different
perspectives, including partial discharge pattern, ionization factor
at room temperature, dissipation factor at elevated temperatures,
up to 90 C, dielectric strength of the cable insulation, analysis of
the laminated insulation structure, moisture content, etc. Overall
results indicate that unless cable insulation is affected by moisture
intrusion, most of the cable characteristics still meet the require-
ments for new cables. The only exception is dissipation factor at el-
evated temperature, which suggests that cable ampacity is reduced
by cable aging.
Index Terms—Ampacity, dielectric losses, dielectric strength,
field aged, ionization factor, partial discharge (PD), paper-insu-
lated lead-covered PILC cables.

• to analyze cable characteristics in relation to their use in
cable diagnostic testing;
P APER-INSULATED lead-covered (PILC) cables
have long been a backbone component of urban
medium-voltage (MV) distribution systems. Several leading
• to elaborate test approaches for use in assessing similar
North American utilities, in collaboration with the Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI), recently removed a number II. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES
of PILC cable lengths from their systems. Cables that had A brief description of the cables evaluated is provided in
been in service for 7 to 68 years were subjected to a series of Table I. Manufacturers and vintages are based on imprints found
laboratory tests to evaluate their conditions and analyze the on marker tapes.
aggregate of the overall results. The testing was conducted at The cables have construction design variables, including the
Cable Technology Laboratories (CTL), New Brunswick, NJ. number and size of conductors, insulation thickness, possible
Guidance and direction were provided by Consolidated Edison differences in oil and papers used, and thickness of the lead
Company of New York and Pacific Gas and Electric Company sheath. All test cables were of the belted design. The oldest
of California. cables were unjacketed; more recent cables, starting in 1957,
In total, eight cables were evaluated. They had been removed had a jacket covering the lead sheath. Individual cable sample
from a 4 kV distribution system due to replacement of the cable cross-sections are shown in Fig. 1.
system. Individual reports, issued on each cable, are available at Each sample was submitted to CTL in one continuous length.
the Electric Power Research Institiute. This paper does not list These were straight cable lengths, with no accessories installed.
all test results; it rather concentrates on typical performance and Due to the fact that the condition of cables may vary along
the most significant findings. their length, tests were performed on three sections of the same
The main objectives of the project were: cable, each approximately 15 m long. The three sections were
• to collect data on performance of service-aged cables; taken from the ends and the middle of the available cable lengths
• to assess the condition of particular cables; (Table I), so that the distance between the test specimens varied
from 0 to 52 m.
Manuscript received December 14, 2010; revised January 28, 2011; accepted
February 21, 2011. Date of publication April 19, 2011; date of current version III. TEST PROGRAM
June 24, 2011. This work was supported by the Electric Power Research Insti-
tute. Paper no. TPWRD-00960-2010. The test approach was based on earlier experience gathered
V. Yaroslavskiy and C. Katz are with Cable Technology Laboratories, New by CTL personnel in testing paper-insulated cables [1]–[7]. The
Brunswick, NJ 08903 USA following tests were performed on each specimen:
M. Olearczyk is with Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA 94304
USA a) inspection for general overall condition and presence of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2124475 mechanical damage;
0885-8977/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

Fig. 1. Cross section of cables tested.

b) partial discharge at ambient temperature;

c) power factor versus voltage (ionization factor);
d) dielectric power loss and dissipation factor at ambient Fig. 2. Test setup.
temperature, 70 and 90 ;
e) impulse test at cable conductor emergency temperature;
cylindrical enclosure. The enclosures were adjusted, at their
f) six hours high-voltage withstand test at 8 kV/mm (200
lower end, to the cable diameter with the help of rubber reducers.
V/mil), followed by a similar test for up to 7 h at 16
The length of the cable between terminations was about
kV/mm (400 V/mil), both executed at ambient tempera-
13.5 m. Passing current through the lead sheath provided uni-
form temperature distribution throughout the cable cross-sec-
g) dissection, paying special attention to the distribution of
tion. A general view of the setup is provided in the upper
butt spaces, registrations, presence of wrinkles, ridges,
picture in Fig. 2.
torn tapes, wax, deficiency of oil, etc. (if present);
To minimize the possibility that oil, being used in the termi-
h) hot-oil tests performed during dissection for the presence
nations, would mix with the cable impregnating oil, the sample
of moisture in the paper insulation;
ends were shaped into an open S (lower picture in Fig. 2). In
i) folding endurance of paper tapes on cable adjacent to the
this arrangement, the termination oil could not enter the main
breakdowns to establish if insulating tapes had thermally
part of the cable. On the other hand, elevated sections of the test
specimen, undergoing evaluation at high temperatures, had oil
Tests b)–d) were performed between each individual phase and
moved to lower locations, so that a local deficit of oil developed.
the other two (or three) phases connected to the lead sheath, as
Therefore, times to breakdown obtained within the project were
well as between all three (four) phases connected together and
somewhat conservative (rather than being too optimistic).
the lead sheath. Test e) was performed between each individual
phase and the other phases connected to the lead sheath. Test f) V. TEST RESULTS
was performed with all phases connected together, against the
lead sheath. To ease comparison of overall performance of the cables
Test procedures were based on AEIC CS1-1968 [8]. Although tested, most of the results are summarized in the last table
the cables were manufactured at different times, the 1968 issue (Table V).
was used for testing all samples, to provide a common base for A. Visual Examination
their comparison. In addition, to account for different insula-
tion thicknesses, the cables were tested in accordance with their Cables were thoroughly examined during their removal from
voltage ratings, as shown in Table I, this in spite of the fact that the reels as well as during preparation of the end terminations
they all were used in a 4 kV distribution system. and during dissection of laboratory and field breakdowns. Three
of the cables (no. 1, which was the oldest one and did not have a
jacket, nos. 5 and 7) were in good shape, with no peculiarities to
be mentioned. Cable 4 had an opening, at approximately 15.5 m
The specimens were set up for electrical evaluations by re- from one of the section ends, all the way through one of the
moving the lead sheath from the cable ends. On each end, the conductors, probably made to ground the cable during removal.
oil-impregnated paper belt was removed and tapered, while the The affected section, about 20 m long, was discarded; the test
individual phases were separated and terminated in an oil-filled sections did not appear to be affected by this opening.

the cable system. However, this finding was of interest to justify

that the cable sections had been removed from locations adja-
cent to joints and, therefore, to visualize as to from where mois-
ture also could have entered the cables (both samples 3 and 4
were affected by moisture intrusion).

B. Partial Discharge
Tests were started by gradually increasing voltage, until PD
inception took place, holding at this voltage for about 30 s, fol-
lowed by a gradual decrease in voltage, until PD extinction. The
entire voltage exposure cycle did not exceed 3 minutes. The test
sensitivity was better than 5 pC for single phase testing, and be-
tween 8 and 10 pC for all phases connected together.
PILC cables are characterized by unstable parameters of
PD, changing significantly over time. Therefore, the tests were
repeated several times (at least 3) on each individual cable
phase and with the three (or four) phases connected together.
A few minutes were allowed between successive applications
of voltage for dissipation of space charges accumulated in the
cable insulation during the preceding test.
Fig. 3. Lead corrosion. (a) Cable 6; calcium carbonate on the surface of lead All PILC cables tested had a complicated performance: PD
under polyethylene jacket. (b) Cable 3; advanced corrosion of lead sheath under
bulged and ruptured jacket. (c) Cable 2; erosion in the lead sheath caused by started at low intensities (10–20 pC), converting abruptly to
corrosion. strong discharges (hundreds to thousands pico coulombs) with
a further voltage rise. It appears that small voids in butt spaces
of the cable insulation evolve into large empty spaces (possibly
Since one of the main factors limiting PILC cable life is lead due to displacement of oil by elevated gas pressure developed
corrosion, special attention was paid to the condition of the lead by initial discharges) conducive to a significant increase in the
sheaths. Fig. 3 provides examples of different degrees of corro- discharge intensity.
sion, from mild (cable 6, relatively young in the population ex- PD between a few hundred and maybe even a few thousand
amined, with a polyethylene jacket) to well pronounced (cable pico coulombs, applied during a limited test duration, is of no
3, of 1957 vintage, having rubber jacket and covered overall consequence to the PILC insulation. This type of insulation can
with insulating tapes). The inside of the sheath of these cables support PD for a long time. In other words, PD testing at the
was clean and shiny. beginning of a test sequence is not expected to affect subsequent
The worst condition was that of cable 2, the only sample that results.
incorporated a field failure. Fig. 3(c) shows severely corroded With the exception of the two oldest cables (nos. 1 and 2),
(pitted) spots in the lead sheath, found in cable sections adjacent all other cables had an extinction voltage above the operating
to either side of the failure. stress of the system from which they had been removed (2.3
Corrosion of metals can be divided into two major types: kV phase-to-ground), so that they essentially had operated in a
uniform and localized. Uniform corrosion involves oxidation PD-free environment (Table V). Test results for the worst per-
of metal in the presence of a small amount of water (for ex- former (in relation to PD activity) are shown in Table II. In
ample, moist air). In this case, corrosion products cover the each case the lowest reading for several voltage applications
metal with a uniform layer of usually hydrogenated metal oxide, is reported.
which protects the metal underneath from further corrosion. The A substantial difference between individual sections of the
other type is characterized by discreet pitting. It occurs when the same cable needs to be noted. In addition, despite the fact that
metal is immersed in water and corrosion never stops. All cases individual phases of belted cables are in intimate contact to each
shown in Fig. 3 represent the second type, at different stages of other, their characteristics differed significantly.
Other findings were related to discolored paper insulating C. Power Factor versus Voltage (Ionization Factor)
tapes at the ends of sample Nos. 3 and 4. Interestingly, in sample The tests were performed in accordance with Section 10.1.3
3, the belt and outermost tapes in the phase insulation were dis- of the AEIC CS1-68 at average voltage stresses ranging from 20
colored, while in sample 4, the innermost tapes were affected to 100 V/mil (0.8 to 4.0 kV/mm). Power factor was measured
the most, and the discoloration diminished towards the outside. between each individual phase and the other phases connected
Despite this difference, the origin of the discoloration appears to to the lead sheath, as well as between all phases connected to-
be the same: tar-like compounds used to fill joint casings. These gether and the lead sheath. Ionization factor was calculated as
compounds permeate over time into the paper insulation, either a difference between the maximum and minimum values of the
through the conductor interstices (staining the inner tapes), or power factor in the indicated voltage range.
under the lead sheath (causing discoloration of the outer tapes). Table III summarizes the maximum power factors, measured
In neither case did this phenomenon affect the performance of at room temperature and nominal operating voltage stress of



Fig. 4. Power factor at room temperature (upper picture) and ionization factor
(lower picture) in cable 4 (worst performer of all cables).

lack of oil, which could create a void that is subject to discharge

activity in the insulation structure. It could mean, for example,
1.6 kV/mm on different phases and sections of the same cable, as that the high values of this characteristic could be due to high
well as the maximum differences between sections and phases levels of moisture and/or the formation of wax.
within the same cable (the difference between phases might be
helpful in distinguishing bad performers during on-site diag- D. Capacitance and Power Factor versus Temperature
nostic testing). Fig. 4 provides a visual presentation of the data Tests were performed at the cable rated voltage (as listed in
for cable 4 that had the highest ionization factor. Table I) and at three temperatures: ambient, 70 and 90 C. The
Widespread results should be noted, with some cables well cable was evenly heated through its length and cross-section by
within industry specification requirements for new cables, the circulating current through the lead sheath. Each section was
others exhibiting relatively poor condition. It is interesting to held at constant temperature for at least one hour after the re-
note that the power factor values were not as indicative of a poor quired temperature was achieved at the cable outside.
cable condition, as was the level of ionization factor. Variation of cable capacitance versus temperature was very
Significant variation in the performance of different sections minimal (even in bad performing cables) and not worth discus-
of the same cable needs to be noted. As with other properties sion. In contrast, dielectric loss at high temperatures provided
tested, this indicates a pronounced non-consistency of the cable significant information on the cable condition. A summary of
performance along the feeder length. It is commonly recog- the results is provided in Table V. The table incorporates the
nized that PILC cables, as manufactured, are pretty uniform, so maximum value of power factor measured at each temperature
that the non-uniformity apparently has developed during cable on all cable sections and phases (including the configuration
service. It is also of interest that the difference between cable with all phases connected in parallel). An example of tempera-
phases was not that pronounced; however, it was still notice- ture dependence of power factor (for the worst performing cable
able, and in most cases (where moisture was not involved) there 3) is shown in Fig. 5. Extreme data for each section of this cable
was a good correlation between PD parameters and ionization are provided (the worst and best performing phases of each sec-
factors of individual cable sections and phases. tions of this cable).
Further, it needs to be noted that, in relation to old cables, the As with previously described characteristics, there was also
term “ionization factor” does not necessarily mean that there is a a great variation of dielectric loss at high temperatures between

The ampacity losses do not appear to be extremely high, but

are significant (up to 17%). It is of interest that no direct rela-
tion between cable age and loss of ampacity could be found;
Pearson’s correlation coefficient [10], calculated for the first 6
cables, came out as 0.1. It also needs to be considered that
calculations were made with relatively recent requirements of
AEIC CS1-68 (to have comparable data for all cables tested),
which were not necessarily valid for the older cables (see the
Discussion). Still, the loss of ampacity may reach critical levels,
if moisture intruded the cable: it exceeded 40% in Section III of
cable 3 (the worst performer, see Fig. 5).

E. Hot Impulse Withstand Tests

These tests were performed separately on each individual
phase, on cables heated to 110 C, by circulating current through
the lead sheath. The standard lightning impulse waveshape
(1.2/50 s) was applied. Industry specifications for PILC cables
Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the power factor in sections of cable 3. do not consider testing with high voltage impulses. Therefore,
the basic impulse insulation level for extruded cables (
LOSS OF AMPACITY DUE TO ELEVATED DISSIPATION FACTOR 60 kV for 6 kV cables and 90 kV for 7 kV cables, see Table I)
was selected as the test voltage. A sequence of 10 positive and
10 negative impulses was applied to each individual phase.
With the exception of one section of cable 4 (which failed
at the last impulse in the test sequence), all other cable sec-
tions withstood this test. In other words, impulse stresses (al-
though applied at high temperature) were not harmful to the
PILC cables.

F. High Voltage Withstand Tests

High voltage withstand tests were performed at room temper-
ature. All cable phases were tested simultaneously, connected in
different sections of the same cable. Subsequent evaluations re- parallel. A voltage stress of 8 kV/mm was applied for 6 h. If ca-
vealed that in two of the cables (nos. 3 and 4), there had been bles supported this stress, the next step was to apply 16 kV/mm,
moisture ingress in the end sections, which was one of the rea- for up to a maximum of 7 h.
sons for inconsistency of cable performance. In particular, cable It needs to be noted that this is a severe test for aged cables.
3 (Fig. 5) had section 3 affected by moisture, while the other two Industry specifications do not require new cables to withstand
sections tested appeared to be in a significantly healthier condi- the second step of the aforementioned sequence, and the test is
tion. Still, these two last sections had pretty high power factor typically performed to estimate cable longevity (using the well-
at elevated temperature. known power law [8]). The opportunity was used to evaluate the
Excessive power losses at high temperature were present in effect of elevated voltage stresses on cable performance, using
the majority of aged cables, except for the two youngest mem- one of the first cables tested. The results are shown in Figs. 6
bers. It appears, therefore, that there is a common mechanism and 7.
of PILC cable aging, not related to moisture ingress from the Both physical measurements and structural analysis indicated
outside. One important consequence of this phenomenon is that severe degradation of the cable insulation during the 6-h ap-
it takes away part of the cable ampacity. Table IV provides an plication of the stress, which exceeded the nominal operating
estimate of the loss of ampacity for all cables tested. To avoid stress by about 5 times. Considering that the 7 kV rated cable
confusion, due to mixing of two different degradation mecha- was used in a 4 kV distribution system, this ratio increases to
nisms (aging and moisture ingress), the moisture affecting sec- approximately 8.7. For comparison, the IEEE recommendation
tions of cables 3 and 4 is excluded. for onsite VLF testing of aged PILC cables is not to exceed 2.4
Excessive losses per cable phase are calculated considering times operating voltage [11]. Moreover, even after such abuse,
the difference between the actual dissipation factor and its limit the cable power factor took off at about 2.5 kV/mm, while its op-
according to industry specifications (1.6%). The loss of am- erating stress in the 4 kV system was only 0.9 kV/mm. In other
pacity is the current that would dissipate the same power in the words, even under a heavily compromised condition, the cable
conductor at 85 C. Finally, to estimate the loss of ampacity as a can provide further reliable service.
fraction of the cable rating, published ampacity values for PILC There was a significant variation of the ac withstand test re-
cables were used [9] (with nine 3-conductor belted cables in a sults between adjacent sections of the same cable, especially
duct bank, at 100% load factor and soil thermal conductivity with moisture in the end sections. Table V summarizes the worst
RHO 90). results (the shortest withstand time) for each cable.


60 years (cable longevity typically assumed in the industry).

It needs to be noted, however, that advanced corrosion, unless
it results in the development of holes through the lead, is not
reflected in the test results.

G. Structural Analysis
Upon completion of the aforementioned test sequence on
each cable, 2–3 ft sections, containing all laboratory failures,
as well as the field failure in cable 2, were dissected and
thoroughly examined. Notes were made on the condition of
cable components (starting from the jacket and up to the phase
conductors), the structure of the laminated insulation (butt
spaces, overlaps and registrations, wrinkles, creases, etc.), the
presence of moisture (with the help of hot oil tests), the amount
of oil retained (dry spots, empty butt spaces, etc.), and the
presence of wax, burnt spots, etc. Table V summarizes the main
Fig. 6. Voltage dependence of the power factor in the second section of cable
no. 2. Solid lines – initial testing, dashed lines – after a 6-h withstand test. findings on all cables.

H. Folding Endurance
To establish if the cable insulation had been degraded during
its life due to excursions to high temperature, folding endurance
tests were performed on selected tapes. In most cases, only one
cable section was tested; however, sometimes where there was
a pronounced difference in performance of the cable sections,
specimens of all three sections were evaluated.
In none of the cables, degradation of paper due to overheating
was noted. Variation of the results was natural and did not raise
concerns. Also, the number of folds, withstood by all insulating
tapes, was sufficiently high, indicating that the paper had not
become brittle.
Fig. 7. Burnt spots on paper tapes in cable 2 after a 6-h withstand test.
This project provided a rare opportunity to examine and com-
Time to failure was used to estimate the cable remaining life, pare significant characteristics of aged PILC cables after 7 to al-
with the help of the well-known power law and an exponent most 70 years in service. Table V provides an overall summary
equal to 7, as specified for belted cables in [8]. The estimations of the results.
were made for the 4 kV cable system, from which the cables The results indicate that most of the cables retained relatively
had been removed, and, in all cases. they significantly exceeded good characteristics and, therefore, should be able to provide

further reliable service over a long time. In particular, the oldest due to high losses, similar to the situation with moisture-affected
cable tested was manufactured in 1937. The pertinent specifica- insulation.
tion AEIC CS1-34 had dissipation factor requirements for ca- One aspect of interest is the application of the acquired infor-
bles rated only 7.5 kV and above, which were 1.5% at room mation to onsite diagnostic testing of PILC cables. The main
temperature and up to 60 C, 2.1% at 70 C, and 4.5% at 90 C diagnostic technique presently employed is the measurement
(versus 1.6% at 90 C per AEIC CS1-68). Thus, the cable met of cable dissipation factor (DF) versus voltage at very low fre-
requirements for new cables of higher voltage rating of the in- quency (VLF, typically 0.1 Hz). It needs to be considered that
dustry specification, to which it had been manufactured. due to low frequency polarization in the insulation, values of
As is well known, and as reflected in Table V, the main neg- dissipation factor measured at VLF are typically several times
ative factor for PILC cables is moisture. There are four major higher than those measured at power frequency. Nonetheless, it
ways for moisture to enter the cable: 1) via open ends during might be of interest to look at the data obtained at 60 Hz from
handling and installation; 2) via holes in the lead sheath devel- the perspective of onsite testing.
oped by corrosion or inflicted mechanically; 3) through cracks It is clear that high temperature tests cannot be performed in
in the sheath, developed due to thermo-mechanical movement the field. Therefore, the most sensitive characteristic indicating
at locations with concentrated mechanical stress; and 4) through the presence of wax and/or moisture in the insulation cannot be
compromised seals of modern heat or cold shrink joints and ter- employed. What can be employed are: 1) absolute DF values; 2)
minations. It appears that two modes of moisture entry could variation of DF versus voltage; and 3) difference in DF between
be distinguished: from the cable ends (samples 3, 4, and 5) and adjacent phases of the same cable or, if available, of adjacent
through corrosion in the lead (sample 2). cables of the same vintage, type, and layout. Thus, the data in
The failure mechanism of paper-insulated cables affected by Table III are believed to be of interest from this point of view.
moisture is thermal runaway, due to increased dielectric losses. Based on these data, cables 3 and 4 could be depicted by both
The same amount of moisture can cause failures at high temper- DF absolute values (at about the same level) and by the differ-
ature (high loads, high ambient temperature during summers), ence between adjacent phases (0.13% for cable 3 and 0.29% for
or it can remain unnoticed at low temperatures. Additionally, the cable 4; this difference, again, would be significantly higher at
situation can be masked by uneven moisture distribution in the 0.1 Hz). These are affected by moisture and cables in this con-
insulation wall: if only the outer tapes are wet, even with high dition and should be considered for replacement. Cable 4 would
local concentrations, no failures will take place. also be the only one revealed by DF non-linearity versus voltage
A recent study of critical moisture content (the maximum (at stresses below , as per IEEE recommendation [11]). It
amount of moisture that cables can withstand during summer is interesting to note that this last characteristic correlates well
heat waves) demonstrated that 3 to 5% moisture (depending on with relatively low PD extinction voltage in this particular cable
the cable design) is tolerable [12]. Moreover, upon entry of the (Table V). However, this cable, although having relatively high
moisture, it takes time to distribute across and along the affected losses, the worst difference between the phases, and significant
cable. If immediate failure does not take place, and the entry of ionization at relatively low stresses, survived the 6-h withstand
moisture is stopped (as, for example, during installation of ac- test and, therefore, most likely could continue providing further
cessories, or when cable sections affected by moisture during trouble-free service.
failures are not totally eliminated during repair), there is a great In other words, diagnostic testing is no doubt of significant
chance that moisture will re-distribute inside the cable, the max- value (The authors of this paper are strong advocates for onsite
imum local moisture content will be reduced, and the cable will diagnostic testing.), but a large number of variables governing
be able to provide further service until the first significant tem- the condition of the PILC cable probably will not allow for de-
perature rise, and if it survives the heat wave–for almost unlim- signing a set of criteria, which would warrant a 100% differ-
ited time. This apparently was the case with cables 3 through 5. entiation between “bad” and “good” cables. Different test ap-
In contrast, if a significant amount of moisture enters the proaches might need to be exercised, to get a better idea of the
cable, for instance, through a corroded or mechanically inflicted cable condition.
hole, and causes breakdown in a short timeframe, moisture Finally, the authors have not come across prior mention in
does not have time to distribute, so that removal of a short cable the literature of ampacity loss by aged PILC cables. As follows
length, affected by moisture, totally eliminates the problem. from Table V, considering that utility feeders are typically low
This was apparently the case with cable 2. or moderately loaded, degradation of the cable insulation does
As mentioned, the other factor influencing PILC cable per- not appear to be critical. On the other hand, ampacity losses are
formance is the amount of impregnating oil. If there is a deficit high enough to be worth considering, especially if emergency
of the fluid, gaseous inclusions (voids) form, which give rise to loads can be expected. The nature of this phenomenon was not
discharges. Once started, these discharges can convert oil into evaluated. By analogy with the mechanism of degradation of
so-called wax, thus, on one hand, worsening oil deficit, and on paper insulation in transformers, one can assume that it is related
the other hand—increasing dielectric losses of the insulation to de-polymerization of paper, associated with the release of
(wax is a highly lossy substance). It needs to be noted that paper moisture. Another mechanism could be the formation of wax
insulation is somewhat tolerant to discharges and can operate due to partial discharges. Most likely, a combination of these
for long times under relatively high PD intensities. Still, after two factors dominates the phenomenon.
certain time, carbonization of the insulation can take place (as, Based on information acquired, the high dissipation factor
for example, in Fig. 7); also, thermal runaway becomes possible at elevated temperatures does not appear to affect cable perfor-

mance at lower temperatures. Therefore, the significance of am- [5] C. Katz, “PILC cable – Related failures analyzed at CTL. 1996–2005,”
pacity loss, due to aging of the insulation, should be weighed presented at the Minutes 90th Meeting Insulated Conductors Com-
mittee, Orlando, FL, May 2007.
against the maximum expected load of a particular feeder. [6] “Development of a method to introduce controlled amounts of moisture
into paper-insulated lead-covered cables” EPRI rep. 1014868, 2007.
VII. CONCLUSION [7] “Evaluation of line resonance analysis (LIRA) for diagnosing defects
in PILC cables,” EPRI rep. 1019595, 2009.
The condition of eight PILC cables, rated 6 to 7 kV, removed [8] “Solid type impregnated paper insulated lead-covered cable specifica-
tions” AEIC CS1-68, 1968, 10th ed..
from a 4 kV distribution system after 7 to almost 70 years of ser- [9] Power cable ampacities IPCEA, 1967, Publ. no. P-48-426.
vice, was evaluated by laboratory testing. Cables were mainly [10] W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Nu-
removed due to system replacement; only one of them contained merical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.
a field failure. A series of test methods, including measurement [11] Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very
of partial discharge, power factor at different voltage and tem- Low Frequency (VLF), IEEE Std. 400.2, 2004.
perature levels, dielectric strength under impulse and ac stresses, [12] “Effect of controlled amounts of moisture on the performance of paper-
insulated lead –covered cablesm,” EPRI rep. 1023115, 2011.
structural analysis, etc., were employed.
Most of the cable sections tested, including the oldest ones,
appeared to be in good condition, indicating that cables with Vitaliy Yaroslavskiy (M’05) was born in Russia on
similar characteristics can provide further long and reliable ser- September 21, 1950. He received the M.S. degree
vice. Out of eight cables tested, only one should probably have in thermo-physics from Moscow Power Engineering
University. Moscow, Russia, in 1973.
been considered for immediate replacement. Even the failed Until 2000, he was with the Russian Research
cable, after removal of a short section containing the failure, Institute for Metrological Services, Moscow, de-
was still in reasonably good condition. veloping methods and measurement standards for
precise high-voltage measurements. He has been
Among mechanisms of cable degradation, noted on older ca- associated with Cable Technology Laboratories,
bles, were lead corrosion (in one case conducive to moisture New Brunswick, NJ, since 2001 as a Senior Test
penetration and cable failure), elevated moisture content (likely, Engineer and VP Technology, with expertise in
testing and performance evaluation of medium- and high-voltage cables and
due to a number of reasons), local deficit of oil, and the forma- accessories. He is the author of many technical papers.
tion of wax; both moisture and wax are conducive to elevated
dielectric losses in the insulation. Signs of different degradation
mechanisms could sometimes be recognized in the same cable Carlos Katz (M’70–SM’78–F’87) was born in West
length. Germany on August 18, 1934. He received an Elec-
trical Engineering degree from Polytechnic Institute
The results of laboratory tests confirmed the worthiness of of Quito, Ecuador, in 1961 and the MS degree from
field diagnostic testing. However, a large number of variables, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, in
governing PILC cable condition, may not allow for designing a 1970.
From 1962 to 1971, he was associated with Gen-
set of criteria, which can warrant a clear differentiation between eral Cable Corp. Research Center and from 1971 to
“bad” and “good” cables. A complex testing approach may need 1974, he was with the laboratories of Phelps Dodge
to be adopted, if a comprehensive assessment of the cable con- Wire & Cable. In 1974, he became Assistant Director
of R&D at General Cable Corp., and later Technical
dition is sought. Director of power and control cables for General Cable International. He has
A loss of ampacity (up to 17%) was noted on aged PILC ca- been Chief Research Engineer with Cable Technology Laboratories since its
bles. This loss was due to elevated dielectric losses in the cable founding in 1978. His special field of activity is the investigation of extruded and
laminar dielectric high-voltage power cables, the manufacture and properties of
insulation at the maximum operating and emergency tempera- these cables, and the extension of service life of installed cables. He is the au-
tures. Considering typically low or moderate loading of utility thor of many technical papers and holds 16 U.S. patents related to high-voltage
feeders, this factor might not be critical; however, it must be rec- cables.
Mr. Katz is a voting member of the ICC, and a member of CIGRE and of
ognized and considered for cable operation. JICABLE. He is the recipient of the ICC Dr. George Bahder Memorial Award
and of the IEEE 2010 Herman Halpering Award.
The authors would like to thank several of their associates Matthew Olearczyk (M’09) was born in the U.S. on
who have contributed to the laboratory investigation. November 14, 1961. He received the Engineering de-
gree from Widener University, West Chester, PA.
He was with Public Service Electric and Gas
REFERENCES Company of New Jersey and is currently with the
[1] C. Katz, “Evaluation of old vintage solid-type impregnated-paper-in- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), where
sulated lead covered cables,” presented at the Minutes 90th Meeting he is Senior Program Manager. He directs EPRI’s
Insulated Conductors Committee, Columbus, OH, Apr. 17–20, 1988. applied research portfolio for the electric distribution
[2] C. Katz and M. Walker, “Further serviceability of 40 year old PILC systems research area, which includes technology
cable,” presented at the Minutes 90th Meeting Insulated Conductors development/assessment and demonstration as well
Committee, Victoria, BC, Canada, Apr. 26–29, 1992. as analytical studies to identify industry-leading
[3] G. W. Seman, C. Katz, and S. V. Pancholi, “Evaluation of 230 kV practices, environmental impacts, customer behavior, and applications of
HPFF pipe-type cable with wrinkled and creased insulating tapes,” smart-grid infrastructure. He is responsible for the continuing development of
IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 25–33, Jan. 1995. the distribution systems research program and business development across the
[4] C. Katz, “Condition assessment of PILC cables,” presented at the Min- EPRI worldwide regions.
utes 90th Meeting Insulated Conductors Committee, Cincinnati, OH, Mr. Olearczyk is the author of many papers and EPRI reports. He is an active
Apr. 27–30, 2003. member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society and the AEIC CEC.

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