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ol labor

C at
h io i


Co m mu

Bo a


-P v i
ol ic e A d


Letter from Chair............................................................................................................................................... 4
Stakeholder Letters............................................................................................................................................ 5
Collaborative Members..................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview........................................................................................................................................................... 8
County Profiles
A-F................................................................................................................................................................... 16
G-L................................................................................................................................................................... 70
M-S................................................................................................................................................................ 116
T-Z.................................................................................................................................................................. 174
State Agencies............................................................................................................................................... 196
Non-Certified Agencies.................................................................................................................................. 197
Executive Order............................................................................................................................................. 210

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 3

4 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report
1103 Schrock Road, Suite 401 ·Columbus, Ohio 43229 ·Tel: (614) 431-5500 ·Fax:
(614) 431-5665


March 12, 2020

On behalf of the members of the Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association (BSSA), I am again proud to join
with the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) and the Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) to
participate in the Ohio Collaborative certification process.

The contributions of the BSSA as participants, receiving certification, as assessors and as peer support
providers in the certification process, has enriched the overall Collaborative effort and played a key role
in its accomplishments. We welcome the opportunity to assist our members as they play a vital role in
the development and Implementation of the Collaborative standards.

We look forward to continuing our work in partnership with the OACP and OCJS in the future.


Robert A. Cornwell

Executive Director

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 5

March 9, 2020

The Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) is pleased to continue to partner with the
Ohio Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Service
(OCJS) on the Ohio Collaborative statewide minimum standards.

During the fourth year of the Collaborative, OACP has continued to assist in the re-
certification process. Congratulations to all certified law enforcement agencies! We stand
ready to help departments meet the 2019-2020 Law Enforcement Vehicular Pursuit Standard
as well as all other Standards.

The Associations provides peer support, reviews, and on-site assessments for agencies
participating in the assessment process. Nearly 1000 peer and assessor assignments have
been successfully completed by the OACP.

We want to take this opportunity to thank Chief Michael Navarre, Oregon PD, for all his
time, hard work and commitment as the OACP representative on the Collaborative.

The OACP executive board strongly advocates minimum law enforcement standards and
extends the continued support of the Association to the Ohio Collaborative certification


Chief David Marcelli, CLEE Donna Harrass

OACP President, 2019-2020 OACP Executive Director
Ashland Police Department

6277 Riverside Drive * Dublin, Ohio 43017

614-761-0330 * 614-761-9509 (fax) *

6 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Karen Huey Ex Officio Members
Assistant Director, ODPS Phil Plummer
Ohio Representative
Lori Barreras
Ohio Civil Rights Commission Tom Roberts
Former Ohio Senator
Juanita Brent
Ohio Representative The Late Louis Stokes
Former Member of Congress
Dr. Ronnie Dunn
Associate professor, Cleveland State University The Late George V. Voinovich
Former U.S. Senator, Governor and Mayor
Dr. Robin Engel
Professor, University of Cincinnati Sandra Williams
Ohio Senator
Anthony L. Johnson
Officer, Columbus PD

Tom Miller
Sheriff, Medina County

Joe Morbitzer
BCI Superintendent
Ohio Attorney General’s Office

Rev. Walter S. Moss

Pastor and CIRV Project Director
Stark County Prosecutor’s Office

Michael J. Navarre
Chief, Oregon Police Department

Ronald J. O’Brien
Franklin County Prosecutor

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 7

The Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for
(Collaborative) is comprised of a multidisciplinary group Use of Deadly Force
of Ohioans that include law enforcement, community
members, elected officials, academia, and the faith-based The preservation of human life is of the highest value
community. The Collaborative was created by executive in the State of Ohio. Therefore, employees must have an
order 2015-04K on April 29, 2015, after the Governor’s Task objectively reasonable belief deadly force is necessary to
Force on Community-Police Relations produced a report protect life before the use of deadly force. Deadly force
with recommendations on how to improve the important may be used only under the following circumstances:
relationship between law enforcement and the communities 1. To defend themselves from serious physical injury
they serve. or death; or
2. To defend another person from serious physical
The executive order charged the Collaborative with creating injury or death; or
uniform minimum standards for all law enforcement 3. In accordance with U.S. and Ohio Supreme Court
agencies regarding use of force, including deadly force, decisions, specifically, Tennessee v. Garner and
and hiring and recruitment. On August 28, 2015, the Graham v. Connor.
Collaborative adopted these standards.  
Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for
The executive order also required the Ohio Office of Agency Employee Recruitment and Hiring
Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) to publish an annual report
identifying the state and local law enforcement agencies that The goal of every Ohio law enforcement agency is to
have adopted and fully implemented the first two standards. recruit and hire qualified individuals while providing
In addition, the order required OCJS to publish each law equal employment opportunity. Ohio law enforcement
enforcement agency’s compliance or noncompliance with agencies should consist of a diverse workforce.
any new or modified statewide minimum standards. Communities with diverse populations should strive
to have a diverse work force that reflects the citizens
At the time of this report, the Collaborative has adopted served.
eight standards. This year’s report focuses on the adoption
of standards one through seven, which are listed below. Non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity
The eighth standard, adopted in November, addresses law is the policy. Law enforcement agencies shall provide
enforcement vehicular pursuits and will be included in next equal terms and conditions of employment regardless
year’s report. of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, age, national origin, veteran status, military
The first two standards (one and two) are collectively status, or disability. This applies to all terms or
referred to as Group 1 standards. conditions associated with the employment process,
including hiring, promotions, terminations, discipline,
GROUP 1 performance evaluations, and interviews.
Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for Use of
Force Agencies should utilize due diligence in ensuring
that their prospective employees have the proper
Employees may only use the force which is reasonably temperament, knowledge and attitude to handle this
necessary to effect lawful objectives including: effecting a very difficult job. Agencies should have appropriate
lawful arrest or overcoming resistance to a lawful arrest, mechanisms in place in order to achieve this mission.
preventing the escape of an offender, or protecting or Further, agencies should ensure their employment
defending others or themselves from physical harm. requirements are related to the skills that are necessary
to be a successful employee.

8 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

438 868

The next three standards (three, four and five) are referred Standard:
to as Group 2 standards. Law enforcement agencies that use body-worn cameras
must establish a written policy for their use. The policy
GROUP 2 shall address the following areas:
Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for • The purpose and organizational philosophy regarding
Community Engagement use;
• Requirements and restrictions for activation and
Purpose: deactivation of the device;
It is the shared responsibility of law enforcement agencies • Criminal and administrative use of the camera
and the communities they serve to work together to build captured data;
relationships based upon trust and mutual respect. A • Data storage, retention, and disclosure requirements
strong relationship between law enforcement agencies reflective of public records law and privacy concerns;
and the community will improve public safety and allow and
communities to thrive and prosper. • Accountability and training requirements for users
and supervisors; and requirements for a documented
Standard: review of camera captured data.
Agencies must adopt a community engagement strategy
with a primary focus on improving Police – Community Commentary:
relations. Agencies who utilize body-worn cameras must develop
strong and consistent policies that provide guidance
Commentary to their personnel as to the appropriate use of body-
Agencies shall utilize proven strategies or develop worn cameras. Policies need to address, at a minimum,
their own strategies that are focused on community activation and deactivation, auditing, storage, retention,
engagement. Strategies may address any or all of the public records and the release of video related to victims,
following or other related areas: youth programs, especially child victims, injured victims, victims of sexual
educating the community on police policy and assault, and other privacy concerns. It is recognized that
procedures, understanding the communities agencies audio and video data is valuable recorded evidence that
serve, sharing, receiving and providing information may provide a means of accountability for both officers and
to the public, jointly identifying areas of concern, and the public. It is also recognized that audio and video data
communicating, when appropriate, significant changes in may not be an accurate reflection of all that is involved
agency operations. with an incident. Audio and video data cannot reflect the
human and cognitive conditions associated with officer
The intent of this standard is to establish agency and public contact. Additionally, audio and video shall not
accountability for the community involvement function supersede the principles established by Graham vs. Connor.
in writing. The function should be developed and  
operated to effectively meet the needs of the agency, with Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for Law
consideration of the department size and budget, as well Enforcement Telecommunicators
as the community it serves.
Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for Law Enforcement call taking and dispatching are critical
Body-Worn Cameras elements to ensuring a proper and safe response to report-
ed incidents affecting public safety. Ensuring proper train-
Purpose: ing and performance by telecommunicators performing
Law enforcement agencies and the community will benefit these functions is essential.
from clear guidelines involving the use of body-worn
cameras and related privacy issues.

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 9

25,285 32,242 OF

Standard: Standard:
Law Enforcement agencies must ensure a training Agencies shall establish a written policy governing biased-
program and policy directives exist to allow for based profiling that includes the following provisions:
telecommunicators to be proficient in: • A prohibition against biased-based profiling in traffic
• Obtaining complete and accurate information from contacts, field contacts, and in asset seizure and
callers requesting law enforcement assistance. forfeiture efforts.
• Accurately classifying and prioritizing requests for • Training all agency enforcement personnel in biased-
assistance. based profiling issues and the relevant legal aspects.
• Obtaining and accurately relaying information which • Corrective measures if biased-based profiling occurs.
may affect responder and/or citizen safety. • The collection of data on all self-initiated traffic
contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and
Commentary: gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped. For
This standard and the training applies only to those Law agencies that employ fewer than 35 sworn full time
Enforcement Agencies that operate a telecommunications police officers, the collection of data does not have to
center or performs that function. occur until the year 2020.
Training shall meet and support minimum standards as • A documented annual administrative review of
established by legislation for 911 call centers and public- agency practices, data collected, and citizens’
safety answering points (PSAPs). concerns. This review shall be made available to the
Acceptable training may include: public.
• Class room or equivalent;
• Utilization of nationally recognized dispatcher Commentary:
training; and/or Criminal profiling, in itself, can be a useful tool to assist
• Training developed by individual agencies to meet law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties.
the specific needs of their communities. Officers shall not consider race/ethnicity to establish
reasonable suspicion or probable cause, except that officers
Unlike Group 1 standards, which require the adoption may take into account the reported race/ethnicity of a
of each standard in order to be certified, Group 2 potential suspect(s) based on trustworthy, locally relevant
certification is based upon the adoption of applicable information that links a person or persons of a specific
standards. For instance, an agency must adopt the race/ethnicity to a particular unlawful incident(s).
community engagement standard, but may not utilize
body-worn cameras or employ telecommunicators. Law enforcement agencies should prohibit the use of any
However, that agency would be certified in Group 2 since bias-based profiling in its enforcement programs, as it
they adopted the applicable standard for their agency. If may lead to violations of the constitutional rights of the
at a later time they were to begin to utilize body-worn citizens we serve, undermine legitimate law enforcement
cameras or employ telecommunicators, they would need efforts, and may lead to claims of civil rights violations.
to meet those standards in order to be certified in Group 2. Additionally, bias-based profiling alienates citizens, fosters
distrust of law enforcement by the community, and may
The last two standards (six and seven) are referred to as result in media scrutiny, legislative action, and judicial
Group 3 standards. intervention.

GROUP 3 Law enforcement personnel should focus on a person’s

Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard for Bias- conduct or other specific suspect information. Annually,
Free Policing the agency should include profiling related training that
should include field contacts, traffic stops, search issues,
Purpose: asset seizure and forfeiture, interview techniques, cultural
Law enforcement agencies must prohibit the use of any diversity, discrimination, and community support.
bias-based profiling in its enforcement programs.
10 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report
11,536,504 2010 CENSUS

Policy statement for the State of Ohio standard Within Group 3, the bias-free policing standard requires
Investigation of Employee Misconduct collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts.
However, law enforcement agencies that employ fewer
Purpose: than 35 sworn full-time police officers are not required to
Law enforcement agencies and the public at large will start collecting the data until the end of this year. Thus,
benefit from the establishment, enhancement, and the for this report, agencies with fewer than 35 sworn full
promotion of a genuine and comprehensive employee time police officers would be certified in Group 3 as long
misconduct investigation process, to include both as they adopt the investigation of employee misconduct
administrative and citizen complaints. standard.


Law enforcement agencies shall establish a written policy
which outlines the process for accepting, processing, This report is divided into county profiles. Agencies are
and investigating complaints concerning allegations of identified as one of the following statuses: In Process,
employee misconduct. The policy, at a minimum, shall Certified, or Not Certified in Group 1, Group 2, and
address the following: Group 3 standards. Agencies that are in process or
• Describe the formal complaint process, outlining certified appear in the county profiles that are listed
how and where to file a complaint; alphabetically in the body of the report. Non-certified
• Outline the procedures for accepting, processing and agencies are listed alphabetically by county in the back
investigating the complaint; of this report. The county profiles identify the number
• Define timelines for the resolution of complaints; of agencies in the county, number of agencies involved
• Include safeguards to protect the legal and in the certification process, number of overall officers,
contractual rights of the employees during internal percentage of officers who work for agencies engaged
investigations; and in the certification process, county population, and the
• Ensure that procedures to register complaints and/ percentage of the population that is served by an agency in
or commendations are made available to the public the certification process.
through social media or the agency’s community
relations programs. As of the publishing of this report, 438 agencies have
obtained certification on the first two standards.
Commentary: Additionally, we continue to make progress in certifying
A well-constructed complaint process is an integral tool agencies in Group 2 and 3 standards. There are 356
in community-police relations. There is a significant agencies certified in both Group 1 and Group 2 standards,
impact when a community knows and understands its compared to 347 agencies last year and 198 agencies
concerns can be legitimately addressed in a proper setting. are certified in all 3 group standards, compared to 119
Further, officers can be better served when they can refer agencies last year.
aggrieved individuals to a trusted process. Neither officers
nor community members benefit from attempts to have This report goes to great lengths to provide statistical
concerns addressed and redressed during a traffic stop or information on the true impact of the adoption of the
in the midst of an incident. It may prove beneficial for law collaborative standards. Thus, a great deal of the work is
enforcement agencies to reach out to community members focused on the officers who are part of the certification
in an effort to publicize, promote and develop processes process and the population that is served by these officers.
that are mutually beneficial to all. The success of these standards is dependent upon the
number of officers who are trained on the standards and
the number of people who are served by these officers.

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 11

153 868


CERTIFICATION PROCESS This year, more agencies have achieved final certification
in all three groups of standards. However, despite this
To ensure agencies were adopting and implementing the progress, there are fewer agencies that are considered in
standards created by the Collaborative, OCJS created a process due to the use of a more restrictive definition of in
law enforcement certification process. The certification process. As a result, agencies that have not demonstrated
process has the distinct goal of building a rigorous review substantial progress towards certification will no longer
process with legitimacy in the eyes of both the public and be considered in process. While many agencies have
law enforcement. recently indicated they still plan to adopt the Collaborative
standards, if they have not demonstrated progress, they are
The certification process was developed by criminal justice not considered in process.
professionals with extensive expertise and experience
in accreditation. The certification process has three RECERTIFICATION PROCESS
components. The process begins when an agency submits
an application and documentation supporting its efforts to Each agency must recertify its collaborative standards on
adopt and implement the collaborative standards. When a revolving cycle of every three to four years. Agencies
an agency has completed this initial step, it is deemed in that were originally certified in 2016 must resubmit their
process. Group 1 documentation for review and demonstrate
that they have continued to adopt and implement the
Once an agency completes that initial step, their agency standards during another on-site assessment to receive
application and supporting documentation is then recertification. If an agency due for recertification does
passed on to a reviewer to determine if the agency’s not recertify, they will be deemed non-certified. Agencies
documentation supports their assertion that they have that have resubmitted their documentation, but are
implemented the collaborative standards. This part of awaiting their on-site assessment, will be considered in
the process may result in multiple contacts between process for recertification. As of the publishing of this
the reviewer and the agency seeking certification as the report, 153 law enforcement agencies have obtained
reviewer seeks additional information or clarification. recertification in Group 1 standards.
Once the reviewer is satisfied the documentation is
sufficient to demonstrate the agency has adopted and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
implemented the standards, that agency is deemed to be
provisionally certified. This report and process could not have been completed
without the strong support and partnership of both
The final step in the process is an on-site assessment of an the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association (BSSA) and the
agency by a criminal justice professional, either a former Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP). Both
or current law enforcement officer or accreditation expert, organizations have encouraged their members to
and a final review by the executive director of OCJS. participate in the process, provided valuable input to
Prior to conducting the on-site review, the assessor will the development of standards, and provided assessors
review all documentation submitted by the agency and and peer support for the certification process. Each
the entire certification file. Once this review is completed, organization has also assisted with our comprehensive
the assessor will go to the agency and review additional outreach effort to contact agencies about the certification
documentation and interview agency staff. Once the process.
assessor completes their on-site review, they will write a
report documenting their visit and findings. The report is
then forwarded to the executive director of OCJS for final
review. Once the executive director is satisfied the agency
has implemented the standards, the agency is deemed to
be final certified.

12 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

C o

i In order to strengthen the bond between communities and police, the Ohio Collaborative
Community-Police Advisory Board developed standards for state and local law enforcement


departments regarding:
Co m mu

Bo a

• The proper use of force including deadly force;


• The recruiting, hiring and screening of potential law enforcement officer candidates;


ol ic e A d vi

Co m mu
• The implementation of community engagement;
• The appropriate use of body worn cameras;
• The essential training for law enforcement telecommunicators;
• The collection of data to demonstrate bias free policing; and
• The investigation of employee misconduct.



ol ic e A




0-25 26-51
52-77 78-100

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 13

Agency Certification Status
In Process Group Certified Certified Certified
1, 2 and/or 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Agency Certification Status

14 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Agency Re-Certification Status
Certified In Process

Agency Re-Certification Status

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 15

Adams County

28,550 0 5 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

16 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 62 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 17

Allen County

106,331 44 10 7
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

18 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

70 367 227 62
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Allen County Sheriff's Office 161 4 In Process

Bluffton Police Department 15 4 4

Delphos Police Department 16 4 4
Elida Police Department 8 4 4 4 4
Marion Twp. Police Department 1 4 4 4 4
Shawnee Twp. Police Department 16 4 4 4 4
Spencerville Police Department 10 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 19

Ashland County

53,139 94 5 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

20 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

40 119 96 81
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Ashland County Sheriff’s Office 62 4 4 4
Ashland Police Department 34 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 21

Ashtabula County

101,497 4 10 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

22 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

30 235 28 12
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Andover Police Department 13 4 4 4
Orwell Police Department 9 4 4
Roaming Shores Police Department 6 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 23

Athens County

64,757 94 10 5
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Athens County Sheriff’s Office and the Athens Police Department share the same building and are within
walking distance of the Ohio University Police Department.

24 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 172 136 79
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Athens County Sheriff's Office 37 4 4 4 4
Athens Police Department 51 4 4 4 4
Hocking College Police Department 9 4 4 4 4
Nelsonville Police Department 13 4
Ohio University Police Department 26 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 25

Auglaize County

45,949 54 8 4
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

26 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 130 78 60
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Auglaize County Sheriff's Office 56 4 4 4
Minster Police Department 9 4
New Bremen Police Department 11 4 4 4
Waynesfield Police Department 2 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 27

Belmont County

70,400 36 11 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

28 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

9 201 92 46
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Belmont County Sheriff's Office 92 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 29

Brown County

44,846 67 11 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

30 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

9 170 48 28
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Brown County Sheriff's Office 48 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 31

Butler County

368,130 73 14 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

32 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

57 790 612 77
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Butler County Sheriff's Office 246 4 4 4
Fairfield Police Department 65 4 4 4 4
Hamilton Police Department 123 4 4 4 4
Miami University Police Department 30 4 4 4 4
Oxford Police Department 31 4 4 4
Oxford Twp. Police Department 17 4 4 4 In Process

Ross Township Police Department 14 4 4 4

West Chester Police Department 86 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 33

Carroll County

28,836 88 2 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

34 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 60 45 75
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Carroll County Sheriff's Office 45 4 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 35

Champaign County

40,097 95 4 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

36 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 90 86 96
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Champaign County Sheriff's Office 46 4 4
Mechanicsburg Police Department 19 4 4 4 In Process

Urbana Police Department 21 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 37

Clark County

138,333 44 10 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

38 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

10 395 131 33
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Springfield Police Department 131 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 39

Clermont County

197,363 75 12 10
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

40 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

83 344 276 80
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Batavia Police Department 8 4 4
Bethel Police Department 5 4 4 4 In Process

Clermont County Sheriff's Office 110 4 4 4 4

Felicity Police Department 10 4
Goshen Twp Police Department - Clermont 21 4 4 4 4
Miami Twp. Police Department - Clermont 42 4 4 4 4
Milford Police Department 32 4 4 4 4
Owensville Police Department 19 4
Pierce Twp. Police Department 17 4 4 4 4
Williamsburg Police Department 12 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 41

Clinton County

42,040 80 6 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

42 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 93 57 61
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Clinton County Sheriffs Office 36 4 4 4
Wilmington Police Department 21 4 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 43

Columbiana County

107,841 1 17 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

44 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

6 249 9 4
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Salineville Police Department 9 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 45

Coshocton County

36,901 6 2 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

46 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 96 7 7
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
West Lafayette Police Department 7 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 47

Crawford County

43,784 30 5 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

48 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

40 139 39 28
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bucyrus Police Department 32 4
New Washington Police Department 7 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 49

Cuyahoga County

1,280,122 51 67 44
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

50 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

66 4,745 2,439 51
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Case Western Reserve University Police 31 4 4 4
Chagrin Falls Police Department 23 4
Cleveland Heights Police Department 109 4 4
Cleveland Clinic Police Department 136 4 4 4
Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Department 90 4 4 4 4
Cleveland State University Police Department 33 4 4 4 4
Cuyahoga Community College Police 67 4 4
Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office 159 4 4
Cuyahoga Heights Police Department 23 4
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority 78 4 4 4 4
Police Department
University Circle Police Department 32 4 4
Bentleyville Police Department 17 4 4 4
Broadview Heights Police Department 30 4 4 In Process

Brook Park Police Department 47 4 4

East Cleveland Police Department 64 4
Euclid Police Department 92 4 4 In Process

Garfield Heights Police Dept. 72 4 4

Gates Mills Village Police Department 22 4 4
Glenwillow Police Department 14 4 4
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Police 165 4 4
Highland Heights Police Department 34 4 4 4 4
Hunting Valley Police Department 16 4 4 4
Lakewood Police Department 119 4 4 In Process

Mayfield Heights Police Department 64 4 4

Mayfield Village Police Department 26 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 51

Cuyahoga County Continued

1,280,122 51 67 44
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

52 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

66 4,745 2,439 51
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Middleburg Heights Police Department 34 4 4 4
Moreland Hills Police Department 17 4 4
Newburgh Heights Police Department 32 4
North Olmsted Police Department 63 4 4
North Royalton Police Department 47 4 4 4
Olmsted Township Police Department 21 4 4 4
Parma Heights Police Department 57 4
Parma Police Department 134 4
Pepper Pike Police Department 17 4 4
Richmond Heights Police Department 22 4 4
Rocky River Police Department 42 4 4 4
Seven Hills Police Department 19 4 4 4
Shaker Heights Police Department 118 4 4 4 4
Solon Police Department 66 4 4 4
South Euclid Police Department 43 4
Strongsville Police Department 74 4 4 4
University Heights Police Department 29 4
Valley View Police Department 21 4 4 4
Walton Hills Police Department 20 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 53

Darke County

52,959 89 6 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

54 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 104 82 79
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Arcanum Police Department 11 4
Darke County Sheriff's Office 49 4
Greenville Police Department 22 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 55

Defiance County

39,037 91 3 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

56 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

67 90 77 86
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Defiance County Sheriff's Office 41 4 4
Defiance Police Department 36 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 57

Delaware County

174,214 76 8 4
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

58 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 256 178 70
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Delaware County Sheriff's Office 113 4 4
Genoa Twp. Police Department 26 4 4 4 4
Powell Police Department 18 4 4 4 4
Shawnee Hills Police Department 21 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 59

Erie County

77,079 90 10 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Erie County Sheriff’s Office and the Perkins Township Police Department are within walking distance of
each other.

60 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

80 238 199 84
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bay View Police Department 5 4 4 4 4
Berlin Heights Police Department 4 4 4
Erie County Sheriff's Office 48 4 4 4
Kelleys Island Police Department 15 4 4
Milan Police Department 13 4 4 4
Perkins Twp. Police Department 30 4 4
Sandusky Police Department 57 4 4 4 4
Vermilion Police Department 27 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 61

Fairfield County

146,156 27 8 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

62 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

13 309 68 22
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Lancaster Police Department 68 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 63

Fayette County

29,030 51 2 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

64 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 70 48 69
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Fayette County Sheriff's Office 48 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 65

Franklin County

1,163,414 97 32 24
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

66 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 3,913 3,789 97
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bexley Police Department 33 4 4 4 4
Clinton Twp. Police Department 17 4 4
Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks 52 4 4 4 In Process

Columbus Police Department 2018 4 4 4 4

Columbus Regional Airport Authority 47 4 4 4 4
Columbus State Community College Police 24 4 4 4
Dublin Police Department 70 4 4 4
Franklin County Sheriff's Office 625 4 4 4
Gahanna Police Department 64 4 4 4
Grandview Heights Police Department 22 4 4 4
Grove City Police Department 64 4 4 4
Hilliard Police Department 63 4 4 4
Madison Twp. Police Department - Franklin 20 4 4 4
Minerva Park Police Department 11 4 4 4 4
New Albany Police Department 24 4 4 4 4
The Ohio State University Police Division 72 4 4 4 4
Otterbein Police Department 10 4 4 4 4
Perry Twp. Police Department - Franklin 20 4 4 4
Reynoldsburg Police Department 71 4 4
Sharon Twp. Police Department 14 4 4
Upper Arlington Police Department 61 4 4 4 4
Westerville Police Department 245 4 4 4 4
Whitehall Police Department 102 4 4 4 4
Worthington Police Department 40 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 67

Fulton County

42,698 74 6 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

68 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 98 63 64
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Fayette Police Department 7 4 4
Fulton County Sheriffs Office 27 4 4 4 4
Wauseon Police Department 29 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 69

Gallia County

30,934 13 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: University of Rio Grande Police Department has 0% population coverage since universities are not assigned
population coverage.

70 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 169 37 22
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Gallipolis Police Department 25 4
University of Rio Grande Police Department 12 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 71

Geauga County

93,389 59 9 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

72 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 174 81 47
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Geauga County Sheriff's Office 60 4 4 4 4
Middlefield Police Department 10 4 4 4
Russell Twp. Police Department 11 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 73

Greene County

161,573 91 11 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

NOTE: The Greene County Sheriff’s Office and the Xenia Police Department are within walking distance of each other.

74 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

73 341 280 82
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Beavercreek Police Department 50 4 4 4 4
Bellbrook Police Department 14 4 4 4
Central State University Police Department 12 4 4
Fairborn Police Department 49 4 4 4 4
Greene County Sheriff's Office 81 4 4 4 4
Wright State University Police Department 16 4 4
Xenia Police Division 47 4 4 4 4
Yellow Springs Police Department 11 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 75

Guernsey County

40,087 93 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

76 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 79 69 87
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Cambridge Police Department 30 4 4 4
Guernsey County Sheriff's Office 39 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 77

Hamilton County

802,374 97 41 36
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

78 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

88 2,722 2,632 97
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Addyston Police Department 7 4 4
Amberley Village Police Department 21 4 4
Blue Ash Police Department 39 4 4 4 4
Cincinnati Police Department 1054 4 4 4 4
Cincinnati State College Campus Police 24 4 4
Colerain Twp. Police Department 57 4 4 4 4
Deer Park Police Department 13 4 4
Delhi Twp. Police Department 32 4 4 4 4
Elmwood Place Police Department 10 4 4 4
Evendale Police Department 20 4 4 4 4
Forest Park Police Department 36 4 4 4
Golf Manor Police Department 14 4
Great Parks of Hamilton County 42 4 In Process
Green Twp. Police Department 45 4 4 4 4
Greenhills Police Department 11 4 4 4 4
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 658 4 4 4
Harrison Police Department 23 4 4 4 4
Indian Hill Police Department 21 4 4 4
Lockland Police Department 16 4
Loveland Police Department 23 4 4 4 In Process

Mariemont Police Department 18 4 4 4 In Process

Montgomery Police Department 22 4 4 4

Mount Healthy Police Department 16 4 4 4 4
Newtown Police Department 12 4 4 4
North College Hill Police Department 25 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 79

Hamilton County Continued

802,374 97 41 36
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

80 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

88 2,722 2,632 97
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Norwood Police Department 53 4 In Process

Reading Police Department 22 4 4 4 4

Saint Bernard Police Department 16 4 4
Sharonville Police Department 40 4 4
Springdale Police Department 38 4 4 4
Springfield Twp. Police Department - Hamilton 51 4 4 4 4
Terrace Park Police Department 10 4 4 4 4
Woodlawn Police Division 24 4
Wyoming Police Department 18 4 4 In Process

University of Cincinnati Campus Police 80 4 4 4

Xavier University Police Department 21 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 81

Hancock County

74,782 98 4 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office and the Findlay Police Department are within walking distance of each

82 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 162 156 96
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Findlay Police Department 88 4 4 4 4
Hancock County Sheriff's Office 64 4 4
University of Findlay 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 83

Hardin County

32,058 68 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

84 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 92 66 72
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Ada Police Department 10 4 4 4 4
Hardin County Sheriff's Office 56 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 85

Harrison County

15,864 71 4 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

86 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

25 57 35 61
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Harrison County Sheriff's Office 35 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 87

Henry County

28,215 93 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

88 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 66 52 79
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Henry County Sheriff's Office 24 4 4
Napoleon Police Department 28 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 89

Highland County

43,589 81 7 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Highland County Sheriff’s office and the Hillsboro Police Department are in close proximity to one another.

90 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

29 122 79 65
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Highland County Sheriff's Office 61 4 4 4
Hillsboro Police Department 18 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 91

Hocking County

29,380 98 3 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Hocking County Sheriff’s Office and the Logan Police Department are within walking distance of each

92 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

67 64 60 94
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Hocking County Sheriff's Office 31 4 4
Logan Police Department 29 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 93

Holmes County

42,366 99 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

94 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 81 67 83
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Holmes County Sheriff's Office 45 4 4 4 4
Millersburg Police Department 22 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 95

Huron County

59,626 53 9 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

96 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 208 85 41
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bellevue Police Department (OH) 24 4 4
Huron County Sheriff's Office 45 4
New London Police Department 16 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 97

Jackson County

33,225 58 4 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

98 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

25 80 19 24
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Jackson County Sheriff's Office 19 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 99

Jefferson County

69,709 26 21 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

100 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

5 247 88 36
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office 88 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 101

Knox County

60,921 72 5 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

102 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

60 115 77 67
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Danville Police Department 10 4 4
Fredericktown Police Department 7 4 4
Knox County Sheriff's Office 60 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 103

Lake County

230,041 92 20 15
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

104 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 620 507 82
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Eastlake Police Department 61 4 4
Fairport Harbor Police Department 14 4 4
Kirtland Hills Police Department 11 4 4
Kirtland Police Department 16 4 4 4
Lake County Sheriff's Office 59 4 4 In Process

Lakeland Community College Police Department 13 4 In Process

Madison Twp. Police Department - Lake 23 4

Mentor Police Department 88 4 4
Mentor-on-the-Lake Police Department 19 4 4 In Process

Painesville Police Department 43 4 4 In Process

Perry Village Police Department 21 4 4

Waite Hill Police Department 8 4 4 4 4
Wickliffe Police Department 38 4 4 4
Willoughby Hills Police Department 30 4 4
Willoughby Police Department 63 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 105

Lawrence County

62,450 61 9 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

106 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

11 171 93 54
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Lawrence County Sheriff's Office 93 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 107

Licking County

166,492 82 14 6
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

108 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

43 339 259 76
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Granville Police Department 24 4 4 4
Heath Police Department 24 4
Hebron Police Department 9 4 4 4 4
Johnstown Police Department 18 4 4
Licking County Sheriff's Office 106 4 4 4 4
Newark Police Department 78 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 109

Logan County

45,858 89 6 4
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

110 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

67 139 116 83
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bellefontaine Police Department 35 4 4 4 4
Logan County Sheriff's Office 62 4
Russells Point Police Department 7 4 In Process

West Liberty Police Department 12 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 111

Lorain County

301,356 97 15 11
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

112 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

73 669 614 92
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Amherst Police Department 27 4 4
Avon Lake Police Department 37 4 4
Avon Police Department 38 4 4 4 In Process

Elyria Police Department 84 4 4 4 4

Grafton Police Department 19 4 4 4 4
Lorain County Sheriff's Office 127 4 4
Lorain Police Department 185 4 4 4
North Ridgeville Police Department 38 4
Oberlin Police Department 22 4 4
Sheffield Lake Police Department 14 4 4 4
Sheffield Village Police Department 23 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 113

Lucas County

441,815 77 17 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

114 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

47 1,369 839 61
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Maumee Police Department 43 4 4 4
Oregon Police Department 48 4 4 4 4
Ottawa Hills Police Department 13 4 4 4 4
Toledo Metropolitan Park District/Ranger 30 4 4
Toledo Police Department 642 4 4 4 4
University of Toledo Police Department 34 4 4 4 4
Waterville Twp. Police Department 13 4 4 4
Whitehouse Police Department 16 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 115

Madison County

43,435 34 4 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

116 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 211 32 15
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
London Police Department 21 4 4 4 4
Plain City Police Department 11 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 117

Mahoning County

238,823 80 22 13
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

118 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

59 893 751 84
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Austintown Police Department 39 4 4 4 4
Beaver Township Police Department 21 4 4 4 4
Boardman Twp. Police Department 68 4
Canfield Police Department 20 4
Goshen Twp. Police Department - Mahoning 16 4 4 4
Jackson Twp. Police Department - Mahoning 18 4 4 4 4
Mahoning County Sheriff's Office 237 4 4 4 4
Mill Creek MetroParks Police Department 33 4 4 4
Poland Village Police Department 14 4 4
Sebring Police Department 12 4
Springfield Twp. Police Department - Mahoning 18 4 4 4 4
Youngstown Police Department 156 4 4
Youngstown State University Police Department 99 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 119

Marion County

66,501 100 2 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

120 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

100 111 111 100
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Marion County Sheriff's Office 50 4 4 4 4
Marion Police Department 61 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 121

Medina County

172,332 98 12 10
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

122 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

83 338 325 96
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Brunswick Hills Police Department 17 4 4
Brunswick Police Department 44 4 4 4 4
Hinckley Police Department 14 4
Lodi Police Department 16 4 4
Medina County Sheriff's Office 104 4 4 In Process

Medina Police Department 62 4 4 In Process

Medina Twp. Police Department 11 4 4 4 4

Montville Township Police Department 21 4 4 In Process

Wadsworth Police Department 34 4 4 In Process

Westfield Center Police Department 2 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 123

Meigs County

23,770 74 6 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

124 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

17 73 34 47
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Meigs County Sheriff's Office 34 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 125

Mercer County

40,814 61 6 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

126 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 75 40 53
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Fort Recovery Police Department 2 4
Mercer County Sheriff's Office 30 4 4 4 4
Saint Henry Police Department 8 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 127

Miami County

102,506 100 7 7
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Miami County Sheriff’s Office and Miami County Parks District are in close proximity of each other.

128 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

100 197 197 100
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Covington Police Department 10 4
Miami County Park District Park Rangers 5 4 4 4 4
Miami County Sheriff's Office 69 4 4 4 4
Piqua Police Department 33 4 4 4 4
Tipp City Police Department 20 4 4 In Process

Troy Police Department 51 4 4 4

West Milton Police Department 9 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 129

Monroe County

14,642 0 2 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

130 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 48 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 131

Montgomery County

535,153 95 28 23
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

132 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

82 1,328 1,240 93
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Brookville Police Department 14 4 4 4 4
Butler Twp. Police Department 16 4 4 In Process

Centerville Police Department - Montgomery 39 4 4 4

Clay Twp. Police Department - Brookville 15 4 4 4
Clayton Police Department 19 4 4 4 4
Dayton International Airport Police Department 29 4 4 4 4
Dayton Police Department 358 4 4 In Process

German Twp. Police Department - Montgomery 6 4 4 4 4

Huber Heights Police Division 55 4 4 4 4
Jackson Twp. Police Department - Montgomery 18 4 4 4
Kettering Health Network Police Department 57 4 4 In Process

Kettering Police Department 83 4 4 4 4

Miami Twp. Police Department - Montgomery 40 4 4 4 4
Miamisburg Police Department 38 4 4 4
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office 240 4 4 4 4
Moraine Police Department 26 4 4
New Lebanon Police Department 14 4 4
Oakwood Police Department - Montgomery 29 4 4 4 4
Riverside Police Department 29 4 4
Sinclair Community College Police Department 23 4 4 4 4
Trotwood Police Department 36 4 4 4 4
Vandalia Police Department 31 4 4 4 4
West Carrollton Police Department 25 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 133

Morgan County

15,054 0 2 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

134 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 18 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 135

Morrow County

34,827 83 3 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

136 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 68 42 62
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Morrow County Sheriff's Office 42 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 137

Muskingum County

86,074 94 7 4
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

138 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

57 201 184 92
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Muskingum County Sheriff's Office 103 4
New Concord Police Department 10 4 4 4
Roseville Police Department 7 4 4
Zanesville Police Department 64 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 139

Noble County

14,645 0 1 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

140 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 20 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 141

Ottawa County

41,428 68 12 6
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

142 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 180 111 62
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Carroll Twp. Police Department 9 4 4
Danbury Twp. Police Department 8 4
Elmore Police Department 8 4 4 In Process

Oak Harbor Police Department 11 4 4

Ottawa County Sheriff's Office 56 4
Port Clinton Police Department 19 4 4 In Process

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 143

Paulding County

19,614 0 6 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

144 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 75 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 145

Perry County

36,058 83 9 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Perry County Sheriff’s Office and the New Lexington Police Department are within walking distance of each

146 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 105 56 53
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
New Lexington Police Department 14 4 4
Perry County Sheriff's Office 36 4 4
Somerset Police Department 6 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 147

Pickaway County

55,698 85 6 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

148 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 152 93 61
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Circleville Police Department 25 4 4
Pickaway County Sheriff's Office 68 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 149

Pike County

28,709 77 3 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

150 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 136 101 74
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Pike County Sheriff's Office 101 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 151

Portage County

161,419 46 13 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

152 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

62 382 203 53
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Aurora Police Department 34 4 4 4 4
Brimfield Twp. Police Department 22 4 4 4
Hiram Police Department 17 4 4
Kent Police Department 43 4 4 4
Kent State University Police Department 31 4 4 4 4
Mogadore Police Department 11 4 4 4
Northeast Ohio Medical University Police 13 4 4 4
Streetsboro Police Department 32 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 153

Preble County

42,270 85 7 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

154 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

43 116 70 60
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Eaton Police Department 16 4 4 4
New Paris Police Department 5 4
Preble County Sheriff's Office 49 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 155

Putnam County

34,499 56 10 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

156 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

10 110 46 42
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Putnam County Sheriff's Office 46 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 157

Richland County

124,475 100 7 7
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

158 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

100 223 223 100
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bellville Police Department 11 4 4 4
Butler Police Department 2 4
Lexington Police Department 21 4
Mansfield Police Department 92 4 4 4
Ontario Police Department 25 4 4 4 4
Richland County Sheriff's Office 54 4 4 4
Shelby Police Department 18 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 159

Ross County

78,064 100 2 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

NOTE: The Ross County Sheriff’s Office and the Chillicothe Police Department share the same building

160 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

100 152 152 100
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Chillicothe Police Department 56 4 4 4
Ross County Sheriff's Office 96 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 161

Sandusky County

60,944 85 5 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

162 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

60 119 94 79
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Fremont Police Department 29 4
Sandusky County Sheriff's Office 49 4
Woodville Police Department 16 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 163

Scioto County

79,499 28 4 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

164 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 139 59 42
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
New Boston Police Department 9 4 4 4
Portsmouth Police Department 42 4
Shawnee State University 8 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 165

Seneca County

56,745 57 6 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

166 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

33 128 55 43
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Fostoria Police Department 22 4
Tiffin Police Department 33 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 167

Shelby County

49,423 44 8 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

168 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

25 140 41 29
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Sidney Parks Department 1 4 4 4 4
Sidney Police Department 40 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 169

Stark County

375,586 86 21 11
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

170 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

52 833 659 79
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Canal Fulton Police Department 17 4
Canton Police Department 203 4 4 4
Hills And Dales Police Department 14 4 4
Jackson Twp. Police Department - Stark 52 4
Louisville Police Department 21 4 4 4 4
Massillon Police Department 50 4
Minerva Police Department 15 4
North Canton Police Department 26 4 4 4
Perry Twp. Police Department - Stark 25 4 4
Stark County Sheriff's Office 220 4 4 4
Uniontown Police District Department 16 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 171

Summit County

541,781 95 28 21
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Akron Police Department, University of Akron Police Department,
and Summa Health System Protective Services are all in close proximity of each other.

172 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

75 1,769 1,669 94
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Akron Police Department 569 4 4
Barberton Police Department 51 4 4
Bath Twp. Police Department 24 4 4 4 In Process

Boston Heights Police Department 12 4 4 4 4

Copley Township Police Department 30 4
Cuyahoga Falls Police Department 95 4 4 4 4
Fairlawn Police Department 29 4 4
Hudson Police Department 30 4
Munroe Falls Police Department 22 4 4
New Franklin Police Department 21 4 4
Norton Police Department 25 4 4
Richfield Police Department 21 4 4 4
Sagamore Hills Twp. Police Department 17 4 4
Springfield Twp. Police Department - Summit 27 4 4
Stow Police Department 54 4 4 4 4
Summa Health Protective Services/Police 57 4 In Process
Summit County Sheriff's Office 441 4 4 4
Summit Metro Parks 33 4 4
Tallmadge Police Department 40 4
Twinsburg Police Department 36 4 4
University of Akron Police Department 35 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 173

Trumbull County

210,312 49 23 12
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

174 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

52 509 208 41
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bazetta Twp. Police Department 12 4 4 4 In Process

Howland Twp. Police Department 20 4 4

Hubbard City Police Department 26 4 4 In Process

Hubbard Twp. Police Department 17 4 4 4

Liberty Twp. Police Department 17 4 4 4
Lordstown Village Police Department 19 4
McDonald Police Department 9 4 4 4
Niles Police Department 34 4 4 4
Vienna Twp. Police Department 13 4 4
Warren Twp. Police Department 17 4
Weathersfield Twp. Police Department 17 4 4 4
West Farmington Police Department 7 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 175

Tuscarawas County

92,582 4 14 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

176 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

14 224 13 6
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Gnadenhutten Police Department 2 4 4
Sugarcreek Police Department 11 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 177

Union County

52,300 96 3 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Union County Sheriff’s Office and the Marysville Police Department are in close proximity of each other.

178 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

67 107 95 89
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Marysville Police Department 36 4 4 4 4
Union County Sheriff's Office 59 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 179

Van Wert County

28,744 56 4 1
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

180 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

25 69 41 59
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Van Wert County Sheriff's Office 41 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 181

Vinton County

13,435 0 4 0
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

182 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

0 47 0 0
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 183

Warren County

212,693 84 12 10
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

184 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

83 342 279 82
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Carlisle Police Department 10 4 4
Clearcreek Twp. Police Department 22 4 4 4
Franklin Police Department 39 4
Hamilton Twp. Police Department 17 4 4
Lebanon Police Department 28 4 4 4 4
Maineville Police Department 7 4 4
Morrow Police Department 9 4 4
Springboro Police Department 31 4 4 4
Waynesville Police Department 14 4
Warren County Sheriff's Office 102 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 185

Washington County

61,778 96 6 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Marietta Police Department are within walking distance of
each other.

186 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 157 138 88
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Belpre Police Department 16 4 4
Marietta Police Department 33 4
Washington County Sheriff's Office 89 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 187

Wayne County

114,520 91 14 7
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office and MEDWAY Drug Enforcement Agency are in close proximity of each other.

188 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

50 259 177 68
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Doylestown Police Department 11 4 4
MEDWAY Drug Enforcement Agency 7 4 4 4 4
Mount Eaton Police Department 6 4 4
Orrville Police Department 16 4 4 4
Rittman Police Department 18 4 4 4 4
Wayne County Sheriff's Office 69 4
Wooster Police Department 50 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 189

Williams County

37,642 11 9 2
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

190 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

22 121 24 20
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Blakeslee Police Department 4 4 4
Montpelier Police Department 20 4 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 191

Wood County

125,488 52 18 8
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

192 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

44 361 209 58
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Bowling Green Police Division 41 4 4 4 4
Bowling Green State University Police 24 4 4 4 4
Luckey Police Department 7 4 4
North Baltimore Police Department 25 4 4
Northwood Police Department 19 4 4 4 4
Owens Community College Dept. of Public 14 4 4 4
Wayne Police Department 11 4
Wood County Sheriff's Office 68 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 193

Wyandot County

22,615 100 3 3
Population % Population Covered by # Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement
(2010) Law Enforcement Agencies Agencies in County Agencies in any
in any Phase of Certification Phase of Certification

Note: The Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office and the Upper Sandusky Police Department are within walking distance
of each other.

194 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

100 85 85 100
% Law Enforcement # Law Enforcement # Officers in County in % Officers in County in
Agencies in any Officers any Phase of Certification any Phase of Certification
Phase of Certification in County

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
Carey Police Department 19 4 4 4
Upper Sandusky Police Department 19 4
Wyandot County Sheriff's Office 47 4 4 4

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 195

State Law Enforcement Agencies

Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Re-Certification

Agency Agency
In Certified In Certified In Certified Group
Process Process Process
AGO - BCI&I 125 4 4
Ohio Department of Natural Resources 291 4 4 4
Ohio Department of Public Safety - Ohio State 1724 4 4 4 4
Highway Patrol
Ohio Department of Taxation 31 4 4 4 4
Ohio State Fire Marshal 26 4 4
Ohio Veterans Home Police Department 10 4 4 4 4

196 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Adams County
Adams County Sheriff's Office 28
Peebles Police Department 18
Seaman Police Department 7
West Union Police Department 6
Winchester Police Department 3
Allen County
American Twp. Police Department 9
Lima Police Department 117
Perry Twp. Police Department - Allen 14
Ashland County
Hayesville Police Department 1
Loudonville Police Department 17
Mifflin Police Department 5
Ashtabula County
Ashtabula County Sheriff's Office 52
Ashtabula Police Department 41
Conneaut Police Department 20
Geneva Police Department 17
Geneva-on-the-Lake Police Department 50
Jefferson Police Department 21
North Kingsville Police Department 6
Athens County
Albany Police Department 5
Amesville Police Department 6
Buchtel Police Department 6
Coolville Police Department 11
Glouster Police Department 8
Auglaize County
Cridersville Police Department 10
New Knoxville Police Department 4
Saint Marys Police Department 17
Wapakoneta Police Department 21

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 197

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Belmont County
Bellaire Police Department 15
Bethesda Police Department 6
Bridgeport Police Department 14
Flushing Police Department 3
Martins Ferry Police Department 23
Powhatan Point Police Department 6
Richland Twp. Police Department 6
Saint Clairsville Police Department 9
Shadyside Police Department 10
Brown County
Aberdeen Police Department 9
Fayetteville Police Department 14
Georgetown Police Department 18
Hamersville Police Department 8
Higginsport Police Department 9
Lake Waynoka Police Department 5
Mount Orab Police Department 25
Ripley Police Department 12
Russellville Police Department 4
Sardinia Police Department 18
Butler County
Fairfield Twp. Police Department - Butler 24
Middletown Police Department 82
Monroe Police Department 32
New Miami Police Department 14
Seven Mile Police Department 13
Trenton Police Department 13
Carroll County
Carrollton Police Department 15
Champaign County
Saint Paris Police Department 4
Clark County
Catawba Police Department 8
Clark County Sheriff's Office 174
Donnelsville Police Department 3
Enon Police Department 6
German Twp. Police Department - Clark 16
North Hampton Police Department 25
South Charleston Police Department 13
South Vienna Police Department 10
Tremont City Police Department 9

198 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Clermont County
New Richmond Police Department 17
Union Twp. Police Department - Clermont 51
Clinton County
Blanchester Police Department 8
New Vienna Police Department 4
Port William Police Department 15
Sabina Police Department 9
Columbiana County
Center Township Police Department 5
Columbiana County Sheriff's Office 31
Columbiana Police Department 35
East Liverpool Police Department 18
East Palestine Police Department 18
Hanoverton Police Department 6
Leetonia Police Department 13
Lisbon Police Department 15
Liverpool Twp. Police Department 8
New Waterford Police Department 12
Perry Twp. Police Department - Columbiana 8
Saint Clair Twp. Police Department 15
Salem Police Department 31
Salem Township Police Department 1
Washingtonville Police Department 11
Wellsville Police Department 13
Coshocton County
Coshocton County Sheriff's Office 89
Crawford County
Crawford County Sheriff's Office 52
Crestline Police Department 24
Galion Police Department 24

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 199

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Cuyahoga County
Bay Village Police Department 51
Beachwood Police Department 56
Bedford Heights Police Department 26
Bedford Police Department 39
Berea Police Department 39
Bratenahl Police Department 26
Brecksville Police Department 32
Brooklyn Heights Village Police Department 22
Brooklyn Police Department 50
Cleveland Police Department 1560
Fairview Park Police Department 46
Highland Hills Police Department 22
Independence Police Department 34
Linndale Village Police Department 20
Lyndhurst Police Department 31
Maple Heights Police Department 42
North Randall Police Department 19
Oakwood Village Police Department 22
Olmsted Falls Police Department 22
Orange Village Police Department 17
Warrensville Heights Police Department 28
Westlake Police Department 84
Woodmere Police Department 18
Darke County
Ansonia Police Department 2
Union City Police Department 11
Versailles Police Department 9
Defiance County
Hicksville Police Department 13
Delaware County
Ashley Police Department 4
Delaware Police Department 56
Ostrander Police Department 4
Sunbury Police Department 14
Erie County
Castalia Police Department 16
Huron Police Department 23

200 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Fairfield County
Baltimore Police Department 13
Carroll Police Department 9
Fairfield County Sheriff's Office 160
Lithopolis Police Department 5
Millersport Police Department 10
Pickerington Police Department 36
Sugar Grove Police Department 8
Fayette County
Washington Court House Police 22
Franklin County
Blendon Twp. Police Department 18
Brice Police Department 5
Franklin Twp. Police Department - Franklin 17
Groveport Police Department 27
Harrisburg Police Department 16
Mifflin Twp. Police Department 9
Obetz Police Department 20
Valleyview Police Department 12
Fulton County
Archbold Police Department 14
Delta Police Department 9
Swanton Police Department 12
Gallia County
Gallia County Sheriff's Office 100
Rio Grande Police Department 32
Geauga County
Bainbridge Twp. Police Department 23
Burton Police Department 11
Chardon Police Department 20
Chester Twp. Police Department 15
South Russell Police Department 16
Thompson Township Police Department 8
Greene County
Cedarville Police Department 24
Jamestown Police Department 20
Sugarcreek Twp. Police Department 17
Guernsey County
Byesville Police Department 7
Senecaville Police Department 3

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 201

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Hamilton County
Cheviot Police Department 15
Cleves Police Department 16
Fairfax Police Department 10
Glendale Police Department 22
Madeira Police Department 27
Hancock County
McComb Police Department 6
Hardin County
Forest Police Department 8
Kenton Police Department 18
Harrison County
Cadiz Police Department 15
Jewett Police Department 6
New Athens Police Department 1
Henry County
Deshler Police Department 8
Northwest State Community College 6
Highland County
Greenfield Police Department 25
Highland Police Department 2
Leesburg Police Department 6
Lynchburg Police Department 5
Mowrystown Police Department 5
Hocking County
Murray City Police Department 4
Holmes County
Glenmont Police Department 12
Nashville Police Department 2
Huron County
Greenwich Police Department 7
Monroeville Police Department 9
Norwalk Police Department 29
Plymouth Police Department 26
Wakeman Police Department 31
Willard Police Department 21
Jackson County
Jackson Police Department 22
Oak Hill Police Department 13
Wellston Police Department 26

202 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Jefferson County
Adena Police Department 2
Amsterdam Police Department 2
Bergholz Police Department 1
Bloomingdale Police Department 6
Cross Creek Township Police Department 9
Dillonvale Police Department 5
Empire Police Department 2
Mingo Junction Police Department 5
Mount Pleasant Police Department 7
New Alexandria Police Department 2
Richmond Police Department 1
Saline Twp. Police Department 11
Smithfield Police Department 1
Steubenville Police Department 38
Stratton Police Department 3
Tiltonsville Police Department 9
Toronto Police Department 12
Wells Township Police Department 10
Wintersville Police Department 17
Yorkville Police Department 16
Knox County
Martinsburg Police Department 4
Mount Vernon Police Department 34
Lake County
Grand River Police Department 36
Madison Village Police Department 17
North Perry Police Department 17
Timberlake Police Department 21
Willowick Police Department 22
Lawrence County
Athalia Police Department 8
Chesapeake Police Department 8
Coal Grove Police Department 13
Hanging Rock Police Department 6
Ironton Police Department 13
Proctorville Police Department 9
South Point Police Department 16
Union Township Police Department - Lawrence 5

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 203

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Licking County
Alexandria Police Department 1
Buckeye Lake Police Department 4
Hartford Village Police Department 7
Kirkersville Police Department 4
Pataskala Police Department 30
Saint Louisville Police Department 15
Union Twp. Police Department - Licking 2
Utica Police Department 17
Logan County
Degraff Police Department 6
Washington Township Police Department - Logan 17
Lorain County
Kipton Police Department 6
LaGrange Police Department 12
South Amherst Police Department 17
Wellington Police Department 20
Lucas County
Berkey Police Department 3
Harbor View Police Department 2
Holland Police Department 15
Lucas County Sheriff's Office 399
Sylvania Police Department 33
Sylvania Twp. Police Department 42
Toledo/Lucas County Port Authority Police Department Swanton 7
Washington Twp. Police Department - Lucas 19
Waterville Police Department 10
Madison County
Madison County Sheriff's Office 159
West Jefferson Police Department 20
Mahoning County
Campbell Police Department 30
Coitsville Twp. Police Department 12
Craig Beach Police Department 8
Lowellville Police Department 16
Milton Twp. Police Department 16
New Middletown Police Department 11
Poland Twp. Police Department 18
Smith Twp. Police Department 10
Struthers Police Department 21

204 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Medina County
Seville Police Department 8
Spencer Police Department 5
Meigs County
Middleport Police Department 13
Pomeroy Police Department 12
Racine Police Department 4
Rutland Police Department 2
Syracuse Police Department 8
Mercer County
Celina Police Department 16
Coldwater Police Department 10
Rockford Police Department 9
Monroe County
Monroe County Sheriff's Office 35
Woodsfield Police Department 13
Montgomery County
Englewood Police Department 22
Germantown Police Department 31
Perry Twp. Police Department - Montgomery 19
Phillipsburg Police Department 3
Union Police Department 13
Morgan County
McConnelsville Police Department 7
Morgan County Sheriff's Office 11
Morrow County
Cardington Police Department 18
Mount Gilead Police Department 8
Muskingum County
Dresden Police Department 7
Frazeysburg Police Department 6
South Zanesville Police Department 4
Noble County
Noble County Sheriff's Office 20
Ottawa County
Catawba Island Twp. Police Department 6
Clay Center Police Department 6
Clay Twp. Police Department - Genoa 16
Genoa Police Department 8
Marblehead Police Department 10
Put-in-Bay Police Department 23

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 205

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Paulding County
Antwerp Police Department 13
Grover Hill Police Department 2
Oakwood Police Department - Paulding 9
Paulding Police Department 10
Payne Police Department 3
Paulding County Sheriff's Office 38
Perry County
Corning Police Department 4
Crooksville Police Department 20
Junction City Police Department 8
New Straitsville Police Department 3
Shawnee Police Department 6
Thornville Police Department 8
Pickaway County
Ashville Police Department 18
Commercial Point Police Department 9
New Holland Police Department 15
South Bloomfield Police Department 17
Pike County
Piketon Police Department 18
Waverly Police Department 17
Portage County
Garrettsville Police Department 13
Mantua Police Department 16
Portage County Sheriff's Office 115
Ravenna Police Department 24
Windham Police Department 11
Preble County
Camden Police Department 5
Gratis Police Department 10
Lewisburg Police Department 20
West Alexandria Police Department 11

206 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Putnam County
Columbus Grove Police Department 6
Continental Police Department 11
Fort Jennings Police Department 7
Glandorf Police Department 3
Kalida Police Department 6
Leipsic Police Department 9
Ottawa Police Department 12
Ottoville Police Department 5
Pandora Police Department 5
Sandusky County
Clyde Police Department 16
Gibsonburg Police Department 9
Scioto County
Scioto County Sheriff's Office 80
Seneca County
Bloomville Police Department 3
Green Springs Police Department 9
Republic Police Department 4
Seneca County Sheriff's Office 57
Shelby County
Anna Police Department 6
Botkins Police Department 7
Fort Loramie Police Department 5
Jackson Center Police Department 9
Port Jefferson Police Department 7
Shelby County Sheriff's Office 65
Stark County
Alliance Police Department 51
Beach City Police Department 17
Brewster Police Department 13
East Canton Police Department 18
Hartville Police Department 13
Lawrence Twp. Police Department 13
Magnolia Police Department 12
Marlboro Twp. Police Department 13
Navarre Police Department 10
Waynesburg Police Department 14

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 207

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Summit County
Lakemore Police Department 18
Macedonia Police Department 24
Metro RTA Transit Police Department 1
Northfield Village Police Department 16
Peninsula Police Department 19
Reminderville Police Department 10
Silver Lake Police Department 12
Trumbull County
Braceville Twp. Police Department 10
Brookfield Twp. Police Department 17
Champion Twp. Police Department 9
Cortland Police Department 16
Fowler Township Police Department 11
Girard Police Department 25
Hartford Twp. Police Department 7
Kinsman Twp. Police Department 11
Newton Falls Police Department 31
Trumbull County Sheriff's Office 94
Warren Police Department 70
Tuscarawas County
Bolivar Police Department 5
Dennison Police Department 10
Dover Police Department 33
Midvale Police Department 7
New Philadelphia Police Department 39
Newcomerstown Police Department 8
Port Washington Police Department 2
Roswell Police Department 6
Strasburg Police Department 13
Tuscarawas County Sheriff's Office 71
Tuscarawas Police Department 6
Uhrichsville Police Department 11
Union County
Richwood Police Department 12
Van Wert County
Convoy Police Department 3
Scott Police Department 1
Van Wert Police Department 24

208 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

Non-Certified Agencies
Agency Name Number of Officers
Vinton County
Hamden Police Department 3
McArthur Police Department 10
Vinton County Sheriff's Office 32
Zaleski Village Police Department 2
Warren County
Harveysburg Police Department 12
Mason Police Department - Warren 51
Washington County
Beverly Police Department 8
Lowell Police Department 3
New Matamoras Police Department 8
Wayne County
Apple Creek Police Department 12
Creston Police Department 12
Dalton Police Department 16
Marshallville Police Department 7
Shreve Police Department 15
Smithville Police Department 8
West Salem Police Department 12
Williams County
Bryan Police Department 18
Edgerton Police Department 10
Edon Police Department 4
Pioneer Police Department 10
Stryker Police Department 14
West Unity Police Department 11
Williams County Sheriff's Office 30
Wood County
Bloomdale Police Department 4
Bradner Police Department 6
Haskins Police Department 11
Lake Township Police Department - Wood 19
Pemberville Police Department 19
Perrysburg Police Department 35
Perrysburg Twp. Police Department 25
Risingsun Police Department 4
Rossford Police Department 17
Walbridge Police Department 12

Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 209

210 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report
Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 211
212 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report
Law Enforcement Certification Public Report 213
214 Law Enforcement Certification Public Report

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