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PREFACE After the publication of The New Pali Course the need for a higher Pali Course was keenly felt by studenta. ‘To satisfy that need I compiled this volume some years ago but was riot able to bring it out owing to the restric- tions imposed by war-time controls. This Higher Pali Course is to be considered as Part IIT of The New Pali Course, but I have changed the name as this portion is meant only for the advanced students and not for the beginners. Professor Geiger’s Pali Literatur und Sprache is a book well known to learned Orientalists. But as it ‘was in Gerfian very few’in the East could make use of it. Fortunately, it is now translated into English and published in Calcutta, under the title Pali Literature and Language, in 1943. I was very keen to read this book in order to understand its scope, but could not get a copy until 1946, as there were many difficulties in obtaining books from India during the War. I could have spared myself much labour in tracing the passages which contain obscure forms of words if only I had this book before I began my compilation. Pro- fessor Geiger has traced a large number of passages containing unusual forms, but his statements are very brief. He shows only the place where a certain word occurs but does not give the full passages or the sentences along with them. Therefore only persons who possess a large number of Pali Texts are able to have full advan- tage of that book. Here I have reproduced in full the necessary passages from the texts, indicating at the same time the page numbers and the titles of the volumes. from which they were taken. Moreover, his book is @ philological treatise while mine deals more with gram- mar and composition. It would be of greater benefit if students study this book along with that of Dr. Geiger. There are no exercises in this volume as in The New Pali Course. As here I have often to deal with unusual forms of words it is possible to cite only those passages as illustrate such forms. Chapter II of this book treats of the Denominative, Onomatopoetic, and Desiderative verbs. Chapter IV deals with analysis of sentences, which is a new feature in the field of Pali Grammar. As there is no mention of analysis in any of the old Pali Grammars I have had to follow the way of the English Grammars and to invent a new method of treating Pali sentences. It is impossible to gain a thorough know- ledge of composing a long sentence without the help- of analysis. It also helps to understand the real mean-- ing of intricate passages. Chapter V is on the syntax of nouns. It shows how a single Case is used in various meanings and also how some Cases come to express the meanings of some other: Cases. Each Indeclinable is illustrated by one or more passages which contain them, and their meanings are defined, in alphabetical order, in Chapter VI. Some idioms and difficult passages are explained in Chapter VIII, and some Antithetic forms are given, for the first. time in the history of Pali Composition, in the same chapter. My cordial thanks are due to Dr. O. H. de A. Wijesekera, M.A., Ph.D. of the University of Ceylon. for very kindly revising my work and suggesting several improvements. A. P. BUDDHADATTA Aggirima, Ambalangoda. 20th November, 1950. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I Pacs Declension of Sa a . i 1 Declension of the masculine nouns whose Nom. sing. ends witha .. i i i plotettas Conjugation of Kara (to do) te a o 4 Examples. Group 1 . ie voted Declension of mahdraja, santa, and bhavanta . 12 Some masculine nouns in the feminine sense 13 Conjugation of Ha (to a te Slate sts . it Examples. Group 2 . te -. 16 Peculiar forms of some nouns and adjectives -. 20 Conjugation of Asa (to be) te te +. 21 Examples. Group 3 . fe 7 ae +. 22 Peculiarities of some feminine nouns “ -. 26 Conjugation of Vada (to say) oe o -. 28 Conjugation of Vaca (to say) o es +. 29 Examples. Group 4 . . . +.» 30 Declension of kamma ond wohoye ao 7 +. 84 Conjugation of Dé (to give) . te 7 .. 85 Examples. Group5 . ae +. 37 Peculiarities of some sdjotve and | pronouns ee 4 Declension of Amu... 7 7 «. 42 Conjugation of Disa a eee) ao oo + 43 Examples. Group 6 . . o . «. 45 Declension of Kim... i i -. 48 Conjugation of Na (to know) of He -. 50 Conjugation of Bri (to say) . i i . 51 Examples. Group7 . . 7 o «. 52 More details about numerala 7 7 +. 56 Future forms in the past sense ce . -. 58 Examples. Group 8 . oe . -. 58 Some words that govern the instrumental « 62 Examples. Group 9 . ar . -. 63 Conjugation of Tha (to ‘stand) a . -. 66 Conjugation of Su (to hear) . i i -. 66 Conjugation of Gaha (to take) os . «. 67 Indeclinable ma . . o. -. 68 Enclictic forms of tumha and ‘amha . on -. 68 Examples. Group 10.. [e i Br -. 69 Various bases of the root I .. 72 Conjugation of Pada (to go), and Latha (to gain) 73 Examples. Group 11 - 1% Conjugation of Hana (to kill), Hara (to catry), vi + hara (to dwell), Ha (to ee etc, -. 78 Examples. Group 12.. oe os «. 81 CHAPTER II Denominative verbs ae ae - -. 86 Onomatopoetic verbs .. oo ae oe «. 87 Desiderative verbs .. ae i +e we 87 Examples. Group 13.. sc oe of we 89 CHAPTER Il Passive forms : . . +. 93 Examples. Group ve . a . «» 98 CHAPTER IV Analysis of sentences ae ie ae -. 103 Examples. Group 15 oe se . +. 107 Definition of clauses on a . il Various adverbial clauses .. . o -. 12 Examples. Group 16 “ oe be -. 14 The parts of analysis es os . . 119 Analysis of a simple sentence ae Analysis of a compound sentence Analysis of a complex sentence oe Examples. Group17 ~ .. CHAPTER V Syntax of nouns :— Nominative a ‘ Accusative we ate a Instrumental . .- . Examples. ceeds 18 Dative i oe a Ablative .. . - Examples. oi 19 oe Genitive .. . o- oe Locative .. i ory Examples. Group 20 Some cases exposing the sent of somo othe Examples. Group a1 . i CHAPTER VI How to shorten a sentence CHAPTER VII Definition of the indeclinables CHAPTER VIII Some idioms and difficult ee Some antithetics .. oe 7 Pali-English vocabulary .. Index of important and obscure words Pace +. 120 «- 122 «+ 125 158 161 234 284 BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume and page numbers refer to the editions of the Pali Text Society A. Anguttaranikaya. A.A. Commentary on the Anguttara. Apa. Apadana. Bud. Buddhavansa. (Sinhalese edition). BL. Buddhist Legends. Edited by Lanman. ¢.V. The Commentary on Vinay. D. Dighanikaya. D.A. The Commentary on Digha. D.B. Dialogues of the Buddha. Dh.A. Commentary on the Dhammapada. Dhp. Dhammapada text. Gs. The Gradual Sayings. | J. Jétakatthakatha. ES. The Kindred Sayings. M. Majjhimanikaya. N.P.C. The New Pali Course. } P:P. The Path of Purity. Ps.B. ‘The Psalms of the Brethren. Ps.8. ‘The Psalms of the Sisters. P.V. ‘The Petavatthu. 8. Sanyuttanikaya. Samp. Samantapasidika, (same as C.V.) SN. The Suttanipata. SN.A. Commentary on the Suttanipata. Theg. Theragatha. Thig. Therigdtha. V.M. Vinaya-Mahavagga. VII. Vinaya-Cullavagga. Vism. The Visuddhimagga. V.V. The Vimanavatthu. Vbh. The Vibhanga. THE NEW PALI COURSE PART III CHAPTER I MORE DETAILS ABOUT DECLENSIONS AND CONJUGATIONS The general rules of declension and conjugation are given in the New Pali Course I and II. There still remain some special declensions and conjugations to be explained. Masculine nouns ending in d aro very rare ; only two nouns, 84 and m4, are found. 1. Declension of 94 (= dog. Skt. évan)* PLURAL SmrqvLaR gs cor } SB Si, sfino 4c, Sanay Sane Ine. oe } sana Sfnebhi, sfinehi a } stese Sanan Toc, Sine Sanesu The nom. sing. of md (== the moon) ocours in the compound form : candima, punnamd, eto. Other forms of it are seldom met with. “Other variants of Skt. éoan are Pali suna and ewina, declined as a-stema. 2 MORE DETAILS ABOUT DECLENSIONS _2- Some masculine nouns, such as pitu, rdja, have their nom. sing. ending in 4. Their Sanskrit equivalents have ¢ or n as their endings ; but the Pali Grammarians state them as ending in » or a. This group consists of : A. Ata, raja, brahma, puma, yuva, addha, and muddha (with a final n in Sanskrit), and sakha (whose Sanskrit stem is sakhé). B. Satthu, pitu, nattu, bhatu, bhattu, kattu, netu, sotu, jeu, and many others ending with the suffix iu (which have a final r in their Sanskrit equivalents). 3. Declension of Puma (=a male). SoieutaB ProraL Nom. Puma, pumo Pumi§no, pum&t Acc. Puminay, pumay Pumine Ins. Puménd, pumuna, Pumfnebhi, —ehi pumena mal Pumuno, pumassa Pumfanay Abl.” Pumfna, pumuna& Puminebhi, —ehi Loc. Pumiane, pume Pumfnesu, pumiasu Voc. Puma, pumag Pumfno 4. Declension of Brahma (= the Creator). Nom. Brahma Brahmi, brahmino Acc, Brahminay, Brahmano brahmag aa }Brahmund Brahmebhi, —ehi, brahmibhi, brah- Dat. méhi Gen. }Brabmuno, Brahmiénay, brah- brahmassa miinay +5. iti, 459. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 3 SmtavLAB PLvRaL Loc. Brahmani Brahmesu Voc. Brahma, brahme Brahméno 5. Declension of Yuoa (= a youth). Nom. Yuva Yuva, yuvano 4eoo, Yuvinay, yuvay Yuvane, yuve Ins. Yuviind, yuvinena, Yuvinebhi, —ehi, yuvena yuvebhi, —ehi Dat. Yuvanassa, yuvassa 4 Yuvandnag, yuvinay Abl, ~ Yuvan&, yovanambhi, Yuvanebhi, —ehi, yovanasma yuvebhi, yuvehi Loc. Yuve, yuvamhi, yuva- Yuvanesu, yuvadsu, smig,yuvine,yuva- yuvesu nambhi, yuvanasmin Yoo. Yuva, yuvana Yuvano 6. Deciension of Sakha (= friend). Nom. Sakh& Sakha, sakhino, sakhino, sakh&yo, sakhiro Acc. Sakhay, sakhfrag, Sakhino, sakhdno, sakhanay sakhiyo Ins. Sakhinai Sakharehi, sakhehi, Dat. —bhi Gen. }Sakhino, sakhissa Sakhinan, sakhanay, sakharanag Abl. Sakhina, sakhimh3, Sakhiarehi, sakhehi, sakhism&,sakham- — bhi ba, sakhasmi, sak- haramha Inc, Sakhe, sakhimhi, Sakhesu, sakhdresu, sakhismiy sakhisu Voc. Sakha, sakha, sakhi, Sakhino, sakhiyo, sakhe sakhiro 4 CONJUGATION OF KARA SineuLaR Prvgan 7. Declension of Addha (= time or path). Nom. Addhai Addhi, addhino ne Addhanay Addhane In }Adabuna, addhinena Addhanebhi, —ehi Dat. } Adahuno Addhanay Loc. Addhani, addhane Addhinesu Voc. Addha Addhi, addhino 8. Declension of Muddha (== the top, the head). Nom. Muddh& Muddh&, muddhano Acc. Muddhay Muddhe, muddhane Ins. Muddh&nd, muddha- Muddhebhi, —ehi na ea }Mudahasea Muddhanay Abl, Muddh&, muddhind Muddhdnebhi, —ehi Loc. Muddhani Mud¢hanesu™ Voc. Muddha Muddha, muddhano 9. Conjugation of Kara (== to do). (Conjugational sign of which is 0). Active forms only are given here. PRESENT TENSE Parassapada. SincuLaR PLURAL 3rd Karoti, kubbati Karonti, kubbanti 2nd Karosi, kubbasi Karotha, kubbatha Ist Karomi, kubbimi Karoma, kubbima 2nd 1st 2nd Ist 2nd Ist THE NEW PALI COURSE II 5 Attanopada. SINGULAR PLURAL Kurute, kubbate Kubbante Kuruse, kubbase Kuruvhe, kubbavhe Kare, kubbe Kurumhe, kubbam- he IMPERATIVE Parassapada. Karotu, kubbatu Karontu, kubbantu Karohi, kubbahi Karotha, kubbatha Karomi, kubbimi Karoma, kuhbima Attanopada. Kurutayn, kubbatay Kubbantay Karassu, kurussu, Kuruvho, kubbavho kubbassu Kare, kubbe Karomase, kubbé- mase POTENTIAL Parassapada. 3rd Kare, kareyya, kayiraé, Kareyyun, ‘kubbey- 2nd kubbe, kubbeyya yun, kayiruy Kareyyisi, kubbeyyasi Kareyyatha, kubbey- yatha Kareyyami, kubbeyya- Kareyyama, kubbey- mi yima Attanopada. Kayira, kubbetha Kubberan Kubbetho Kubbeyyavho Kare, kareyyay, kub- Kareyyamhe, kub- beyyan beyyamhe 6 CONJUGATION OF KARA AORIST Parassapada. SINGULAR PLURAL 3rd Akari, kari, akari, Akarinsu, karigsu, kari, akasi akdsug, akansu 2nd Akaro, akari, kari Akarittha, akfsittha Ist Akarin, karin Akarimha, karimha, akarimha, karim- ha Altanopada. 8rd Akard, akarittha, Akari karittha 2nd Akarise Akarivhay Ist Akara Akarimhe IMPERFECT Parassapada. 8rd Akard, aka Akari 2nd Akaro Akarattha, akattha, akarotha Ist Akaran, akan Akaramha, akamha Attanopada. 8rd Akattha Akatthuy 2nd Akuruse Akaravhay Ist Akarin Akaramhase FUTURE TENSE Parassapada, 3rd Karissati, kahati,ka- Karissanti, kAhanti, hiti kghinti 2nd Karissasi, kahasi,ka- Karissatha, kahatha hisi ist Karissay, kassan, ki- Karissima, kassa- hami ma, kahima THE NEW PALI COURSE III 7 Attanopada. SmnauLan ProraL 8rd Kariassate, kihate Karissante, kihante 2nd Karissase, kahase Karissavhe, kahavhe lst Kariese, kahe Karissamhe, kaham- he CONDITIONAL Parassapada. $rd Akarissd, akarissa Akarissansu 2nd Akarisse Akarissatha lst Akarissan Akarissamha Attanopada. 3rd Akarissatha Akarissinsu 2nd Akarissase Akarissavhe lst Akarissan Akarissamhase Examples. Group 1 1. “ Pufifiafi oe puriso kayira Kayirath ’etay punappunay. Tamhi chanday kayirdtha, Sukho pufifiassa uccayo”. Dhp. v. 118. 2. “Sa ’han nina ito gantvé Yonin laddhana manusiy Vadafifii silasampannd Kahamé kusalay bahuy”. V.V. 51. 3. “Ma kasi papakay kamman Avi va yadivaraho”. Thig. v. 247. 4, “ Kahinti khu tap kima Chata sunakhan va candala”. hig. v. 509. 5. “ Gahakiraka dittho’si, Puna gehay na kahasi”. Dhp. v. 154. 8 EXAMPLES. GROUP \ 6, “YAdisay kurute mittay, yAdisafi c’upasevati, 8a ve tddisako hoti; sahaviso hi tidiso”. J. iv, 436. 7. “Duddaday dadam4nanay Dukkaray kamma kubbatap Asanto ndnukubbanti ; Satay dhammo durannayo”. 8. i, 19. 8. “Sabbhi-r-eva samasetha, Sabbhi kubbetha santhavan”. 3S. i, 17. 9. “ Dbata dveniké natthi, Sariray ekapinditay ; Imamhi Buddhathipamhi Kassima kafioukay mayan”. Apa. 71. 10. “Seyyathi pi bhikkhave sd gaddalabaddho dajhe khile va thambhe va upanibaddho tam eva khilan v& thambhan v4 anuparidhivati, anuparivattati”. 8. iif, 150. ll. “ Dighassa addhuno accayena tassa mahdnira- yaess puratthiman dvdran avapuriyati”. M. iii, 184. 12, “Atha kho Bhagavé tassa brahmuno upari vehisay pallankena nisidi tejodhituy sam&pajjitva ”. S. i, 144, 13. “Atha kho &yasm& Mahé-Moggallino tan brahmanarh géthéya ajjhabhasi”. 8. i, 145. 14. “ Addas& kho so brahmd te brahmano dirato va dgacchante”’. 9. i, 147. 15. “Satan sahassinan nirabbudinan Ayuy pajénimi tav’ahap, brahme”. 9. i, 143. 16. “Sele yath& pabbatamuddhani-t-thito Yatha pi passe janatay samantato”. D. ii, 39; V.M.5. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 9 17. “‘Tvay yuvd, belasampanno ; kip tay& bhatip katva pi yathdbalay dinay ditun na vattati ti?” Dh. A. ii, 129." 18, “Sapvasena kho, Maharaja, silay veditabban ; tafi ca kho dighens addhund, na ittarayn”. 8. i, 78. 19. “‘Sace na vyikarissasi, . . . etth’eva te satta- dhi muddha phalissati”. D. i, 94. 20. “ Yathi, balakayonimhi na vijjati pumé sada, Meghesu gajjamanesu gabbhan ganhanti taé sada”. Apa. 42. 21. “Tadahu pabbajito santo jatiyé sattavaasiko, So pi map anusaseyya, sampaticchimi, mud- dhani”. Sariputto thero. 22, “‘Tattha natthi hanid vi ghdteld v& sola va oGveld Va vifhdld VE vifiiapela va”. D. i, 56. Glossary. Group 1 1. (a) Kayird and kayiratha are 3rd person singulars of the, Potential, Parassapada and Attanopada res- pectively. (6) Should a person perform good, he should do it again and again ; let him turn the desires of his heart thereto, for blisful is the accumulation of good. 2. (a) Manusitn yonir laddhana, having obtained the human state, i.e. having being reborn as a human being. (b) Vada#ft, understanding the supplications of others, i.e. liberal. 3. (a) Ma "kisi (mi + akisi=do not) is Past Tense used in the sense of Present. This often occurs with the prohibitive particle ma. 10 EXAMPLES. GROUP I (6) Aot od yadé of raho, openly or secretly. 4. (c) Kahinti = karissanti. Khu = kho. (6) Forsooth these sense-desires will act with thee just as a group of hungry low-caste men will treat « dog. (They are used to eat dogs’ flesh). 6. (6) Mitars kurute, makes a friend. (6) Upasevats, associates. 1. Although the virtuous persons give away things difficult to be given, and do what is difficult to be done, the wicked do not follow them. The way of the righte- ous is difficult to be followed. 8. Sabbhi is Inst. pl. of Santa (= the virtuous or good). Translation :— “ See that with good men only ye consort, With good men do ye practise intercourse”. KA. i, 26. 9. (a) Avenikd, separate. (b) Ekapingitars, compounded in a single lump. 10. Just as, brethren, a dog tied up by a leash to & strong stake or pillar, keeps running round and re- volving round and round that stake or pillar. ll. Avdpuriyati, is opened. 12. (a) Vehdeamh, in the sky. Aco. used in the sense of Locative. (6) Tejodhdtura samdpajjitvd, having entered the contemplation of the element of heat. (It lightens the body and helps to emit rays). 13. G@dthdya ajjhabhdsi, addressed in a stanza. THE NEW PALI COURSE III i 15. “O Brahma, I know your age to be a hundred thousand Nirabbudas of years”. (Nirabbuda is an enormous sum consisting of sixty-threo cyphers). 16. “As ona crag, on crest of a mountain, standing, A man might watch the people far below” D.B. ii, 32, 17. Yathdbalam . .. vafati? Is it not proper to bestow alms according to your ability ? 18. (a) No staram, not in a shorter time. (6) Translation: “It is by life’ in common with a person, sire, that we learn his moral character ; and then only after a long interval”. X.9. i, 105. 19. Sace na vydkarissasi, if you do not answer. 20. (a) Balak is a kind of crane. (b) Gabbham ganhanti, become pregnant. 21. (a) Tadahw, on the same day. Aha is neuter. Tta loo. sing. is tadahe. Here its last: vowel is changed to u, or it is used as an indeclinable. Skt. tad + ahas> tadaho > tadahu. (b) JdtiyS satlavassiko, seven years old (from birth). (c) Sampaticchami muddhand, I will accept (his advice) with my head (bowed down in respect). 22. There is neither slayer nor causer of slaying, hearer or speaker, knower or explainer. 9. Declension of atta and raja is given in §26, 27, N.P.C. ii. When rdja forms the last part of a compound, such as mahdrdja, it follows the common declension of the masculine nouns ending in a in addition to that 12 DECLENSION OF SANTA, ETC. peculiar to iteelf : Nom. Sing. Mahdr&jo or mah&raja. Nom. Plu. Mahar&j& or maharajino, eto. to be declined like puriea and rdja. 10. Declension of sania (= the virtious). SmveuLaR PLURAL Nom. Say, santo Santo, santa Acc. Say, santay Sante Ins. Satd, santena Santehi, sabbhi aan }sato, santassa Satay, santanan, sati- nay Abl. Sat&, santamha, Santehi, sabbhi santasmé, santa Zoc. Sante, santamhi, Santesu santasmiy Voc. Santa Santo, santa There is another adjective santa (= existing) which has not the forms san and sabbhi, but has’ sati in the loo. sing. and is declined like gacchania. 11. The forms san, sani, sena, samhi,. etc. are not to be confounded with those of santa. They are from the adjective sa (= one’s own), and the neuter noun a (= one’s possession). 12, Declension of Bhavanta (= gentlemen). SINGULAR PLUBAL Nom. Bhavay, bho Bhavanto, bhonto, bhavanta 4cé. Bhavantag Bhavante Ins: Bhavati, bhoti, Bhavantehi,—tebhi bhavantena THE NEW PALI COURSE III 13 SrneuLaR PLuRaL ea Bhavato, bhoto, Bhavatag, bhavanta- bhavantassa nay Abl. Bhavata, bhoté Bhavantehi, —tebhi Loc. Bhavati, bhavante, Bhavantesu bhava ntamhi,— tasmin Voc. Bho, bhante Bhonto, bhavanto Feminine bases of this are bhavanti and bhott, which are to be declined like kuméari. Note—(a) There is an indeclinable bho, used in both numbers of vocative. Bhante also is sometimes reckon- ed as an indeclinable vocative. (6) Bhaddante has the same meaning as that of bhante. Some say that it was originally a combination of Bhadday + te (= hail to thee), and afterwards taken as s single word for addressing respectable persons. But there is the word bhadanta (= reverend, venerable) from which bhaddante may be formed. 13. The three nouns matugima, orodha, and dara are masculine in gender and feminine in sense. Métugéma, woman, womankind. Orodha, a harem-lady or the whole harem (colleo- tively). Dara, wife. These are declined like purisa. Note—Adijectives connected with miatugima are sometimes found in feminine, e.g. “‘Sallape asihatthena, pisdcena pi sallape ; Na t’eva eko ekdya matugdmena sallape”. A. iii, 69. CONJUGATION OF HU 14. Conjugation of ha (= to be). This is the simplified phonetic equivalent of root bi. It takes ho as its base in the Present and Imperative Moods and no peculiarity is found in conjugation thereof. Przst. hoti, honti, hosi, hotha, homi, homa. Imrze. hotu, hontu, hohi, hotha, homi, homa. 3rd. 2nd Ast 3rd 2nd let let 3rd let 3rd POTENTIAL Parassapada. SINGULAR PLURAL Huveyya, heyya Huveyyuy, heyyun Huveyyisi, heyyisi Huveyyatha, heyyitha Huveyyimi, heyyami Huveyyima, heyyima Attanopada. Huvetha, hetha Huveray, heray Huvetho, hetho Huveyyavho, heyyavho Huveyyay, heyyay Huveyyimhe, heyyim- he AORIST Parassapada. Ahosi, ahu Ahesun, ahun Ahuvo, ahosi Ahuvattha, ahosittha Ahosin,ahuy,ahuvi- Ahumhd, ahosimha sin Attanopada. Ahuva Ahuvi Ahuvase Ahuvivhan Ahuva, ahu Ahuvimhe IMPERFECT Parassapada. Ahuva Abuvi lst lst EE Ist zd eee 322 THE NEW PALI COURSE III 15 SmnauLak PrvgaL Ahbuvo Ahuvattha Ahuvay Ahuvamha Atianopada. Ahuvattha Ahuvatthuy Ahuvase Ahuvavhay Ahuviy Ahuvamhase FUTURE Parassapada, Hessati, hehiti, he- Hessanti, hehinti, he- hiasati, hohissati hissanti, hohinti Hessasi, hehisi, he- Hessatha, hehitha, hissasi, hohissasi hehissatha, hohissa- tha Hessimi, hehimi, Hessima, hehima, hehissami, hohis- hehissima, hohis- simi sima Attanopada. Hessate, hehissate, Hessante, hehissante, hohissate hohissante Hessase, hehissase, Hessavhe, hehissavhe, hohissase hohissavhe Heasan, hehissay, Hessimhe, hehissim- hohissay he, hohissimhe CONDITIONAL Parassapada. Ahuvised Ahuvissagsu Ahuvisse Ahuvissatha Ahuvissay Ahuvissamhi Attanopada. Ahuvissatha Ahuvissinsu Ahuvissase Ahuvissavhe Ahuvissan Ahuvissimhase 16 EXAMPLES. GROUP 2 Examples. Group 2 1.“ Matugdmesu pana vigatacchandatiya tassi eéliya mdtugimdnam pattin nidaysu”. Dh. A. i, 269. 2. “Sangharakkhita, mdtugdmasea pahiran datun n&sakkhi; ettha mahallakattherassa ko doso ti?” Dh. A. i, 303. 3. “ Tasmié saiaft ca asatafi ca Nand hoti ito gati : Asanto nirayay yanti ; Santo saggaparayana”. J. i, 19. 4, “Tihi kho, Anuruddha, dhammehi samannigato métugamo kédyassa bhed&, param marani, apiyan duggatin vinipatan nirayan uppajjati”. A. i, 281. 5. “Tena kho pana samayena r&ji Udeno uyyine paricdreti saddhin orodhena ; assosi kho rafifio Ude- nassa orodho: amhakay kira fcariyo syyo Anando uyy&nasea avidire afifiatarasmin rukkhamiile nisinno ti”. V. ii, 290. 6. “ Sehé dareh ‘asantuttho vesiyasu padissati ; Dissati paradaresu ; tay parébhavato mukhay ”’. SN. v. 108. 7. ‘Na kho pana mayan passima bholo Gotamassa yugan va nangalan vé philan va pajanan vi; atha ca pana bhavars Gotamo evam Sha”. 3. i, 172. 8. “Séyyathd pi, bho Gotams, nikkujjitayn vai ukkujjeyya, paticchannay va vivareyya ... evam eva bhota Gotamena anekapariySyena dhammo paké, sito”. D.i, 110, etc. 9. “ Bhoti, sace vejjan dnessimi, bhattavetanan databban bhavissati”. Dh. A. i, 25. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 17 10. “ Ye ndgardje sahasa haranti Dibb& dija -pakkhi visuddha-cakkhi”. D., ii, 258. ll. “ Cattdro te mahardja samanté caturo dis&é Daddallamin& atthaysu vane Ka4pilavatt- have”. D. ii, 268. 12. “ Vutthamhi deve caturangule tine Sampupphite meghanibhamhi kénane Nagantare vitapisamo sayissan ; Tam me mudfi hehits tilasannibhan”. Theg. v. 1137. 13. “ Kada ahay dubbacanena vutto Tato-nimittay vimano na hessar?” Theg. v- 1100. 14. “ Disvé samudayay vibhavaii ca sambhavan Day&dako hehisi aggavadino”. Theg. v. 1142. 15. “ Pucchatha, bhikkhave, m& pacch& vippatiss- rino hweattha . .. na mayay sakkhimha Bhagavantan patipucchitun ti”. D. ii, 155. 16. “ Ahwvd me sagimeyyo ; Ahuvd me pure sakhé”. 8. i, 36. 17. “ Ahan, bhadanie, ahuvisins pubbe* Sumedhandmassa jinassa sivako”. V.V.».75. 18. ‘ Pabbajjé va hehiti, maranayn va, na c’eva vareyyan ”. ‘T'heg. v. 465. 19. “ Katapufifio’si tvay, Anand, padhinam anu- yafija, khippan hohist anfsavo”. D. ii, 144. 20. “ Upako ajivako huveyya p’dvuso ti vatva sisan okampetvs. ummaggan gahetvé pakkimi”. V.M. 8. * P.T.8. edition has : 80 *ham pi bhante abuvasi pubbe. 18 EXAMPLES. GROUP 2 21. “S&mik& yattha yatth’eva odni , passeyyun, tattha tatth eva sini hareyyun”. HM. i, 366. 22. “ Sehi kammehi dummedho Aggidaddho ’va tappati’”. Dhp. 136. Glossary. Group 2 1. (e) Vigatacchandatdya, because they had not liking (for women). (6) Patts, a share of merit. 3. Translation : Therefore, going hence or rebirth of the righteous and the unrighteous is not the same : the wicked go to hell, and the righteous are destined to be born in heaven. 4. Translation : Possessed of three qualities, Anu- ruddha, a woman, on the dissolution of her body after death, is born in hell which is full of misery and woe, and which is a bad fall. 5. (a) Tena samayena, at that time. (Inst. used instead of locative). (6) Orodha, harem ladies, (Here it is used as 8 collective noun). (c) Paricdreti, causes to feast one’s senses, or to be attended. 6. Not contented with one’s own wives, if one is seen amongst courtesans and the wives of others, that is ® cause of one’s downfall. 7. (a) Yuga, a yoke. (b) Pajana, s goad. 8. Just as if a man were to set up that which has been thrown down, or were to reveal that which has THE NEW PALI COURSE III 19 been hidden, just even so has the truth been made known to me, in many a figure, by the venerable Gotama. 10. Dija, twice born, i.e. a bird (once in the form of an-egg and again as @ young one). A brahmin also is called a “‘ twice-born ”, his consecration being reckoned as @ second birth, 11, ‘So stood those four great kings within the wood Of Kapilavatthu, on the four climes Shedding effulgent radiance round about’”’. D.B. ii, 288. 12. When the rain has fallen and the grass (has grown) four-inches high, when the cloud-like wood is in fall-bloom, I will lie down (on that grass) like a fallen tree, between the mountains, and the grass will become as soft as cotton to me. There js a different sense in the translation of this stanza by Mrs. Rhys Davids in her Psalms of Brethren, which I cannot accept. It is as follows :—- “« And when the god rains on the four-inch grass, And on the cloud-like crests of budding woods, Within the mountain’s heart I’ll seated be Immobile as a lopped-off bough, and soft As cotton down my rocky couch shall seem”. Ps. B. p. 380. 13. (a) Tato-nimitiam, on that account. (6) Vimana, displeased. 14, Having seen the rise and fall of every thing that has come to existence, thou shalt be the heir of the Supreme Teacher. 15. M& pacché vippatisarino ahuvattha do not be remorseful afterwards. 20 PECULIAR FORMS OF SOME NOUNS 16.. Sagdmeyya, of the same village. 17. Ahuvisiz = ahosin, I was. 18. There should either be my renunciation or death, but not the betrothal. 19. You have acquired much merit, Ananda; be earnest in effort ; and you shall soon be free from intoxi- cations. 20. Upaka, the ascetic shook his head, saying : “Perhaps it may be, Sir”, and went away taking & different path. 21. Sdni, one’s own things. 22. By-his own deeds the fool is consumed as if being burnt with fire. PECULIAR FORMS OF SOME NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES 15. Arahanta (= a holy person), mahanta (= great), and brahania (= great, big) are declined like the pr. p. gacchanta; but in the nom. sing. they have the addi- tional form arahd, mahd and braha respectively. 16. Jantu (=a creature) is declined like gary ; but its nom. and acc. plurals have two additional forms jantuno, janiavo. 17. Adi is to be declined like aggi, but in loc. sing, it has the additional form ddo. It is masculine when it stands for ‘ the beginning ’ or ‘source’. When it is in the sense of et cefera or “so on” it may be masculine or neuter according to its connection. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 21 18. (a) Byahmacari (= a celebate) is to be declined like pakkAé ; its nom. pl. is brahmacdrino ; but in some places brahmacdrayo is to be found instead of the former. (b) Dipi (= leopard) is to be declined like aggi ; but in some places nom. pl. of it is seen as dépino instead of dipayo. 19. The nouns of the Mano-group are masculine and neuter ; declension of which is given in §28, N.P.C. ii. Some of the nouns of this group have an acc. singular ending in 0, e.g. ayo, ceto, vaco, siro. 20. Conjugation of Asa ( = to be). Active Forms only are given. PRESENT TENSE Parassapada. SineutaB PLUBAL 3rd Atthi (= it is) Santi (= they are) 2nd_ Asi (= thou art) Attha (= you are) lst Ambhi,asmi(=Iam) Ambha, asma (=weare) IMPERATIVE 8rd Atthu (be it so) Santu (be they so) 2nd Ahi (be thou so) Attha (be you so) Ist Ambhi, asmi (let me Amba, asma (let us be be so) 80) POTENTIAL 8rd Siyi, assa (it may Siyuy, assu (they may be) be) 2nd Assa Assatha ist Assimi Assima 22 EXAMPLES. GROUP 3 PAST TENSE 3rd Asi (he was) Asineu (they were) 2nd Asi (thou wert) Asittha (you were) Ist Asin (I was) Asimha (we were) Attanopada forms and the forms of the other moods are not found. Examples. Group 3 1. “ Ahan hi arahé loke ; ahay satth’ anuttaro ; Eko ’mhi sammisambuddho, sitibhito ‘smi nibbuto”. V. M. 8 2. “Tath’eva isayo hinsay safifiate brahmacdrayo Adhammacéri khattiyo so saggena virnjjhati”. Moahabodhi Jétaka. V.243. 3. “ Pubbe dipino elake kh&danti,-aham pana ejake dépino anubandhitva muru-murd ti khddante addasan”. Mahdsupina. J. i, 334-345. 4. “So parasattéinay parapuggalinan cetasd ceto paricca pajanéti”. D. i, 79, etc. 5. ‘ Bala kumudanajehi pabbatay abhimanthaths ; Giriy nakhena khanatha; ayo dantehi khé- datha”. §. i, 127. 6. “ Pasanna-netto sumukho Brahé uju pat&pava Majjhe samanasanghassa Adicco va virocasi”. SN. v. 550. 7. “Tatra ce tumhe bhikkhave assatha kupita v& anattamand vi, tumhan yev’asea tena antariyo”. D.i, 3. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 23 8. “ Passiya varapuiifialakkhanan Cakkhu dst yatha purinakan”. Thig. v. 399. 9. “ Mahibandhana-mutto ’mbi ; Nihato tvam asi antaka”. 4S. i, 105, V.M. 21. 10. “ Brahmajacco pure dst ; Udicco ubhato abu”. Theg. v. 889. 11. “ Ahan tava vasinugo siyarh Yadi viharémase kananantare”. Thig. v. 375. 12. “ Siyé kho pans bhikkhave ekabhikkhussé pi kankhé va vimati vé .. . magge vA patipadiya vi”. D. ii, 155. 13. “ Kaly&namitte bhajamino Api balo papdito asa”. Thig. v. 213. 14, “ Arupaké satta jané cakkavatti mahabbalé Chattipsatimhi dsivtsu kappamhi manujddhi- ps”. Apa. 116. 15. “Yo et& parivajjeti sappass’eva padi siro, So ‘may visattikay loke sato samativattati”. Theg. v. 457. 16. “Seyyathé pi, mah&rdja, puriso &badhiko asea, «+. 80 aparena samayena tamb&i abidh& mucceyys, - + « siyd c’assa kaye balamattS. Tassa evam asso: Ahay kho pubbe abddhiko ahosim, . ca me dst kaye balamatta ; so ’mhi etarahi tamha abédhé mutto”. Dz i, 72. 17. “Tesu assa sag&ravo; te c’asew sdhu piajita”. 8. i, 178. ‘18, “‘ Namo te Buddhavir ‘atthu, Vippamutto ’s sabbadhi”. Theg. v. 47. 24 EXAMPLES. GROUP 3 19. “Sa... tumbehi dittha-dhammassa bhagin? assan ti patthanan akasi". Vimédnavatthu Com. 20. “‘ Kassapassa vaco sutva Alato etad abravi Yatha bhadanto bhanati mayham p’etan va Tuccati”. J. vi, 227. 21 “So kho paniyay akkhSto Vepullo pabbato maha”. 8. ii, 185. 22. “Evam eva manussesu daharo ce pi pafifiava So hi tattha maha hoti, n’eva bilo sariravé”. 8. ii, 279, Glossary. Group 3 1. (a) Arahd, one who has destroyed the cause of rebirth ; a saint. (6) Anuttaro sattha, the Supreme Teacher. (c) Stibhiito, nibbuto, cooled and calmed (of all passions). 2. In the same way, an unrighteous warrior in- jurying the hermits who are self-controlled and celebate, is debarred from heaven (lit. goes against heaven). 3. Muru-mura ti, making such a sound. 4. Penetrating with his own heart the hearts of other beings, of other men, he knows them. 5.‘ Ye fools, ye seek to cleave a mountain crest With lily-stalks, to dig into a cliff With finger-nails, to chew iron with teeth”. K.8. i, 159. 6. (a) Pasanna-netto, having bright eyes. (6) Sumukho, with a handsome face. (c) Brahd, uju, patdpavd, great, erect and majestic. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 25 7. If you, O monks, on that account, should be angry and hurt, that would stand in the way of your own self-conquest. 8. Having seen the Awakened One who possessed the features of uttermost merits (her) eye was as before. 9. I am freed from a strong bondage, O Evil One, thou art beaten down. 10. (a) Brahmajacca, belonging to the brahman caste. (6) Udicca, of high descent; lit. northern. Brah- mans of the Northern India are deemed to be high-born. (c) Ubhato, from both sides (that of the father and of the mother). 1l. “I would live but to serve thee, an ‘thou, Would’st abide in the woodland”. Ps. 8. 151. 12. Pafipadd, the line of conduct or means of reach- ing the goal. 13. Api balo pangito assa, even a fool may become @ wise man. 14. Chattirsatimhi is a change of gender. Tirhsati and timed are feminine. 15. “ But he who shuns it all, as with the foot The serpent’s head is shunned, he, vigilant Doth circumvent. this poisoner of the world”. Ps, B. 227. 16. Then just, O king, as if a man were a prey to disease . . . and after a time he were to recover from that illness, and his strength come back to him. Then it would occur to him : “ Formerly I was ill, and there 26 PECULIARITIES OF SOME FEMININE NOUNS was no strength left in me; now I am free from that illness”. 17. You must be respectful towards them and must honour them well. 18. Sabbadhi vippamutio asi, thou art wholly free (from the bonds of passions). 19. Tumhehi ... assats, may 1 become a sharer of the blissful state attained by you. 20. Etad abravi = etay abravi, told this. 22. “So among men a puny lad, if only be he wise, Is truly great, not so the fool though large he be in size”. K.S. ii, 189. PECULIARITIES OF SOME FEMININE NOUNS 21. Declension of Ratti (= night). 7 SineuLaR PropaL N Yoo" oon Ratti Ratti, rattlyo, ratyo ied Rattin Ratti, rattiyo, ratyo on Rattiya, raty& Rattibhi, rattthi Dat. oe Rattiya, ratya Rattinan te Rattiyd, raty, rat- Rattisu tiyan, ratyay, rat- tay, ratto 22. Declension of Nadi (= river). hong }Naar Nad!, nadiyo, najjo, najjayo Ace. » Ins. Abl. Loe. oe Ace. Nom. Voc. Ace. Ins. Abl. Dat. Gen. THE NEW PALI SINGULAR Nadiyan, nadiy }raiia, nadiya Najja, nadiya Najjay, nadiyan, nadiya 23. Declension of Pokkharani ( =: Poth rani Pokkharanin Pokkharaniya, pokkharafifia Pokkharaniya, pokk sarafifia Pokkharaniyay ,— ya, pokkharaififian, pokkharafifia COURSE Ill 27 PLURAL Nadi, nadiyo, najjo, najjayo Nadibhi, nadihi Nadinayn Nadisu pond). Pokkharani, pokkha- raniyo, pokkharafifio Pokkharani, —niyo, pokkharaiifio Pokkharanibhi, —nihi Pokkharaninay Pokkharanisu 24. Feminine Nouns Ending in @. Jambi (rose-apple tree). } samba Jambuy }s jambuya Va lambuya Jambi, jambuyo Jambi, jambuyo Jambibhi, jambihi Jambinay 28 2nd Ist 2nd let CONJUGATION OF VADA Jambuyag, jambuya, jambisu Bhai, the earth. Sarabhi, the river Sarayi. Vadhi, a woman. Sarabi, a house lizard. Cam, an army. Vamird, a women with : beautiful thighs. are declined like Jamba, 25. Conjugation of Vada (= to say). Active forms only are given, PRESENT Parassapada. SrvquLaR ProraL Vadati, vadeti, vajjati Vadanti, vadenti, vaj- janti Vadasi, vadesi, vaj- Vadatha, vadetiia, vaj- jasi jatha Vadimi, vademi, Vaddima, vadema, vaj- vajjemi jama IMPERATIVE Parassapada. Vadatu, vacetu, vaj- Vadantu, vadentu, vaj- jatu jantu Vada, vad&hi, vadehi, Vadatha, vadetha, vaj- vajjahi jatha Vadami, vademi, Vadima, vadema, vaj- vajjami jama POTENTIAL Parassapada. Vade, vadeyya, vajje, Vadeyyuy, vajjeyyuy, vajjeyya vajjuy THE NEW PALI COURSE III 29 SrneuLaB PrLuRaL 2nd Vadeyyasi, vajjasi Vadeyy&tha, vajjatha let Vadeyyimi, vajjimi Vadeyyama, vajjima AORIST Parassapada. 8rd Avadi, vadi, ava- Avaduy, vaduy, ava dittha, vadittha digsu, vadinsu 2nd Avado, vado, avadi, Avadittha, vadittha vadi Ist Avadiy, vadin Avadimha, — mhi, va- dimha, — mh& The causative forme of this root are to be formed with suffix dpe and not with e. If it is formed with ¢ it gives a different meaning: videti means “to sound a musical instrument”. But vaddpeti means “to cause to speak ” or“ to make say”. 26. Conjugation of Vaca (to say). Simple forms of this base in Present, Imperative and Optative Moods are not found, but causative forms such as vdceté, wicenti are found. Active forms only are given. IMPERFECT Parassapada. 3rd Avacd Avact 2nd Avaco Avacuttha Ist Avacay Avacumha Attanopada. 3rd Avacuttha Avacatthuy 2nd Avacase Avacavhay Ist Avaciy Avacémhase 30 CONJUGATION OF VACA AORIST Parassapada. StravaR Prorat 3rd Avaci, avacisi Avocuy, avacinau 2nd Avoco Avocuttha Ist Avocin Avocumha Attanopada, 3rd Avoca Avocu 2nd Avacase Avocivhay Ist Avociy Avocimhe FUTURE Here vaca is changed to wakkha which was derived from Skt. future base vakgya. Parassapada. 3rd Vakkhati,vakkhissati Vakkhanti, vakkhis- santi 2nd Vakkhasi, vakkhis- Vakkhatha, vakkhis- sasi satha Ist Vakkh&mi, vakkhis- Vakkhdma, vakkhis- simi sima Attanopada. 3rd Vakkhate, vakkhis- Vakkhante, vakkhis- sate sante 2nd Vakkhase, vakkhis- Vakkhavhe, vakkhis- sase savhe Ist Vakkhan, vakkhissay Vakkhimhe, vakkhis- s&mhe Examples. Group 4 1. “Bo’hap ajja kathay vajjams ; * Ahan nicco’mhi, sassato’ ”. Theg. v. 1200. THE NEW PALI COURSE III | 31 2. “ Ehi, sirathi, gacchéhi, Rathay niyétayaéh’iman ; Arogyayn brahmanin vajja : Pabbajito’daini brahmano”. Thig. v. 323. 3. (a) “ Vandanan dani vajjasi Lokanathan anuttaray”. Thig. v. 307. (6) “ Vandanay dani te vajjam Lokan&thay anuttaray”’. Ibid. v. 308. 4. Nat’ahaysakkomi vitthirens dhammay desetuy ; api ca te satkhittena atthan vakkhami”. V.M. 40. 5. (a) “ Tumhe hiyo amhakan gehe kifici aladdhé yeva labhimha ti avocuttha”. Samp. i, 37. (6) “ Ath’etan patisanthéran upaidaya evam avocumhé ti”. Ibid. i, 37. 6. “Tena samayena Buddho Bhagavaé Uruveldéyan viharati najja Neraiijaraya tire bodhirykkhamile”. VM. 1. 7. “ Najjo yatha nara-gana-sanghasevita Puthd savanti upayanti sigaran”. A. ii, 55. 8. “ Arémacetya vanacetya, Pokkharafiio sunimmita, Manussa-ramaneyyassa Kalan nagghanti solasin”. S. i, 233. 9. “ Ekapanno ayay rukkho, Na bhiimyd caturangulo”. J. i, 508. 10. “Tato ratyé vivasine suriyuggamanan pati Indo Brahm& ca agantvé may namassinsu pafijali”. Theg. v. 617. 11. “ Atha kho Kosinaéraké Malla ayasmantan Anu- ruddhan etad avocum”. D. ii, 163. 32 EXAMPLES. GROUP 4 12. “ Upajjhayo man avacasi : Ito gacchémi Stvaka”. Theg. v. 14. 13. “‘ Papaii ca udapanaii ca ye dadanti upassayan Tesay diva ca ratio ca sad& pufifiey pavad- dhati”. 8. i, 33. 14. “ Najjayo supatitth4yo, sopnavAluka-santhata Acch& savanti ambini, maccha-gumba-nise- vita”. J. vi, 278. 15.“ Evaii ca vadehi: ‘ Sidhu kira bhavaris Anando yena Subhassa m&navassa Todeyyaputtassa nivesanay, ten’upasaikamatu”’. D, i, 204. 16. “ Atha kho so m&navako . . . Subhay m&yavay Todeyyaputtay etad avoca: Avocumha kho mayan bhoto vacatiena tay bhavantarh Ananday”. Ibid, i, 204. 17. “ Yay hi kayira tay hi vade ; Yap na kayiré na tan vade”. Theg. v. 226. 18. “M& map dyasmanto kifici avacuttha kalydnan v& pipakay va ; aham p’Ayasmante na kifici avkkhdmi kalyénay vi papakan va”. Pardjika-Pali. 19. “Mé Syasma attdnan avacaniyan akdsi, . . . Gyasmé pi bhikkhi vadetu sahadhammena ; bhikkhi pi ayasmantay vakkhanti sahadhammena”. Ibid. Glossary. Group 4 1. How am able to say now: “I am permanent ”, “T am eternal?” 2. Come here, charioteer, go and hand over this carriage (to my wife), and inform her that I am in good health and have become a monk. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 33 3. (a) Now, express my homage to the Supreme Lord of the world. 4. (a) Téharh = te + shay. (6) Atthate vakkhamé, I will explain what is essential. 5. Etatis patisanthéram upddaya, on account of this friendly treatment. 7. (a) Naragana-satigha-sevita, frequented by many groups of people. (b) Puthu savanti, flowing separately. The translation of these lines in the Gradual Sayings (ii, 64), purpartea different meaning. It is as follows:— “ As rivers bearing multitudes of men Flow broadly down to that ocean come”. They have translated nara . . . sevitd as “ bearing multitudes of men”, but I translate this compound word as “‘ frequented by many groups of people”. 8. Even a great number of pleasant parks, groves, and beautifully built ponds are not. worth one sixteenth part of the heauty (or amisbility) of a person. In the Kindred Sayings these lines are translated as follows :— “ The varied beauties of the park, the grove, Or lakes of lotuses and lovely line For man’s enjoyment are of little worth”. K.9. i, 297. Here they have taken manussa-rdmaneyyassa as “ for man’s enjoyment”. This is not in accordance with the explanation of the word in its commentary. Itisexplained as “ manussaramaniya-bhavassa”. C.S. i, 351. 10. (a) Ratyé vivasdne, at the ond of the night. 34 DECLENSION OF KAMMA ETC. (6) Suriyu .-. . pati, at sunrise. Indeolinable pati governs the acousative. (c) Pafjalé, having raised the hands together in salutation. 18. (a) Papa is a place to provide water for the thirsty pedestrians. (6) Upassaya, a dwelling place. 14. (a) Supatittha, having safe landing or bathing places. (6) Sonnavaluka-santhata, strewn with golden sand. (c) Ambini savanti, carry water. 17, Let him talk of what he should do, and let not of that which he should not do. 18. Kifici kalyanarh od papakars va, anything good or bad. 19. (a) Ma avacaniyam akasi, do not make yourself unexhortable. (b) Sahadhammena, in accordance with the Law or reason. 27. Declension of the neuter- noun Kamma (= action ; good or bad). SINGULAR PLURAL Nom. Kammay Kammié, kammfani Acc. Kammay Kamme, kammfni Ins. Kammuni, kamma- Kammebhi, kammehi na, kammena Gen, }Kammuno, kammassa, Kamminay Atl. Kammun4, kamma- Kammebhi,—ehi mha, kammasma THE NEW PALI COURSE III 35 Suv@uLaR ProraL ioc. Kamme, kammani, Kammesu kammamhi,— smin Voc. Kamma Kamm, kammini Camma, ghamma, vesma, bhasma and parisu have a loo. sing. ending in -ni as that of kamma. 28. Two nouns ubhaya (= both) and ubha (= both) are included in the Pronouns. But ubha has only plural forms and some of them are peculiar only to iteelf. The nom. plural ubho is derived from Skt. dual ubhau. Declension of Ubha (= both). Plurat only. Nom. . pt }Ubto oa }uhinnay aa $i, }Ubhobhi, ubhohi oc. Ubhosu naa in all genders. 29. Kati (= how many) also have only plural forms and similarly declined in all genders. Nom. Dat. he } eat ta }watinag a } Kaetbt, katihi Toc. Katiou Note—Katipaya (= some) is differently declined in different genders and numbers. 30. Conjugation of Da (to give). Active, Parassapada forms are. given. PRESENT 3rd Dadati, deti Dadanti, denti 36 CONJUGATION OF DA SmvauLaR Prorat 2nd Dad&si, desi Dadatha, detha lst Dadami, demi, Dada&ma, dema, dammi damma IMPERATIVE 3rd Daditu, detu Dadantu, dentu 2nd Dadahi, dehi Dadatha, detha 1st Dad&mi, demi, Dadima, dema, dammi damma BOTENTIAL Parassapada. 8rd Dade, dadeyya, deyya, Dadeyyuy, dajjeyyuy, dajja, dajjeyya deyyuy, dajjun 2nd Dadeyyasi, deyyasi, Dadeyyatha, dajjey- dajjasi, dajjeyyasi yatha, deyyatha, dajjitha lst Dadeyyami, dajjey- Dadeyyama, dajjey- yami, dajjami yama, dajjama Attanopada. 3rd Dadetha, dajjetha Daderan, dajjeray 2nd Dadetho, dajjetho Dadeyyavho, dajjavho lst Dadeyyan, dajjay Dadeyyamhe, dajja- mhe IMPERFECT Parassapada. $rd Adada, ada Adadu, dadu 2nd Adado, ado Adadattha, adattha Ist Adaday, aday Adadamha, adamh& Attanopada. 8rd Adadattha, adattha Adadatthuy, adatthuy 2nd Adadase Adadavhay Ist Adadin Adadamhase THE NEW PALI COURSE III 37 AORIST SINGULAR PLoRaL 3rd Adadi, dadi, adasi Adadigsu, dadinsu, adadun, daduy, adaysu. 2nd Adado, dado, adasi Adadattha, adattha lst Adadin, dadiy, adisin Adadimha, —ha ; da- dimha, —hi; ad- amha, adasimha FUTURE 8rd Dadissati, dassati Dadissanti, dassanti 2nd Dadissasi, dassasi Dadissatha, dassatha lst Dadissimi, dassimi, Dadissima, dassima dassay CONDITIONAL 3rd Adadissa, dadissa, Adadissaysu, dadis- sansu 2nd Adadisse, dadisse Adadissatha, dadis- satha Ist Adadissan, dadissayn Adadissamh4, dadis- samha Examples. Group 5 1. “ Ubho khafijé, ubho kuni, ubho visamacakkhulé, Ubhinnasis pilaka jaté ; nahan passimi Illisan ”. J. i, 353. 2. “ Varin yathi ghammani ghammatatto Vac8’bhikaikhami, sutay pavassa”. SN. v. 353; Theg. v. 1273. 3. ‘“ Etahan, bhante, Veluvanan uyyanay Buddha- pamukhassa saighassa dammi”. V.M. 39. 38 EXAMPLES. GROUP 5 4. “Dehi, je Ambapili, amhikay etap bhattan sata- sahassena”’ ti. “Sace pi me ayyaputta Vesalin sihdran dajjeyyurh, n’eva dajja’han tan bhattan” ti. V.M. 232. D. ii, 96. 5. “ Kati jagaratan, sutta? Kati suttesu jagara ? Katihi rajam Adeti? Katthi parisujjhati ?” 8.i, 3. 6. “ Disvana tan Devadevan Tinamutthin adds’ahan”. Apa. 454, 7. “ Ekanavute ito kappe yay phalan adadim tada, Duggatin nabhijanami ; phaladanass’idan pha- lap”. Apa. 449, 8. “Atha brahmano: ‘yan ninéhay yap me tihi mAsehi ditabban siy2 tan sabban ekadivasen’eva dadeyyan ’ ti cintetva ‘ Adhivasetu me bhavay Gotamo * ti ddim dha”. Samp. i, 199. 9. “So gehan gantvé pucchi: ‘Tassa pabba- jitassa kifici adawha? ti. ‘Na kifici adamha’ ti”. Ibid. i, 37. 10. “ Yattakan tulité ea& tuyhay dhité Anopama, Tato atthagunan dassarh hirafifiayn ratandni ca”, Thig. 153. 1l. “ Dibbagandhap, pavayantay Yo me pupphagghiyan ada”. Apa. 102. 12. (a) “ Kassako kammand hoti ; Sippiko hoti kammanad”. S.N. v. 651 (6) “ Kammund vasalo hoti ; Kammund hoti brihmano”. 8.N. v. 136. 13. “ Vejjo evam aha: ‘Ma kir’ ayye pure kiiici addasi ; yada arog’ ahosi tada yan iccheyyasi tan dajjey- yasi”. VM. 271. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 39 14. “ Parisussati khippam iday kalebaran Pupphay yathé parhsuni atape katan”. J. ii, 436-8. 15. ‘‘ Buddho ca me varan dajja, So ca labbhetha me varo”. Theg. v. 468. 16. “ Yan tvan apiyeai bahii manusse Pipdsite ghammani samparete, Tan te purinan vata silavattan Suttappabuddho’va anussarami”. §. i, 143. 17. “So pi tesan gatabhavan fiatvé vaccakutiy& padaray vivaritvé oruyha ubhohi hatthehi alumpakaray giithey khadi”. DhA. ii, 56. 18. “ Appamatto ubho atthe Adhiganhati pandito”. S. i, 87. 19. “Tam addasa Mahabrahmi, Nisinnan samhi veemani”. J.V. 60. 20. ‘Mano hi te, brahmana, kharibharo, Kodho dhiimo, bhasmani mosavajjay”. 8. i, 169. Glossary. Group 5 1. Both are lame, both are crooked handed and squint-eyed, both have warts or wens ; therefore I am not able to distinguish the right person, Ilisa. | 2. (a) Sutatn pavasea, preach the Norm. (b) “As for the cool waters when by heat we suffer, Thy word we wait for :—rain that we may hear”. Ps. B. 410. 3. (a) Etaham = etay + ahay. (6) Buddha .. . satighassa, to the community of monks headed by the Buddha. 40 GLOSSARY. GROUP 5 4. (a) Bhatiams here means not the food but the (invitation for) the meal, (6) Sace pi . +. My lords, were you to offer Vesalf together with its sources of revenue, I would not give up that feast. (c) Dajjahar = dajjan + aban. 5. How many are sleeping among the wake? How many are awake among the sleeping? Through how many ways does one become unclean? And through how many is one purified ? 6. (a) Devadevarh, God of gods, i.e. the Exalted One. (6) Addsahamh = adasin + ahay. 8. Yah nina aham, what if I were to. 10. Tulité, estimated or weighed. “. .. whatever she weighs, Anopamé thy daughter, I will give Kightfold that weight in gold and gems of price”. Ps. 8.86. 11. (a) Dibbagandam pavdyantam, diffusing heavenly odours. (6) Pupphagghiya, a post decorated with fes- toons or garlands, 13. (@) Ma pure kifict adasi, do not give anything’ beforehand. (6) Yada aroga ahost, when you will be recovered from the illness. (Here the Aorist is used in the future sense). 14. Parisuseati, withers. 15. “‘ Let but the Buddha grant ono boon to me, And if that boon were mine, hid THE NEW PALI COURSE III 41 16. “ When many men, thirsty and heat-tormented, Thon in the past gavest to drink (and saved them) : Lo! this was thy ‘ rites and good works afore- time’. As one from sleep newly awaked I remember”. K.8. i, 181. 17. (a) Padaram vivaritea, having opened the board (covering the pit). (6) Alumpakdram, taking in lumps. 18. A wise and diligent person wins the, twofold advantages : (that which is good in this life and good in life to oome). 19. Samhé vesmani, in his own mansion. 20. (a) Khdaribhdra, a burden carried in a pingo (= basket). (b) Bhasmant mosavajjam, speaking of untruth is compared with ashes. PECULIARITIES OF SOME ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS 31. The three adjectives ekacca, ekatiya and ekac- ciya,* all having the meaning “some”, are to be declined as follows :— MASCULINE SrvauLaB Prvpan Nom. (a) Ekacco Ekacce (6) Ekacciyo Ekacciya (ce) Ekatiyo Ekatiya *All are phonetic variants of the same Skr. skatya, 42 DECLENSION OF AMU SmveuLar PuvraL Acc, (a) Ekaccay Ekacce (6) Ekacciyan Ekacciye (c) Ekatiyan Ekatiye and so on like Nara. FEMININE Nom, (a) Ekacca Ekacc&, ekacciyo (6) Ekacciya Ekacciya, ekacclya- yo (c) Ekatiya Ekatiya, ekatiyfyo and so on like Vaniid. NEUTER foo" Ya) Ekaccan EkaccAni (6) Ekacciyay Ekacciyani (c) Ekatiyay Ekatiyani and so on like Nayana. They have no Vocative forms. 32. Declension of Amu (= such and such). MASCULINE Nom. Asu,asuko,amu, Ami, asukd, amuka’ amuko Acc, Asukay, amukay, Ami, asuke, amuke amug Ina. Amuné, amskena, Amibhi, amihi, asukena amukebhi, —ehi; asukebhi, —ehi Dat. \ Amuno, amussa, Amiisay, amisinay, Gen, asukassa, amu- asukinay, amuki- kassa nay THE NEW PALI COURSE III 43 SmNauLaR PLURAL Abl. Amund, amumhi, Amibhi, amihi, asu- amusmA, asu- kebhi, —ehi ; amu- kamha, —smi, kebhi, —ehi amukamha, — sma Loc. Amumhi, amusmig, Amisu, asukesu, amukamhi, —as- amukesu miy, asukamhi, —smiy FEMININE Nom. Asu, asukd, amu, Ami, amuyo, asu- amuk& k&yo, amukayo Acc. Amun, asukay, Ami, amuyo, asu- amukay kayo, amukayo Ins. \. Amuyi, asukaya, Amibhi, am@hi, asu- Abl. amukiya kabhi, —ahi, amu- kabhi, —ahi Dat. \ Amussi, amuy4, Amisay, amiisinan, Gen. asukaya,amukfya asukinay, amu- kanay Loc. Amussay,amuyay, Amiasu, asukdsu, asukaya, —yan, amukisu amukdya, —yay NEUTER oe Aduy, asukay, Adini, asukani, amukay, amuk&ni The remainder is like that of Masculine. 33. Conjugation of disa (to see). Disa is often changed to passa or dakkha.* The *Dakkha is derived as a base from the Skt. future stom drakeyo- 44 CONJUGATION OF DISA original form of this is almost absent in the Active Voice. Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT Snrauar Prurat 3rd Passati, dakkhati Passanti, dakkhanti nd Passasi, dakkhasi Passatha, dakkhatha 1st Passiimi,dakkhimi Passima, dakkhima So on to be carried like paca. There is no difficulty in constructing Imperative and Optative forms. IMPERFECT 3rd Addasé, addakkhi, Addakkhu, —khuy, apassi, adissa addasuy, apassuy 2nd Addakkho, apasso Addakkhittha, apassit- tha lst Addakkhay, apassay Addakkhamhd, apas- samhi AORIST $rd Apassi, passi,adak- Apassigsu, passiysu, khi, dakkhi,addak- adakkhineu, dak- khi, addasisi khigsu, addasaysu, addasuy 2nd Addakkho, apassi, Apassittha, passittha, passi adakkhittha, dakk- hittha ist Apassin, passij,ad- Apassimha, passimha, dakkhig, dakkhin, adakkhimha, dakk- addasan, addasisig himha FUTURE 3rd Passissati, dakkhiti, Passissanti,dakkhinti, dakkhissati dakkhissanti THE NEW PALI COURSE III 45 SmneuLAR PLvgaL 2nd Passissasi, dakkhisi, Paasissatha, dakkhis- dakkhissasi éatha lst Passissimi, dakkhi- Passissima, dakkhi- ssimi ssima Examples. Group 6 1. “ Divavihéré nikkhamma Gijjhakitamhi pab- bate Addasavs virajayn Buddhay bhikkhusatigha- purakkhatan". Thig. v. 108. 2. “ Addasa brahmano Buddhap Vippamuttay nirfpadhin”. Thig. v. 320. 3. “So addasdst Sambuddhan Nadin Nerafijaram pati”. Thig. v. 309. 4, “ Nadato parisiyan te vidi-dapp&paharino Ye te dakkhanti vadanay dhafifié te naraput- gava”. Apa. 533. § “Na vissase ekatiyesu evan Agé&risu pabbajitesu cd pi”. Theg. v. 1009. 6. “Saccan kir’evam dhansu nar ekacciyd idha Katthap uplivitay seyyo ; na tv’ev’ekacciyo naro”. J. i, 326. 7. “ Ahan asuko, asukassa fiitako, suhado ti ddini vatv& sallapante pi tena saddhiy kathS na k&tabbs”. Abhayatthera. Rasavahini. 8. “Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavé parito parito janapadesu parictrake abbhatite kélakate uppattisu -. st amutra uppanno, as amuira uppanno ti”. D. ii, 200. 46 EXAMPLES. GROUP 6 9. “Gopalako s&yanhasamayan simikinay givo niyyddetva iti patisaficikkhati: Ajja kho givo am- usmifi ca amusmift ca padese carinsi ti”. A. i, 205. 10. “Ambho purisa, na tvan addasa manussesu tatiyan devaditan patubhiitan ti?” So evam aha: “ Ndddasam, bhante” ti. A. i, 140. ll. “ Satan eke sahassinan amanussinam addasum ; App’eke’nantam addakkhum, . . . dis& sabb& phuté chu”. D. ii, 256. 12. “‘ Adarisu te mam’okésay sodhetup afijasan tadé’”. Bud. 13. “ Vicinanto tada dakkhirs dutiyay sflapiramin’”. Ibid. 13. 13. “ Aniccay aniccato ‘ddakkhum, Dukkham addakkhu dukkhato”. A. ii, 52. 14. “Idha bhikkhave ekaccassa puggalassa appakan sutan hoti”. A. ii, 7. 15. “ Yo sukhan dukkhato ‘ddakki, Dukkham addakkhi sallato”. 8. iv. 207. 16. “Ye pi hi keci bhikkhave andgatam addh&nay tan aniccato dakkhinti, dukkhato dakkhinti, .. . te taphan pajahissanti”. 9. ii, 110. 17. “Bace pi dase pajjote dharayissasi, Kassapa, Neva dakkhiti rapini, cakkhu hi’ssa na vijjati”. 8. i, 199. 18. “‘Itthi pi hi ekacciya seyyo posi, janadhipa, Medhavini sflavati sassudevé patibbata ”. 8. i, 86. Glossary. Group 6 1. Divaviharéd, from the seclusion at noon. 2. (a) Vippamutia, freed from the bonds (that bring about rebirth). THE NEW PALI COURSE III 47 (6) Niriipadhi, who has passed all conditions of rebirth. 3. Nadim ... pati, on the banks of the river Ner- afijaré. Pati governs the accusative. 4. (a) Vddidappapahart, one who removes the pride of the antagonists. (6) Naraputgava, the noblest of men. Putigava is a bull, in compounds it gives the meaning “ noble”, or “ highest”. 5. “Some souls there be on whom noneshould rely; Be the housefolk, or e’en among recluses”. Ps. B. 347. 6. Uplavita, floating on or carried by a stream. 8. Now at that time the Exalted One was wont to make declarations as to the rebirths of such followers (of the doctrine) as had passed away in death, in the countries round about on every’ side, saying: Such a one has been reborn there, and such a one there. 9. Iti patisaficikkhati, contemplates thus. 11. Some saw a hundred thousand of the spiritual beings, and some others saw an ixffinite number of them ; all directions were crowded (with them). 13. They saw the impermanent as being such, and misery as being misery. 14, Sua, here is learning. 15. Who has seen the’pleasure aa an ill, and the pain a8 @ piercing dart. 17. He will not see the objects, Kassapa, even if you were to light ten lamps, because he has no eyes to see. 48 DECLENSION OF KIM 18. (a) Posd seyyo, superior to 8 man. Here seyyo is an indeclinable. (6) Sassudevd, (a woman) who considers her mother-in-law as a deity. (c) Patibbata, a devoted wife. 34. Declension of the Interrogative Pronown Kith (what? which t), MASCULINE SnieuLaR Pronan Nom. Ko Ke Acc. Kay Ke Ins. Kena Kebhi, kehi Dat. }Kasoa, Kissa, kissa- Kesay, kestinay Gen. ssa 4dl. Kamhi, kasm& Kebhi, kehi Loc. Kamhi, kasmiy, Kesu kimhi, kismin FEMININE Nom. Ka Ka, kayo Acc, Kay Ka, kayo Ina. } tye Kabhi, kBhi Gen, }Kased, kises, kiya Kasay, kisSnan Toc. Kass&, kiya, kassan, Kisu kiesay, kiyag NEUTER ‘toe }Kan, kiy Ke, kani The rest are similar to those of the Masculine. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 49 35. Koci (someone), keci (some persons), etc. are formed by adding the indefinite interrogative particle ct to Kish together with its case endings. Cana, another particle of the same kind, is seen added only to the Nom. and Acc. forms of Kim. Both these are added sometimes to some other interrogative stems, e.g. kadaci, kudacana. Declension of Kocs (some one). MASCULINE SmNcvLsE ProraL Nom. Koci Keci, kecana Acc. Katfici, kifici, kifica- Keci, kecana nay Ins. Kenaci Kehici Fd }iasoaet Kesafici Abl. Not found Kehici Ioc. Kambici, kasmifici, Kesuci kismici, kismifici FEMININE Nom. Kaci Kaci Acc. Kafici, kifici Kad aa }iayaci Kahici Dat. Gen. }Rayad, kass&ci K&safici Toc. Kayaci, k&yafici Kasuci kassafici NEUTER Nom. Ten" }Kisiel Knici and e0 on like those of the Masculine. 50 CONJUGATION OF NA 36. Conjugation of Na (to know). Being of the 5th conjugation, Kiyadigans, this root takes the conjugational sign nd. The root is often changed to ja, sometimes to jars, and seldom to nd. Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT SmncuLaB PLURAL 3rd Janati Jananti 2nd Jaindsi Janitha lst Jinimi Janima Imperative forms jandtu, eto. are not difficult to be formed. POTENTIAL The inflection eyya after 4 is sometimes changed to ty or fia. 3rd _ Janiyd, jafifid, jineyya Janeyyuy 2nd Janeyyasi J&neyyatha lst Janeyyami Janeyyima AORIST Here the conjugational sign na is sometimes dropped. 3rd Ajani, jini, afifidel Ajaninsu, janinsu, afi- fdsuy 2nd Ajano, jano Ajanittha, janittha lst Ajanin, janig, afifidsig Ajinimha, janimha FUTURE 3rd Janissati, fiassati Janissanti, fiassanti 2nd Janissasi, fiassasi Janissatha, fiassatha let Jinissimi, fiassimi J&nissima, fiassima THE NEW PALI COURSE III "37. Conjugation of Bri (to say). (Conjugational sign of which is a). Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT SnievLan PLugaL 3rd Briti, braviti, bruviti Bruvanti 2nd Brisi Britha Ist Brami Brima IMPERATIVE 3rd Bruvatu Bruvantu 2nd Brihi Britha Ist Brami Brima POTENTIAL 3rd Bruve, bruveyya Bruveyyuy 2nd Bruveyyasi Bruveyyatha Iss Bruveyyimi Bruveyyima INDEFINITE For bra sometimes dha is substituted. 3rd Aha Abu, Shaysu 2nd Brave Bravittha ist Bravan Bravimha IMPERFECT 3rd Abrava Abravii 2nd Abravo Abravittha lst Abravag Abravamha AORIST 3rd Abravi Abravay 2nd Abravo Abravittha Ist Abraviy Abravimha 51 52 CONJUGATION OF BRU FUTURE SinauLaR PLoRaL 3rd Bravissati Bravissanti 2nd Bravissasi Bravissatha Ist Bravissimi Bravissima CONDITIONAL 3rd Abravissai Abravissagsu 2nd Abravisse Abravissatha lst Abravissay Abravissamhi Examples. Group7 1. “ Atthi nu kho, bhante, Mifici ripan .. . baci vedané ... kaci safifié... keci sankharé ... kiflot vififidpag ‘niooay dhuvan eassatan Y 8. iii, 147. 2. “ Kirn su chetv& sukhan seti ? Kish su chetva na socati ? Ki kad Vadhay rocesi Gotama ?” J. i, 41. 3. “‘Tassa mayhan, bhikkhave, etad ahosi: Kém- Ai nu kho sati jarimaranan hoti? Kim paccayd jara- maranan ? ti”. 8. ii, 104. 4. “Evan vilapamanan tan Ananday dha Gotami: ‘Na yuttan socitun putta, hisakile upatthite”. Apa. 534. 5, “ Allavatthé allasirs cabbe'va pafijalikats Buddhasss pide nipatitvé iday vacanam abravurh”. Apa. 46. 6, “Tava ratanavarassa dhammay sutvé Karissimmi ti ca bruvittha Chatto”. V.V. p. 62. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 53 7.“ Evafi oe tay janojafifid, yatha janami tay ahap, Araka parivajjeyya githatthanay va pavuse ”. Theg. v. 1163. 8. “ Yay tvan kimaratin brist, Arati dinisi mama”. Thig. v. 58, 141, 234. 9. “ Vutthahitva samadhimha Satthé loke anuttaro Mama kammam pakittento idan vacanam abravi". Apa. 69. 10. “ Kimetay bhavay Gotamo dha? Puna bhavay Gotamo bravitd ti”: D. i, 95. 11. “ Pupphasanap pafifiapetva eddhucittay mano- rama Narasirathinan aggayn idan vacanam abra- vim”. Apa. 69. 12 “Ye kho keot kayena duccaritan caranti, . .. tesay appiyo atta; kificd pi te evan vadeyyam: ‘ piyo me att&’'ti; atha kho tesan appiyo atté; tan Lies hetu?” 8. i, 72. 13. “Atha kho Bhagav& imay udanan udanesi : afifidss vata bho Kondafifio, affdsi vata bho Kon- dafifio’ti”, VM. 12. 14. “Yathi-katham pane tvay bhikkhu mays safikhittena bhdsitassa vitthirena atthan djandsi ti?” &. iii, 75. 15. “ Atha Bhagava kismificid eva pakarane bhik- khusaighayn pandimetvé pubbaphasamayan nivisetva patta-civaram &déya Kapilavatthuy pindaya pévisi”. &. iii, 91. 16. “ Eko va Bhagava tasmiy samaye viharitukémo hoti, na Bhagava tasmin samaye kenaci anubandhitab- bo”. 8. iii, 95. 54 GLOSSARY. GROUP 7 17. Jetthaka-pesakirassa bhariy& kenacid eva kara- niyena Baranasin gacchanti te pacceka-Buddhe disva vanditva : ‘ Kirt bhante, avelaya Agatatthé ?’ ti pucchi”’. DhA. i, 290. 18. “‘Yassa kaseaci, Ananda, cattaro iddhip&ds bhavité bahulfkata,.. . . so akafkhamano kappan vA tittheyya, kappAivasesay vi”. D. ii, 103. 19. “ Pandita h’aévuso, manuss& vimansaké : kiemim pan’ayasmantiénay chandaraga-vinayakkhayi satthd ti”. 8. iii, 7. 20. ‘‘ Ye kect pupphagandhé, vassikan tesan aggam akkhayati”. 9. iii, 153. Glossary. Group 7 1. Pray, lord, is there any material form, any feel- ing, any perception, any activities that are stable, un- changing and eternal ? 2. (a) Kissassa ekadhammasea, of what a single thing. (6) Vadhara, destruction. 3. Then, brethren, this came to me :—What now being, does decay and death come to be? What con- ditions decay and death ? 4. Héasakdle upatfhite, when occasion to be joyful has come. 5. (a) Allavatthé allasira, with wet clothes and hair. (b) Pafjalikata, raising their clasped hands (in salutation). 6. Tava ratanavarasea, of thou who art likened to & precious gem. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 55 7. ‘ Did but folk know thee as thou art, as I Do know thee, they would shun thee from afar As they would shun a cesspool in the rains”. Ps, B. 384. 8. (a) Kamarati, enjoyment of sensual pleasures. (6) Arati, non-attachment. 9. (a) Vufthahitva samadhimha, having roused himself from trance. (6) Pakittento, praising or describing. ll. (a) Sadhucitiam, well-decked. (b) Narasarathinamh aggam, the highest of those who train the people. 12. They who act wrongly in deed, for them the self is not dear; even though they were to say: ‘ Dear to us is the self ’, nevertheless the self is for them not dear. 13. Udanars udanesi, uttered a joyful utterance. 14. Yatha katham, in what way? How so then? 15. Then the Exalted One, having condemned the Order of brethren for some offence, robed himself in the forenoon, took bowl and robe and entered Kapilavat- thu for alms. 17. Kenacid eva karaniyena, with some business. 18. Ananda, whosoever has developed and practised the four paths to Jddhi, he, should he desire it, could remain for an aeon or for that portion of the aeon which had yet to run. 19. Friends, the wise men of an inquiring mind will ask: ‘In what does your reverences’ master teach of the restraining of desire and lust 1” 56 ABOUT NUMERALS MORE DETAILS ABOUT NUMERALS 38. (a) The numerals from dvi up to aftharasa are of all genders and have only the plural forms. (6) From ekinavisati (= 19) up to nava-navutt (= 99) they are feminine and have only the singular form. So are kofi (= ten million) and akkhohini. (c) Visati, titheati, cattdfeati and pafifidsati or panndeati have other bases ending in 4, such as vted, térasd, which are to be declined like vanitd. (d) The same four numerals have a nom. sing. ending in ‘ m’, such as visath, tirheath. (e) When they form the first part of a compound they are reduced to the a-endings, e.g. “* tithea-vassasahassani ”, “ ekatiries ito kappe ”. 39. Declension of Visaté (twenty). Singular forms only. SmveuLaR ProraL Nom. Visati Ins. ‘Abl. }Visctiya Acc. Visatin Dat. Bat vay Ioc. Visatiyan, visatiya. The others up to navuti, and kofi and akkhohini are to be declined like visati. When the first four of these end in 4 or m they are-to be declined as follows :— Nom. visa bees teh isi, } Vidya Acc. Visa Dat. Gen. }vistyn separate quantities. SINGULAR Nom. Satay Acc. Satay Ins. Satena rai }Satasea Abl. Sat&, satamha, satasma Ioc. Sate, satamhi, satasmig THE NEW PALI COURSE III 57 Loc. Visayan, visiya. 40. Sata, sahasea, lakkha (= 1,000,00) and the com- pounds ending with them are neuter singulars ; but they take the plural forms when it is required to express Deciension of Sata (= one hundred). PLuRAL Sat&, satani Sate, satani Satebhi, satehi Satinan Satebhi, satehi Satesu Sahassa, lakkha and the higher numerals from nahuta up to asatikheyya are to be declined similarly except 41. The higher numerals which were not given pre- Kotippakoti = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,600 akkhohini and bindu. viously are :— Pakoti = 100,000,000,000,000 Nahutan* = 29 cyphers Ninnahutap = 36 ,, Akkhohinl = 43, Bindu = 50 » Abbuday = 67 ,, Nirabbuday = 64 ,, Ahshay =7l » Ababsy = 78 ,, Ten thousand also is meant by this term. 58 FUTURE FORMS IN THE PAST Atatan = 85 cyphers Sogandhikan= 92 ,, Uppalan = 99, Kumudan = 106 ay Pundarikanp = 113, Padumay =120_ ,, Kathinag =127 ,, Mehékathinay = 134 ,, Asatkheyyay = 141 ,, Each preceding number is multiplied by ten million to give the succeeding number. FUTURE FORMS IN THE PAST SENSE (Future Perfect in English). The lst Person singular of the Future is often found in the Past sense. The Pali Grammar, Saddaniti, states it as a change of the Aorist inflection, and to be found in verse only. But we find it in prose too, e.g. So evam é&ha: nésakkhiser bhante, pamddassamt bhante ti”. Ai, 141. Examples. Group 8 1.“ Kotisatanay, navutinarh, asitiya oa kotinan Ete dsun tayo thind vimalinay samagame ”. Bud. p. 47. 2. “ Mahé-ekasitako catusatthiyd sitaka-yugesu dve aggahesi; ayam pana battivisdya laddhakale dve ag- gahesi”. DhA. iii, 2. 3. “Manussinan vitenténan varentdnay yeva eatthisahased balavagivo satthisahassé. ca dhenuyo nikkhanté”. DhA. i, 396. THE NEW PALI COURSE II 59 4, “Raji... ‘ etth’ev’asse drattitnedya puttehi saddhiy slay chinditvi aharatha’ti tena saddhig afifie pi samatthe yodhe pesesi”. DhA. i, 354. 5. “Rajé . . . cattaro hatthi, cattaro asse, cattars kab&pana-sahasedns, catasso itthiyo, catasso disiyo, cattéro gémavare ti evay yavata cattars cattari katvai sabbacatukkay nim’assa dépesi”. DhA. iii, 3. 6. “‘Atthi, deva, ito ofsart-yojana-sata-matthake Savatthi néme nagarap, tato agacchim&” ti. DhA. ii, 118. 7. “ Dvenavute ito kappe yan bhisay adadin tada, Duggatin nabhijanimi; bhisadnass’idan phalay”. Apa. 287. 8. “ Anekajati-sansiran sandhavisears anibbisan, Gahakarakan gavesanto ; dukkh& jati punap- punay”. Dhp. v. 153 and Udana. 9. “‘Tuvafi ca, bhante, anukampakay vidup Upecca vandin, kusalafi ca pucchisarn”. V.V. p. 45, ii, Ucchudayika. 10. “Kuddamilafi ca nissiya alopay tan abhua- jiean”. Theg. v. 1056. 11. “ Ayoniso manasikiré mandanay anuyufijisar”. Theg. v. 187. 12. “ Uposathay upavasissam sad& silesu sanvutd ”. V.V. p. 12. 13. (a) “ Tattha nay upasankamma vandissarit puri- suttamay ”. (0) “ Anucattkamissarn virajan sabbasattinam uttaman”. Theg..v. 480. 14. “Yesay pafifidsar piydni, pafiidsarh tesay dukkhani; yesan catdrisams piyani, cattarisay tesay 60 EXAMPLES. GROUP 8 dukkhani; yesan tirhsam piyani, tinsay tesay dukkhani; yesay visars piyani; visay tesan dukkhini”. Udana, 92. 15. Tesatthiya nagara-echasseeu, navanavutiya dona- mukha-sahassesu, channavutiyd ed chappaftiasaya ratandkaresit ti sakala-Jambudipe . devata sannipatité”. D.A. ii, 678. 16. “Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco samano va brahmano va... anekavihitan pubbenivasan anussarati, seyya- thiday ? Ekam pi iBtip dve pi jatiyo, tisso pi jatiyo, catasso pi jatiyo, . . . dasa pi jatiyo, visam pi jatiyo, titieam pi jatiyo”. “p. i, 18, etc. 17. “ Pabbajitefi ca pana Mehd-Govindan brah- manay . .. satta ca nahitaka-satani, cattéried ca bhariya sédisiyo, anekSni ca khattiya-sahassani . . . anupabba- jineu””. D, ii, 248. 18. “Anuruddhatthero pana vassasaiafi c’eva panndsafi ca vassini, Bakkulatthero vassasatafi o’eva satfhifi ca, vassini (jivi). D.A. ii, 413. Glossary. Group 8 1, There were three congregations of holy persons , one of thousand millions, one of 900 millions, and the third of 800 millions. 3. Manussinat . . . yeva, while people were prevent- ing them. 5. Sabbacatukkath, a set of four of every necessary thing. 6. Ito vleath ... matthake, at a distance of 120 yojanas from here. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 61 8. Through many a birth in sansira, I wandered seeking, but not finding, the architect who built this (bodily) house. Sorrowful is repeated birth. Anekajati-samsaram, the transmigration which has countless rebirths. 9. Kusalafi ca pucchisam, I inquired after (your) health. 10. Having sat at the foot of a wall I partook of that lump of food. 11. I was once engaged in outward show because of heedless thought. 12, I observed the fast of the eight abservances, always restrained in the precepts. 13. (a) Vandissamh purisuttamam, I bowed down to the highest of men. (b) I followed the footsteps of the sinless and the highest of all beings. 14. Yesath pafiidsams piyani, to those who have fifty dear things. 15. (a) Navanavutiyd dopamukhasahassesu, in 99000 mouths of rivers. (b) Channavutiya pattana-satasahassesu, in 9600000 landing places. Pattana is a market town on the sea-shore or on the bank of a navigable river where there are landing facilities. 16. Pubbenivasa, former existence. 17. (a) Pabbajitam anupabbajimeu, became recluses following (the brahman) who has left the world. (6) Nahdtaka is a brahman who has finished hia studies. (c) Sddisiyo, equal in position. 62 WORDS GOVERNING THE INSTRUMENTAL 42. Substitutes for Reflexive Pronouns. There are no true reflexive pronouns in Pali; instead of them personal pronouns are used together with the Instrumental singular of ata (i.e. attana), which does not care about the case or number of its antecedent. The other substitutes are the indeclinables sayar, and sémam. 43. Indeclinable ‘ seyyo ’ and < varay '. Seyya and vara are adjectives meaning: ‘ excellent ’ or ‘superior’. But there are two indeclinables seyyo and varatk, meaning “ better than” or “ it is good”. They are found only with an antecedent in the nominative, e.g. “ S& yeva piijand seyyo”’. SOME WORDS THAT GOVERN THE INSTRUMENTAL OR THE AGENT 44. Sakka, which is an indeclinable meaning: ‘ is able’ or ‘ possible’, is very often copstrued with the agent case, e.g. “ Amhehi imasmith thane vasiturh na sakka”’ (we are not able to live here). 45. LIabbha (=to be gained; available or allowable), likewise an indeclinable, also is construed with the same case. 46. Vatiats (= it behoves) is an intransitive verb. It is always found in the sentences of passive construction where an infinitive takes the place of the subject, og. ‘ Imehi Kathita-katharh amhehi katurh vattati”’ (it behoves us to do what they have said). THE NEW PALI COURSE III 63 47, The Potential or Passive Participles, ending in -tabba and -aniya are always to be construed with the agent case. Examples. Group 9 1. “ Nasakka setthin cirakalan amhikay bharanan posanay kdtum; darikaya gamanakdlan janata ti”. DhA. i, 393. 2. “ Ekan gathdpaday seyyo, Yay sutva upasammati”. Dhp. v. 101. 3. “Garaha va seyyo vififiihi, Yafi ce balappasansana”. Theg. v. 668. 4. “-Varam assatara danta, ajaniya ca sindhava, Konfijara ca mahanaga ; attadanto tato varam”, Dhp. v. 322. 5. “ Katafifiund me bhavituy vaffatt ti ekay sata- sahassan gahapetva cullasetthissa samipan gato”. J. i, 121. 6. “Tan kut’ettha labbhad yan me paro anabhiratin vinodetva abhiratin uppadeyya. Yan ninahan attend va attano anabhiratin vinodetva abhiratin uppadeyyan”’. 3S. i, 184. 7. “Atha kho Bhagava ... sé#mam senasanay sajsimetva patta-civaram adiya ... eko adutiyo carikay pakkami”. . iii, 94. 8. “Raja satthu vacanan sutvd: ‘Aho, bhante, bhiariyan kamman! Ettake nama bhoge vijjamine neva attana paribhufiji, na ... pufifiakamman akisi ti aha”. DhA. v. 79. 64 EXAMPLES. GROUP 9 9. “Tap kut’etths, Anands, labbhd : yan tay jatan bhitayn sankhatey palokadhamman, tay vata ma palojji ti”. D. ii, 144. 10. “ Attand ca panitipati hoti, parafi oa pana- tipite samidapeti, pAndtipate ca samanufifio hoti”. A. i, 297,298, 11. “So akaikhamino atand va attanay vyika- reyya: Khins-nirayo’mhi, . . . niyato sambod- hipardyapo’ti”. A. iii, 211. 12. “ Kathafi hi nama atand agaphant’d mayhem pi adipetva pakkamissanti”. Com. 8. i. 217. 13. “ Ambakan gehan pavitthanan ayyanay vattay fiatvA nisiditurm vattati ti”. DhA. i, 437. 14. “ Avuso, amhehi pamadacdray carituy na eafati ... Buddhi ca naima paddnupadikay vicarantend pi sathena dradhetuy na. sakka”. DhA. i, 290. 15. “ Apadasu kho, maharaja, thimo veditabto ; 80 ca kho dighena addhund, na ittaran ; mansaikarot4, na amanasikarota; pafifiavata, no duppafifiena”’. 8. i, 78, 16." “‘Kuddalapandito pathamay atiand pabbajitva pacch4 parisayn pabbajetva assamapadan bhijetva adasi’. J. i, 311-315. Glossary. Group 9 2. Better is one line of o verse that brings peace when heard. 3. “Better the censure of th’ intelli; Than are the commendations of a fool”. Ps. B.283. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 65. 4. Excellent are the trained mules, so are thorough- breds of Sindh, and noble elephants the tuskers ; but better still who has trained himself. 5. Katafifiund bhaviturh vattati, 1 must be grateful. 6. ‘How were it possible here and now that another should cause me to get rid of this disaffection and produce loyal love? What if I were now by myself to get tid of my disaffection and cause loyal to arise?” K.S. i, 234. 7. Sdmam ... sarnsdmetva, having Himself set His bed-chamber ini order. 8. (a) Bhariyarh kammam, o grave action. (6) N’eva attand paribhufiji, did not enjoy himself. 9. “How then, Ananda, canthis be possible—whereas anything whatever born, brought into being, and organized, contains-within itself the inherent necessity of dissolution—that such a being should not be dissolved ?” D.B. ii, 126. 10. «Oneis himself a taker of life, encourages another to do the same, and approves thereof”. @.S. i, 275. ll. He may, should he desire, declare himself, saying: ‘‘ Destroyed is hell for me,... sure and bound for enlightenment ”. 12. Attand agaphanta not taking for themselves. 13. Vatars here means a regulation. 14. Brethren, it behoves us not to live the life of heedlessness; . . . and the favour of the Buddhas cannot be won by a deceitful person, even though he walk in their very footsteps. 16. “It is in time of trouble, sire, that we learn to know a man’s fortitude and then only after a long 220—-D 66 CONJUGATION OF THA interval, if we pay good heed and are not heedless, if we have insight and are not unintelligent”. K.S. i, 105. 48. Conjugation of Tha (to stand) This is often changed to tiftha ; but this change does not occur in Past and Future forms. Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT SincuLaR PLURAL 3rd Thati, titthati ‘Thanti, titthanti 2nd ‘Thasi, titthasi ‘Thatha, titthatha Ist Thami, titthami Thama, titthima AORIST 8rd Atthasi Atthansu 2nd Attho, atthasi Atthattha Ist Afthasin Atthamha FUTURE 3rd Thassati Thassanti 2nd Thassasi Thassatha Ist Thassimi Thassima OPTATIVE 3rd_Titthe, tittheyya Tittheyyuy 2nd Tittheyyasi Tittheyyatha Ist Tittheyyami Tittheyyama 49. Conjugation of Su (to hear). Being in the fourth conjugation ite conjugational signs are nd and no. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 67 PRESENT SmicuLaR Proran 3rd Sunoti, supati Sunonti, sunanti 2nd Sunosi, sunasi, Sunotha, sunadtha, sugasi sugatha ist Sunomi, sunimi Sunoma, sunima OPTATIVE 3rd Suge, suneyya Suneyyuy 2nd Suneyyasi Suneyyatha lst Suneyyami Suneyyama AORIST 3rd Asuni, suni, Asunijsu, suninsu, assosi assosuy 2nd Asuno, suno, Asunittha, sunittha, assosi assuttha let Asuniy, sunin, Asupimha, sunimha, assosin assumha FUTURE 3rd Sunissati Sunissanti 2nd Sunissasi Sunissatha 1st Sunissimi Sunissima 50. @ahA (to take) is in the fifth conjugation ; conjugational sign of which is na. Some state this to be in a separate group, called Gahadi, having nhd and ppa as its conjugational signs. When rAd is taken as the conjugational sign the final h of gaha is to be elided ; historically nd is taken as the sign and i and » interchange themselves: gaba + pa + ti = ganhati. Active, Parassapada forms only are given. 68 CONJUGATION OF GAHA PRESENT SrrevLak Proran 3rd Ganhati Ganhanti 2nd Ganhiasi Ganhitha Ist Ganhdmi Gaghima AORIST gra J Sing. Aganhi, ganhi, aggahi, aggahesi Plu, Aganhinsu, gaghigeu, aggahuy, aggahesuy enad Sing. Agapho, ganho, aggahi, aggahesi Pl Aganhittha, ganhittha, aggahittha, aggahesittha tet { Sing. Aganhin, ganhin, aggahin, aggahesig Plu. Aganhimha, gaghimha, aggahimha, aggahesimha FUTURE 3rd Ganhissati Ganhissanti 2nd Ganhissasi Ganhissatha lst Ganhissimi Ganhissima 51. Indeclinable 44 (do not). This is a prohibitive particle and very often is used with an aorist verb. When an aorist verb is connected with ma it may stand for any of the Tenses, e.g. Mayham vasanatthanam mé kassaci acikkhi (do not inform any one of my dwelling place). 52. The Enclitic Forms of tumha and amha. The Personal Pronoun tumha has the singular form te and plural form vo in the Ins., Dat. and Gen. cases. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 69 Likewise amha has me and vo in the same numbers and cases. The Accusative plural also has the forms voandno. None of these is to be used at the beginning of a sentence. They always follow another word, e.g. « Dhammag vo, bhikkhave, desessimi ” Examples. Group 10 1. “ Amma, mé evan vadetha, shay yavajivan tumhe patijaggissimi”. DhA. i, 46. 2. “Tunhi Uttarike, hohi; tuphi hohi Punabbasu, Yavahay Buddhasetthassa dhammap sossimi satthuno”. 9. i, 210. 3. “Hitva satapalayn kansay Sovannay satarajikay Aggahimn mattikapattan ; Iday dutiyabhisecanay ”. Theg. v. 97 ; 862. 4. “ Assosurn kho Paveyyaka Malla: Bhagava kira Kusinarayay parinibbuto ti”. D. ii, 165. 5. “ Assuttha no tumhe bhikkhave rattiya pac- cfisasamayan sigdlassa vassamanasad ti?” 8. ii, 271. 6. ‘‘ Aésosi kho raja Magadho Seniyo Bimbisaro : Samano khalu bho Gotamo ... Rajagahan anuppatto ti”. VM. 35. 7. “Alan, avuso; ma socittha, ma poridevitiha ; sumuttd mayan tena mahasamayena”. D. ii, 162. 8. “Sunasi, itthannima, ayan te saccakalo, bhitakdlo; yan jatap tan... atthi ti vattabbay ; asantay natthi ti vattabbap ; md kho vitthdsi, ma kho manku ahoss”. V.M. 94. 70 EXAMPLES. GROUP 10 9. “ Yuva’ai tvan pabbajito, ti#fhahi mama sisano ; Bhufija minusake kame, shan vittay dadaimi te”. Theg. v. 461. 10. “Alan, Ananda ; ma soci, ma paridevi ; nanu eta, Ananda, may’ patigaco’eva akkhatay : sabbeh’eva piyehi manapehi nanabhavo vinabhivo ti?” D. ii, 144. 11. “ Susafifiatanafi hi vaco nisamma Gajuttamo sabbagunesu aha”. J. i, 185-8; DhA. iv, 96. 12. “ Kin te aphasukan ti? Akkhthi na passimi ti. Bhesajjan te karomi ti. Karohi, simi ti. Kin me dassast ti?” DhA. i, 20. 13.“ Difthatu Sonadando brahmano, tumhe maya saddhin mantayavho; ... titthatha tumhe; Sona- dando brahmano maya saddhin manteti ti”. D.i, 122. 14. “ Yiv'assa kayo thassati tava nay dakkhinti devamanuss ; kayassa bheda uddhay jivitapariyodana na nan dakkhinti devamanussa”. D. i, 46. Glossary. Group 10 2. Be silent Uttarika, be silent Punabbasu, till I finish listening to the doctrine of the Omniscient and Supreme Teacher. 3. Having left the many-streaked golden dish of 100 palas I took an earthern bow! ; and this was my second consecration. One pala consists of 12 dharanas ; one dharana is about 4th of an ounce. Satardjikat, lit. having s hundred streaks. Mrs. Rhys Davids has translated this verse in two places in Ps. B. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 71 Page 91: “ Renouncing costly vessels wrought in bronze, In gold and lac, I grasped this earthern bowl. , The second time was I anointed then”. ; Page 317: “ Renouncing costly vessels wrought In gold and lac, this earthen bowl I grasped, and thus the second time Anointment’s consecration won ”. In both cases the Pali verse is same. Nowhere in these renderings she does mention a word for satarajikam. And I wonder for what Pali word she has given the word lac in both verses. There is no word for lac in the Pali verse. The commentary on Theragith’ explains satardjikam as follows : “ Vibhatta-vicittataya, anekariipa-rajihi vicittataya ca anekalekhayuttan ”. It was divided into portions and decorated with numerous lines or streaks. I suppose that she has mistaken anekalekhé as anekalakha. And there is no rendering of satapala in her translation. In one place she has given ‘‘ wrought in bronze, in gold and lac”, and in the other she has dropped the word ‘bronze’. It is true that karhsa means | ‘ bronze ’; but the other meaning of karisa is “a plate (used for eating )”. Here it is definitely stated that this vessel was sovannamt = made of gold. 5. Did you, O monks, hear the cry of a howling jackal, at early morning? Here no = nu, interrogative indeclinable. 6. Seni is a guild ; seniya means a guild-master. 7. Enough, brethren! Weep not, neither lament ! We are well rid of that great recluse. 8. “Do you hear, my dear (of such and such a name), this is time to speak the truth and to reveal . | | EEE SEE EEE EE EE EE Ee Eee EE EE EEE BEE EEE HEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEEEEEEEE EEE eee eee EEE EEE 72 BASES FROM ROOT I one’s true nature. You must admit what you are and deny what you are not. Do not speak untruth or become embrassed. 9. Titthahi mama sdsane, take my advice. 10. “Enough, Ananda! Weep not, neither lament! Have I not already told you that it is in the very nature of all things near and dear to us that we must divide and sever ourselves from them 1” 11. Susafifiatanath vaco nisamma, having -heard the words of the well-trained. 13. Titfhatu. . . brahmayo, let brahman Sonadanda be silent. 14. “So long as his body shall last, so long do gods and men behold him. On the dissolution of the body, beyond the end of this life, neither gods nor men shall see him”. D.B. 64. 53. Various bases of the root I. The root I (to go) has only the Present, Imperative, Potential and Future forms. When it is joined with various profixes it gives different meanings according to the prefix joined. Some of its bases formed thus have all the moods. &+ita + ti = edi, comes. u+i+ a+ ti = udets, rises up, comes into existence. ups +i +s + ti = upeti, approaches, apa +i +a + ti=apeti, goes away; disappears. anu +i +a + ti = anveti, follows. sa) +i+a + ti = sameti, coincides or agrees with. sap + ups + i + a + ti = samupeti, approaches or becomes endowed with. abhi + say + i + a + ti = abhisameti, understands or knows thoroughly. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 73 Conjugation of base 2 (= to come). Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT SixeuLaR PLURAL 3rd Eti Enti 2nd Esi Etha lst Emi Ema POTENTIAL 3rd Eyya Eyyuy 2nd Eyyasi EyyStha ist Eyyami Eyyama FUTURE 3rd Essati, ehiti Essanti, ehinti 2nd_ Essasi, ehisi Essatha lst Essimi Essima 54. PadA ‘(to go) expresses different meanings according to the various prefixes joined to it. This, being in the 8rd conjugation, takes the conjugational sign ya. u + pada + ya + ti= uppajjati, arises or comes into existence. & + pada + ya + ti = dpajjati, commits ; gete into; meets with. pati + pada + ya + ti = patipajjati, practises; goes along ; follows a method. san +4 + pada + ya + ti = samépajjati, enters upon ; comes into ; attains ; becomes. say + pada + ya + ti = sampajjati, succeeds ; becomes ; happens. 74 CONJUGATION OF U+PADA AND LABHA upa + pada + ya + ti= upapajjati, takes birth; is reborn. In the Imperfect the base upapajja is cl as udapajja. An additional base udapad is found in the Aorist. IMPERFECT—ACTIVE SINGULAR PLuRaL 3rd Udapajja Udapajji 2nd Udapajjo Udapajjittha Ist Udapajjay Udapajjamha AORIST—ACTIVE 3rd Upapaijji, udapidi = Upapajjinsu, udapa- ai uy 2nd Upapajjo, udapido - Upapaijittha, udapa- dittha 3rd Upapajjij, udapadiy Upapajjimha, udapi- dimha 55. LabhA (to gain) has some peculiar forms in the Aorist and Future. AORIST Active, Parassapada. 3ed = Alabhi, labhi, Alabhigsu, labhinsu, alattha alatthug 2nd Alabhi, labhi Alabhittha, labhittha 1st Alabhin, labhig, Alabhimha, —mhi, alatthan labhimha, —mha FUTURE Active, Parassapada. 3rd Labhissati, lacchati Labhissanti, lacchanti 2nd -Labhiesasi,lacchasi Labhissatha, lacchatha Ist Labhiesimi, lacchimi Labhissima,lacchima THE NEW PALI COURSE II 75 56. (a) Sea’ of the Future inflections after vasa (to dweil) is sometimes changed to cha, and the final s of the root to c. Vacchati, vacchanti, eto. are to be constructed. (6) Asa (to sit or stay) is sometimes changed to accha in all the moods. Aoati, acchati, ete. to be constructed. Examples. Group 11 1. “Sammodamina gacchanti jalam daya pakkhino ; Yada te vivadissanti, tadd chinti me vasay ”. J. i, 08-210. 2. ‘“ ‘Bhi Bhadde,’ ti man avaca, 84 me 4s’fipasampada”. Thig. v. 109. 3. “Tattha pay’sam aggayha Nerafijaram upehiti’”. Bud. p. 10. 4. “ Patiyatta-vara-maggena Bodhimilan hi chit”. Ibid. p. 10. 5. “‘Sace enti manussattay, dalidde jayare kule ”. 8. i, 34. 6. “ Alatthurs kho bhikkhave tani caturasiti-pab- bajitesahassini Vipassissa Bhagavato . . . santike pabbajjan ”. D. ii, 45. 7. ‘“Brahmanpo ... patipathe theray disva : ‘Bho pabbajita, amhikan geham agamattha’ ti aha, ‘ Ama, brahmana, agamamha’ ti. ‘Api kifici labhittha’ tit « Ama, brahmana, labhimha’ ti”. Samp. i, 37, 8. “Raja Sumanap upasaikemitva pucchi: ‘Kuto dani, bhante, dhatuyo lacchama ?’ ti”. Samp. i, 83. 76 EXAMPLES. GROUP 11 9. “Tvay, maharaja, vithiyo sodhapetva, ... uposathay samadiyitva . . . sdyaphasamaye Mahi- nagavanuyyanabhimukho yahi, addhd etaamin thane dhituyo lacchasi ti”. Ibid i, 88. 10. “ Alatham pitin Disva dantan jutindharan”. Apa. 78. ll. “Anagatamhi addhine Lacchase tay manorathay”. Apa. 497. 12. “ Patisau dhammap pacaritva sabba Lacchamase bhisati yay ayan lata”. VV. p. 27. 13. “Atha kho bhikkhave Vipassissa Bodhisattassa rahogatassa patisallinassa evam cetaso parivitakko wdapadi”. D. ii, 30. 14. “Ito 80, maris’, ekanavute kappe yan Vipassl Bhagava arahan sammasambuddho loke udapddi”. D. ii, 50 16. “Aocayena ashorattay Padumuttara-namako Sabbay tamay vinodetvi loke uppajjt cakkhuma”. Apa. 37. 16. “ Sucdru-ripay disvina vitti me upapajjatha ”, Ibid 52. 17. “Labheyyama mayan. bhante, Bhagavato santike pabbajjan, labheyyama upasampadan ti. ‘Etha bhikkhavo'ti Bhagava avoca. Sa va tesay dyasman- tnay upasampada ahosi”. V.M. 20. 18. “ Gacch’ivuso, sham pi Agacchim!” “ Fyyasi bhante purd’hap hafifiami ” ti. Piraiheptt 19. “Na ca me hinsati kifici, Na ca’hay Isidasiya saha vaccham”. Thig. v. 416. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 77 20. “Pakkamiseafi ca Nalato; Ko’dha N&ldya vacchati ?” Thig. v. 204. 21. “‘Tesan Raja Magadho Ajatasattu Vedehiputto lacchati otaray, lacchaté arammapay”. 8. ii, 268. 22. “Tena kho pans samayena janapada manussa . - . baharamakotthake sakata-parivattay katva acchanti, yad&i patipatin labhissdma tadi bhattay karissima ti”. V.M. 238. Glossary. Group 11 1. Ehinti me vasam, they will oome under my influence. 3. Paydearh aggayha, having taken the milk-rice or Porridge. 4. Patiyatta-varamaggena, by the excellent path which was well prepared or decorated. 6. Caturd ... sani, 84000 monks. 1. Apt kitci labhitha? Did you get anything ? 9. (a) Mahandga . bhimuko yahi, go towards the Mahandga’s park. (6) Dhatuyo lacchasi, you will get (bodily) relics (of the Buddha). 11. You will get your wish fulfilled in the future. 12. “ Being devoted to our husbands, let us obtain what this Lata states”. 18. (a) Rahogatasea, patisallinasea, to him who was in privacy and retirement. (6) Evan ...udapadi, this thought ocourred. 78 CONJUGATION OF HANA 14. “ Sirs, it was ninety-one aeons ago that Vipasai, the Exalted One, Arahant, Buddha Supreme, arose in the worl 16. Accayena ahorattam, after the elapse of (many) days and nights, i.e. after a long time. 16. “Having seen the extremely handsome person delight arose in me ”. 18. Eyyasi ... haffia@mi, Venerable Sir, be good enough to come before I am killed. 19. Nothing troubles me, but I will not live with Isidasi. 21. (a) Ajatasattu, Born-Enemy. (b) Vedehtputto, son of the Princess of Videha (-country). (c) Lacchati otéram ...drammanam, will get access, will get occasion. 22. (a) Baki... parivattam katvd, having made a camp of carte outside the main gate of the monastery (6) Yada patipatimn labhissima, when we get a turn. 57. The root hana (to kill or hurt) has two other substitutes: vadha and ghdta. (Conjugational sign of which is a). Active, Parassapada forms only are given. PRESENT 3rd ‘Sing. Hanati, hanti, vadheti, ghateti Plu. Hananti, hanti, vadhenti, ghitenti ond JS Sing. Hanasi, vadhesi, ghitesi \ Plu. Hanatha, vadhetha, ghitetha He { Sina Hanimi, vadhemi, ghatemi Hanfma, vadhema, ghitema THE NEW PALI COURSE III 719 POTENTIAL (Sing. Hane, haneyya, hafifie, vadheyya, 4 ghiteyya (Plu. Haneyyuyg, vadheyyuy, ghateyyuy and 80 on. AORIST (Sing. Ahani, hani, avadhi, vadhi, aghatayi, 3rd ghatayi 4 Plu. Ahaninsu, haninsu, avadhiysu, U vadhinsu, ghitayinsu ‘Sing. Ahano, hano, ahani, hani, avadho, pag aghitayo, ghatayo 4 Plu. Ahanittha, hanittha, avadhittha, vadhittha, aghatayittha, ghatayittha (Sing. Ahaniy, hanig, | avadihin, vadhiy, let 4 aghatayig, ghatayin Plu. Abanimha, hanimhi, avadhimha, L vadhimhd, aghatayimh, ghatayimha 3rd. 58. HarA (to carry) has some peculiar forms in the Aorist. AORIST Active, Parassapada. 3rd nd Ahari, hari, ahisi Plu. Aharinsu, harinsu, ahaysu and ta Aharo, haro, ahari, hari, ahdsi Plu. Aharittha, harittha, ahasittha Sing. Aharig, harin, ahasin ist \Plu. Aharimha, harimha, ahdsimha, aharimha, harimhi HarA has a different meaning when it is joined with the prefix vi. Vi + hara (= to dwell or live). 80 CONJUGATION OF VI+HARA AORIST Active, Parassapada. SrveuLaR PLoRaL 8rd‘ Vihari, vihasi Viharinsu, vihansu 2nd Viharo, vihari Viharittha, vibdsittha lst Viharin, vihisin Viharimha, vihisimha Potential Ist per. plural, has the peculiar form Viharemu, FUTURE Ac‘ive, Parassapada. 3rd Viharissati; vihassati Viharissanti, vihas- santi 2nd Viharissasi, vihassasi Viharissatha, vihas- satha 1st Viharissimi, vibaris- Viharissima, vihas- say, vihassan sima 59. (a) Ha (to leave or remove), has jahé as its base. This is of the Ist conjugation. Jahati, jahanti, ajahi, jahi, jakiseati, eto. are to be constructed. (b) Another ha (+ ya) of the 3rd conjugation has the meanings : to lose, to diminish, to miss. It is to be conjugated Hiayati, hiyanti, ahayi hayi, hayiesati and so on. 60. JarA (to decay) has two bases jira and jiys. MarA (to die) also has two bases: Mara and miys. Jirati, jiyati, decays ; becomes old. Marati, miyati or miyyati, dies. Afiri, jiri, decayed, eto. are to be constructed. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 81 (a) Jirdpeti, (the causal form of jirati), has the meaning: ‘to digest’. Jirdpetum asakkonio, being unable to digest (the food eaten). (6) Very seldom, jiraty has the meaning “to increase or grow”, e.g. “ Appassut’ayan puriso balivaddo’va jirati”. (= An uneducated person grows like a bull). This meaning of jirati is accepted by the com- mentarians ; but this may be a misrepresentation for jivati. If we replace jivati for jirati the metre and the meaning are not altered. With jivati it means : “An uneducated person lives like a bull”. Examples. Group 12 1. “Kaye visey ns kamati, satthdni na oa hanti map; Udake’han na miyydmi ; ayagassa idap phalay ”. Apa. 89. 2. “Phalay ve kadalin hanti, phalay veluy phalay nalan”. 8. i, 154; ii, 241. 3. “ Sovannamayo pabhassaro Uppanno rathapafijaro mam, Tassa cakkayugay na vindami, Tena dukkhena jahissam jivitanti”. Dh A. i, 28. 4. ‘ Akkocchi map, avadhi man, Ajini map, ahasi me, Ye tap upanayhanti, Veran tesay nasammati”. Dhp.v.4. 5. “Tass’ahan vacanan sutva, vihdsins sdsane rato”. Sona-Kolivisa-theragathayhakatha. 82 EXAMPLES. GROUP 12 6. ‘Kada nu’han pabbata-kandarisu Ekikiyo addutiyo vihassais?” Theg. v. 1091. 7. “Yo imasmin dhammavinaye Appamatto vihassati, Pahaya jatisapsaray Dukkhass’antan karissati”. . i, 157; Theg. v, 257. 8. “ Aniccd hi cald saddhd, evan ditth hi si maya ; Rajjanti ca virajjanti, tattha kin jiyate muni ?” Theg. v. 247. 9. “Kalena yacan yAceyya, evan mitta na jiyare ”. J. v, 233. 10. “ Y& kici najjo Gangam abhissavanti Sabba va tA ndmagottay jahanti”. J. vi. 359. ll. “Badalataya antarahitaya sannipatiysu, san- nipatitva anutthunijsu: ‘Ahu vata no, ahdyi vata no’ ti”. D. iii, 88. 12. “ Kicchap vat’ayan loko apanno, jayati ca jiyatt ca miyati ca. Atha ca pan’imassa dukkhassa nissaranay nappajanati”. D. ii, 30. 13. “Deva Tavatinsd attamand honti pamudita piti-comanassajata : -‘ Dibba vata bho kaya paripiranti, Nayanti Asura kaya’ ti”. D. ii, 208. 14. “Pafica uppala-hatthani Avelatthan ahameu me”. Apa. 97. 16. “ Dvepatham agamisiy coramajjhe To may tattha vadhitheu bhogahetu”. V.V. p. 53. 16. “Te mayan pune-r-eva laddha minusattan Patipanna viharemu silavanio”. Ibid. THE NEW PALI COURSE II 83 17.“ Bvaii ce sattd janeyyur Dukkha’yay jatisambhavo, Na pano paninay haffie ; Panaghati hi socati”. DhA. ii, 19. 18. “Sabbe tasanti dandasss ; Sabbesay jivitay piyan ; Atténay upamay katva Na haneyys, na ghdtaye”. Dhp. v. 130. 19. ‘‘Sabbe p’ime gamavasino may hants va ban- dhantu va edise puiifiakkhette Pantyadanep dassimi eviti . . . vanditva paniyena nimantesi”. Tatiys- Navivimdna-a thakatha. 20. “Sabbe saddhammagaruno Viharsu viharanti ca, Atho pi vihariasanti ; Esa Buddhana dhammata”. §.i,140; A. ii, 21. Glossary. Group 12 1. (a) Kaye. . . kamati, poison does not spread in my body. (6) Satthéni ... mar, weapons do not hurt me. (c) Aydgasea, of the long alms-hall. (This mean- ing of dydga is not given in the P.T.S.D. The com. on Apadana clearly states that it was a hall). 3. (a) Rathapafijaro, a chariot-body. (b) Na vindami, I do not get. 4. “He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me—the hatred of those who cherish such thoughts is not appeased ”. 84 GLOSSARY. GROUP 12 6. (a) Pabbaia-kandardsu, in the grottos of the mountains. (6) Addutiyo = adutiyo, without a companion. 7. “ Whoso within this Norm and discipline Shall ever strenuous and earnest live, Rebirth’s eternal end put far away, All pain and suffering he shall end for aye”. K.8. i, 195. 8. “Transient and wavering is the layman's faith— So have I marked. Folk love and then grow cold, Why for that should a holy brother die?” Ps. B. 168. Here “Why for that should a holy brother die ?” for tattha bith jiyate muni is not acceptable. My render- ing is: What is there to be missed by a monk ? 9. One should beg in the proper time, then the friends will not decrease (in numbers). ll. (@) Baddlata was o kind of creeper whose leaves and the stem were sweet. (6) Anutthunissu, they deplored or bewailed. 12. Kicchath dpanno, got into difficulty. 13. (a) Dibba kaya, divine hosta. (6) Asuras are the enemies of the gods, and were the former inhabitanta of Tavatinsa region. They are also called Pubbadevas (= the former deities). 14. They brought five bundles of water-lilies for my plet. 15. Dvepathamh, a road between the boundaries of two villages. 16. (a) Puna ménusatiars laddhd, being reborn again as human beings. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 85 (b) Pafipanna viharemu, (we) will live practising the virtues. 17. (a) Jatisambhavo, liability for rebirth. (6) Na pao . . . fe, s living being should not kill another being. 18. (@) Dandassa, to the punishment or rod. (b) Atténam . . . katvd, comparing others with oneself. 20. “All dwelt their dhamma honouring, Do dwell, and shall dwell: ’tis their way”. G8. ii, 21. 86 DENOMINATIVE VERBS CHAPTER IL DENOMINATIVE VERBS 61. These are formed from the noun-stems by means of certain suffixes. The suffixes used to form the Denominative bases are dys and iya. Formed with dya : Pabbata + aya + ti = pabbatdyati, acts like a moun- tain, ie, becomes steadfast. Macchara + 4ya + ti = macchardyati, becomes sel- fish or acts avariciously. Dold + aya + ti = doldyati, acts like a palanquin, i.e. wavers or swings. Metta + aya + ti = metdyati, diffuses love or becomes benevolent. Karuna + aya + ti = karundyati, becomes com- passionate ; feels pity. Dhiima + aya + ti = dhimdyati, appears like smoke or emits smoke. Timira + dys + ti = timirdyati, appears like darkness or darkens. San + dhiipa + aya + ti = sandhipdyati, fumigates or emits smoke. Dhimayitatiars (clouding over or obscuration) and Timirdyitatiam (gloom, darkness) are two nouns from these bases ; some others may be formed. Formed with lya : Putta + iya + ti = puéfiyati, treats (some outsider) ag one’s own son. THE NEW PALI COURSE II 87 Patta + iya + ti= paltiyati, likes to have a bowl. Tanha + iya + ti = taphiyati, craves. Atta + iya + ti =affiyati, becomes afflidted. Hiri + iya + ti = hiriyati, becomes bashful. Dukkha + iya + ti = dukkhiyati, becomes miserable. Sukha + iya + ti = sukhiyati, becomes happy. Afi- yand, hiriyand, eto. are the nouns formed from these bases. Hardyati and harayand seem to be variations of Airiyati and hiriyand. But hardyati means : ‘ becomes depressed ’. ONOMATOPOETIC VERBS 62. These are the verbs formed from the stems that are in imitation of natural sounds, such as hum. The suffix used to form these is dys. Tate - tata + aya + ti = tafatatdyati, makes the sound tat-tat. Citi + citi + aya + ti = cifict{dyati, makes the sound chit-chit. Cic + cit + ya + ti = ciccifdyati, makes the sound chit-chit. Gala + gala + aya + ti=galagalayoti, makes the sound gala-gala ; used to express the sound of a heavy shower. DESIDERATIVE VERBS 63. These express the desire to do, or wish to be, that which is denoted by the simple root. 88 DESIDERATIVE VERBS The conjugational signs of these are sa, cha, and kha. The first syllable of the root is reduplicated before these signs. In reduplication : (a) An aspirate must be reduplicated by ite unagpirate : bhuja becomes bubhuja. (6) A guttaral is reduplicated by its corresponding palatal : ghasa becomes jaghasa. (c) Initial 4 is reduplicated by j : 4d becomes jahd. (4) A long vowel in a reduplicated syllable is shortened, as in the above jahd. Suffix ‘Sa’. (1) St (to hear) becomes susu + ea when it is luplicated. Su + su + sa + ti becomes sussiledti when the second 4 is doubled and u is lengthened. Sussteati, desires to hear. (2) Jé (to conquer) before sa is changed to jin ; it becomes jijin when the first portion is doubled ; again it becomes jigirh when j is changed tog. Its parallel form is jigisati. digi) + sa + ti = jigimeati, desires to gain or to pursue. (3) PA (to drink) ia changed to piva (through pipa). Piva + ss + ti = pivdsati, desires to drink. (4) ManA (to think) before oa is changed to vimam (through mimay). ‘Vi + man + 68 + ti =vimameati, investigates. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 89 Suffix‘ Cha ’ (= t + sa =ccha). (1) KitA (to cure) before cha becomes cikic. Cikic + cha + ti = cikicchati, treats medically. This is very often seen as fikicchati, first c being changed to t. (2) @GupA (to detest), before cha, becomes jiguc. vine + cha + ti = jigucchati, becomes disgusted a GhasA (to eat) becomes jighac. dJighac + cha + ti = jighacchati, desires to eat, or becomes hungry. Suffix ‘Kha’ (=j + sa = kkha). (1) BhujA (to eat) before kha becomes bubhuk. Bubhuk + kha + ti = bubhukkhati, desires to eat. (2) TijA (to endure) becomes titik. Titik + kha + ti = ttikkhati; endures or becomes patient. Examples. Group 13 1. “Yo have balava santo dubbalassa titikkhatt, ‘Tam ahu paramay khantin ; niccay khamati dubbalo”. 8. i, 222. 2. ‘“‘ Addasa kho, bhikkhave, Vepacitti Asurindo Sakkay Devinam-indap diirato va agacchantan, dis- vana Sakkay Devanam-inday etad avoca: ‘ Tikiccha may Devanam-inda’ti”. 9. i, 238. 3. “Seyyatha pi nama phalo divasa-santatto udake pakkhitto cicctfdyatt, citicitayati, sandhilpdyati, sam- padhiipayati, evam eva so payaso udake pakkhitto Ciccifayati...” 8. i, 169; SN. 14. 90 EXAMPLES. GROUP 13 4. “ Ath’eko lola-makkato rukkha otaritv4 tassa Pitthin abbiruhitva . . . nangutthe gahetva doldyanto kiji”. J. ii, 385. 5. “Idh’iiraginay pavaro pavittho Selassa vannena pamokkham icchay ; Brahmafi ca vanpay apacdyamano Bubhukkhito no visahiami bhottuy”. J. ii, 14. 6. “Na tay yace yasse piyay jiginee ; Desso hoti atiyacaniya”. J. ii, 286. 7. “80 Pupnako kimavegona giddho Irandhatiy Nagakafifian jigithear: Gantvina tay bhitapatin yasassin Ice ‘abravi Vessavanay Kuveran”. J. vi, 269. 8. “Devo ca vassati, devo ca gala-galiyati, Ekako cahay bherave bile viharami”. Theg. v. 189. 9. “Esa vatahata-talapannay viya ¢tafa-tafdyati, imassa kathaya pariyanto yeva natthi ti nindanti”, DhA. iii, 328. 10. “Gunavantanafi hi gunay Buddha eva pakatan katuy sakkonti; avasesa jano gunavantinay gunan kathento macchardyati”. DhA. ii, 45. 11. “Ekam pi ce panam adutthacitto Mettayatt kusali tena hoti”. A. iv, 151. 12. “Seyyatha pi nama ekan puggalan duggatan durupetay disva karundyeyya, evam eva sabbasatte karundya pharati”. Vism. 314. Voh. 273. 13. “Balo putta-tanhaya c’eva dhanatanhadya ca haiifiati, vihafifiati, dukkhiyati”. DhA. ii, 28. 14. “Iman kho ahap, Kevatta, iddhipatihariye Adinavan sampassamino iddhi-patihariyena affiydmi, hardydms, jiguechami”. D. i, 213. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 91 15. “ Daddabhayati, bhaddante, Yasmin dese vasim’ahay ; Aham p’etay na janami Kim etan daddabhadyatt ti”. J. iii, 77. 16. ‘‘3o geha nikkhamitva ... ‘akkhini me dhi- méyanti ti vatva nalate hatthan patitthapetva uddbay oloketva: ‘Aho, dukkhan! Ayyo no Maha-Kassa. patthero cirassay me kutidvaray gato; atthi nu ikho kifci gehe ? ti aha”. DhA. i, 425. 17 “Tena kho pana samayena dhidmdyitatian timirdyitatiam gacchat’eva puriman disan, gacchati pacchiman disan”. S. iii, 124. 18. “‘So...tatth’eva vasanto tava panditan vimar- ala ti amaccassa ditan patipesesi; tan sutva amacco atth’eva vasanto panditan vimamei”. J. vi, 334. Glossary. Group 13 1. Whosoever being powerful forgives the weaker One, this has been called the supreme forbearance. The weakling always forbears. 3. (a) Seyyatha pi ndma, just as. (b) Phélo . . . tatto, a ploughshare heated for a whole day. (c) Sandhipdyati, sampadhipdyats, sends forth smoke and steam. 4, (a) Lola-makkato, a mischievous monkey. (6) Naw . . . dolayanto, holding its tail and ewing- ing to and fro. 5. (a) Uraganam pavaro, the Naga-king. (b) Pamokkham iccham, wishing his safety. (c) Selassa vannena, having the colour of a sapphire. 92 GLOSSARY. GROUP 13 (d) Last two lines : «Though I am hungry I dare not eat (the Naga) because I respect the brahman’s colours ”. ‘When the Naga was chased by Garuda the former hid under the cloak of a brahmin hermit. The Garuda dared not remove the cloak and catch it as he honoured the brahmin. 6. Do not beg of him (something) whose friendship you like to have. One becomes detestful by over- begging. 7. (a) Jigitheam, being desirous to gain. (6) Bhitapati, lord of demons. 9. Vata... viya, like a palmyra leaf agitated by the wind. 12. If, pure in heatt, he befriends even a single being, he becomes a possessor of merit. 12. Durupeta, badly endowed. 13. Hafifiati, vihafifiati, dukkhiyati, becomes grieved, tormented and miserable. 14. Kevatta, it is because I perceive this danger in the practice of mystic wonders, that I loathe, abhor, and am ashamed thereof. 15. Daddabhayati, makes the sound ‘dad-dad’. 16. Akkhini me dhiimayanti, my eyes are emitting smoke, i.e. my eyesight is not clear. 17. (a) Dhiimayitattam, a smoky cloud. (6) Timiréyitattars, » mass of darkness. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 93 CHAPTER III PASSIVE FORMS 64. (a) Only Transitive verbs can have passive forms. Very often the Intransitive roots become Transitive by means of the prefixes joined to them, then they also may have the passive forms. The ways of constructing the passive forms and the rules of assimilation are stated in §§82, 83. N.P.C. ii. (6) The conjugational signs given for the various groups of the roots are useless here. Ya stands as the only passive conjugational sign for every group. (c) Two groups of Personal endings named ‘ Parassa- pada’ and ‘ Attanopada’ are given above. The later group, which may be called ‘ Reflexive’, was at first used only for the Passive Voice; but later on the dis- tinction disappeared and both the groups were used in either Voice.* 65. The Passive forms of PacA (to cook). PRESENT TENSE Parassapada or (Active) endings. SincuLsR PronaL 3rd Paccati Paccanti 2nd Paccasi Paccatha lst Paccimi Paccima ‘*S20 also the definitions given in §§ 67 68, N.P.C.L 94 PASSIVE FORMS OF PACA Attanopada or (Reflexive) endings. SrvevLak PLUBAL 3rd Paccate Paccante 2nd Paccase Paccavhe Ist Pacce Paccimhe IMPERATIVE Parassapada. 3rd Paccatu Paccantu 2nd Pacca, paccahi Paccatha Ist Paccimi Paccima Attano pada. 3rd Paccatan Paccantay 2nd Paccassu Paccavho Ist Pacce Paccimase POTENTIAL Parassapada. 3rd Pacce, pacceyya Pacceyyuy 2nd Pacceyyasi Pacceyyatha lst Pacceyyami Pacceyyama Attanopada. 3rd Paccetha Pacceran 2nd Paccetho Pacceyyvho lst Pacceyyan Pacceyyamhe IMPERFECT Parassapada. 3rd Apaccé Apacci 2nd Apacco Apaccattha Ist Apacca, apaccan Apaccamha THE NEW PALI COURSE III 95 Attahopada. SmncuLaR PLURAL 3rd Apaccattha Apaccatthuy 2nd Apaccase Apaccavhag lst Apacciy Apaccimhase INDEFINITE Parassapada. 3rd Papacca Papaccu 2nd Papacce Papaccattha lst Papacca Papaccamha Attanopada. 8rd Papaccattha Papaccare 2nd Papaccattho Papaccavho Ist Papacci Papaccimhe AORIST Parassapada. 3rd Apacci, pacci Apaccug, paccun, apaccinsu, paccinsu 2nd Apacco, pacco, Apaccittha, paccittha apacci, pacci lst Apaccin, paccin Apaccimha, paccimha Attanopada. 3rd Apaccittha, paccittha Apacci, pacci 2nd Apaccise, paccise Apaccivhan, paccivhan Ist Apaccan, paccan, Apaccimhe, paccimhe apacca, pacca CONDITIONAL Parassapada. 3rd Apaccissa Apaccissaysu 2nd Apaccisse Apaccissatha ist Apacciesay Apaccissamha 96 SOME PASSIVE BASES A-endings. SrvoutaR Puvgan 3rd Apaccissatha Apaccissinsu 2nd Apaccissase Apaccissavhe Ist Apaccissan Apaccissa mhase Future forms paccissati, eto. are to be constructed only by inserting iss between the base and the Personal endings of the Present forms. 66. Some more Passive Bases. Na@ (to know) + ya = fidya (to be known). Bhida (to break) + ya = bhijja (to be broken). Diva (to see) + ya = dissa (to be seen or to appear). Hana (to kill or hurt) + ya = hafifa (to be killed ; to be injured ; to take trouble). Chida (to cut) + ya = chijja (to be out or broken). Muca (to release) + ya = mucea (to be free). Daha (to burn) + ya = dayha (to be burnt). Gaha (to take) + ya = gayha (to be taken). (a) The final / of the root and y of the sign are always interchanged. (See the last two examples). (6) The initial va of some roots is changed to vu before the Passive sign ya. Vaca (to say) + ya + ti = vuccati, is told or called. Vaha (to bear) + ya + ti = vuyhati, is borne or floated. Vasa (to live) + ya + ti= vussati, is practised. Vasa is an intransitive having the meaning ‘ to live ’. Its Passive form has the meaning ‘to practise something’. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 97 (c) The roots ending in & change their vowel toi before ye Dhé (to bear) + ya + ti = dhiyati, is borne. Ha (to decrease) + ya + ti = hiyati, is decreased. Upa + ma (to measure) + ya + ti= upamiyati, is compared. I of the above is shortened when y of ya is doubled : Upamiyyati (to be compared). Da (to give) + ya + ti = diyyati or diyati. (d) The final and w of the roots are lengthened before ya when y is not doubled : Ni (to lead) + ya + ti = niyati, niyyati. Ci (to collect) + ya + ti = ciyati, ciyyati. Su (to hear) + ya + ti= Sayati, suyyati. (e) To the roots ending in @ the sign is added without any change :— Li (to reap) + ya + ti = liyati, is reaped. Bhi (to be) + ya + ti = bhiyati, is becoming. (f) The most common way to form Passive bases is to insert an + between the root and the sign ya. Kara (to do) +i + ya + ti = kariyati, is done. Hasa (to laugh) + i + ya + ti = hasiyati, is laughed at. (1) In some cases ya is added to the active bases by means of 7: Root Base Chida>chinda +i + ya + ti = chindiyati. Muca>mutica + i + ya + ti = murciyati. Gaba>ganha +i + ya + ti = gamhiyati. Rudha>rundha + 1 + ya + ti = rundhiyati. 98 EXAMPLES. GROUP 14 (2) ‘ Ya’ is added to the causative bases by means of ‘37: Root Base Kara>hirdpe +1+ ya + ti + karapiyati (to cause to be done). Paca>pdcdpe + 1+ ya + ti = pacdpiyati (to cause to be cooked). Hana>ghdatape +1 + ya + ti = ghdtapiyati (to cause to be killed). Chida>chinddpe + 1 + ya + ti= chindapiyats (to cause to be cut). Ni + sadatnisiddpe + i + ya + ti = nisiddpiyati (to cause to be seated). (g) Some roots have more than one passive base : Gamu: gamiyati, gacchiyati. Paca: paciyati, paccati. Hana: haniyati, hafviat. Bandha : bandhiyati, bajjhati. Gaha: ganhiyati, gayhats. Chida: chindiyati, chijjati. Muca: muficiyati, muccati. Khada: khadiyati, khajjats, etc. Examples. Group 14 1. “Tasmiy kho pana, brahmana, yaiifie, n’eva gavo hafiiinsu, na ajelaka hafifimsu ... na rukkha chijjimsu yipatthaya, na dabba liyimew barihisatthaya”. D.z i, 140. 2, “Tath’ev’ime catubbanna pabbajitva tav’antike Jahanti purimay namay, ‘ Buddhaputta’ti fdyare”. Apa. 27. THE NEW PALI COURSE III 99 3. “Ye keci ganino loke ‘ satthiro’ ti pavuccare Paramparagatay dhamman desenti parisiya te”. Ibid. 28. 4. “Cittena niyati loko, cittena parikassati”. S. i, 39. 5. “ AjelakA ca gavo ca vividha yattha hafiflare, Na tay sammaggata yafifian upayanti mahesino”. 8. i, 76. 6. « Adittasmin agirasmin yan niharati bhajanap, Tay tessa hoti atthdya; no ca yay tattha dayhati”. 8. i, 31. 7.“ Asso va jinno nibbhogo Khadana apaniyals ”. 8. i, 176. 8. “Tassa mayhay, bhante, catusu dvaresu dinay diyitha ... Atha kho may itthgirap upasankamitva etad avoca: ‘ Devassa kho danan diyati, amhakay danan no diyaft’ ti”. S.i, 58. 9. “ Vihafifiati kho ayay Sonadando brahmano sakena cittena; yan niindhan Sopadanday brahmanay sake Scariyake tevijjake pafihay puccheyyan’ ti”. Dz.i, 119. 10. “ Yathd kho, mérisa, nimitta dissanti, aloko saiijayati, obhdso patubhavati, Brahma patubhavissati”. D. ii, 209. ll. “Cakkhfini te nassantu va bhijjantu va, Bud- dhasisanam eva dharehi, m4 cakkhini”. DAA. i, 11. 12. “Ath’assa majjhimayame atikkante apubbay 13. “Na vijjati so jagatippadeso Yattha-t-thito mucceyys papakamma ”. Dhp. v. 127. 100 GLOSSARY. GROUP 14 14. “ Tam enay jano disva evay vadeyya: Ambho, kim ev’ idan hariyati jafifia-jafifian viya ti?” M.i, 30. 15. “Na-y-iday, bhikkhave, brahmacariyan tussati janakuhanstthan ”. A. ii, 26. 16. “Atha te . . . manussasaddo viya suyyati, janissima nan ti sadddnusirena gantva tan purisay disva ‘yakkho bhavissati’ ti bhita sare sannayhipsu ”’. J. iv, 160. 17. “ Ditthibandhana-baddhi te Tanhasotena vuyhare ; Tanhasotena vuyhanta Na te dukkha pamuccare”. Viem. 603. 18. “ Anekasakhafi ca sahassa-mandalan Chattay mara dharayum antalikkhe ; Suvanna-danda vitipatanti camara Na dissare cimara-chatta-gahaka”. SN. v. 688. Glossary. Group 14 1. At that sacrifice, O Brahman, neither were any oxen slain ; neither rams nor goats were put to death. No trees were cut down to be used as sacrificial posts, no Kusa-grass was mown to strew around the posts. Barihisa is another name for Kusa-grass. 2. Catubbannd, people of the four castes or colours. The four castes are: Khattiya (= warriors), Brah- mana (= brahmans or the priest class), Vessa (= trades- men and husbandmen), and Suddi (= the servants of the above three classes). 8. Parampardgatam, handed down by tradition. 4. The world is led by thought ; by thought it is dragged about. cee ee THE NEW PALI COURSE III 101 5. “Where divers goats and sheep and kine are slain, Never to such a rite as that repair The noble seers who walk the perfect way ”. .8. i, 103. 6. Whatever thing is brought out and secured from a house which is on fire, it becomes useful to the owner ; but not so the things that are burnt in it. 7. Nibbhoga, useless ; worn out. 9. This brahman, Sonadanda, is afflicted in his heart. I had better question him on his own doctrine concerning the threefold Vedic lore. 10. “ According, friends, to the signs now seen—the light that ariseth, the radiance that appeareth—Brahmi, will be manifested”. D.B. ii, 242. 12. Apubbari acarimam, simultaneously, (not being earlier or later). 13. Jagatippadeso, any spot on the earth. 14. Jafifia-jafifiam viya, like an agreeable thing. 15. O monks, this holy life is not lived to cheat or cajole people. 16. Sare sannayhirnsu, arranged the (bows and) arrows (in order to shoot). 17. “They are bound fast by chains of their own views ; The stream of craving carries them away. And as the stream of craving carries them, They do not get release from suffering ”. P.P. 727. 102 GLOSSARY. GROUP 14 18. (a) Anekasdkham . . . chattam, & parasol with numerous ribs (or staves) and having thousand shades. (6) Suvapnadandgé cdmard, chowries with golden handles. (c) Vitipatanti, fly up and down. THE NEW PALI COURSE Ill 103 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES 67. There are three kinds of sentences :— 1. Simple 2. Complex and 3. Compound. 1. Every sentence must contain two parte—the subject and the predicate. A simple sentence contains only one subject and one predicate :— (a) Puriso khettay kasati. (6) “ Na pupphagandho pativatam eti”. (c) ‘Kona sammoham 4padi ?” 2. A complex sentence consists of a principal sentence with one or more dependent (or subordinate) sentences : “Sac’dhan gehan gamissimi, matapitaro may tajjessanti ”. Here the subordinate sentence is: “‘Sac’éhay gehap gamissimi’’. The other is the principal one. 3. A compound sentence consists of two or more simple or complex sentences joined together by means of @ conjunction :— (a) “ Thero Milasirin pakkosapesi, atha mahajanakayo sannipati”. Here are two simple sentences connected by atha ; neither of these is subordinate to the other ; but they have a connection in their sense. (6) “ Sac’ases, gehadvaran gamissimi, imassa bhariya may datthup na sakkhissati; yav’assa bhattay adaya maggan patipajjati tava idh’eva bhaviseimi ”.

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