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All Oil Record Book entries should be made as per the latest IMO regulations/amendments
force; guide lines printed in the latest Flag State oil Record Book front pages
and latest
guidance notes / circulars provided by the company.
Operations should be recorded in chronological order as they have been
executed on board. All
entries should be made as the operation is carried out and writing in the
Oil Record Book
should not be delayed to the next day. Do not leave any blank lines between
successive entries.
All Entries are to be signed by the engineer officer in charge of the operations concerned. Also
each entry must be countersigned / initialled by the Chief Engineer. Each
completed page shall
be signed by the Master of the vessel.
It is recommended that when the Master leaves the vessel, the last partly completed page
in the
Oil Record Book should be endorsed by the outgoing Master and a line drawn after
the last
entry across the remainder of the page. Subsequent entries should start on
a new page of the Oil
Record Book and be endorsed by the new Master.
a The oil record book must be kept on board for 3 years from the last entry
a Dates should be entered in dd-MoNTH-yyyy format, e.g., 0l-JAN -z0ll.
a Tank nomenclature should be recorded as per the format noted within the
Intemational Oil
Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOppC) Supplement.
Chief Engineer is fully responsible for all entries in the Oil Record Book and
he should train
other engineers in making entries and ensure all entries made in the Oil Record
Book are
All entries to be made with black ball pen. Entries recorded in pencil are not acceptable. If a
wrong entry has been recorded in the Oil Record Book (ORB), it should immediately
be struck
through with a single line in such a way that the wrong entry is still legible.
The wrong entry
should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following. No white
ink (conection
fluid) to be used to delete any entries in the oil record book.
All certifiedengineer officers should be familiar with OWS (incl. testing of 15ppm alarm) and
Incinerator operation. Incineration or landing ashore of oily garbage and used
filters should be
recorded in the Garbage Record Book only.
The bilge overboard valve must be kept locked in the shut position at all times
and not be
opened without the consent of Chief Engineer. The keys shall be kept
by the Chief Engineer in
a secure place.
Two spare sets of Filter / Coalescer elements are to be maintained on board. Requisition
spares to be sent as soon as one set is used.
Sufficient spare parts shall be maintained on board for the Bilge and Sludge pump.
A spare
Bilge Pump Motor and if the bilge pump is of screw type one stator and if,
of the reciprocating
type, one set of valves, piston rings and liner shall be available on board.
Sludge retained onboard : sludge produced - (water evaporated * water drained from sludge
collection + sludge burnt in Incinerator or burnt in Boiler + sludge
landed ashore).
ln case of an emergency, if it becomes necessary to transfer oil andlor water from an
tank to a non-IOPPC tank; this MUST be discussed with the Superintendent with
full details for

Page 1 of 16
(A) Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks

I Identity of tank(s) ballasted.

2 Whether cleaned since they last contained oil and, if not, type of oil previously carried.
J Cleaning process:
.1 position of ship and time at the start and completion of cleaning;
.2 identify tank(s) in which one or another method has been employed (rinsing through,
steaming, cleaning with chemicals; type and quantity of chemicals used, in m3);
.3 identity of tank(s) into which cleaning water was transferred and the quantity in m3.
Ballasting: '
.l position of ship and time at start and end of ballasting;
.2 quantity of ballast if tanks are not cleaned, in m3.

(B) Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks referred to under
Section (A)

5 Identity of tank(s).
6 Position of ship at start of discharge.
7 Position of ship on completion of discharge.
8 Ship's speed(s) during discharge.
9 Method of discharge:
.l through 15 ppm equipment;
.2 to reception facilities.
10. Quantity discharged, in m3.

(C) Collection, transfer and disposal of oil residues (sludge)

I l. Collection of oil residues (sludge).

Quantities of oil residues (sludge) retained on board.
The quantity should be recorded weeklyl: (this means that the quantity must be recorded
once a week even if the voyage lasts more than one week)
.1 identity of tank(s)
.2 capacity of tank(s) ..................... -3
.3 total quantity of retention ............ ........ -3
.4 quantity of residue collected by manual operation.....................m3
(Operator initiated manual collections where oil residue (sludge) is transferred
into the oil residue (sludge) holding tank(s).)
Only those tanks listed in item 3.1 of Forms A and B of the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate used for
oil residues (sludge).

12. Methods of transfer or disposal of oil residues (sludge).

State quantity of oil residues transferred or disposed of, the tank(s) emptied and the
quantity of contents retained in m3:
.1 to reception facilities (identify port)2,
.2 to another (other) tank(s) (indicate tank(s) and the totalcontent of tank(s))
.3 incinerated (indicate total time of operation);
.4 other method (state which).
2 The ship's master should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and
tank trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity oftank washings, dirty ballast, residues or oily

Page 2 of 16
mixtures transferred, together with the time and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached
the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the master of the ship in proving that the rhip *ur not involved in
alleged pollution incident. The receipt or certificate should be kept together with the Oil Record Book part

(D) Non-automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of

bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
13 Quantity discharged, transferred or disposed of, in m3. 3
t4 Time of discharge, transfer or disposal (start and stop).
l5 Method of discharge, transfer or disposal:
.1 through 15 ppm equipment (state position at start and end);
.2 to reception facilities (identify port) 2,
.3 to slop tank or holding tank or oiher tank(s) (indicate tank(s); state
- quantity retained in tank(s), in m3).
of discharge or disposal of bilge water from holding tank(s), state identity and capacity of holding
1n ".ur.
tank(s) and quantity retained in holding tank.

(E) Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge

water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
t6 Time and position at which the system has been put into automatic mode of operation for
discharge overboard, through l5 ppm equipment.
l7 Time when the system has been put into automatic mode of operation for transfer of bilge
water to holding tank (identify tank).
l8 Time when the system has been put into manual operation.

(F) Condition of the oil filtering equipment

t9 Time of system failure{.
20 Time when system has been made operational.
2l Reasons for failure.
The condition of the oil filtering equipment covers also the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if

(G) Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

22 Time of occurrence
23 Place or position of ship at time of occurrence.
24 Approximate quantity and type of oil.
25 Circumstances of discharge or escape, the reasons therefore and general remarks

(H) Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil

26 Bunkering:
.I Place of bunkering.
.2 Time of bunkering.
.3 Type and quantity of fuel oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in tonnes
and total content oftank(s)).
.4 Type and quantity of lubricating oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in
tonnes and total content oftank(s)).

(r) Additional operational procedures and general remarks

Page 3 of 16
(C) Collection, transfer and disposal of oil residues (sludge)

I l.
Collection of oil residues (sludge).
Quantities of oil residues (sludge) retained on board.
The quantity should be recorded weeklyl: (this means that the quantity must be recorded
once a week even if the voyage lasts more than one week)
.1 identity of tank(s)
.2 capacity of tank(s) ..................... m3
.3 total quantity of retention ............ ........ -3
.4 quantity of residue collected by manual operation......................3
(Operator initiated manual collections where oil residue (sludge) is transferred
into the oil residue (sludge) holding tank(s).)
Only those tanks listed in item 3.I of Forms A and B of the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate used for oil
residues (sludge).

Example 1

Weekly inventory of oil residues (sludge) tanks

tanks listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOppC)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
no.' -,l t j
I ;'z:',1" I I -r',',' t C 11.1 t. i';; t: i.
lt.2 :::'m-
I 1.3 i.t"m-
,li:i.t; ,; jti*:*;t: ,' fil:*k ' ii:i.,\.i; j,v'l j'l-',-)'i.,t; t '1, ,;i;:t;
i I r I -,\rf { } }'' !' ll " t,l-, -,.-, C 1l.l i,i "'., ,.: ' r .l . i <. i:;.1!^'::,ii, .;!j
11.2 {l m-
I 1.3 'm'
t-,1).:t ;:, I i |,t.,1.,., t
Note: Aseparate C 11.1, ll.2,ll.3
entry followingtheprevious entry (exactly as shown aUove; is requirea foreactr
tank listed under section 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

Example 2

Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge) tank (tank listed
under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
tit{- it l { } it l' }::l'" :'1'1:1'
C l.l l'"ilS;:e* t;! ji{:i.' .-"i ! 'J'z;r,1, r:ti i}t,';!?r;t;!:r:i;i
1.2 fi' m' ii sl ;i^ ii 'tr;t:il,,,..,i.1I
1.3 i't m) {'f t:it;l t1 :.:t:.1',,'r!!2.' :'!:lt,iii. 1:tt s.Jiit i, !t;,itt't,;t;:
1.4 ::"* m' collected from ti i; !t {t; itri; z! t

tii.t.:it ' L"t;ii;i: ,' lLr::'t::, . ii:i-.j,f{ }li'{11-z ,

t.t I 'i'",ir't
when operator initiated manual collection is done where oil residue (sludge) is transferred into the oil residue
(sludge) holding tank(s). This is to maintain a record of various oil residue (sludge) collections in order to
ensure transparency
2) Name of sec 3.1 Tank & Desigrration means as follows: Some ships have tank numbers for each tank and also
a name. The name as mentioned in sec. 3.1 or 3.3 of the tank should be written exactly as it is given in the
supplement to the IOPP ceftificate.

,:..'Explanation: Examples of operator initiated manual collection where oil residue (sludge) is transferred into
. the oil residue sludge) tank(s) could be (but not limited to):
o Collections of oil residue (sludge) from fuel oil drain tanks.
o Collection of oil residue (sludge) by draining engine sump tanks.
o Adding fuel oilto an oil residue (sludge) tank (all content of a sludge tank is considered sludge).
. Collection of sludge from bilge water holding tanks * in this case a disposal entry for bilge water is
also needed under D 13, 14, 15.3.
An exhaustive list of operations could be as below:
o Collection/Transfer of waste oil to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks for subsequent disposal
(Main engine sump oil, Aux. engine sump oil, steering gear hydraulic oil, Stern tube oil, etc)
o Collection/Transfer of residues collected during cleaning of Bilge Holding Tank to oil residue
(sludge) holding tanks.
o Collection/Transfer of residues collected during cleaning Fuel Oil Settling and Service tanks or
other lubricating oil tanks to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.
o Collection/Transfer of Oil residues collected due to accidental spill / leakage in engine room to oil
residue (sludge) holding tanks
o Collection/Transfer of OWS oilresidues manually drained after cleaning to oil residue (sludge)
holding tanks
o Collection/Transfer of residues in F.O./L.O./sludge tanks leftover before and after cleaning to oil
residue (sludge) holding tanks.
o Collection/Transfer of water containing oil residue from E/R bilge wells during/after cleaning to oil
residue (sludge) holding tanks.
o Collection of oil drained manually from Bilge Primary Tank to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.
o Collection of used oil from the Galley to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.
Note: Manual transfers without a pump of small quantity, of E/R leakage oil, say about 5-10 liters per day, is not
required to be entered in the ORB.

12. Methods of transfer or disposal of oil residues (sludge).

State quantity of oil residues transferred or disposed of, the tank(s) emptied and the
quantiiy of contents retained in m3:
.1 to reception facilities (identify port)2,
.2 to another (other) tank(s) (indicate tank(s) and the total content of tank(s))
.3 incinerated (indicate total time of operation);
.4 other method (state which).
The ship's master should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank
trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of tank washings, dirty ballast, residues or oily mixtures
transferred, together with the time and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record
Book Part I, may aid the master of the ship in proving that the ship was not involved in an alleged pollution
incident. The receipt or certificate should be kept together with the Oil Record Book Part I.

Note: Capacily of sludge tanks are not required to be recorded for C.12.1 to C 12.4 entries.

Example 3

Disposal of oil residue (sludge) via shore connection

Date Code Record ofoperations / signature ofofficer in charge
,i;1."l.j{ }}, {'f {.t''t'z't C l2.l ;-, m'sludgefrom, rit,!t::r;1 ::Jt: "l .i !Ls;;i":.J,: l..,tt;;*)i!:i:i)1".t:m'retained,
to'itit:t;iilt' i'!' i'iitlltr tti : :
t'ij:i!.:11:/)lt I

Iiu'it'it',, " during port stay

.t.t.i;! \ ..:,,,,..'F;.!.11,, ,i.,' .,i't ,', I ' r:j

Page 5 of 16
{ Note: Ships' masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes
barges and tank trucks,
a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of oil residue (sludge) transferred, together with the time and date of
the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the master of the ship
in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. The receipt or certificate should be
kept together with the Oil Record Book Part L

Example 4

Draining of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank

listed under item 3.1 in the Supptement to the IOPPC, to a bilge water holding tank
Iisted under item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Recdrd of operations / signature of officer in charge
.l i \l:,\'J,',- .... .1'!"'mr water drained ftom,.:1:,.1i?:t: t;i tt.:i' , .. ,!/:t;.ti,
'! fflr
C 12.2
to ilir;i;:t tif .ntt:r.,: "',i..7 tt:l;' ,:,t 1..:;.:,,li.,iltis! i't.!|ji,teta'ned in tank,:-..t mr
3:!:,t:,t:',o','irrJr,., i,t,:;il*' lr
Note: For the above operation, collections of bilge water i.e. rise in Bilge tank need not be accounted for, so only one
entry is required.

Example 5

Transfer from one oil residue (sludge) tank to another oil residue (sludge) tank,
- both listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the.trOPPC
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
I t,
tIi-1lr)\'!'?l t yt,t C t2.2 ""m' sludge transferred from i"',.:.,.i' i:" ii t
to {!',r;;:st: rs! ,";t,t 3. I !*:':1,; z? l}rtigut;t*:;ti,retained in tank.ii 1.'mr
.i , .;i:.. #,".,. .,'-, ,,i ) ;!;

Example 6

Incineration of oil residue (sludee) in Incinerator

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
I t
+rrt^ r'li
I t,..t j'!'t !
t.t t t i ":.:1."t 1 C 12.3 m' sludge from .' , ":'," ; . . '. ' , mj retained,
Burned in Incinerator for,r',' hours
'1:;r,.'ti:;,it ilit;,," ij'",;i. I jl ,r,
Note: Effective 1 January 2011, amended item 3.2.1 in supplement to IOPPC refers to incinerator maximum capacity
in terms of kW or kcal/h and not l/h or kg/h as earlier; since the quantity incinerated depends on the Calorific
Value of the substance incinerated which will vary, depending on the composition of oil residue (sludge).
However, capacity in terms of l/h or kg/h will be given in the type approval certificate and/or instruction
manual of the incinerator which is to be used for guidance.

Example 7

Burning of oil residue (sludse) in Boiler

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
C 12.4 .-;;mrsludgefrom;iti:;z':;.: 1;i t:1i; ,i.! lr:r;!:qt, l:;;:,;.111';i1;i{.ir!.i ,',"t.m'retained,
Burned in Boiler for.,:t: hours

Paee 6 of 16
- Example 8

Evaporation of water (disposal) from an oi@

listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOppC
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
l{i- }4t.}7: ! l
-i { m- water evaporated lrom : ,.: I i"l .;
i ;: , : i
{ !,,,,1:1'z, C 12.4 't:;:.
,,i:,:t? \t:;ti|t' l.i,t.;;'tt ' i,t,,i i', i t ! ,i !^;2.,, ',

Example 9

Regeneratio4 of fuel oil from oii resiOue fsluOse)

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
.,,,-.f.", i\. t j i, .,.. ;:r m' sludge disposed by regeneration of mrfuel in- .,
C t2.4 I r,,,i';, ','and , m'of wataa in ',.,,,,.

, :' -j . .:!'j't.; t'; i,: l,t ;

a. ;,
j,,; t 11..r 1,t : ; i

,\il:."r "f
",\,ir;*i', !i;tu;l; .' i,,l !1 ).',, ,! ! -1,,.1.'.t
Note:Theaboveentryforregenerationoffueloi1ison1yn".mi _t

under section 3.2.3 inthe IOPPC Supplement.

Note: l. In case of an emergency, if it becomes necessaty to transfer oil residue (sludge)

from an IOppC
tank to a non-IOPPC tank; this must be discussed with the Superintendeni and the operation
should be recorded in the ORB under code C 12.4.
2. When the Fuel Oil drain tank is included in section 3.1 of IOPPC supplement, then thefoltowing
transfer options may be available depending on the existing approved pipeline'arrangement:
a. connection only to sludge pump - entry to be made under code c 12.2.
b. Connection to both F.O. transfer pump and sludge pump - when using the sludge pump,
entry to be made under Code C 12.2 und when using the F.O transfer pump, entry to be made
using Code C 12.4.

(D) Non-automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of

bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces

l3 Quantity discharged, transferred or disposed of, in m3.


14 Time of discharge, transfer or disposal (start and stop).

l5 Method of discharge, transfer or disposal:
.1 through 15 ppm equipment (state position at start and end);
.2 to reception facilities (identify port) ?,
.3 to slop tank or holding tank or other tank(s) (indicate tank(s); state
_ quantity retained in tank(s), in m3;.
" In case of discharge or disposal of bilge water from holding tank(s), state iderltity and capacity of holding
tank(s) and quantity retained in holding tank.

Examnle 10

Pumping of bilge water overboard from tank

listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
,i.r m' bilge water from 1 t ;r:l ititii):,capacity
i'ii'-:Jl'\r1i', I t D l3
..':--{ m3, .,,,, -3 retained
l4 Start: l:lz. wrli. Stop: !tit. ; ;; u
l5.l Through l5 ppm equipment overboard
Pos tion start: "r"i deg ,.r: min N/S, dsg ,,.r,' m n E/W
Pos tion stop: .:rr deg.1:r: min N/S. .,;:' 6lsg , r" ln n E/W

Note: l. For Oil Content Monitors(OCMs) complying with MEPC 107(49), the time recorded in Dl4 should
correspond with the time as recorded by the OCM.
2. For ships fitted with an alarm printer, the time recorded in the ORB should correspond with the time of
alarm activation in the alarm printer, since it is expected that the l5 ppm alarm will activate sometimes
during the operation.
3. The clock (time indicated) in the OCM is to be set to UTC time once for all and should be changed S!
every time with the change in the ship's time.
4. The timing of the alarm printer / ECR alarm monitor should be same as that of the ship's clock. This should
be verified prior to start of the OWS operation.
5. Considering due efficiency of the system, ensure the total time of operation and quantity disposed off
corresponds with the throughput of the OWS, as stated in Form A / B of the IOPP Certificate supplement.

Example 11

Disnosal of bilse water via shore connection

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
D .{l m'bilge water from l:\*t;;{,rs.f ti,{: 3 -l 1,,':, i " .. ",. ,i- , Capacity
"!:r m3, "',,, m3 rgtained
t4 Start: 1ii i,,irir. Stop:
l,;, i ',, 'dUfing poft StaV : ,,t,ilii, ,.,1 !',.,t'; :

!.i r:t:i it
Note: Ships' masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank
trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of oily bilge water transferred, together with the time and
date ofthe transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the master of
the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. The receipt or certificate
should be kepttogether with the Oil Record Book Part I.

Example 12

Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank

listed under item 3.3 in the Sunnlement to the IOPPC
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
D l3 m'bilge water from engine room bilge wells
t4 Start: l: l; : ;i:;':;, Stop: i: i: : ;:: i;;
15.3 To {7ir;;z'.:1:f :;{t: }..1 i'iiti; tl; i}t':ri';:t,';,tetained in tank , mt

Paee 8 of 16
'' Example 13

Transfer of bilge water between ta-nks_listed in item 33 il ih" S"ppt"-".t to th" IOppC
(e.g. trom Bilge Primary tank to Bilee tank )
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
t.ftl- i',,1t ]l:i'{"1 !-t,t,, D t3
I4 Start: *;;:;rt;;; , Stop: i;i;:;;t;:;
r5.3 lg r,1r'ttilii; t.ti ':;'t.'r' "i .i'itt,i.i, tti lit:'.,i,:,jJtti ;, retained in tank ,.'': m3
,t i g: t : :\" {; t; tt' : t't;s * ii' t i: i :3 t{ i,\.' J' !;- t:'!:i:2.

Example 14

Disposal of bilge water from'tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplemrcnt to the IOPPC
to oil residue lsluOge; tank listed in item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC (e.g. at the time of Bilge
tank cleaning / transfer of the contents of Bilge primary tank)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
,,,j- ii'i 11. ; jr', i,,. D l3
t4 Start: *12.. ztz;:: Stop: *it ; z; L;e:
Collected in t tn;'t.utti .i' ,i't,,ili: t\,. 1.,1u::', j.i:rlu.;t iti:ir, rgtained in tank :itr
."i'..t; , ,'.,ii;t'l* ' ittt:'i!. ,j;;-".i; i.'\ i',ij-:,,,:.,:,
,j r:,,\-iji , ti
I C 11.1 :

tl.2 ': m) it .t;1.:{;t'i11: ,,1 ',,, i ",. ! } #i;i:.;

I 1.3 .it't ITt' i'/ ttS*l qs:ttt;!i!':,: rtfi+'r ,.t.;l!<:t:lir.tttt
tl.4 ..ta-{m' cOllectedfrom lili;:, r.},i,ri::it. ::j.^.j'|'*it:. ,'. "j,., i ,,. ;
:]tqt , ;1";tti|t*' ,' jti;:,ilo .
iti-!z!{;;T'l l{*y1,1,l., \ !.. t:rti:
initiated operation.

(E) Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge

water which has accumulated in machinery spaces

l6 Time and position at which the system has been put into automatic mode of operation for
discharge overboard, through 15 ppm equipment.
17 Time when the system has been put into autornatic mode of operation for transfer of bilge
water to holding tank (identify tank).
l8 Time when the system has been put into manual operation.

Example 15

Pumping of bilge water overboard via 15 ppm equipment from tank

Iisted in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC or from engine-room bilse wells
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
titi-j,tlI j\:'!'JI_t J',t E t6
l8 Stop *;'s:*::rs

Example 16

Transfer of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank

listed under item 3.3 in the Sunnlement to the IOPPC
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
riuI- \!t' jii7 I{-,"'t".", E t7 Transfer start i:i: " iri*? to : .t'., ;:: i;i :/ t
, .1 .'z | 1ii; 11.

l8 Stop

(F) Condition of the oil filtering equipment

lg Time of system failurea,

20 Time when system has been made operational.
2l Reasons for failure.

The condition of the oil filtering equipment covers also the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if applicable.

Examnle 17

Failure of Oilv Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
,,.itl-1..# j)'', I f {-,. ;"' t F I9
20 i 1"'', I, ;.z {,: {t: tr N t; 1 t lz,"; lt t: i- {s : :: r t | ;": i' i:'}
21 t EZ.t: tzt;<zrz t't.t': I''*i:lzs r*. it' 1t.r:tr."'
+' n't

Note: l. The condition of the oil filtering equipment also covers the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if
2. A code (I) entry (see example 25) should also be made indicating that the overboard valve was sealed shut
due to non working Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter.
3. On the date where the system is functional again, a new entry using code F 19,20,21 (see example I B)
should be made where F 19 is the date and time of the initial failure and F 20 is the time the system is
functional again.

Example 18

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
;,;i " fi "\ ' i r i F l9 iii!')iitj:' tl.i'i; .::t.111.1.;-'. 1"li: i t::'.:.:.1:'',!i:;: ! il
20 hlj I t.i .l 1,..
i: i Llr'.
. ..

21 t1!1i'it!iii{1 i':,r lt:il*r*. i1'1;r ,,',t,t: i

Note: 1. The condition of the oil filtering equipment also covers the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if
2. A code (I) entry $ee example 26) should also be made indicating that the overboard valve was unsealed,
since the operation of the Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter has been restored.

(G) Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

22 Time of occurrence
23 Place or position of ship at time of occurrence.
24 Approximate quantity and type of oil.
25 Circumstances of discharge or escape, the reasons therefore and general remarks

Example 19

Accidental Pollution
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
G 22
23 '.Y.: /11123 :'o13, 7 t.

24 r'"::.i:1t.t: i zl 1;,rv.''tr.,t
25 t t: t: t 1* :if * * t t. t'l, tl'r t : :: t:1'2, ;t r rt ;'
. iir.,j,. tj : .'t:: i\;.j j-,!t
.r:!iJ ri{;i;;, ,

Note: 1. If failure of Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter related equipment is involved, appropriate Code
(F) entry is to be made in ORB.
2. Relevant sections of the SOPEP (SMPEP) are to be used to combat oil spills at sea.
3. Examples of circumstances of discharge include, but are not limited to:
.Oil Content Meter failure.
.Fuel tank overflow.
oRuptured bunkering hose/flange.
.Fuel tank leakage (due to collision or grounding).

(H) Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil

26 Bunkering:
.l Place of bunkering.
.2 Time of bunkering.
.3 Type and quantity of fuel oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in tonnes
and total content oftank(s)).
.4 Type and quantity of lubricating oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in
tonnes and total content oftank(s)).

Example 20

Bunkerins of Fuel oil

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
! ttt . I ! t / ! f J i { | I i, H 26.1 .1-.,'. ..? :..'.:t

26.2 Statt: rt" i.tri,vl- 1'

f !;1 . Stoo: ;.;':.r' ii;lr!-\', t' / !ti; :t:i

26.3 ;rr..r'MT of ISO-8217 HFO r ,.%o S bunkered in tank(s):

{Jiir,.i MT added to i'l lt;!: !Jt,ttjii..; i\: I|t,,:: jr,,iirt!j{,;j;, noW containing !rlti: fu17
;'i-r..: MT added to i'l *ttl' titiiitt, J) f lt:;t j:1tt1.ttir.:r:;, now containing riil',i MT
.1ii;:.::t \.,t.ttitii ll.i:r;i; tr: tt' 'iJt ,t\;'J 'i ;..i:1:,, 2

Page l1 of16
- Example 21

Bunkering of Bulk Lubricatins oil

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
: i-
./ il . ;i r H 26.1 r1,..r.. ' .':,1
26.2 Start: i I !.;i:;:ri
il:i-;tz;;:-.1:1.'.1.:r'/ i';!:.::::z; Stop:,,/r/";;;;??.,,") |
26.4 r:'MT I jt,t;.: ,
'; r.l,ii; bunkered in tank(s)
UN4T added to {'l irt:i.; ,'';r.*!;t el !.k";it1;;,;i, ,t.l, now containing ,;,. MT
"...ii.!;t '' ., :, ,: ., ";. ,',. ., ,t!., ,
.\:,:" ,

Note: 1. Separate entries required for each grade of fuel oild and lubricating oils respectively.
2. This entry is not required if lubricating oils are delivered onboard in packaged form (55 gallon drum, etc.).

(D Additional operational procedures and general remarks


Entry pertaining to an earlier missed operational entrv

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
Ij - :yt| ;,";'; I i -.t,':.r. r

tl; I Entry pertaining to an earlier missed operational entry

i l- :t /{ :,',,'!'.1:l-}r"t,..t
C 12.2
r m' sludge transferred from l|,,'ti;;it: t:f ,, 1.,' ', j,i .',l : :y,:..
1*l , m3 retained
tV,,'r'rr;"1!r.: t:'! .',t::t: -i I , :":i,.. f )rr.,,;iltte.t,it)',.,.trtetA'ned in tank(S).t; ml
,';iA?;{; t i}
1tI;ytr t.iili:
Note: 1. Date (l) to be the date of the original operation.
2.Date (2) to be the current date i.e. the date the entry is made.
3. Signed (1) Signature of Officer making 'I' entry.
4. Signed (2) Signature of Officer making missed entry.

Example 23

De-bunkering of Fuel oil

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
r * l_ \. !{} :,..i l: i -,.,,,1,1 I 11;.,'.,, MT of ISO-8217 HFO t'.;YoS de-bunkered from tanks:

.;.1.r:MTremovedfromi'it;;;i;].i:::t:u:tj: l.i; i,';''r;,jr;,r;,howcontaining';.;-1;

De-bunkered to "ili,,,' I ,:, ,....,. :
'i,ii,srt' i{;t:/illl" in "1 :; lz
Start: iii:'-; Stop: ,l',' .';;;';

Note: Include receipt & certificate from receiver for amount & type of fuel oil de-bunkered.

Page l2of16
Examnle 24

Declaration of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks

ref. MEPC,l/Circ.640 - record weekly
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
Weekly Inventory of Bilge Water Tank(s) , I
I i!

capacity :'::: fit',.i:l m' reta ned

,\i:yt i'r'{tii:r.: !i;,,,til; :' ;.!1.1' 'i;tt
t '' :' ,t i-,,.t t I I
Note: l. As per AESM policy, this entry must be made we6kly for tank(s) listed under section 3.3 of IOPPC
supplement, e.g. bilge holding tank, bilge primary tank, etc. (as applicable).
2. This entry should be made every week directly after the weekly record of items under Code C | | .1 , 1 1 .2,
I 1.3 for oil residue (sludge) tank(s).

Examnle 25

Sealing of MARPOL Annex I related valve and/or equinment

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
Overboard valve !;':.ri',t, )) ' ,,t,.1:r.' from l5 ppm bilge water separator unit
Seal nO. .1::;.T..i;.-1.:..{.:t
-i ,'i
,'./ftT .1i,i::,, , t;.,t",- , i, i ;', , .i.,'-:
, I

Example 26

Breakinq of seal on MARPOL Annex I related valve and/or eouinment

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
Overboard yslys ;'',,1;1lt:i: ititrif:tt'i from 15 ppm bilge water separator unit
j I I
for normal operation of l5 ppm unit
Seal no. .,,:",\'i':"\'.:{}:
. ;,r' i,j;;rr. i,ltti, i:, ' i jf....j ; i i I

General Guidance - Additional Recordings under Code (I)

Example 27

Testing of 15 ppm alarm and operation of automatic stopping device,

i.e. 3-way valve or bilge pump auto stop of Oilv Water Seoarator unit (as aoolicable)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge

15 ppm alarm and operation of {-,',1 ;r, ..;i"r|. '. ,.: I , ; :,"1r:l of
OWS unit tested and found satisfactorv
.\:,.''r. .:,,.'.i ,tlr,,'i .r ,., . , ,' 'i . , l
Note: Automatic stopping device by way of auto stop of bilge pump will be applicable on those OWS units where a 3-
way valve affangement is not fitted.

Page 13 of 16
Examnle 28

Testins of 'zero' check of 15 pnm settins of Oil Content Meter unit

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
atts*:,,.jlj;\ I t j^,,l.I I 'Zero' check of l5 ppm setting of OCM unit done and found satisfactory

Example 29

15 nnm 'function test' of Oil Content Meter unit usins testins fluid
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
l5 ppm 'function test' of OCM unit done using testing fluid and found
''r!!.!t :",ti:?i* J:ii;:iir iltl-:',;l j;\ ; ! t:', ?:1'',

Example 30

Maintenance of Oilv Water Senarator unit

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
I Opened and inspected OWS unit, filters i.:l;:iz',:t:,,.1 v;i;t. rt, t. I
After maintenance checked operation of OWS unit and OCM unit and
found satisfactorv

Example 31

Calibration of Oil Content Meter unit by Maker's representative

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
t.J *t- i\"1 € S,t\i I S i'\i.t.:1.+': I
:l;..,. '.,, ,, il, :i . ', .'rI,

Examnle 32 il

Complete renewal of Oil Content Meter unit

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
15 ppm unit of Oil Content Monitor renewed by t"'",1'':; -.';7 l1
I 1}1.1;i
,t\{trit, i:t\;1rli:.ti':ir.: t't11,' ,,,',. ,: 1'",. ,r:1,":,, {!:i.rr.,),\d:1}L.',}1.1 in t

| .\t'r..ii|li jtt.:rk ; itiri .1iti'.tr\," j'l'{."),:1...,n1 : t

Page 14 of 16
Examnle 33

Testing of 15 ppm alarm unit of Oil Content Meter and Oily Water Separator unit operation
by PSCO / Internal Auditor / Superintendent (as anplicable)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
,,';j iit'rlri
l5 ppm alarm unit of OCM and OWS unit operation checked by
t'iii I
lr:*szzal k*i2tttts i !jz-17,t':, , ,,.: ,1 at ";.r,:.i ',ti:ttlu.::'2': and fOund satiSfaCtOfy
.Ti.i:tt ' !+'itt?1t-: ' llz:t;!;-.l Llr!"'t:i: :t '\, i l!-1,1t,t t
' '?'-: .,


Note: Trrtt* nomenclature should he recorded &s per the format noted within the IOPPC Supplement.

Bxample 34

Pumping (Transfer) of bilges (targe quantity) from engine room bilges to Bilge Primary tank and
from Bilge Primary tank 3rd chamber continuouslv flowinq into Bilse tank durins transfer.
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
d el -.\.1 { } 7' 1- I I -',, z.'',,t, D l3 .{i m'bilge water from engine room bilse wells
l4 Start: J.ti:,';;r;;';, Stop:
To Bilge tank via Bilge Primary tank, retained in Bilge tank :, mr and
l s.3 '
retained in Bilge Primary tank,,.',m3
'l'-';..r.. \ r.;'r.. .i;. , '',,/-i

Example 35

Transfer of bilges (less quantity) to Bilge Primary tank, allowing it to settle in Bilge pri.n'ary tanL anO
then to be drained to Bilge tank after a few hou., or next day.
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
t Id- 3.1t ) |;' {' f I - t z',,,: D l3 ;:, m' bilge water from engine room bilse wells
t4 Start: jf,i,,ri, Stop:
r 5.3 ToB lge Primary tank, retained in tank.,,'i m'

Example 36

Manugf draining of bilge water from Bilge Primarv tank to Bilee tank (when done)
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
il" \'! ll-',s't,: tank,
'rl m'bilge water from Bilge Primary
,\S{.} D t3 mj retained
T4 Start: **:;;;ir;, Stop: l;!:.mi;:
15.3 To Bilge tank, m' retained,tt,!t1..;

Page 15 of 16

Examnle 37
Colltjction of oil drained manually from Bilse prima*
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
,:' l;',.'',, i li- ' t,
C I I Bilge Separated Oil Tank le"rffcl&,a,r,!'rrrrel in S.t 1tilOlU,t_rr,trtfut
.2 \. mJ i'-:it::ii{..llr t;i lt,'r'i } i ;

.J ....fnJ.i-...,'ti,':!''.'''',..;.\i.;':i'"'
I 4 :{.:,; m'collected from B ge Primary tank
1 r,; - :- :.' ;; \\
t.J J t t{,' Sti t !,i i',, t, }t ; " it! t .},'t I / {- 7', j
water holding tanks. '

Example 38

Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
;jti-'z{t.r\;ij Ii;r I "rv m' bilge water evaporated from Bilge primary tank,li mletained
! #' {
,t'' i'.at? { ; rt ;zs.{,t J1..; t: l<, r i t i - l f i : lr'
: / ! :r:7' i: t 1


Following examples (T1 & T2) are only applicable for Tankers with slop tanks:

Examnle Tl
Transfer of sludge from engine-room oil residue (sludee) ta"L t@
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
;{l-},'f t.t'i'i'l i, 1 C 12.4 ' m'sludgefrom. , ' , m,ietaine/,
Transferred to Deck Slop Tank ,iJ sy';i,,17;;s1,.",i
'.' i i tL',: k-ij !? i' :- i
'\, 1'J I z':
t. ) - .t ,"

2. Requires an entry in the Oil Record Book - Part II using code (J).
3. If sludge is transferred from multiple tanks in engine-room a separate entry must be made in ORB parts I &
II for each transfer

Example T2

Transfer of bilge water from tank listed in item 3.3 in the Suppleme.rt to ttre tOffC
to deck/cargo slop tank
Date Code Record of operations / signature of officer in charge
.i ,: ,r;.,i: m' bilge water from i..t,'jll.' I jI i )
!.:,1 ) l, !z : :,,', CapaCity
,1 D 13
; ;.

.r*, m3,.:..{ m3 retained

l4 Staft: . .;, ,, , StOp:
15.3 Transferred to Deck S lop Tank i l j <'.,; ! ::.t: t;t i, ., t.,, i
,JJ't"l l.) . .: t,
'r t 'r

Note: l. Requires this method listed in the IOPP Supplement

Supplemen under item 3.2.3 (from 1I lun"aw 2O l).
January 201
2. Requires an entry in the Oil Record Book - Part II using code (J).
3. If bilge water is transferred from multiple tanks in engine-room a separate entry must be made in ORB parts
I & II for each transfer

Page l6 of l6

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