Handling ULSFO - MOT

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MOT-MMT-ML Bunker Sourcing.


Guidelines for storage and handling of ULSFO


The guidelines set out in this document are issued to familiarise Duty Persons with the Operating
Procedures for ULSFO.


Generic procedure for all vessels


As ULSFO have different characteristics than MDO due to its paraffinic nature there is a need to instruct
crews on good operational practice in order to ensure smooth operation.


The Chief Engineer is responsible for implementation of and compliance with this procedure.


Keep product segregated from HFO.

ULSFO is only to be applied on vessels that have gone through the 0,1% sulphur retrofit, where LSFO tanks
have been cleaned and segregated from HFO bunker lines and the LSFO service and settling tanks have
been cleaned and made ready for distillates and ULSFO.


KEEP ULSFO stored at a temperature of 10C above the pour point:

Due to the paraffinic nature of the ULSFO products there is a risk of wax formation on storage at low
temperatures. If wax formation occur it can be difficult to reheat the fuel as the wax will deposit around the
heating coils thereby insulating these, as a consequence it is the instruction that ULSFO have to be kept at a
temperature 10 degrees above its pour point . This will prevent build-up of wax in the tanks.

Heavy fuels are depending on aromatic solvents to keep the asphaltenes in solution. If there is a shortage
of solvent or if the solvent is not aromatic enough, ie. too paraffinic, asphaltenes may separate from the
fuel, flocculate into larger particles (flocks) and eventually form sludge which may block filters, centrifugal
separators, etc. Due to the paraffinic nature of the ULSFO it is generally poorly compatible with Heavy Fuel
and as a consequence it has to be segregated from HFO products and mixing kept at a minimum. Before
change over a spot test must always be carried out to select the proper change over procedure.

This document is for information only. A P Moller Maersk does not take any responsibility for the use of this document.
MOT-MMT-ML Bunker Sourcing.

AVOID contamination with HFO.

Fuel tanks should be cleaned best possible for remaining HFO for compatibility reasons as mentioned
above, for sulphur compliance reasons and to avoid that the ULSFO wash out sludge/cat fines from the tank

Fuel handling

Service and settling tanks previously used for heavy fuel will have to be cleaned prior to ULSFO duty.

Settling tank temperature should be kept at the same as the transfer temperature (at least 10 degrees
above Pour point).

Purification temperature to be set in the range of the expected injection temperature.

Injection temperature set point according to viscosirator and recommended injection viscosity of 12-15 cst.

Fuel change over

When switching over there are three issues to be addressed.

1. The sulphur content – the time it takes to reach the compliant level.

2. The temperature – the gradient must be kept at max 2 degree C per minute

3. The mixture between HFO and ULSFO or HFO, DMA and ULSFO.

Manage temperature gradient during change over 2C per min:

When changing between high viscous and low viscous products it is important to secure a slow change of
the temperature in the fuel system. This is to avoid the risk of fuel pump seizure due to different expansion
or contraction of the plunger and the barrel. The barrel is having a much higher mass than the plunger. This
implies that the plunger contracts faster than the barrel when the fuel becomes cooler and that the plunger
expands faster than the barrel when the fuel becomes warmer.

To eliminate the risk of fuel pump seizure it is very important to respect the temperature gradient to be
max 2 degree C per minute.

Description switchover process:

Before changeover spot test to be carried out between HFO and ULSFO.

SPOT test result:

• Result: 1-2 select procedure 1. Direct switch from HFO to ULSFO.

• Result: 3-5 Select procedure 2. Indirect switch HFO-DMA-ULSFO.

To ensure ECA compliance: switch over 1-3 hours before entering ECA depending on engine load.

This document is for information only. A P Moller Maersk does not take any responsibility for the use of this document.
MOT-MMT-ML Bunker Sourcing.

To be done prior to change over

1. ULSFO transferred to settling tank, and service tank to be filled by means of separator.
2. Separator to be set for circulation on service tank to remove any sediments/flocculants present.
Temp set point for separation should be same as expected injection temperature.
3. When service tank have been circulated prior to performing switch, it is considered enough just to
have the separator in use for pumping from settling to service tank.

Procedure 1. Direct switch from HFO to ULSFO.

If compatibility test result is 1 or 2 a direct switch from HFO to ULSFO can be conducted.

Entering ECA:


1. Determine the engine load that would be required to do the switch over to stay below the 2°C/min. This
should be vessel class specific and will also have an implication for the consumption and can be a fixed
value on max engine load during change over.

2. Basis the actual consumption (which must be lower than the engine load under step 1) calculate the time
required to reduce the sulphur content in the fuel system to allow for entering the ECA on compliant 0.1%

Actual switch over:

1. Speed can be reduced to perform safe change over, keeping in mind the temp gradient of 2
degrees Celsius per minute.
2. Switch over from HSFO to ULSFO taking the time as calculated under step 2. When this time have
elapsed vessel is compliant and ready to cross the line into ECA.

When leaving ECA:


1. Determine the engine load that would be required to do the switch over to stay below the 2°C/min. This
should be vessel class specific and will also have an implication for the consumption.

Actual switch over:

2. When reaching the geographical ECA line, switch over from ULSFO to HFO, observing the 2 degree per
minute temperature gradient.

Precautions when compatibility test result is from 3-5.

This document is for information only. A P Moller Maersk does not take any responsibility for the use of this document.
MOT-MMT-ML Bunker Sourcing.

Switching to ULSFO via DMA is the assumed acceptable ratio of the HFO/DMA. Using the fuel system
volume and the actual consumption the time to reach a 25/75 ratio of HFO/DMA can be calculated as

The way to do this would be a standard change over process where the heavy fuel and DMA mix slowly and
the temperature gradient are kept at 2 degree C per minute or less, in order to ensure smooth process it
should be done at engine loads below 25%

When the HFO/DMA mix reach a 25/75 ratio according to the calculations (2 times the system volume
consumed) the fuel system suction side is switched from DMA to ULSFO. Now the ULSFO will slowly mix in
and the viscosirator will control the temperature according to the required injection viscosity again the 2
degrees per minute gradient is to be followed.

The dilution with DMA will greatly reduce the presence of asphaltenes in the system before ULSFO is
introduced and therefore reduce the risk of issues with asphaltene flocculation and filter blockages.

Procedure 2. Indirect switch HFO-DMA-ULSFO.

When switching from HSFO to ULSFO, it is due to the compatibility issues perceived necessary to do the
switch first from HFO to DMA01 in case the spot test result is from 3-5 and then from DMA01 to ULSFO.
When switching from ULSFO to HSFO, it is still due to the compatibility issues perceived necessary to do the
switch first from ULSFO to DMA01 and then from DMA01 to HSFO in case the spot test result is from 3-5.

There are two main concerns during these switches – the temperature gradient and the compatibility.

To cope with both and based on calculations of the development of both dilution of the products in the fuel
system and the temperature in the fuel system it is recommended to switch to DMA01 until the calculated
25/75 ratio between HFO and DMA01 is reached.

In Steps.

Entering ECA:


1. Determine the engine load that would be required to do the switch over to stay below the 2°C/min. This
should be vessel class specific and will also have an implication for the consumption and can be a fixed
value on max engine load during change over.

2. Basis the actual consumption (which must be lower than the engine load under step 1) calculate the time
required to reduce the sulphur content in the fuel system to allow for entering the ECA on compliant 0.1%

3. Calculate the time required to be below the suggested 25/75 ratio with the HSFO and DMA01. (2 system
volumes consumed)

This document is for information only. A P Moller Maersk does not take any responsibility for the use of this document.
MOT-MMT-ML Bunker Sourcing.

Actual switch over:

1. Switch over from HSFO to DMA01 taking as time as calculated under step 3 (2 system volumes
consumed to reach the ratio of 25/75 between HFO/DMA01).
2. Switch over from DMA01 to ULSFO alternative when the 25/75 ratio between HFO/DMA01 is
reached . This will take the time as calculated as preparation step 2 minus preparation step 3.
When this time have elapsed vessel is compliant and ready to cross the line into ECA.

When leaving ECA:


1. Determine the engine load that would be required to do the switch over to stay below the 2°C/min. This
should be vessel class specific and will also have an implication for the consumption.

2. Calculate the time required to be below the suggested 25/75 ratio with the ULSFO and DMA01.

Actual switch over:

1. Switch over from ULSFO to DMA01 during the time calculated under step 2 prior to reaching the
geographical ECA line.

2. When reaching the geographical ECA line, switch over from DMA01 to HSFO when the 25/75 ratio
between ULSFO/DMA01 is reached , observing the 2 degree per minute temperature gradient.

This document is for information only. A P Moller Maersk does not take any responsibility for the use of this document.

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