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Robust Speaker Recognition Using Speech Enhancement And Attention Model

Yanpei Shi, Qiang Huang, Thomas Hain

Speech and Hearing Research Group

Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
{YShi30, qiang.huang, t.hain}

Abstract the speaker verification module was per-trained and fixed when
In this paper, a novel architecture for speaker recognition is training the speech enhancement. It means that the two modules
proposed by cascading speech enhancement and speaker pro- are not optimised jointly although a single loss function is used.
cessing. Its aim is to improve speaker recognition performance In addition to joint optimisation, attention mechanisms has
when speech signals are corrupted by noise. Instead of individ- also been widely used for speaker identification and verification
[11, 12, 13, 14]. This is because a neural attention mechanism
arXiv:2001.05031v1 [cs.CL] 14 Jan 2020

ually processing speech enhancement and speaker recognition,

the two modules are integrated into one framework by a joint has an ability to focus on a subset of its inputs by allocating
optimisation using deep neural networks. Furthermore, to in- different weights to different input features. This can hence
crease robustness against noise, a multi-stage attention mech- highlight the relevant information and reduce the interference
anism is employed to highlight the speaker related features caused by irrelevant information. In previous studies, the use
learned from context information in time and frequency do- of attention models has provided benefits not only for speech
main. To evaluate speaker identification and verification per- processing, but also for natural language processing (NLP) and
formance of the proposed approach, we test it on the dataset image processing
of VoxCeleb1, one of mostly used benchmark datasets. More- Wang, et al. [15] used an attentive X-vector where a self-
over, the robustness of our proposed approach is also tested on attention layer was added before a statistics pooling layer to
VoxCeleb1 data when being corrupted by three types of interfer- weight each frame. Rahman, et al. [11] jointly used attention
ences, general noise, music, and babble, at different signal-to- model and K-max pooling to selects the most relevant features.
noise ratio (SNR) levels. The obtained results show that the pro- In [16], Moritz, et al. combined CTC (connectionist temporal
posed approach using speech enhancement and multi-stage at- classification) and attention model to improve the performance
tention models outperforms two strong baselines not using them of end to end speech recognition. In [17, 18] and [19], dif-
in most acoustic conditions in our experiments. ferent attention models were also designed for speech emotion
recognition and phoneme recognition, respectively. In [20], an
attention model was used to allow the each time step of decoder
1. Introduction to focus on different part of input sentence to search for most
The aim of speaker recognition is to recognize speaker iden- relevant words. Luong, et al. [21] used global attention and
tities from their voice characteristics [1]. In recent years, the local attention, where global attention attends to the whole in-
use of deep learning technologies has significantly improved put sentence and local attention only looks at a part of the input
speaker recognition performance. Variani, et al. [2] developed sentence. Cheng [22] proposed self attention that relat-
the d-vector using multiple fully-connected neural network lay- ing different positions of the same sentence. Woo, et al. [23]
ers, and Snyder, et al. [3] developed X-vectors based on the used combination of spatial attention and channel attention call
Time-delayed neural networks (TDNN). However, it is still a CBAM to extract salient features from different dimension of
challenging task when recognizing or verifying speakers in poor input.
acoustic conditions. To improve the performance for speaker identification and
To tackle speeches corrupted by noise signals, there have verification, and increase the robustness against noise, in our
been some methods developed. Some of previous studies [4, 5] proposed approach, the deep neural networks of the two mod-
tended to recover original signals by removing noise. Some ules, speech enhancement and speaker recognition, will be con-
methods [6, 7] focused on feature extraction from un-corrupted nected in a cascaded format and their parameter will be opti-
speech signals, and some methods [8, 9] tried to estimated mised jointly by a the loss function defined by the differences
speech quality by computing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). between the real speaker identities and predicted ones. Simul-
For speech enhancement, most of previous studies are of- taneously, a multi-stage attention mechanism will be also taken
ten processed individually. However, the learned features or into account in order to learn useful features from context infor-
enhanced speech signals might not be able to well match to the mation in time, frequency and channel dimensions of the feature
information required by speaker recognition and verification. It map between two convolutional layers. The multi-stage atten-
is highly desirable that both speech enhancement and speaker tion highlights the most relevant features for identifying speaker
processing model can be can be optimised jointly. identities in noise environment. The details of the proposed ap-
In [10], Shon tried to integrated speech enhancement proach will be depicted in the following sections.
module and speaker processing module into one framework. The rest of the paper is organized as follow: Section 2
In this method, the speech enhancement module tried to filter presents the cascade structure of our approach and how the at-
out unnecessary features corrupted by noise by generating a ra- tention mechanism is used in these architecture. The used data
tio mask and multiplying element-wise with the original spec- set and experiment set-up are introduced in Section 3. The ob-
trogram for speaker verification. However, in this framework, tained results and related analysis are given in Section 4, and
Figure 1: The proposed speech enhancement and speaker recognition joint system. The speech enhancement net (SE-Net) takes the
noise spectrogram as input, the output is enhanced spectrogram. It consists of 11 dilated convolution and multi-stage attention (CONV-
MS) block. The speaker recognition net (SID-Net) contains 8 takes the enhanced spectrogram as input, the output is the predicted
speaker identities. It consists of 8 residual convolution with multi-stage attention (RES-MS) block.

finally conclusions are drawn in Section 5 inserted. The input of the kth residual block is denoted as
H k ∈ RTk ×Fk ×Ck , and the final refined feature map of the
2. Model Architecture kth residual block is H 000
k . The last residual block is followed
by fully-connected layers, by which the predictions of speaker
2.1. Speech Enhancement Module identities are finally computed using a softmax function.
Figure 1 shows the proposed model architecture consisting of a
2.3. Multi-Stage Attention (MS)
speech enhancement module and a speaker recognition mod-
ule. Suppose the input data to the enhancement module is Figure 2 shows the structure of a multi-stage attention block,
X ∈ RT ×F ×C ) where T , F , and C represent the temporal which runs channel attention, frequency attention, and time
dimension, frequency dimension, and channel dimension, re- attention sequentially. Its mathematics representation can be
spectively. The value of C is a variable. When X is input spec- found in equation 1:
trogram, C is set to one. Besides this, the value of C equals to 0
the number of kernels set in the convolutional neural networks. Hk = αC,k H k
00 0
The speech enhancement module consists of multiple Hk = αF,k H k (1)
Conv-MS blocks, each of which contains a dilated convolution 000 00
Hk = αT ,k Hk
layer followed by a multi-stage attention block. In the attention
block, an attention mechanism is conducted in time, frequency where αC,k , αF,k , and αT ,k represent the implementation of
and channel domains, respectively. channel attention, frequency attention and time attention in the
The output feature map of the dilated convolutional layer is kth attention block.
denoted as H k ∈ RTk ×Fk ×Ck , where k means the kth CONV-
MC block. The output H 000k denotes the refined feature map of 2.3.1. Channel Attention
the kth Conv-MS block, and its dimension is same as H k .
Following the principle of channel attention used in [24, 23],
The output of enhancement module is used as a ratio mask
The working flow of channel attention is shown in Figure 2 (a)
whose values are viewed as the weights corresponding to fre-
and Equation 2.
quency bin and time frame of the spectrogram. The ratio mask
multiplies with the speech spectrogram in order to reduce the C
Hk,max = maxTk ×Fk ×1 (Hk )
interferences caused by unrelated noise signals. C
Hk,avg = avg Tk ×Fk ×1 (Hk )
C (2)
2.2. Speaker Recognition Module Smax = Relu((Hk,max )W0 + b0 )W1
The speaker recognition module consists of multiple residual Savg = Relu((Hk,avg )W0 + b0 )W1
convolutional blocks in which a multi-stage attention block is αC,k = Sigmoid(Savg + Smax )
Figure 2: The illustration of the muliti-stage attention (MS) attention block, and the computation of (a): Channel Attention; (b):
Frequency Attention; (c): Time Attention. The input feature map H k of the kth CONV-MS or RES-MS block is operated by channel
attention, frequency and time attention in cascade mode.

where W0 ∈ RCk ×100 , b0 ∈ R1×100 and W1 ∈ R100×Ck math format. In the kth time attention block, a max pool-
are the parameters of the kth channel attention block. ing and an average pooling are firstly applied to channel di-
In the implementation of channel attention, max pooling mension of the input data Hk0 , and the corresponding out-
and average pooling are firstly applied on both time and fre-
puts are Hk,max ∈ RTk ×Fk ×1 and Hk,avg
∈ RTk ×Fk ×1 ,
quency dimension of Hk . Their output Hk,avg ∈ R1×1×Ck C
respectively. Hk,pool ∈ R Tk ×Fk ×2
is obtained by con-
C 1×1×Ck
and Hk,max ∈ R are then used as the input of two catenating the outputs after using poolings. On time dimen-
fully connected layers sharing the same parameters and fol- sion, the same max pooling and average pooling steps are ap-
lowed by Relu activation. The channel attention map αC,k is
plied on Hk,pool ∈ RTk ×Fk ×2 and the corresponding out-
finally obtained after a Sigmoid activation is applied to the sum- puts are Hk,avg ∈ R1×Fk ×2 and Hk,max
∈ R1×Fk ×2 .
mation of Savg and Smax . After broadcasting data in αC,k Again, the output after concatenating them on time dimension
to expand the map size same as H k , the attention map is mul- is Hk,pool ∈ R2×Fk ×2 . The frequency attention map αF k
tiplied by the original feature map H k to generate the refined is computed using a convolution operation with a 2-by-7-by-2
feature map H 0k kernel followed by a sigmoid activation. The stride value is 1
on frequency dimension during convolution. The size of αF k
2.3.2. Frequency and Time Attention is then expanded to the same as H 00k by data broadcast. The
frequency refined feature map H 00k is finally obtained by the
The frequency and time attention block have similar working 0
product of αFk and Hk .
structure when processing their three dimensional input except
The computation of time attention is similar to frequency
that where an attention mechanism is applied to, frequency di-
attention, Equation 3 and Figure 2 (c) shows the computation
mension or time dimension.
process. The final time refined feature map is obtained by the
0 multiplication of the previous frequency refined feature map
Hk,max = max1×1×Ck (Hk0 )
and the time attention weights αTk.
Hk,avg = avg 1×1×Ck (Hk0 )
C 0
C 0
C 0
Hk,max = max1×1×Ck (Hk00 )
Hk,pool = Concat[Hk,avg ; Hk,max ]
0 0
Hk,avg = avg 1×1×Ck (Hk00 )
Hk,max = maxTk ×1×1 (Hk,pool
) (3)
00 00 00
0 0 Hk,pool = Concat[Hk,avg ; Hk,max ]
Hk,avg = avg Tk ×1×1 (Hk,pool
00 00
0 T 0
T 0
Hk,max = max1×Fk ×1 (Hk,pool
) (4)
Hk,pool = Concat[Hk,avg ; Hk,max ]
F 00 1×Fk ×1 C 00
0 Hk,avg = avg (Hk,pool )
k = Sigmoid(f
(Hk,pool ))
00 00
00 F F
Figure 2 (b) shows the working flow of the time at- Hk,pool = Concat[Hk,avg ; Hk,max ]
tention block and Equation 3 shows its implementation in 00
k = Sigmoid(f
(Hk,pool ))
Layer Name Structure Dilation Block Name Structure Output
7x1x48 3x3x64
CONV-MS Block1 1x1 3x3x64
MS RES-MS Block1 150x129
1x7x48 3x3x64
CONV-MS Block2 1x1 MS-ATT
5x5x48 3x3x128
CONV-MS Block3 1x1 RES-MS Block2 75x65
MS 3x3x128
5x5x48 MS-ATT
CONV-MS Block4 1x2
MS 3x3x128
5x5x48 RES-MS Block3 3x3x128 75x65
CONV-MS Block5 1x4 MS-ATT
5x5x48 3x3x256
CONV-MS Block6 1x8 3x3x256
MS RES-MS Block4 38x33
CONV-MS Block7 1x1 MS-ATT
MS 3x3x256
5x5x48 RES-MS Block5 3x3x256 38x33
CONV-MS Block8 2x2
5x5x48 3x3x256
CONV-MS Block9 4x4
MS RES-MS Block6 3x3x256 38x33
5x5x48 MS-ATT
CONV-MS Block10 8x8 3x3x256
1x1x1 RES-MS Block7 3x3x256 38x33
CONV-MS Block11 1x1 MS-ATT
Table 1: The architecture of the SE-Net. SE-Net consists of RES-MS Block8 19x17
11 dilated convolution and multi-stage attention (CONV-MS) MS-ATT
block. Within each block, a dilated convolutional process is Pool 19x1 1x17x512
firstly applied, then a multi-stage attention (MS) block is ap- FC 512
Table 3: The architecture of SID-Net. SID-Net consists of 8
residual convolution and multi-stage attention (RES-MS) block.
3. Experiments Within each block, the multiple convolutional layers as firstly
used on the input. Then, the output of is passed through a multi-
stage attention (MS) block before residual connection.
Model Description
baseline done by cascading
Voice loss[10]
speech enhancement and speaker recognition modules seconds).
speaker identification baseline using In order to test the robustness of the proposed model, ad-
speaker recognition module (SID-Net) ditional noise from MUSAN dataset is added. MUSAN dataset
joint optimisation of speech enhancement (SE-Net) contains three categories of noises: general noise, music and
and speaker recognition module (SID-Net) babble [26]. The general noise type contains 6 hours of audio,
proposed model using a joint including DTMF tones, dialtones, fax machine noises The
SE-MS+SID music type contains 42 hours of music recording from different
optimisation and a multi-stage attention (MS)
models in speech enhancement module (SE-Net) categories. The babble type contains 60 hours of speech , in-
proposed model using a joint cluding read speech from public domain, hearings, committees
SE+SID-MS and debates
optimisation and multi-stage attention models
in speaker recognition module (SID-Net)
3.2. Speaker Identification
Table 2: Descriptions of five models: three baselines In VoxCeleb1 dataset, both training and test set contain the same
(Voice loss, SID, and SE+SID) and two proposed approaches number of speakers (1251 speakers) [25]. The training set con-
(SE-MS+SID and SE+SID-MS). tains 145265 utterances and the test set contains 8251 utter-
ances. In order to reduce possible bias, the MUSAN dataset
is also split into two parts for training and test. This is to ensure
3.1. Data that the noise signals used for training will not be reused for test.
Each training utterance is mixed with a type of noise at one of
In this work, Voxceleb1 [25] dataset is used. Voxceleb1 data are
five SNR levels. For the test set, the same data configuration is
extracted from Youtube videos, which contains 1251 speakers
set. To evaluate the recognition performance, Top-1 and Top-5
with more than 150 thousand utterances collected ”in the wild”.
accuracy are employed [27].
The average length of the audios in the dataset is 7.8 seconds.
Spectrograms are used as the input feature. Spectrograms
3.3. Speaker Verification
are extracted in a sliding window with 25ms window length and
10 ms hop size. 512 FFT elements are taken, results in 257 There contains 148642 utterances (1211 speakers) in the Vox-
dimensional spectrogram (a DC component is concatenated). Celeb1 development dataset, and 4874 utterances (40 speakers)
No normalization techniques are used on the input spectrogram. in the test dataset [25]. For the speaker verification task, there
The time length of the spectrogram is fixed at 300 frames (3.015 are total 37720 test pairs. The same configuration on the data
Noise Type SNR
Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Top1 (%) Top5 (%)
0 74.1 86.9 76.3 88.9 78.5 90.0 77.7 89.2
5 79.2 90.0 81.1 91.8 83.4 92.1 81.9 91.8
Noise 10 83.2 93.2 86.0 94.7 87.3 95.6 86.7 95.1
15 84.9 94.6 87.3 95.8 89.5 96.7 88.8 96.0
20 87.9 95.4 89.1 96.6 90.9 97.5 90.2 97.0
0 65.8 82.0 67.7 83.7 70.3 84.1 69.5 83.5
5 76.9 89.1 80.0 91.0 81.6 91.5 80.6 90.8
Music 10 83.8 93.5 85.2 94.7 86.3 95.3 85.8 94.7
15 86.1 93.9 88.4 95.6 89.1 96.7 88.2 95.4
20 87.4 94.7 89.1 96.0 90.2 97.1 89.5 96.6
0 62.4 80.2 65.7 81.5 67.5 83.0 66.6 81.9
5 76.2 87.3 78.6 88.9 80.6 89.9 79.3 89.6
Babble 10 81.4 92.2 84.6 93.6 86.6 94.5 85.3 83.2
15 84.0 92.6 86.8 93.9 88.3 94.7 87.6 94.0
20 85.8 92.9 87.1 94.6 89.0 95.5 88.8 95.2
Original 88.5 95.9 89.8 96.5 91.9 97.6 90.8 97.3

Table 4: Speaker Identification Results in different noise type (Noise, Music and Babble) at different SNR (0-20 dB), as well as the
original voxceleb1 test set. Four different scenarios are tested: only use SID-Net (SID); The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system but not
include multi-stage attention (SE+SID); The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system, only SE-Net use multi-stage attention (SE-MS+SID);
The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system, only SID-Net use multi-stage attention (SE+SID-MS).

for speaker recognition task is also set for speaker verification. 3.4. Experiment Setup
To compare with the baseline introduced in [10], the same loss
function and similarity measurement (Cosine) are used. Equal To evaluate our proposed approaches, five models including two
Error Eate (EER) [28] and Detection Cost Function (DCF) [29] baselines and three proposed approaches are to be tested on the
are used as evaluation metrics. DCF is computed as the average data mentioned in Section 3.2 and 3.3. As listed in table 2,
of two minimum DCF score (DCF0.01 and DCF0.001) [29, 30]. SID represents the baseline using the SID-Net, and Voice loss
[10] represents the baseline done by cascading speech enhance-
ment and speaker recognition. SE+SID represents the cascad-
ing structure with a joint optimisation with SE-Net and SID-
Net. SE-MS+SID and SE+SID-MS are the two proposed ap-
proaches using multi-stage attention models in either the speech
enhancement module (SE-Net) or the speaker recognition mod-
ule (SID-Net) besides the joint optimisation used in SE+SID.

3.5. Network Structure

Table 1 and Table 3 shows the detailed structure of the speech
enhancement and speaker recognition module, respectively. In
the speech enhancement module, 11 dilated convolutional lay-
ers are employed. The speaker recognition module uses the
Resnet-20 architecture[31], due to its effectiveness in speaker
recognition [27].
For SE-MS+SID, each dilated convolutional layer in the
speech enhancement module is followed by a multi-stage atten-
tion module (MS). For SE+SID-MS, the multi-stage attention
module (MS) is inserted into each residual block. Each of these
two modules are trained independently, and are then fine-tuned
by a joint optimisation. During training, Adam optimizer [32]
is used with the initial learning rate being set to 1e-3 and the
decay rate being set to 0.9 for each epoche.

Figure 3: The Top-1 Accuracy of the linear combination of the 4. Results

SE-MS+SID and SE+SID-MS results when the noise is ”bab-
Table 4 shows speaker identification results obtained using the
ble”. α denotes the combination parameter for SE-MS+SID,
models listed in Table 2. Comparing to the SID baseline, the
the combination parameter of SE+SID-MS is 1 − α.
use of SE+SID yields better performances for speaker identifi-
cation. After using the multi-stage attention models, SE+SID-
MS and SE-MS+SID further improve about 2∼3% on Top-1
Noise Type SNR
0 16.94 0.933 16.56 0.938 16.20 0.912 15.95 0.901 16.13 0.908
5 12.48 0.855 12.26 0.830 11.99 0.819 11.76 0.805 11.78 0.812
Noise 10 10.03 0.760 9.86 0.747 9.54 0.732 9.17 0.717 9.29 0.727
15 8.84 0.648 8.69 0.686 8.48 0.665 8.08 0.639 8.10 0.641
20 7.96 0.594 7.836 0.639 7.52 0.629 7.07 0.615 7.09 0.623
0 17.04 0.940 16.24 0.913 15.96 0.901 15.58 0.899 15.89 0.904
5 11.54 0.828 11.44 0.818 11.15 0.805 10.93 0.791 11.04 0.801
Music 10 9.69 0.749 9.13 0.733 9.12 0.731 8.87 0.714 8.97 0.725
15 8.40 0.689 8.10 0.677 8.08 0.643 7.62 0.621 7.77 0.629
20 7.70 0.665 7.48 0.635 7.39 0.619 7.13 0.607 7.26 0.614
0 38.90 1.000 37.96 1.000 37.53 0.999 37.55 0.999 37.46 0.998
5 28.04 0.998 27.12 0.996 26.97 0.979 26.42 0.981 26.35 0.977
Babble 10 17.34 0.917 16.66 0.926 16.44 0.911 16.30 0.907 16.36 0.911
15 11.31 0.795 11.25 0.807 11.24 0.801 10.89 0.795 10.94 0.801
20 9.12 0.720 8.99 0.705 8.77 0.695 8.39 0.677 8.51 0.688
Original 6.92 0.565 6.79 0.574 6.41 0.541 6.18 0.528 6.26 0.535

Table 5: Speaker Verification Results in different noise type (Noise, Music and Babble) at different SNR (0-20 dB), as well as the
original voxceleb1 test set. Four different scenarios are tested: only use SID-Net (SID); The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system but not
include multi-stage attention (SE+SID); The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system, only SE-Net use multi-stage attention (SE-MS+SID);
The SE-Net and SID-Net joint system, only SID-Net use multi-stage attention (SE+SID-MS). The results of VoiceID Loss [10] is also

and Top-5 accuracy in comparison with the baseline in all noise nomenon shows the contribution of SE-MS+SID is bigger than
conditions. Even if comparing to SE+SID, there are still slight SE-SID+MS to the final accuracy. The MS module added in
improvements. This case is probably because the use of atten- SE module obtains better recognition results.
tion mechanism can highlight the speaker related information
and reduce the interference caused by irrelevant noise signals.
For the task of speaker verification, table 5 shows similar
results when implementing all five models on the test data. It SE-MS+SID-MS
is clear that SE+SID using a joint optimisation can performs Noise Type SNR
TOP-1(%) Top-5(%) EER (%) DCF
better than Voice loss using only a pre-trained speaker iden- 0 79.2 91.0 15.62 0.899
tification model instead of a joint optimisation. In compari- 5 84.2 92.7 11.61 0.798
son with speaker identification task, the verification improve- Noise 10 88.2 96.2 9.05 0.707
ments obtained using SE-MS+SID and SE+SID-MS are rela- 15 90.1 96.9 8.01 0.621
tively smaller. This is probably because for speaker verifica-
20 91.4 97.5 6.98 0.604
tion, the similarity between speaker embeddings learned from
0 71.7 86.0 15.35 0.881
speaker model is computed using Cosine function instead of
5 82.3 92.2 10.84 0.780
directly being computed using the trained speaker recognition
Music 10 87.2 96.1 8.77 0.709
model. In addition, for speaker verification, the use of atten-
tion model in speech enhancement module can yield slight bet- 15 90.0 97.2 7.55 0.615
ter performances in almost all conditions except when speeches 20 90.8 97.6 7.09 0.601
are corrupted by Babbel noise at 0dB and 5dB SNR levels. For 0 68.6 85.1 37.44 0.998
this case, a possible reason is that the ”Babble” noise signals are 5 81.8 90.4 26.28 0.996
relative complication due to its speaker/speech like characteris- Babble 10 87.4 95.2 16.25 0.899
tics. The use of attention model in speaker recognition module 15 89.1 95.5 10.74 0.784
(SID-Net) might be more suitable to extract speaker relevant in- 20 89.7 96.1 8.23 0.662
formation than using an attention model in the speech enhance- Original 92.3 98.0 6.12 0.511
ment model when acoustic environment is poor.
Figure 3 shows the linear combination of speaker identifi- Table 6: Speaker Identification and Speaker Verification results
cation results (Top-1 Accuracy) of SE-MS+SID and SE+SID- of SE-MS+SID-MS.
MS. In the combination results, α denotes the combination pa-
rameter of SE-MS+SID and 1 − α denotes that of SE+SID-
MS. The two baseline when α equals to zero and one are also
shown. When α equals to one, the linear combination is the Table 6 shows the speaker identification and verification re-
same scenario that only using SE-MS+SID; When α equals to sults of using MS block on both SE module and SID module
zero, the linear combination is the same scenario that only us- (SE-MS+SID-MS). It is obvious that the performance of SSE-
ing SE+SID-MS. It it clear from the figure that when alpha MS+SID-MS for both speaker identification and speaker verifi-
becomes larger, the final results becomes better. This phe- cation out-performs that using MS on only one of the modules.
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