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x Ta SHREDDED Ge PRR aaa Ue LCRA La ise Lad a RY La CT BY BURN FAT FAST WITH THIS LETHAL COMBINATION OF HIGH-INTENSITY TRAINING TECHNIQUES. Tf you're looking to burn some serious le intensity, y pe tothe right program. Super Shredded 8("SS8" for short) isan 8- supersats — but is so much more than that. If had to sum up ‘what Super Shredded 8 is, I would say i's a combination of my Show Tima, 1-2-3 Lean and Un-Rested Development programs, ‘That's quite a hybrid, huh? fat and you're not afraid of -week get-lean plan based mainly on My Super-Man program uses supersets in which exercises for opposing muscle groups are paired together. With SSB, the supersets pair exercises for the same muscle group. This is technically called a “compound set,” a torm coined by the lt Weider over 50 years ago. But nowadays, the lifting community basically calls any pairing of wo exercises with no rest in between a superset, so I'l stick with the mare modern verbiage PERFECT PAIRINGS ‘ach superset in SSB, one exercise is dane wit heavy weight or low reps and the ol id high reps. In most cases, the first superset pairing per muscle group in a workout puts the heavy exercise fist. Then, the order is 2 with light weight, reversed on the next pairing, where you'll go light first. For many muscle groups, this second exercise pair is done as a pre-exhaust superset, with a single-jint (isolation) exercise serving as the ight move followed by a heavier mult-joint (compound) exercise. ‘This bevy of training variablas ~ light weight, heavy weight, supersets, pre-exhaust, compound moves, isolation moves ~ isn't just for the sake of variety. There's real science behind all of i Supersets are employed be t individuals who use supersets burn over 354% more calories during the arch shows workout and ov compared to those doing only straight set 35% more calories after the training session, As for the hig -rep sets in SS8, these will instigate more calorie burning during the workout. Research from the College of New

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