When Apperceptive Agnosia Is Explained by A Deficit of Primary Visual Processing

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Research report

When apperceptive agnosia is explained by a deficit

of primary visual processing

Andrea Serino a,b,1, Roberto Cecere a,b,2, Neil Dundon a,b, Caterina Bertini a,b,
Cristina Sanchez-Castaneda c and Elisabetta Làdavas a,b,*
CsrNC, Centro studi e ricerche in Neuroscienze Cognitive, Polo Scientifico-Didattico di Cesena,
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM e Università di Bologna, Italy
Dipartimento di Psicologia, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM e Università di Bologna, Italy
IRCCS, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: Visual agnosia is a deficit in shape perception, affecting figure, object, face and letter
Received 28 January 2013 recognition. Agnosia is usually attributed to lesions to high-order modules of the visual
Reviewed 08 May 2013 system, which combine visual cues to represent the shape of objects. However, most of
Revised 19 July 2013 previously reported agnosia cases presented visual field (VF) defects and poor primary
Accepted 20 December 2013 visual processing. The present case-study aims to verify whether form agnosia could be
Action editor Laurel Buxbaum explained by a deficit in basic visual functions, rather that by a deficit in high-order shape
Published online 31 December 2013 recognition. Patient SDV suffered a bilateral lesion of the occipital cortex due to anoxia.
When tested, he could navigate, interact with others, and was autonomous in daily life
Keywords: activities. However, he could not recognize objects from drawings and figures, read or
Visual agnosia recognize familiar faces. He was able to recognize objects by touch and people from their
Orientation discrimination deficit voice. Assessments of visual functions showed blindness at the centre of the VF, up to
Crowding effect almost 5 , bilaterally, with better stimulus detection in the periphery. Colour and motion
Cortical blindness perception was preserved. Psychophysical experiments showed that SDV’s visual recog-
nition deficits were not explained by poor spatial acuity or by the crowding effect. Rather a
severe deficit in line orientation processing might be a key mechanism explaining SDV’s
agnosia. Line orientation processing is a basic function of primary visual cortex neurons,
necessary for detecting “edges” of visual stimuli to build up a “primal sketch” for object
recognition. We propose, therefore, that some forms of visual agnosia may be explained by
deficits in basic visual functions due to widespread lesions of the primary visual areas,
affecting primary levels of visual processing.
ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Centro studi e ricerche in Neuroscienze Cognitive, Viale Europa 980, 47521 Cesena, Italy.
E-mail address: elisabetta.ladavas@unibo.it (E. Làdavas).
Present address: Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience & Center for Neuroprosthetics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Present address: Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, United
0010-9452/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 13

precede attributing deficits to impairments in high-level

1. Introduction modules of the visual system involved in shape representa-
tion from visual cues (form agnosia), or from integrating vi-
Visual agnosia is a modality-specific perceptual disorder,
sual details into a synthetic whole (integrative agnosia). More
characterized by impaired shape recognition, which affects
specifically, assessments should target primary visual defects,
the recognition of figures, objects, faces and letters. Lissauer
such as spatial acuity, orientation discrimination and crowd-
(Lissauer, 1890) distinguished between apperceptive agnosia, an
ing. Diffuse neural damage to primary visual areas might
impairment of perceptual processing, and associative agnosia,
reduce visual acuity. Low spatial acuity precludes dis-
where visual perception is roughly spared, but a disorder ex-
tinguishing individual features of visual stimuli for recogni-
ists in accessing stored mental representations of concepts
tion, and therefore, a deficit at this level might results in
from vision. Patients with associative agnosia can distinguish
problems in form perception resembling apperceptive
whether two visual stimuli are similar and can produce an
agnosia. Line orientation may be another factor. According to
accurate copy of an unrecognized figure through passive
most popular models of visual perception (e.g., Marr &
reproduction. In contrast, patients with apperceptive agnosia
Hildreth, 1980), detecting the edges of a visual stimulus is
usually fail in copying and in visual discrimination tasks.
the primary level of analysis necessary for shape perception;
However, in less severe cases, they can discriminate and
orientation-selective neurons in the primary visual areas
compare the size of two shapes, distinguish a figure from a
support this function (Hubel & Weisel, 1959; also see: Ferster &
background and distinguish two overlapping figures. Apper-
Miller, 2000, for a review). Line orientation thresholds (Makela,
ceptive agnosia has further been divided into form agnosia
Whitaker, & Rovamo, 1993) increase at higher eccentricities
and integrative agnosia. Form agnosia causes a deficit in
from the fovea. Thus, where defects involve the centre of the
shape and form discrimination, attributed to an inability to
VF, perceptual deficits in apperceptive agnosia patients might
build shape representations from visual cues; integrative
actually be poor orientation perception. Finally, object recog-
agnosia allows access to components or parts of shapes, but
nition in healthy subjects dramatically decreases in the pe-
compromises integration of these component parts into a
riphery because of the so-called “crowding effect” (Pelli &
coherent whole. In general, perceptual deficits associated with
Tillman, 2008). The visual system recognizes objects by
integrative agnosia appear less severe than form agnosia
detecting and then combining their features. Crowding occurs
(Farah, 2004). In either case, one dominant view in the field
when objects are too close together and details from several
arguments that selective lesions to high-order modules of the
objects are combined in a fused, unrecognizable, percept. This
visual system underlie both form and integrative agnosia
effect does not occur in central vision, and increases propor-
(Humphreys & Riddoch, 1987a).
tionally for stimuli presented at increasing distance from the
By definition, agnosia should not be explainable by primary
fovea. Thus, in cases of defects at the centre of the VF,
sensory deficits such as poor visual acuity, visual field (VF)
apparent apperceptive agnosia might be a function of a
defects, or problems in colour, movement or depth perception
crowding effect.
(Farah, 2004). However, from a systematic review of previously
In the present study, we tested these visual functions in a
reported agnosia cases (see Table 1), many patients also
patient (SDV) exhibiting both the typical lesion profile and the
exhibited visual field defects (e.g., H.J.A. Humphreys & Riddoch,
typical symptomatology consistent with apperceptive
1987b; see Bay, 1953; Ettlinger, 1956) either in the periphery, at
agnosia, in order to investigate whether his apparent agnosia
the centre of the VF (e.g., micro-scotomas, see Campion &
could be a function of acuity, orientation sensitivity or
Latto, 1985; Campion, 1987) or both. Also, visual acuity was
crowding difficulties. SDV suffered a heart-attack, and
rarely formally tested, as agnosia patients are not able to
consequent brain anoxia, three years before our examination.
perform common acuity measures (e.g., Snellen, 1862) which
A bilateral lesion of the occipital cortex initially caused
require letter or object recognition. Furthermore, given the
cortical blindness, which progressively recovered. At
absence of standard measures of visual acuity, comparing
screening, SDV was able to navigate, interact with others, and
results across studies is problematic. Thus, sensory deficits
he was autonomous in daily life activities. However, he was
may, at least partially, explain observed perceptual deficits in
unable to recognize objects from drawings and figures. He
shape recognition.
could recognize real objects by touch, but not by vision. He
Given the nature of lesions causing apperceptive agnosia,
could not read and did not recognize familiar faces. He was
comorbid primary visual deficits are likely to be present. Most
able to recognize people from their voice and movements.
lesions are caused by anoxia, due to carbon monoxide intox-
Motion and colour perception appeared preserved. Thus, SDV
ication or cardiac events (Caine & Watson, 2000). Such lesions
presented typical signs of visual agnosia. At formal testing, he
often induce widespread neural loss, involving primary visual
also showed VF defects: he was blind at the centre of the VF,
areas. Typically, patients initially suffer cortical blindness,
up to almost 5 , bilaterally; visual detection improved in the
and after some recovery, they present signs of agnosia. Thus,
considering the aetiology and location of the cerebral damage,
patients with apperceptive agnosia might present elementary
visual deficits which can be identified with a proper psycho-
2. Case history
physical assessment.
Thus, prior to diagnosing agnosia, a deeper analysis of vi-
SDV is a 44-year-old, right-handed man, with 8 years of
sual functioning is necessary to identify the mechanism un-
schooling. He suffered an electrocution-induced heart-attack
derlying impaired shape recognition. Such analyses must
3 years before the present examination. Following the event,
Table 1 e Clinical and lesion data from previous studies on agnosic patients. N.A. [ not available.

Patient References Lesion localisation Aetiology Visual field disease Diagnosis

R.C. - Campion & Latto, 1985 Bilateral occipital cortex. Carbon monoxide poisoning Right inferior defect. Multiple scotomas. Apperceptive agnosia
- Campion, 1987
H.C. - Adler, 1944 Bilateral latero-occipital cortex. Carbon monoxide poisoning Normal periphery; homonymous Integrative agnosia
- Adler, 1950 scotoma subtending the midline of the
- Sparr, Jay, Drislane, & lower visual field (Sparr et al. 1991).
Venna, 1991
Schn. - Landis, Graves, Benson, & Occipital cortex. Trauma Concentric restriction to ca. 30 Integrative agnosia
Hebben, 1982

c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7
X - Landis et al., 1982 N.A. Mercury poisoning Concentric restriction to ca. 03 Apperceptive agnosia
Soldier - Benson & Greenberg, 1969 Bilateral occipito-parietal cortex. Carbon monoxide poisoning Bilateral inferior constriction Form agnosia
H.J.A. - Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987 Bilateral occipito-temporal cortex, Vascular Bilateral superior altitudinal defect Integrative agnosia
involving the lingual and fusiform gyri.
G.E. - Warrington & James, 1988 Occipital cortex Haemorrhagic Left homonymous hemianopia with Apperceptive agnosia
macular sparing
M.T. - Warrington & James, 1988 Right parietal cortex Tumoral Left homonymous hemianopia Apperceptive agnosia
F.G. - Warrington & James, 1988 Right posterior temporal/parietal cortex. Tumoral Partial incongruent left homonymous Apperceptive agnosia
D.F. - Milner et al., 1991 Bilateral latero-occipital cortex; left Carbon monoxide poisoning Relatively normal perimetry for static Form agnosia
- Steeves et al., 2006 parietal cortex. targets in the central visual field up to 30
eccentricity but with some lower visual
field loss (Steeves et al., 2006).
S.Z. - Grossman, Galetta, & Bilateral occipito-temporal cortex Ischaemia Bilateral inferior altitudinal defect Apperceptive agnosia
D’ Esposito, 1997
A.P. - Grossman et al., 1997 Bilateral occipito-temporal cortex Cortical atrophy N.A. Apperceptive agnosia
J.W. - Vecera & Gilds, 1997 Both occipital lobes and right parietal area Anoxic encephalopathy Upper left quadrantopia Apperceptive agnosia
S.M. - Konen et al., 2011 Posterior part of the lateral fusiform Closed head injury None Apperceptive agnosia
gyrus in the right hemisphere, within
lateral occipital complex (LOC).
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 15

Fig. 1 e SDV’s visual field as shown by the static campimetry test performed at the moment of testing. A) Greyscale images
for the left and the right eye. B) Lower value in decibel at which detected stimuli at each location were presented to the left
and right eye. C) Binocular campimetry.
16 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

SDV suffered cortical blindness for almost 10 months, which 3.2. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis
progressively ameliorated. At time of the current evaluation, a
campimetry test (Medmont M700 automated perimetry, Mel- Image preprocessing was conducted using the VBM toolbox
bourne, Australia) showed a complete loss of central vision, implemented in SPM8b (Wellcome Department of Imaging
extending up to 5 in the right visual field (RVF) and the left Neuroscience, London, UK; http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/)
visual field (LVF) (see Fig. 1). using Matlab 7.7 (MathWorks, Natick, MA). Images were first
SDV could not recognize common objects, faces, letters segmented into tissue classes: GM, WM and cerebrospinal
and words on sight, although tactile and auditory recognition fluid (Ashburner & Friston, 2000, 2005; Good et al., 2001). A
was intact. Recognition of drawings was worse (0/10 e Boston high-dimensional DARTEL normalization (Ashburner, 2007)
Naming test; Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1983), than was then applied to the tissue-classified GM and WM maps
pictures (2/10). Recognition of visually presented real objects modulating for nonlinear effects. Finally, the maps were
was more accurate (7/10). Further, SDV could describe objects’ smoothed using a Gaussian smoothing kernel of 8-mm full
features and function, pantomime their use and accurately width at half-maximum. The resulting final voxel-size was
classify them semantically. 1.5 mm3. The resulting GM and WM smoothed and modulated
images were used in the statistical analysis to assess GM and
WM volume changes. Differences in GM and WM between
groups (patient and healthy controls) were assessed by means
3. Brain lesion of a two-sample t-test design implemented in SPM8b. Because
normalization of nonlinear effects only had been applied
3.1. Image acquisition
during VBM preprocessing, which corrects for differences in
GM, WM, and intracranial volumes (Buckner et al., 2004), there
MR imaging was performed on a 3T scanner (Allegra, Siemens
was no further need to control for these variables in the sta-
Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). SDV underwent an
tistical model.
MRI protocol including axial, coronal and sagittal T2-weighted
When performing the second level statistics, we masked the
turbo spin-echo (TSE) sequences and axial fluid-attenuated
comparison by a region of interest (ROI) covering the area of
inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences covering the whole
injury to evaluate a possible GM or WM decrease outside the
brain. Twenty-four 5-mm gapless sections and a 230  230
area primarily affected by the lesion. The ROI was manually
matrix were obtained using all of the MR imaging techniques
traced over the T1-weighted image using MRIcron (http://www.
available. The axial and the coronal sections ran, respectively,
mccauslandcenter.sc.edu/mricro/mricron/), considering the
parallel and perpendicular to a line joining the anterior and
area of the lesion in T2-weighted images; the lesion area was
posterior commissures (ACePC line). Whole-brain T1-
then smoothed and binary coded (0 for the voxels covering the
weighted images were obtained on the sagittal plane using a
lesion; 1 for the rest of the image). All voxels with a value 0 were
modified driven equilibrium. All of the images were assessed
excluded from the analysis. We used a non-corrected threshold
visually by a neuro-radiologist. Ten healthy males (mean
(p < .001) for exploratory analysis, and then we corrected for
age ¼ 43.7; range: 39e50 years) underwent the same imaging
multiple comparisons using a family wise error (FWE) rate
protocol, including whole-brain T1-weighted images, to
correction set at p < .05. The MNI coordinates of significant
compare SDV’s gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM)
clusters were converted into Talairach coordinates using a
reduction to a non-lesioned control group.

Fig. 2 e Structural MRI and lesion analysis. A) Axial FLAIR images. B) Axial (top) and sagittal (bottom) views of lesion
reconstruction. In red colour we highlight the region of interest (ROI), covering the area of injury, marked out in Voxel-based
morphometry (VBM) analysis in order to evaluate a possible GM or WM decrease outside the area primarily affected by the
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 17

nonlinear MNI to Talairach conversion algorithm (http://www. less accurate; 67% (d0 ¼ .1.22; c ¼ .23) and 42% (d0 ¼ .94;
bioimagesuite.org/Mni2Tal/index.html). VBM methods and c ¼ .68) in the upper and lower RVF respectively and 46%
statistical analyses were performed following the rules for (d0 ¼ 1.05; c ¼ .63) and 29% (d0 ¼ .6; c ¼ .85) in the upper and
reporting VBM studies, described by Ridgway et al. (2008). lower LVF respectively.
3. Longitudinal and altitudinal visual detection test: A
3.3. Results custom-made semi-circular apparatus presented light
stimuli (red LED) in a dark environment (luminance 90 cd/
Neuroradiological MRI examination revealed two encephalo- m2). Stimuli presented for 100 msec at eight possible
malacic areas, hyperintense on T2-weighted and FLAIR im- positions: 8 , 24 , 40 , 56 both in RVF and LVF. The test
ages, involving the GM and WM of both the occipital lobes, was repeated in 3 sessions, (i) midline, (ii) lower (20 )
corresponding to the BA 17-18, and to the BA 19 partially. The and (iii) upper VF (20 ). Eyes were fixated centrally and
lesion extended rostrally to the superior parietal lobes, cor- monitored by an experimenter behind the apparatus. In
responding to the BA 30-31 and partially to the BA 7 (see each session, 48 stimuli per position and 96 catch trials
Fig. 2A). In addition, a diffuse hyperintensity on T2-weighted were presented. Results (see: Fig. 3) indicate a gradient of
images was present around both the ventricles, which increasing visual deficit from the periphery to the centre
appeared enlarged, extending through the callosum body. The of VF. SDV was above chance in the periphery of the VF,
posterior part of the callosum body had reduced thickness. but impaired at 8 deg both in RVF and LVF. Collapsed
Adjacent sulci were prominent and the occipital horns of both average detection was above chance for the 3 latitudinal
ventricles were enlarged, reflecting loss of cerebral tissue positions.
volume. A diffuse, moderate enlargement of the subarachnoid 4. Equiluminant detection: Gabor patch target stimuli (1 ;
spaces and sulci was also present, more evident in the mesial spatial frequency (SF) ¼ 2 cycles/deg), were displayed on a
superior frontal and superior parietal lobes bilaterally. grey homogenous background, in 1 of 6 possible positions
(i.e., at 2.5 , 5 , 7.5 , 10 , 12.5 and 15 ) in both RVF and LVF
3.3.1. VBM (see Fig. 4A). Each trial (n ¼ 50) presented either a target or
The lesion ROI is shown in Fig. 2B. After masking for the brain no target, with equal probability. After each trial, SDV
lesion, the patient presented reduced GM in the right pre- verbally reported whether a stimulus had been presented.
cuneus (BA 7) and in the parietal WM (posterior part of the Results (see Fig. 4) indicate that detection was at chance at
superior longitudinal fasciculus) (p < .001 uncorrected results). 2.5 in both RVF and LVF, and at 5 in LVF. Detection at all
However, when correcting for multiple comparisons (FWE), other positions was above chance.
the two-sample t-test did not show significant differences 5. Line detection. The task was the same as the previous one,
between the subject and the control group. but horizontal white lines (length ¼ 2 ), instead of Gabor
In sum, SDV suffered extensive lesions in the occipital lobe, patches, were presented at 5 , 10 and 15 in LVF and RVF.
involving BA 17, 18 and partially 19. There was no significant Results (Table 2) show that SDV’s detection ability was
GM or WM reduction in areas outside the lesion. significantly above chance at any position (all ps < .00001).

In summary, SDV’S detection ability was above chance in

4. Neuropsychological assessment the periphery of the VF. Almost 5 radius around the fovea was
almost blind, while detection progressively improved from the
4.1. Visual detection fovea to 10 of eccentricity; performance was better in the LVF
than RVF.
1. “Visual field Test” from the Testbatterie zur Aufmerksam-
keitsprufung (Computerized Battery for the Exam of
4.2. Shape perception
Attention; Zimmerman & Fimm, 1992). SDV was presented
with 100 flickering visual stimuli (1 , duration 1000 msec)
Results from the Birmingham Object Recognition Battery
while fixating centrally. SDV detected 87% of stimuli in the
(BORB; Riddoch & Humphreys, 1993) are reported in Table 3. In
upper and lower RVF, 77% in upper and 68% in the lower
the size-matching sub-test, SDV performed poorly (53% cor-
rect responses). In the overlapping shapes sub-tests, he was
2. Computerized Visual Field Test: A stimulus array of
severely impaired with letter stimuli and mostly below cut-off
52  45 (horizontally and vertically, respectively) was
scores with geometrical figures. He was unable to perform the
projected on the wall. The viewing distance was 120 cm.
line-matching test, figure recognition tasks with non-
Targets were white dots (1 ) presented for 100 msec at
prototypical figures, nor tasks of figure association and
different positions on a black background. In total, 96 tar-
figure denomination (see Table 3).
gets were presented, i.e., 24 targets for each quadrant of the
VF. Target detections were indicated with a button-press,
under two conditions: (i) eyes centrally fixated (moni- 4.3. Face perception
tored with an eye-tracker) and (ii) eyes free to move. In
condition (i) SDV detected 71% of stimuli in both the upper Thirteen famous characters (10  8 ) were presented by
and lower RVF (d0 ¼ 1.22; c ¼ .06 for each location) and 58% computer screen for a maximum of 10 seconds. SDV was able
(d0 ¼ .88; c ¼ .24) and 33% (d0 ¼ .24; c ¼ .55) of stimuli in the to name only 2/13 famous faces. Healthy subjects immedi-
upper and lower LVF, respectively. In condition (ii) SDV was ately recognized all faces.
18 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

Fig. 3 e Visual detection test administered by a semi-circular, custom-made, apparatus. SDV’s percentage of correct
detections are reported for each tested position. d0 and c values are indicated for each latitudinal position of the visual field
(H: high; M: median; L: low). Asterisks indicate a pathological detection performance.

Fig. 4 e A) Visual detection test with equiluminant stimuli (Gabor patches). The figure shows all the tested positions;
numbers indicate the eccentricity from the fixation in visual degrees. B) SDV’s percentage of correct detections with
equiluminant stimuli. Accuracy is reported for all tested eccentricities from the fixation. Chance level is indicated by the
dotted line. C) SDV’s d0 scores in the visual detection test with equiluminant stimuli. d0 values are reported for all tested
eccentricities from the fixation.
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 19

Table 2 e SDV’s ability to detect horizontal white line (length 2 ) at different locations in left and right visual fields (5, 10, 15
visual degrees eccentricity). Percentage of correct detection and d prime scores are reported.

Location 15 10 5 þ5 þ10 þ15

Accuracy 94% 100% 98% 86% 92% 96%
d0 4.33 6.05 4.9 3.47 2.81 4.56

4.4. Reading colour and of the same hue, and in 14 trials they were of the
same colour, but of different hue. Order of colour and hue
SDV was unable to read any letter strings from 55 concrete combinations was randomized across trials. On each trail,
Italian words or 55 legal non-words (see Ladavas, Shallice, & SDV was asked to judge whether the two rectangles were
Zanella, 1997). String stimuli were presented one-at-a-time, exactly of the same colour and the same hue. Eight healthy
in upper-case 18-point Palatino font, at the centre of an A4 subjects (2 males; mean age 54 years; range 48e58 years) were
piece of paper. String length ranged from 6 to 11 letters. In- also tested as controls. SDV’s performance was not different
structions were to read the letter string aloud. Omitting or than those from healthy controls (error rate SDV: 11%; error
misreading one or more letters was considered as an error for rate, controls: 8%; S.E.M.: 1%; t ¼ 2.043; p ¼ .08). It is worth
the whole letter string. noting that neither the present colour naming nor colour
discrimination tasks are optimal measures to deeply assess
4.5. Colour perception colour perception, such as for instance the Ishihara colour
blindness test (Sloan & Habel, 1956) or the Farnsworth-
SDV accurately named 10 colours (black, red, yellow, blue, Munsell 100 hue test (Farnsworth, 1956). Those tasks, how-
green, orange, purple, pink, grey and brown), presented as ever, rely on reading or on central vision, functions that were
solid-coloured rectangles (12  5 ) on a 1700 computer screen. impaired in SDV. Therefore, we acknowledge that SDV’s un-
We also used a discrimination task to further investigate impaired performance in the tasks used in the present study
colour perception in SDV. On each trails, two solid-coloured cannot be used as an argument to conclude that his colour
rectangles (8  9 ) were presented with their centre placed vision was perfectly intact. However, it would be sufficient to
at 5 on the left and on the RVF. In 6 trials, the two rectangles exclude severe problems in colour perception, as those found
were of two different colours, in 7 trials they were of the same for shape perception for instance.

Table 3 e SDV’s scores and cut-off values for clinical impairment in sub-tests from the Birmingham Object Recognition
Battery (BORB). Asterisks indicate a pathological performance. N.E. [ Not executed.

Sub-test Correct responses Cut-off

Test 1: Copying of drawings 0%* 100%
Test 2: Matching of line length N.E. >80%
Test 3: Matching of stimulus size 53%* >77%
Test 4: Matching of line orientation N.E. >67%
Test 5: Matching of gaps in circles N.E. >67%
Test 6: Overlapping figures Single letters 36%* >83%
Couples of letters 13%* >83%
(not overlapping)
Couples of letters (overlapping) 6%* >83%
Triplets of letters (not overlapping) 0%* >83%
Triplets of letters (overlapping) 0%* >83%
Single geometrical shapes 78%* >83%
Couples of geometrical shapes (not overlapping) 58%* >83%
Couples of geometrical shapes (overlapping) N.E. >83%
Triplets of geometrical shapes (not overlapping) N.E. >83%
Triplets of geometrical shapes (overlapping) N.E. >83%
Single objects 9%* >83%
Couples of objects N.E. >75%
(not overlapping)
Couples of objects (overlapping) N.E. >90%
Test 7: Recognition across different viewpoints (details) N.E. >76%
Test 8: Recognition across different viewpoints (axes) N.E. >64%
Test 9: Drawing from memory 100% 100%
Test 10: Object decision N.E. >72%
Test 11: Item match N.E. >81%
Test 12: Associative match N.E. >73%
Test 13: Picture naming (living) N.E. >53%
Test 14: Picture naming (non living) N.E. >85%
20 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

4.6. Movement perception 4.7. Visuo-constructive abilities

Modified Random Dot Kinematograms (Gummel, Ygge, SDV was relatively good at copying simple geometrical shapes
Benassi, & Bolzani, 2012): A round-shaped patch (ø ¼ 9 ) of (5/7 correct reproductions; see Fig. 6A, second panel). How-
150 small moving high-luminance dots was displayed on a ever, when presented with complex stimuli, his copy was
black background on a computer screen, 50 cm from SDV. In severely impaired (see Fig. 6B). He was also unable to copy
each trial, dots could either move coherently in one of eight object drawings (0/3; see Table 2). Drawing from memory was
directions (four cardinal, four oblique) at a constant velocity of perfect (3/3; See Fig. 6A, third panel).
6.1 /s, or randomly in a Brownian movement. Signal-to-noise
ratio decreased exponentially across 5 levels, at a rate of 63% 4.8. Visual imagery
of the previous level. Thus, coherence reduced from level 1 (all
150 dots in coherence) to level 5 (24 dots in coherence). Each SDV could accurately recall perceptual details from mental
signal-to-noise level was presented eight times and each trial imagery. On verbal presentation (see Policardi et al., 1996 for
lasted 200 msec to avoid tracking. stimuli/materials), he could indicate whether an animal has a
The task was presented at the fovea, 10 in RVF and 10 in long or short tail (17/17 correct) or has upward or downward
LVF. Eyes were always centrally fixated, monitored with an ears (13/13), whether a letter has curved or straight lines (11/11),
eye-tracker (Eye-Track ASL-6000; sampling rate 60 Hz). Eight and whether cities are situated in north or south Italy (20/20).
age-matched subjects (7 males; mean age 43.1 years; range
29e53 years) were also tested. 4.9. Visual search
A 3  5 two-way ANOVA revealed that Healthy subjects’
accuracy was equivalent at all 3 VF positions (main effect of Control condition: SDV accurately detected 20/20 trials when a
Position: p ¼ .76). Performance progressively decreased at square or circle (red or blue; 2 ) randomly appeared in 1 of 30
decreasing levels of signal-to-noise ratio [main effect of spatial positions (in the upper or lower LVF and RVF; total area:
Signal-to-Noise ratio F(4,28) ¼ 37.29, p < .00001] (see Fig. 5A). 20  15 ) on a 1700 monitor. Eyes were fixated centrally and
The Position  Signal-to-Noise interaction was not significant monitored with an eye-tracker. Twenty stimuli were
(p ¼ .56). A separate ANOVA showed that SDV’s accuracy was randomly mixed with 10 catch trials; SDV reported verbally
also equivalent at the three tested positions (p ¼ .38) and ac- upon stimulus detection.
curacy progressively decreased as a function of decreasing Visual Search condition (shape): SDV failed to discriminate
signal-to-noise ratio (see Fig. 5B for post hoc results). the target stimulus shape (0/40), when a single square (red or
To compare SDV and controls, we computed the linear blue) was presented in an array of 29 circles (red or blue), or
function between accuracy and signal-to-noise. The slope vice-versa. SDV successfully withheld responses in catch tri-
reflects motion sensitivity, while the intercept reflects a global als, i.e., where all stimuli were the same.
index of performance. Slope values were not significantly Visual Search condition (colour): SDV accurately discrimi-
different between SDV and controls at any position in VF (SDV: nated 40/40 target stimuli colours, when a red stimulus (square
left ¼ .44, centre ¼ .62, right ¼ .68; Controls: left ¼ .59, or circle) was presented in an array of 29 blue stimuli (squares
centre ¼ .54, right ¼ .49), or averaged (all ps > .35). However, or circles), or vice-versa. He also did not respond to catch trials.
intercept values differed significantly between SDV
(left ¼ 21%, centre ¼ 15%, right ¼ 21%) and controls (left ¼ 38, 4.10. Conclusion from neuropsychological assessment
centre ¼ 44, right ¼ 43, all p < .01), suggesting SDV’s sensitivity
to motion is not different to healthy controls, after correcting In summary, SDV presented a central VF deficit, with relative
for his poorer global performance. sparing in the periphery. Colour and motion perception, and

Fig. 5 e Results of the movement perception test. A) Healthy controls’ percentage of correct responses in the left (white
columns), central (grey columns) and right (black columns) visual fields, at decreasing levels of signal-to-noise ratio (from
left to right). Error bars represent the S.E.M. B) SDV’s percentage of correct responses in the left (white columns), central (grey
columns) and right (black columns) visual fields, at decreasing levels of signal-to-noise ratio (from left to right).
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 21

representations of shapes are spared. Thus, SDV’s overall

pattern of impairments and spared functions are compatible
with a diagnosis of visual agnosia. On the other hand, a
diagnosis of pure integrative agnosia cannot be proposed
given the severity of SDV’s perceptual deficits, involving not
only integration, but also basic processing of single elements
of the visual scene (Farah, 2004).
However, a primary sensory impairment may be underly-
ing his symptomatology. In order to test this hypothesis, we
conducted further psychophysical experiments, to assess
SDV’s spatial acuity (contrast sensitivity), orientation
discrimination and crowding, at various eccentricities in the
periphery of his LVF and RVF, relative to controls.

5. Experimental investigation

5.1. Experiment 1. Contrast sensitivity

5.1.1. Method
SDV and 6 age-matched controls (all males; mean age 42.6
years; range 39e52 years) discriminated the orientation of a
square grating (2 ; duration 250 msec), which randomly tilted
either 45 left or 45 right. Following each block (n ¼ 40), SF was
increased by a logarithmic factor, starting from .5 cycles per
degree. SF increased block-by-block, until participants
reached chance level (50%) for an entire block. Stimuli were
presented at a distance of 57 cm on a 1500 screen, after lumi-
nance was equated by a luminometer. Eyes were fixated
centrally and monitored with an eye-tracker. The experiment
was run at 3 locations: 10 LVF, 10 RVF and at the fovea.

5.1.2. Results
Accuracy scores for SDV and controls are reported in Fig. 7A.
SDV’s threshold was lower (indicating higher sensitivity) for
stimuli presented in the RVF (16 cycles/deg) than in LVF (8
cycles/deg); at the fovea, SDV was at chance, even at lowest
spatial frequencies. However, although SDV’s accuracy was
significantly lower than controls for all spatial frequencies in
either periphery (all ps < .05), the ensuing contrast sensitivity
function presented a similar, normal, “U” shape profile to
controls. We therefore repeated the experiment in controls,
after setting task difficulty to roughly equated that for SDV. To
this aim, we used a staircase procedure to adjust their base-
Fig. 6 e Illustrations of SDV’s performance in visuo-
lines to SDV’s baseline (w70% for 1 cycle/deg). A 1 cycle/deg
constructive task. A) Copy and draw from memory of
grating was initially presented at 45 , and tilting was reduced
simple shapes. B) Copy of complex figures.
progressively by 50% after each set of three successive correct
responses. Errors reversed increment direction to the
midpoint of the error trial and the previous correct trial.
visual search performance for non-shapes, were normal. Threshold was assumed after three changes around the same
However, shape, face perception and reading were severely tilting values and then confirmed by scores between 6/10 and
impaired. Copying object drawings was impaired, while 8/10 correct for a trial block of 10 stimuli. Otherwise, the
drawing from memory and visual imagery was normal. staircase procedure was repeated. Controls then proceeded
SDV’s recognition deficits appear to therefore stem from through the experiment as above. Results (see Fig. 7B) show
impaired perceptual processing of visual information, rather that at this setting, SDV’s discrimination accuracy (with
than impaired access to representations of objects from orientation at 90 ) was not significantly different to controls
vision: indeed, his pattern of abilities (i.e., object drawing from (orientation at an average of 1.46 ; S.E.M. ¼ .180) at any SF (all
memory, object judgement from imagery, object recognition ps > .10).
by tactile information, object semantic classification and ob- These results suggest contrast sensitivity cannot account
ject function description) strongly suggests mental for SDV’s perceptual deficits; after differences in grating
22 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

Fig. 7 e Contrast sensitivity results in the periphery of the right visual field (10 ) without (A) and with (B) threshold correction
for healthy controls. Percentage of correct responses is reported for healthy controls (grey line) and SDV (black line) as a
function of spatial frequency. Chance level is indicated by the dotted line.

orientation perception were taken into account, SDV’s average thresholds proving to be 1.36 (S.E.M. ¼ .21), 2.18
contrast sensitivity profile was comparable to that of controls. (.49) and 2.39 (.47) deg at 5 , 10 and 15 ; these thresholds
On the back of these results, we next tested SDV’s sensitivity significantly increased with eccentricity [F(2,14) ¼ 9.48;
to orientation. p < .01]. SDV’s thresholds were significantly higher than
controls in all positions (all ps < .0001).3 Thus, in sum, SDV
could roughly discriminate line orientation at different posi-
5.2. Experiment 2. Line orientation tions of his visual periphery, however his performance was
severely impaired, compared to controls. In the next experi-
5.2.1. Method ment, we investigated whether SDV’s residual perceptual
SDV and 8 age-matched controls (5 males; mean age 40 years;
abilities in the periphery of VF were further affected by the
range 30e57 years) verbally indicated the orientation of a
crowding effect.
white line (length ¼ 2 ), presented either vertically or hori-
zontally. Each stimulus block (n ¼ 50; equal number of
randomly ordered horizontal and vertical lines) was presented 5.3. Experiment 3. Crowding effect
on an equiluminant grey background; 250 msec per stimulus.
Eyes were fixated centrally and monitored with an eye- 5.3.1. Method
tracker. 7 possible positions of VF were tested: at the fovea In Experiment 3A, as before, SDV and 8 age-matched controls
and at 5 , 10 and 15 in LVF and RVF. (5 males; mean age 40 years; range 30e57 years) verbally
discriminated the orientation of a target white line
5.2.2. Results (length ¼ 2 ), presented either vertically or horizontally. Seven
Results (see Table 4) indicate that SDV’s accuracy was be- possible positions of VF were tested: at the fovea and at 5 , 10
tween 64% and 79% at peripheral positions in RVF, and 58% and 15 in LVF and RVF. In addition, three levels of crowding
and 73% in LVF. He was at chance for stimuli presented at the were introduced (0 Flankers e stimulus on its own; 0FL, 2
centre of the VF. His performance was statistically above Flankers e a flanker 2.5 east and west of the stimulus; 2FL or 4
chance at 10 and 15 in RVF and 5 and 10 in LVF (Fisher test, Flankers e a flanker 2.5 north, south, east and west of the
all ps < .05). Controls were 100% accurate in all tested posi- stimulus; 4FL). Flanker stimuli were diagonal 2 white lines,
tions, significantly higher than SDV (all ps < .0001). randomly oriented clockwise or anticlockwise. Each block of
In order to quantify line orientation sensitivity for SDV, we stimuli (n ¼ 25) was presented on an equiluminant grey
used a staircase procedure to identify the minimal difference background; 250 msec/stimulus. Eyes were fixated centrally
between two lines orientations SDV was able to perceive with and monitored with an eye-tracker. 7 possible positions of VF
an accuracy level of 70%. To this aim, we presented SDV with were tested: at the fovea and at 5 , 10 and 15 in LVF and RVF.
lines with a different degree of tilting, asking him to verbally Two blocks (50 stimuli per block) were performed per flanker
indicate whether the line was vertically presented or titled. 3
In a similar experiment, we measured SDV’s line orientation
The staircase procedure started with a horizontal line (90 of
threshold with lines centred at the same spot of the visual field
tilting) and then tilting was reduced progressively by 50% after (10 in the right visual field), but tilted anticlockwise. With the
each set of three successive correct responses. Errors reversed same procedure used for Experiment 4.2, we presented lines at
increment direction to the midpoint of the error trial and the 10 of the right visual field, either vertical or tilted anticlockwise,
previous correct trial. Threshold was assumed after three on a range between 0 and -90 of rotation. SDV’s line orientation
changes around the same tilting values and then confirmed by threshold in that condition was 20 , almost identical to the 21
found with lines presented at 10 , rotated clockwise. Thus, it
scores between 6/10 and 8/10 correct for a trial block of 10
seems that the same deficit in line orientation affects different
stimuli. Otherwise, the staircase procedure was repeated.
portions of the visual field. This result rules out the hypothesis
SDV’s thresholds were calculated to be 74 , 21 and 38 of that SDV’s impaired performance in line orientation discrimina-
line tilting, at 5 , 10 and 15 respectively. Orientation tion could be explained by the presence of a patchy scotoma,
thresholds were assessed also in healthy controls, with their affecting one portion of SDV’s visual field.
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 23

Table 4 e SDV’s results in the line orientation task from Experiment 2. Percentage of correct responses, d0 and c values are
reported for stimuli presented in the central and left/right visual fields (5, 10, 15 visual degrees eccentricity).

Left visual field Centre Right visual field

Eccentricity 15 vd 10 vd 5 vd 0 vd 5 vd 10 vd 15 vd
Correct responses (%) 58% 73% 70% 48% 64% 79% 68%
d prime .43 1.33 1.09 .1 .72 1.64 .94
c .37 .3 .29 .2 .11 .12 .11

condition, per spatial position. Experiment 3B was an identical eccentricity (5 ¼ 64%  .02), compared to higher eccentricities
design, except that SDV and controls identified 2 geometric (10 ¼ 55%  .02; p < .01; 15 deg ¼ 53%  .02; p < .01). This
shapes (triangles, squares, rhombus or pentagons); flankers flanker  eccentricity effect was less evident in the 4-Flankers
were parallelograms (at 2 distance). condition.
In 0FL conditions, controls’ performance after threshold
5.3.2. Results setting was not different from SDV at any eccentricity (all EXPERIMENT 3A: LINE ORIENTATION TASK. At the fovea, ps > .5). We then calculated the accuracy differences between
SDV’s accuracy was at chance level for all flanker conditions the 0FL and the 2FL and 4FL conditions, to index crowding
(0FL ¼ 51%; 2FL ¼ 54%; 4FL ¼ 55%; Fisher test, all p- effect. These index scores were only significantly different
values > .80). In RVF, accuracy in 0FL conditions at 5 , 10 and between SDV (20%) and controls (8%) in the 2FL condition at 5
15 was 72%, 73% and 80% respectively (all p-values < .05, i.e., (p < .001), presumably due to controls’ lower sensitivity to
above chance). In 2FL conditions, performance at 5 , 10 and crowding for stimuli presented closer to the fovea. In all other
15 reduced to chance, i.e., 52%, 52% and 57% respectively (all conditions, the crowding index was not significantly different
p-values > .60; see Fig. 8B). In 4FL conditions, performance between SDV and controls. (5 , 4FL: SDV ¼ 17%;
remained at chance, 55%, 46% and 56% respectively for 5 , 10 Controls ¼ 21%; 10 , 2FL: SDV ¼ 21%; Controls ¼ 18%; 10 , 4FL:
and 15 (all p-values > .50; see Fig. 8B). At any eccentricity in SDV ¼ 27%; Controls ¼ 18%; 15 , 2FL: SDV ¼ 23%;
RVF, SDV’s performance was significantly higher in 0FL con- Controls ¼ 21%; 15 , 4FL: SDV ¼ 24%; Controls ¼ 29%; all p-
ditions, compared to both 2FL and 4FL (all p-values < .05). values > .10). These findings suggest that once a general dif-
SDV’s accuracy in the RVF therefore appears sensitive to a ference in line orientation perception is controlled, crowding
crowding effect. similarly affects both SDV and controls.
Similar results were found in LVF. Accuracy in 0FL condi-
tions at 5 , 10 and 15 was 75%, 75% and 68% respectively (all EXPERIMENT 3B, SHAPE PERCEPTION. SDV’s shape discrimi-
p-values < .05, i.e., above chance). In 2FL conditions, perfor- nation accuracy was above chance (25%) only in the 0FL con-
mance at 5 , 10 and 15 again reduced to chance, i.e., 62%, 52% dition at 10 RVF (47%, p < .05). At all other positions, he was at
and 61% respectively (all p-values > .30), as in the 4-Flankers chance, at the fovea: (0FL ¼ 27%; 2FL ¼ 30%; 4FL ¼ 23%; all
condition: 5 (52%), 10 (53%) and 15 (61%) (all p-values > .40). ps > .64) in RVF: (5 , 0FL ¼ 18%; 2FL ¼ 31%; 4FL ¼ 23%; 15 ,
Mean accuracy for controls ranged from 100% to 96%, with 0FL ¼ 34%; 2FL ¼ 23%; 4FL ¼ 19%, all ps > 50) and in LVF: (5 ,
no significant differences across conditions. An ANOVA with 0FL ¼ 25%; 2FL ¼ 29%; 4FL ¼ 23%; 10 , 0FL ¼ 30%; 2FL ¼ 29%;
the factors Eccentricity (5 , 10 and 15 ) and Flankers (0, 2, 4) 4FL ¼ 8%; 15 , 0FL ¼ 26%; 2FL ¼ 27%; 4FL ¼ 23%; all ps > .81).
revealed no main effects, nor interaction (all p-values > .07). Performance also reduced to chance at 10 RVF, for the 2FL and
Controls’ performance was significantly higher than SDV’s for 4 FL condition (29% and 38%, both ps > .27). Thus, SDV could
all conditions (all ps < .0001). partially perceive single shapes, at the position of his VF
Given that controls were likely to be at ceiling discrimi- where he exhibited relatively consistent detection, however
nating vertical and horizontal lines, we again set individual- flankers abolished this residual perception.
ized thresholds, using the calibration methodology in Controls outperformed SDV in all conditions (all ps > .02).
Experiment 2 (see: Fig. 8B). An ANOVA on control data with factors: Flankers (0, 2, 4) and
An ANOVA using these new accuracy scores, with the Eccentricity (5 , 10 , 15 ), revealed a Flanker main effect
factors Eccentricity (5 , 10 and 15 ) and Flankers (0, 2, 4) [F(2,16) ¼ 58.7; p < .0001]; performance decreased for 2FL (70%)
showed a significant main effect of Flankers [F(2,16) ¼ 63.84; or 4FL (72%), compared to 0FL (100%). The Eccentricity main
p < .0001]. Accuracy was higher when stimuli were presented effect was also significant [F(2,16) ¼ 84.4; p < .0001]; perfor-
in isolation (0FL mean accuracy ¼ 73%, S.E.M. ¼ .002) than mance progressively decreased from 5 (98%) to 10 (84%) and
when surrounded by two (2FL ¼ 57%, .017; p < .0001) or by 15 (60%) (all ps < .05). The Flanker  Eccentricity interaction
four flankers (4FL ¼ 50%, .021; p < .0001). The main effect of was also significant [F(4,32) ¼ 57.7; p < .00001]; the effect of
Eccentricity was also significant [F(2,16) ¼ 6.156; p < .01]; per- Flankers was weak at 5 deg (0FL ¼ 100%, 2FL ¼ 98%;
formance decreased as stimuli were presented more periph- 4FL ¼ 96%), stronger at 10 (0FL ¼ 100%; 2FL ¼ 74%; 4FL ¼ 78%)
erally, driven by the significant difference between accuracy and at 15 (0FL ¼ 100%; 2FL ¼ 38%; 4FL ¼ 40%). These results
at 5 (62%; S.E.M. ¼ .12) and 15 (57%  .15, p < .01); accuracy support previous findings (see Levi & Carney, 2009; Pelli &
at 10 (61%  .13) was not significantly different from the other Tillman, 2008; for reviews); a significant crowding effect was
two conditions (both ps > .11). The two-way interaction apparent for both line and shape perception, with stronger
Flankers  Eccentricity was also significant [F(4,32) ¼ 4.34; flanker interference at higher eccentricities. In general, per-
p < .01]; the effects of two flankers was lower at the lowest formance was worse in SDV than in controls, however no
24 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

Fig. 8 e A) Examples of stimuli in the 2-Flanker condition of Experiment 3A. For SDV, the target line could be either vertical
(left panel) or horizontal (right panel) and it was flanked by two diagonal (45 ) lines. In the 4-Flanker condition, two more
flankers were added on top and at the bottom of the target. For healthy controls, the target line could be either vertical or
tilted at the individually set threshold (see Methods) and the flankers were the same as for SDV. B) Results of Experiment 3A
e healthy participants. Controls’ percentage of correct responses is reported for the No-Flankers (white columns), 2-Flankers
(grey columns) and 4-Flankers (black columns) conditions. The graph shows the average performance in both visual fields.
C) Results of Experiment 3A e SDV. Percentage of correct responses is reported for the No-Flankers (white columns), 2-
Flankers (grey columns) and 4-Flankers (black columns) conditions, separately for the left and the right visual field. While
the performance of both SDV and controls was above chance in the No-Flankers condition, it dropped at chance level
(indicated by the dotted line) in the 2-Flankers and 4-Flankers conditions.

between group difference was observed when orientation recovering. Subsequent impairment in visual shape process-
discrimination was controlled. Because SDV’s perception was ing compromised recognition of visually presented objects,
poor, even in no-flanker conditions, increasing the number of pictures, drawings, faces and letters. Concept representations
stimuli in the VF affected SDV more than controls. It is note- remained intact, as did recognition of objects by touch, or
worthy that SDV cannot foveate stimuli to the “uncrowded auditory description. Colour and motion perception were
window” (Pelli & Tillman, 2008), thus he is more exposed to spared, as were abilities to navigate, perform routine everyday
the crowding effect in everyday life. life activities and interact with objects and others. Such a
pattern of impaired and spared abilities would initially sug-
gest that SDV suffers from apperceptive agnosia, and, more
6. General discussion specifically, from form agnosia (Campion, 1987). However,
SDV was almost completely blind at the centre of VF (w5
The present case-study describes a neuropsychological and around the fovea), with visual stimulus detection relatively
psychophysical investigation of patient SDV, who initially preserved in the periphery. Thus, we tested the hypothesis
developed cortical blindness following anoxia, before partially that SDV’s perceptual deficits dependent on primary
c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7 25

components of visual processing: contrast sensitivity (to explained by low-level, sensory, visual defects, and therefore,
index spatial acuity), line orientation and exposure to the following our investigation, SDV should not be classified as
crowding effect. “agnosic”. However, most agnosic patients present VF defects,
As with previous agnosia cases (see Table 1), SDV’s visual which could, at least partially, explain their deficits in form
acuity could not be tested with optical measures requiring perception. Clinical and lesion data from a number of previous
letter recognition (e.g., Snellen, 1862). We used a contrast cases are summarized in Table 1. Most patients show some VF
sensitivity task to measure visual stimulus processing at deficits, while in other cases, VF evaluation was not reported.
different spatial frequencies. SDV’s performance in a grating Formal testing of primary visual functions, e.g., visual acuity,
orientation task was generally lower than normally sighted was either not reported or reported incoherently. In many
controls, however the contrast sensitivity function shape, i.e., cases, lesions involved primary visual areas. In addition, most
the effect of increasing SF on orientation perception, was of these lesions were caused by anoxia, likely resulting in
similar for both groups. SDV’s main underlying deficit widespread neural loss. Thus, many of these lesions may have
appeared to be orientation perception; after correcting for had impact on primary levels of visual processing, such as
baseline orientation accuracy, contrast sensitivity profiles for sensitivity to orientation. In addition, these deficits can be
SDV and controls were identical. particularly severe in cases of central vision loss, as residual
Therefore, we next administered a simple line orientation peripheral vision offers a poor analysis of spatial information
task and observed that SDV is impaired at discriminating be- and suffers from the crowing effect.
tween horizontal and vertical lines. At the fovea, his perfor- Previous accounts have attributed agnosia to sensory def-
mance was at chance, while at various sites in his periphery, he icits (Bender & Feldman, 1972; Campion & Latto, 1985) or a
was above chance, but significantly impaired, relative to con- series of multiple scotomas (Campion, 1987; Campion & Latto,
trols. This finding fits SDV’s lesion profile, where the damage is 1985). Deeper analyses of primary visual functions have been
mainly in primary visual areas with diffuse neural loss. also conducted to explain a rather specific form of agnosia,
Sensitivity to orientation is a key feature of primary visual i.e., agnosia for faces e prosopagnosia e in terms of poor
cortex neurons. Excitatory and inhibitory thalamo-cortical and contrast sensitivity at high SF (Barton, Cherkasova, Press,
intracortical connections cause neuronal populations of the Intriligator, & O’Connor, 2004) or of an inability of perceiving
primary visual cortex to exhibit response preferences for curved lines (Kosslyn et al., 1995). Interestingly, in line with
differently oriented visual stimuli. Orientation sensitivity is the results of the present paper, Barton et al. (2004) found that
selectively implemented at the level of neural populations one patient, out of the seven prosopagnosic patients tested,
rather than at a single-cell level (Ferster & Miller, 2000). presented severe deficits in line orientation and curvature
Computational models of vision posit that line orientation is a perception, and also had the most difficulty with more basic-
fundamental step for shape perception in the visual system; level object recognition.
orientation channels in V1 are considered “edge detectors”, Here we propose a neurophysiologically plausible model to
necessary to build up the “primal sketch” for object recognition explain a more general deficit of visual form perception such
(Marr, 1976, 1982). If this level of analysis is impaired, pro- as that suffered by SDV. Namely, diffuse neural damage, as
ceeding levels of visual processing are fed with a deteriorated that induced by anoxia, might have reduced the number of
input. Thus, poor line orientation perception might be the active neurons within the primary visual cortex, thus
basic mechanism explaining SDV’s perceptual deficits. affecting computational capacities necessary to process basic
SDV was also tested for crowding. SDV is constantly features of the visual scene, such as line orientation and edge
exposed to the crowding effect, since he can only process vi- detection. The primary visual cortex contains orientation-
sual stimuli in the periphery of VF. When stimuli are presented selective neurons, organized in columns. Cells in neighbour-
in the periphery, details of visual images are fused together, ing columns have similar preferred orientations such that the
making shape perception difficult. Central vision is uncrowded preferred orientation changes gradually across the surface of
(the “uncrowded window”; Pelli & Tillman, 2008), whereas the cortex (Hubel & Weisel, 1959, 1962). A reduction of
peripheral vision, beyond 2 , is crowded. Healthy subjects computational units in primary visual cortex, therefore, might
therefore foveate interesting stimuli to process them in an impact on such columnar organization, thus affecting orien-
uncrowded window. Our results indicate that crowding in the tation discrimination and, as a consequence, the ability of
periphery did not differentially affect SDV relative to controls; detecting edges in the visual scene. When such damage af-
when baseline (no-flanker) performance was controlled, fects portion of the VF with small receptive fields and high
crowding profiles between groups were identical. Instead SDV spatial resolution, i.e., the fovea and the area immediately
was unable to perform the crowding task at the centre of the surrounding, fine-grained orientation analysis is lost thus
VF. Although performance in the periphery was similar to severely affecting form processing necessary for objects, faces
controls, it’s important to remember that crowding reduced and letter recognition. Such deficit has less impact on gross
his performance to chance level. This effect does not appear in figure-background segregation and global three-dimensional
normal subjects, who can overcome the crowding effect in the organization of visual scenes, that can be supported by neu-
periphery by foveating the stimuli. Thus we can conclude that rons with much larger receptive fields, at the periphery of the
in addition to the basic processing (orientation) deficit, shape VF (Livingstone & Hubel, 1988). On the other hand, larger
perception deficits in SDV are further accentuated by the receptive fields and peripheral vision are necessary to support
crowding effect and the ineffectiveness of foveation. other visual functions, such as navigation and movement
This case presents a challenge for neuropsychological ac- perception. SDV showed spared motion perception, relatively
counts of visual agnosia. By definition, form agnosia cannot be spared peripheral detection and a spared ability to navigate
26 c o r t e x 5 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 2 e2 7

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