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Attack On Rajouri Surroundings In J & K In 1948

By Lieut Colonel Pritam Singh Jauhal (Retd) World War II Veteran

After the capture of Chhawa Ridge and First Link-Up of Rajouri - Punch in1948, the
Headquarters (HQ) Jammu Division (JA Div) along with its Signal Regiment (Sig
Regt) moved from Jammu to Rajouri. Brig Yadonath Singh Commander (Comdr) 19
Independent Infantry Brigade ( Indep Inf Bde) was appointed as Officiating General
Officer Commanding ( Offg G O C). As per intelligence reports, areas surrounding
Rajouri were occupied by the Opposing Forces in great strength. The G O C decided
to clear the Opposing Forces by capturing areas in their occupation.
The G O C called a Conference of his subordinate Comdrs, at the Div HQ for
briefing. During briefing, he brought out all available information about the
Opposing Forces and gave out his plan to put in a Div attack on the Opposing
Forces positions, capture them and drive the Opposing Forces away from there. He
also announced that Lieut Pritam Singh Jauhal of 16 Field Regiment Signal Section
(Fd Regt Sig Sec) will be the Signal Officer for the Div Operation.
The G O C flew in his chopper from Rajouri to Ranbir Singh Pura where 16 Fd Regt
Arty had moved for rest. He met Maj Mittal, Offg C O of the Regt and said that he
has come to take Lieut Pritam Singh Jauhal in his chopper to be his Signal Officer
for the forthcoming Div Operation. Major Mittal sent for me. As I entered his
Office, to my surprise, I saw Brig Yadonath Singh sitting there. I saluted him. He
asked me to take a seat. As I sat down, he started talking about his plan for the
Div attack on the areas surrounding Rajouri, occupied by the Opposing Forces. He
then said that he has come to take me to act as his Signal Officer for the Div
Operation. Addressing me he said “Get ready. Let us move in my chopper to
I was dumbfounded and did not know what to say. After thinking very seriously and
coolly over the pros and cons of the case and gaining some strength and courage, I
responded “Sir, I would never say No to you for anything you want me to do,
because you have been extremely kind to me in the past. But most respectfully, I
submit, that “I have to serve in the Corps of Signals for a long time. In case, I
accompany you and command the JA Div Sig Regt during the Operation, over the heads
of my own C.O, all majors and captains of the Sig Regt, I shall definitely make
them all my enemies. They will spare No effort to harm me in every possible way
and I would not be surprised if they manage to get me transferred out of this
area. Moreover, I do not expect any loyalty from the Officers, JCOs and ORs of the
Sig Regt. Consequently, I am bound to fail in my mission, which may effect your
Operation adversely, and that, I shall be the last person to see happen”.
I further submitted to the G O C that “I would volunteer to coordinate the Sig
Comns of all Arty Regts taking part in the Div Operation and shall make doubly
sure that they work to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. The G O C, who
gave me a patient hearing, agreed to my submissions and said “Alright, you
coordinate the Sig Comns of all Arty Regts“. He, then left Ranbir Singh Pura for
Rajouri in his chopper, disappointed. I wonder, if I could have done anything
else, under the prevailing circumstances. I heaved a sigh of relief after the
G,O,C left for Rajouri.
Shortly afterward, I received a telephone call from my C O, Col R.N Sen from
Rajouri. He asked me “when are you coming to take over the Sig Regt from me?” I
respectfully responded “Sir, how can I take over the Sig Regt from my own C. O who
is a Colonel, whereas I am only a Lieut“? “That is what the G O C wants“, he said.
Then, I narrated to him all that transpired between the G O C and me at Ranbir
Singh Pura where he had come to take me in his chopper to act as his Signal Offr,
for the Div Operation. I told him that I most respectfully declined to accompany
the G O C. He very kindly agreed to my submissions and has left for Rajouri.
16 Fd Regt Arty also received orders to move to take part in JA Div Operation. On
arrival at Rajouri, as per the G O C’s orders, I coordinated the Sig Comns of all
Arty Regts deployed for the Operation. They were working perfectly.
After the Sig Comns of Arty Regts were coordinated by me and they were functioning
perfectly, Major Mittal, the C O 16 Fd Regt Arty asked me to accompany him to the
Div HQ. Since all Arty Regts Sig Comns were working well, I accompanied him. As
the two of us reached uphill to enter the Div HQ area, we saw the G O C offering
his prayers with his eyes closed. The two of us therefore, moved quietly so that
we do not disturb him in his prayers. But as soon as we came in line with the
position where he was praying, he opened his eyes and called us both.
The two of us went to him and saluted. The G O C, staring at my face curiously
said “So you have come” I respectfully submitted that the Sig Comns of all Arty
Regts taking part in the Operation have been coordinated by me as per your orders
and that they were working perfectly. The C O 16 Fd Arty Regt asked me to
accompany him to the Div HQ. So I am here. The G O C responded by saying “I am
glad the Arty Regts Sig Comns are working perfectly, but what about my Sig Comns?
I was taken aback to hear him say that. He stood up and pointing his right hand he
said “look in that direction. You can see the Gurkhas moving. I have No Sig Comn
with them” With a surprise I said “Sir, I cannot say why there is no Sig Comn with
them”. The G O C retorted “I am the G O C. You think I am lying. Go and ask your
C.O as to why the advancing Gurkhas have No Sig Comn with the Div HQ?”
Major Mittal and I moved away from the G O C and proceeded to meet the Comdr
Signals. On seeing me, he surprisingly said “So you have come to take over from
me?. “No, Sir” was my response. I further said that I had already made my position
clear to you on the subject on the phone from Ranbir Singh Pura and that there is
no change in that.
I also informed my C O that the G O C had told me that there is No Sig Comn
between the Div HQ and advancing Gurkhas, who are to launch an Attack. I also
categorically told my C.O that as per my experience of Brig Yadonath Singh during
the Operations, he wants nothing short of excellent Sig Comns during the
Operations. It is therefore, essential that he (Col Sen) takes personal interest
in the Sig Comns, for the forthcoming Div Operation.
I, being somewhat perturbed with my visit to the Div HQ, told Major Mittal “Let us
get out of this area before anything else untoward happens” The two of us came
back to the 16 Fd Regt Arty area. Since the time of attack was approaching, I
again checked up the Sig Comns of all Arty Regts and found them functioning
Prior to the attack, our Arty Guns pounded the enemy positions continuously as per
Div Plan, devastating them immensely and causing extensive damage to the heavily-
built defences of the Opposing Forces. The Div attack went in precisely as per the
Div Plan. Numerous instances of fierce and hand to hand fighting were reported.
Our Forces inflicted very heavy casualties on the Opposing Forces, took hundreds
of Prisoners of War (POW) and captured large quantities of arms and ammunition.
The Opposing Forced ran helter-skelter to save their lives. Our Forces succeeded
in driving them far away from their original positions. Our troops, too suffered
casualties. Our badly wounded were evacuated to the nearest hospital for treatment
and Last Rites were respectfully performed for those who lost the valuable lives.
All Sig Comns during the Operation worked extremely well, as per the Div Sig Plan.
Col R.N.Sen, Comdr Signals, appeared happy with the outcome of Sig Comns. All
Officers, J C Os and ORs of the Sig Regt deserved a pat on their backs, for their
Lieut Colonel Pritam Singh Jauhal (Retd) World War II Veteran
Founder President Indian Ex-Servicemen Society British Columbia

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