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English II

Title of the paper

Modal verbs

Author’s name (with ID)

Leonardo Arias Noreña ID 639326

Teacher’s name
Lic. Laura Echeverry Chalarca

Colombia, Guadalajara de Buga May, 25th 2020

can could have to will may ought to
must mustn’t need needn’t should would rather
would might used to be used to get used to had better

Decide which of the

Uses modal verbs in the box
1. to ask for something politely : _could, may_ below correspond to the
different uses. Sometimes
2. to offer to do something: _can, would_
more than one modal is
3. to express a strong advice: _had better_ possible.
4. absence of obligation: _needn’t_
5. to express preferences: _ would rather_
6. to express obligation: _have to, must_
7. to be accustomed to doing something: _ be used to _
8. to give advice: _should, ought to_
9. to express possibility: _might, may_
10. to express future predictions: _will_
11. to become accustomed to doing something: get used
12. to express necessity: _need_
13. to express habits or routines in the past: _used to_
14. to express prohibition: _mustn’t_

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences.

1. We are not completely sure but Cindy __may__ come back tomorrow.
a. needn’t b. may c. ought

2. When I was a child, in the summer afternoons we _ would _ play in the street with boys
and girls from the neighbourhood.
a. won’t b. must c. would

3. _Could_ I have some more wine, please?

a. Could b. Needn’t c. Would

4. I _can’t_ believe my eyes. Is George the one who is standing over there?
a. won’t b. mustn’t c. can’t
5. They _must_ be the richest person in the village. He’s just bought two luxurious cars.
a. may not b. ought c. must

6. He _should_ have studied more for the final exam and spend less time playing with the
a. would b. should c. have to

7. My bedroom _needs_ redecorating. I’m tired of the old furniture.

a. has to b. may c. needs
8. I _would_ rather you checked my exercise before giving it to the teacher.
a. would b. should c. ought to

9. _May_ I use your mobile phone? It’s an emergency.

a. Must b. May c. Won’t

10. In many schools of England students _must_ wear uniforms. It is compulsory.

a. should b. must c. may

11. Sara’s daughter _could_ write perfectly when she was seven.
a. might b. could c. mustn’t

12. I _will_ let you know when I have more information about the matter.
a. would b. will c. can’t

13. The worst _might_ have happened, but fortunately everybody came back safe and sound.
a. ought to b. might c. can’t

14. The problem was so difficult that even the teacher _couldn’t_ solve it.
a. may b. needed c. couldn’t

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