(Kay, 1991) A Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Framework For Discussing Ecosystem Integrity

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A Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Framework for

Discussing Ecosystem Integrity
,.lAMES J. KAY stability and resiliency, In fact, stress-response must be
Department of Environment and Resource Studies characterized by a richer set of concepts. The ability of the
University of Waterloo system to maintain its current operating point in the face of
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada the stress, must be ascertained. If the system changes oper-
ating points, there are several questions to be considered: Is
ABSTRACT / During the last 20 years our understanding of the change along the original developmental pathway or a
the development of complex systems has changed signifi- new one? Is the change organizing or disorganizing? Will the
cantly. Two major advancements are catastrophe theory and system return to its original state? Will the system flip to
nonequilibrium thermodynamics with its associated theory of some new state in a catastrophic way? Is the change ac-
self-organization. These theories indicate that complex ceptable to humans?
system development is nonlinear, discontinuous (catas-
trophes), not predictable (bifurcations), and multivalued (mul- The integrity of an ecosystem does not reflect a single char-
tiple developmental pathways). Ecosystem development acteristic of an ecosystem. The concept of integrity must be
should be expected to exhibit these characteristics. seen as multidimensional and encompassing a rich set of
ecosystem behaviors. A framework of concepts for dis-
Traditional ecological theory has attempted to describe eco- cussing integrity is presented in this articte.
system stress response using some simple notions such as

T h e purpose of this article is to explore the type of T h e discussion in the literature of the notion of sta-
organizational and developmental pathways available bility has led to quite a n u m b e r of conceptual terms
to ecosystems and their relationship to ecosystem in- and definitions. (Resiliency, elasticity, vulnerability, ca-
tegrity. T h e theory of dissipative structures suggests tastrophe, etc. See the Appendix, part II for a brief
that a n u m b e r of different developmental pathways review.) All these ideas describe some aspect of an eco-
are available and that these pathways are nonlinear system's ability to cope with environmental change. In-
and may be discontinuous and muhivalued. Any dis- tegrity should be seen as an umbrella concept that in-
cussion of integrity therefore will encompass a rich set tegrates these many different characteristics of an eco-
of ecosystem behaviors, some of which will be consid- system which, when taken together, describe an
ered to be consistent with integrity, and some of which ecosystem's ability to maintain its organization. What is
will not. This article will discuss the different types of presented below is a description of ecosystem develop-
pathways open to ecosystems and their relationship to ment and organization that will serve as a framework
integrity, but will not discuss the specific conditions connecting these concepts together.
that will lead to one type of pathway being followed
rather than another.
Integrity of a system refers to our sense of it as a Development of ComplexSystems
whole. I f a system is able to maintain its organization
How does nonequilibrium thermodynamics suggest
in the face of changing environmental conditions, then
that systems develop? Prigogine and others (1972) and
it is said to have integrity. I f a system is unable to
Nicolis and Prigogine (1977, 1989) have shown that
maintain its organization, then it has lost its integrity.
under certain conditions, open systems with a gradient
[Change in organization refers to changes in the func-
across their boundaries will move away from equilib-
tion of a system and its internal connections (structure)
rium and will establish new stable structures. This is
so as to better carry out some organizational impera-
the opposite of the behavior one would normally ex-
five. Environment refers to the biotic and abiotic com-
pect given the second law of thermodynamics (i.e., en-
ponents external to an ecosystem which impact upon
tropy will increase, the state of a system will tend to
it, including humans.]
disorder, systems tend to equilibrium). Such systems
are characterized by rates of energy dissipation that
KEY WORDS: Integrity; Stress-response; Nonequilibrium; Stability; increase as the system moves from equilibrium and be-
Thermodynamics comes more organized. Hence the name dissipative

EnvironmentalManagementVol. 15, No. 4, pp. 483-495 9 1991 Springer-VerlagNew York Inc.

484 J.J. Kay

structures. Simple examples are vortices in bathtubs,

tornados, and lasers. State
T h e development of such self-organizing systems is
characterized by phases of rapid organization to a . . /~',~- .... Optimum
lnermgoynamlc ~ OperatingPoint
steady-state level followed by a period during which Blan ,
the system maintains itself at the new steady state. T h e
organization of the system is not a smooth process but
rather proceeds in spurts. These spurts are a sudden
acceleration in the change in the state of the system. State
T h e state change may be continuous or catastrophic. Variable
(Appendix, part I discusses a set of system notions Figm'e 1. An ecosystem develops along a thermodynamic
such as state, stability, catastrophe, equilibrium.) T h e branch (a path in state space) until it reaches an optimum
change in the state is accomplished by the addition of operating point. Examples of state variables could be net pro-
new dissipative structures to the system. These new ductivity and biomass.
structures can consist of new pathways tor energy
flow, which connect old components, or of new com- result in a new climax community, i.e., optimum oper-
ponents and their associated new pathways. Each spurt ating point.
results in the system moving further from equilibrium, In the context of these ideas, our sense of the
dissipating more energy, and becoming more orga- system as a whole, that is its integrity, has to do with its
nized. Each spurt occurs when random environmental ability to maintain its organization and to continue its
conditions exceed a catastrophe threshold for the process of self-organization. In essence integrity has to
system. T h e path througta state space that the system do with the ability of the system to attain and maintain
follows as it develops in a stable environment is called its o p t i m u m operating point. T h e r e is an important
the thermodynamic branch. Ecosystem succession is an implicit aspect of the definition of integrity of which
example of this kind of process. Each of the seral the reader must be aware. Ecosystems are not static.
stages corresponds to one steady-state plateau. T h e T h e i r organization is often changing, both in the short
displacement of a previous seral stage by the next is an term and in an evolutionary sense. Furthermore, any
example of a spurt, the reorganization of the system to loss of organization is often gradual. Thus it is not pos-
a new level of structure that dissipates more energy. sible to identify a single organizational state of the
T h e gradient that drives ecosystem development is system that corresponds to integrity. Instead there
the solar energy impinging on the ecosystem (Kay would be a range of organizational states for which the
1984, 1989). As ecosystems are driven away from equi- ecosystem is considered to have integrity. For the sake of
librium, they become more organized and effective at discussion in what follows, the optimum operating point is
dissipating solar energy. At the same time as this self- treated as a single stationmy point in state space. In reality it
organizing process is occurring in ecosystems, external is a set of points in state space whose membership changes over
environmental fluctuations are tending to disorganize time. T h e definition of this set would necessarily have a
the system. T h e point in state space where the disor- h u m a n component.
ganizing forces o f external environmental change and T h e reader also should be aware that the theory of
the organizing thermodynamic forces are balanced is dissipative structures suggests that a n u m b e r of dif-
referred to as the optimum operating point (Figure 1). ferent organizational and developmental pathways are
For any real ecosystem, a particular point will be an available to ecosystems. These pathways are nonlinear
o p t i m u m operating point only temporarily because and may be discontinuous and multivalued. Thus the
the external environment will be in flux and evolution (set of) optimum operating point or set point for the
will be proceeding, thus changing the balance between system is not unique. T h e r e will be several different
the organizing and disorganizing forces. However, it is possible (sets of) optimum operating point states for
useful over short time periods to treat the optimum the system. As Holling (1986) has shown, the normal
operating point as if it were stationary. T h e climax course of ecosystem development can consist of flips
community in ecological succession would be an ex- in state, that is catastrophic changes. Detailed discus-
ample of an optimum operating point for an eco- sion o f these ideas can be found in the Appendix.
system. T h e climax community represents a tempo-
rary balance between the organizing forces in eco- Framework for Describing Responses to
systems and the disorganizing forces. However, over
evolutionary time new species will enter the equation,
Environmental Change
as will new environmental phenomena, and this will Let us assume that the ecosystem has developed
Framework for Discussing Ecosystem Integrity 485

along a thermodynamic branch in the way described not particularly intense, tile system will not be af-
above and that it has reached its optimum operating fected. Another example is the ongoing spraying of
point. Suppose some change occurs in its environ- fenitrothion on Canadian forests to control spruce
ment. (The change may be short term with the envi- budworm, This appears to have no immediate effect
ronment returning to its previous condition, or the on the forests but it does interfere with the ability of
change may persist.) What immediate effect will this the forest to regenerate itself (Weinberger and others
have on the ecosystem's organization and hence its in- 1981). Thus the ability of the system to deal with some
tegrity? A series of questions must be asked: future stress that requires regeneration may be im-
Will the system be moved away from its optimum paired. Consequently this human activity may be un-
operating point? acceptable as it could ultimately impact the ecosystem's
If the response is no, then organization and integ- 2. Ecosystem moves from its original optimum operating
rity are not immediately affected. point but returns to it. Fire in a temperate forested eco-
If the response is yes, then the question becomes: system is a short-term event that moves the system well
Does the system return to its original optimum away from its optimum operating point. However, the
operating point? forest regenerates back to the original system. Oil spills
9 If the answer is yes, then there are three along the shores of Great Britain have had similar ef-
issues: fect with a regeneration time of about ten years
1. How far is the system moved from its (Nelson-Smith 1975). Rutledge (1974) showed that a
optimum operating point before re- shortgrass prairie ecosystem subjected to continuous
turning? ongoing drought will reorganize itself so that, after
2. How long will it take to return to its op- about 20 years, it will return to its predrnught state.
timum operating point? 3. System moves permanently from its original optimum
3. What is the stability of the system upon operating point.
its return? Case O: The system collapses. T h e environment changes
In any case the system is able to reorganize itself in such a way as to be uninhabitable. An example is the
to cope with the environmental change and its process of desertification. Another is severe prolonged
integrity for the moment is preserved. 'drought in mangrove systems, which leads to the total
collapse of the system (Lugo and others 1981). A third
9 If the answer is no, the system does not re-
example is the result of substances deposited by pre-
turn to its original optimum operating point,
cipitation which, in the extreme case of the Sudbury
then there are two possibilities: a new op-
area in Canada, has led to the rocky equivalent of a
timum operating point exists or it does not.
desert and in the Laurentian Shield has led to "dead"
In the latter case the organization breaks
lakes. In each of these cases some life forms may con-
down and the system loses its integrity (case
tinue to persist, but a complex ecosystem does not.
0). In the former case there are three possi-
Case I: System renu~ins on original thermodynamic branch
(Figure 2). T h e ecosystem maintains its original set of
Case 1: T h e new optimum operating point
dissipative structures (e.g., species) or moves back to
is on the original thermodynamic
some set that represents an earlier stage in develop-
ment. T h e level of operation of the individual struc-
Case 2: T h e new optimum operating point
tures has changed, perhaps even catastrophically.
is on a bifurcation from the original
Overall, the dissipative system is recognizable as the
original, but its operation has been modified.
Case 3: T h e new optimum operating point
In this case, there are four issues: (1) How far is the
is on a different thermodynamic
new optimum operating point from the old? (2) How
branch and the system undergoes a
long does it take to reach the new optimum operating
catastrophic reorganization to
point? (3) What is the stability of the system about the
reach it.
new optimum operating point? (4) If the environ-
mental conditions return to their original state, will the
Examples and Elaboration system return to the original optimum operating
1. Ecosystem does not move from its original optimum point?
operating point. For example, consider exposure of a While the system's organization has changed in this
terrestrial ecosystem to a temporary flood or drought case, it will probably return to the original optimum
to which the system is adapted. If the disturbance is operating point if the environmental conditions return
486 J. J. Kay

Optimum Operating
State State ,Points
Variable Variable ,,,,~
Thermodynamic ~ ' - " " Optimum Thermodyn~nic
Branc~ v - OperatingPomt Paths ,, :4 / ~""
~-J Bifurcation

Slate State
Variable Variable
Figure 2. The environmental change causes the ecosystem to Figure 3. In response to changing environmental conditions
move from its original optimum operating point (1) to a ncw the system moves away from the original optimum operating
optimum operating point (2). An example of this would be a point (1) through a bifurcation point (2) and onto a new path
stress that causes an ecosystem to return to an earlier succes- and then to a new optimum operating point (3). An example
sional stage. of this is a stress, such as the hot-water effluent from power
plants, that would result in a change in species composition.

to their previous state because all the original struc-

tures (e.g., species) exist to some extent. T h e system's T h e same four questions apply here as apply to case
integrity has been affected in the sense that its organi- 1 (Table 1). However, the answer to the fourth ques-
zation has had to change. This is only noteworthy if tion is probably different. T h e system is not likely to
the new optimum operating point (level of operation) return to its original optimum operating point, unless
is considered undesirable. the bifurcation point is the original optimum oper-
As an example, consider the practice of spraying ating point. (It should be noted that it is theoretically
the end product of the secondary treatment of munic- possible, by manipulating the environmental condi-
ipal waste water on terrestrial ecosystems. Pine forests tions, to return to the original optimum operating
subjected to such spraying are shifted back to an old point.) I f it is not, then the organization of the system
field community (i.e., the developmental stage prior to has probably been permanently altered by the addition
a forest) (Shure and H u n t 1981). T h e ecosystem is still of new dissipative structures. However, bifurcations
on the original thermodynamic branch, but at an ear- represent variations on the original theme. Thus, the
lier stage of development. As another example, con- new ecosystem's organization will not be extraordi-
sider maple forests subjected to acid rain. They are narily different from the original. T h e integrity of the
shifted to a state o f less productivity and lower bio- system has been affected in the sense that the organi-
mass. (Unfortunately the level of acidity in the rain is zation has been permanently altered, although not
increasing with attendant further changes in the eco- dramatically. Again, this is only noteworthy if the bi-
systems. T h e question is whether the response of the furcation branch and the new optimum operating
maple forests will remain as in case 1 or become one of point are considered undesirable.
the other cases discussed here. T h e latter case would An example of this case is the change in a marsh
imply the loss of some of the characteristics of these gut ecosystem, Crystal River, Florida (Kay 1984, Ula-
forests that we value.) A final example is that of a cold nowicz 1986). T h e system is stressed by warm water ef-
snap in 1962-1963 during which the shoreline fluent from a nuclear power station (6~ increase in
systems in southern England were driven back to an water temperature). T h e result is the loss of two top
earlier stage of development. Recovery to the original predators, two lower predators, the addition of three
state seems unlikely (Nelson-Smith 1977). lower predators and an herbivore species, and a dra-
Case 2: System bifurcation to a new thermodynamic path matic change in the foodweb in terms of cycling and
(Figure 3). In this case some new dissipative structures trophic positions. These are examples of changes in
are added to the system and/or some of the original the dissipative structures in an ecosystem. Odum's
ones disappear. T h e new structures can be new state variables (such as net productivity) decrease, thus
pathways for energy flow connecting old components the overall functioning of the system has changed.
or the emergence of new components and their atten- However, overall the ecosystem is clearly a variation on
dant pathways. Also the level of operation of the the original. It is not clear that a cessation of the ef-
system is changed. T h e system is seen as slightly dif- fluent would result in a return to the original system.
ferent than the original. Similar results have been found for Par Pond on the
Framework for Discussing Ecosystem Integrity 487

Table 1. Possible responses of an ecosystem to environmental change

A. The ecosystem does not move from its original optimum operating point.
B. The ecosystem moves from its original optimum operating point but returns to it.
Issues contenting integri~ to be considered for this case:
1. How far is the system moved from its optimum operating point before returning?
2. How long will it take to return to its optimum operating point?
3. What is the stability of the system upon its return?
C. The ecosystem moves permanently from its original optimum operating point.
Case 0: The ecosystem collapses.
Case 1: The ecosystem remains on the original thermodynamic branch (Figure 2).
Case 2: System bifurcation to a new thermodynamic path (Figure 3).
Case 3: The system moves to a new thermodynamic branch (Figure 4).
Issues concerning integrity to be considered for each of these four cases:
1. How far is the new optimum operating point from the old?
2. How long does it take to reach the new optimum operating point?
3. What is the stability of the system about the new optimum operating point?
4. If the environmental conditions return to their original state, will the system return to the original optimum
operating point?

Savannah River in South Carolina (Sharitz and ... OptimumOperating,

Gibbons 1981). State \ """ Points ",
A n o t h e r example o f this case is the switch from a Variable "'"" ""...
white spruce c o m m u n i t y to a black spruce community
when the f o r m e r is subjected to a sharp reduction in
nutrient availability. In these forested taiga ecosystems, 4 L o .e. . ,.-.-.-"3' ......
" ~"'"'"
a s t r o~.p h
black spruce are better suited to low nutrient situations k , Thermodynamic
Branche /" Threshold
and, once established, tend to exclude white spruce by
maintaining the low nutrient situation. T h e white
spruce is not able to reassert itself once displaced
(DeAngelis and others 1989).
Figure 4. The environmental change drives the ecosystem
A final example is the introduction o f exotics into
from its original optimum operating point (1) through a ca-
the Great Lakes. New species associations (dissipative
tastrophe threshold (2) to a new thermodynamic branch at
structures) occur. (The sea lamprey is a case in point.) (3) and eventually to a new optimum operating point (4). An
It appears that the system has been permanently al- example is the elimination of fish in lakes caused by acid rain.
tered, but it still resembles the original.
Case 3: The system moves to a new thervnodynamic branch
(Figure 4). In this case, the system undergoes a cata- p h e n o m e n a (Stokes 1984, pp. 2 4 6 - 2 4 9 in particular).
strophic change that leaves the system so reorganized This lake is subjected to acid rain and has a p H o f 4.3.
that it is clearly recognized as being different from the Consequently there are no fish in the lake. T h e phyto-
original system. T h e r e is no possibility o f the system p l a n k t o n - z o o p l a n k t o n balance has been shifted sig-
returning to its original o p t i m u m Operating point, nificantly. " T h e system has flipped f r o m one d o m a i n
even if the environmental conditions return to their o f stability to another" (Stokes 1984). T h e ecosystem
original state. (This is an hypothesis. In this case the has reached a new o p t i m u m operating point on a new
system is m a d e up o f very different dissipative struc- thermodynamic branch, and further change is un-
tures than existed in the original. T h e a u t h o r has been likely. Even if the acid rain stopped, the ecosystem
unable to find a single example o f an ecosystem flip- would be unlikely to return to its f o r m e r state without
ping back after u n d e r g o i n g such a dramatic reorgani- h u m a n intervention.
zation.) In one sense the integrity o f the system has A n o t h e r example o f this case is the clear-cutting o f
been seriously u n d e r m i n e d , as the system will be quite a terrestrial system such that soil erosion is so severe as
different f r o m the original. However, the fact remains to effectively change the soil type and preclude the
that an ecosystem still exists, so in some sense, it has original system from reappearing. (The loss o f tropical
been able to maintain its integrity. rainforest is a case in point.) A n o t h e r example is o f a
Clearwater Lake is an excellent example o f this b u r n in a spruce h a r d w o o d forest that is on thin soils.
488 J. J. Kay

This has resulted in a new bare r o c k - s h r u b ecosystem involve defining why the observer is examining integ-
appearing as the climax (Bormann and Likens 1979). rity and what he would consider a loss of integrity in
A final example is the irreversible change of savanna terms of changes in the optimum operating point.
ecosystems to woody vegetation brought on by cattle While the above framework identifies a number of
grazing (Walker and others 1981). types of ecosystem organizational change in response
T h e above discussion systematically lists the issues to environmental change, it tells us nothing about
that need to be examined when considering the pos- which type of organizational change to expect for a
sible direct responses of an ecosystem to environ- given environmental change. Before such theoretical
mental change, and the implications of these responses predictive power will be available, a much better un-
for ecosystem integrity. This framework encompasses derstanding of ecosystems as self-organizing thermo-
all o f the stability-related concepts discussed in the Ap- dynamic systems is required. In this regard, second
pendix and identifies other issues that need to be ex- law/exergy analysis [analysis of the irreversibilities in
amined. the system as measured by entropy production and
decreases in the quality of energy (exergy)] and net-
work theory hold much promise (Kay 1984, 1989).
However, such approaches require time-series data at
Commentary a level of detail that is available for only a few systems.
An important observation is that this framework in- In the interim, we will have to depend on empirical
dicates ways in which an ecosystem might reorganize and intuitive understanding of ecosystems for the pre-
in the face of environmental change, but not which diction of ecosystem response to environmental
reorganizations constitute a loss of integrity. It could change.
be argued that any environmental change that perma- A third point about this framework is that it only
nently changes the optimum operating point affects deals with immediate changes in an ecosystem caused
the integrity of the ecosystem. In this case, there would by an environmental change. Some environmental
be four distinct types of loss of integrity (cases 0 - 3 changes will not immediately affect an ecosystem.
above). It also could be argued that, any time that the Rather, they affect the ability of the system to cope
system can maintain itself at an optimum operating with other future environmental changes. An example
point, it has integrity. In this case, loss of integrity is the fenitrothion spray of forests to control spruce
would only occur if the system is unable to maintain budworm. This has no immediate impact, but inter-
itself at an optimum operating point. In between these feres with the ability o f the forest to regenerate itself in
two extreme positions, there is the possibility of de- the face of other environmental changes. Similarly,
fining some optimum operating points as being unde- forest fire suppression now appears to interfere with
sirable changes in the system and therefore repre- the ability of the forest to cope with fires at later times.
senting a loss of integrity. This would inject an anthro- T h e impact of environmental change on the integrity
pocentric component into the definition of integrity. of an ecosystem is not just immediate but has implica-
Which set of system changes we decide constitutes a tions for its ability to maintain its integrity in the face
loss of integrity will ultimately depend on the utility of of future environmental changes.
the definition in a regulatory and management con-
Some researchers are uncomfortable with defini-
tions that are not "objective," that is, reflect the view-
point of an observer. Physicists, during this century, This discussion of integrity would be incomplete
have come to realize that there are no preferred ob- without a discussion of surprise (see Holling 1986 for
servers. Each observer brings a unique viewpoint of, more details). Surprise is an interaction of fast and
and interaction with, that which he observes. As long slow system variables. Surprise happens (only) in an-
as the reference frame of the observer and his interac- ticipatory systems when the sampling rate of the moni-
tions are clearly defined, there is no problem. The ob- toring system is too slow and something big happens
servations will be reproducible, assuming that they are in between samples. (For example, if you are detecting
accurate to begin with. In the study of complex forest fires by checking forests once a month, you will
systems, the exercise known as systems identification is be surprised because a fire may have happened and
equivalent to the exercise of defining the observer's run its course in between your observations.) T h e
frame o f reference in physics. What is proposed here point is, the effect being monitored must be moni-
would be part o f a systems identification exercise for tored at a rate that is significantly faster than the rate
studying the integrity of ecosystems. It would explicidy at which the effect occurs. T h e problem is that we
Framework for Discussing Ecosystem Integrity 489

cannot always predict a priori what effect will happen, T h e second point of note is that if the concept of
and thus we cannot know the correct monitoring rate. integrity is to be useful, it must have all anthropocen-
Surprise will always be a fact of life because we cannot tric component that reflects those changes in the eco-
monitor systems continuously. system considered acceptable by the h u m a n observers.
Even if we could monitor systems continuously, de- Otherwise we are restricted to defining integrity as the
velopments in self-organizing systems (dissipative ability of an ecosystem to absorb environmental
systems) can proceed in spurts during which changes change without any ecosystem change. This would
in the system suddenly accelerate very rapidly or even rule out the acceptability of the other three ecosystem
occur catastrophically, independent of environmental responses to environmental change discussed above.
changes. T h e onset of such spurts may not be predict- This does not seem reasonable to this author.
able and this is surprising, e.g., a pest outbreak, such T h e third point is that an environmental change
as spruce budworm. Also, continuous environmental has implications tor the future ability of an ecosystem
changes can drive ecosystems past catastrophe to respond to other later occurring environmental
thresholds, e.g., an algae bloom in response to nutrient changes. Put another way, the response of an eco-
loading beyond a threshold could be a surprise. Fi- system to environmental change is a function of both
nally, a catastrophic event in the environment (such as the immediate environmental change and changes
a lightning strike) may be the source of surprising that the ecosystem has been subjected to in the past.
change in the ecosystem (a forest fire). Historical environmental change can have both posi-
As this discussion illustrates we should expect the tive and negative implications ['or the ability of the
rate of change in ecosystems to accelerate or decrease system to cope with current changes.
very dramatically with little or no warning. Hence we Finally it is to be noted that by their nature, dissipa-
should expect to be surprised. Better historical infor- tive structures exhibit surprising behavior, behavior
mation about an ecosystem can help us to better de- that cannot be a priori predicted and may be cata-
sign our monitoring techniques so as to reduce some strophic. No matter how much knowledge we have, we
surprises. However, the only way to deal with surprise will always be subject to surprise when we observe eco-
is to have h u m a n systems that are adaptive and pre- systems. Therefore, any h u m a n systems that are
pared to respond appropriately to surprises. meant to deal with ecosystems (or any dissipative
systems) must be adaptive in their response, that is,
able to cope with surprise.
Concluding Remarks
In this article, the relationship between ecosystem
integrity and its ability to maintain its organization has Appendix
been explored from the perspective of dissipative
structures. An enumeration of the possible organiza- I. Some Systems Notions
tional changes in response to environmental change T h r o u g h o u t this article some notions from systems
was made. T h e ways that such changes might be asso- theory are used. These are described in this appendix
ciated with changes in integrity of the ecosystem were for those readers unfamiliar with them. A state variable
examined. T h e r e are four points of note. is a variable that describes some aspect of the system
First, dissipative systems can respond to environ- we are interested in. In population modeling the
mental change in qualitatively different ways. One re- n u m b e r of individuals of a species would be the state
sponse is for the system to continue to operate as be- variable. O d u m (1969) identified a now-famous set of
fore, even though its operations may be initially and ecosystem state variables and how they change with
temporally unsettled. A second response is for the succession. Examples of these are photosynthesis and
system to operate at a different level using the same respiration rates, net productivity, total biomass, and
dissipative structures it originally had (for example, a species diversity. Ulanowicz (1986) has identified a set
reduction or increase in species numbers). A third re- of variables that describe the state of an ecosystem's
sponse is for some new structures to emerge in the food web. Some of these are ascendency, n u m b e r o f
system to replace or augment existing structures (for cycles, cycling index, and effective trophic levels.
example, new species or paths in the food web). A Which state variables are looked at depends on the
fourth response is for a new dissipative system, made questions posed by the researcher.
up of quite different structures, to emerge. We must A state space is a space whose axes are the state vari-
be aware of these different possible responses to envi- ables. In a p r e d a t o r - p r e y system, tile state variables
ronmental change if we are to anticipate the stress-re- would be the population numbers for each species and
sponse of ecosystems. the two dimensional space with the n u m b e r of pred-
490 J. J- Kay

if, after a disturbance, the state of the system returns

Vegetation to file equilibrium point.
Density Another possibility is that the state of the system
does not return to the equilibrium point after a distur-
bance but oscillates about it with a m a x i m u m ampli-
tude. Consider a perfect pendulum. T h e equilibrium
point is at the bottom of the swing. T h e system oscil-
lates about this point with a m a x i m u m amplitude after
it has been disturbed. In the case of a real pendulum,
it eventually comes to rest at the equilibrium point.
Herbivore Density Both the ideal and real pendulum are considered
Figure AI. The herbivore-vegetation system follows the stable.
equilibrium path through its state space as indicated by the These two types of stability are mathematically de-
arrows. At point X the equilibrium path becomes unstable fined by the Lyapunov stability criteria. [See Lewontin
and the system drops from the upper solid curve to the lower (1969) and Harte and Levy (1975) for a review of this
solid curve. At point Y the system is again unstable and moves theory as applied to ecology.] T h e key question is
from the lower to the upper solid curve. whether the state of the system will return to the equi-
librium point or oscillate about it when the system is
disturbed, or if the state of the system is permanently
moved to another point in state space (the cone falls
Density over). It was through a Lyapunov stability analysis of
thermodynamic systems, with entropy production as
Budworm - - ~ r the state variable, that Prigogine discovered the s e l f
dieoff " .............. ,
organizing p h e n o m e n a for which he was awarded the
j ~-- Budworm
Outbreak Nobel Prize.
T h e optimum operating point for an ecosystem is an
equilibrium point in state space that represents a bal-
ance between the forces acting on the ecosystem. In
the real world, the environment is not static. T h e
Foliage Density forces acting on an ecosystem are constantly changing.
Figure/1~.. See legend to Figure A1; a similar situation for Therefore, the equilibrium point is constantly
spruce budworm. changing. For the purpose of discussion in this article,
the optimum operating point has been treated as
being stationary. In reality it is constantly changing
ators on one axis and the n u m b e r of prey on the other and would be more realistically represented by a dis-
would be the state space. T h e r e would be a curve (a tribution in time. This distribution would reflect the
path in state space) that describes the relationships be- distribution of environmental parameters.
tween the predator and the prey (Figures A1 and A2 Notwithstanding this variability, it is possible that
are examples.) the ecosystem has cyclic stability much like a pen-
For a given set of forces acting on a system, there dulum. Hollings (1986) has shown this to be the case
will be at least one point in state space where the forces for some pest outbreaks in forested ecosystems that
are balanced. This is known as the equilibn'um point. happen with a fixed frequency. T h e forested eco-
(For example, the equilibrium point for a population system swings between m a x i m u m foliage just before
is the point where the mortality and birth rates bal- an outbreak and minimu m foliage just before the out-
ance.) T h e issue of importance is the stability of the break ceases. Another example is ecosystems driven by
equilibrium point. T h a t is, is the system able to stay in phytoplankton blooms.
equilibrium? Consider a cone that has a very narrow A very important system's notion is that of a catas-
blunt top. I f it is placed upside down on its top, then a trophe. Catastrophe theory was brought to promi-
small disturbance will cause it to fall over. On the other nence by Rene Thorn (1969), and an analytical basis
hand, if it is placed with its top up and its broad base for it was discovered by Huseyin (1977 and Huseyin
down, only a very large disturbance will cause the cone and Manadi 1980). T h e importance of catastrophe
to topple over. In the former case, the equilibrium is theory is that it shows how systems can exhibit be-
said to be unstable and in the latter it is stable. In a havior that is discontinuous and occurs without
strict mathematical sense an equilibrium point is stable warning. Usually the p h e n o m e n o n is very dramatic.
Framework for Discussing Ecosystem Integrity 491

A simple example is shown in Figure A1. As the State

herbivore population increases, the vegetation de- Variable
creases (more is eaten). Eventually a point (X) is Equilibrium Path - - _ ~ , ~ ' -
in Sta e Space r
reached where the vegetation crashes (the system be-
t t ,/~ ",
comes unstable) because of overgrazing. As the vegeta- ~ Unstable ..,,)
tion regrows, the herbiw)re population drops off
sharply until a second point (Y) is reached (the system
becomes unstable again) and a vegetation bloom
occurs. T h e vegetation crash and bloom are catas-
trophes in the mathematical sense of the word. X and Y PI P2 P3 State Variable 1
are known as critical thresholds. T h e spruce budworm Figure A3. The basic fold catastrophe. There is an equilib-
population shows this type of behavior with the herbi- rium path through state space. The solid curves represent the
vore following the crash-and-outbreak pattern stable part of the path. The dotted curve represents the un-
(Ludwig and others 1978) (Figure A2). This type of stable part of the path. (The system cannot stay on the un-
catastrophe is called a fold (see Figure A3). For Pl, P3 stable part, only on the stahle part.) For pt)ints PI and Ps
there is one value o f X (X~, X3) but for the P2 there are there are single values of X possible. The value of X at P2
two possible values, X 2 and X4. Which value the system depends on which curve the system is currently tbllowing.
The catastrophe is the system junq)ing from the upper to the
takes at P2 depends on its history, i.e., depends on the
lower curve or vice versa. This occurs at the thresholds (X
path that the system is following.
and Y in Figure A2).
A more complicated form of catastrophe is shown
in Figure A4. This is the Riemann-Hugoniot catas-
trophe. This behavior is more complicated than the the system. It is in this sense that the term optimum
fold because the system may move along an equilib- operating point is used. For more detailed discussion of
rium path with a catastrophe threshold (A to B) or one the organizational imperatives of ecosystems and the
without (C to D). It also may exhibit bifurcations or tradeoffs involved see Kay (1984, 1989).
divergences or multiple paths. T h e Riemann-Hu- Thermodynamic branch is used to indicate the path
gonoit catastrophe is still quite simple, being of order through state space tollowed by an ecosystem as it de-
3. T h e r e are examples up to order 7. (Thom's swal- velops from (thermodynamic) equilibrium to its op-
lowtail and butterfly being order 4 and 5, respec- timum operating point (i.e., steady-state stable equilib-
tively.) T h e point is that systems can exhibit very com- rium point in state space which is far from thermody-
plicated and dramatic behavior, even when they are namic equilibrium) under normal conditions. An
deterministic. T h e lesson is: be prepared for surprise. example would be the path normally followed by an
T o explore these notions in more detail, see Hollings ecosystem as it develops from a bulldozed iield (ther-
(1986) or Jones (1975) for excellent discussions. modynamic equilibrium) to a climax forested eco-
An observant reader will note that the notion of system (optimum operating point). This is not pre-
equilibrium used throughout this appendix is dif- cisely the definition used for this term by Prigogine
ferent than the one used in the main body. Equilib- (see Nicolis and Prigogine 1977, pp. 57-58). He uses
rium in a stability sense is different from equilibrium this term to refer to the initial path followed by a
in a thermodynamic sense. T h e former refers to a bal- system from equilibrium to its tirst instability point.
ance of the forces acting on a system and has its origin His usage is appropriate for sintple physical systems,
in classical mechanics. Thermodynamic equilibrium refers but not useful tor complex systems. What is of interest
to a system state that is uniform throughout and un- in this discussion of complex systems is their deviation
distinguishable from its surroundings. For a biological from their normal development path as they move
system this represents death. Nonequilibrium thermo- away from equilibrium.
dynamics is about the organization of systems such
that they are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. II. "Ecological Stability"
Needless to say, this difference causes great confusion. T h e following is meant to give the reader a taste of
Nonequilibrium systems can be stable; that is, the the varying definitions related to the term "ecological
forces acting on them are in equilibrium! stability" that exist in the literature. T h e discussion is
Organization refers to changes in the function of a detailed but by no means complete.
system and its internal connections (structure) so as to When an ecosystem is described as being stable, it
better carry out some organizational imperative. The usually means that it is, in some sense, well behaved.
end point in the process of organization represents an Many attempts have been made to tormalize this deii-
optimal tradeoff between the different objectives of nition using mathematics. T h e most natural approach
492 J. J. Kay

Paths through state space

Equilibrium Surface ,A
a i
in state space "'- ' '

Figure A4. The Riemann-Hugoniot

catastrophe. The set of equilibrium
points for the system is a surface in state
space. The path followed by the system
may pass through a catastrophe threshold
(from A to B top, the dotted part of the
curve corresponds to the jump) or it
might not (from C to D). The sys[ern
may hit a cusp (top), which is a
Bifurcation lines bifurcation point. (The system may follow
Horizontal either bifurcation line after the cusp,
projection of which one it follows is not predictable.)
equilibrium surface
Two points in state space (A and C,
lower left) may be very close, but the
system may diverge quite dramatically
later on in its development (from A to B
versus C to D). Also, there may be
different paths that the system can follow
from A to B (see lower right). One path
may involve a catastrophic system change
(the dotted line) while another does not.

is to use a definition o f stability c o m m o n l y used in the system characterizes ecosystem stability. Presumably
physical sciences, that is, L y a p u n o v stability. This re- this would be m e a s u r e d using the measures developed
quires that some function be found that describes the by Rutledge and others (1976) and Ulanowicz (1979,
system and satisfies Lyapunov's stability criteria [see 1980, 1986). Still others have suggested that the sta-
Lewontin (1969) and H a r t e and Levy (1975) for a re- bility o f the m a c r o (i.e., external) or microenviron-
view o f stability theory as applied to ecology]. m e n t are the i m p o r t a n t characteristics. (This would be
Many workers have a t t e m p t e d to use the stability o f m e a s u r e d by such things as t e m p e r a t u r e fluctuations,
the species population to define ecological stability. rainfall fluctuation, humidity fluctuations, etc.) Unfor-
Usher and Williamson (1974) state "Roughly speaking tunately, no one o f these system measures is sufficient
ecological stability is the strength o f the tendency for a to characterize ecological stability. Any one o f them
population or set o f populations to come to an equilib- may not be stable, in a L y a p u n o v sense, while the
rium point or to limit cycle, and also, related to that, system as a whole m a y be "well behaved."
the ability o f a population system to counteract distur- In the last few years, the t e r m ecological stability
bances." Many articles and books have been written has been used to m e a n the stability o f so m a n y dif-
using this definition o f ecological stability [for the ulti- ferent characteristics o f ecosystems that one must be
mate see Granero-Porati and others (1982)], but an very careful to u n d e r s t a n d what an author means
equal n u m b e r o f articles and books have been written when he used the term ecological stability. Clearly such
challenging this approach. a situation is undesirable. Several authors have sug-
Hirata and Fukao (1977) and others have used the gested that a b r o a d e n i n g o f the definition o f stability is
biomass o f species as the i m p o r t a n t function that must necessary if it is to be usable in an ecological context.
be stable. This is a slightly m o r e flexible a p p r o a c h be- What follows is a sampling o f the ideas of a few au-
cause it allows for fluctuations in populations as long thors.
as the total biomass is stable. Others have talked about Preston (1969) states "Stability lies in the ability to
the stability o f the functioning of a species, that is, bounce back . . . . An ecological system may be said to
their niche remains stable. More recently, B o r m a n n be stable, f r o m my point o f view, d u r i n g that period o f
a n d Likens (1979) have discussed stability in terms o f time when no species becomes extinct (thereby
the functioning o f the entire ecosystem, as m e a s u r e d creating a vacant "niche") and none reaches plague
by stream water input. A n o t h e r suggestion is that the proportions, except momentarily, thereby destroying
stability o f the structure (i.e., foodweb) o f the eco- the niches o f other species and causing t h e m to be-
Framework for Discussing Ecosystem Integrity 493

come extinct." This is an interesting definition because point. Holling points out that forests that undergo
it does not require that the populations be stable in the pest outbreaks, such as the spruce budworm, are un-
Lyapunov sense, only that they be nonzero. stable. They experience extreme oscillations in popula-
Rutledge (1974) identifies three different proper- tions. Yet tile system almost always bounces back to its
des of ecosystems, all of which should be encompassed original state. It is resilient. Holling notes that resil-
under "ecological stability." T h e first is the sensitivity ient systems normally aren't stable and vice versa. Hill
of the components of the ecosystem to perturbation. (1975) expands on Holling's ideas and observes that
T h e larger the sensitivity, the less the stability. T h e there are two kinds of stability involved. One is "no-
second is the persistence of the ecosystem over time. oscillation" stability and refers to the stability of the
T h e longer it has survived the more stable it is. T h e state variables in the absence of stress. Tile other, he
final property is the ability of the ecosystem to return calls stability resilience. This refers to the stability of
to its equilibrium state after being perturbed from it. the state variables while the system is under stress and
May (1974) identified three tributaries to the after the stress is removed. This latter stability refers to
stream of ecological stability theory. "One draws inspi- the degree of oscillation (flutter) the system experi-
radon and analogies from thermodynamics, and is ences while under stress and how quickly this is damp-
concerned with broad patterns of energy flow through ened out when the stress is removed.
food webs. A second theme . . . . deals with the physical Cairns and Dickson (1977) have examined the sta-
environment, and the way it limits species' distribu- bility resilience of stream ecosystems. They have iden-
tions and affects community organization. A third trib- tified iour properties of ecosystems that determine the
utary concentrates on the way biotic interactions be- stress recovery characteristics of ecosystems: ecosystem
tween and within populations act as torces moulding vulnerability, elasticity, inertia, and resiliency.
community structure." Vulnerability is defined as the lack of ability to resist
Margalef (1975) is a little more pessimistic and sug- irreversible damage (which is defined as damage that
gests that "it is perhaps questionable whether the term requires a recovery time greater than a human life-
stability should be retained, as it has been used too span). Presumably it is measured by the size of distur-
much in different and divergent speculation." Wu bance necessary to cause irreversible damage.
(1974) suggests that perhaps it is more relevant to talk Elasticity is defined as the ability to recover after dis-
about ecosystem health, where an ecosystem is consid- placement of structure and/or function to a steady
ered healthy if its state variables are within a certain state closely approximating the original. Presumably
range. this is measured by the rate of recovery after distur-
My own opinion is that the idea of stability should bance.
be kept, but only in the narrow confines of the Lya- Inertia is the ability of an ecosystem to resist dis-
punov definition. In order to define what is meant by placement or disequilibrium in regards to either struc-
a "well-behaved" ecosystem, other ecosystem proper- ture or function. Presumably it is measured by the size
ties, besides stability, must be defined and quantified. of the disturbance needed to displace the system.
A n u m b e r of authors have attempted to do just this. Resiliency is the number of times a system can un-
Many of them work with the idea of an N-dimensional dergo the same disturbance and still snap back.
state space. Usually each of the N axes correspond to Cairns and Dickson are not clear about how to mea-
the population of one of the N species. However, sure these properties or in the difference between
other state variables can be used as well. T h e r e are a them, but, they do point out that the size of the distur-
n u m b e r of points in this hyperspace that are stable bance necessary to displace tile system, how far the
equilibrium of the ecosystem. About each of these system can be displaced before it will not bounce back,
stable points is a cloud. I f the system is displaced from how long it takes to bounce back from tile disturbance,
equilibrium, but remains within the cloud, it will re- and how many disturbances the system can tolerate
turn to the initial equilibrium points. I f it is displaced are all properties that influence tile reactions of an
outside of this cloud, it will move to some new equilib- ecosystem to stress and need to be understood in de-
rium state. tail.
Holling (1973) introduced the idea of resilience. Orians (1975) has identified seven properties of
He defines resilience as the minimum distance from ecosystems that are related to their stability: constancy
the equilibrium point to the edge of the cloud. Thus - - t h e lack of change in some parameter of the system;
resilience is measured by the minimum disturbance persistence--the survival time of the system; b~ertia--
necessary to disrupt the system and cause it to move to the ability to resist external perturbations; elasticity--
a new equilibrium state. Stability is the degree of oscil- the rate at which the system returns to its former state
lation the system exhibits about its stable equilibrium following a perturbation; amplitude--the area over
494 J.J. Kay

which the system is stable (tile same as Holling's resil- Table 2. Environmental factors and phenotypic
ience); cyclical stability--the p r o p e r t y of a system to characteristics of species that increase different kinds
cycle about some central point or zone; and trajectory of stabilitya
stability--the p r o p e r t y o f a system to move toward
A. Persistence
some final end point or zone despite differences in the 1. Environmental heterogeneity in space and time
starting points. T h e factors that increase each o f these 2. Large patch sizes
properties are listed in Table A-1. 3. Constant physical environment
Orians believes that an understanding of these 4. High resource utilization thresholds of predators
properties can only be obtained f r o m an under- B. Inertia
1. Environmental heterogeneity in space and time
standing o f the interactions of species and an appreci- 2. Greater phenotypic diversity of prey
ation o f the past disturbances and selection pressures 3. Multiplicity of energy pathways
that have acted on the species. We must examine sta- 4. Intraspecific variability of prey
bility f r o m this perspective using a precise definition 5. High mean longevity of individuals of component
of the p r o p e r t y o f an ecosystem we are trying to un- species
C. Elasticity
derstand and in the context of a specific type o f dis- 1. High density-dependence in birth rates
turbance. 2. Short life cycles of component species
Robinson and Valentine (1979) review the idea of 3. Capacity for high dispersal
stability and introduce their version of the concepts of 4. Strong migratory tendencies
elasticity, invulnerability, and invadability. Van Voris 5. Generalized foraging patterns
D. Amplitude
and others (1989) introduce the notion o f functional 1. Weak density-dependence in birth rates
stability. 2. Intraspecific variability of component species
More recently De Angelis and others (1989), in the 3. Capacity for long-distance dispersal
context of nutrient dynamics and foodweb stability, 4. Broad physical tolerances
identify five types o f stability. T h e s e are: local stability 5. Generalized harvesting capabilities
6. Defense against predators not dependent on a narrow
- - t h e tendency o f all system c o m p o n e n t s to return to range of hiding places
their steady-state equilibrium values following small E. Cyclic stability
perturbations; stability to large perturbations--this deals 1. High resource-utilization thresholds
with the possibility that the system flips to a new 2. Long lag times in response of species to changes in
steady-state equilibrium point when subjected to large resource availability
3. Heterogeneity of environment in space and time
perturbations; resilience--the rate o f return of the F. Trajectory stability
system to its steady-state equilibrium point after a dis- 1. Strong organism-induced modifications of the
turbance; structural stability--whether small gradual physical environment
changes can result in a catastrophe; and persistence-- 2. All factors increasing elasticity
the tendency for the c o m p o n e n t s of a system to stay aAfler Orians (1975).
within specific positive bounds t h r o u g h time.
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