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The Executive Members

33 Wilcocks Street
Toronto ON | M5S 3B3

Solidary with the Black Lives Matter Movement

Tuesday June 9, 2020

The Forestry Graduate Students’ Association would like to show their solidarity in the Black Lives Matter
movement and show support for those actively protesting and speaking out. We offer our deepest
condolences to the families and communities of Black individuals killed by police brutality, and those who
have been the victims of anti-Black violence. Anti-Black racism is engrained within our own Canadian
communities, and this systemic racism continues to uphold and perpetuate acts of violence and
disproportionately affects Black lives.

As a Student Association connected to the Forestry industry, we recognize Forestry has historically
been and remains an industry deeply riddled with prejudiced roots which has been dominated by a white
male presence and leadership. This industry has many injustices to correct, particularly regarding relations
with Indigenous and Black communities. We cannot ignore the injustices of Melody Mobley, the first
African American woman hired in the U.S. forests service who endured sexual assaults and racist gestures
and comments. Her story is one of many in the forest industry that should be heard. We cannot ignore the
current environmental injustices that pre-dominantly affect Indigenous and Black communities.

We acknowledge the need for all individuals to do the work of actively decolonizing our communities and
support all initiatives put forward by Black, Indigenous and People of Color to create a safe and welcoming
campus. We want to share the message sent earlier by the Black Student Association and the University of
Toronto Student Union by calling on the University of Toronto that highlight calls to action.

We encourage everyone to join in the conversation brought together by UofT’s Antiracism and Cultural
Diversity Office, particularly the workshops coming up that discuss ways of showing solidarity:
Lets Talk Allyship and Solidarity June 9th 10am
Talking about Rasicm at Home June 11th 10am

It is our responsibility to stay informed, aware and do what we can to make change. If there are
any ways we can better support you, the FGSA welcomes you to contact us. If you would like to join in the
discussion with the Race & Ethnicity Caucus of the UofT Graduate Students Union email

In Solidarity,

The Forestry Graduate Students’ Association

Nicole Tratnik – Chair

Heba Jarrar – Vice Chair
Noah Wolfe – Athletics Director
Richard Ormrod – Treasurer
Niamh Wall – Research Stream Rep / Undergrad Rep
Colin Smith – MFC Stream Rep / Alumni Rep

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