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CCT Aad ht AERC elastin (tL Cet (Lge ) Entrepreneur Pea 5 uy ea u iis Gh ig 2 es VIDA aan THE EMPIRES FRIED CHICKE BU N ILT MAX'S AT 65: HOW IT GREW TO OVER 120 BHC: CAN SAVORY MAKE A COMEBACK? ~~) Tell Your 23 Story Well Learn how to promote your business through the mass media. EVERYBODY LOVES A sod story: LK. ewsingaefinitely got that eight: boy wizard with the ightning scar has made her one the richest people inthe world. And whats good wing might be good for business too, Why’ Because everybody lo good story. Theres no tine like the present 10 tellyourstory- andamore importantly, ness stor. "Ge ul bars medlitexposurearethe startups those vl hase just started their business: sins Irish May Santosof AMPR Publicity and Conmnumieations Ine “The need for media exposiare is their brand to consumers and target 1s, media exposures then wWeast effect shed, IT STARTS WITH REPUTATION Introducing a brand to:and managing its reputation in publicisactually allup tothe entrepreneur Ibusiness ower sys Bra Geiser ‘of GeiserMactang Marketing ications Ine “Brands have reputations that color their perce Geiser says, apart aa bigger story. Look at these examples of concepts used recent media eampaigns (crows lelevision, radi print and the Internet): + It'snot just sods, ita partofy daily happiness, + Ie’snot just deodorant, tsa cor ouster, + Iesnot just acellular network, its ‘community cot urbana the ‘center of friendship, good times and meaningful occasions, says Geiser. Agcy todo this sto take part facearal the fling that it has always Iuclonged there, Even the snazziest promotions for instance, tune so sale it gives you LSS (last song syndrome) will wt be eno ‘endear your brand to the public arable” is whl your business elt someboxly hears yuu story and dest hequite When property designed ‘media campaign gyn bck bottom Fine by building ss credibility, shiftseonsumer behavior in your fvor, an even makes you marketing faus pas, he adds KNOW THY BUSINESS Sef knawledge of yourself and sally the key os audience. sae ‘you want tosendl A publicretations nay help get your company ‘exposure, but the content of that exposure stills eoprenee “Wedetermine first ‘ellent knows hat thei comps all abot,” ts.“ We experiences when a comp wanted media exposure, so naturally we prepared acon fort nications emafter we're given biel, neashen hes sae the plan, ‘We would find out, after several ‘conversations, that they ida really theirbrand Ws thisor that-they didi ks their borane! identity. I thats the even the press of media re ‘would be) prone to mistakes, thats why weadvise clients tacome up with a specific brand identity ittsdone, thats the time wed (media) plan," she ads, TRAIN AND LEARN Just ike starting your business, tires and that ts with media training You should be trained and how to with ther ntos, Ifyou haves Pitageney to work witht should help sou prepare in facing the meta, erat | learn he ta ph Never lie to the media! If they final fut, sent ate TOAST” warns Ged with emphasis, Hesiyyou should the media proper, nl learn xa to detlect possibly damaging inquiries without becoming andalways truth ‘Now you're readly to break out tothe media, what now? Geiser recommends: + Regularly reading the publications te whieh you aspire to piteh stories, + Joining marketing onganiz institutions related to sour + Readingabout trends and checking fut competitors online + Hiringanexpert if possible Readingawaed primersand cave studies prove to be very useful referenge materials ifyou have access tothe, adds Guise ‘THE DON'TS + Donot treat medialikean advertising ely feseryone, spend line + Always pha + Affixing your name ton setivity your rand has Hithe orn participation tendsto make yout Jerclevant to thestory- and the media will treat you accordingly —Xhis Mare Ronguillo

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