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Key Activity

For the following activity you will work in teams of 3 or 4 people. No less, no more.
You will need the following:

 Calculator
 Pen/Pencil
 Paper
 Desmos
Also, you will need:

 A video camera
 Somewhere to edit your resulting videos.

Part 1
Watch this video about climate change:

Enter the following link:

After that, enter to Climatología -> Temperaturas y Lluvia -> Resúmenes Mensuales de
Temperaturas y Lluvias.
You will select “Temperatura Media” and then download the file for “Media” for the years 2009
to 2019. You will copy on an excel table the mean temperature for each month of the year for
the State your team is assigned.

Once done that, select and copy you Excel table on Desmos (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V; Cmd if you are
using Mac). This will give you the points of the table arranged in the cartesian plane.

Part 2
Using the data from the table you generated find the parameters A, B, C, and D to create a
model with a senoidal form. That means, you need to find a function with the form:

f ( x )= A sin ( Bx+C ) + D


f ( x )= A cos ( Bx+ C ) + D

You must indicate the following:

 Amplitude
 Period
 Phase
 Displacement
 Domain
 Range
1. Plot the graph of the function you got on a sheet of paper.
2. Plot the graph on Desmos.

Using the regression tool on Desmos get another senoidal model on the same Desmos file.

y 1 A 1 sin ( B1 x +C 1 ) + D 1


y 1 A 1 cos ( B1 x+C 1 ) + D 1

With the help for each model, calculate the temperature for May 2015. You will get two
different answers here.
Fifth - Questionnaire
1. Why are both models different? Explain.
2. Which is the best model, your model or Desmos’? Explain.
3. What is the behavior of the temperature with the passing of time (it goes up, goes
down, stays the same.)? Explain.
4. In this context, what does the period represent?

Part 3
You need to create a PowerPoint presentation with the information and process from parts 1
and 2. You must include:

 Your names
 The name of your State
 The steps you made in Desmos
 3 graphs
o On Paper
o Your model in Desmos
o Desmos regression model
 Your answers for May 2015 with each model.
 The questionnaire with answers.

You must create a 5-minute video answering the following questions:

1. Why was collaboration important during the activity?

2. Which were the strategies used to complete the task at hand?
3. What did you do when your teammates gave their opinion/ideas?
1. What did you do to help the team? What did you give to the collaborative effort?
All the members of the team must appear on the video.
Where to upload:
To Blackboard in the Key Activity Section.

Everyone must upload the PowerPoint Presentation.

Only one uploads the video.

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