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Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Department of Management Studies - BBA

Internal – I Retail Management

Part A 5*1=5

Choose the correct answer

1. The word Retail is derived from ______________ word

(a) Latin (b) French (c) English (d) German
2. Retailer is a person who sells the goods in a _______________
(a) Large Quantities (b) Small Quantities (c) Both a & b (d) None
3. In Retailing there is a direct interaction with ______________
(a) Producer (b) Customer (c) Wholesaler (d) All of these
4. The factor leading to the growth of Retailing is _______________
(a) Changing trends (b) technology (c) demographics (d) all the above
5. A multi channel retailer sells merchandise _________________
(a) Over the phone (b) both a&b (c) over Internet (d) more than one channel

Part B 5*2=10

Answer any TWO from the following

6. Explain Retailing and Retailer?

7. State the importance of Retailing?
8. State the difference between Retailer and Wholesaler?

Part C 10*1=10

Answer any ONE from the following

9. Explain the types of Retailers?

10. Explain the types of Retailing?
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Department of Management Studies - BBA

Internal – I Managerial Skill Development

Part A 5*1=5

Choose the correct answer

1. A skill is ______________ in performing a particular task.

a) Ability b) Proficiency c) Performance d) Knowledge
2. __________ skill is the ability to use the knowledge of a specialised area.
a) Technical b) Human c) Design d) Conceptual
3. The survival and success of the firm largely depends on the quality of _______
a) Social behaviour b) Loyalty c) Human Resource d) Brand Image
4. __________ environment includes internal factors of the business.
a) Micro b) External c) Internal d) Both b & c
5. ___________ is the lifeblood of every business.
a) Research b) Human Resource c) Capital d) Investment

Part B 5*2=10

Answer any TWO from the following

6. What are the levels of Management?

7. Why Managerial Skill is important?
8. What is Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication?

Part C 10*1=10

Answer any ONE from the following

9. Explain Managerial Skill and state the skills required for Managers?
10. Explain Communication Process?
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Department of Management Studies – II BBA

Internal – I Cost Accounting

Part A 5*1=5

Choose the correct answer

1. The total of all direct expenses is known as _____________

a) Work Cost b) Prime Cost c) Total Cost d) Factory Cost
2. The technique and process of ascertaining of cost is termed as ___________
a) Accounting b) Costing c) Financial Accounting d) None
3. Direct expenses is also called _________________
a) Chargeable expenses b) non chargeable expenses c) Both a & b d) None
4. Cost of Sales plus Profit is ______________
a) Selling Price b) Cost Price c) Market Price d) None
5. Audit fee is a part of ________________
a) Administration O/h b) Factory O/h c) Selling O/h d) None

Part B 5*2=10

Answer any TWO from the following

6. Define Cost and Cost Accounting?

7. Write the functions of Cost Accounting?
8. Explain the difference between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting?

Part C 10*1=10

Answer any ONE from the following

9. Prepare Cost Sheet for the following:

Materials consumed Rs 6,000, Wages Paid Rs 9,000, Works on cost 50% on wages,
Office on cost 20% on work cost, Selling on cost 10% on work cost, Profit 20% on
10. A factory produces 100 units of a commodity. The cost of production is Direct
Materials Rs 10,000, Direct Wages 5,000, Direct Expenses 1,000, Factory Overheads
6,500, Administrative Overheads 3,480. If profit of 25% on Sales is to be realised,
what would be the selling price of each unit of the commodity?
Prepare the Cost Sheet.

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