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York Catholic District School Board

Catholic Education Centre, 320 Bloomington Road West, Aurora, Ontario L4G 0M1
Tel: 905-713-1211, 416-221-5051, 1-800-363-2711
Fax: 905-713-1272 ●

Office of the Director of Education

Ab Falconi

March 20, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Earlier this afternoon, Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, launched
Learn at Home, a new online portal to provide resources for families that will help students
continue their education while schools are closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

Elementary resources are designed to help young students learn at home with interactive
activities that encourage participation through entertaining and stimulating digital content. This
can be done independently or with the help of a parent or guardian.

High school content was designed with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics) courses and to ensure core competencies and skills are reinforced. The
government is also providing access to course content for students who want to take the
initiative to refresh and extend their learning.

Minister Lecce also stated that if, in the coming days, the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health
recommends closing schools beyond April 5, the Province will launch a second phase of Learn
at Home with more robust online learning. We continue to communicate regularly with the
Ministry of Education and Directors of Education from school boards all over Ontario. We will
keep you updated in as timely a manner as possible.

We have posted links to the Learn at Home resources on the YCDSB website here As well, we continue to speak with the government and our educational
partners to determine additional supports.

The health and safety of students and staff remains a top priority for everyone at YCDSB. We
continue to work closely with our public health partners and the Ministry of Education to monitor
and respond.

As well, we will continue to provide regular updates via email and on the Board website at

Stay well,

Ab Falconi
Director of Education

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