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oe HUMAN HUMAN DIMENSION/ PS PWT Tele) atl (ery Pool ede teld Seas ty Ts el ANTHROPOMETRIC TABLES BOVdS YOMSLNI 2 INTERIOR SPACE/BASIC DESIGN REFERENCE STANDARDS HUMAN DIMENSION & INTERIOR SPACE A SOURCE BOOK DESIGN REFERENCE STANDARDS. BY JULIUS PANERO, AIA, ASIO AND MARTIN ZELNIK, AIA, ASID WHITNEY LIBRARY OF DESIGN an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publicaions/New York DEDICATION To that smail group of anthropologists specializing inthe feld of en- Gineering anthropemetry, without whose expertise, vision, and Sensitivity tothe importance of human dimension and is relationship tothe desion process this book certainly could not have been writen. ce Unies Sate Cas by Wine Lay es ry Sng ann Panton Oa Augean Naan penny oe Siac torsion songe rd tet apanne CONTENTS FOREWORD, 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, 10 PREFACE, 12 INTRODUCTION, 15 A. HUMAN DIMENSION/ ANTHROPOMETRICS, 24 1. ANTHROPOMETRIC THEORY, 23 1.1 ANTHROPOMETRY, 23 4.2SOURCES OF DATA, 26 1.3 TYPE OF DATA, 27 1.4 PRESENTATION OF DATA, 31 1.5 PERCENTILES, 34 1.8 VARIABILITY AND RELIABILITY, 98 2. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATAJAPPLICATION, 37 2.1 APPROPRIATENESS, 37 2.2 "AVERAGE MAN" FALLACY, 37 2.3 REACH, CLEARANCE, AND ADJUSTABILITY, 38 2.4 THE HIDDEN DIMENSIONS, 38 2.5 PEOPLE IN MOTION, 40 2.6 RANGE OF JOINT MOTION, 43 27 RESTRAINTS, 45 3, ELDERLY AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED PEOPLE, 47 3.1 ELDERLY PEOPLE, 47 3.2PHYSICALLY DISABLED PEOPLE, 50 3.3 CHAIREOUND PEOPLE. 50 34 AMBULANT DISABLED PEOPLE, 5 4, ANTHROPOMETRICS OF SEATING, 57 4.1 THE DYNAMICS OF SEATING, 57. 4.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC CONSIDERATIONS, 60 43 SEAT HEIGHT. 60 4.4 SEAT DEPTH, 83 4.5 BACKREST, 65 4.6 ARMRESTS, 66 4.7 CUSHIONING, 67 HUMAN DIMENSION ANTHROPOMETRIC TABLES, 69 1. METROLOGICAL ANALYSIS, 73 2. ADULTMALE AND FEMALE! ‘STRUCTURAL BODY DIMENSIONS, 63 3. ADULTMALE AND FEMALE! MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURAL BODY DIMENSIONS, 97 4. ADULT MALE AND FEMALE! FUNCTIONAL BODY DIMENSIONS, 99 5. ADULTMALE AND FEMALE/ PROJECTED 1985 BODY DIMENSIONS, 101 6. ADULT MALE WORKING POSITIONS, 103, 7. CHILDREN AGES 610 11/ WEIGHT AND STRUCTURAL BODY DIMENSIONS, 105 8. ADULTMALEHEAD, FACE, HAND, AND FOOT DIMENSIONS, 111 8. JOINT MOTION, 113, C. INTERIOR SPACE/BASIC DESIGN REFERENCE STANDARDS, 121 1. SEATING, 125 2. RESIDENTIAL SPACES, 131 2.1 LIVING SPACES, 133 2.2 DINING SPACES, 139 2.3 COOKING SPACES, 149 24 SLEEPING SPACES, 157 2.5 BATHROOMS, 163 3. OFFICE SPACES, 169 3.1 THE PRIVATE OFFICE, 171 3.2 THE GENERAL OFFICE, 175 3.3 RECEPTION SPACES, 187 3.4 CONFERENCE ROOMS, 191 4. MERCANTILE SPACES, 195 4.1 RETAIL SPACES, 197 4.2 FOOD STORES, 205 4.3 HAIR STYLING, 209 5. EATING AND DRINKING SPACES, 213 5.1 BARS, 215 5.2 FOOD COUNTERS, 219 53 DINING SPACES, 223 6, HEALTH CARE SPACES, 231 6.1 MEDICAL TREATMENT ROOMS, 233 62 DENTAL TREATMENT ROOMS, 237 6.3 HOSPITAL ROOMS, 241 7. LEISURE AND RECREATIONAL SPACES, 247 7.1 EXERCISE AREAS, 249 7.2 SPORTS AND GAMES, 255 73 WORK AND CRAFT CENTERS, 259 8, PUBLIC SPACES, 263 18:1 HORIZONTAL CIRCULATION SPACES, 265 ‘82 VERTICAL CIRCULATION SPACES, 271 18.3 PUBLIC BATHROOMS, 275 8.4 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE FACILITIES, 278 8. AUDIOVISUAL SPACES, 283 9.1 BASICS, 285 9.2 WORKSTATION DISPLAYS, 289 9.3 DISPLAYS FOR GROUP VIEWING, 293 D. EPILOGUE, 299 E. APPENDIX, 209 NOTES, 311 GLOSSARY, 313 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA/SOURCES, 315 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY, 316 INDEX, 318 FOREWORD ‘Over the past 30 years, physical anthropologists have been con- ‘cerned with the documentation and description of human body size variably and its application to design. A significant problem con- tinues to exist, however, inthe communication of such knowledge 10 the wide variety of potential user, the design community. ‘The diversity ofthis group of users is broad, ranging from designers Cf workspaces such as aircraft cockpits or offices, through pattern makers and clothiers to designers of respirators and other personal Protective oquipmont. Equally as diverse are the needs of the users. For example, a designer of an office has litie use for 8 dimension ‘such a8 neck circumference, while a clothier or pattern maker may ‘consider it vital. Furthermore, users often need information about diferent segments of the population, perhaps about chidren, coal miners, college students, office workers, factory workers, etc, and ‘each user may require a different type of analysis or data presenta tion. Iti, therefore, extremely helpful forthe anthropologst to com- ‘municate effectively with each of the many spodialiss within the ‘Specific framework of their particular design probloms. Its tus very gratifying to find that the authors of this book, beth ‘experienced professionals in ther told, have takon on the complex task of bridging he gap not only by bringing to architects and interior designers much valuable anthropometric information in usable form ‘ut, mare importantly, by conveying so persuasively the concept that Luntappod rasources of relevant body size information exist and that its use has much potential impact on tha improvernent of workspace and residential design. In their presentation, the authors strike an excellent balance, avoiding the pitalis of overwhelming the reader with noediess technical complexities and resisting the simple- minded approach which has so often in the past conveyed the mis- taken impression that a fow tables of summary values will provide the answers to specific design probloms. | have long boon an advocate of relating the basic anthropometric ‘ala to a spectic dasigner's needs, and the authors clear treatment {or a spacial audienco is particularly gratitying. The real benefic- iares, ulimately, wil be office workers, small chien, and handi- ‘capped persons, to name but a few of the many consumer groups wih spocialized noods. [Rntrpagy Reseoey Peet INTRODUCTION ‘The fascination of philosophers, artists, theoreticians, and architects with human body size dates back many centuries. n the only com plate treatise on architocture surviving from antiquity Vitruvius, who lived in fst century .c. Rome, wrote: For the human body is go designed by nature thatthe fac, ftom the chin {othe top o he fordhaad and the lowest roots ofthe har fs teh part tthe whole height the open hand from the wristto the tip ol the middle fingers just the same; the head from the chin tothe cxown san eighth land wih the neck and shoulder from the top ofthe breast othe lowest foots ofthe hal isa sixth trom the mica of tho breast othe summit of the crown isa fourth, we take the Relghtof the face isl the distance ‘om the baton ofthe chin to the underside ofthe nostri is one thi of i: the nose from the underside of the nostis toa line between the eye- brows isthe same; rom thereto the lowest roots of the hari also a third. comprising th forehead. The length ofthe fot is one sith ofthe height of the body; of the forearm, one fourth; an! the breadth of the breasts aleo one fouth. The other members, too, have their own syn motrical proportions, and i was by employing them that the famous paints and sculptors of antquty sain to great and endless renown, “Then again, in the human body the central points natural the navel. Fort a man be placed fat on his back, with his hands and feet ‘xonded, ano a pat of compasses canted a his nave, the fingers and {oes of his two hends and feet wil touch the creumference ofa cle ‘dosorbed therelrom. And ust as the human body yilds a circular out- lino, 90 too a square gure may be found from I. For if we measure the {stance from the soles of the feet othe top ofthe head. and then apy that measure tothe outstretched arms, the breadth wil be found to be the same as the height as in the case of plane surfaces which are per feelly square. ‘Not only was Vitruvius concemed with proportions of the body, but wih thelr metrological implications. In alluding to Greek temple de- ‘ign he tells us, “Moreover, they collected from members of the human body the proportionate dimensions which appear necessary in all building operations, the finger or inch, the palm, the foot, the cuit During the Middle Ages, Dionysius, monk of Phouma of Agrapha, ‘wrote of man's body size as “nine heads tal,"*and Cennino Cennini, 1 erro ga Vis tras Fang of he man fe based onthe Vraan Norm Man. Photograph cout he Furs 2 Vaan May Jw Gen 04 Boron onto, 17 Fase 3 Mod fret La Co a 15th-century llalan, described the length of a man as equal to his \width with arms extonded.* During the Renaissance, Leonard da Vinci created his famous drawing of the human figure, based on the: Vtruvian norm-man (Figure 1). In the mi-19tn century John Gibson, land J. Bonomi were also to reconstruct the Viruvian figure (Figure 1-2) and later, more than 2000 years after Vitruvius wrote his ten books on architecture, Le Corbusler was to revive intorest in the Vivian nox with his ereation of Modular No. 1 (Figure 3). No discussion of body size and proportion, however, would be com- Blete witiout mention of the so-called Golden Section, the name ‘given inthe 19th century to the proportion derived from the divisions, of a line into what Euclid in 300 9.c. Greece called “extreme and an ralio."S According to Evcid, a line ie cut in such a ratio only n the "whole line is to the greater segment, 90 Is the greater tO the less.” Although three terms, at least, are required for any propor- tion, what is unique about the Golden Section is thatthe third torm of the proportion Is equal to the sum of the other two. Soascinating was this notion of the Golden Section that inthe early Partof the 16th century, Luca Paccoll, a close fiend of Leonardo and Probably the most famous mathematician of the time, wrote a book about it called Divina Proportion (dine proportion) in which he en- ‘dowed the Golden Section with many variad mystical properties in both science and art. He contended, for example, that he could de- fect “an aesthetic principle which is found in architectural forms, in the human body, and even in the letters ofthe Latin alphabet.”” [thas been claimed thatthe proportion of the so-caled Golden Sec- tion is far superior to all other proportions. Actual experiments are A [eee ease ‘said to indicate a preference, on the part of mos: people, for those proportions closest to Euci's extreme and mean ratio, While It was ‘employed as a conscious element in architectural design during the Renaissance, the architecture of antiquity, as well as that ofthe Mid- dle Ages, may also have been designed according fo the proportion ofthe Golden Section. More recently. its most enthusiastic supporter ‘was Le Corbusier, who In 1948 wrote a book dealing with proportions based on it ‘The most fascinating obsorvation about the Golden Saction, however, involves the human figure. If a horizental line is drawn through the navel, three different Body measurements are produced, 2s ilustrates in Figure I-8. One represents statue, or the distance from the top ofthe head tothe floor. Another represents the distance from the navel to the floor, while the third represents the distance from the top of the head to the navel. itis contended that if actual ‘measurements are substituted forthe letters indicated, the ratio of slature to the height of the navel above the floor usually approx- imates 1.618. The proportion of the three measurements conforms fairly closely to Euciid's extreme and mean ratio. Despite Viruvius's attempts to relate the human body to the system ‘of measurements employed by the Greeks in the design of temples, hhumanity’s basic concern with the human figure historically has been ‘more aesthetic than metrological. more involved wth proportion than with absolute measurements and function. Over tha last several doo- fades, however, concem for human dimensions and body size, a8 calical factors in the design process, has steadly increased. No- where has this concern been greater than inthe fd of human fac- ‘ors engineering, as itis caled in the United States, of ergonomics, as tis referred to in Europe. lt should be noted, however, that con: ‘com for body size is only one of soveral areas of inerest to the hhuman factors engineer, or ergonomist, due to tho extremely com- ‘lex nature of those disciplines. According to one definition, “human ‘engineering (human factors engineering, ergoncmics, biotechnol- gy) is not a single scientiic discipine but @ synthesis which inte- grates the biological sciences—psychology, anthropology, Physiology, and mecicine—with engineering."® Ergonomics has been defined in one instance as ‘the technology of ‘work design” that “is based on the human biological sciences: anat- ‘omy, physiology and peychology.”? In another inetance, itis defined ‘more simply as “an interdiscipinary science which studies the rela tionships between people and ineir environments," Most agree that both terms “human engineering” and "ergonomics" may be Used in- terchangeably, and during the course ofthis book, both rms will be so used. The application of human factors engingoring has been typically associated wit highly complex and limited technological problems in ‘machine and equipment design. The problems have usually involved relatively sophisticated man-machine interface situations: the design ‘of control contrs, aircraft cockpits, electronic consoles, and endless ‘numbers and types of military ar, ground, and sea vehicles, Yat to- day human factors engineering relates tothe civlan sector as well The desigr of consumer products, work environments, Yransporta- tion vehicles, to name a few, all quire human factors input ‘The field was gWven enormous impotus during the Second World War due to the compeling need to reconcile human capabities with the {technological sophistication of miltary equipment. The possibility of ‘human error had to be eliminated. Equipment had to be operated at ‘maximum afficeney under the most trying of circumstances, Prob- Joms facing the ergonomist ranged in complexity from a simple con- {Wo such as the push button, to complicated console designs for use ‘under battle conditions. More recertly, tha ergonomist has had to ‘cope with physiological, psychological, and anthropometric (the study of human bedy measurement, which will be thoroughly dis- cussed in Part A) aspects of design problems inherent in space travel. Of greatest significance, however, was the basic realization and acceptance of the idea that consideration of human factors con- stituted an integral pat of the design process. ‘Among the most important of these human factors is body size and dimension as it relates to the so-called ergonomic fit, or the ergofit- ting, of the user to the environment—one aspect of the so-called man-machine interface to which the ergonomist constantly alludes, Most applications of human engineering have, in fact, been inthe in- mom|monpm om| mon] mom ata. way a] ies Ws] a7 ssi |e? @apos saa[ TT a] ‘aiarsea| 174 42 207 s27|244 e2o| 104 488] 107 274 ‘SOURCE mas s21] 169 sea] saa a6alzz2 sea] 75 weal 03 210 Human Factors Engineering, 34 od., AFSC Design Handbook 1-3/1 wes] ue ve] v2 a7|a0 333 8193] January 1977, Department ofthe Air Force, Headquarters Air Force ‘Systems Command Andrews AF8, DC 20334, p. 8. The data used from AFSC DH 1-3 was, in tum, extracted from H. TE. Hertzberg, | Emanuel, and M. Alexander, The Anthropometry of Working Posi- tions, WADC-TR-54-520 [Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch College, Au- gust'1956 (DDC N° AD 110573)]; and Albert Damon, Howard W. ‘Stoudl, Ross McFarland, The Human Body in Equipment Design (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1871), pp. 194-196, “Adult Male Working Positions in Inches and Centimeters land by Selected Percentiles" ate le o Le Fle lH mae] mo | a) | =e sso_| so | 2 | we | vos | 7 | we | 75 ws [101 | se | a7 | m7 | ws | 99 asr_|_scs | rsa | osx | nz | nse “Ana @ tom Caen, Stud. MeFarand The Han Body ia Egbert Design. CroughH hom Human Factors Engineering CHILDREN AGES 6 TO 11 WEIGHT AND STRUCTURAL BODY DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION To dato, vary lite anthropometric deta have been avaiable to the designer with regard to functional body measurements of infants and children. Such information is vita othe proper design of juvenile fur- fiture and preschool, school, and other interior environments for use by children. What mekes the need for such data evan more critical is that the element of safety as well as comfort is at stake. There Is a ‘trong relationship between improperly designed furniture and acci- ‘dental death and injury to children. Cases of strangulation and neck Impingement in cribs and high chairs, for example, are not uncom- ‘mon. Table 7 provides some anthropometric data inthe form of body ‘measurements of chilren from 6 to 11 years of age in the United ‘States from 1963 to 1965. Although the measurements are structural rather than functional, they should be useful to the designer. (The ‘measurements were converted from centimeters to inches. which ‘explains why there are some discrepancies within the tables) Proper allowances for cothing and shoes should be added to all data. For adstional anthropometric data concerning infants and children, a 41975 study prepared by Snyder, Spencer, Owings, and Schneider, all of the University of Michigan, for the Society of Automotive En gingers, entitled Anthropometry of U.S. Infants and Chilaren, Is highly recommended. SOURCE Robert M. Malina, Peter V. V. Hamil, and Stanley Lemeshow, Ne- tional Health Examination Survey: Selected Body Measurements of Children 6-11 Years, 1963-1965 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern- ‘ment Printing Otfice, Vital and Health Statistics Series 11, no. 123, DHEW publication no. (HSM) 73-1605. B 7 WEIGHT siTING HEIGHT ERECT ‘of Chiaren in Pounds and Kilograms ‘Sex, and Selected Percentiles ‘Siting Height Erect of Children in inches and Gentimetersby Age, Sex, and Selected Percentiles, veers | 7Yeas | Svea | oVeas] 10 eae Yous | 7 Years ] 8 Yoas | 9 Years | 10 Wears] 11 Yours eg] © ig] bmg) kg) in em|_mem| im om| mem] inom, om as s| seas a7|_os7_ms 5 wear] cr oa] 20 ze mal mena | ‘STATURE ELBOW-TO- “Stature of Children in Inches and Cont Danae of Geen ; Elbowto-Elbow Breadth of Ghilcren inInches and ————SSSSC~*S 92. lected Percent Centimeters by Age. Sex, and Selected Percentiles yews | 7Years | GYeers | SYeas | lO vears 6 Years ‘é Years | _oYears | 10 oars ] 1 Yours so] s28 ious] ees tons] re ae 8 me aa sa] For] was oa] 07 ara] s2sa) uo _w2| 20 say_sso2 roe 209 t7_asr| res a7] 1a1_ma| a9 2 a7 s10_ws| 99 as ute ‘os o| a7 ste] vor as7| toa _ats| _so8 arr | nts moa twa au_wss|_ sts ss 1050 eo_mas|_o1 sx| os as| on _z08| 10s asr| 0s 200 OMRORENWESIT AND OMENSIONS 107 7 we HIP KNEE BREADTH ») HEIGHT ‘Hip Breadth of Children in Inches and Centimeters. y ‘Knee Height of Children in inches and Centimeters, bby Age, Sex, and Selected Percentiles: u by Age. Sex, and Selected Percentiles ee eT Per] see |e Steen [Tees] evens | SO Tess BOYS] es ue] oe me ze = we m7] ee aa] wa aa] aa aT 8 wa] za_vaz|_ 01s 3 wzo_sea| rasa] waa | moma] see] mee oa] sky 7 THIGH CLEARANCE Thigh Glearance of Ghidren ia Inches and Centimeters ‘Sex, and Selected Percentiles Pees] eas Boys a ins, zas| tae _9| sas asa|_51_ana|_ turn] tea _any| B0¥S aie] ea a7] tas mea] 0 ara] mo] isa QO) cms ci Ness rs | asl nd eomel a cee ee BOvS wea] ee aoa] aa ano] 07 oer] we] 16 a0 GirLS za|_zs_wo|_aa_ 7] ui avr] ore 23 0) ss wa] a2 rs] 0 se7] 98 ea] a 73] Gras zo| 120 006| we ms| wos a2] 140 s60| 140 _a75| BOvS a GiALS z7| sma] 22a] vane] ina aes] er _ae7 BOvS zo] wane] vrs o0x | tea ais] 130 —sa0] 30 3am O) crus mes create] carl se| ges ea) ee aed a Ca ‘BOYS: eo ma] 27a] na 7] ints zo] tos_za]_is_a95 xa|_ws_ns|_ 1s) MALE HEAD, FACE Buttock Popliteal ‘Of Children in Inches and Gentimtors by Ago, Sex. and Salada Perenies HAND, AND FOOT SYears | 7Years | 8 veas | 9 Years | 10 eas | 11 ans DIMENSIONS 10 invem| in cm | in om| in om| inom | in ves sig] 193 a8] 158] 150 m2] 180 907] v8 wo soe] vee sea] tas oa] 4a nea] 109 ara | 180 ws a3] 23 s12{ 130 09s] a7 oer] tea ona] 180 DESCRIPTION ‘The table provides sth and 95th percentile dimensions of the male ‘head, face, hand, and foot. Although of greater value tothe designer ‘of clothing and equipment, the hand and foot dimensions could also ‘prove quite usetul to the architect and interior designer. Applications ‘would include securily grilles, gratings, access and vision panels, recreational equipment, commercial or residential shoe storage ar- rangements and devices, and spacial spaces for physicaly disabled people. Proper allowances for clothing and shoes should be added to all data ‘SOURCE Human Factors Engineering, 3d ed., AFSC Design Handbook 1-31 ‘January 1977, Department ofthe Air Force, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command Andrews AFB, DC 20394, p. 6 OUT MAE SELECTED OMENSING 1H ‘Ceeumferonce JOINT MOTION DESCRIPTION “The study, measurement, ard evakiation of the ranges of ont mo- tion isa complex and rlaively sophisticated scionee. Measuring techniques have rot been completly perfected and some yet re ‘main to be devised. Research wth respect © conan aspacts ofthe ‘namics invlved, partly in toms of to interaction of two or ‘more jis or muscles, is sil nts eary stages. The deta avalladle fre scarce, and information speccaly rlatad to large samplings of the clan population practicaly nonexistent. Table 9 includes what informations valable concering ranges of joint motion relative to the neck, spine, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, wrist, fingers, ankle, and foot. Most of the data, however, are based on a military population and ate concamned primary win the simple movement of single Jont and not withthe efect of one upon the other. Proper alowarces for ching and shoes should be added o al data. ‘SouRCE ‘Human Factors Engineering, 34 ed., AFSC Design Handbook 1-3, ‘January 1977, Depariment of the Air Force, Headquarters Air Force ‘Systems Command, Andrews AFB, DC 20334, pp. 18-17. oer woron 9 JOINT MOTION TERMINOLOGY" Flexion: bending or decreasing the angle between the parts of the body. Supplementing the more commonly measured arm an lo flexons, several kinds of fexion have been denied to meet special escrpive needs. These are dunk lateral flexion in which the nk ‘Segments move So fe decrease the angle between them and the "nt thigh: radial Resin, which refers tothe movement ofthe thu ‘Sie ofthe hand toward be racial de ofthe forearm segments; at Ulnar flexion, which refers tothe opposite side of the hand's move: ‘ment toward the ulnar side ofthe forearm segment. Extension: straightening or increasing the angle between the parts of the body. It is generally defined as the retum from flexion When a joints extended beyond the normal range ofits movement, the movement becomes known as “hyperextension.” ‘Abduction: movement of a body segment away from the midline of the body or body part to which itis attached. ‘Adduction: movement ota body segment or segment combination toward the midline of the body or body part to which itis attached. Medial rotation: turing toward the midline of the body. Lateral rotation: turing away from the midine of the body. Pronation: rotating the forearm so that the palm taces downward ‘0 that the palm faces HYPEREXTENSION ‘Supination: rotating the forearm so that the palm faces upward, YPEREXTENSIO version: rotation ofthe foot which its its lateral border to tun th ‘Sole or plantar surface cutward. Inversion: liting the medial border of the foot to turn the sole ins ward. SHOULDER 7 \e Pamanrsnion FLEXION AND EXTENSION PRONATION AND ‘SUPINATION. = ane ae) ’ fortmes jursearroee sence x a, 4 ‘ : ee x ~ q NEUTRAL DORSIFLEXION AND PERMANENT FLEXION FLEXION PLANTAR FLEXION OINT MOTION ABDUCTION AND METATARSOPHALANGEAL ROTATION ROTATION IN "ADDUCTION IN FLEXION EXTENSION NEUTRAL EXTENSION HYPEREXTENSION "AND FLEXION JOINT MOTION 3 ‘The promise of easy answers associated with packaged solutions, rules of thumb, standards, and other presumably painiess and time- ‘saving devices is understandably an appealing one. In certain situa- tions, reliance on such sources may be perfectly appropriate. In ‘problems dealing wth such human factors as the inter‘ace between the human body and the designed environment, however, the use of ‘such sources should be discouragod. The great variety of body sizes ‘and dimensions to be contended with and the almost infinite number Of interace scenarios possible make reliance on such sources Sometimes dangerous, often inappropriate, and usually unwise. In those instances where so-called standards or rules of thumb may. in fact, be appropriate, it is stil more useful to understand the undery- Jing concepts, process, and rationale than to unquestioningly apply them with oniy the end results in mind, INTENT In anticipation that the term “design reference standards,” the tile {given to this section, should in any way be misconstrued to suggest the promise of a handbook of ready-made design solutions its nec ‘essary that the purpose of this sation be marie clear. Ini definitely ‘not intended that the drawings on the following pages be viewed as te Coaly anno Ses Jee loge involved and to underscore the anthropometric aspect of the alE/3 2|ulle process, it should be noted that each drawing contains certain de xiilg|>|c\sle mensional arrows crawn in sold ine with code numbers writen 2) 2/8) | 215 above. The numbers represent certain standard body measure- 2 8\a)3) 8] a8 ‘mont: 4 Taste a aatncas 7 STATURE The legend for translating th bers into particular 2 eT legend for translating these numbers into particular an- thropometric measurements contained both inthe master matrix at SIELEOW HERAT: the beginning of each secton and in the matrix at the beginning of 4 SITTING HEIGHT ERECT ‘each subsection. The dimension line indicates where the measure- 5 SITTING HEIGHT NORMAL "Ment taken. The folowing observations should make the use of tho Sa CITA ‘matrix easier. One column lists the 24 body measurements. The NS SSNS ‘ther column ists the various types of interior spaces. The circular symbols indicate those specific measurements that are most signif- '@ SHOULDER BREADTH Cert ta Geson oa paula p4ce pe. The darkened elon ‘8 ELBOW-TO-ELBOW BREADTH Signy tha! the measurement s person having a larger ody size. The cies shown in outine indicate that the measure- ar: POLE EARTH. ment should be of @ person having a smaller body size. The halt 1K26| 11 ELBOW REST HEIGHT darkened ose signet hat bot age and salad Sze dla bo [f2 THIGH CLEARANCE: ‘considered. The extended arrows identity the tables in Part B in ‘which the related body measurements can be found. The matrix at pe ete {he beginning ofeach subsection ists only those measurements ret Nao f'4 POPLITEAL HEIGHT ‘evant to that subsection, The other colurmn ists the basic activiies 10.2K| {iS BUTTOCK POPLITEAL LENGTH involved, while the symbols indicate those specific measurements 1P2L 16 BUTTOCK KNEE LENGTH ‘ost relevant to a particular activity SaiOSeOaTeTH TASB. 18 BUTTOCK HEFL LENGTH ieee fio VERTICAL REACH HFIGHT SITTING ‘The arrows shown in broken ine, with a etter above, indicate other a ‘mensional criteria that have been determined in order to comiorta- Bo NERTICAL GRIP RAG bly accommodate the designated body moasuremenis. The charts 21 SIDE ARM REACI ‘on each page are keyed tothe letters and show the dimensions in [22 THUMB TIP REACH both English and matic systems, [23 MAXIMUM BODY DEPTH. ‘Through the caret use ofthese drawings, tables, matrices, chats, 1X6A [24 MAXIMUM BODY BREADTH ‘and ext 2s a model, the designer of interior space should be able to establish the dimensional requirements necessary to respond to the ‘anthropometric demands inherent in any type of interlace stuation| that includes the human body and that space. Preliminary design ‘assumptions so developed are sure to be far more responsive to human dimension than arbitrary or often outdated standards or rules of thumb. “The design of seating, more than any other element of interior space, involves the elusive quality of user comiort. Since relatively tle re- search in this area has been undertaken, conficting recommenda. tions abound for_many of the dimensions involved. The measurements indicated in the drawings on the folowing pages, therefore, reflect basic anthropometric requirements anc, within rea: sonable parameters, generally accepted notions of comfort. The in- tent of the diagrams is to indicate some of the more basic cxtica dimensional requirements necessary to ensure a reasonable inter- face between the human body and the seat and to establish an itel- ligont point of departure for the design process. Par ofthis process, it shouldbe noted, involves the fabrication of fullsize mockups and pro- {olypes, whereby function, esthetics, and user comfort can be prop erly evaluated and design modifications made accordingly. Inmany instances, seating Is rectly rotated toa table, desk, counter, ‘ora vatily of special worksurlaces. However, the clagrams in tis ‘section deal exclusively with the seat itsel. The proper relationship ‘between the seat and ather elements is included in those other sec- tions appropriate to the activity involved. For example, the desk/chair telaionship is included in Section 3 dealing with office spaces; situa- tions involving visibly and lines of sight from a seated postion are ‘covered the section on the design of audiov'sual spaces. The seat- ing types included in the dagrams are executive chairs, secretarial ‘chairs, general purpose chairs, drafting stools, and banguettes. The ‘tical dimensions examined include seat height, seat depth, seat ‘width, seat angle, armrest height and spacing, and backrest cimon- sons and slope. should be noted thatthe dimensions shown are taken from the com- pressed seat padding or cushion surface. n the design of seating, the ‘lative resilency and compressive qualities ofthe cushion ae there fore extremely important. Recommended seat compression allon- ‘ance varies, cording tothe source consulted, rom ¥3 to 2in, or 1.3, 05.1 em, ands obviously a function ofboth the material used and the ‘manner in which the padding is detailed. Section 4 of Part A deals in ‘greater detail with the question of cushioning and with the general ‘theory of eeating design. This section should be consulted prior tothe ‘agpliaton of any of the recommended dimensional Information ‘shown inthe following diagrams. PLAN view iis also suggested at the reader ro- fertoPar Secson 4, and the folow- legpages of is section for adtional ‘Semaen rated to the oars! ‘epoct of chal sign. A ood deal of hats appcable al cha pes. ‘Soe wew PLAN view. GENERAL PURPOSE CHAIR Soevew PLAN VIEW EXECUTIVE CHAIR ‘CHAIR /STOOL PLAN View im om Tserrne ‘The draings atthe bottom show the base amoneone for te dosh oF Banquet seating. The lack of rm reste makes ditt to done Seat boundaries The user, here, ends to eatablon Nis ow tortry by 26- Suming 2 decied eting postre and pacing personal atten ext 10 hen Sich aa brotcase, purse or pack- ‘ge. Snce the nate his ype of ‘hating can pormt some form oft) ‘Sorta Rien ersions nd er ‘Sonal space ls play 8m important Dpetinfow eeseine urs enanng the Banque wil st Because tthe mary ndeen psycho. lepealfacors von the acta ff ‘concy of tus seating ype terme ot fxpacty 15 questonabie The lar (gas recato two possbie seating Stators. each ctted by the an- Tropemetres volved. Ono aange- mor isbaod onto premise tha! he Users otbows willbe extended, poss By in eantuncton wih some acy. ‘ch as roan. or simply as an a= tempt to ste out aden try, [Sr woud be the case be sage ‘estoning ot some personal ertcioon {he seat In ths stuaton f would De ‘enscnabia 0 assume tat enc User ‘woud take op abo 0 782 em ‘hapace The ster gram shows & more compact seating arrangement. ‘Tho dagyam at to op shows @ Soe ten trough yi! tanaueta BANQUETTE SEATING BANQUETTE SEATING RESIDENTIAL alelele Sis lé la 5[5|2 2/8 lolz |S/Elly giz bse 18 2)8|a|8|a)& vane [as/8] 819 Tas T STATURE : Bac 7 EVE HEIGHT 135 3 ELBOW HEIGHT i020 SITTING HEIGHT ERECT SITTING HEIGHT NORWAL 78 EVE HEIGHT SITTING 7-iOSHOULOER HEIGHT SITE 3 SHOULDER BREADTH 0 ELBOWTOELSOW BREAOTH uaF 70" HIP BREADTH 71 ELBOW REST REGHT a 2 THGH CLEARANCE ihiat 13 RNEE HEIGHT wai 1a POPLITEAL HEIGHT 10.2K ‘15 BUTTOCK-POPLITEAL LENGTH a Tea 16: BUTTOGKKNEE LENGTH Tas 17 BUTTOOR TOE LENGTH ines 1 BUTTOOK HEEL LENGTH ee EVERTON RESET FARE STS tae 20" VERTICAL GRIP REACH Uae BT SIDE ARM REACH aD 22 THUNB TE REACH ‘ws 26" MAXIMUM BODY DEPTH KoA 2 WAXIMUM BOOY BREADTH ‘The variety of human actviy that occurs within residential spaces whether they be studio apartments, two- and three-bedroom coopera tives, or suburban houses, is formidable. I is within tis single of ronment that people sleep, dine, relax, meditate, entertain and a ‘entertained, make love, do housework, read, Cook, bathe, aro cory ceived, and in some cases are born or die. It is also within thowe ‘spaces that people sperd al least half of their waking hours and ae ‘subjected to mest of the physical inuries they are ikely to sustal during the course of thar fete. The impressive number and diva sity of functions that must take place within this single environment, the extended period of time that people spend within it, and ther vil erabiliy to fatigue and accidents give the quality of their interface ‘wath that envirorment added significance. Another factor that make the qualiy of interiace even more crticalis the decrease inthe size of residential spaces avaiable on today’s market due to the increasing costs ofboth construction and and. As a consequence af hese exiey nl economic factors, it becomes necessary in many cases to maxi mize the ulilzation of existing space to the greatest degree possibie Iinsome instances this involves innovative ways of percotving both the problem and he design solution. For example, it may be necessary 10 ‘explore the use of overhead space, to have’a single portion of the space perform several functions, or to creatively recycle space, for erly used for a dierent purpose, to accommodate a resider ial function. The text and illustrations to follow deal with human dimore ‘sion and residential space in termes ofthe major functions that must be ‘accommodated, Sea Ins ropa sat height must ak to consideration popal hah, while ‘Seat depth must be esgonsiveibltock pope length Cxculon around seat rg elomerts must accommodate mats Body breath, whee Ipeaton oa Cate tate n elation oa chai shoud be reeponsiato human reach amonsion. ‘The Right a whch a pln nung ona wal should be Stormined elt: ship eye haght. The possblies ae almost endess andthe aewings one totowing pages explore enya few ofthe many cesgn stvatons at requre kroweoge of human dmoraions. The mathe above macates some of tho a ropomre maatirerent ate no consteraion fo ensure Ina prope” eves ot macs. DAs 2 soxces ‘he damage here oxaine th ria lenstip of fomaia and mat body mensions fo sola seating. horde 6 determine how much spaco. the Seated" body requres. “The ar tropoetic measurements f major Ieterest here are masirum body brea and butock popliteal length The op draing deas wih male mensions; based on 850 porcenile ata, maximum body bread tmenaon 6 2.8 nor 579 cr wh 3 hide ject Aton or cloting ard Some. Dooy movemerta¢ well as change n posture and postion, amin mun dimension of 281 71m. Siggostog ab a with alowarce for 8 rated person The oerl imenac, ‘Peto eudestne nau woth Sfomences and the wah ot 8 88 larmeawsrucon, whic ebvusty can ‘ary depending on personal eign Deleteres Arango o'3 06 in of 76 {0 152 cm, fs suggested. Using the ato ponitealengh of he smaller person and adgng asl alowance G16 10 9m oF 152 10 229 0m, for acest constucten as wel a8. 3 ‘inemim one in ten ft ota for (oot movement. an over depth mension of 42 108 no 1087 10 121g, is suggested The rangle lor the drawing athe batom dealing wth feraie data ls he sare. Te {omaton shoud prove noon util prow hoor teh othe ‘oncral reatoranp. bomeon 800) ‘See ane future bt of spect value In estichng priminary design a Sumptons for nawusonal sear fn Seabee desired excavaly or the ‘eet males or of females in spaces where souting ls to bo used by bom {ives larger dmencione shoud ao ‘SOFA SEATING /MALES. € 3 [eeeeee ‘sone 3 152-229 6 Te=182 2 I Se __—Tes-127 # pats SOFA SEATING / FEMALE 24s 1« B spaces: ‘The top draweg examinos to role tonship ofthe female and mais body ‘mensions to arm cha sexing it ‘er 10. determine the. amount ot ‘Space the seated body rogues. The ‘ionaie sm fo Pn Sealing ‘wth soe seating, cuties onthe re ‘ada p02 ‘Th bottom drawings nt intended to ‘suggest a speci ayout or a conver atonal grouping, and heetore oud rat be taken Mera Nos Ssuggosted fat epecal female and trae seating be provided nthe same ing space. The rawing ie oseen- tly erative and perpose 0 Suggest alowances for corte Cheation relaive to come” ange eating s2uatone The kay coneders ten anivopometrealy ' macerur body breach data Se clearances inveve, the data related he ger pevson aera Pe mater shows be uted 7 Wer 152-229 24s 1H spaces The cravings at the top and certor ea! wit the major obaraces In ‘voted in lounge or conversations Seating The tp raw is based ona conversation! grouping in whch 2 ‘ceararce betwoen Pw Font the ‘seat ad the edge of he abel [oabetwoen 16nd Yin, or 40.8 and 457 em The clearance may tegure some degree of body contactor = ‘Sappng for ereuston and sccbes Antrepometicaly. Powever. dows ‘zcormodale human reach, pert tng be seats porson aesese to he cof table witout rng. Th dra Ingo suggests a amensionalvange ter verbal conversion. The centr (aving lusatos a Sra trivee ‘arargenent that woud. parmt ce Gulaten wih tl heaton ates, The ‘earance inated. however 10 per: It such scones woul make timpes Sbie fx most people to roach he Cation table tom a seated postion, Tis could be entromety undesrabain terms o fod, beverages, and coe rates. Given the cnoce boteoan hl heaton eccess andthe accor ter frase the authors otto reach 4nd recommend the sraler clear Thetbotom arawing suggest an over all alowanee fr oasy chi o ocln ng char seating, cag forest Tho butoccieg fongth of the ager person sho. moat ignifoant. an Ivoporsie measurement in 80 Ising Dus learanem Wehad azo be ‘ote thatthe height of he fotes i ‘ko a hacton of seat haght. The ‘e eight of he seat =a a_i pares] Bee "a 0-wo. iS 473-2087 1618 wos-ne7 | E 356-032 305-457 Tea-o14 Hz mos 8 ie24-1727 62972-1675 WALL UNIT) ACCESS BY FEMALE WALL-MOUNTED BAR UNIT) ACCESS BY FEMALE 24s. = T spaces “The drawings on this page state tho rlatorehip of human dimension sd ccesabity 9 on ano hgh sto ‘ge 0° tare, vsualy aceoiated ‘mth ving spaces, Te coniguraton llste Mustraton of ay spectc eee ‘ment of lurk, bak rather ‘general repeseniaion of tunture ‘pes nomaty furdin alin space. Iatuatons whore the ser f hat ‘own ent, nari ems ofS oF ‘ody ze. ho bocy aie data of te ‘sailor person shoud govern he ‘event tne use known, mensions ‘nore appropiate 1b fat body size Shouts be used whore praca. ‘rout be noted hater each eo two “Groner a stow oh dawn. Ineach case the ower ues based cn Sh percerle body 20 data ard ‘ho larger on 95th perro Sta 5-55 35-40 e- E30 ero | 2s G6 “753 | foe. We 7-127 In examining the eanorsvp bemwoon human mension and dining spaces, he ‘teas of mest oncom oe designe are the cesrances aroundthe table and he amber of people stable of a parteulat ze can aocormodae. The clearance ‘wean he edge fo fs adhe wal or any oer physical obseucten ms Sto very loss accommodate two omens. (1) the space occupied bythe ches find (the maximo body bread ofa person of larger body size ase crultos ttwoon the char and te wall dealing wih the space ood by the cha, ‘Shou be ood tate poston, rlatve to the eae ofthe table, wel change Several tos dicing the course of a meal Towards the end ofa mesh, pemaps: ‘ae he person is engage inirmal conversation onan effort to change Body [osture,fhe char maybe extended aterm he wb. Asa person eaves the {able he char may be lest even faror away. Comforabe clerance shod ‘enume te chat tbe as fathest stance Fam the table ‘Too oten n calculating ie rumber of peopl o be accommadated around the {abl he designer roles exclusively on plat turure ema on he al ‘canola 24m or Gem, carter enter env spacing, iead of considering the atmam body tree ofthe poreon ot avg body size, tho fact hat the ‘hows may be extended, nd, iad, the 9200 ace sting sll To ensure ‘proper intrtace botwoon a fuman body and the table during he ding pro rot ony must he athroponetre consereuors discussed above be taken Into acount but the human oe, he car, te tabla, and te place seng must bevoned asa ester. shoud alse be notd athe size cf he place sting wil {etomane how much tbe area wil be avaiable for ental ected share ele ‘ments uch as beverages or serving shes. Te crawingschthefotowng pages texamine al these condtans ane shoul be helpful ret only in aking preliary Soot severe but ore mportanty masastahing an approach or ince (al deogn anaes ENTRANCE FOYER/ J“exc88 2052-2235] REQUIRED CLEARANCES FOR COAT REMOVAL 2.2 oun i SPACES ‘Todetomin abe size ti helt to ow the able as conising of to ones. The place eating zone repre. Saris the personal aciwiy space @- Fecty in ron of Be india! ine \deaty shoud be of adequate 20 to actemmodato th necessary dn- rerwate siverware, asoware, ot both in fs orga! seucured form ard Inds evental sate of daray coreg ‘ecou'seot suse. The wh oft one shoud also scconmodsla the uma dimension and body poster fssumed suing te esing process Etquete eee sould be generous fenovgn alow fr be navn po. Jecdon of he eons. Antvepomet- fay, the meximam body bres zone, along for obow preecton. i ‘bout 39m o¢ 76.2.0n, andthe mee tral with about 24 mor 61cm To ‘ow or the elamerts ote strate Selb opinal ard mica depts Shagestetor Pic zone are 18a 16 Iiroras’ and 406 om, spectra ‘The aptmal pace sein Zane canbe awed asa rectangle, 30 by 18 or 782 by 457 em, and the maimal Zone, 24 by 16 In 81 by 405 om ‘The shred access tone represents thetable space opposite the place set- ng 2one8 nococeay fo. acon ute serving distes and. plat, Folted sherwar, gases, doeraive comarpoces, cancdabres, et. The ‘SzpofPis zone varies ea andiza o_NTEROR SPACE:DESON STANDAROS {union of Hest, ype ot mea eve! ing press. At the begiang, t= ‘much coset tha ae Near fe end {he mea, perhaps whe the person 'S sping cfs and atemping tor tax by enanging body poston he ‘uit ay be moved fay om the fable about 24 In of 61 om. ttmate comersation may cause the chai 10 bo beught cose” to he bie ran at ‘he begring. Fay. as te porcon foes om the cha a he coneuson ‘th ea ts fal ecaton may boas much as 36 n, or 8 cm away. The ‘raing neato tat he 236 he lable shouldbe atleast 36 nr 1 fon. anay tom the wall of noareet ‘bert o accommodate a hese ‘movements. The hah ofthe seat ‘Bove a lor shoul aon the otto {et fery onthe ground. # the seat ‘aig too eat he es wi dane {pa te aoa of the Fgh jst brand {he ne wil become pinched and tate. A seat height 0161917 or 405 1 413 cm, shoud be adequate ‘o accommosste most people. AGS. ‘uate clearance for he tigh souk ‘so be prowded Botwoon the cp of the soa! an the underaco of iho {abe Ae indategon te cranny. 75 tn or 184.0m. the minum rer Qires. Tre basket! of be char oud be propery lcaled to Ge ‘Sppon fo the hanbar region of the bck. The haght ofthe tbe op om ‘hea shoue be between 29.03 30 in. of 737 © 762 om. Tho Bolom 2.2 stices ‘The proper neg of 9 crater er chor type of ponder bir Tete ‘bove a crang table speul be bases ‘human dmeraton fo esate tat Goes not cbstuet vision The Top awn snows the reistenerg ot ‘ure og above mo aie sutace 1 ‘ssa and alarge person Eye hight Sting the booy measurement 0 {onoder antwopometeaty. The ea! ‘olson isan aduatabe arargemert Soihat ne og the stro can bo ‘quite to espero persona ore ‘Senet, The ntormaton one daa lng ie vse in estalanng. ta) Paight parameters a a basis lr oxe- leary denn assripbons The raving ss0. indicates a minal ‘earance two the abies he seal Bim. 219 0m, ihe char Tireaty sto or th abi 0 Pmt onetare seco ereuion be Find the seated person. “The botom droning provises ada ‘al coaranae information ane Fag ‘ests a ranma dtane ot 60 inet {524 em, betwen tale ane wal accommodate one lane head-on ot taken detance rom to ae (raving eats ta to alow st im wr (ent cewarce lor someone 1 past csv te able spol be ented ae mass enoon 48 ang 60 oF 121910 81 167 2087 1828, fom the wal see ee oo a i om 32 z 2-30 737-782 oe reo - = eat a8 g 8 tei 406-432 Pee 575m tet [ee ee] Ted 2 8 457, Fee 2s] MINIMUM CLEARANCE BEHIND CHAIR IN PLACE. c CE BEHIND EXTENDED CHAIR (ae ara a WTEROR SPACEDESON TANDAROS resent seices 147 2.2 ons 9 SPACES ‘The tp drawing shows clesrancos between the edge othe abe aa he wal or nearest physical ebstuctn to ‘ow twolre serves eraulaten be ‘hed te er, wth the ena away ftom the fate. The dual clear ‘ances chown requite the able 0 be Tested 60 96m. 2288 10 2408 on, fom the wal. Ths cewarco fe ‘generous for the average rosdontal ‘huaton. given minimal room 20s ‘valid. should bo noted tat hor arangurents Mie one tee weer] 30-08 9785-2058 2a Tera 30 762 F—w-00 757-763. G15-10 —tsre-2704_| Ho instar 175-29 445-508 38 Sia Tsma 194 ‘8 TERIOR SPACEOESN STANOAROS MINIMUM CLEARANCE FOR TWO BEHIND EXTENDED CHAIR BANQUETTE SEATING] SERVICE AND PASSAGE CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS siecrma % | | 208 seaces a, , Eee Bees - = a TRE Ba Aha eer na 2 ee Fe 2 Saha a 2 eee ! ee 2 eee u Sees a 3 Fe ee re ‘The dawengs on he lotowng pages explore the relationship of hun denon to he varus components of sleeping spaces, he most abvious bang the bed ‘alton ns conventional orm ang ts overtead spaceeavng design On {Ta dealgnr is peeocnpied with gamorsing fe sleeping encronmer. some of the more Base anihroportie considerations are ignoted. fs tare adeais| ‘sp0ce around the bed not only © croulata Dut 16 make tor vacuum under 1 there acequat clearance betweon the bed and adresse, wah a drawer extended fordresaton? a vew he onto’ fbi space's porta what mpc: does thosil height have cnthe sight nes with he huran boy na ecsning postion? ‘ho desig ta bunk or kftbed. now much auarace le route temo tp! Mo loner bed othe botom ofthe bed above to accommasate the hursanbooy in ‘stale postion? How ruch dearace shouldbe alowed twoon rows of hang {Games n'a wasn dase lor confoiable human aczess? How high shes ‘Zorag eb be focal tobe win reach? How nigh shou the meat be over & recs abe Fx comlotabe we? “Templates andro rab a in destoning he space can ten be mislead Ing What can bo eqaly mateaings forthe aesznoto ure nnseYo: Nore 36 ‘Model nan attompt o sera concions elated to rach and clearance sue ‘ors snce whet may accommodate the Gslger, may Dot accommodate the ma [ery of user. Thefatowing rewngs exemine human body se een 10 he ‘nrovs design tuations menioned ner othe antiropometnc consiersons ‘ndeatedin te above mans 2.3 snes “The lop craings bustate stance variations of the typical single ae Soule bod. The fgues are shown simpy 9 prove sme approximation Of fe space requred by the human boay in alaontip 1 the bed area ‘Toa emg shad not be ten oo Ieraly. The body posters assumes hl ieping may, act, take up far ‘move space han shown. The dat (toes betad fo the edges of he od ae also quis academe and are tended ony to provide a beter Sores of the bod sees aval and {he georaleatorstip of body size to bos aro. ‘Te relationship between sight Ines ‘and ho sil or head of awadow sc Kea aviow'o te cusses a design ‘conaceraon. The aang a tha bot tom o te page shows the relston- Stipe ot eye hoghtin ting, standing fang rosinng postors 1 varying sit ros jal ls > le BEDROOM! VISION AND SIGHT LINES ED CLEARANCES AND DIMENSIONS 2.3 sere ad seaces ‘The tp drawing ustates the clar areos suggsted bameen singiebede {o alow for oreiaton, accees, anc faking up he boss. Arar of 96 ‘or 914 em. 6 recommenced. “To conseve space, underbed storage ‘may be used in many insances. In Suthstuatons, ts octenal hat ade. (uate clearance be provided betwee the tet snd the wal ore nearest Priel obstucten to ens" com fonbie acess, ‘As exscatad inte atom rawing, © ‘dearance of #8 19 €2 in or M68 10 1575 om, stout bo adequate t 3c: commodnt the nurse body in ‘neaing postion as wel asthe ro} ‘neta partaly evtandos ramen is necessary to provi fr cretion ‘hat must bypass the wosacbiy 279 shown, an addon! 30. ot 762 em. sould be 380d 36-39 91-0 a oa Deer 3 762 2-13 z Gee ness 2.3 32° aS seaces “he crawings al the op and center deat win coarances requted by he human taoy in reaion to ea8e3 E ates and cesks.The crewing at he tip stows he menu clearance Sigestogbenean te dressing ab = land the bed rote pyocal soa tonto be 2419 281 or 110 711 em, {no eeu is requtes. Such ‘cence simply alone for ace8e 13 the table and for necessary move ‘merte and changes In cha Boston, ‘To scconmodste bo croatian ar resang table settee, howover re ‘gureca clearance berwoon 42nd 85 nie 108.710 188 om “The oonior ctawings show vorial andi underside of fe table and bee tween te seat srtace ard the Boor {Sell ab he ostance tem to top ot {he dese to he floor. The clewrancos tween the seat site tee ue Gerece of the ble sheukd ar- trropemetialy accommodate he {igh carance ote pore ol arger Doty ste and the eat hat shoud ‘ozommodate he popes height of the larger poreon. Te ristionenp of ‘oat alto worse sada (he that also apps to ring ables, fonlrence lables, and oes desks Drawng at te bobom of te. p90 shows the clearances fequed bet toon crestor arc the ed 2.335 ad Spaces “The hae danings onthe page show the cearances imowed i vareus ‘eres work sti. The awe gat te topo! to page lta lovely act which woulsroquee 8 ‘Searane of 3710 99, or S210 O8 {Em boro a ed of lomo ‘ated. Bed making wsuelyresuts in ‘Bachace because othe body pos ton requred io reach the bed srace. Ibe regi of ho bod were ocaed ‘bout Zein or Stem, above the Hoo, ‘shown inthe corte sawn, Pe ‘Stan onthe back woud bo reat te iced. Such a hein waver, doos { suggssid by he SINGLE BED/ CLEARANCES ‘ahead to) pasion AND DIMENSIONS In any event, @ deerance of 26 10 30 [eee Rasurezen auscoie [Stan ‘i prt baht veces ° Raommede ae boomy aay. [eree mmm Gameesennnnd * “aee¥ Te be vey miomes ne | Gees incued 7 reoemng oot ted Avotove asiocs fre isis ora cn 6 ougeoed ‘Caccormocal fi city oho Beg bette woos sores roto sony aed vei Sowatathe mony tatees bathe 5 ‘Clearance is not overly generous. The r Senecam to Ocund ate so Sevan or evn scooaie co eee ie tominrette ‘oom ang ype an sty ie cron Sees oa at pet ot SING TABLE DESK OR DRESSING TABLE Sn | oa ayue SINGLE BED/ CLEARANCES ‘AND DIMENSIONS. om Go om — = aa 3-391 4-997 37-33 640-901 D260 680-702 en 610 a 752-203 2-16 90 5-0 Ho 6-24 —es7-610 ae-se——te19- 1372 CLEANING REQUIREMENTS (@eecee ese Saeeem nnn eh 2.3 sso 00 spaces eet tel 1 pate] The caving ate 10 of he page Groctene! ‘one the wera Sereeee noe PP ronacen Say" slomeodae chfon Te “Sone” itical antrwopometric consideration ibe sing hag The crameg Sows coany tat connie ot inghegrt 0,0 508 om wl be ‘Seat acces to to) See ca soated Sud on to ‘Ser ana upper tar The Regt Youpperrk snob ettahat © rosy tented 0 nor. aan The monies ‘ete snrg hag of a ‘mut ohayeasrerot ‘ramet cn toe eu, troooretaty © sting hoot ‘Ran recssry Tro ag te orca’ sce 6 eeromey eral 2oeum ane psoas fever fal easrancesecessary for aot ed. To enue ata person ean or Cate unaer ne bea out ting hs head. the cites! anewopometre ‘mension he state of te person oF larger body size. Popttoal hag and butocktoe lenin are alo ura In sngrosmatg the degree of sion tthe leg and th fot of the seated person tothe vlan space ber sous be noted atin design stu ‘ions where space below the Ded fs odor eon other than evlar fen such as ring crm estrlated ‘ein, he verteal Gearaees canbe regu accoraraly Siting hoght of the intended user in the Pope hat few heres might be ‘hve shu be noted that 96 {ant cf ren between the apes of ‘nd 79 have ating hago 38. GF B66 cm, oF ect. The clowarnce ADULT BUNK BEDS / FRONT ELEVATION onal doarmeo of 46 10 52 18, oF ‘66 19 1575 em, i nacessay for Comiorane aceess 1 Tho undoes c ‘serge saagnggeceee A ee] _= =a en28 157-089 aa Ww boss eews | B10 205-254 t Wot 24-005 i 2 : i Hoa 7-265 ; (ee es] i I aa eee | a ss Kt 80-1575] AULT BUNK BEDS/END ELEVATION LOFTS /END ELEVATION 2.3 Siccs” ‘The two crawings at 0 199 of he page stow the vera! eararcos re lsd to male end feral oe and Sorage lacstos. Whorever pone Gr practeal. the cose shall shouldbe \cenec wot human reach. The eight shown for the igh sha has been estabshed based on th per Carle male ae oma data ore topacert waninreacnet nawauaiset ‘sralerbody size. Ay sel located at greater datence shove "he Noor Shoue be used prima for storage that requires ony itequont access. The ocation ofthe sel ustabove the Brom ofthe shal and 2 Top of ho fad shuld alow for easy romoval ot tho hanger The botom cravings iustate two ‘varus ype of walkin storage fat. es Uncouttaby, i can be argued thatthe S6on, of Si4-on, clearance ‘Sndromenl ofthe sstes garment, 8 mirimim of 36 in shoul be ma tared. The cograe 1 uhich is ‘mansion cin be reduced queston tte evel ot comfort me users re pared fo tolerate mn oxchange for he foor space saved. The twa drawings te plan vow ofthe human 890 ‘Masa clearances requred for Son. ‘ing 9 coat or puting on @ pal of sokings 7 or 7-76 1628-1050 72-18 9085-487 6-10 703-254 2-28 808-711 F336 sea-o14 0-12 964-205. 60=70_—is04-178 13-72 1753-1029 7 1980 cm W727 ra 1067. a6 8: Ns ie 7 {M6 NTEROR SPACEDESION STAROAROS CLOSET AND STORAGE FACILITIES / MALE WALK-IN CLOSET AND STORAGE FACILITIES CLOSET AND STORAGE FACILITIES/ FEMALE Bi 5 | Bs Peeel = ee SETEE TTT ‘ ee EL6OW HEGAT ‘SITTING HEIGHT ERECT EVE HEIGHT SITTING isle lole lle ‘MAXUM BODY BREADTH “The height ofa kichon workccurter, the proper clearance betwoen cobras pplances fx cculaton the acess to Cvemese oLrcercountor Frage. land rer visibly are nena te rary consideration inthe desig ct ooxing Spaces Al must bo responsive ohuman Srension and body siete culty of itertace between te usr andthe components of ths itera space 7010 be ‘equate In establishing clearances between couners, te mann Body breadth and depth ofthe user ct lange by size must be Taken ro account at ‘wo as ne projections of he applances, Reigersor dors, caine rawer, ity ‘washing macho 60°, anc cain oars al poeta some green a Opes Dost the space wn which he veer must acute and must be accommo ‘ied Sanda ktchen coor elhts manfacued ae al tout ino 94cm. But |G a hog doesnot receesarly accommodele ha body marion af Users {or alasts.Certancsokng acs, lo oxampl, may b0 ove silty per ‘ormed fom a sancing poston, ut win acourer neg ese an 26in ove head cabinets tw wer shoves are Usuwy naccesnbe to thermal” Deron hehe ower cies ar sua naecensieo ow wit tars ok ig. The lal answers he develope’ of chen saint ams cose ot {st eustbty tacoma ho human renin of he imac we ‘Sicha sytem could accommodate ot ony fowe of malls arger ody 2. ‘uta ery ard iabid pore Th rawngs on he ehowng pages xa: in the queston of human Gmersionn rns oe arhoponere mesa: ‘Zelrtened mer to usta fhe latonhp of Boy neta cawaces a ‘etch tuaions and netto suggest a Cvera uncle la rhe kien or he ‘genome reiavorsnp Bemeen workeentrs 2.4 Sees “Tha drawings atthe top and center ot the page lutte some of be base hoteors! Garancos roqired in a bichon. To dawg ate op shows ‘GoarancesDatwoen two cours wiht base cabinets. A tal cearance be- ‘ween caret of €D fo 6619, oF 52.4 {0 167 on, wil accommodste the ‘aman body and an extended raver er hingod cabinet door inthe worke {one ara inthe culation zone the ‘imum doy baat oa oreo ot {ager boay size. The B mension ot {ino 219 cm, Iga rocormenced ‘minimum dlarance between eatnels “hen tefl rutin ne Sbown {on ofthe base cabinet The hah ot ‘heahal, shown as a cold tack rw, fe py eater, bul also. win teach aitce ease biel doos rot Iriel. The heght of the shaves fas boon based on 5h perce f= trate vercal gp reach cata f lace thom lun reach othe user wh he salle body ae. S| ae ae) ee cae nore | a ai wae Pea ——ss-000 nar Tea fsa: — wae 3s 138 #5 ae ies ees tea a oe im a a [@rcooecedomnnnees COUNTER AND BASE CABINETS! GENERAL CLEARANCE CABINET REACH COMPARISONS 2.4 soos A seaces ‘he eeaming at he top of the page ‘hows some of te more imperiant ‘ontortal and vera! clearances [std to ypial break! Bar. Toon. sure comorable soscng between Boopla 30m, oF 782m, shoud be ‘lorated ortho herzonial space re ‘ued for each person seated atthe {ar Ml ehoud be noted alee thal a bar eight of 36 nor 14 em, roqares that the sco! be sqzeped wh 8 foobest The com cramng shows 3 pica! workcountr.Athough mst Aachen curr havea hgh ot 35 1036, 9788.10 O14 on. 32:1. o° 813m oat wit accommodate a. sented User Moreover certain tod prepara: tem aces. even performed om sandra postion, ‘re moro Sienty and comfortably executed wih ‘ewer counter height, Ts par teary tr for tsk nving some degree ct tere Far the ars and up. Perec muss; hs roling of cough Mould be 2 good example “The crauing athe ote of he page ‘fons be erica cnuntr workzone Ot 8 standing user. The our permetar IS etna bythe horizontal hur roach of to voor having to amar bouy size. The te, oF 45 7-2m, ronson indicated was adapted from ‘St porcraie toma data. The cea Countr workzone of 18 by 20 i, ot 457 by 762 cm, consuls te re imedite work area drecty in fon! ot the use, al of which fs Confotably aezesetie, wi ile oF no se 3 (each requted. The counter swrlace Syn wea avon wich i accesane ‘wen some eon ited ony bythe resch capsaty of the human body ‘tae vanes th te ie oh he i Scopes \TION CENTER isaalencmera0in or 762m shou be aes The crawng at he botom oe page sons sectonal vow though the Same ares, The recommended coun: teroight ic botwoon 35 and 38 in oF 18.910 9:4 om. Wr no window ic pro- ‘aad over the ktchon sie a wal (abires are to be provided instead, ‘ho holt batween the top of De ourtar ers the boom et those cab ‘net shod not be lace tan 22 oF 559.on La 7a] arin —— 1018 aT 8 357 Zima 610 mit 25-42 71i~1067 18 mn 457 mn. H_2mn——305 mn. [26-76 10-260 | Sr in 148 min. 35.98 eas 22min s8 8 in 3 78 ae os D REFRIGERATOR LOCATION 2.4 Sxcee ‘The two crawags on ts capo cea! prmanly wih the versal drarsons ‘elated tothe serge nsaaion Wein he tenon. The top daning tutes a typical rstanang religeraieristleion Stwot a a boiow sour ination Superenposedan bw seesoal view" Stadod Mi sth zoe of most com fenablo roach, To roach element ‘tog abowo. or ‘olow the area routes some aastonal elon Bo.08 the area, for exanoe, I may bo rec esa fo kee or aoop.ARhOUgA. in both the Neor-siandng and the under ‘counter siuaton everyting win reach lemons locate ‘wtlin the shaded area can be ‘acted almost early, The Boom drawing suggests ne pos ‘sbuty of 2 Uved toe of rotigertor ‘hal might be wall mounted or ocated tne lop a the counter, 30 that most Fs sutace wou fal win ths Shaded area. Tosbw or rope ve: Ingotte mtercr. ne hegt of te ro- ‘oted unt excneds the upper Reto the shaded zone, Despite ts sight (geste hgh, the unt st sR Ihe withthe nag above tho oo at the lrgersize™ eowentonal oor stancng mode E5695 tao 1785) 30-95 762-014 2.4 5ee “The ravings athe top and bation of ‘he page stato he coararcys'e- laa fe range contr. The top ca (7g scales 8 mamum cewarce Datwoen apptances ot, 121 9em, ‘The antropomeis bass tr ho doarances are ampifled nthe daw ing boom The 40in, oF 1016 em, wall oven srorkzone clewance adequate 10 Sccommodate he projected wat oven ‘earn action tothe maxenrn body ‘pth mension ot the user Tho ‘Snag igure shown i brokon in, however indcats both Smonsionaly and graphical tht the 40sn dear ‘nce wil not pert camiorabe ot Gator when applances on bot ‘doe are in operation tthe same fimo. The range workzone oarance, ‘eo 4D, te adoguate to accormne- Gate te pon fange door and tho body sue ofthe hnesing user ‘Anextemety port but heaventy ‘vercked, antrepometrc eonsd- ‘eratoniatachen cesgn seve Ret Inthe vegard, the stance fom the topoltherangeto the uncersce a! he Rood soul alow te rear burors © be vet the user i_am___wioma_] ao 1018 is 3 in 2-3 ss a3 2578 | TS.rig 30.1 min 195-46 w95-1168 $2 min 305 77s max 445 max J—eet01s —as-2578| ik 2275 su.p-e28 L—2t20 ——o1-60 | 762 #2. 3 ‘neo the most dramatic examples oa design situation wher tle corsceraton 'S given tothe rlatoneip of human mension and body 2016 the deagnes ‘envrment ean be found pracicaly evry batvoom, privat and plc. Few Secignor, buds, and users ie any thought oth height above tho oor of & lavatory Hout, 2 days, maybe speet in he selecton of he appropiate fue, model or tim, Tha beg, however. fray speed ards simpy eto theconracorin theta who automata stats sth hoght Pat Pas boos Instat for years mp because hats tna ‘nay ts done. The designe who eos spciy'a hoght ether a caning or wit specications, does nothing ‘mor than use the sare cteria employed inthe fel, but ges mor legacy By inorporaing tm te caning ‘The tac i that's nt natural forthe Body to assume a stooped peti while ‘ashing Mehands andtace. This posure is necesstatod however because most Basi heights ae nt about 3 nor 76.2 cm. above the Hor. tis interesting 10 ote hat Dini othe average hag ofa desk or dein able, yt a parson wore forced to wr or eal rom a stancing poston. each ofthe suas would fave tbo raised at east 6 19 12, 152 1 905 om. The drawings on the ‘alowing pages examine the relationship of body size to the lavatory and oer ‘ements of batroam spaces. The rat above cca some of te more I ‘onan antwopemee measurements a! Should be considered me dean Batmoome RANGE CENTER 2.5 scnsnoous The eauing at he tp o the page ate” some ot ne base. an tropomerte consigeratos ested © the lavtery sre. Pera the mee hve problem concems the high Ofte aver above te oor, For oo long tis mension has boon ota lished i tho eld so-caled trade praston at 30 340m, oF 7871 663 fm, are has Fe relaiorship To the Stwopematic requirements in: elved: Optimum work height for the hance ova counter or work beh st Uston# etantsnes at about 2163, 97510, bot atow height Puctaed dat show tat only § per cent of @ male sampling moasured had an elbow height of 13 in, oF {04S er, orles, wl 5 percent of feral sapling nan ascn Pegs of 386 mor 99 cm. Subvacing 3h from he emale maasuremant would aces comlonabi height for mei LAVATORY GENERAL ANTHROPOMETRIC Soy at 356m. or 804 cm That's CONSIDERATIONS: {oater than the height at wich lov Sones are normaly rstaled oresum Sb to accormedate th malory oF the populaton. Slated anctbr way, more thar 95 percent of veers ar re 2.5 exmcous The drawing at he op dels mary wth some othe more cial male a Trroportic considoratons dove Oped onthe. preceding page A lavatonyheigt above te oor of 37 0 ‘Sin. 0 4 1002 on. auppstes ‘oaccommosate re mejnty Urs In ore wo estabish the Iooton of ‘revors above the avery eye Nog ‘oud be taken ins eonadersion ‘Tre two drawings at the bot of he page exlre much he same man hare artvopomatne conse Sens related to woven and ene, ‘especialy. Given te. gre vat Sty in body ses wo be accor. (tod wit & single family. a Seong ase can te presaned torte dove ‘pment of @ height austrent car ably for the lavatory. Unt hat fevoopod, thre ie no rassen en fuser nstalatons, wy the architect Or interior desgner cannot tke a Troporeric measurements OF te rt to ensuro proper niece Detwoen the user and he lavatory sa 40-1002} 32-36 613-918 ew e50-813 1416 956-408. 2 Tea H 18 a7 [as s-660] DOUBLE LAVATORY CLEARANCES 14 TERR SPACEDESIN STANOAROS 2.5 exnnoous ‘he rawngs atthe wp and conte of ‘he page coal wih be atvopemiic EYEVEGGHT/TALL AND SHORT SEATED WALE AND FEMALE VIEWING FILM-VIEWING SYSTEMS (FVSVANTHROPOMETRIC ‘CONSIDERATIONS: 61 exer ‘aon abo. A spaco of ates! 3015, 2 762.0m, shoud be alowed fr the oct to tuncton the proce re: ‘ures insrumeris or other nowy Sppataus de am reseh data anos be vee to ccabion the adaeonat earancerequird forthe tbe or ca irvoves ‘The two cranngs tthe botom othe page “Ruste tbe anthroponetne Consderators involved when plan ‘hog a small lsbortory "area. The {rang atthe ot sows the relation ‘ip ol female of arater body sie to the table and the wat cabinet above. The Sat shouldbe. an- {tropomstealy win the reach ot the smaller person ia seated post ton Eye height sting also auaeta ‘measurement o corer, nrelabon ot ony othe miesacep, butt he isbity of any displays that might be tected’ on the tacng wal surface Wann conan ews, the seetaby of he seat can bo used age and lower the aye tevol as requed to 2c emmodele be height othe mc Scopo above the tale srt The Sawing) on the rh Hoses the Same relaionsips for male of Sealer boy se 1 tees moos dani 8 the tp of tho p90 ais the reatensnp of & male 0 an return and supply cab orca wasp srk With respect ho former, oye height and reach 0014-1015] Sai er] 7 INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY CABINET/ MALE CONSIDERATIONS WASH-UP SINK! MALE CONSIDERATIONS INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY. WASH-UP SINK! CABINET/FEMALE CONSIDERATIONS FEMALE CONSIDERATIO FA EB . = 3 3 — ira 16 ae epee = ian ‘Casrances and ofer denser data rate to the typical deni ostment room are shown be aawngs onthe pages tat flow Incugee ancy Me ‘ravings are iusations in bth plan and secten cl laboratory and xay spaces [aswel as the cha aren OF genes! ret antvopemety i fe smo! ca ‘lt range ofaqustabity in the design ofthe patent's char and tne dents ‘Soa, powing the possibly cf creating an almost endless nubar of nteriace ‘pions. The evel cf pnsteston vind Somorsates eer a etch. lapel earasy necessary o apply te concep of acjustty to ter rr ‘tions i avalable. The base artvopomete considerations of concom othe ‘Seogrer are nt iterace botwean te Seat oF atanaing Gent andthe ‘sealed of sarang paler. but beeen fhe dontst andor the paraprofessional and he various support faisesin Po dna veatnont oom. Cours musi bec ‘oper nah for cemoatle and eicen us. tases For sated postion the ‘stance fom hoop of he seal to the undorsie of he courier mast be sce ‘Dacconmocate tg clesrarce and tr hex Tho dap tte coer ane Ie ocaton of shetes either above ot eon shouldbe ried fhe wrators reach be user of sralr body size. Ceararce betnoen he nts’ cha arc the wal or nearest pric! cbatcton,shovis be sewn io accommodate 3 the er leat the mmm body breadth ot he person ot age body size 6.1 Feetitenr Foo ‘Th drawing athe top othe page #- lusts the relationship of @ male \ertoanatumentand suply ca ‘et anda wash-up sink. With respect to me termer, eyo heght and reach ‘ze he ky aitvopemat consiora- tone. The matoral on tho shelves ‘should be accesubie tthe person of ‘Sralerbogy size. Therefor. 8h por ‘ont earn data shout be aed 1 ‘establish te height othe se above {be four. ie abo mpertant tal he ‘onth of the wal cabinet and the cat {ance of tha borin ot cabinet om ‘he op othe courant obstct he mere won of he hil counter su {ace. The overal height of he wall ‘net should alow the ser wth {oe te tp of the sik Gene aly seks ar located too fon. causing {he user Gscontor and back pan INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY WASHLUP SINK! CABINET / MALE MALE CONSIDERATIONS: ‘CONSIDERATIONS EH dono oe ove aptteeha INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY WASH-UP SINK! ‘CABINET / FEMALE CONSIDERATIONS FEMALE CONSIDERA 3 |B 5 SI a pee to 2 " : Bay ee S00 BREAD ———} Clearances and cbr densi! dala rested to he tpcal denial raters room are shown fe drawings on tbe pages tat flow. ncaced ameng he ‘rawings aro Husiraons in both plan and socton of laboratory and x-ay spaces Sewell the char area Of greatest erst aritvoporticy the ant com let ange of acusiabiy the design ofthe palents cha and the ders $oo, providing he posibily of ceang an amos! endless nurbe: of trace fopans. The evel et sopestectonilved domonsates esl hale tech lageatcapabity necessary to apply te concept of justly to other ier ste avalabe. The basic adhropometic considerations of concer to the engrave not the niciace bawean fhe sealed or slandeg Gents and the Seated or stercing patent, but botwoen the dont andr he parapretsscra She aru suzpor acatesin to conta Wesiment oom Courts mute oper height fr comfortable sneer use uaed trom a seated poston, te Setanca fom the op of the ea! othe underside of he courier must boeufcer te aoconmodate thigh clearance and knoe howght The dept tte courier and ‘holocaton ot haves sther above or below shouldbe eated oe haere ‘each lt uso of eral body siz. Cararce between he entst's cha and ‘he wal cr nearest psc! cbstucion should be suc! Wo accomodate a {ho ver least the mam boxy bread of the person ct ate body S20 maton "eficency. A dimersional fange of 1024, oF 45.7 0680, ‘ory ereiaton. tone requirments. Most denis nave tit oan preter. {zrces forthe location and yp ot = ‘Sraontdalvry systons ard other Felted bachup components. In 860+ fer, te rapely evolving dora equ iment technology mandates thatthe ‘signer research Bes ltet syst sralabe, Korie eee] 457. 15-2 457-519. 9-72 1727-1029 Geet 1676-2154 F 0-26 0-650 14-1168 192 © fe ‘TREATMENT ROOM Fe psec aaa 7-86 _——e80-2164 254-905 ‘TREATMENT ROOM/ VERTICAL CONSIDERATIONS tg Pines 75 \TMENT ROOM VERTICAL CONSIDERATIONS: 6.2 Feeitienr neous Dental equpront arc debvory sys tems cary domonstate the concept fasta hat might jst a oe 1) be appli other etenor syst. Int dont women roo, te ‘ajpstabiy of 0 patents craw. Gentst's stool are te Tobe dover, Seam all save as rorfrcomert ct {ho primary antvepomeric needs. it ‘many ratances the cet may ect ‘ovveat a pstont whe stancng, For that postion, ts portant io under Sang he versal saaraces ‘land to wal ang cabnet storage. Ease of ‘sccemsinprtoning the varius me lca procedures. espace those re lated to paon voatmert, must bo ct thehighes!proty. The dena iors ‘ory. vated the baer dm Ing. Is one of saver basic work mira tat must De ncspo fated nto comprehensive ders trrk aoa, Whe the labora can Vary in se, depending on th cen Tete specialy, pm concern must be for Done tase porlorned ina snd ing postion. Workcourer, wos, and overcounir storage height must be covey toviowed A workouniet egnt ct 96 mr 91.4 cm, Is recon tended, while ie height a he wore table might fal te. Senorions tango of 28 © 501m, of 717 10 762 se 4-72 1826-1029 eh eee See 59-914 eae Kk wee 47-859 = CESE 762 0-12 954-905. 6-10 203-254 18-24 761 7 7-787 16-20 = 762 9 @ ‘BEDROOM LAVATORY PATIENT BEDROOM CIRCULATION TORSING STATION “Tee agra tat alow Musate some ol he mare covous atecpometre con- ‘np to bela iro account in the design of pation rooms ar nurses’ sae tena. OF the Base eoraderetons, one tat has Serica enctora impel on both patent ard visto” i seating vstors comforany around the splat Dod Unfortunately, many stances the clear overall dep of he reom pt Sul enter such scarmodaton The desgnol nurses salons mus aso respond 6 human dimension and body i=. Tho Paght ofthe slaten on the pubic side ‘oul rela 0 elbow night. The worksaceon the nurses ede should De dock hoght The stance rom the tp of tho oa! te underside of he desk shoud alow sficient oom for high clearance. Flos should Wealy bo wihin each othe Boren of omar body ize Tho Toom mutt also meet the neoss of fhe person onlin oa whose. For the, thar shouldbe suet space io manower thechat and adequate coarance under alavatery to alow he amet fo cha © ass under the fan ol fre X-RAY VIEWING 6.3 2a" NURSE'S STATION BED CUBICLE WITH CURTAINS HOSPITAL ja ROOMS | = io 95 238 Bima — 762 ma 39 99.1 E Sma tismn 1 ose, 6.3 sexe’ a Trot cag in based acoule Sontoveg opm esa? Sench ahoup vy Sora, Cite eats enehy teal spect coh wos to 9) eves sem tent ea potion. The Saweg tua ato 90. Raecrentuncnny ae 308 Sem san yb Boned ot Sasde Cted tb rod Sains sud tone bo nt Pele poses ts son ‘Sexe dace bt pat, ose. 6.3 ar a The uate yo bogs cectecent ae Staloeina cots ronda ger sand eh ce SET aie crane ‘een, Soumonny soe st Giscearenc aneocean Sass cn wond be scare Samumeniweaseaucensior are Sepia mete canted ton “echning ttm ct 8 Ree te eine a wwrescnas Ver toa wating hosp {at vatory. Ws essria) at sf ‘Ser lerance be provides 1o iw ‘he weeichar to eo paraty andor the Botan edge ofthe fre. For Soper accene 10. cortos am fopometicay. thurb vp each ‘Shoudbetaten nt aceaunt Forts, Sih prcenia data enous bo used the contols we wth reach of he parson of small Bogy sa, oy il ‘Seo be win reson af os0 nang 8 Inger booy ste. For fuer arma to concering te rtrlace Dereon the hoes user and ho into role 10 Section 83, Pusse” Bath in om se — EXERCISE BICYCLE WALL-MOUNTED LATISSIMUS POWER LIFT UNIT TA ress ie on a ‘3-12 229-305 Bae 86st 73-16 330-408 1215 205-381 Tinie 275-356, ei = ASSURE WMO RECREATION. SPACES. 253 7.1280" oD aseas: ‘The sauna is essentaby a thermal tah sing dy heat, une the tow heat and igh hurmdty of ho seam bath. Alhough there are many com Pinto potarcated models on the Ark the hear nits can be pur (ased separately Ws erator ala. INoyy simpe to. cusiom aosign an nae tation ‘Te top crawing uusrates some of Ine ciel dimensions fated Tao sessile cong heights are cated ‘ght would require other he seated or {he stancing persen to move ctf the ay © avod body contac. The c= ‘laten Zone at Pe Tet wou alow ‘more comionable passage without ‘ody contact. Hema 198.1 min. see yea tae 21s 905-301 —] 4-48 1067-1218 Pr 20. 762 N—we sews] 5 102-4 417 ase Om sate 254 TERR SPACEOESON STANDARCE || Tae Teams ‘As tom the bate antopometicconsideratons involved to sccommodate ‘most spars and game actviees. carta of these actives preset some unique Poblems. Can bask, for exami. bo ly considered "spor # moe ay. ‘ersmustheve a 88h porcondle satu partpata? A player wah aD00or 25 Dorcentie stature, athough possessing skits ans apity, wou be at an sbvous ‘Seadvoniage for no reason bu the body sige ot is opponent. Atal player may Use a sf shot since his iremendous height enables hm 'o jump high ne a Win bth hand and ball gosoned sigh above therm of to Daskat. Pes tron ‘bein one swt downward ttf Meray tut the bal through the Baskot. A Ppose! a presenty under consdraton fac heheh fhe inte Gary fa player the use cf ths shot Ris dou tat Or James Nassrat, when he concede gare in 18, ervsioned an Bei. or 2-am eater, wih the aby 'ofrcotuly suf ound bal toa wooden basket. This condton is one tf many explored ie oat and we oawngs on bs flowiee pages Pemape Ine ‘eaionshps between human mension ard the degree o which impacs one Irendos spite campetive spore shoud be sud cro the board at ares of srotce—craly a neve! ana interesting Invesugeton for eign and at ‘tropomnst ae Tho prasent ac ot erorceabebslaing code reguatons oeraura that he design nr spaces housing acbve spe carespends fo Ruan cmeneion a he ‘Smarics of people in motion constiutes 8 portal Peat 1 te sey! the Darian. Tere ave, fr example, no code regains thal estabish Pe min ‘mum epace needed batwoon the best ear boundary ines and the nearest srcton to alow a player roving of be cout reduce Ni fate speed to {vo crashing head-on toa wal reer obraca, Sry. tere arama code ‘equrerens esasnng minimum cesranoes betneen @ Sing Doar ad ay ‘vemead cbsrucion o batwoon a lerrte cout basen and back Yone. Nor ‘inmum cling halt equrements ex fo spaces where a Gyan actos or prions The absence of regulations of the ype mentioned nt ont poses a serous tres tothe salty ol he users but takes bo cent and denger legally repos bie ine ever of ry or coat can be demonstrate tha reasovabeceerancs wore not proved Moreover, m casos ere eta logal gudelnes recor mended standards, or simple res of rum ae he ony ertana avale, the ‘eciger shout senouly question ana reevaluate hom a ers of crn pd Ishedartvopomettc data and he nature and character oe melerala ae icalarangerart of he equ iow Inelise ameng fhe srawings an he ago thet flow are examples o sme ol he roberts Montonod. The mat ‘above indcaes some othe move rolovant anhroponetre measurements apc ‘Boe spaces used for spore and gam actites. 7.2 iotines The tp crauing incicates the lw: nce required tom the edge 8 {bila table fo tha wal ares ‘rysiea.obstcton. A clearance ot Goto 721m, 1 1524 wo 1829 om, ‘stggesi t alow the porsbily for Some ckeuion bering the ace ayer. The acvty zone shown 29° pies for most stots In some. Fr Sances, de ote nue of ha ay, the sance of Bo player, and tho Jeng cf the cup std hare may be ‘some imuson ino theron 7.2 2, a2 and awves The op crawing inca side cloer. sce reqarements for tne enn fetaoton witin a rodent on ‘ronment 48, of 219 em, is te eo minum, while 72 In, oF 1829 cm, is refered. The botom Aiawieg eecates the clearances ro: ‘quod at fer endo ro table. na oseup postion the payer usvaty Knctons wan 24 1 36 fo 81 10 14 cm ofthe edge ofthe table. An Cera clearance between the ee ot ‘etabe and te wal rnoatest ors ¢alobsbuctonbetween 84 and 120 fh of 2134 to 3068 ome sg sta. Te smaller toe shows be Safety zones and cesarces around fegirsed ss an. abeobte minimum, thoporeter of abaskotal eau are Sree larger gue es tw peered RESIDENTIAL TABLE TENNIS REQUIREMENTS ‘ot cluded im codes ard ordnance Serance. The later, however, may {fat preoumay Sol win th public be tut to provao in torms of he Sally in lavely passive pods ana ‘oom size roqutes. Tho exon of (ames the problem isnt serous. bt ‘Sesrance a functon ofthe sea ot Bers whore the actor is more ‘he playars and tha nlensty anc il tense, such as basktll to lack of wah which the game Is played. Wat ‘equate sally sore cearances ry ‘rust be consgered 1s ol ony the ‘cause ites fo the players and may Space required fr low-key voleyig ‘een prove fata Dutine space requied fr examgle. chase © stately placed bal, re- ‘The drawing below sugpeste arm Cmarances to alow fe player nring andor ribbing te baa ul soem, Suffice ime and space to dec rate [stop befor coleng wih the wa ber on] eee Tes 72 72-1087 230-654 Tea RESIDENTIAL TABLE TENNIS REQUIREMENTS) REAR CLEARANCE ZONE fn, o2235.0m only 32.9, oF B13 en below teem, BASKETBALL BACKBOARD AND RIM MODIFICATIONS PANTING DRAFTING WORKSHOP ART “STATURE EYE HEIGHT ELGOW HEIGHT SITTING HEIGHT NOFWAL EVE HEIGHT SITTING ‘ELBOW REST HEIGHT ‘THIGH CLEARANCE isc ET 191 [25 waxwsom B00Y OPH sen T@i[2s_waxinunt B00¥ BREADTH ‘Te rawings onthe tflowing popes Rustat the clearances svggected er sein mmatrg preimnary design sesumotone about various types of werk and craft Soaces The pes Ivcived ae aeas Sesgred for pang. orig. sicran® ts and rats, nd gonerl workbench actvtes shoul be Ntod however, hat ‘he cranngs re nt necessary intended o show al the wok si Ca Sco ‘ypes posse, nor the spaces luted ar al he tools or equpment nom associ wih the actives necessary indicated. To do so woul requre a9 ‘rire voune of cranngs dosing excusivly wih work and rah spaces. The ‘spaces ncuded, wove, were cela as opresorave of certain Nes ‘ives in order fo lusvate some typcal wloraco stuasens and the ay ‘tropometi conscoraton inated. One treating arthropomet prota ht ‘apples any chicoerted work and rat space sth obo, acca aerence Im boy size tetwoon the ch a te nsracor or teacher workuaces ae ‘esigned exchswely lo accommodate he ody rsenion che hi te sgt {fhe wartastac wl bo foo ew fo accommodate the adit Gung oy an. tonal actuty or indiadual demonstaon tal involves the use oa urace Te fpproach, merle ia desgn tal wi recta te diterncoe body i and ‘ctommodate ne eds ofeach. The pobion a Sul ane and peehap there iS ro perlctsokiien A higher worksurtace heght and aguatabie stare one fspproach Another may be ofa more archtctral rare and rwahoe changes ‘oor trea wun te space. LEISURE 180 RECREATIONAL SPACES. 208 Sone: Vorcal reach om’ standing and sting poston is Pepi eat Ingenelng fora suppes. Sid and \erwaréarm reach measurements can bo usu eating various compo ons of te space, rlave 10 each (hor and he art nthe est entmanner possible. The eye het Sta seat ana standew person can be uted fo determine the locaton of ual asplays and telrerce meie- ae above te oor Clow height ean be extoreiy nebpl i estabishing theo of uly ible. Thotext re. lola tomorkbenenes on th towing ges ore zecsonis aso appleate {oie ass uty or pop ale aw | or Kea AE 5 PAINTING FACILITIES Rerent tenor PAINTING FACILITIES TABLES/CLEARANCE BETWEEN TBR, wd cnarr centens Workoaces for dating and related ‘ypes of aces for general gud {oor lnstuctena purposes can Be faranged on tho basis of nial ating ables, shown in the ep ‘awing, oF as cxices or works. tons, as nce he Bota or ing. Tho. top crauing_ shone the St berch shouldbe Geary reser {tran physical iorce is ioted, 2 ‘tance detween the elbow and the bench top of between 35 and Bin S9ana 52 om, shes be acequate Forprlminay desgn assumptions, 9 hgh cf 94 © 36m, or 854 1 O14 Gm. would be feasonane rope 0 bench Paghis for seated wor, 2410 28,060.90 736m, canto used {ox pralrinary design “assunptors. ‘he imtatons of human reach must 250 be lakon into account in locatng Crethead too! sivage. The bation Sravng ndcates seme ofthe een! Gmensiors valates sn are. and fate conler for chron ranging Sgettom 61018 years The cal an Tropometre coraderaton #9 make Inge denn reponsive toto Sod) S201 the old ae we the nau A [8.2 VERTICAL CIRCULATION [ax1 HORIZONTAL CIRCULATION [83 PUBLIC BATHROOMS a PUBLIC 5 SPACES z 8 g ély a8 S||_ ANTHROPOMETRIC DAT 7 STATURE 2 EVE HEIGHT ‘3 ELBOW HEIGHT 4 SITTING HEIGHT ERECT 5 SITTING HEIGHT NORMAL HIGH WORKBENCH LOW WORKBENCH 6 EVE HEIGHT SITTING 7 MIDSHOULDER HEIGHT SITTING 8 SHOULDER BREADTH ‘9 ELBOW-TO-ELBOW BREADTH 30 HIP BREADTH. 11 ELBOW REST HEIGHT 12 THIGH CLEARANCE 13. KNEE HEIGHT 14 POPLITEAL HEIGHT 15 BUTTOCK-POPLITEAL LENGTH 18 BUTTOCK-KNEE LENGTH 17 BUTTOCK-TOE LENGTH 18 BUTTOCK:HEEL LENGTH 19 VERTICAL REACH HEIGHT SITTING. [20 VERTICAL GRIP REACH 21_SIDE ARM REACH 22 THUMB TIP REACH 23 MAXIMUM BODY DEPTH ‘26 MAXIMUM BODY BREADTH 26 TERIOR SPACEOEHON STAKONROS Public spaces, such as comidors, lobbies, and concourses, are sub- ject to a tremendous intensity of usage involving fluctuating peaks of activity and human occupancy loads. in office buildings, peaks rclale to working hours. In transportation facities pattarns of usage are dc tated by arival and departure activites. In theater, convertion con. fers, or sports centers, scheduling of events determines the periods of ‘occupancy. Adequate provisions for human locamation through these ‘public spaces, as wel as provisions for related convenience facitios ‘are important design considerations. “The quality of the interface between the human body an the inerce ‘Space impacts not only on the level of user comfort involved, but 00 the public safety. To determine door widths, corridor widths, ad sai ‘dimensions, body size must be the ultimate yardstick. Caution should 'be exercised in accepting prevaling standards or rules of thumb to ‘establish ctcal clearances without questioning thelr anthropometric val, even though these standards may be incorporated into exis ing codes or ordinances. t serves no purpose to conform to the lar- {guage and not the intent ofthese codes, which isto ensure the public Safety. The unit or increment of measurement that must be applied to ‘establish proper width clearances must reflect current published max: imum body breadth dimensions. The data selected must accommo- date the majority of users. This is too crtical a facior to be based on antiquated rules of thumb. The design of public restrooms must al reflect this unit of measurement if they are to function properly. absurd. for example, to provide the number of fires that may be required by codes i the spacing selectod will ony allow hal of them fo betused simultaneously. in addition, public spaces should be respon: ‘sive fo the needs ofthe disabled user. Controls should be within reach ‘of char-bound people, star design should accommodate elderly peo ple, and human locometion for ambulant disabled people should be Darter free. The drawings onthe folowing pages are intended to call ‘attention to some ofthe anthropometric factor tobe considered int ‘design of pubic spaces. The fist of these drawings deals with the ‘basic unit of measurement: the maximum body breadth and depsh of the human body. Horzorta eatin spaces may ince types corr oundin pu balks ‘argrg rom 60-to 144 0” 1524-10 309.6-em wide bbs, pedestian pc ‘eades, plazas in enclosed shopping mas, and lege cveultion and concourse ‘reas nLansporaton terrinals. Panning these spaces can Dea ay soph ‘lod and cemplcatd mata, invoking such facors a8 Now veka (sua ex eed a peeve ef way wary per) treme ace aking speeds, queue longs, Th serdcas ofa vate ener er peur Sms cai ueey motes © pope) Seg oper Spaces Pat of he roces, no ator how sepristeaod i consGoraton Oe Rurnan factor ofdy size and dani. nadeton soma night nto pysicog> Cal and psychological factor is lo roaured. The ment hort eeu pny ‘onthe antwopomete aspects wine krowledge fat te costae Bt sa at of fhe enire design proces. The crawings on the fofowing pages des at many wit he ronan ody a ts manmum body depth andrea asthe base IRevomant ofmeasuement Ths nearer unt ten ated ‘ot qumeng stustons and comers Punuc spaces. 85 BA crcsorron Spaces Indoaing wen pedestian comoton ‘he human body must seve as the ase inzorent of measure and th langer-size person as th model 2s ‘wblchre clowarce dimensions. ‘Sich cearareee ascommodato lager (ecole, they cbvousy can aco at tose of smaller body size. The ‘ep dagram shows tree views of te rman fre, inausing eral 95h fecenti dimensions a the tee a ‘ropametic measurements Insta Ning besa and cept dimensions. an alowance ct 3, oF 78cm, for (ormert, ncadng Heavy outer wine fercletting, was used. The breech smonson assumes that the thng see of six ayers, Accorangly, he apyregato atowance of 3. in as. Semed to be equaly distibted: one [ayer ontho nse anc outa sace fbn arms and one layer cn o8ch Se ofthe torso. The vera dimen. Son So calculate Is 28.8 in. or 655, ‘on. Heretoore, the. generally 3c: ‘opted measurement was 22", oF 559 cm, presumably based on the shoulder bread off swerage pore ‘on. The cumors contend thal he's ‘ota val ure nce the eal an. {tropomatic measurement tbe UB. aed shoud be Body bresth nat ‘houder breadth and “average” dats {5 rot seeommodate the malety of te popuiton “he dagram and chan baw shouts sto prove ute inthe dosign of t= ‘culation spaces. Thay have eon ‘2émied ftom a study of pasestan ‘movement and queuing by Dr Jenn Fran 9 establish ruive levels ot service based on podestian cere. “The base units the human bod, wen is enisoned as a socaled Boa) see by ino 455.29 Cees sae {= HUMAN BODY, DEPTH BREADTH ‘BODY BREADTH CLEARANCES WITH LUGGAGE 8.18, = Tercoarion SPACES The top crawing tusbates the two anes involvedin wang. The paors Zeneia he tence required apace tra lot in orto oe thar This tance varies wah De caus the many peehotogeal ohysoionee ‘a cata faces icves a! 1% sex. age, and physical conaicn ost sau, nowever, nave 8 pan Stance of between and 98. oF {St and ot om The sorgory zone the dance requied or perception ‘eration, and roaton in aucsert tine to avod anger al whe the body i im motion. The mutiado of Foran factors involved rakes ease ‘women al hs datance exromely ct felt. One neato: Rowever, might bo the stance one person has be behind te hero coseve hm hem oad to toe. This is apronimated 12 bp ebout in 2134 om, a nO ‘mal wating stun. in singe ane ‘hublelane cortors ard passage: ‘nays clearances of 96 ona 68 er ‘U4 ana 1727 om, respectvoy, aro aa z 72-014 a 8.1 srctorren seaces The pupose of he craving athe top |sto provide some ea ofthe physica! ‘elonship between human den ‘Sen and coder winters of he ‘rambor of tanos that ean be accom ‘modsted The row wi hee persons ‘rect is based on QS peraroe ‘maximum dothed body bean whe {he vow wi tour abreat fe based on 5h porontle data. Te corior with vas etary selec as 96 in 243.8 cm. The drawn sould not bo {an teraly. The sisal bnatnces of having the Inoup of Boxy sizes ‘own. at any single part mine, would be remote uniees te space ‘was erga tended to sore aspe {Ste user popuaion ol largo oF ‘snator body so. Moreover the 24+ Inver B-om, lane wih 1 6in lar ‘ace 6 covicusly not itended a8 & snd “Tha botem drawings itended topo ‘ide sre insght ro rlabve dere: tos posable within a 1204, o 308.4. fon. queue. Lane A shows 26 many people ted up es possi, wih no Feoate for coment or body conta! Wen an alowance tor comnng 's ‘aed othe manmacn ody Erect, {mepaop.e nlane A woud be pressed {gh together aang a tone of etsonel space and comfon Lanes 8 End snow he number c ecg that ‘aut bined up, based onthe dre: ost 3 and 7 or 28 and 65 69 impor person respectively ween Sony B.Asscccmcn EM 2 Spaces ‘Te craving ato top nceates te Impact of @ whlch bound parson ‘anne same guoue shown ont o- ‘dg page. The lor crag es ‘to conidor” wer clearances ‘eceesary to accommodate whos (ar crelaion. Ful ro-may pase Sage fequres 60 in of 1524 Om, to ftow to wnetenas fo pon 30 Dy 0. Clearance for @ single weet hairs 26 or 4 om A Skin. oF ‘72m, conor wl low an able oded nude wk along ade or passa whesicharbound pers ‘Beaty rest stops snoud be proweos where condor enghs 270 pateu sy tong. These may bo in the form ot [opery cosgned alowes lor te ‘rear path rest Tom ges ot ‘ecopton areas ray be settled reasonably lated. Maximum 3 {ance botwoon rest 20m stops should be about 100 fe 30.5 m-Provsons for wrodlchatiuirg shou also be ‘considered. A ut 36" tm can be ne Stated wn 2 6Dun, ox 1s2aem, Samet arc EUE LINES / COMPARATIVE DENSITIES DING WHEELCHAIR-BOUND ‘QUEUE LINES / COMPARATIVE DENSITIES 8.4ge 8 “Tetop drawn incaes hata 600, erisetm, clearance necessary fora person oncrtchesto wak along ‘S60 or pana a person a wheelchair Aad, of T0BT-on, clearence 1 ‘ooded to socommodate. a perecn Sanding siaoways, wie alowing 2 ‘wreeenae-dourd person pass. Tht (her wo drawngs incase he cea ‘noes necessary to socommodate a ‘eichar in spaces whore a sores {wo doors re svoted Ono daw ing tustates a shuaton whore the Iwo door ae in & Yow andthe other thre the doors are at ight angi: A {Geatanceof64 e213 Sem ire ‘essay alow the wheelcha o ear {be fvat dor a Hawg ert Sco (Belongih ofthe wheelers 42m oF {Ds 7 em, be Bin Smension would ‘tow fr door as wie 25-96. oF ‘ut em, sn an sdstona! cearance ‘1 6in.or 15.2 0m, spare. The T2in, (30.54, minimum eararce ow ther sie ot tha door atoms ancugh ‘manewverng room forthe wheschar {approach the door ata sight angie ‘nda person to grasp te door treo {pl and then back away. This Fob when agpoaching the door from the imswing side When tho Coors ‘re Ieee at ight anges to loch oer. is esseal tal ade. Ame space be proves te avo n= ference Between the wo doors, im om —_« es] 5-2 7 Cama 395 mn 2 x Fs. 5 196 min 9 emi. PARTIAL 2.WAY CIRCULATION FULL 2WAY CIRCULATION WHEELCHAIR CIRCULATION/CORRIDORS AND PASSAGES WHEELCHAIR CIRCULATION/DOORS AT RIGHT ANGLES ESCALATOR, ‘STAR ‘No pubic space ean function winout adequate vertealcteuation systems ‘foun sysors ara no! Gesignes wih human body szoin mind. however ef ‘Sone and ure of hoo estore we shad Moroover. he perso! salty 0 ‘heureris endangered Nowhor leh more cca tran mst Geog Bot he swothef thaw arthe reader rlshone mt elective homan rn Fear sia wid, ost prevaling standards and gules dec or ndrecty ‘oy aunt of measurement o 2 n, or 59cm, whic purportedly epson Me ‘wots ofa ovelodaverape porson. a asic cortertion wah wich the mer “sage anc which sil be explored the dawings and toto the flow Pages. Ts 22m increment. Rowever is sad as a bans fr estab lan (wd anc has teen muse and uncnetenged 1" a lsat 25 years. ‘Treadserelatonsips are alo based on assorted res of hu and onus, many of which are confit wih each ther. One Such fora, ever 00 yer 1, Incerporated Ino the bulking code ofthe oly of New York. That ave temas prosuce some kind of gonerly reasonable design nt ape Wa shoul be quostonad ithe quot of hat sign. How does 9.5:n of 24cm, toad, for xample,accorenedaie a maximum shod fot lenght 1 in. oF 386 {n? How much contact sutace does the design prove? How much human ‘ry consumed in ascending the sar? What percrtape of fe user poll | ‘Saccommodsted? I sa tobe std to evacuate th bliin nthe ever ho, can wo aford to socormodato ary los than 100 perce of re users? Dow ‘ho voadiearrlaorshp rtec he reads of eter poopie? These Questions ‘rust be aemerd dsighrs oreo be respersivete te ura fates sed ‘Ther is also ro doubt tat proper reese proportion inches othe consiorm feneasteel such at human gat soraory perception ope se A"perac” sr en may not be posible nv of tha nature ote pce, but sora more than'a ue of thumb s newced. The drags onthe folowng pages ei sarve of eso condtons and suggest arances and other Gers da Sgonsve to human drnenson and body size end vel mestablshg preeinay Gesgn assumptions. The maine above ndcstes some of he mere Tekvat Wt ‘Soporte easements ease VERTICAL nee the teas by more han 5 in © 27 cm —coveay ter concer eapenaly te ad {nd pnysieaty abl poop. STAIRS/EXISTING AND RECOMMENDED 2-LANE WIDTH 8.2 croix = Sraces Verical revision systoms must be responsive 1b the needs of people Certined 9 wheoichavs a8 wel as 0 trove ol able-bodied pectle. Corisor ra ley cal buts shoud blo: fated Stn, or 1972 om, above the ‘oor Emergency conta shouts be tsranged so ha he lowest butlon 3 tine of 30 or 762 om. above Ihe cab foot and he righest buon 2 maximum of 462 19m, above {he cat. floor Emergancy butters ‘Proud be grouped toganer tine bot {om ofthe parc. The oomor Ine of a twtpone shoud bea maximum a8 above te cab floor and te hoght Ste top of te handral oud be o- (ated between 32 and 34. of 813 ‘mi 54 em. above the cad four Ramps are iso an important foro ‘rondng sccossbity of bulge 0 aneapped people. Moet regsations {and gudeines ison a maximum (Gaclentol one Ut of hgh for every tele unts of length and a maxnum ontontlestance of 30 Ro 9 m, ‘ron Norton laring of teat ‘Bin.er108 Tom Landngt smoudbe (rood at al changes amp atec- {ion and at envancos and ox. Pit fom lorgns shoud povse a east 42sn Cearance trom ay door sairg into te ramp. Where the do does ‘ot swig Ino te tarp, the pastor ‘et enon a minut of 24 oF (ter, pas te lach ede ofthe door 7 5 ian C4 mac 372 ma D 782 7087 min 1829 nn 305-457 16-20 45 oA a3 2 WTEROR SPACEOESICN STANOAPOS ELEVATORS / LOBBY TT ACCESS RAMP <= —_—— | (83 S| 2Ie\5I ee 3 eee B55 5| vas POETIC DATA ina STATURE == & 2 eve HEH trac] 6 EVE HEIGHT STTNG Wao] fa Tau TP REACH w [2 waxuy e007 OFT i MOM BODY The term “pb” tot tact toa large degree gona src is quite pone ad proper to create subclassifeatone dopenng on tho wor population Mi tended o ove. A publ lacy ealedin ana Bu oral erin for Ox wou sere a ranswnt user a opposed 1a srr fact proves the Sow ‘erience ofthe workers in a arge mgionnoffce bug. Thso facies may Ihave much and athe same te vry itn corm. To varying Geos Wu) both Rave peak pereds of use. The antvoporetne cosierations, parca) uring ese peak periods, are also que smi. Since he intr fo fos human dimension as i reiais to loner space, ro aos Pas been Made 10 fesiabish«clsscaton Systm orto commant onthe heron dean he es themsaves, ‘Wats paintuty covious nthe druings on he fotoaing pages tet most ue tot scty design appear tobe totaly sensitive to human mension and body ‘Sze. Moet designe cowd the designatod number of acu Teuite by laa! ‘agrees ne least amount foor space possible. The facie ate space at fits, partcuary wins (1 and 21 In, 0” 48:3 ard 536 om, on cefer Mak ‘wiconmon), does not accommodate the majrty of users. Pitiaed. a trope dal, tor example incaes that only pocent fa samolepepla ‘ton measured has armacmur body breadth mension 98.8 in or47. om. less When acting alowance is ade, &boccmes Govt a1 ora tn or 483: ora 53 Gem, spacing woud makeltskroxtimpoxstie or poops Wed ‘he uals wineut coming io body contac wn each cher. The sara type ‘unten exits wih rear 10 lvaory titres When one considers Bue Maden ‘dmanscns, body buer tones, privacy aco su pasng become tal wae ‘apace Fortis easen srt uncorenenin pub baboon o ‘one of extreme crowding and congeston wih people queued up wat Wo use {he facts wre a the same te every aner ttre May be unocuned Te ‘awinge on tho taleming pag examin ese conions a! such ches ‘nd other ersinal data more response o hoary st ane cans, le the mati above suggests some ofthe more Inpotant artvopor ‘measaromons to conalderin Bio dongs ot pute bathsoms BB ethics = Sta wna ar avoabe for batay ‘etalaions on 21m, of 53.52, com ter. The autre contend that such spacing will nt propery accemmo- ‘ate maori of users. The argo Sted person has a mania cote dy breath mension of almost 25 Inver 66 em. Poskres assumed while \naing. 9 aden Ye the space taken Up By paraly opened a= rents, wil mnerease tas mention ‘en more. Given he antvepometc ‘ositen ane consideration o persona Spacs 2 S2sn, or em, spacing © mor response Wo human faci. The stl parson shoud exend B12 ‘ior 203 0 254 em, beyond the face oft ual, and an acviy 2002 in, of 457 om font oft fa tue shouldbe asnumed A crulion ane of $4 in, or 197.2 om, wit allow fer padesiian and whoo tate Uial stabs for wheotchar users Shou be a minimum of 36 in, or S14 fm. wide tor proper acces. Mim ‘ole sa dmensons requted Yor a 8.3235 jae BATHROOMS Father than the fort varlan we proach docussec on ire Baye, a more comiertable nce {he WLC. orto woken nt ‘de spproach rater. The 0 Ing shows te minimum corparmert ‘Emonsion or sucn a taster 00 Oy Taino 1678 by 12.9 om. To Hse ate the protons fecec by Thome ontnegto a wnoaeainn gi ha frastorest room lag ess nec hy to understare someting te fransler process. The cerer drawn ‘tempts to break down at prone fr four dase moveronts. ech ques it vary om user to use, but the process io essontaly” 35 ius ‘ied. The toto drawing shows seme of he base hogs ard ew fnoas fo be eonedered in 8 conven fenal WC. comparent. Mole Mat siterent heights forthe WC. are 29 (gested in reeporso. tothe a ropometic requirements. of edery people and chron ‘ront vanster approach by the wreel is Creme snes Shae ora Ey 72 1087 by Tavira 1829 om. A wheelchair clearance: Oreser {Be shud be prea nem Bang eee = as | } ACT c lo CHNIQUE FOR SIDE APPROACH TRANSFER pusuc 8.3 Eicon: Vansant 29 ot wo recline ecaenr ines ws uate ut ay Moet sce shay coor Sutifentaaaya Th Say dt npr co omoass cian tha tec Frovided, body contact wih he ada an user wit oscur ASBn, oF B1S- {, spacig as shown shoul provide ‘or comrtabie use of he hres. AN ‘ety zone of 18, F487 om, on of the Titres sould be. as lsimed. A crulaion zene of 58, oF {572 mls ha rnimum dmension {hat tow fc Doh wheel ane pedosin vat. Te draning athe Eritom indeates como ot tho bask Clearances and heights required io rake the lavatory acossbio (2th tecienar user LAVATORY LAYOUT. LAVATORY/ WHEELCHAIR USER TELEPHONE, ‘DRINKING FOUNTAIN VENDING MACHINE REFUSE RECEPTACLE Ss wi 25 MAXIMUM BODY DEPTH. Pubic convenioncefacitios must be proved in the design of publ spaces. The ‘ype and quaityo sh cites wil vary depending onthe size and nature othe tote space nvlves. They may range for amodox ut svategealy Placee 35" Urata batery of pubic telephones Nis essaral hat these fans be acces ‘bleto ablebodied peope aswel aso smambulat. ade anc char ous ‘eonle. The quay of intrtace betwoen te user and these lacitesreauves 8 trowedge ct human cmensen A puble prone forexampio does sera beans ‘ner no good fhe cant rach the com sot. The crewing onthe flowing panes istrae some oil stutions showing the hurtan body in eli ea range Sere base puble conennce facines encountered in pubic spaces The or {fropomote measuemons of major concem inthe desn ane placement of ‘ese aces art eat nthe mata above 8.42545 FF convemence Facies Far puic wlophones tobe accessbie to weclchar users, al,‘ ancnead ot should nat move than Bin or 1219, ove the for Its ako doable tat aqustabio voume oro! be provided wh the neecoet 4 ssa those with hearing ls- abibes.Tacle and vsud nections Stout be provdod fr those wor: Wt sight csabites, Walmounted Unts should have asoquate space for welch eppreach parle! to the fron face ofthe equpment. Whore shehes are provided Baw the tle: hone unt 8 carance ofa last 29 [n.01737 en, trom be tor tthe un erie ofthe lowest part o the Shel ‘oud be proves 1 boots ave provided for the chai. bound, atleast 42 1087 em, of ‘dear foor space shoul be proves bbewoen wale. The tlphone unt ‘shouldbe mounted onthe 880 wal and a Sein, of B1S-om, cea door pening shed be pvtnd PUBLIC TELEPHONES / DISABLED USERS PUBLIC TELEPHONE / DISABLED USER. 8.4 BSiewcnce races ‘The top deanirgs indicate some cl 2 ey cimoncion or 3 wamouriod [bie leloprone. The lnvaianon fended to. serve the soated er ‘ould comortaby serve alarge num ber of standing users as wel The deing athe bottom shows he fica! measurements necesiry 59 trata dering fountain ean be aces" ‘able to bot handicapped anc 20 texded poopie. A stance 30.9 762.em, fom tha tonto the Fo ll ‘make the four scersebof9 8 ‘thoothat ures and cncren. Sore ‘odes slow he use of cervertona: ‘enki tartan 10 serve tho hes ‘har user dt does not exceed 36 9 @r91.40n, nbeghe The aubor: sug (estat he S0-n ght be uses an Afnocossary a maximum height of Inver 854 tm, note exceeded Rs ‘commanded geo that hand" ‘to controls oF combined Randa {oot conto be use 8.4 285 12 CoNvENiENcE FACLITES ‘The top drawings indicate recom mended heights ores ecepacis {bene etaooune. and. semi bunt usors. Proven for asuppor an be onverely Nepal ‘The cravings at the botom show a ‘oor typa ans wal-hung o shel-yp= ‘enarg machine wstataron.Propor Ieeaten ct eperatngcontols and ean S06 escontal machines ae Sere handicapped a5 well ar able- Soaedpeople Tobe accossbieto he harbound user, te contol Souk ‘eno les than 2 in, oF 61.0 cm: noe rote fan 48 In, 0 1219 em, shove the for An actvy ze of 42n. oF 106.7 em, shouldbe assumed in Font he machne fora porsen a wheechar Where purely mechanical Bil devices are used. they shoud ro- [te normal amount fore fr op- ration 7 Soa 5 5-51-97 REFUSE RECEPTACLE) ‘CHAIRBOUND VENDING MACHINES REFUSE RECEPTACLE’ ‘SEMIAMBULANT AUDIOVISUAL 38 SPACES ag gs 25 ees B28 5 raate [3] 3] Ta2e | ‘1 STATURE, iB20 EYE HEIGHT 10.38 ELBOW HEIGHT @°SITING HEIG E20 SITTING HEIGHT NORMAL iFa8 8 EVE HEIGHT SITTING 7_MIDSHOULDER HEIGHT SITTING SHOULDER BREADTH 9 ELBOW-TO-ELBOW BREADTH 70 HIP BREADTH 11 ELBOW REST HEIGHT icaH 12 THIGH CLEARANCE iwi 58. KNEE HEIGHT Nad “4 POPLITEAL HEIGHT 102K 15. BUTTOCK.POPLITEAL LENGTH 2k 16. BUTTOCKANEE LENGTH 10.3F 17 BUTTOCK TOE LENGTH 18 BUTTOCK HEEL LENGTH. 18 VERTICAL REACH HEIGHT SITTING [720 VERTICAL GRIP REACH 21. SIDE AAW REACH ‘abil (ola assis ve eee sWeB '23_ MAXIMUM BODY DEPTH 6A 24 MAXIMUM BODY BREADTH @ 25. ROTATION ° 26 FLEXION af | 27_HYPEREXTENSION = Wee ectocavmus 10 Tor OF HEAD) ‘In recent years, the information explosion has given rise to 2 wide \vatiety of auchovisual systems required to transmit that information. ‘Applications can be found in almost every sector ofthe business and ‘educational community. Trading rooms in brokerage houses, scresn- ing tooms in advertising agencies, conference rooms in corporal of- feos, libraries, aucitorums, and lecture halls in educational Institions are only a few ofthe many interior spaces for which visual ‘communications systems must be planned. The systems range in ‘complexity from a simple television readout io serve a single viewer a ‘2 workstation to muiscreen audiovisual presentations in an aud {orm seating several hundred people Projections forthe future include the use of closed circuit television for international conferences via satolitesight transmission. Con- ferences between personnel of branch offices of large Business cor- porations via dosed circuit television, already a reality, may become routine. The use of auctovisual communications systems inthe edu- cational field is increasing rapidly, and some speculate that students ‘soon wil receive a greater portion of their education through fim, sides, television, and computers than through live instruction. in terms of residential appicaions, the advent of CB radios, home com- puters, vdeo tape cassettes, sophisticated stereophonic sound sys tems, home sound movies all clearly indicate that sophisticated ‘audiovisual communications systems will become as much a part of Tomorrow's home as was the radio in the thirties and forties and the ‘TV in the fities, sities, and seventies. The design of audiovisual ‘spaces requires some knowiedge of acoustics, audition, and human ion. itis with respect to vision, however, that anthropometics are particularly significant. Accordingly, the human eye and visual field ‘Serve asthe bass for the drawings and data on the folowing pages. ‘The eye haight of short people compared with that of tall people in standing and seated positions the dference in eye heights between ‘males and fernaes, the extent of a person's visual field, comfortable viewing zones, and the degree to which head movement and eye ‘tation can increase viewing capablity are all essential faciors in en- ‘suring the proper intertace between viewer and visual communication system. The aunty ot the iorce baton ay vaulconmuncan sae a the viewors toa very le ceproo a incon oe enti whch ne dana at ‘ysem adie rto spose n whch shoved rcponc to cen hae ‘human capaites an canes The more paren actors ae Gr miter espe consent rectanc of Pe Raman 9p ar the geomery oo veal a. Atha factor, aye ait seated oa ae inp ionr, woo bw Gacesad te flowing ecton. gud be trecanc th re parctr concer crt hh Wnts arge ‘edrmoeent The egos wich Vewer mayer oad he es (tc horzontal panes wi gute sovusy widen Or Yeti he ofr fe ‘en, The geomet re vals equa sgnteart oho ths spat atte ‘pe esabichs the wewors cones vin ad eated vowsg arcs. she ected atin akiten to hed movers te ees amekes ar capable ‘ati. ese 98 nowrap dormer woe viewers any san {raegs.on he lomng pages, tint basa: range often movemet na horzcia adverse farce ‘Fete vl ble hora and varie panes, ‘AUDOMGUAL SPACES. 288 9.1 erscs int metons and poitons are vsu- Ay roared treo base panos — Saga, ona o coronal, and vans: {erse—or in planes paral fo thom. ‘he soot pane ise vertca plane {Sten trough the center of te B20) td papendicvar to body each ‘The tertal er coon lane i 0 & vereal plane and is assumed to be ‘Sten trough the bocy 8na parpan- ‘utara te sagital plane Te vans- Verse plane isa honzonta plane Deronda othe other wo lanes. For puposes. of oknomatc re: sarc ose too plas are viewed f an orthogonal ars system com teed onthe pos ‘The top drawing Mustates the range fread moverentnireYansverse 0 feraoral plane. Anhropometialy. the moton areterecto a "eckrote. Ye and a range of 45°10 the aft or Ig canbe acioved weheu sain or ‘Secomton by most poopie. A Serpe ‘allan bythe reader will denon stale tho vomondovs ineroaeo inthe ‘ava that canbe seanned om 2 = efned locaton The tomer daverg fuses the range of Read mover ‘meetin the vere sagt plane. A ‘ange tom 01037 mother drocien [5 posstie wiheut discomfort An: ropometicaly, the movement tomes sneck fxon.” Fmessured Goward tis desenbed as vereal™ ‘2 moasur toward the Back or ward ts described a "rsa": ‘EmatonalStended Cropeed: Measurements (SOM), however. fer tho downward maton ae ie Nov" and tha’ upward. moton a5 “enension” Again, a simple exper- ‘orto the reader tate the te ‘be scamed asa rsul otha move ‘ent even thet movement ony & ‘ow dogees magnitude ‘6 ERO SPACEOESION SANDAROS HEAD MOVEMENT IN HORIZONTAL PLANE HEAD MOVEMENT IN VERTICAL PLANE FIELO IN VERTICAL PLANE DA ccs “The visual el ie tat pat of space, ‘measured in agus magniuce hat ‘an bo seen wien th head ard he (ye are abst sl The vv tad Tie ekial ey is med Ton ‘ar von” Winin ts fei sharp ‘mages are not tansmited te the ai, causing objects o appear uy lear arc Siused. When an ioc, however, is obsevedty both eyes sk multanesusy, te vue Bde each Inaweual ye cvortoe, creating 8 rcton. Within Ws fie very herp Iragos are wansmited tthe ban, epth perception oecws, ard coor Ssermiraton is posse, Wn ie ‘ceria ol, ecogeiion cf words 356 Symtos ase enue: 10120" ine leet sighttorte tomer ane $1030 of the tne ot ght for the later Beyond these respecive Sts, both ‘wor ara symbol too Se82000" ‘The area of he charpet ecu acu ty abcut 1 eer abe cf the sgh Tre. Depending on he. partelar Calor, coor bog fo deappes’ be ‘eon 30" end 60 of ene taht As shown inthe caving athe botom oft pape, De sandard iw fight 's assumed be horaonial ae at A person's natural or oral nef Sight, however. Is actualy below the QA asses ‘The procengcrawings Sov oink ‘dualy iuatrate the range of ead ‘movement in fe Norzenal and ver Cailanes ard me Hele ot wiion nthe 298. NTERIOR SPACECESIN STALOAROS RANGE OF HEAD AND EYE MOVEMENT IN THE VERTICAL PLANE UM race Syne Gere bo oon, nee ‘The inter designer or atc! i requaty face with the design of tence ‘spaces ancor caine mrk at must neoporae a vsual emmanicaion ster {fere hype or anc for an insvial viewer. The oyterm wi nortay fece _oplay matoral oe vewed om siting oa sanding postion The ewig tne ‘may vary fom a few moments i stvabons where the wowing ask my wes Ou 3 {ute actuty. The dspiay mater may ba nthe frm o leon fondo, 2 fim cp, oa vanepareny or vray negave tobe vewsd ona backlghes suas, ‘Te des te instataton propery, the designer must be responsi te Doth the _xttvopometic and vauleonaceratons mated. Eye height To exemple, ting {standing lary an antropomaticconsicaation yet when epelod wa visua communication system desig. becomes naatnouahaale orm what might be ‘more approostely categorized as an exclusively vival fact isthe oye voit ‘measurement and ho cone of vision springing fem i that sll hap Geter oper display locaton, Consideration must ase be vento he prob eta very {alviewer onda very sort vewer. Can the lcaton tthe deplay accorends ‘bah users? ithe dol o be cated over a wokcourterc deck sutaca Wl {he design accommodate tho wewer with the shertrreacn? the Sean aca, ‘odatesthe ach requremris, wl also accommodate he human aor the ual ok an wl he splay be legit e te vewor? The rewing ard alate foow dea excel wit sigle-viewer. shortsange apsys and conan ‘alin that wi be nett reahng some ofthe Sccign prcboms sed. Note, ‘however Pat the internation prserted snot ended 8a design sein bel ‘as guideines that can serve asa reasonable Bais fr preliminary Sea stasis, \Wer one conser to great variety and yes of vival lpaye posse anc the etontto when ho visual fe canbe increased a sinpe movement of he head aye rola, the dala can be placed in 3 proper perspacive. Moveve! is _stomary the design of workstations of tiatypoto have at sealo mocha of the nt for festing proto predueson ofthe fal uit sere so funeton at ne workstation for an extended por et amo, he woul, afer 2 whe, assume 8 mo%8 ‘eased poston, caus Nis head © ‘aie dows & few rove cogrees “The "could Weralore be road war Heian of Disptay Kealy heheh le pot necks By shoud este oe eye hgh ot Sreviewer The great atatiy oye sgt measuromens an con ‘ate he 0 othe spose ay rraymane i oieut Gn su ‘Pate he spy wb roach ond win he Val hl ef the smater ewes estes eye ghey Treats of 2 ras parm. Say pecans, sch ena shod erode revert ascents. The flstrm teu! be ovata so Patt Ennbereosited sucht th ‘sovepace t be ied ty 2 alr ewer Ano skier atheugh iL I coy So at ean IS S . rangement anatoy be. Socks plose te nr dance STW PERCENTILE WALE ars persis 2a ances a Sal aad oye eat Wher fnew opty betwen and THE STANDING MALE VIEWER / WORKSTATION DISPLAY \TED MALE VIEWER | WORKSTATION DISPLAY Seatecower'ohed he pao pia aan S59 om, and te macmum d- Viewer above he seat suface rch {Stee betwoon 26 nd 29 F717 les han hat te eye hss above wea ra em te ot ta aed sh sancng Covers The eee nye hgh {ithe teri about on 930 em wie tbe aerence between oye Tihs of me lorena naeated by odnuings les han Oi ts? ‘mn. nccordngy the poten ot make "th aly itn ran te vo {Sita om omar sete rarcan Se sowed ute oan by tn we a hor wh an asa ot het 9.2325" ‘he mead to rie a vl depay omponort 5 pat of an iil ‘fotcaon ns cameo Inmet {Soos oply lates the fom of ‘Se te of comets eat 8 ‘argue. Wists tenure te dopay, tho dean between t Uv fe eye and he haha ole Fe depay ean par cons ‘Eaton tncotan cass poy rst SSeseened tem a sande pote. ‘coer tom a seated poston. The Mrotaton mus ls secormossla Joop nang a do fnge of bey an The caving onthe andthe ton page wil npoe sore of he teak wtual and srvopomete oe tae inoved Distance of Diepay from the Eye “Traugh the process of accommo: tin. tne mechan of th hua eye wa mata focus Bw oye on he 1 shou be noted, however, thal the fengas ced ro toproxmains 2rd ‘ary wih te Saat he ospay mate: ta anaighing Moreover he nearest porto. wtioy the eye. can focus ‘roves futher away tom the eye wih ge. At age 16 for xarpe, F's ss than 4 in or 102 cm, away. neat pe 20 tw over bce tet istance Bray. By comparison, romeve, the Eee ae eect recor Samieestee Sooee eye Riaep enon an Saree Commernniee tine related Wo the workstation cout ter or controls ‘Th.utual raging ‘itance for pimod! mata! about Te, of 458 om Contos. should be placed win teach of the smaller Vener and lo. ‘atc sothat he boxy move nee ‘Saar tor operation fe corto ee rotoserucl ay. ea general itor opsmum vowing, ‘sgh ine tom ne bot of the de pay the ayo of he viewer should form an ange cf ot more than 90° tnah the standard norzortal ine of SETH PERCENTILE FEMALE B tee terse Stn caves where * Sestes © THE STANDING FEMALE VIEWER/ WORKSTATION Dil FEMALE VIEWER/ WORKSTATION DISPLAY ¢ 316 owe} ALOOMSLAL SPNCES 38) |. TERIOA PACEESON STANDARDS 9.2. worsraron DESIGN GUIDELINES! WORKSTATION DISPLAY CONSOLE ‘Awan tom Auras gnc Guoe © Egor Sgn, 28 RECOMMENDED POSITIONING OF CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS ON VERTICAL SEGMENT CONSOLES oom ian fas preg. LUST Ar Powe Sys Som Henao OF +3, PONGES [4 POPLITEAL HEIGHT. BUTTOCK-POPLITEAL LENGTH \vaualcommuricaton systems for grcup ening present sores feo pb ‘eons than those nomaly assocalod wth system Geared fr tho ‘ower. lel dslays 1th lie are cated so the ww angle Qenaraly ‘olow the arzonta na f sight However ue oe ate and eats 9 ‘ou display, uch asa project screen na motion chr thealr othe vamer {nd tho cbcructon of tho val fold atone vewsr by ancther the diay \ccated o thatthe upper it ofthe optram viewng ange sated ove horizontal neo sight. The genera lajeut anc conigraten ofthe sting al De lannes to ensue fe gees visibly forthe greatest rumor The rime ‘stance the ont row of seas can be For the dela o alow adaguata vw ‘must be conser in the paring of ne intr space sd gone wt layou Seas must be planned to allw sight ings of one veer pase tee between tte viewer in ont. The dstance between owe must alow nda Clearance for crcuaton and human movemert. Proviso fr the ated weetcharsnound viewer must asa be taken io account in hv suaonk # ‘ecto, pup o bina andthe speaker all must be considered ts pat othe gammunicaion systom. The design of th lecom should respond 10 the a ‘fropomeinc and eval roquremerts Be spesker fn accion te lett ‘Speaker as te play sho bess the proper wsualvelabonsip Wo be Wawrh The crawings thal olow explore varous aspects of he group vowing proces Sd suggest clearances and eter data for une in pokminary dent shud 9. 32ers a3 craven Maxenm vist fr the retest Temoer cf sated vovets an be Sheed by sorang. Pere irignssuctesovey tom ont ‘icc so atone vow ca ok {rere hows oe pron in on ‘Tssoocans opt head mene omer th anion ta on aot toring fhe aun Tatty acre ho tbe see fed otoped ie achowe ne ond En. me dunce rom he caer Comes cine ye tote inet op ‘noose ft pce ca ‘ows mossuerare be abou Sin t2T om and stu rome Inc te ore goad Tp Seng state fe “oneoe Sor” motos cstv ‘igs 20 bate ven may have ‘nebstcod von ov the ade oee vawers in vows ened ‘ees contr avrg Muster fe towos sont meh! mich Drovers whan ta newer tne Srmor rors ahead ram cg we Sit Thesauanage one mate tat mnraes te pe orto ‘nee, ts daatertage fat ts tot to oars fe. enevon ‘home. Wor ses aré sapped bin, howovet can trove vay & pomming’a view between he tots of tse dec nfo. os SFonn ote foto Sawing Se he pe owe soupy 2 Sine idem. apoory oon tod 40 or 18 om feo mone 9.3 ersit sine IL 2 o COMPARATIVE ANTHROPOMETRICS) ihe aterence in oye nog between STANDING AND SEATED VIEWERS height won th largo and smalor viewers ee stanang. The minimum {tance between th st row and the play canbe doterinod by craving Sight ne fom tho tp ot tho ro leced image tthe oye of he viewer ‘Satan the fst ow ata angle Pot lees than 30" nor more an 33" 95 9 ‘festa in a bate orang a a “ io 8] Ss ar Yo . oie a K__s6s 30] _pistANCe FROM SCREEN TO FIRST ROW 9.320453 a Dcnovr views Unless tac Now to he paw is con Noted the lack of armrests makes te eataicweree showin totop or fg someenat theoreti Assuring ‘ome caeg means af sat space ‘Seteton, owever reasonable ‘Semen unit foe a a bass for Seat wor Is 0. maximum boo) Breas. The 95th porcenlo data for larger uss fs 228 in. or 57.8 cm, ‘akon withthe subjects nude, The op raving sows tee possible seat a \Gwancee: 241026. or 611 65cm, Bin 71 cm, anda possbie met ‘mum of 2 nor 559 em. nen one considers that an alow: lee for cothng. and. vallates ‘ody movement should Be added 1 ‘he 228 fermen unt, the 225% Immun would not comity se ‘rode the majnty of ses wh fam some body contact Eceromics rating the 28m spacing recor fended. The betom sawing shows ever! pom spacing posses. Al an work, Gopending on te level of mort sled and the nature ard frequency railed Dy move mr mocascene ersten} ant ita n pennant ating! pated | Zoe Genctt= e « | a (e-ses "NORSHIPEING IN —tanuMuM CIRCULATION SHANDING POSITION —SeATEDPosITION CLEARANCE BASIC PEW CLEARANCES / ELEVATION PEW SEAT MINIMUM PEW. PER PERSON SEAT PER PERSON Ay gene ee ag eb es Ean 9.3 sae Jad crore viewne nen an sudionse i tering ovo Spocches, lacus, or sermons. he ‘Stun, pup, or bara and he ‘pester shes be ewe 29 be 3S ‘ay. With respect be speaker, ‘Sepiay & assumed to be whatever ‘rote otter writen mated Me may Uae ie coanecsen nth hs éevered Bresemtason. The top orang shows fame of tho basi amonsons. n= ‘etves ane suggest some oto Ws (Blond antroporete covserators ‘ped For optimum speaker viewer Camior. teSiface upon whic Mol (Se paced shod be at mn angie of ‘bout 30 When antvopometncahy eteminngihe eight ole op oe ‘ecm eurtace fang tho speak, ‘Show hgh stoud be taken fo 36° ‘Shunt The exer ta whic fe locum ‘ray cbstrct bot wow ana soaker (Vstn sould 20 be Sons.dbes est forthe viewers nth est r8 is abo oxremely important. The Bot tim eraning eatas a asd ect ‘Satin. As with any palorm. st Provsens shoul be bat ht te dee son wr ot __ 28ers] TIT 10-1067 457-610 SET Bi0-762 LECTURN, PULPIT, OR BIMAH D EPILOGUE EPILOGUE NASA fs presently planning @ space vehicle that will “carry large ‘numbers of people of all nations and races, and of a wide range of body sizes and ages, into and out of weightlessness.” Its antck pated that such a transportation system will be folowed by “space Stations where people wil function for long periods, in an environ- ment for which their bodies were not designed.” In regard to the

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