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Sonam Sonika


Motivation plays significant part in keeping the best workforces at work. Thus this essay will
discuss the means and ways on how to motivate the University of the South Pacific Staff of
Lautoka campus together with the advantages of motivating the workers and the disadvantages
when the workers are demotivated.

Firstly, the most important motivation is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is simply when a
worker like or dislike his or her job in terms of workmates, wages or salaries or the working
environment. In University of the South Pacific, job satisfaction also plays an important role as
the staffs will only like their work when they are happy with their wages, working condition and
workmates. When the staffs at the university are happy with their work, they are motivated to do
their work excellently. For example, the lecturers with masters studies at the university is getting
the pay that suits their level of qualification then the staff will be satisfied with what is given to
him or her and will do his or her job brilliantly. The job satisfaction plays a very vital role in an
employees working life.

Furthermore, another major theories or motivation is incentive theory. Incentives can also be
known as motivation boosters as it gives a reason for employees to work harder in return of a
reward. At the University of the South Pacific, the incentive theory can also be used as a
motivation tool for the workers. When the staffs of the university will be rewarded for their hard
work then the employees get a motive to work even harder because the incentives given to the
workers motivate them since their hard work is being paid off. For example staffs who work hard
every year to teach their students and also study themselves, should at least be given yearly
bonus. Thus the incentive theory of motivation is important as it helps motivate the staffs to
work harder in return of a reward given to the workers.

In addition to ways of motivating the University of the South Pacific workers, another way to
motivate the workers is through intrinsic motivation. According to intrinsic
motivation is defined as something that comes out directly from an action rather than a reward.
At the University of the South Pacific the workers can the motivated when the administrators
empower and move their teachers through providing a supportive, quality learning environment
so that workers work hard for the university. For example motivating the tutors and lecturers by
encouraging for creative ways to accomplish the task or are praised for expressive activities.
Also create a trusting atmosphere that the tutors can do their task perfectly. Therefore, the
intrinsic motivation is very essential for motivating the staffs of the University for South Pacific.

Moreover, there are some advantages of motivating the workers. Some of the advantages are
better production. The actions of the workers define the rate of production. Similarly in a
university the tutor’s hard work determine students study life. If the tutors and lecturers are
motivated to word hard then they will do their task professionally. If are teachers are not
motivated then they will not be able to motivate the students. Another advantage of motivation is
lower absenteeism rate. When the workers are motivated, their will come to work every day. The
other advantage is lower level of staff turnover. When the staffs are motivated such as being
rewarded or getting good pay, they will stay in the university and the recruitment of new staffs
will also be less.

However, the disadvantages when the employees are demotivated are the diminishing return.
When the workers are not rewarded for their hard work or being rewarded same thing year after
year then the staffs the demotivated and are likely not to perform well at work. Similarly in the
University of the South Pacific, the staffs will not work hard if they are not awarded or being
given same award every year. High staff turnover is also a disadvantage. If the workers are not
being paid which suits their qualification then they do not feel motivated and can end up quitting
they job. As for the University of the South Pacific, it may be hard to find someone who suits
their qualification requirements.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the three most important ways to motivate the University of
South Pacific worker are job satisfaction, incentives theory and intrinsic theory. Job satisfaction
is when the employee is happy with the working conditions, colleagues and pay given. Incentive
theory is when the employees are given rewards in return for their hard work in form of
appreciation. Intrinsic theory is similar to reward but it comes from inside such as praising for
someone’s hard work. The advantages of motivating employees are lower absenteeism, better
productivity and lower staff turnover while the disadvantages when employees are demotivated
are high staff turnover and similar incentives given to the employees every year.

(Word: 825)

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