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Unitary theory is based on the functionalist theory in sociology.

This essay will highlight upon

the five assumptions of unitary theory and five criticisms of unitary theory. It will also discuss
the similarities and differences between the scientific management theory and the human
relations theory.

Firstly, one of the assumptions of unitary theory is that firms or organizations have a single
source of authority. This means that the management is the only source to give directive to its
employees and it discourages the collective bargain amongst the boss and the workers in the
organization. Organizational leader’s role here is to promote trustworthiness and pledge amongst
the workers. For example, a business where is the management is the only one who have the
power to give authority to its workers. The management will decide what and how it has to be
done. The unitary theory assumes that boss and staff can join together for common goals, values
and interests, and management should represent strong control to achieve organizational goals.

Secondly, another assumption of unitary theory is that the top management is given the control
or has power in making all the decisions in an business. The top management such as board of
directors, chief executive officer and presidents are responsible for monitoring and supervising
the whole organization. These managers are responsible for developing goals, making policy for
the company, strategic goals and making decisions on the business direction. In unitary theory
the top managers make all the decisions for the company and middle level managers and low
level managers have to follow the decisions made. For example, the board of directors of Jacks
of Fiji makes all the decisions for the company and the staffs have to follow. Similarly in an
American company the board of directors makes all the decision. The top managers have the
power to make decisions so that the employees can follow.

Moreover, another assumption of unitary theory is that there is top down decision making
process but the workers are not given any say in this decision making process. In this decision
making process all the decisions are made by the management. The top management or
management is the one who makes decisions in the organization. In this process the employees
or workers have no say. The decisions which the management makes are to be followed by all
the employees. This decision making process have both advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of this process are strong management, good organization and minimized cost while
the disadvantages are limited creativity, dictatorial and responses to challenges are slowed. For
example, the decision which management makes is cost effective but cost effective can be less
creative to attract the customers where the staff should have a say. Thus staff say is very
important in decision making.

Furthermore, the other assumption of unitary theory is that the unitary theorists do not like the
trade unions. The unitary theorists see the trade unions as an interlopers in the organization. They
assume that trade unions are interfering in their business. This can have a bad impact on their
employees as the employees can go against the management. For example, the employees can go
against the management in decision making process can will want to have a say in the decision
making process as there employment rights. Therefore, the unitary theorists do not like trade
union interference.

In addition to the assumptions another assumption is that the unitary theorists do not believe in
and do not accept conflicts at the work place. If workers do not agree with their managers are
considered as the problematic and difficult workers in the eye of the management. The staffs
who oppose their managers authority is seen as irrational and therefore the managers will not be
happy with those workers. If the staffs are fighting amongst themselves or a staff is fighting with
the management is seen as a trouble maker employee. For example in 2017 Air Terminal Service
had a case where the employees went against the management and went on strike for a few days.
Thus employees who are involved in conflicts can end up making a big issue for the company.

Moving on, there are few criticisms of unitary theory. The first criticism of unitary theory is that
it has a slender approach that disregards causes of any conflict. This means that unitary theorists
do not accept any kind of conflicts in the work place and will not tolerate any type of conflict as
they see the company as a family -a happy family therefore they do not want any type of
conflicts and problems arising. This theory is criticized as the management does not take into
concern that everyone has problems and employees could also be having personal or professional
problems. For example, the Bluesky Company in American Samoa has a rule whereby workers
can not to bring their private issues into the organization workplace. Thus managers should not
neglect the conflicts which arises at workplace but should solve it by finding the causes and
possible solutions.

In addition, the other criticism of the unitary theory is that it is unable to enlighten the occurrence
of fight within the business. Conflict is a common thing in every organization but for unitary
theory conflict is not tolerated in the workplace as according to them workplace should be a
conflict free zone. Any authority given by the managers should be followed without any
problems or troubles created by any employee. For example, in some of the American Samoan
government organizations they do not have solution for issues or conflicts as these companies
fail to identify the problems that occurred in the workplace. Therefore, it is important for the
management to identify the reason of the conflict.

Additionally, another unitary theory criticism is that this theory does not account for the rutted
distribution of power or authority between the employees and management in the decision
making process. In the unitary theory, all the decision making is done by the management or top
management and middle and low level manager have to follow the management’s decision. The
workers do not have any say in the decision making process. The management decision can also
affect the organization in some ways as well. For example, the Coral Reef Advisory Group in
American Samoa only takes instructions from the administrator and the supervisor and workers
have to follow the instructions. Therefore, management decisions is not always right, taking
employees say in the decision making process can be beneficial for the organizations.
Moreover, another criticism of unitary theory is that deskilling of employees. The management
reduces the number of skilled employees. This is done when the management thinks that there
are more than enough staffs in the company and therefore decides to reduce to workers to fit the
company’s need. For example Kokomo Private Island Resort decided to reduce its staffs to fit the
financial status of the company. In this process the staff do not have any say and they are
affected directly as the decision has already made by the management. In this process the skillful
workers are sent home. Thus deskilling employees affects the employees directly. Furthermore,
the other criticism of unitary theory is that the management takes out production knowledge from
the staff and uses them against the workers. For example early craft workers, managers learn the
way to produce the good and use against the staff by getting other workers in the field.

Moving on, scientific management theory introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor and the aim
of this theory was to increase productivity and reduce the cost of labor. The systematic tactic was
that there was a flow production and staffs were hired, given training and being allocated areas
with special job to complete in order to finish the production efficiently. Human relations theory
was presented by Professor Elton Mayo and the aim of this theory was that proving employee’s
significance in productivity. It was introduced to discourse the problem which was faced by the
Taylors scientific management theory. This theory was introduced to prove that employees are
human and not machines and should treated as a human being.

Furthermore, the similarities between scientific management theory and human relation theory is
that both the theories were carried out to find the finest system through which the staffs are
motivated to carry out their task so that staffs are devoted in their work and are able to increase
production level of the organization. In Taylor’s invention the focus was on the ‘technical
division of labor’ that is separating the job to make a product and workers are given a particular
task and given training on that assignment. The employees were also given incentives for
motivation. In Mayo’s theory, employees are to be encouraged to work in the groups and also
their common needs are acknowledged and also they are appreciated at work. Hence, scientific
management and human relation theory play a vital role in the company for achieving the
company’s objectives. Motivated employees increase the production results.

However, there are few differences as well between the scientific management theory and the
human relations theory. First difference is that scientific management theory treats workers like
machineries whereas human relation theory debates that workers are human and mortal and
hence they should be looked after like human being. Another difference is Taylor trusts that
incentives are to be used in motivating the staffs whereas Mayo argues that the workers are
motivated with the work relations at workplace not by the economic conditions. Third difference
is that scientific management theory make workers follow the instructions whereas human
relations theory inspires worker should also be involved in the process of decision making and
ensure good relationship at the workplace. Another contradiction was that scientific management
theory encourages working independently whereas human relation theory encourages that
employees should work as a group which builds good relationship within the workplace. Thus,
scientific management and human relation oppose each other as human relation theory is the
solution for the problem which was tackled from scientific management.
Finally it can be said that the five assumptions of unitary theory is single source of authority,
decisions made by top management, employees do not have a say in top down decision making
process, they do not like trade unions and conflicts are not tolerated. The criticisms were made
on these assumption. The similarities of scientific management and human relations management
are that ways to motivate employees, incentives provided to the workers and meet the social
needs of the employees to increase the productivity level. However, the differences is that the
scientific management theory treats workers like machine, individual work to be done and
workers follow the management rules whereas human relations theory argues that human are not
machine, work to be done in groups and workers included in the decision making process.


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