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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 23. Integrated Marketing Communication

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Introduction (Burger King’s ‘Be your way’ campaign)
According to the research, there seems to be about 36% of grown-ups within the US consumed
fast food on a given day, between 2013 and 2016. Up there with the powerful fast food chains,
Burger King is the eighth most significant quick service brand worldwide. With that, in order
remaining competitive and expanding visibility, they reliably provide unique and ingenious
marketing campaigns- with stellar reaction. Certainly, Burger King is the epiphany when it
comes to advertisement. For instance, one of their most successful and sensational marketing has
to be the ‘Be your way’ campaign that introducing Proud Whoppers in 2014.
Back in the summer of 2014, the famous fast food brand earned an impressive sum of media
buzz following a campaign that daringly communicated their support for the LGBTQIA
community. Specifically, in the time of the Yearly San Francisco Pride Parade, the brand chosen
to have one of their stores sell Proud Whoppers, which featuring a rainbow wrapper with a

moving message called ‘We are all the same inside’, as the tribute to the parade.
Image 1. The packaging of the Proud Whoppers (Brendan, S 2015)

Brief summary
Target audience
For the most part, it’s not always easy to stand up publicly for what you believe in, which even
more complicated in case you’re a brand since companies with shareholders tend to tread
moderately around political or social issues for self-evident reasons. However, with the new
information appears that embracing a cause can really advance the bottom line and develop
dependability, particularly among millennials. Following with a Google Customer Survey found
that over 45% of customers under 34 years old are more likely to do business frequently with an
LGBTQIA- friendly company. Also, of those customers, more than 54% would pick an equality-
focused brand over a competitor.

With that in mind, more and more brands, including Burger King, are reacting with ‘pride
advertising’ campaigns that bolster messages of consideration, impartiality and diversity.
Whether a company is for, or against it, when they makes their position on the issue public, it is
ordinarily taken after by some publicity. Thus, those that bolster it usually do so by highlighting
comprehensive campaigns advertisements or by putting out items that would straightforwardly
target the LGBT community. In spite of the fact that Burger King expressed that the Proud
Whopper was for everyone.
Campaign objectives
Said by Kelly Gomez, a regional representative for the company’s West Coast, on the local level,
the main objective of the Glad Whopper campaign was to interact with the visitors as well to
deliver back to the community by taking part within the Pride festivities (Wong 2014). Yet, on a
corporate level, the central objective was to present Burger King as brand that symbolizes and
promotes self-expression. The Proud Whopper campaign was actually involved in a greater
campaign that changed Burger King’s well-known trademark from ‘Have It Your Way’ to ‘Be
Your Way’.
Both Burger King’s local and corporate objectives were not only attitudinal but also educational
since it uncovered a local public to their message of self-love and self-expression by uploading a
video of their local efforts to illustrate this message on a larger scale. As a consequence of this
action, they are rebranding themselves and pursuing to create an image of a more radical,
forward-thinking brand in front of the limelight. In spite of the fact that this wasn’t confirmed to
be an objective by the company, when a brand looks for opportunity to rebrand itself, it’s
remaining associated to certain client base mostly, in this case it would be millennials.
Highlight activities
The local event launched in San Francisco, a city that's broadly known to have lots of LGBTQIA
presence during LGBTQIA Pride Month due to the idea of it would be more exposure to the
LGBTQIA community. The Proud Whoppers campaign followed the ‘Be Your Way’ campaign
in arrange to remain adjusted with their promotion of self-expression, self-love and heighten the
clarity of message behind their rebranding.
Fascinating fact is although the company choose to only sell it at one location in San Francisco
for one or two of days and did not publicize their plan at all. However, because the burger was
wrapped within the colors related with the LGBTQIA community, when clients unwrapped the
burger a message that expressed ‘We Are All the Same Inside’ was presented to the client, this
sent Burger King to sky rocket within the media.
 Viewpoint
Alongside with being praised by numerous for the revolutionary factor, the campaign too
confronted its fair share of negative feedback and backlash, most of them are from individuals
that against the LGBTQIA community. Asides, one of the foremost prevalent criticism is people
accused Burger King and other brands of being contemptible and ‘supporting’ the community
only once a year amid Pride season. But, Burger King still benefitted from the attention the
Proud Whopper campaign gained.
 Sales
 +7 million views
 +1.1 billion impressions
 21 million dollars in earned media
 Over 400000 blog mentions
 Facebook: 1.3 million views & 57000 fans & #1 trending topic
 Youtube: 5. million views & 87 percent of likes
 Twitter: 1 million views & 14000 fans & #1 trending topic
 Awareness
The Proud Whopper advertisement come to 20% of the US populace, and young millennials
over-indexed by 4.8X (Burger King data). The campaign was moreover lauded by different
media outlets, counting The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg and more. By means, increased
the brand’s awareness of being a brand that associates with notable social issues. Burger King
mainly wants to inspire brand loyalty and trust than just boosts in sales.
 Engagement
Hashtags around social issues trigger peoples’ attention, which could be a one of the reason why
Burger King got to be included with the project. Moreover, the company gained many of nice
press, as well as, intrigued a lot of new consumers during the parade.
Being posted here and there, it gave Burger King a positive reputation all through media, which
driven to the wrapper soon became a collector’s goods offering for hundreds and indeed
thousands of dollars on eBay.
 Growth
Through the campaign, Burger King attracted new audience and gained back their popularity that
had damaged heavily back in 2012- The racist ad stereotyping African Americans. Their
advertisement strategy helped them had billion media impressions over earned media (Burger
King data). Proceeds from the franchise's sales benefited the Burger King McLamore Foundation
that supports scholarships for LGBTQIA high school students.
Communication strategy
The central source of assessment for this sort of campaign had to be the amount and sort of
consideration it gotten by the public, and critics alike (from social medias to media outlets). They
utilize client service as key choice criteria to ensure that all their vital alternatives move forward
the client experience and consequently allow them a competitive edge in their extremely
competitive industry.
With the help of social media, it gave audience an outlet to share the campaign, feedback on the
design and showcase the campaign to those that are not live in the San Francisco area. By
communicating with customers in their pages, the brand encouraged stakeholders to form a
conversation about the campaign about the campaign and perpetuated a beneficial side of social
media during and after 10 days that the Proud Whopper was launched.
Channel choices
The characteristics of the Proud Whopper campaign propose that there was qualitative research
carried out that intensely centered on the under 35 age group, basically 18-to 24-year-olds and
those portion of the LGBTQIA community. With the mindset of discovering out the type of
content they needed to put out in arrange to attract these groups, Burger King needed to conduct
qualitative research to gather an understanding of how they could actuate a reaction in this
specific demographic. Brands that illustrate messages of consideration, differences, and
acknowledgment are more likely to draw in young individuals, and this market trend has not
gone unnoticed by publicizing, promoting and public relations administrators (Mass media and
education n.d.). Since the distinguishing proof of this behavior among millennials has gotten to
be more known within the corporate world, Burger King may have also depended on secondary
research to conduct this campaign.
Apart from the demographics already specified, Burger King has stakeholders that it should take
into consideration before conducting any campaign. A corporate social duty (CSR) investigation
conducted by the Panmore Established (2017) identified Burger King’s stakeholders from most
to slightest prioritized as customers, workers, communities and investors. These stakeholders
might exceptionally well fit into the demographics that were primarily targeted with this
campaign. Clients, employees and communities have blunt responses to the brand’s image and
any campaign that's put out by them, is in connection to them, no matter if they fit into the
targeted groups or not. Indeed with investors who belong to those demographics, they are still
influenced by the campaign as they got to see their investment going towards something that's
being well received by other stakeholders.
Creative content
The success that Burger King saw in taking after the media trend #GayPride was unexpected.
Change was required in arrange to keep the chain going, so the company extended their audience
to the modern era of young people and the LBTQIA community. Differ from their previous
negative image- ignorant indiscretions, Burger King jumped on the band-wagon for gay pride
and rights to build a new image, gain new fans, reach new audience. A smart move to stay
relevant in the media. Also make sure that the packaging is aesthetically pleasing, customers
approved and can reuse is another creative point for a fast food brand. Since the wrapper is
limited edition, it became a thousand dollars collector’s item on eBay.
Besides, the Burger King campaign has being addressed more than just a regional event. News of
the Proud Whopper spread rapidly on social platforms, counting Twitter and Facebook, and the
story was picked up by both mainstream and LGBTQIA media outlets.
Ogilvy and Mather, the firm that designed the campaign, deliberately thought of the timing and
setting when choosing how to deliver their message with the Proud Whopper. Seems like
choosing San Francisco to locate the event and noted as a limited program, Burger King’s week-
long stunt in a city known for its large LGBTQIA populace and progressive politics was a
consistent step in their mainstream publicizing. Furthermore, Burger King depended intensely on
the utilize of social media to spread the message. Rather than sending out the Proud Whopper
wrappers to all of their areas, they chose to keep it in one store and have candid client responses
recorded to make a brief video that was transferred to Youtube, which had the capacity to be
shared over different internet platforms. Plus, the campaign also had its claim hashtag that got to
be a trending point on twitter. Thanks to its diffusion through network platforms, the campaign
experienced several forms and ideas of communication that resulted within the video going viral.
Through the two-step stream theory of communication, the video was shared from one person to
other person.
Burger King’s Proud Whopper campaign advertised them exposure on social networks which
made a difference in their plan to reach out to new audience. These new supporters emphatically
affected the company by voicing their comments and giving the company positive exposure.
Their case study video made at the San Fransisco parade went viral racking up 7 million views
and catching 1.1 billion impressions, which compares to $21 million earned in media. The
campaign also brought 450,000 blog mentions and became the #1 trending topic on Twitter.
Regaining their reputation as a brand with positive influence.
Likewise, as stated by the brand, all of the profits made from the sales will benefited the Burger
King McLamore Foundation, which provides scholarships for LGBTQIA students. Additionally,
Burger King executives made internal change in order improving the company’s policies in
relation to LGBTQIA employees and for the most part, highlighting the campaign as a
highlighting the campaign as a influential part of driving sales in the US, also revenue higher
after few years of brand stagnation. To conclude, the Proud Whopper ‘Be your way’ campaign is
one of the most memorable advertising marketing strategy of Burger King since it’s not just
rebuilds the brand reputation but also demonstrates the power of integrated approaches for
strengthening, consolidating brands to bond with consumers, making an impact on the business
as a whole as well.
Introduction (Honey maid’s ‘This is wholesome’ campaign)
Familiar with the Proud Whopper campaign of Burger King, Honey Maid’s ‘This is wholesome’
campaign is surely touched deeply in the LGBTQIA community as its message focuses on the
concept of acceptance.

Image 2. Honey Maid’s ‘This is wholesome’ campaign (Megan, G 2016)

Fair as the Honey Maid brand has advanced, as well taken new shape over the past 90 years-
same with the makeup of family itself. As time goes by, more mums work and more fathers
remain at home. More kids are brought up by single parents, grandparents, LGBTQIA parents,
which means the way families used to run, behave and bond with each others has changed. Yet,
what still stays persistent is the extraordinary wholesome connection between parents and
children in all type of families. So in 2014, Honey Maid and Droga5 presented ‘This is
wholesome’ campaign in order celebrating the differences of all wholesome families. Side by
side with a series of intimate portraits broadcast on television and online networks to bring
genuine stories to life and to show the world what exactly is wholesome. Thus, the point that
connected the brand to the campaign in a personal level are the quality of natural ingredients in
Honey Maid’s products, also the reoccurring theme of love. In fact, love is shown throughout
this campaign in many ways, which relatable to the society that we are living in. The video
shows love can be between a person with another person, a group of people and also exists inside
a person’s self.
Respectively, the campaign targets on advertisement spots including interracial families through
with the hashtag ‘not broken’, together with immigrant households and families with LGBTQIA
parents—each spot, in its own particular manner, illustrates the thought of ‘wholesomeness’ for
the new era. Importantly, that one statement of the campaign said ‘Regardless of how things
change, what makes us healthy never will’ has becoming a memorable quote among viewers.
Target audience
The brand focusing on American families mostly, where racial purity and heterosexual marriage
are maintained and duplicate. Alongside with changing societal views immensely.
Aside from the obvious such like informing Honey Maid consumers on societal issues,
encouraging a change in attitude and increasing sales. Stated from the equity brand manager Of
Honey Maid, acknowledging the changing family dynamic featuring and celebrating real diverse
families definitely the deeper purpose of this campaign.
Highlight activities
‘This is wholesome’ underlined that social diversity is something worth being thankful for, rather
than ashamed and scared. Nonetheless, every campaign always faces unwanted kickbacks no
matter how meaningful the message is,Honey Maid was not exceptional. Media Impressions and
Internet Hits Rebekah Alte 10 skyrocketed while the campaign got negative feedbacks or
potentially when it was highlighted in another article or segment. Rather than throwing in the
towel, the brand uploaded an open response throughout every single social platforms, which
were generally spread by its faithful fan base. In this manner, Honey Maid used the intensity of
social media to spread a message of love that quieted the haters- largely LGBTQIA antis.
Keeping that in mind, the campaign includes an intriguing online component that introduced as a
‘Wholesome Button’— a program application that grants customers to encounter the web
through the perspective of acknowledgment and positivity, just with one click and pictures and
headlines on any site page will change to content commending love, inspiring family
associations and acceptance.
For example, bellow is the wholesome-proved version of today’s New York Times and Buzzfeed
 Over 3.8 million views in just 4 weeks
 115 million media impressions
 Increased market share about 0.6 points within the US market
Communication strategy
Honey maid utilized an assortment of foundation from the Principles of Communication since
the brand not unaware of its audience, so applied the campaign especially towards parents.
Although the campaign towards one center gathering, it had the alternative to focus on indicating
its inspiration through the rounded picture, which implies the message of stabilize and love was
progressed viably yet in a way that thought about a larger amount of audience to relate.
Hence, the campaign featured individuals and their singularities, characters, races and ethnicities
as a way to reach out to a greater target audience. Reliability of the campaign was earned when
they uploaded the reaction video and of course didn’t forget to oppose the negative response in a
logic and modest way. As a whole, these norms were picked fittingly and equipped the ‘This is
Wholesome’ campaign to victory. When combined together, the campaign had the choice not
only to present at a big target audience, trigger their emotions but also settling the campaign with
the brand and characteristics it exemplifies. Withal, an opinion prevalent all through this
campaign would be the illustration that public promoting is a strategy. Research was done to
observe that disparity and acknowledgment of families that are not stereotypical was a
reoccurring issue. Furthermore, the activity and communication was done through the usage of
the campaign, the recordings that related with them also. In conclusion, the outcomes exhibited
that the campaign was certainly having a positive result.
In a deeper point of view, framing was used while picking who to be highlighted in the short
clasps and choosing adapted activity to each case accordingly. As an example, the LGBTQIA
couples holding newborn babies spoke to the feelings of the viewers more than standard
heterosexuals case. It is good to remember that framing takes a deeper and effortful lens to the
issue than the topic, the campaign spreading uniformity for all family types over the promoting
of graham crackers and the media has a method for controlling our views, particularly if the ideal
result is an impact on feeling, for instance. Last but not least, multiple step flow theory was
extensive as far as how the media reacted to the negative reaction at the campaign, which
particularly reasonable while thought about the association between Honey Maid and One
Million Moms. It is easy to understand viewers watched the ‘debate’ stretch out over internet
sites and, thusly, were all effortlessly affected to this side or the other. To prove the following
statement, a scenario when a moderate individual might be effectively influenced by the One
Million Moms side simply because they are contradicting some of the qualities that Honey Maid
was advertising.
Both Burger King and Honey Maid knew very well how their native consumers are more likely
to trust, support and stay loyal to brands that actively try to make a difference, with that, they
chose the widespread impact topic- diversity and equality for LGBTQIA community. Although
there are many brands out there also take an action towards this theme, Burger King and Honey
Maid are stand out the most due to the usage of pride advertising strategy and creative contents
was spot on. However, if comparing the number of sales and audience range, Honey Maid seems
to be higher since their 97% views of the ads came from 25 to 54 years old, also their sales
especially in June and July raised up 7%. Burger King, in the other hand, not focuses much on
the sales but more leans on rebranding and gaining young generation customers, the campaign
not only full filled their objectives but also gained them a proud title as one of the brand that has
the most creative ads. To sum up, both of the campaigns were already an anthems of the public
advertising field, yet, my only comment is if only Burger King locates the event booth for its
campaign internationally instead of one location.
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