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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

Hydrocarbon source potential of the Santiago Formation,

Oriente Basin, SE of Ecuador
a,* a,b
J. Gaibor , J.P.A. Hochuli , W. Winkler a, J. Toro c

Geological Institute, ETH Zentrum, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl Schmid-Str. 4, CH-8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Vicepresidencia de Petroproducción, Petroecuador, P.O. Box 17-01-5007, Quito, Ecuador


The Santiago Formation (Late Hettangian–Sinemurian), described in the area of Santiago in the Oriente Basin of eastern Ecuador, consists
of three distinct sedimentary members. The Santiago River Member is composed of limestones and calcareous sandstones. The Yuquianza
Member is a monotonous sequence of black shales. The Patuca Member consists of a sequence of sandstones, greywackes, and shales, inter-
calated with lava flows and dikes. The fine-grained sediments of the three members are characterized by a high content of particulate organic
matter (POM). Palynofacies and rock-eval analyses indicate the predominance of kerogen types II and III, with HI values that indicate a
moderate to low source potential. At the type locality, the organic matter is thermally mature and locally overmatures.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cordillera of Cutucú; Jurassic; Kerogen; Source rock; Petroleum potential; Palynofacies


La Formación Santiago (Hettangiano Superior–Sinemuriano) descrita en el área de Santiago en la Cuenca Oriente al este de Ecuador,
presenta tres distintos miembros sedimentarios. El Miembro Rı́o Santiago está compuesto por calizas y arenas calcáreas. El Miembro
Yuquianza es una sequencia monótona de lutitas negras. El Miembro Patuca consiste de una sequencia de areniscas, greywackes y lut-
itas, intercaladas por flujos de lava y dikes. Los sedimentos de grano fino de los tres miembros están caracterizados por un alto contenido
de materia orgánica. Los análisis de palinofacies y Rock-Eval muestran un predominio del kerogeno tipo III y II, y los valores del ı́ndice
de hidrógeno indican un moderado a bajo potencial de roca madre. En la localidad tipo, la materia orgánica esta termalmente madura y
localmente sobremadura.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Palabras clave: Cordillera del Cutucú; Jurásico; kerógeno; roca madre; Palinofacies

1. Introduction mation were deposited in an extensive basin with a connec-

tion to the sea and restricted circulation (Pindell and
The Santiago Formation is a sedimentary sequence Tabbutt, 1995). The organic-rich levels of the formation
composed of organic-rich shales, sandstones, and lime- are considered potential source rocks for oil in the Oriente
stones. It can be studied in scarce outcrops in the Cordil- Basin (Pindell and Tabbutt, 1995; Vallejo et al., 2003; Dı́az
lera of Cutucú in the southern sub-Andean zone of et al., 2003). However, no existing geochemical studies sup-
eastern Ecuador (Fig. 1). Sediments of the Santiago For- port this interpretation. In this article, we present the
results of an organic matter study in rocks of the Santiago
Corresponding author. Formation. The analyzed samples were collected from the
E-mail address: (J. Gaibor). type locality along Patuca–Santiago road (Fig. 1). The goal

0895-9811/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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146 J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

Fig. 1. (A) Location of study area and (B) simplified geological map of the Cordillera of Cutucú.
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J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156 147

of this study is to evaluate the oil source potential and et al., 2003) propose that the Late Triassic Piuntza Forma-
reconstruct the depositional environments of the Santiago tion represents a lateral equivalent of the lower part of the
Formation. We do so using sedimentological characteris- Santiago Formation. The Piuntza Formation is a volcanic
tics, palynofacies, and rock-eval analysis. sedimentary sequence affected by contact metamorphism,
defined from isolated outcrops in the southern part of the
2. Geological setting Cordillera of Cutucú, which includes calcareous metasilt-
stones, cornubianites, skarns, and impure quartzites (Asp-
The sub-Andean zone is a backarc, fold-thrust belt tec- den and Ivimey-Cook, 1992). The relationship between
tonically associated with the Andes (Baldock, 1982). It occu- the Piuntza and Santiago formations is unclear, mainly
pies the western margin of the Oriente Basin and includes because the contact between them has never been observed.
two large-scale antiform structures, the Napo Uplift to the Therefore, we consider that the Piuntza Formation repre-
north and the Cordillera of Cutucu to the south (Fig. 1). sents a separate formation (Fig. 2).
These two antiforms represent positive flower structures The contact between the Santiago Formation and over-
(Rivadeneira and Baby, 1999), developed mainly during laying Chapiza Formation is an angular and erosional
the Neogene (Baby et al., 1999). The Santiago Formation unconformity (Tschopp, 1953). Along the western border
outcrops are restricted to the Cordillera of Cutucú. Chris- of the Cordillera of Cutucú, in the Patuca area (Fig. 1),
tophoul (1999) and Dı́az et al. (2003) indicate that the Santi- the Chapiza Formation consists of grey to red siltstones,
ago Formation was deposited during the aperture of an sandstones, and conglomerates. In the eastern part of the
intracratonic rift, which occurred in the Norian–Toarcian Cordillera of Cutucú, the lithologies are dominated by
period (221–180 Ma). This interpretation is based on the grey, green, and brown siltstones. The Chapiza Formation
presence of steeply dipping normal faults, grabens, and has never been directly dated, but volcanic rocks of the
half-grabens recognized in seismic profiles, together with Misahualli and Yaupi formations, considered lateral equiv-
the occurrence of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic basalts at the alents of the Chapiza Formation (Rivadeneira and Baby,
top of the Santiago Formation (Romeuf et al., 1997). There- 1999), yield radiometric ages (K/Ar, 40Ar/39Ar, zircon fis-
fore, the Cordillera of Cutucú represents a tectonic inversion sion tracks) that range from 180 to 130 Ma (Hall and Calle,
structure of the Triassic–Jurassic rift. The absence of Mio- 1982; Romeuf, 1994; Spikings et al., 2001; Ruiz, 2002),
cene sediments of the Arajuno Formation in the Cordillera indicating a Middle–Late Jurassic age.
of Cutucú and Napo Uplift suggests that these structures The marine sequence of the Pucará Group in northern
formed before the Miocene. This interpretation is also sup- and central Peru is interpreted as a lateral equivalent of
ported by fission track data in the Napo Uplift (Ruiz, 2002). the Santiago Formation (Geyer, 1974; Geyer, 1980; Baby
The best outcrops of the Santiago Formation are et al., 1998; Dı́az et al., 2003). Harrison (1943) and Mégard
located in the Cordillera of Cutucú, along the Patuca–San- (1968) distinguish three units within the Pucará Group: the
tiago road and Santiago River (Fig. 1). The complex tec- Chambara, Aramachay, and Condorsinga formations. The
tonic setting and dense vegetation in this area preclude a Norian Chambara Formation consists of dolomites with
measure of the total thickness of the formation. However, dolomitic and cherty limestones (Louhgman and Hallam,
Tschopp (1953) and Geyer (1974) estimate an approximate 1982; Rosas, 1994). The Hettangian–Sinemurian Aramac-
thickness of 1000–2700 m. hay Formation includes organic-rich shales that pass to
Tschopp (1953) describes the Santiago Formation as a the top into phosphatic deposits (Louhgman and Hallam,
sequence of grey to black limestones and calcareous sand- 1982; Rosas, 1994). The organic-rich shales are regarded
stones with intercalations of micaceous and bituminous as the hydrocarbon source rock for the Marañon and
shales. In addition, Tschopp (1953) and Romeuf et al. Ucayali basins in eastern Peru (Mathalone and Montoya,
(1997) describe dikes, sills, and larger intrusions of felsic 1995). The Pliensbachian–Toarcian Condorsinga Forma-
and basaltic igneous rocks. These volcanic intercalations tion is restricted to central Peru and is a calcareous
are concentrated in the western border of the Cordillera sequence with evaporites at the top (Louhgman and Hal-
of Cutucú. This volcanism has calc-alkaline and tholeiitic lam, 1982; Rosas, 1994).
affinities (Romeuf et al., 1997). Calcareous sediments of
the Santiago Formation outcrop along the Santiago River, 3. Methods
whereas clastic and igneous rocks are best exposed along
the road from Patuca to Santiago. 3.1. Palynofacies analysis
The Santiago Formation is absent in the northern part of
the flat-lying Oriente Basin and the Napo Uplift. Red beds Twenty-five samples were selected for palynological and
attributed to the Sacha Formation in the northern part of palynofacies analysis. The samples were treated according
the Oriente Basin are interpreted as lateral equivalents of to standard palynological techniques and sieved to separate
the Santiago Formation (Dı́az et al., 2003). According to material coarser than 15 lm for use in palynofacies analy-
Dı́az et al. (2003), the age of the Sacha Formation ranges sis. The quantitative distribution of the particulate organic
from Early Triassic to Early Jurassic (Fig. 2). Several matter (POM) was determined by counting a minimum of
authors (e.g., Romeuf et al., 1997; Christophoul, 1999; Dı́az 300 particles per sample. For additional palynological
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148 J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

Fig. 2. Chronostratigraphic chart of the Upper Triassic–Upper Jurassic formations in the sub-Andean zone and Oriente Basin in Ecuador and correlative
units in Perú.

analysis, the sieved residue was oxidized with fuming absence of palynomorphs in the studied material, the ther-
HNO3. mal maturity is inferred from rock-eval analysis.
In this study, two main types of POM were recognized:
terrestrial and marine derived. The terrestrial-derived POM 3.2. Rock-eval pyrolysis
includes more plant debris, such as cuticles, membranes,
wood fragments, and opaque oxidized, structured material. Analysis of the total organic carbon content (TOC)
These particles are referred to as phytoclasts (Tyson, 1995). was undertaken using the coulometer available at the
Pollen and spores are listed as terrestrial-derived pal- Geological Institute, ETH Zürich. Samples with TOC
ynomorphs. The marine-derived POM is composed of greater than 2% were chosen for rock-eval pyrolysis.
amorphous organic matter (AOM) and marine pal- The pyrolysis of 17 samples was carried out in the Labo-
ynomorphs. The latter group includes dinoflagellates, acrit- ratories for Geochemical and Environmental Analyses of
archs, and prasinophycean algae. In addition, different the Geological Institute, University of Neuchâtel, using
types of AOM are observed. The fluorescent AOM is the Rock-Eval 6 analyzer of VINCI Technologies. Data
assumed to be of marine origin, whereas non-fluorescent appear in Table 1.
AOM is either of terrestrial origin or produced from the The rock-eval technique (Espitalié et al., 1977) is a useful
degradation of marine AOM (Steffen and Gorin, 1993; tool for characterizing source rock. The measurements
Tyson, 1995; Batten, 1996a). The state of preservation of include S1, S2, S3, total organic carbon (TOC), and Tmax
AOM was determined on the basis of optical criteria. values. The S1 values correspond to the amount of hydro-
The thermal maturity of the sediments is related to the carbons present in the rock, S2 values correspond to the
depth of burial, heat flow, and igneous activity (Perregaard hydrocarbons generated from insoluble kerogen in the heat-
and Schiener, 1979; Murchison and Raymond, 1989). Since ing process, and S3 values represent the amount of CO2
the 1960s, several authors have defined numerical scales for released during thermal alteration of oxigenated organic
the thermal alteration of the organic matter based on the compounds (Tyson, 1995). Tmax values express the temper-
colour of palynomorphs (Correia, 1967; Staplin, 1977; ature corresponding to the maximum of hydrocarbon gen-
Fisher et al., 1980; Batten, 1996b). Due the scarcity or eration during the pyrolysis (peak S2) (Tissot and Welte,
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J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156 149

Table 1
Data of Rock-Eval 6 of the Patuca and Yuquianza Members
Sample TOC HI OI Tmax S1 S2
(%) (mg HC/g TOC) (mg CO2/g TOC) (°C) (mg HC/g) (mg HC/g)
Patuca Member m-40 3.24 108 8 450 0.81 3.52
19.2a 2.30 8 38 360 0.48 0.20
19.2b 3.34 10 29 585 0.37 0.35
28.2 0.46 54 260 432 0.15 0.25
28.1 2.08 86 131 ?422 3.66 1.78
M-35a 0.93 4 106 448 0.01 0.04
M-36a 1.93 91 111 ?437 1.68 1.75
M-36b 2.20 9 45 ?578 0.16 0.20
M-a 1.56 2 139 500 0.00 0.03
Yuquianza Member M-15 2.07 94 42 433 0.30 1.94
19.2 3.31 2 14 605 0.09 0.05
M-27 4.61 110 28 440 0.30 5.08
M-14 3.07 190 50 438 0.78 5.85
M-29 2.31 34 63 440 0.08 0.78
M-11 3.09 192 14 439 1.40 5.91
m-10 2.69 145 10 440 1.84 3.89
M-9 2.42 188 11 445 1.03 4.54
M-7 2.01 98 61 439 0.21 1.98
M-3 2.43 53 79 438 0.36 1.28

1984), which indicates the maturity of the organic matter. structures. Along the Santiago River, the Santiago River
Values between approximately 430 and 470 °C correlate Member is at least 300 m thick.
with the oil generation window (Hunt, 1996). The overlaying Yuquianza Member consists of black,
Two parameters, the hydrogen index (HI) and the oxy- partly micaceous and/or calcareous shales, and sporadic
gen index (OI) are calculated from S1, S3, and TOC. These beds of green siltstones (Fig. 3). The black shales at the base
parameters define the kerogen type present in the rocks contain ammonoids and bivalves, are thinly laminated, and
(Tissot and Welte, 1984; Tyson, 1995; Hunt, 1996). Tissot show sporadic intercalations of centimetric sandstone
et al. (1974) differentiate the kerogen types I, II, and III lenses. In thin sections, volcanic clasts and quartz grains
on the basis of H/C and O/C ratios. Kerogen type I is char- can be observed. Toward the top of the member, the black
acterized by high values of HI (700–900) and represents shales become increasingly calcareous. The Yuquianza
organic matter produced by algae or cyanobacteria, accu- Member is at least 50 m thick, and crops out along the Pat-
mulated mainly in anoxic lacustrine and marine deposi- uca–Santiago road, between the villages of Yuquianza and
tional environments (Tyson, 1995). Kerogen type II Suritak (Fig. 1). The contact between the Santiago River
shows medium values of HI (150–700) and is composed Member and the Yuquianza Member has not been observed;
of mixtures of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and microor- however, due to similar bed orientations and polarities, the
ganisms preserved in a marine-reducing environment (Tis- Yuquianza Member is interpreted to rest conformably or
sot and Welte, 1984). Kerogen type III presents relatively paraconformably on the Santiago River Member.
low values of HI (25–250) and is essentially derived from The Patuca Member conformably overlies the
land plants (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Tyson, 1995). Yuquianza Member and corresponds to a clastic sequence
that includes thick beds of grey, green, and brown silt-
4. Results stones and greywackes, as well as micaceous and/or calcar-
eous black shales, which are laminated. Fine-grained
4.1. Description and subdivision of the Santiago Formation greywackes with graded bedding are observed within the
Patuca Member and composed of volcanic lithoclasts,
Based on lithological and sedimentological criteria monocrystalline quartz, and plagioclase in a chloritized
observed at the type locality, we subdivide the Santiago matrix. Basaltic lava flows and dikes are intercalated within
Formation into three members (Fig. 3). The calcareous these sediments. The basalts are massive and occasionally
sediments exposed along the Santiago River are attributed show columnar joints. In thin sections, the basalt shows
to the Santiago River Member, which consists of thick beds porphyritic texture. The Patuca Member is at least 100 m
of grey and black limestones, black marls, and sporadic thick and crops out along the Patuca–Santiago road, with
intra-formational breccias. Toward the top, fine-grained the best exposures between the villages of Patuca and
calcareous sandstones show a variety of sedimentary struc- Yuquianza (Fig. 1).
tures, such as centimetric ripples, planar laminations, hum- The contact between the Patuca and Yuquianza mem-
mocky-cross stratification, and micro-slumps. A southward bers is transitional. This limit is defined by a coarsening-
paleocurrent flow direction can be inferred from these upward trend and the first appearance of volcanic rocks
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150 J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

Fig. 3. Subdivision of Santiago Formation: (a) Christophoul, 1999, (b) Romeuf et al., 1997, (c) this work.
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J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156 151

(lava flows), which can be observed near the village of mixed assemblage is observed that consists of fluorescent
Suritak. and non-fluorescent AOM, rare marine palynomorphs
The proposed subdivision is based strictly on lithologic (Leiosphaera), and phytoclasts including wood and opaque
criteria. Other subdivisions of the Santiago Formation particles. The terrestrial fraction is dominated by oxidized
have been presented; for example, Romeuf et al. (1997) opaque particles. The equidimensional opaque particles are
define three depositional environments within this forma- generally of small size (10–25 lm). Toward the top of this
tion, from calcareous platform deposits at the base to member, the abundance of phytoclasts and size of the equi-
turbiditic and deltaic sediments at the top (Fig. 3). Chris- dimensional opaque particles increase (Fig. 4), whereas
tophoul (1999) subdivides the Santiago Formation into pollen and spores are relatively rare. The colour of the
two members: a Lower Member that includes limestones AOM varies from orange to brown. The organic matter
and an Upper Member characterized by the dominance is generally poorly preserved; however, there are a few
of volcanoclastic sediments (Fig. 3). The Santiago River intervals with moderate to good preservation.
Member described here corresponds to the calcareous plat-
form of Romeuf et al. (1997) and the Lower Member of 4.3.2. Patuca Member
Christophoul (1999). The Yuquianza and Patuca members The POM assemblages of the Patuca Member include a
correspond to the Upper Member of Christophoul (1999). large amount of non-fluorescent AOM (60–90%), and com-
The correlation between the members that we propose and pared with the Yuquianza Member, there is an increase in
the turbiditic and deltaic deposits defined by Romeuf et al. the amount of terrestrial-derived phytoclasts (Fig. 4). The
(1997) is unclear. terrestrial fraction accounts for less than the 40% of the
total assemblages and is dominated by oxidized particles.
4.2. Biostratigraphy The average size of equidimentional opaque particles
ranges from 25 to 50 lm, and the colour of the AOM varies
In the lower part of the Santiago Formation, correspond- from orange to black. The preservation of the organic mat-
ing to the Santiago River Member, Geyer (1974) and Pavia ter is generally poor.
et al. (1992) report the ammonoids Arnioceras ceratitoides, Within the studied section, the observed POM assem-
Coroniceras sp., Schlotheimiidae, Arietitidae, Oxynoticerati- blages vary essentially according to the terrestrial input.
dae, Eoderoceratodae, Metophiocera, and Angulaticeras of There is a clear difference in the POM assemblages between
Late Hettangian and Early Sinemurian age. the Yuquianza and Patuca members, reflected by the
On the basis of the occurrence of the ammonoids Palte- increase in size and abundance of the phytoclasts in the
chioceras sp. and Leptechioceras sp. indet., Aspden and Patuca Member. No reliable POM data could be obtained
Ivimey-Cook (1992) assign a Late Sinemurian age to the from the Santiago River Member.
middle part of the Santiago Formation (Yuquianza Mem-
ber). During this study, we collected the ammonites Palte- 4.4. Rock-eval analysis
chioceras sp. and the bivalve Plicatula (cf. P. harapax) from
this member. This fossil association indicates a Late Sinem- The TOC content and quality of organic matter may be
urian age (H. Rieber, personal communication, 2002), affected by the weathering of outcrops, particularly in trop-
which confirms the age obtained by Aspden and Ivimey- ical zones (Leythaeuser, 1973). In weathered samples col-
Cook (1992). lected near the surface, TOC and HI values decrease and
Romeuf (1994) report the ammonoids Arietites from the OI values increase. Therefore, our results obtained from
upper part of the Santiago Formation (Patuca Member), surface samples could differ from values obtained from
which indicates a Middle–Late Sinemurian age for this wells in the Oriente Basin.
member. In the studied section, the values of HI range between 6
Therefore, the ammonid fauna recovered from the San- and 190 mg HC/gTOC, with a clear preference for higher
tiago Formation of the Cordillera of Cutucú indicates a values in the Yuquianza Member (Fig. 5). The OI values
Late Hettangian–Sinemurian age range. According to our range between 7 and 139 mg CO2/gTOC, with the highest
results, the organic-rich layers of the Santiago Formation values found in the Patuca Member. Because the values
belong to the Late Sinemurian stage and can be correlated of OI can be affected by the presence of carbonates, low
with the coeval deposits of the Aramachay Formation in values of TOC, weathering, and oxidation in outcrop sec-
Perú. tions (Tyson, 1995), we use the HI versus Tmax diagram
to determine the kerogen type (Fig. 6) and HI versus
4.3. Palynofacies TOC to evaluate the type of hydrocarbon that mature sam-
ples potentially generate (Altunsoy and Özçelik, 1998)
4.3.1. Yuquianza Member (Fig. 7).
The POM assemblages of the Yuquianza Member The TOC values generally vary between 0.46% and
(Fig. 4) generally are dominated by non-fluorescent 4.61% (Fig. 5). The samples of the Yuquianza Member
AOM (80–90%), together with minor amounts of phyto- show higher values (>2%), whereas the values from the Pat-
clasts (<15%). At the base of the Yuquianza Member, a uca Member range mostly 1–2%.
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152 J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

Fig. 4. Lithostratigraphy, percentages of phytoclasts, average size of opaque particles, preservation, and thermal alteration of the organic matter, and
POM assemblages. See legend for lithology in Fig. 3

Tmax values range between 420 and 586 °C (Fig. 5). In g, whereas in the Patuca Member, the values range from
the Yuquianza Member, values vary between 433 and 0.03 to 5.44 mg HC/g (Fig. 5).
460 °C. The samples from Patuca Member show mostly
values of 422–450 °C; however, extreme values of 500, 5. Discussion and interpretation
578, and 586 °C were measured in the middle part of this
member (Fig. 5). 5.1. Santiago River Member
The values of the total genetic potential (S1 + S2) range
from 0.03 to 7.31 mg HC/g. The samples of the Yuquianza This member was deposited on a calcareous platform,
Member show values that range from 0.14 to 7.31 mg HC/ with moderate to low energy and disoxic anoxic conditions.
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J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156 153

Fig. 5. TOC, HI, total genetic potential (S1 + S2), and Tmax values of Santiago Formation.

The calcareous sandstones in the upper part of the Santi- a continental and marine source or partial degradation of
ago River Member show common hummocky cross-strati- the AOM. In the upper part of the Yuquianza Member,
fication, suggesting the presence of tempestites. the percentage of phytoclasts and size of the equidimen-
sional opaque particles increase, suggesting a more proxi-
5.2. Yuquianza Member mal marine environment (Steffen and Gorin, 1993). The
high TOC values in this member point to anoxic deposi-
The Yuquianza Member was deposited in a shallow tional environment, in line with the moderate to good pres-
marine basin with disoxic to anoxic conditions. On the ervation of the organic matter, as well as the consistent
basis of the characteristics of the POM assemblages, this presence of the prasinophycean algae (Leiosphaera), which
member can be subdivided into two parts. In the lower also suggests anoxic conditions in a shallow-marine envi-
part, the relatively low percentage of phytoclasts and small ronment (Batten, 1996a).
size of the equidimentional opaque particles suggest a dis- Tmax values from the Yuquianza Member suggest that
tal marine environment (Steffen and Gorin, 1993). The the organic matter in this member is thermally mature.
presence of fluorescent and non-fluorescent AOM indicates The HI versus Tmax diagram indicates the dominance of
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154 J. Gaibor et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2008) 145–156

HI versus TOC diagram shows that the Yuquianza Mem-

Patuca Member ber is a potential gas source and that some levels can be
1000 Type I Yuquianza Member oil prone (Fig. 7).

5.3. Patuca Member

0.5 % A shallowing-upward trend of the depositional environ-

800 Ro =
ment can be inferred in the transition from the Yuquianza
Member to the Patuca Member, as is corroborated by the
Hydrogen Index (mgHC/gTOC)

POM assemblages that indicate a change in the deposi-

Type II tional environment from an anoxic or disoxic to oxic con-
ditions. Despite the absence of complete Bouma cycles, the
presence of graded bedding and lamination in the sand-
stones of the Patuca Member suggest a turbiditic origin
for these sediments, probably associated with a delta front.
The deposition was apparently synchronous with a strong
400 volcanic activity that produced lava flows and dikes.
The POM assemblages in the Patuca Member are dom-
inated by non-fluorescent AOM, indicating terrestrial ori-
35 gin or strong degradation of the AOM of marine origin.
= The important amounts of phytoclasts and the size of the
200 Type III equidimensional opaque particles (25–50 lm) suggest a
proximal marine environment (Steffen and Gorin, 1993).
Tmax values indicate the mature state of the organic mat-
ter, though some levels show anomalously high values of
Tmax combined with a black AOM. These levels obviously
0 have been exposed to increased heat flow within the sedi-
380 400 420 440 460 480 500
ments due to coeval volcanism, as manifested by the inter-
T max (°C)
calation of basaltic flows. Pyrolysis parameters from these
Fig. 6. Type of kerogen in the Yuquianza and Patuca members of levels are irrelevant for the evaluation of the POM. In sam-
Santiago Formation. ples out of the range of contact metamorphism, the HI ver-
sus Tmax diagram (Fig. 6) indicates the dominance of
kerogen type III, which makes them gas-prone (Fig. 7).
10000 Patuca Member
The low values of S1 + S2 indicate a poor to moderate
Yuquianza Member
source potential (Tissot and Welte, 1984).

6. Conclusions
oil source
HI (mg HC / g TOC)

1000 According to lithological and sedimentological criteria,

the Santiago Formation can be subdivided into three mem-
nd l
a s a e oi bers. The basal Santiago River Member consists of lime-
g m
so stones and calcareous sandstones; the Yuquianza
Member includes organic-rich black shales; and the Patuca
100 Member includes sandstones, siltstones, and black shales
gas source
with basaltic intercalations.
or barren

Fossil evidence indicates that the organic-rich shales


of the Santiago Formation (Yuquianza Member) are of

gas (?) Late Sinemurian age and can be correlated with part
10 of the Aramachay Formation of the Pucará Group in
0.1 1 10 Peru. The presence of volcanic material in the shales of
TOC (%) the Yuquianza Member and the volcanic rocks interca-
Fig. 7. Possible hydrocarbon generated from mature samples of
lated in the Patuca Member document volcanic activity
Yuquianza and Patuca members of Santiago Formation. during the deposition of the upper part of the Santiago
type III kerogen, though in some intervals, type II kerogen As indicated by pyrolysis data and organic matter anal-
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