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Bonding to Silica-Based Ceramics:

Clinical and Laboratory Guidelines

Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD*

Avishai Sadan, DMD**
Matthias Kern, DMD, PhD***

ilica-based ceramics are widely used for tween the ceramic and the composite resin, this
the fabrication of porcelain laminate ve- article focuses on the bond between the two.
neers, crowns, inlays, onlays, etc. Despite Proper understanding and treatment of this inter-
the inherent brittleness of these ceramic materials, face by technicians and dentists are paramount to
such restorations derive their strength from the the long-term success of silica-based ceramic
adhesive bond of the definitive restoration to the restorations.
supporting tooth structure. This bond has two in-
terfaces: one is the bond between the composite
resin and the ceramic substrate; the other is the • SIGNIFICANCE OF BONDING SILICA-BASED
bond between the composite resin and the tooth CERAMICS
structure. Since both the dental technician and
the restorative dentist affect the interface be- A strong bond provides high retention and im-
proved marginal adaptation, prevents microleak-
age, and increases fracture resistance of the re-
*Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, stored tooth and the restoration itself.'"* Modern
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School adhesive bonding techniques and ceramic sys-
of Dentistry, New Orleans, Louisiana.
'"Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics,
tems offer a wide range of alternative, minimally
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School invasive treatment options that were previously
of Dentistry, New Orleans, Louisiana. not possible. Adequate ceramic surface prepara-
""'Professor and Chairman, Department of Prosthodontics,
Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Christian-Albrechts
tion and ceramic primers, silane, and bonding
university Kiel, School of Dentistry, Kiel, Germany. agents establish the adhesive interface between
Reprint requests: Dr Markus B. Blatz, LSU School of Den- the composite resin and the ceramic surface. Sil-
tistry, Department of Prosthodontics [Box 222), 1100 Florida
Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119, USA,
ica-based ceramics, such as feldspathic ceramics
E-mail: and glass ceramics, are used as the veneering ce-
Bonding to Silica-Based Ceramics I

ramie for metal frameworks (PFM) or high-strength • SURFACE PREPARATION OF SILICA-BASED

ceramic frameworks. They are also used to fabri- CERAMICS
cate ceramic laminate veneers, all-ceramic crowns,
and ceramic inlays and onlays. A sufficient resin bond relies on chemical bonding
Despite the inherent brittleness and limited flex- and micromechanical interlocking with the ce-
ural strength of silica-based ceramics, final adhe- ramic surface. Roughening and cleaning provide
sive cementation with composite resin increases higher surface energy and increased wettability.
the fracture resistance of the ceramic and of the Mechanical treatment methods, such as grind-
abutment tooth.•* Reinforcing the glassy matrix with ing'"' and air abrasion with alumium oxide parti-
leucite, alumina, or lirconia results in a significant cles,'" may increase bond strength but are not
increase in fracture strength. Examples of leucite- suitable for final insertion of all-ceramic restora-
reinforced feldspathic ceramic materials are Optec tions due to possible marginal damage,"
HSP and Optec OPC (Jeneric/Pentron, Walling- Acid etching with solutions of HF acid or am-
ford, CT. USA), Ceramco II (Ceramco, Burlington, monium bifluoride can achieve preferable surface
NJ, USA), Cerinate (Den-Mat, Santa Maria, CA, texture and roughness'^""; the acid selectively re-
USA), Duceram LCF (Degussa, South Plainfield, moves the giassy matrix and exposes the crys-
NJ, USA), and Finesse (Dentsply International, talline structures. Etching with HF acid (2.5% and
York, PA, USA). IPS Empress (Ivoclar Williams, 5%) for more than 30 seconds significantly en-
Amherst, NY, USA) uses precerammed, leucite- hances bond strength to feldspathic ceramic.'^
reinforced feldspathic ingots. The ingots are Some have found etching with HF acid for 3 min-
heated and pressed into a refractory mold made utes to be the most successful,'* while others have
with the lost-wax technique. IPS Empress 2 uses a observed highest bond strength with 5% HF ap-
lithium disilicate glass ceramic as a core and sin- plied for 2 minutes." Shahverdi et al'° found that a
tered glass ceramic as a veneering material. IPS combination of sandblasting with the Microetcher
Empress 2 offers high fracture strength that may (Danville Engineering, San Ramon, CA, USA), HF
be adequate for fabricating short-span fixed partial acid treatment, and silane application was most
dentures (FPD).^ However, no long-term data on successful. However, HF acid treatment seems to
be the critical step. Sandblasting alone provides
the clinical outcome of such FPDs are available
low and insufficient bond strengths'"" and may
yet. Other manufaaurers increase the contents of
damage restoration margins." However, for in-
aluminum oxide to fabricate strong ceramic cores
traoral repair of fractured ceramic restorations,
(eg, Hi-Ceram, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen,
sandblasting might be a sufficient method for cre-
Germany). Feldspathic ceramic can also be rein-
ating micromechanical retention without exposing
forced with zirconia fibers (Mirage II, Mirage Den-
the patient to the possible hazards of intraoral use
tal Systems, Chameleon Dental Products, Kansas
of HFacid.^'
City, KS. USA). Modern high-strength ceramics
contain almost exclusively aluminum or zirconium
oxide and therefore are not considered silica-
based ceramics. In general, any ceramic containing APPLICATION OF SILANE COUPLING
less than 15 wt% silica is not regarded a silica- AGENTS
based or silicate ceramic' These materials require
significantly different bonding procedures, since Application of a silane coupling agent on the pre-
they cannot be etched with hydrofluoric (HF) acid. treated ceramic surface provides a chemical cova-
Silane coupling agents will not increase bond lent bond to silica-based ceramics."-^** This bond
strength because they lack silica. However, non-sil- seems to be stable after long-term water storage
ica-based ceramics are not within the scope of this and thermocycling." Silanes are bifunctional
article. molecules that bond silicone dioxide with the OH

groups on the ceramic surface on one side and " COMPOSITE RESIN CEMENTS
also have a degradable functional group that
copolymerizes with the organic matrix on the Various characteristics of the ceramic restoration,
other side,'""" Silane coupling agents usually con- such as type, indication, site, shade, thickness,
tain a silane coupler and a weak acid, which en- and opacity, influence the selection of the com-
hances the formation of siloxane bonds,'"" posite resin cement. The curing mode [chemical-,
To investigate the ceramic-composite resin in- light-, or dual-curing), composition, and viscosity
terface, Sorensen et aP tested microleakage and of the resin cement influence the handling and
found that ceramic etching and silanization signif- physical properties ofthe bond between the com-
icantly decreased microleakage. However, silane posite resin and the ceramic substrate. Tensile
treatment without ceramic etching did not re- bond-strength tests demonstrated no difference
duce microleakage. Contamination of an etched between various dual-cure resin cements in bond-
and silanated restoration during try-in might re- ing glass ceramics to enamel,'" In one study, dual-
duce bond strength,'^ If restorations have to be cure resin cements demonstrated better bond
tried in clinically after surface conditioning in the strength than autopolymerizing resin cements,"
laboratory, it is important to remove any contami- Bond strengths of all groups peaked 7 days after
nants from the bonding surface prior to final cementation. However, these results cannot be
b o n d i n g . For this purpose, phosphoric acid
used for a general conclusion due to the limited
seems to be more efficient than solvents such as
number of tested resin cements. Two studies
acetone or alcohol,"^ In one study, chairside re-
agreed that filler-containing resin cements
silanation of a laboratory-conditioned restoration
demonstrate higher bond strengths to ceramic
and the use of trial resin pastes had little or no
than resin cements without fillers,^^'" Hybrid com-
effect on the resin-ceramic bond," However, hy-
posites showed better results than microfilled
drofluoric acid gels, which are user friendly, allow
composites,"' In an in vitro study, Hahn et a l "
for chairside etching and silanization of the ce-
found that highly viscous resin cements used for
ramic bonding surface after completion of all try-
in procedures and alterations, and seem to be a the cementation of ceramic inlays demonstrated
safer and more practical approach. Since etching significantly less microleakage at the dentin-com-
agents vary in concentration and silane couplers posite interface than low-viscosity resin cements.
may have different contents, it is of paramount Resin-modified glass-ionomer cements applied to
importance to follow manufacturer's instructions etched and silanated feldspathic ceramic showed
for application procedures and timing. Silane bond strengths comparable to composite resin
coupling agents are dispensed in single-bottle or cements.™
multiple-bottle applications and usually contain
high amounts of solvents," Single-bottle prod-
ucts are susceptible to rapid evaporation of sol- W SILICA-BASEO CERAMIC MATERIALS
vents. Therefore, one should seal containers im-
m e d i a t e l y after use and keep in mind the The number, size, and distribution of leucite crys-
recommended shelf life. Some manufacturers
tals have a significant influence on the formation
add a silane coupler to their bonding system that
of microporosities that acid etching creates,'*'^'
can be mixed with the other components (eg,
Leucite crystals grow during the ceramic-firing
Clearfil New Bond and Clearfil New Bond Porce-
process, and the content of leucite in a veneering
lain Activator, Kuraray, Osaka, Japan),
ceramic determines the coefficient of thermal ex-
pansion of the ceramic and therefore its compati-
bility with and bond to a specific alloy. Some low-
fusing ceramics and glass ceramics contain little or
no leucite. When acid etching with HF acid solu-
Bonding to Silica-Based Ceramics I

tions, little or no leucite seems to inhibit the for- • CLINICAL ANO LABORATORY
mation of highly retentive microporositles.^^^' RECOMMENOATIONS
However, Maltezos et a l " observed no difference
in strengths of resin bonding to a synthetic, Most studies recommend acid etching of the ce-
leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramic or to a con- ramic surface with an HP acid solution for adhesive
ventional feldspathic ceramic. Acid etching with cementation of silica-based ceramic restorations.
5% HF gel for 120 seconds or 9% HF for 60 sec- Commercial products offer solutions of 4% to 9.8%
onds was most successful for leucite-reinforced HF; the most convenient form to use is a gel. De-
feldspathic ceramic, such as the pressed ceramic pending on the product and the ceramic substrate,
IPS Empress.-""" Independent from surface con- the acid etching gel is usually applied for at least 2
ditioning, significantly higher bond strengths were minutes and then rinsed off with water. If the
achieved with a lithium disilicate glass ceramic restoration is exposed during clinical try-in to any
(IPS Empress 2) than with leucite-reinforced IPS organic contaminants, such as saliva, blood, or a
Empress." This might be related to the higher silicone fit-checking medium, 15 seconds of phos-
flexural strength and fracture toughness of the dis- phoric acid etching is an effective method to re-
ilicate ceramic, which prevents a cohesive ceramic move the organic contaminants pnor to HF acid
failure at the bonding surface. etching. Organic contaminants may negatively af-
fect etching patterns and decrease bond strength
to ceramic materials. After HF acid etching, a
m TESTING CONDITIONS silane coupling agent should be applied. Some
manufacturers add a silanating agent to their
Bond strength of composite resin to ceramic mate- bonding system. One should read and follow the
rials is usually evaluated with the three-point-bend- manufacturer's instructions carefully and stay within
ing, tensile, microtensile, or shear bond strength one system, since components of different bond-
test.^"' Water storage^^ and thermocycling are ac- ing systems may not be interchangeable. The
cepted methods for the simulation of the aging of silane coupling agent has to be compatible with
and for stressing the bonding interface. Some the bonding agent and the resin cement.*'
studies that included thermocycling and/or long- Modern bonding techniques provide a pre-
term storage in water revealed significant differ- dictable and durable mechanochemical adhesive
ences between early and late bond-strength re- bond to silica-based ceramics. Most laboratory
sults." Kato et al*^ reported significant changes in studies report bond strengths that exceed the
the bond strength of various bonding systems fracture resistance of the ceramic (cohesive fail-
after 20,000 cycles of thermocycling. The same ure).'"' Long-term clinical success rates of resin-
group found significant reduction in bond strength bonded silica-based ceramic restorations, such as
for a luting cement after 20,000 cycles but stable porcelain laminate veneers""' and all-ceramic in-
results for another cement, regardless of surface lays/onlays,'**^ are good to excellent. All-ceramic
treatment," Another study evaluated the durability full-coverage crowns made of leucite-reinforced
of the resin bond of several bonding systems to feldspathic porcelain seem to have good clinical
Empress ceramic after 150 days of water storage longevity when they are adhesively cemented."
and 37,500 thermocycles. The systems under in- Presently, there are no studies on the long-term
vestigation provided stable bonds to the HF acid- clinical success of adhesively cemented silica-
etched and silane-coated ceramic.^' based ceramic FPDs available, neither crown- nor
The flowchart on the following page illustrates
the recommended bonding steps in a consecutive
order. Figures 1 to 6 show clinical examples of
bonded silica-based restorations.

QDT 2002


Denial Laboratory Dental Office

GT ail-ceramic restoi ation

Option A: Do nol elch


Option B: Etch
'HOirrögenöus trosry

No Yes Yes

phosphoric acid etching
or alcohol / acetone
Bonding to Silica-Based Ceramics

Figs la and 1b Preoperative occlusal views of maxillary and mandibular arches demonstrating
excessive tooth wear of the anterior dentition due to bruxism.

Fig 2 Preoperative occlusal view of mandibular anterior Fig 3 Try-in of posterior maxillary restorations. The max-
teeth Lengthening these teeth necessitated the alter- illary incisors were restored with full-coverage silica-
ation ofthe vertical dimension of occlusion. based all-ceramic restorations. All teeth posterior to the
incisors were restored with ceramic-fused-to-metal full-
coverage restorations.

Fig 4 Try-in of posterior mandibular restorations. The

mandibular anterior teeth ¡canine to canine] were re-
stored with silica-based ceramic laminate veneers. All
posterior teeth were restored with porcelain-fused-to-
metal full-coverage restorations.

Fig 5a and 5b Four-year postoperative occiusal views of maxillary and mandibular arches. Note
that the only complication is slight chipping of the distobuccal cusp of maxillary second molar
(porcelain-fused-to-metai restoration).

Fig 6 Four-year postoperative buccal view of

maxillary anterior restorations. Incisors are re-
stored with full-coverage silica-based all-cerarnic
restorations. (Inset) Preoperative buccal view.
(Clinical case by Avishai Sadan, DMD, and Ger-
ard Chiche, DDS, LSU School of Dentistry.)


Adequate intaglio surface preparation of silica- The authors would like to acknowledge the following people
for their support and contribution: (ÎJ technique case
based ceramic restorations with HF acid etching in flowchart. Chuck Thompson, Thompson Dental Studio,
and silane application provides predictable and Ellisvill, Mississippi; I2¡ anterior maxillary restorations in dinicai
durable bond strengths between composite resin case, Hitoshi Aoshima, Japan, Í3J posterior maxillary and
mandibular restorations in dinicai case, Leah Fox, Thompson
cements and the ceramic substrate. Dental Studio, Ellisvill, Mississippi.

QDT 2002
Bonding to Silica-Based Ceramics I

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IQDT 2002

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