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Chapter 6

Strategic Plan

With the help and use of TOWS analysis as a guide, the researchers

formulated the following recommendations for the improvement of Leading Edge

International Aviation Academy Inc. (LEIAAI).

Proposed Vision Statement

We envision LEIAAI as one of the most leading aviation school in the

country, to be recognizable by service quality; and to be consistent in promotion

of excellence, professional, competent and skilled individuals in the field of


Proposed Mission Statement

Our mission is to consistently train students in the field of aviation in the

whole country with outmost professionalism; quality – based education and

memorable experience with the best technology and with continuous commitment

to safety and become an environmentally friendly and to satisfy employees,

management and especially students.

See Table 5 for the evaluation matrix of the mission statement.

Table 5
The Evaluation Matrix of the Mission Statement

Factors list Explanation

Customers  In the proposed mission statement, students

were stated as their customers.

Products or Services  In the proposed mission statement, the

quality-based education were stated.

Market LEIAAI, competing in the whole country

 which is stated in the proposed mission

Technology  In the proposed mission statement of

LEIAAI, best technologies were stated.

In Concern for Growth and Growth and Profitability is one of the best
concerns in aviation education industry.
Profitability  Growth and Profitability were stared in
proposed mission statement to continue the
operation of the business.

Philosophy  In the proposed mission statement,

memorable experiences were stated.

Self-Concept In the proposed mission statement of

 LEIAAI, consistently train students in the
field of aviation.

Concern for Public Image Concern for public image is important in

 creating a mission statement. Company
should be an environmentally friendly, and it
is in the mission statement.

Concern for Employees Employees are the life blood of the company
 or an organization, these shows how
important employees are. It is in the mission

Corporate Objectives

Long Term Objectives

The following are the long-term objectives of LEIAAI:

1.) To expand the business from one place to another;

2.) To be the best flying school in Northern Luzon; and

3.) To produce professional, competent, and skilled individuals that is

committed to their work.

Short Term Objectives

The following are the short-term objectives of LEIAAI:

1.) To motivate employees to become more effective, efficient and

productive by providing incentives or benefits;

2.) To send employees at training and seminars to enhance their

knowledge, skills and performance inside and outside of the organization; and

3.) To increase the number of students enrolled in LEIAAI.

Grand Strategy

With the enough income and resources, LEIAAI will be expanded by

putting up branches in places suitable for aviation schools. This will help increase

the school’s popularity and allow aspiring pilots to enrol anywhere in the

Philippines with LEIAAI’s ought reputation. LEIAAI’s population of students is

slowly increasing through the years. This will give a huge impact to the school’s
expansion especially for this year that LEIAAI is about to receive more aircrafts.

Not only will these additional resources be more accommodating to the school’s

training facilities, this will also be beneficial for more students who are about to be

a part of LEIAAI. Also, by providing the highest quality of aviation education,

LEIAAI will be the best aviation school and provider of in-demand pilots and

aircraft technicians in the world. LEIAAI hires instructors who are proven to be

experienced and licensed in the field of aviation to make sure that the services

they are about to offer will be reliable for aspiring pilots because they,

themselves, have the right amount of knowledge and experience. Hiring such

experienced individuals will ensure a provision for a high-quality education, which

is one of LEIAAI’s goals. When these long-term objectives merge as one,

LEIAAI’s productivity and reliability as a school will be commended and trusted by

many individuals who aspire to be a part of the aviation industry.

Functional Strategy

This is part of the overall corporate strategy or serves as separate plans of

strategy cascading or implementation within a functional area (Wikipedia, 2018).

Marketing Management

Several Marketing Strategies have been implemented by LEIAAI but there

are two strategies that the researchers recommended for further improvement of

the school. These are the television advertisement and participation in different

local events or activities. Shown in Appendix V are the TV advertisement rates for

GMA Network.

Operation or Production Management

The operation or production management of LEIAAI has consistently been

effective throughout the years but as time pass by, improvements should be

implemented by the school so the researchers recommended LEIAAI to provide

additional aircrafts and expand the Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT)

building. Shown in Appendix W and X is the Cessna aircraft and floor plans.

Human Resource Management

Every employees and staff should have a specific job designation to avoid

confusion once their task was given to them and to be organized at all. This can

achieve by talking to them and through trainings and seminars provided by the

management. The management should have a concrete basis in hiring

employees and giving job designation. Incentives and benefits should also be

given to the employees to help them with their work improvement. Shown in

Appendix Y is the programme of trainings.

SeeTable 6-8for the Functional Strategies.


The researchers gained a lot of information about the school due to their

immersion where interviews and observations were implemented. Through this

immersion, they found several advantages of the school but they also found

problems that need to be solved. Recommendations are provided by the

researchers to solve all the problems of the school. These problems, together

with the recommendations, are stated below:

The first problem that the researchers found is about the place or location

of the school. They found out that the place is quite far and not visible to all the

people. The company needs to expand their promotional strategies and engage

more in activities to promote and advertise the school in order for them to be

more exposed and increased the amount of people who are aware of the school’s

existence. Such activities that LEIAAI should participate to is “Raniag: The Vigan

Twilight Festival”. Another way for the school to be promoted is to be advertised

on national television, specifically a 30-second advertisement during non-

primetime shows at the GMA Network.

The AMT building is too small to operate and ensure comfort for students

who are enrolled in the said course. They need to expand the building so that the

students, aside from being comfortable, will have more focus on their lessons and

not worry about how small their classroom or building is.

Additional aircrafts should also be taken action by the school to

accommodate the number of students for their trainings and other needs to

comply with their requirements.

Employees are a huge part of a company’s productivity and effectiveness.

That is why the researchers recommended that trainings and seminars such as

employability enhancement, financial literacy, and department training programs

to improve the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of employees. Incentives and

benefits for employees are already given to employees and plays a huge part for

an employee’s improvement at his or her work, but additional incentives and

benefits are recommended by the researchers for further improvement and these

are the flexi-timing and work from home options where employees can take their

work responsibilities home so that they can look after their children if no one is

able to do so, referral bonus where employees are paid if they recruit a new

employee, and transportation expense where allowance for transportation are

given monthly to regular employees.

Table 6
Marketing Objectives

Long Term: To promote the school and increase the popularity by 25% in the year 2019.
Short Term: To expose and showcase what the school offers and increase the number of students by 30%.

Activity Start-Up Date Completion Date Budget

T.V. Advertisement

*GMA Network Php 299,000.00

(30-secs advertisement during 01-15-19 04-15-19
non-primetime shows)

Aside from Sillag Festival, they

should attend and engaged in
other activities inside and outside
of La Union. 01-10-19 04-10-19 Php 50,000.00

*Raniag: The Vigan Twilight


66 66
Table 7
Operation/ Production Management

Long Term: To ensure the provision of trainings and reduce the risk of lacking in resources.
Short Term: To accommodate more AMT students and make them feel comfortable and relaxed in studying.

Activity Start -Up Date Completion Budget Supplier


Provide additional
aircraft 78,000.00
01-14-19 06-15-19 x 6 Cessna Aircraft Company
*Second Hand

Expansion of
01-14-19 06-15-19 Php 15,000,000.00 J.D. Madrid Construction
Technician Building

Table 8
Human Resource Management

Long Term: Inspire employee’s loyalty and increase productivity among employees 10%.
Short Term: To improve and enhance the performance of employees .

Activity Start-Up Date Completion Date


Incentives and Benefits for

Php 2,000.00 per regular employee.
*Flexi-Timing and Work 01-15-19 05-15-19
from Home Options
*Referral Bonus
*Transportation Expense

Trainings and Seminars to

Employees A. Morning Snacks- Php100.00 per person
Thrice a Year 43 employees x Php100.00= Php4,300.00

A. ”Employability 01-15-19 01-15-19 Lunch- Php250.00 per person

Venue: Hotel Ariana and 43 employees x Php150.00=Php6,450.00
Restaurant, Paringao,
Bauang, La Union
Speakers: Maj. Gen. Gilbert
S. Llanto AFP(Ret.) Token for the Speakers- Php 50.00 per

43 employees x Php50.00= Php2,150.00

A. Morning Snacks- Php100.00 per person
B. “Financial Literacy” 43 employees x Php100.00= Php4,300.00
BangkoSentralngPilipinas, 06-15-19 06-15-19 Lunch- Php250.00 per person
Quezon Avenue, San
Fernando City La Union 43 employees x Php150.00=Php6,450.00
Speakers: Maj. Gen.
Rolando F. Capacia (Ret.)
Token for the Speakers- Php 50.00 per

43 employees x Php50.00= Php2,150.00

A. Morning Snacks- Php100.00 per person

43 employees x Php100.00= Php4,300.00
C. “Department Training Lunch- Php250.00 per person
Venue :Function Hall, 10-15-19 10-15-19 43 employees x Php150.00=Php6,450.00
Marand Resort and SPA,
Speakers: Col. Gonzalo A.
Capili PAF (Ret.)
Token for the Speakers- Php 50.00 per



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