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The Most Holy Trinity - Sunday June 7, 2020

GOSPEL: John 3.16-18

Reading I: Exodus 34.4b-6, 8-9 Reading II: 2 Corinthians 13.11-13

Worship: Andrea North, Executive Lead

Schedule of Worship:
• Sunday June 7at 10 a.m. - To watch a live streamed Mass, please go to our Facebook page
“StAgnesrc”. The Mass is also be available after 11 a.m. on YouTube
• Tuesday June 9 at 7 p.m. – Catholic Women’s League Rosary
• Wednesday, June 10 at 7 p.m. –The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Both evening services will be live streamed at .

Hundreds Enjoy St. Agnes Worship Services

All the time is a great time to spread the gospel of love and hope, but people appear to be listening now
more than ever. According to our Technology Work Stream, headed by Kim Coursolle and Wanda
Major, here are last week’s viewing statistics:
Sun. May 31 Mass: 578 viewers on Facebook; 9 viewers on YouTube
Tues. May 26 Rosary: 144 viewers on Facebook
Wed. May 27 Adoration: 246 viewers on Facebook

Tips on Livestream Audio Quality

When viewing live stream, be sure to check the volume control on your own computer and the
Facebook platform to ensure both controls are set for the volume you want. The best sound quality
comes through headsets.

Discipleship: Maureen Van Dyke/Lyndsey Swoluk, Executive Leads

Our Children’s Liturgy program normally ends May 31st. This year is definitely not ‘normal’. The
good news is that a professionally created Children’s Liturgy package is now extended into August.
Families can look forward to sharing the Gospel together, in children’s terms, throughout the summer.

Relationships, not programs, have been the driving force behind our Youth Ministry. In response to
this, our youth are getting together virtually in small groups to talk about what’s important to them
while COVID restrictions are in place. Lyndsey continues to explore professionally produced
Christian and Catholic video series to spiritually deepen online interaction in youth group sessions.

Evangelization: Karen O’Connor, Executive Lead
The Prayer Ministry has responded to several appreciative individuals through the Zoom link after the
Sunday Mass. However the procedure to re-connect in order to make a prayer request is technically
involved and may discourage some in need of prayer. To ensure everyone can reach the Prayer
Ministry, a dedicated phone number has simplifed the process. A caller can leave a name & number
and a Prayer Ministry member will respond as soon as possible. This change is an anticipated
“adjustment process’ until we find the best way to come alongside people and equip them for the
weeks ahead.

Prayer requests can be made in a variety of ways:

1. Following the Sunday live-streamed Mass, prayer is available by phone.
Callers are asked to leave their name and phone number at 475-7104
2. Through the website at under Prayer Ministry;
3. Following each Sunday live streamed Mass, a Zoom video conference link can be found in the
‘Comments’ section of the St. Agnes Facebook page at .

Ministry: Sharon Bukovy, Executive Lead

Ministry members have begun their June distribution of hand-made, personalized note cards and prayer
cards to 180 senior parishioners in local facilities. Callers are also re-connecting with seniors living in
their own homes. Our seniors want reassurance they are not alone and that God will meet them in their
need. Some ministry callers have seen their connections with senior’s blossom into friendships filled
with hope and love – an added blessing in this outstanding ministry.

Re-Entry Task Force

Fr. James has taken the first step towards re-entry to the church by establishing a small task force to
lead the development of a re-entry plan. The task force will be part of the Worship Work Stream,
reporting weekly to the Crisis Response Steering Committee. A transition preparation document has
been prepared identifying re-entry details to incorporate into the project plan. There will be input from
Liturgy Committee members, Parish Council members, and other subject specialists. No date has been
set for re-opening. Parishioners will be kept informed weekly of progress.

Finance: Al Tennant
While our public services are cancelled for now, the mission and ministry of St. Agnes is moving
forward. Parishioners continue to be generous with weekly offerings, especially when many face
difficult circumstances. Revenue is down somewhat and we’re striving to keep expenses in check for a
balanced budget over the longer term. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Collection revenue for May was $15,576.50. This compares with $25,567.00 in 2019.

Our Raise the Roof Campaign also continues through various donation opportunities.
Bur-Met Contractors is on site and should complete the roof replacement within two weeks.
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.
2 Corinthians 13.13
Cindy Jarvela and Beatrice Metzler
Crisis Response Co-Chairs

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