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I am going to Japan soon , let me describe my checklist to you the first thing i am going

to do is study basic Japanese phrases like greetings such as please and thank you , asking
for objects or directions
second thing that i am going to buy a bilingual map , that will help to point directions
when i asked to someone on Japan
third thing is getting a Japanese dictionary it will help me to have translation on hand

four thing i will do is print a Japanese version of my medical information in case of

emergency medical case , also i will verify what medications are illegal there

five thing i will do is practice bowing i read that a standard bowing is appropriate in
many situations for travelers

six thing will be get all my documentation in order , purchase a travel insurance , buy my
flight ticket , find a place to stay and find locations to exchange money
seven and last thing i will do is choose for the right cloth , get a SIM card , search for a
tourist guide , search the places i want to visit , and search for appropriate restaurants

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