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D:Hi Mari,Hi jhossi

M:Hi Devora

J:Hi devora

D: Do you already know where we will go for our vacation next year?

M: I have no idea

J: If we go to tomorroland festival .What do you think?

M:tomorroland? what is that?

D:It is the biggest festival of electronic music

M: really ... it sounds fantastic ... come on

J:But does anyone know where to buy tickets?

D:before buying the tickets we have to save a lot of money, because we have to go Belgium

M:To Belgium??, it really is very far away. We must book the plane tickets two months in

J:It is true also we have to be attentive for the registration on the website

D;yes ... first you have to register to the tomorroland website and then buy the tickets by
making an online deposit

M:online deposit? that is sure?

D:yes, don't worry is very safe

J:girls do not forget that we also have to reserve the hotel, because the festival will last 4 days

M:ok ok, we begin to find out the prices


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