Research Proposal: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Information Technology

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Republic of the Philippines


Tabuk, Kalinga
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN information technology

A. Basic Information
1. Program Title : Integrated Quality Assurance Management System
For Kalinga State University
2. Researcher(s)
Study Leader : Eileen B. Cosidon, MSIT
Members : Mark Joby T. Aguilar, MIT
Annie Rose G. Durian, MIT
Diana C. Medrano, MIT
Ronald U. Wacas, MIT

3. Implementing Agency : KSU CEIT Extension Unit

4. Funding Agency : Kalinga State University

5. Duration of the Research

Proposal : June 1, 2020 – December 15, 2020

6. Estimated Budgetary
Requirement :
1. Program Title : Integrated Quality Assurance Management
for Kalinga State University
2. Researcher(s)
Study Leader : Eileen B. Cosidon, MSIT
Members : Mark Joby T. Aguilar, MIT
Annie Rose G. Durian, MIT
Diana C. Medrano, MIT
Ronald U. Wacas, MIT

3. Introduction

Background of the Study

Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a vital role in developing a country to be globally
competitive through the skilled human capital resources they produce. The task is daunting as the
institution has to constantly check itself against the standards in place and keep itself abreast of the
latest demands of the labor market. This involves investing in a considerable amount of resources to
develop its faculty, research, and facilities. A slightly different story may be observed in the case of the
Philippines as the quality of several higher education institutions has deteriorated over time – as
manifested in the quality of their graduates, among others. (Paqueo, Orbeta and Alber, 2012) point out
that most of the higher education institutions are of low quality as evidenced in low passing rate in the
board exams and have few accredited programs.

For any developing country, improving the quality of higher education institutions is of
paramount interest of government agencies especially the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Several reforms have taken place and (Paqueo et. al., 2012) points out that one of the initiatives being
done is rationalizing the structure of public higher education and improving the budget to ensure
resource mobilization and cost efficiency. Despite these efforts, there are several issues that need to be
addressed and one is the voluntary nature of the accreditation system. Another related issue to this is
the number of multiple accrediting bodies which cater to the accreditation of the various higher
education institutions that has its own standards of accreditation which gives problems especially in the
keeping and gathering of documents needed during accreditation in which it is one of the problems
during accreditation that the proposed study will answer unto these problems.

Accreditation is one way that HEIs keep themselves in check with the standards. With the
growing number of HEIs in the country and the demand for skilled workers in the global market, there is
an urgent need to further enhance quality of education. Corpuz (2015) emphasized the inverse
relationship existing between the number of HEIs in the Philippines, which were described as
“educational opportunities”, and the level of quality of the educational system in the country. The
quality of education is also affected by the competition between private and state universities, the
influx of private low-cost, low-quality, and the absence of a centralized accrediting agency (Conchada,
et. al., 2015).
The concept of quality became a well-established topic and the concept of (QA) is widely used in
the institutions (HEIs). The noticeable concern across the world about quality reflects the importance of
(QA issues); this interest is found in a number of international organizations around the world (Elassy,
2015, p. 250).

Quality is not a modern concept, and it has been used through the ages and through different
civilizations. For example, ancient food gatherers had to learn which food is good to eat and which is
not, and hunters had to explore which tools are the best for their purposes. Also, the concept of quality
was used in various civilizations such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other cultures. For instance,
quality in the ancient Egypt was “a sign of perfection”, as the Egyptians were responsible for
establishing the pyramids and the foundation such as these involved an attention to the quality in
architecture (Elshennawy, 2014, p. 604).

Of more relevance, in education the concept of quality emerged in HEI in the early 1980s “from
its more familiar industrial and commercial settings” (Newton, 2016, p. 45). However, in that era when
people spoke about quality, they spoke of it in rather “lofty and abstract terms” (Perry, 2013, p. 91)
because at that time, there was a high level of consensus about the issue of academic quality. There
was an assumption that some universities throughout the world, such as Harvard or Oxford, were in
themselves the benchmark of quality without any further definition of the ingredients of quality. This is
what Green (2015) called “the traditional concept of quality”. Subsequently, in the 1990s, the issues
concerning quality changed greatly and came to be seen as something which could be defined and
measured (Perry, 2013). However, it was revealed that the quality discourses of the 1980s and 1990s
reflect the various, ambiguous and often accountability-related demands of the period. It was said that
one way of discussing quality in the 1990s was with a concerned voice “quality was sick and in need of
care, although quality could also act as a cure for its own sickness”, this referred to the fragile nature of
quality and suggested a need for regulation and control (Saarinen, 2015, p. 55). By the 2000s, quality
was taken for granted and not particularly defined or questioned, as quality was considered as
something of a force-of-nature movement and irresistible.

Kalinga State University is the pilot institution for the study of the proposed system. Today, KSU
is a new and the only university in the province of Kalinga. From a college, it was converted into Kalinga
State University in January 2016 under the supervision of the first university president Dr. Jovita E.
Saguibo. This is to optimize the fulfillment of its mission and vision as an HEI. The accreditation of
different bachelor’s programmes and graduate courses was one of the requirements set by CHED during
the university evaluation. Since KSU had complied with accreditation process, this contributed to the
approval of its universityhood.

The new administration pursued human resource development by sending faculty and staffs to
appropriate trainings, more programs are submitted for accreditation and linkages were forged to help
KSU achieve its goals and objectives.

At present, the Kalinga State University has twenty-one (21) bachelor’s courses, seven (7)
Master’s courses, two (2) doctorate courses, and four (4) certificate courses. Kalinga State University
has three campuses namely, KSU-Main Campus at Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga, KSU-Dagupan Campus,
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga, and KSU-Rizal Campus at Bagbag, Rizal, Kalinga.
As KSU has become a university, it has increased quality assurance processes both internal and
external. It has undergone RQUAT and AACUP. It is also working towards ISO certification and ISO
evaluation. The Integrated Quality Assurance Management System seeks to integrate the documents
and processes in a state university so as to efficiently and effectively meet accreditation, certification
and evaluation requirements. Kalinga State University will serve as the university in which this study will
be pilot by the researcher. In the realization of the study, the researcher would study the data,
information, documents, processes, practices and reports that can be generated for quality assurance

The role of accrediting agency like AACUP and ISO is to conduct an assessment and evaluation
based on the procedures, documents, processes, policies and performance of an institution based on
the standards set by an accrediting body. Accreditation is a deliberate and thorough process and is
entered into voluntarily for purposes of quality assurance and institutional enhancement. Accrediting
agencies assess compliance with published administrative and academic standards and seek a
continuous striving for excellence on the part of the institutions they accredit. As such the accrediting
agencies serve students, society, higher education, as well as their accredited institutions and entities
by striving to ensure academic excellence and ethical standards. The Accreditation Services
provide appropriate accrediting criteria and enhancement services to its membership, promoting
quality standards, and promoting ethical business practices.

The proposed study Integrated Quality Assurance Management System of the State University
will have a feature which is an Integrated Management System (IMS) that integrates all of an
organization’s systems and processes into one complete framework, enabling an organization to work
as a single unit with unified objectives. An Integrated Management System can benefit the organization
through increased efficiency and effectiveness, and cost reductions while minimizing the disruption
caused by several external audits.

With an integrated management system, employees work together, with each function aligned
behind a single goal: improving the performance of the entire organization. Instead of silos, have a
coordinated effort which is greater than the sum of its parts and is not only more efficient but more
effective. An integrated system provides a clear, uniform image of your entire organization, how they
impact each other, and the associated risks. Efficiency is gained from less duplication, and it becomes
easier to adopt new systems in future. An IMS allows your management team to create one system that
can help to effectively and efficiently deliver your organization’s objectives. From managing employees’
needs, to monitoring risks and hazards, from reducing inefficiencies and maximizing resources, an
integrated approach can help you achieve your objectives.

As a part of gaining ISO certification, it is important to have a good quality management system
that not only meets the standards, but it will also improve business processes.

Through the proposed Integrated Quality Assurance of the State University, it will help the
administrators in preparing, planning and decision-making for the quality assurance of their university.
It hopes that the reports can generate support for them to solve problems and anticipate problems that
may arise in the future. It aims to assist the institution to achieve its goals and objectives. Thus, this
study is conducted.
Conceptual Framework
Integrated Management System
An integrated management system (IMS) combines all related components of a business into
one system for easier management and operations. Quality, Environmental, and Safety management
systems are often combined and managed as an IMS. These systems are not separate systems that are
later joined together, rather they are integrated with linkages so that similar processes are seamlessly
managed and executed without duplication.

Ideally an Integrated Management System that addresses all of your objectives at once, like an
executive committee meeting. However, it can be difficult to meet the needs of the various
management systems operating within a single business. An Integrated Management System is relevant
to any organization, regardless of their market. Integrating several management systems into a unified
system (who share documentation, policies, procedures and processes) makes sense.

Several studies indicate that integration is becoming more common than stand-alone systems,
Bernado et al. (2015) and Karapetrovic & Casadesús (2016). Many of the organizations that are certified
according to multiple types of standards have, according to these studies, established integrated
management systems. The research performed within this field indicates potential benefits of using an
integrated approach, Miles & Russel (2017), Wilkinson & Dale (2010), Lundh (2013), Ofori et al. (2016),
Berg et al. (2010) Karapetrovic (2013), Zutshi & Sohal (2015). Increased efficiency, possibility to link
quality related and environmental related aspects with ethics and organizational profitability, and the
possibility to develop management systems better matching stakeholder interests are some reasons for
integrating. The general impression from studies carried out is that there are more benefits than
downsides and problems when management systems are integrated, Karapetrovic (2014). From the
studied literature it is noted that some important benefits from IMS are the use of process approach,
the use of the PDSA approach, integrated audits and common documentations system with common
structure of routines.

Integration has advantages such as standardization, effective support of processes, using

resources optimally, reducing sub-optimization and minimizing problems with communication between
different areas. Even if these advantages are only mentioned for a limited scope of system integration it
could be assumed that this conclusion also applies when increasing the scope.

Level of integration towards better process control also has advantages in the organization
aspiring for total quality and business excellence. It could be argued that the word integration means
integration of all management systems, but since it is not being used in this way we could instead define
a fully integrated management system as one that includes management of all relevant stakeholder
needs including all suppliers, customers and other interested parties in the supply network.

An effective management system (one that does the right thing) should deal with all relevant
aspects, economy while an efficient management (doing the thing right) system does this with little use
of resources by being integrated and focused on identified aspects including both risks and
opportunities. A flexible management system should easily adapt to new requirements without losing
effectiveness or efficiency. A fully integrated management system should have identified all relevant
stakeholders and how their requirements could be balanced. This could be based on an assessment of
the most important stakeholder aspects.

The system should be as simple as possible in order to stay effective, efficient and flexible.
Logically the extent of a management system should be related to risks for different dimensions such as
quality, environment, and safety. The risks on a lawyer’s practice, a mine and a university would be
different and require different focus. Additionally critical success factors and opportunities should have
been identified in the different processes. Therefore, it could be argued that an effective integrated
management system starts with a (process based) integrated analysis of aspects (risks & opportunities),
which can be done in several iterations with more focus on those presenting more important aspects.
By integrating the right things in a minimal system the IMS is done in the right way. The system should
also be adaptable and flexible so that it can integrate new dimensions if needed.

It is concluded that the full IMS should have a scope including all relevant stakeholder needs and
it should have a high level of system integration - amalgamation. The system should have an extent that
monitors the entire supply chain from first supplier to last customer and should also monitor all other
stakeholders in what could be called the supply network. The system should therefore have an effective
and efficient process of monitoring stakeholder aspects that put requirements on activities in the IMS.

Conceptual Framework of Integrated Management System



Area Ar
2 ea
ea 1 10


Quality Quality

Assurance Policies STUDENT

Processes Assurance
Area 4

Area 8

Standards Standards
Conceptual Framework of the Integrated Quality Assurance Management System
This conceptual framework of the proposed study Integrated Quality Assurance Management
AACUP Quality Assurance
System shows that the proposed study is limited on the study of documents, procedures, processes and
policies of the institution Kalinga State University which focuses on the ten (10) areas of accreditation
namely Area 1 - Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives, Area 2 - Faculty, Area 3 - Curriculum and
Instruction, Area 4 - Support to Students, Area 5 – Research, Area 6 - Extension and Community
Involvement, Area 7 - Library, Area 8 - Physical Plant and Facilities, Area 9 - Laboratories, and Area 10 -

The accrediting body which is AACUP during accreditation is for evaluation purposes. This
accrediting body is in arrow to depict their individual input of standards into the system for integration.

At the center of the framework it shows that the student is placed inside the box which implies
that students the proposed system will suffice all the customer needs and satisfaction. There are
existing systems on students and they are enrolment system and grading system which are linked with
the ten areas of accreditation to generate reliable and consistent information and reports from it that
will be needed by stakeholders during the accreditation.
In this framework the ten areas of accreditation are placed in the oblong shape that overlaps
each other that shows integration of processes, procedures, policies and documents putting them into
one roof to achieve quality assurance in order to meet the standards set by AACUP accrediting body.
There is an integration of the processes, procedures and policies to solve and eliminate the problems
encountered in the existing system especially during accreditation. As the different standards have
several common requirements (such as document and records control), the integrated system approach
has the potential to save time and money, in comparison to developing and implementing each system

The proposed study Integrated Quality Assurance Management System is a solution for Kalinga
State University looking to integrate two or more of their management systems into one cohesive
system creating a holistic set of documentation, policies, procedures and processes.

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model is widely used by researcher as an approach in system

analysis which shows the conceptual framework of the proposed study. Figure 1 shows the research
paradigm of the study. Input will represent the objectives of the study. The integrated standards of
AACUP Quality Assurance are the inputs of the study. Also, the data, information, and documents are
the input for quality assurance purposes in vision, mission, goals and objectives, faculty, curriculum and
instruction, support to students, research area and extension and community involvement, library,
physical plant and facilities, laboratories, and administration will served as an input of the study. The
problems encountered during accreditation by the stakeholders, administrators and staff will served as
an input of the study.

For the process, the researchers will consider the need and resource analysis to evaluate
carefully the data, information, reports and documents needed in the accreditation to meet the needs
of the stakeholders involved in the accreditation processes based on the set standards for quality
assurance. The researcher also considers the use of Agile System Development Life Cycle Model in the
development of the system because it focuses on process adaptability and customer satisfaction. Agile
model believes that every project needs to be handled differently and the existing methods need to be
tailored to best suit the project requirements. In Agile, the tasks are divided to time boxes (small time
frames) to deliver specific features for a release. The system development will start by planning. All
requirements of the system should be carefully identified like identifying the stakeholders, security
related information gathering and infrastructure requirements. The next phase is the analysis, to
analyze and study the processes involved by capturing the processes, by defining iteration SPAN (time)
and resource planning. After a successful analysis the next phase is the design phase which includes
breaking down of the tasks, test scenario preparation for each task and regression automation
framework. The next phase is the coding phase which converts the processes into computer instructions
with the use of a programming language. After a careful coding, testing of the system or program will be
the next activity and when it meets all the requirements needed by the stakeholders then the system is
now accepted.

As output, summary of the analyzed needs and resource of the stakeholders will be presented. After
identifying all the needs and resources of the stakeholders those needs and stakeholders are analyzed
in order to answer and satisfy their needs to meet the integrated standards sets by AACUP in all areas of
accreditation namely Area 1- Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives, Area 2 – Faculty, Area 3 –
Curriculum and Instruction, Area 4 – Support to Students, Area 5 – Research, Area 6 – Extension and
Community Involvement, Area 7 – Library, Area 8 – Physical Plant and Facilities, Area 9 – Laboratories
and Area 10 - Administration. With these outputs it could help and offer solutions to the stakeholders in
order to solve the problems encountered in the accreditation processes to achieve a more efficient and
reliable Quality quality assurance management system.
-Need and Resource
- Practices in AACUP
-Identification of
Similarities and
- Data, information, Differences of
and documents are Standards for
the input for quality Accreditation and
assurance purposes in Evaluation Proposed
all the Ten (10) Areas of Integrated
- SDLC using Agile
Accreditation Quality
-Problems and
practices encountered
a. System Design Management
by the stakeholders b. Model Storming System
during accreditation
c. System
-ISO 25010 Software Development
Quality Standards
d. System Testing
 Functionality
and Evaluation
 Reliability
 Compatibility
 Usability
 Efficiency
 Security
 Maintainability
 Portability

Paradigm of the Study

In comparison to developing quality, an Integrated Quality Assurance Management System has

the following benefits:

 Quicker development time

 Reduced development costs
 Reduced certification costs compared to the cost of certifying individual systems
 Easier to maintenance – one set of documentation, policies, procedures and processes to
meet all certification standards.

Statement of the Problem

The research study aims to design and develop integrated quality assurance management
system for Kalinga State University.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following:

1. What are the problems and challenges encountered in the accreditation processes?
2. What system can be developed to address the challenges?
3. What is the extent of compliance of the developed application to ISO 25010 Software Quality
Standards in terms of:
a. Functional Sustainability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Compatibility
d. Usability
e. Reliability
f. Security
g. Maintainability
h. Portability
4. Is there a significant difference in the extent of compliance of the developed application to ISO
25010 Software Quality Standards by the IT Expert and Users?
5. What enhancement can be done to enhance the developed system?

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the proposed study is to implement and maintain an Integrated Quality
Assurance Management System for Kalinga State University to be more functional, reliable, usable,
efficient, maintainable and more secured quality assurance management system. The system would be
able to give a solution for Kalinga State University to integrate two or more of their management
systems into one cohesive system creating a holistic set of documentation, policies, procedures and
processes. Thus, eliminate the problems of the current manual system particularly in the accreditation
processes and procedures.
Specifically, the study aims:

1. To determine and analyze the problems and challenges encountered in the accreditation
2. To develop a system that will address the challenges;
3. To identify the features of the proposed system to be developed based on the ISO 25010
Software Quality Standards in terms of functional sustainability, performance efficiency,
compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability;
4. To identify the significant differences between the effectiveness of the existing system and the
developed system along the ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards; and
5. To determine the enhancements to be done to enhance the developed system.

Significance of the Study

The proposed integrated quality assurance management system of state university is intended
to provide and create a system that will aid the stakeholders of the university to achieve the standards
set by accrediting bodies for quality assurance in Kalinga State University as the pilot institution for the
study. The benefits of which various stakeholders are expected to benefit are discussed as follows:

The Kalinga State University (KSU). KSU is a pilot institution for the study. KSU will benefit from
using the proposed system as it will computerize the needed reports in the quality assurance
processes. This can level up its quality of education through the data analysis reports generated
by the proposed system that can support its administration, faculty, student services, research,
and extension.

Campus Directors/College Deans/Head of Office/Stakeholders. The campus director, dean of

the college, head of office, and directors will be aided by the proposed system as: it can keep
and organize records, documents and generate reports into a more efficient manner. It hopes to
help them improve the decisions they make for the University based on the analyzed data and
generated reports given by the propose system. The reports generated from the proposed
system can help solve problems and engage themselves in critical planning for the future for the
betterment of the state university as a whole.

Students/Parents. As the main clients of any institution, through the integrated quality
assurance management system the university can now serve its clients in more standard
procedures for an efficient way to respond the needs of its clients. Also, it produces a high
standard of education and produces quality graduates that can also compete with the other
students in Asia.

Researcher. This study will help the researcher analyzed and learned more about the different
standards set by different accrediting bodies especially during accreditation to achieve quality
assurance. It will also help the researcher to improve her knowledge and skills in programming
and systems analysis and design.

Future Researchers. They can develop and implement a similar expert system and can use the
results of this study as a guide. The effectiveness of using an integrated quality assurance
management system of state university can also be taken into consideration as another research

Scope and delimitation of the Study

The study will focused on the system analysis, system design, system development, and system
testing and evaluation of an integrated quality assurance management system of state university
particularly in the pilot institution of Kalinga State University Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga. The study
does not require for a system implementation due to the adaptability of changes on the integrated
standards set. The integrated quality assurance management system of state university has the features
of analyzing the data and information, evaluation of information to be kept and to be filed and capable
of generating reports for AACUP. The system has a decision support system feature that could produce
analyzed reports that will aid the deans or head of the institution to make decisions and to be informed
right away what will happen in the future based on the outcome reports generated by the system. This
will help them also solve for any problems that they encounter and will occur especially during the
accreditation of different programmes in the university.
The study is focused only on the development of the system of the ten areas of evaluation on
accreditation under AACUP and they are the following: Area 1 – Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives,
Area 2 - Faculty, Area 3 – Curriculum and Instruction, Area 4 – Support to Students, Area 5 – Research,
Area 6 – Extension and Community Involvement, Area 7 – Library, Area 8 – Physical Plant and Facilities,
Area 9 - Laboratories and Area 10 – Administration.

However, CHED Handbook on Topology Outcomes Based Education, Institutional Sustainability

Assessment (ISA), RQUAT and CHED Memo for existing programs quality assurance standards are not
included in the study only the AACUP quality assurance standards are incorporated in the study.

Kalinga State University will be the pilot institution in the study to use and evaluate the data and
information found in the institution.

4. Review of Related Literature

As the researchers perceived the idea of conducting and developing the proposed study, several
related literatures are gathered and collected which may help the researcher to effectively understand
in all aspects concerning the development and improvement of the study.

a. Quality Assurance in Education

The origin of the concept of quality assurance is not found in the educational sector rather it was
imported from the business sector into the higher education (HEI) in the 1980s and, because occupies a
central place in the education (HEI) policy (El-Khawas, 2013), it is defined in many studies. This is
concerned with defining Quality Assurance on the basis of the considerable literature that exists in the
area of education and particularly on Higher Education (HEI).

Based from the study of (Ruiz, et. al, 2016) entitled Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the
Philippines defined quality assurance as “Quality assurance is the process of verifying whether products
or services meet or exceed customer expectations. It is a process-driven approach with specific steps to
help define and attain goals.

(Cheng, 2016) suggested three different paradigms of Quality Assurance in education, namely:
“Internal”, “Interface” and “Future” quality waves. The “Internal Quality Assurance” focused on
improving the internal environment and processes, so the effectiveness of learning and teaching can be
ensured to achieve the planned goals. The “Interface Quality Assurance” is ensuring that education
services satisfy the needs of stakeholders and is accountable to the public. The “Future Quality
Assurance” stresses ensuring the relevance of aims, content, practice and outcomes of education to the
future of new generations. The objectives of the study will conform on the three paradigms of quality
assurance that in the first paradigm which is “Internal Quality Assurance” is to improve the processes in
keeping and filing of documents. The second paradigm, “Interface Quality Assurance” will satisfy the
needs of the users and stakeholders and the third paradigm, “Future Quality Assurance” will ensure the
importance, efficiency, reliability, and functionality of the system to the future of new generations.
In the proposed study the conformance of its objectives is similar on the three paradigms of
quality assurance discussed by Green (2016). In the first paradigm “Internal Quality Assurance” which
means to improve the processes in keeping and filing of documents. The proposed study has a database
feature that is linked in remote areas for an easy retrieval of data which improve the processes in
keeping and filing of documents. The second paradigm, “Interface Quality Assurance” will satisfy the
needs of the users and stakeholders. In the second paradigm the proposed system it has another
interface that will provide and answer the needs of the administration especially during accreditation.
And the third paradigm, “Future Quality Assurance” the proposed system will also ensure the
importance, efficiency, reliability, and functionality of the system to the future of new generations. Also
in the proposed study, ten areas of accreditation of HEIs were highlighted. These were vision, mission,
goals and objectives, faculty, curriculum and instruction, support to students, research area and
extension and community involvement, library, physical plant and facilities, laboratories, and
administration, and this part introduces the concept of quality in the stakeholders’ perceptions of
quality, the concept of stakeholders’ means “those who have, interest in, an impact on, or are users of,
according to Shanahan and Gelber (2014)”.

b. Quality Assurance Document Management System

The business World today is deluged by a tremendous amount of paperwork that is generated
and used on a daily basis. For example, during the course of a typical court case tens of thousands of
documents may be produced. Storing, managing, and retrieving information in this mountain of paper is
time-consuming and costly. Worse yet, documents may be misfiled or lost in the “system'.
Organizations may spend thousands of dollars attempting to organize this paper in a logical way, yet still
find themselves unable to find important documents when necessary.

Present records management systems, particularly those that manage documents in paper form,
are also expensive, particularly if they are organized well enough to be accessed easily. The cost of this
organization and management is passed directly to the public in the form of higher consumer prices
(Hajmiragha, 2001).

From the study of Hajmiragha, (2001) “Document Management System” it is stated that a
Document Management System is a system for allowing predesignated users at remotely located
computer-based Systems to perform document management. Components of the System include public
data network, a publication facility, a remote storage facility and a document manager computer based
System. The document manager computer-based System, the publication facility, the remote storage
facility are all coupled to the computer-based Systems used by the predesignated users over the public
data network. The System allows authorized users from remote locations to perform secure document
collaboration, share and archive documents, context indeX documents, digitally notarize documents,
electronically file documents and publish documents.

An Internet-based document management System and methods are provided wherein an

electronic document may be stored on an Internet-accessible Server and accessed using a previously
known web browser, downloaded for review or manipulation, and then returned to the Server for
access by further users. The Server is programmed to provide a plurality of Services Supported by a
common database and document Store, including Storage and retrieval Services, an electronic
document delivery Service, a document distribution Service, a collaborative file sharing Service and a
workflow service. The system preferably also is programmed with a Security function, a filtering
function, accounting functions that enable detailed accounting of transactions occurring on the system,
and a customization function that permits multiple Service providers to utilize the common document
management Services of a Server, while presenting end-users with distinct dedicated websites.
(Serbibis,, 2003)

From the study of Serbibis, (2003) it is in his invention that the document management
system is programmed to provide a plurality of services supported by a common database and
document store. These services preferably include storage and retrieval services to and from an
Internet-based storage site, an electronic document delivery service, a collaborative file sharing service
and a workflow service, and a document distribution service. These services stated in his study are
common with the services provided by the document management system of the proposed study.

Also in his study it is stated that the server is programmed to perform a security function, to
verify or define a requestor's ability to access an electronic document, a filtering function that performs
selective or automatic filtering of documents during storage to and/or retrieval from the storage site,
and accounting functions that enable detailed accounting of, for example, usage of storage on the
server, and the number of accesses. In addition, the system may permit multiple service providers to
utilize common document management services of a server, while appearing to end-users as separate
dedicated websites. These functions of document management system are also present in the
document management system which is one of the features of the integrated quality assurance
management system of the proposed system.

c. Quality Assurance Decision Support System

According to Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition by Marek J.

Druzdzel and Roger R. Flynn (2015) defines Decision Support Systems (DSSs) as interactive computer-
based systems that aid users in judgment and choice activities.

A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that supports business or

organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations and planning levels
of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help people make decisions about
problems that may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance—i.e. unstructured and semi-
structured decision problems. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized or human-
powered, or a combination of both.

While academics have perceived DSS as a tool to support decision making process, DSS users see
DSS as a tool to facilitate organizational processes. Some authors have extended the definition of DSS
to include any system that might support decision making and some DSS include a decision-making
software component;

(Sprague, 2016) defines a properly termed DSS as follows:

1. DSS tends to be aimed at the less well structured, underspecified problem that upper level
managers typically face;
2. DSS attempts to combine the use of models or analytic techniques with traditional data access
and retrieval functions;
3. DSS specifically focuses on features which make them easy to use by non-computer-proficient
people in an interactive mode; and
4. DSS emphasizes flexibility and adaptability to accommodate changes in the environment and the
decision making approach of the user.
DSSs include knowledge-based systems. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-
based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw
data, documents, and personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make

From the study of (Santos, 2017) entitled “A comprehensive Internal Quality Assurance System
at University of Minho” presents the features of comprehensive internal quality assurance (QA) system
at University of Minho showing that SIGAQ-UM is a fully operational comprehensive internal QA system
certified by the Portuguese Agency Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education which has the
distinctive features of SIGAQ-UM, the procedures involved in its certification by Agency for Assessment
and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), as well as on the perceived impact on the university’s
activities, including some comments on the difficulties to develop and consolidate a quality culture
embedded in all the academic community which is related to the proposed study to create and develop
an integrated quality assurance among state colleges and universities to solve the problems during
accreditation and to consolidate a quality culture in all higher institutions.

In the study of (Boborol et. al., 2012) entitled “Integrated Information System of Cagayan de Oro
Academy for International Education” An Integrated Information System is an expansion of a basic
information system achieved through system design of an improved or broader capability by
functionally or technically relating two or more information systems. With this, the academy will be able
to provide quality service to its students. This study is the same with the proposed study that it will
create and produce reports or an information system to improve quality services to its clients in terms
of quality assurance during accreditation of different programmes in the university.

In the study of (Salger, 2016) “An Integrated Quality Assurance Framework for Specifying
Business Information Systems” stated that the software specification acts as a bridge between
customers, architects, software developers and testers. If information gets lost or distorted when
building this bridge, the wrong system will be built or the system will not be built in time and
budget⎯or both! And software quality assurance is gaining increasing attention throughout the
software lifecycle. While software testing has become mainstream in professional software
development, sophisticated quality assurance in the early phases of software development is still not
evolved that far. This is related in the proposed study will use and adopt the phase of system
development lifecycle in order to achieve quality assurance in performing the processes especially in
the accreditation tasks.

According to (Welsh, 2015) in their study entitled “Continuous Quality Measurement:

Restructuring assessment for a new technological and organisational environment” they made used of a
Quality Management System (QMS) which is an on-line information system, operating in a networked,
client-server environment that permits licensed users access to designated components of the system
at any time from designated desktops at the university. QMS users generate reports and perform
advanced statistical analyses drawing from the QMS databases. These data and reports are used to
improve academic and support programmes at the university. Also, on the study of (Welsh, 2015),
entitled “QMS2000: linking assessment and information technology” made used of a QMS2000
technology‐based enterprise‐wide assessment model, is a relational, interactive information system
that includes data from 313 satisfaction surveys that are linked to corresponding databases at the
University. QMS2000 is an on‐line information system, operating in a networked, client‐server
environment that permits licensed users access to designated components of the system. QMS2000
users generate reports and perform advanced statistical analyses drawing from the QMS2000
databases. The data and reports are used to improve academic and support programs at the university.

Quality in higher education is inherently difficult to measure. Unlike the manufacturing sector,
the production function in education is much more complex and results are often not readily discernible
in a timely, objective or useful manner. The field of quality assurance in higher education is still in a
state of adolescence, with varying and shifting approaches and confusion in both objectives and
terminology. Incentive structures for improving (or not improving) quality also generally differ between
public and private institutions.

Common approaches to quality assurance in higher education are generally classified as

summative (that is, entail a judgment regarding whether an institution is meeting certain criteria) or
formative (that is, encourage an institution to identify its own strengths and deficiencies and develop
plans to address the latter). Approaches currently in use include: a) minimum standard accreditation; b)
accreditation of excellence; c) supportive evaluation; d) audits of internal quality assurance processes;
e) comparative evaluation of the state of a discipline; f) benchmarking between institutions; and g)

While summative approaches such as accreditation are both common and popular, they are
often tricky to apply well at reasonable cost. Decisions must be made whether to accredit an institution
and/or a program, with differing criteria and levels of expertise needed for each choice. Criteria chosen
are often proxies for quality, and since accreditation implies either a reward or sanction, institutions are
encouraged to “put on their best face,” rather than be up front about weaknesses and plans to address

The traditional criticism of formative approaches is that they do not entail clear penalties and
are only marginally based on objective criteria of quality. This criticism is mitigated by the fact that it is
difficult to identify objective criteria for both summative or formative evaluations and that in practice,
penalties under summative approaches tend to be infrequently applied. Formative approaches are also
clearly superior at promoting improvement. Considering the relative advantages and disadvantages of
both approaches, it appears that no single or rigid approach is best. Rather, the methodology employed
should be adapted to different types of institutions and situations.
Overall, a good quality assurance system should do three things:

 Ensure that HEIs and programs satisfy at least a minimum level of quality in order to protect
 Contribute to the improvement of all institutions and programs, whatever their level, and
encourage HEIs to develop their own internal quality culture.
 Fulfill both of the objectives above at a reasonable cost, which should not exceed the estimated
benefits of the quality improvements.

On the study of Welsh (2017) entitled “Quality Management System” (QMS) which is an on-line
information system, operating in a networked, client-server environment that permits licensed users
access to designated components of the system at any time from designated desktops at the university.
QMS users generate reports and perform advanced statistical analyses drawing from the QMS
databases. These data and reports are used to improve academic and support programmes at the
university which is of the same set up of computers in the proposed study which operates in a network
that clients are in different remote areas or a client-server based environment which helps the user of
the system to be more efficient in editing and updating of records to give reliable information needed
by the users and to the clients as well.

Accreditation’s Role in Quality Assurance

In the study of Sanyal, Bikas C; Martin, and Michaela (2017) on “Quality Assurance and the Role
of Accreditation: An Overview”, it is discussed that the roles of accreditation in quality assurance are:
quality control, accountability, transparency, academic mobility and quality enhancement. Also, it is
related to the conference conducted by (UNESCO, 2016) that the accountability of agencies: it is
necessary to publish the successes of institutions, quality assurance (QA) works to the benefit of
institutions. Therefore institutional and program accreditation must be carefully articulated. From the
Journal of the Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (2016), the Accreditation’s
Role in Quality Assurance in the United States the responsibility for authorizing institutions to offer
academic programs and the responsibility for licensing of individuals (i.e., graduates of educational
programs) as competent to work in many professional areas. Most observers (e.g., Ewell, 2012) note
that a gradual process continues, with a slow accretion of additional requirements and closer
monitoring in most states. Of interest, in the context of quality assurance, is the fact that a number of
states have developed monitoring systems based on performance indicators. Internal accountability,
involves a number of overlapping processes. In any single year, an institution may conduct numerous
program reviews and conduct some assessment activity while all scheduled courses are evaluated and
many faculties undergo periodic evaluations of their accomplishments. The institution’s governing
board may conduct other reviews as well.

From the research of (Castro, 2015) entitled “Accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions of
State Colleges and Universities in Region III: Basis for Institutional Development Program” Accreditation
is a voluntary method of quality assurance developed more than 100 years ago by American universities
and secondary schools. Accreditation engages the entire school community in a continuous process of
self-evaluation, reflection, and improvement. It invites external scrutiny and welcomes the constructive
feedback of peers. It demands rigor, is based in data, and approaches documentation of results with
discipline. Accreditation is about making the quest for excellence a habit; it is about being the best a
school can be on behalf of the students it serves. The purpose of accreditation is to identify how a
school can continue to improve its effectiveness. The most objective and reliable indication of school
effectiveness is how well students are learning. This research is the same with the proposed study that
these objectives and roles of accreditation through quality assurance can only be achieved through
harmony in terms of financial and physical resources, commitment of leaders and diligence, capacity
and willingness of people to help achieve its goals and mission.
From the study of Sanyal, et. al. (2017) on “Quality Assurance and the Role of Accreditation: An
Overview”, it is discussed that the roles of accreditation in quality assurance are: quality control,
accountability, transparency, academic mobility and quality enhancement. These roles of quality
assurance are the same with the proposed study inorder to control irregularities among employees in
the organization, to improve its efficiency and to be more productive in serving their clients and to
establish educational quality of the university.

5. Methodology

This methodology presents the different methods and procedures that will be used by the in
developing this study, including the proposed integrated quality assurance management system. It
consists of the research design, the research participants of the study, and the data gathering
procedures. It also includes the instruments used in the collection and gathering of data, as well as
statistical tools used in processing and analyzing the data.

Research Design

For the purpose of this study, the researcher made use of descriptive and developmental
research. Descriptive research plays a significant role in system development for it is used to gather
quantifiable information, which later on uses for statistical inference through data analysis to the target
respondents/participants. This type of research reveals and measures the strength of the respondents’
opinion, attitude or behaviour concerning a given subject (FluidSurveys Team, 2014). In addition,
descriptive research gives possible solutions to the current issues or problems by collecting needed data
that can be helpful in analyzing the current situation. Descriptive research also presents an opportunity
both quantitative and qualitative data that means to reconstruct the “what is” of a topic.

From the study of (Congdon, J. et. al, 2016) entitled “Defining the Beginning: The Research
Design” he stated there that the probability of success of a research project is greatly enhanced when
the “beginning” is correctly defined as a precise statement of goals and justification. Having
accomplished this, the sequential steps necessary for writing a research plan and then successfully
executing a research project are easier to identify and organize.

Also, he stated that the ultimate quality and success of research are often a reflection of the
time and effort invested in developing research ideas and concepts, a stage of planning that includes
becoming familiar with the literature. Because the probability that a research idea will arise in a vacuum
is vanishingly small, the probability of having a good research idea is higher for an investigator with
experience and knowledge of the literature than it is for a novice.

In order to achieve a successful project it should be accompanied by the use of a system model.
The system model serves as the pattern or guidelines in the conduct of the
study. The researcher will use a descriptive developmental research. It describes the situation during
the conduct of the study and identifies the roots of such circumstances.
Developmental research is all about to study and focus on the progressive changes that might
occur within the processes of the system that will be developed. Developmental approach aims to
create or install new processes, systems and services or to improve such if these are already in place in
the organization. Furthermore, developmental research creates knowledge deals in a more systematic
data derived from practice. This type of research offers a way to test “theory” that use for formulating
hypothesis and validate practice extended to essentially unchallenged tradition. This type of research
can have functions in creating generalization, conclusions, and statements or produce a specific context
knowledge, which will serve in solving problem.

On the other hand, descriptive research is conclusive in nature, as opposed to exploratory. This
means that descriptive research gathers quantifiable information that can be used for statistical
inference on your target audience through data analysis. As a consequence this type of research takes
the form of closed-ended questions, which limits its ability to provide unique insights. However, used
properly it can help an organization better define and measure the significance of something about a
group of respondents and the population they represent.

According to (Aggarwal, 2015) descriptive research is devoted to the gathering

of information about prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description and
interpretation. This type of research method is not simply gathering and tabulating of facts but it
includes proper analyses, interpretation, comparisons, identification of trends and relationships. This
type of research reveals and measures the strength of the respondent opinion, attitude or behaviour
concerning a given subject, as well as to determine the demographic traits or profile the respondents
such as their age, income, marital status, gender and others. Advanced data analysis like drawing
correlations, segmentation, benchmarking and other statistical tools and techniques can studied using
descriptive research (FluidSurveys Team, 2014).

The significance of descriptive research makes possible the prediction of the future on the basis
of findings on prevailing conditions, correlations. After analyzing and evaluating the different software
development life cycle, the researcher came up with an idea that the system model to be used which
best fits to the requirements of the proposed integrated quality assurance management system during
its development, is the Agile model of SDLC.

According to (Balaji, S. et. al, 2012) he stated that a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
adheres to important phases that are essential for developers, such as planning, analysis, design, and
implementation. He also defined Agile modelling as a practice-based methodology for modelling and
documentation of software-based systems. The researcher chose Agile model of SDLC in the study
because the most important of the advantages of agile model is the ability to respond to the changing
requirements of the project and there is no guesswork between the development team and the
customer, as there is face to face communication and continuous inputs from the client.

Based from the study of (Beedle, M., et. al, 2015) Principles behind the Agile manifesto the
authors have these principles: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and
continuous delivery of valuable software. Agile processes harness change for the customer's
competitive advantage. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within
a development team is face-to-face conversation. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able
to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
enhances agility. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

After reading, learning, analyzing and evaluating the different software development life cycle,
the researcher came up with an idea that the system model to be used which best fits to the
requirements of the proposed integrated quality assurance management system during its
development, is the AGILE model.

According to (Balaji, S., et. al, 2012) stated that the term agile stands for 'moving quickly. Agile
methodology has an adaptive team which is able to respond to the changing requirements. In Agile
model of SDLC, everyone in the team including developers, testers and business stakeholders have a
role in all activities during the iteration. Developers and testers may pair up together to write unit tests.
They can also pair up for doing functional testing, Business stakeholders may do User Acceptance
Testing (UAT) at the end of every iteration. UAT at the end of the release is bad, it may be too late by
then to correct anything. Business Analysts in the team may review test cases and provide feedback to
the team, if test cases seem to be missing. Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and
incremental process models with focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid
delivery of working software product. Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds.
These builds are provided in iterations. Every iteration involves cross
functional teams working simultaneously on various areas like −
 The Concept Phase/Pre-Project Planning
 Project Initiation/Requirements Analysis
 Construction Iteration/Design
 Transition: The End Game/Unit Testing and
 Production/Acceptance Testing.

At the end of the iteration, a working product is displayed to the customer and important

According to (Huo, M., et. al., 2012) Agile methods deal with unstable and volatile requirements by
using a number of techniques. The most notable are: 1) simple planning, 2) short iteration, 3) earlier
release, and 4) frequent customer feedback. These characteristics enable agile methods to deliver
product releases in a much short period of time. The researcher chose this SDLC methodology because
Agile model has an adaptive team which is able to respond to the changing requirements of an
institution or organization even late in development. Also, the most important of the principles of agile
model of SDLC is customer satisfaction by giving rapid and continuous delivery of small and useful

Research Participants of the Study

The sample respondents of the developed system were made up of five groups which totalled to
one-hundred twenty (120) participants which includes the Administrator, Head of Offices, Working
Committee, Internal Accreditors and Information Technology (IT) experts. Sample participants were
chosen through conducive sampling. The sample respondents were distributed as follows:
a. The Administrator of the system which comprises of three (3) persons involved and they are
the Quality Assurance Director, the University President and the College Dean that has the full
or highest access in the system.

b. There are twenty-two (22) offices in the state university that are involved and mandated to
keep, provide and manage documents needed during accreditation of program in the state
university. This group comprises of Planning and Development Office (PDO), Human Resource
Office (HRMO), Research and Extension Office, Finance Office, VP Admin Office, Cashier’s
Office, Record’s Office, Vice-President for Academics and Student Development Office, Supply
Office, Budget Office, Graduate School, Registrar’s Office, Admin Office, Library Office, Office
of the Student Affair (OSA), Medical/Dental Office, Scholarship Office, Infrastructure Office,
General Service Office, PE Department, Accounting Office and Computer Laboratory.
Therefore, there are also twenty-two (22) head of offices and their secretary are included to
evaluate the features and functionalities of the proposed system using the ISO 25010
Software Quality Assurance.

c. There are (50) Working Committee involved in the accreditation. The working committee
comprises of: Area Chairman and two (4) members times 10 areas = thirty (50) participants
including the twenty-two (25) secretaries in each office

d. Ten (10) Internal accreditors are group of people involved in the checking and evaluation a
certain course program based on the standards set by the AACUP and looks at the
effectiveness of an institution in its entirely, particularly, the development of an institutional
system that ensures the quality and standards of programs.

e. Ten (10) IT Experts also served as system evaluators. The expert participants composed of IT
instructors, IT Office Assistants and Computer Technician.

Data Gathering Tools

In order to obtain complete information and thorough understanding of the accreditation

processes and activities at Kalinga State University (KSU), the researcher will use interview questions,
direct observation, group discussion, observation checklist, and gather secondary data, reports and
documents on the different offices of the state university like Human Resource Management Office,
Student Services and Development, Research and Extension office and Quality Assurance office. Among
the questions to be tackled will be the processes of the existing system and problems encountered by
the VPASD, directors, deans, staff, and faculty involved during accreditation and the procedures on how
to level up in the areas of faculty, student services, research and extension programs to improve the
processes in order to achieve a more efficient and reliable reports to be generated in Kalinga State
University institution and Quality Assurance office.

The interview questions are prepared by the researchers and to be distributed later to the head of
Quality Assurance Office, Human Resource Management Office (HRMO), Student Development Services
and Placement Service Office, Research and Extension Office, Office of Vice President for Academics and
all heads of the offices involved in the accreditation activities. The head of offices will answer the
questions in written and their answers will be collected and evaluated by the researcher. The interview
questions are all about the processes and procedures of accreditation, the problems encountered
during accreditation, the kind and types of documents and records needed in each area of accreditation
and how these records are kept, organized and filed, and if they have any technology used in keeping
and storing these records and documents.

Direct observation is another tool in gathering data and information wherein the researcher will
involve directly himself on the situation and observe the real activities during accreditation. Observation
checklist will be prepared which will be used to input all the observations made on the processes and
the problems encountered during accreditation. A group discussion like meetings is another tool used
by the researcher. Group of people like faculty, head of offices, deans, directors, and faculty are
involved here so as to discuss all matters about the activities and about documents to be prepared
during accreditation. Suggestions, exchange of ideas, and recommendations are made among them and
it is noted and will become the basis for the researcher to plan and design the proposed study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The phases of data collection and analysis, as well as their sequence, are discussed on the

A request letter was prepared to ask permission from the President of Kalinga State University to
allow the researcher to conduct interviews with the Director of Quality Assurance, head of HRMO,
director of Student Services and Development, Vice-President of Research and Extension to gather
reports and other relevant data. The approved request letter is placed as Appendix “A”.

The researcher will visit the director of the Quality Assurance at Kalinga State University and to
ask permission formally to conduct an observation during accreditation of different programmes. In this
situation, the researcher will gain deeper understanding on the existing processes and activities of
accreditation. The researcher will actually determine the problems and difficulties of the stakeholders.

The researcher will conduct interview to the director of Quality Assurance, like head of Human
Resource Management Office, Director for Student Services and Development, Vice-President for
Research and Extension in Kalinga State University. With this method, the researcher will gain better
insights on the possible features and requirements needed, which can be integrated in the
development of the proposed system. The researcher will float questionnaires to gather information
about the problems met by the campus directors, deans, faculty and staff. Also, the researcher will
gather data from the Human Resource Management Office, Student Services and Development,
Research and Extension office to ask for sample reports, information and documents needed in the
development of the proposed system. The interview questions will be the primary tool used on
gathering data from the stakeholders. Furthermore, interview is used to verify answers from
questionnaire of the respondents. Interview will be conducted among the different campus director,
deans of the university, directors, head of offices, faculty and staff when there are items that need to be
further verified.
In the user design of the proposed system, the researcher will seek permission to the different
campus director, deans of the university, directors, and head of offices, faculty and staff and ask some
suggestions for a better design, as well as their approval later on the agreed layout of the proposed
system. Considering the responses of the different participants of the study on what user design to be
used, coding of the proposed system will push through. After coding, the conduct of system testing is
important to evaluate the different functionality of the proposed system. The proposed system will be
tried out to the different users such as the campus director, deans, and head of offices, faculty and staff
since they are the target users of the proposed system. The evaluation process will determine the
effectiveness and acceptability of the proposed system.

Data Analysis

The data collected will be tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and summarized using both descriptive
and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a
study, like frequency counts, weighted mean and rank will be used to determine the effectiveness of
the proposed system.

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