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Original Article

Association between family structure and oral health

of children with mixed dentition in suburban Nigeria
Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan1,2,3, Kikelomo Adebanke Kolawole1,2,3, Elizabeth O Oziegbe1,2,3,
Titus A Oyedele2,3, Hakeem O Agbaje2,3, Nneka Kate Onjejaka2,3, Victor Olasegun Oshomoji2,3
Department of Child Dental Health, Obafemi Awolowo University, 2Oral Habit Study Group, 3Department of Child Dental Health,
Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile‑Ife, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Address for correspondence:

Dr. Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan,
Context: Family structures can affect the oral
Department of Child Dental Health, Obafemi Awolowo
health of the child. However, little is known University, Ile‑Ife, Nigeria.
about the impact of the family structure on oral E‑mail:
health of children in Africa. Aims: To determine
the association between family structure,
twice daily toothbrushing, use of fluoridated Access this article online
toothpaste, caries, and oral hygiene status of Quick response code Website:
5–12‑year‑old children resident in semi‑urban
Nigeria. Settings and Design: Secondary DOI:
analysis of the data of 601 children recruited
through a household survey conducted in Ile‑Ife,
Nigeria. Subjects and Methods: The association
between dependent variables (presence of ******

caries, good oral hygiene, use of fluoridated

toothpaste, and twice daily toothbrushing) and Introduction
the family structure (parental structure, number
of siblings, and birth rank) was determined. A number of social factors predisposing children and
Statistical Analysis Used: Simple and multivariate adults to dental caries and poor oral hygiene are being
regression analysis was used to determine the identified. For example, the occupation, education, and
association. The regression models were adjusted income of children’s parents can have a significant impact
for age and gender. Results: Children who were on the children’s access to oral health care.[1,2] In addition,
not primogenitor had significantly reduced odds the child’s family structure is an important social factor
of using fluoridated toothpaste (AOR: 0.91; 95% that has a significant impact on the oral health of children,
confidence interval  [CI]: 0.85–0.97; P =  0.01) when playing a critical role on how the physical and emotional
compared with children who were primogenitors support needed to cope with a disease, its treatment, and
or only children. Furthermore, having 0–2 siblings its financial burden are provided.[3]
significantly reduced the odds of having caries
(AOR: 0.46; CI: 0.28–0.78; P < 0.001) when compared This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
with children who had three or more siblings.
allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
Children who used fluoridated toothpaste had
as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
significantly increased odds of having good oral
the identical terms.
hygiene (AOR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.18–2.28; P <  0.001).
Conclusions: For this study population, the number For reprints contact:
of siblings and the birth rank increased the chances
of having caries and use of fluoridated toothpaste, How to cite this article: Folayan MO, Kolawole KA,
respectively. Oziegbe EO, Oyedele TA, Agbaje HO, Onjejaka NK, et al.
Association between family structure and oral health of children
KEYWORDS: Caries, children, family, Nigeria, oral with mixed dentition in suburban Nigeria. J Indian Soc Pedod
hygiene, toothpaste Prev Dent 2017;35:134-42.

134 © 2017 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

The relationship between family structure and certain parental structure), oral hygiene practices (twice daily
health outcomes, especially those affecting adolescents, toothbrushing and use of fluoridated toothpaste),
has been reported in several studies[4,5] with a number caries, and oral hygiene status of children in the mixed
of articles reporting statistically significant associations dentition stage  (aged 5–12  years) in a representative
between family structure and the oral health of sample of residents in Ife Central Local Government
adolescents.[6‑8] For example, in the United  Kingdom, Area (LGA) of Osun State, Nigeria.
single mothers and mothers with more than two
children are significantly less likely to use dental services Subjects and Methods
than are mothers living with spouses and having not
more than two children.[6] Furthermore, children from This study is a secondary analysis of data collected
single parent families are disproportionately affected through a household survey to determine the
by caries and low level of use of dental services.[9,10] association between digit sucking and caries. Part
Ola et al.[8] had shown that even in an African country, of the study data was published elsewhere[31‑33] and
children living with single mothers or without a parent included details of the household survey, sample
were unlikely to have visited a dentist just as observed size determination, sampling techniques, and data
in developed countries. collection process.
While the differences in the caries status for children
from various family structures might have resulted Study design
from the families’ socioeconomic status and its influence Data were collected through a cross‑sectional study
on the child’s dietary habits, there are still subtle using a household survey because it increased the
differences in family structure that may have significant probability of including children targeted for the
consequences on the oral health of children. Two of study from all the socioeconomic strata in the study
these factors include the birth rank of the child and the population, irrespective of their ability to be enrolled
number of siblings the child has.[11‑13] Studies show that in school or not. Data collection was done during
birth rank affects the personality of the individual[14] evenings of the weekend of the summer holidays (July
while others have not.[15] Individual personalities have to August 2013) when most participants and their
a significant impact on health.[16] An only child tends to parents will likely be home.
show traits similar to first children[17] and seem to have
higher self‑esteem than children with siblings.[18] They, Study setting
just like first children, engaged less in oral health risk The semi‑urban Ife Central LGA of Osun State was
behaviors such as smoking, intake of alcohol, and use chosen as the study location due to its proximity
of psychoactive substances.[19] Zadik[20] found less caries to Obafemi Awolowo University and Obafemi
prevalence in first children while Mansbridge[21] did not. Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex,
the host institutions of the authors. The 1991 census
There are also suggestions that the family size increases put the population of the LGA at 96,580. The
the risk for child morbidity and mortality as larger estimated population for 2004 is 138,818, including a
family sizes reduce the marginal cost of child quality.[22] child population of 14,000, or about 10% of the total
Some empirical data, however, suggest that the family population.
size does not have an impact on health.[23,24] Family size
has also been associated with an increased incidence of Study population
caries and poor oral health[8,25,26] with the risk for caries For this analysis, only children between the ages of 5
increasing with increase in the number of siblings.[27,28] and 12  years were included in the study. The lower
age limit of 5  years was based on the typical age
Unfortunately, very little is known about how the of the first eruption of permanent dentition in the
family structure in Africa influences access to dental study population.[34] Only children who were present
health services, use of caries prevention practices, and in the home at the time of the study were eligible to
oral hygiene status. Family structures in many African participate in the study.
settings differ from those in Europe and America,
where most studies on the impact of family structure Sample size determination
on health care had been conducted. In Nigeria, a Sample size was calculated using the formula by
high number  (9%) of children live without biological Araoye.[35] The caries prevalence of 13.9%[36] was
parents.[29] Many children living with guardians do used for determine the sample size required for
not receive the much needed attention as do biological this study. The required minimum sample for the
children living with parents.[30] Learning how family study was approximately 200 having adjusted for
structures in different cultures impact on oral health is, a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of
therefore, important. 95%. The data of 601 children were accessible for
the primary based on this secondary data analysis.
This study explored the association between family The data retrieved for this study are, therefore,
structure (number of siblings, birth rank, and adequate.

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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

Sampling technique The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI‑S) by Greene

Detailed information on the sampling technique for and Vermillion[39] was used to determine the oral
the study had been reported by Kolawole et al.[33] The hygiene status. The OHI‑S components, the debris
sampling procedure used was a three‑level cluster index and calculus index, were obtained based on six
sampling technique. Stage 1 involved the selection numerical determinations representing the amount
of enumeration sites for data collection by balloting. of debris or calculus found on the facial or lingual
Stage 2 involved the selection of every third household surfaces of index teeth 8, 3, 14, 24, 19, and 30 in the
on each street in randomly selected enumeration sites permanent dentition and A, E, F, K, O, and P in the
within the LGA. Stage 3 involved the selection of actual primary dentition. The debris and calculus index scores
respondents for interview and clinical examination. were added and divided by the number of surfaces
Only one eligible child in each household was selected examined to give the OHI‑S score. The oral hygiene
to participate in the study in the household. was classified as good, fair, or poor when the score
ranges were 0.0–1.2, 1.3–3.0, and >3.0, respectively.
Data collection
Data were collected through personal interviews Standardization of clinical examiners
using of a structured questionnaire administered by Four examiners, who were qualified dentists,
trained field workers. Mothers or surrogate mothers undertook a series of calibration exercises to ensure the
responded to the questions on oral health practices on validity of their evaluations. The exercises included
behalf of children aged 5–7  years, based on evidence protocol‑based training on the WHO criteria for the
that their responses were more accurate than the diagnosis of caries,[38] and the OHI‑S index described by
children.[37] When the mother was unavailable, the Greene and Vermillion.[39] The calibration process and
fathers completed the questionnaires. Children aged the calibration outcome were reported by Kolawole
8–12  years old were directly asked about their oral et al.[33]
health practices.
Data analysis
Data retrieved for this study include each child’s All the variables in the data were coded, entered
sociodemographic characteristics (age at last birthday into a computer, analyzed by the use of STATA
and sex), parental structure  (living with mother and (version  12.0),  and checked for missing values and
father, single parents, or with neither parents), number entry errors. Descriptive analysis was conducted by
of siblings, and birth rank. It also retrieved details on the use of measures of location and dispersion. Simple
oral hygiene practices such as toothbrushing frequency and multivariate regression with robust variance
and use of fluoridated toothpaste. These questions had estimation was used to derive prevalence ratios with
four to seven alternatives. To define acceptable levels 95% confidence interval (CI).
of each of the components, the following cutoff points
were used: Brushing more than once a day and using A hierarchical model was used to manage the variables
fluoridated toothpaste always. Respondents who chose as this enabled us assess the influence of each variable
the options “irregularly or never,” “once a week,” “a on the outcome as well as allow for control of the
few (2–3) times a week,” or “once a day,” when asked effects if confounder effects on the association. Thus,
the question on toothbrushing, were classified as not a stepwise selection was done in the multivariate
having undertaken caries preventive practices. Those regression with significance level for removal from
who chose the options, i.e.  “quite often,” “seldom,” model set at 0.2. Factors that could also have a
or “not at all” when asked the question on the use of significant impact on the outcomes were also included
fluoridated toothpaste were classified as not having in the multivariate analysis irrespective of the P value
undertaken caries preventive practices.[31] obtained in the simple regression analysis.

Intraoral examination For data analysis purposes, age was dichotomized into
All study participants underwent oral examinations in 5–8 years and 9–12 years. Birth rank was dichotomized
their homes on the day of study visits.[33] They were into “not primogenitor” and “primogenitor or only
examined under natural light while sitting, by trained child” using the criteria set by Ola et al.[8] The number
dentists and accompanying field workers, using sterile of siblings was also dichotomized into 0–2 siblings
dental mirrors and probes. Radiographs were not taken and >3 siblings as used in the study by Ola et al.[8] For
in the study. Caries status was determined before the the logistic regression analysis, parental structure was
oral hygiene status. Caries diagnosis was based on also dichotomized to “both parent” and “not both
the recommendation of the WHO Oral Health Survey parents.” All respondents who lived with mother
methods.[38] The caries status was assessed by the use only, father only, one parent and one step‑parent, and
of the decayed, missing, and filled teeth/decayed, no parents were grouped into “not both parents.” All
missing, and filled teeth (dmft/DMFT) index. Children children were categorized as either having caries or
were classified as having caries present when a tooth caries free. Oral hygiene status was dichotomized to
was identified as decayed, missing, or filled. good and poor (fair and poor) oral hygiene.

136 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Volume 35 | Issue 2 | April-June 2017 |
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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

Four different outcomes were considered in the Table 1: Frequency distribution of demographic
analysis and described as follows:  (a) “Having used variables, family structure, oral hygiene practices,
fluoridated toothpastes or not;”  (b) “having brushed caries experience, and oral hygiene experience in a
teeth twice daily or not;”  (c) “having caries or not;” sample of 601 children
and  (d) “having good oral hygiene or not.” The first
Demographic profile N=601 N (%)
two variables were chosen based on the outcome of
the study by Folayan et al.[40] that showed that use of
5years-8 years 363 (60.4)
fluoridated toothpaste and toothbrushing twice daily
9years-12 years 238 (39.4)
were the most significant factors for reducing caries in
children in the study population. Statistical significance Gender
was defined as P < 0.05. Male 291 (48.4)
Female 310 (51.6)
Parental structure
Ethical consideration
Both parents 533 (88.7)
Ethical approval for the study was obtained from
Mother only 39 (6.5)
the Research and Ethics Committee of Obafemi
Father only 5 (0.8)
Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex,
Ile‑Ife. Approval for the conduct of the study was One parent and one step-parent 2 (0.3)
obtained from the Local Government Authority, No parent 7 (1.2)
before the commencement of the study. The primary No response 15 (2.5)
study was conducted in full compliance with the Birth rank
approved protocol and in full accordance with the First born or only child 190 (31.6)
National Health Research Ethics Code which was Not first born 406 (67.6)
developed in accordance with the World Medical No response 5 (0.8)
Association Declaration of Helsinki and other global Number of siblings
bioethics codes. Efforts were made to minimize risks 3 or more 359 (39.7)
to participants such as the loss of confidentiality and 0-2 233 (38.8)
discomfort with the personal nature of questions. No response 9 (1.5)
Written informed consent was obtained from the Oral hygiene practices
parents of all study participants and written assent Brushes teeth twice daily or more 55 (9.2)
obtained from all children aged 8–12  years old who Uses fluoridated toothpaste 506 (84.2)
participated in the primary study. The consenting Consumes sugary snacks in between meals 187 (31.1)
process for the primary study was approved by less than once a day
Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Visited the dental clinic in the last 12 23(3.8)
Complex, Ile‑Ife. Participants in this primary study months
experienced no direct benefit, and no compensation Caries status
was paid. However, participants were given token gifts Caries present (DMFT >0 and dmft >0) 89 (14.8)
of stationery including pencils, erasers, sharpeners, or Caries free(DMFT=0 and dmft =0) 512 (85.2)
a small tube of fluoride‑containing toothpaste that did DMFT
not exceed a value of $0.50. 0 525 (89.4)
1 31 (5.2)
Results 2 25 (4.2)
3 10 (1.7)
Table  1 shows the demographic profile of the study 4 4 (0.7)
participants. The mean age of the study participants 5 4 (0.7)
was 7.9 ±  (2.2) years and 291  (48.4%) were males. 6 1 (0.2)
A large number of study participants lived with both 8 1(0.2)
parents (88.7%). Furthermore, 190 (31.6%) participants DMFT
were primogenitors/only child and 7  (1.2%) 0 478 (95.4)
respondents were not biological children of the family. 1 14(2.8)
2 5(1.0)
Only 23 (3.8%) study participants had visited the dental 3 1(0.2)
clinic in the past 12  months, 55  (9.2%) brushed twice 4 3 (0.6)
daily or more, 187 (31.1%) consumed sugary snacks in Oral hygiene status
between meals less than once a day, and 506  (84.2%) Good 259 (43.2)
used fluoridated toothpaste always. Fair 317 (52.9)
Poor 23 (3.8)
Only 89 (14.8%) study participants had caries. The dmft
ranged from 0 to 8 with a mean dmft of 0.27  ±  (0.85).
One hundred and forty‑two  (90.0%) of the 156 carious and three (1.9%) were filled. The DMFT ranged from 0 to 4
primary teeth were unrestored, 11 (7.1%) were extracted, with a mean DMFT of 0.06 ± (0.38). Twenty‑seven (81.8%)

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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

of the 33 carious permanent teeth were unrestored, the only significant factors associated with good oral
three (9.1%) were extracted, and two (6.1%) were filled. hygiene. Children aged 5–8  years old had increased
odds of having good oral hygiene when compared
Table 2 highlights factors associated with toothbrushing with children aged 9–12  years old (APR: 1.57; 95%
twice daily or more. There was no significant factor CI: 1.27–1.93). Furthermore, children who used
associated with twice daily brushing or more in the fluoridated toothpaste had increased odds of having
study population. The odds of brushing twice daily good oral hygiene when compared with those
or more reduced for children who were 5–8 years old who did not use fluoridated toothpaste (APR: 1.64;
when compared with those 9–12  years old (PR: 0.69; 95% CI: 1.18–2.26). Toothbrushing twice daily or
95%CI: 0.42–1.14), and for children who were not more had no significant association with good oral
first primogenitors when compared to those who hygiene (P = 0.84).
were primogenitors and only child  (PR: 0.64; 95%
CI: 0.39–1.07). The odds of brushing twice daily or Discussion
more increased for males when compared to females
(PR: 1.50; 95%CI: 0.90–2.50). This study presents important information on oral
hygiene practices and family structures associated
Table 3 highlights the factors associated with the use of with the presence of caries and good oral hygiene. We
fluoridated toothpaste. The only significant predictor identified a family structure‑related variable associated
was not being a primogenitor: Study participants who with the use of caries prevention methods  –  not
were not primogenitors had reduced odds of using being a primogenitor reduced the probability of
fluoridated toothpaste when compared to those who using fluoridated toothpaste. We also found a
were primogenitors and only child  (APR: 0.91; 95% family structure‑related variable associated with
CI 0.85–0.97). caries  –  children who had 0–2 siblings had reduced
probability of developing caries. We also found
Table  4 highlights the factors associated with the that toothbrushing twice daily or more increased
presence of caries. There were two significant factors the probability of having caries, whereas the use of
associated with the presence of caries. Having 0–2 fluoridated toothpaste increased the probability of
siblings reduced the odds of having caries when having good oral hygiene.
compared with those with three or more siblings
(APR: 0.47; CI: 0.28–0.79). Furthermore, brushing the The findings of this study are important for addressing
teeth twice daily or more increased the odds of having the long‑term oral health care needs of children in the
caries when compared with those who only brushed study population. The mixed dentition stage is a time of
once daily (APR: 1.72; 9% CI: 1.00–2.95). significant hormonal changes, with associated physical
and psychological development of the child.[41] It is a
Table 5 highlights the factors associated with good oral period during which the child commences transition from
hygiene. Age and use of fluoridated toothpaste were childhood to adolescence,[42] and a time when children

Table 2: Frequency distribution and results of simple and multivariate regression analysis for the association
between demographic variables, family structure, and twice daily tooth brushing in a sample of 601 children
Demographic variables Brush teeth twice daily Simple regression Multivariate regression
Yes (%) N=55 No (%) N=546 PR (95% CI) P PR (95% CI) P
5-8 years 29 (52.7) 334 (61.2) 0.73 (0.44-1.21) 0.22 0.69 (0.42-1.14) 0.15
9-12 years 26 (41.3) 212 (38.8) 1 1
Male 32 (58.2) 259 (41.4) 1.48 (0.89-2.47) 0.13 1.50 (0.90-2.50) 0.12
Female 23 (41.8) 287 (52.6) 1 1
Parental structure
Both parents 46 (83.6) 487 (89.2) 1 - -
Mother only 6 (10.9) 48 (8.8) 1.29 (0.58-2.88) 0.54 - -
Father only 1 (1.8) 4 (0.7) 2.32 (0.39-13.69) 0.35 - -
One parent and one step-parent 1 (1.8) 1(0.2) 5.79 (1.41-23.83) 0.02 - -
No parents 1 (1.8) 6 (1.1) 1.66 (0.26-10.39) 0.59 - -
Birth rank
Not first born 27 (49.1) 206 (37.7) 0.66 (0.40-1.09) 0.10 0.64 (0.39-1.07) 0.09
First born or only child 28 (50.9) 340 (62.3) 1 1
Number of siblings
0-2 21 (38.8) 169 (31.0) 1.34 (0.80-2.24) 0.27 - -
3 or more 34 (61.2) 377 (69.0) 1 - -

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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

Table 3: Frequency distribution and results of logistic regression analysis for the association between
demographic variables, family structure, and use of fluoridated toothpaste in a sample of 601 children
Demographic variables Use fluoridated toothpaste always Simple regression Multivariate regression
Yes (%) N=506 No (%) N=95 PR (95% CI) P PR (95% CI) P
5-8 years 302 (59.7) 61 (64.2) 0.97 (0.91-1.04) 0.40 - -
9-12 years 204 (40.3) 34 (35.8) 1 - -
Male 244 (48.2) 47 (49.5) 0.99 (0.93-1.06) 0.82 - -
Female 262 (51.8) 48 (51.5) 1 - -
Parental structure
Both parents 445 (87.9) 88 (92.6) 1 1
Mother only 48 (9.5) 6 (6.3) 1.06 (0.96-1.18) 0.23 1.06 (0.96-1.18) 0.23
Father only 4 (0.7) 1 (1.1) 0.96 (0.62-1.49) 0.85 0.92 (0.61-1.39) 0.69
One parent and one step-parent 2 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 1.20 (1.15-1.24) <0.001 1.24 (1.18-1.30) <0.001
No parents 7 (1.4) 0 (0.0) 1.20 (1.15-1.24) <0.001 1.16 (1.10-1.22) 0.01
Birth rank
Not first born 298 (58.9) 70 (73.7) 0.91 (0.85-0.97) 0.01 0.91 (0.85-0.97) 0.01
First born or only child 208 (41.1) 25 (26.3) 1 1
Number of siblings
0-2 165 (32.6) 25 (26.3) 1.05 (0.98-1.12) 0.21 - -
3 or more 341 (67.4) 70 (73.7) 1 - -

Table 4: Frequency distribution and results of logistics regression analysis for the association between
demographic variables, family structure and presence of caries in a sample of 601 children
Demographic variables Caries present Simple regression Multivariate regression
Yes (%) N=89 No (%) N=512 PR (95% CI) P PR (95% CI) P
5-8 years 51 (57.3) 312 (60.9) 0.88 (0.60-1.30) 0.52 - -
9-12 years 32 (42.7) 200 (39.1) 1 - -
Male 36 (40.5) 255 (49.8) 0.72 (0.49-1.07) 0.11 0.71 (0.48-1.06) 0.09
Female 53 (59.5) 257 (50.2) 1 1
Parental structure
Both parents 79 (88.8) 454 (88.7) 1 1
Mother only 8 (9.0) 46 (9.0) 1.00 (0.51-1.96) 1.00 1.09 (0.57-2.08) 0.79
Father only 1 (1.1) 4 (0.7) 1.35 (0.23-7.89) 0.74 1.48 (0.21-10.48) 0.69
One parent and one step-parent 0 (0.0) 2 (0.4) 0.00 (0.00-0.00) <0.001 0.00 (0.00-0.00) <0.001
No parents 1 (1.1) 6 (1.2) 0.96 (0.16-5.99) 0.97 0.97 (0.28-0.78) <0.001
Birth rank
Not first born 73 (82.0) 338 (66.0) 1.18 (0.79-1.77) 0.41 - -
First born or only child 16 (18.0) 174 (34.0) 1 - -
Number of siblings
0-2 16 (18.0) 174(34.0) 0.47 (0.28-0.79) <0.001 0.47 (0.28-0.79) <0.001
3 or more 73 (82.0) 338 (66.0) 1 1
Brush twice daily
Yes 12 (13.5) 43 (8.4) 1.55 (0.90-2.66) 0.11 1.72 (1.00-2.95) 0.05
No 77 (86.5) 469 (91.6) 1 1
Use fluoridated toothpaste always
Yes 74 (83.1) 432 (84.4) 0.93 (0.56-1.54) 0.77 - -
No 15 (16.9) 80 (15.6) 1 - -

are establishing their independence from parental the consumption of sweets, sugary foods, and drinks,
influence.[43] Their independence has implications for oral predisposing factors to caries, increases.[44] Identifying
health‑care practices one of which is the possibility of less those family structure‑related variables that help promote
supervision of home oral health‑care practices such as oral hygiene practices that reduce caries risk in the mix
brushing and flossing teeth, thereby increasing the risk dentition stage will guide the design and implement of
for poor oral hygiene practices.[44] It is also a time when public oral health programs and campaigns.

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Folayan, et al.: Family structure and oral health of children

Table 5: Frequency distribution and results of logistic regression analysis for the association between
demographic variables, family structure, and good oral hygiene in a sample of 601 children
Demographic variables Good oral hygiene Simple regression Multivariate regression
Yes (%) N=259 No (%) N=3422 PR (95% CI) P PR (95% CI) P
5-8 years 182 (70.3) 181 (52.9) 1.55 (1.26-1.91) <0.001 1.57 (1.27-1.93) <0.001
9-12 years 77 (29.7) 161 (47.1) 1 1
Male 121 (46.7) 170 (49.7) 0.93 (0.78-1.12) 0.47 - -
Female 138 (53.3) 172 (50.3) 1 - -
Parental structure
Both parents 231 (89.2) 302 (88.3) 1 - -
Mother only 21 (8.1) 33 (9.6) 0.90 (0.63-1.27) 0.54 - -
Father only 1 (0.4) 4 (1.2) 0.46 (0.08-2.67) 0.39 - -
One parent and one step-parent 1 (0.4) 1 (0.3) 1.15 (0.29-4.63) 0.84 - -
No parents 5 (1.9) 2 (0.6) 1.65 (1.02-2.66) 0.04 - -
Birth rank
Not first born 154 (59.5) 214 (62.6) 0.93 (0.77-1.12) 0.44 - -
First born or only child 105 (40.5) 128 (37.4) 1 - -
Number of siblings
0-2 87 (33.6) 103 (30.1) 1.09 (0.90-1.33) 0.36 - -
3 or more 172 (66.4) 239 (69.9) 1 - -
Brush twice daily
Yes 23 (8.9) 32 (9.4) 0.97 (0.70-1.34) 0.84 - -
No 236 (91.1) 310 (90.6) 1 - -
Use fluoridated toothpaste always
Yes 232 (89.6) 274 (80.1) 1.61 (1.16-2.25) 0.01 1.64 (1.18-2.26) <0.001
No 27 (10.4) 68 (19.9) 1 1

Our study finding indicates that a child’s birth rank The study was unable to show an association between
and the number of siblings (s)he has is associated with parental structure, oral hygiene practices, caries, and
the less use of fluoridated toothpaste and the increased oral hygiene status. This is contrary to the findings of a
risk for caries, respectively. These two variables are number of reports in the field which had demonstrated
possibly linked to the family size. Large families may this relationship.[46,47] The small number of children
need to cut down on expenses, including having to not living with both parents and the small number
buy cheaper toothpaste, leading to an increased risk of children with caries made it difficult to conduct
of developing caries. Past studies had highlighted meaningful subanalysis to determine specific forms
that the financial and social pressures that come with of parenting structures that may have an impact on
having large families often has a negative impact on caries risk and affect oral hygiene practices. There is
the oral health of children[45] including increased risk little known about the effect of parenting structure
for caries.[46] on the oral health of children in the study population,
especially where we have a significant number of
We also found that toothbrushing twice daily or more children living with guardians. Onyejaka[48] had shown
increased the probability of having caries while the use that in Nigeria, children who live with guardians are left
of fluoridated toothpaste increased the probability of behind with respect to dental service utilization despite
having good oral hygiene. This finding is paradoxical, interventions. It will be important to conduct a study
and we cannot find a ready explanation this. One primarily focus on answering this research question.
possibility is that children who brush twice daily
may have been the ones who had had contact with This study has limitations. The outcome of analysis of
oral health personnel in the past due to the need to the household survey makes the study finding only
manage caries. The habit of toothbrushing twice daily generalizable to the study population and cannot be
or more may have therefore being instituted to prevent extrapolated to represent Nigeria. It cannot also reflect
new caries lesion. The associated good oral hygiene what happens in other suburban communities in
associated with the use of fluoridated toothpaste in Nigeria considering how diverse and heterogeneous
the absence of an association with toothbrushing is Nigeria is.[49] Furthermore, with a cross‑sectional study,
difficult to explain. We plan to explore this finding it is difficult to ascertain the direction of the established
further. relationships between the variables.

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