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Mata Kuliah : Literary Criticism

Bobot Mata Kuliah : 3 SKS
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Semester : VI (Enam)
Dosen Pengampu : Nurul Fitri, S.S, M.Hum
Pertemua Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Materi Pengalaman Tagihan Jp Rujukan
n Belajar
1 1. to understand the concepts of 1. The basic concepts of Syllabus Discussion, - 3 x 50 Syllabus
literary criticism Literary Criticism Q&A
2. to understand the importance of 2. The importance of the
this course course
2 1. To understand the concepts of BIOGRAPHICAL/ISTORICA 1. Basic literary terms Discussion, Group Task
Biographical/Historical approach. L APPROACH and overview Q&A
2. To be able to analyze literary work 2. Traditional
with the approach. approaches
3 3. To understand the concepts of NEW CRITICISM AND Discussion on Plato and Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
New Criticism and Formalism FORMALISM APPROACH Aristotle Discussion,
approach. Q&A
4. To be able to analyze literary
work with the approach.
4 1. To understand the concepts PSYCHOANALYTIC Literature and psychology Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Psychoanalytic approach APPROACH Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Q&A
work with the approach
5 1. To understand the concepts of ARCHETYPAL APPROACH Archetypal approach Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Archetypal approach Literary Excursion: The Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Distance of the Moon Q&A
work with the approach.
6 1. To understand the concepts of READER RESPONSE Literature and audience Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Reader Response approach Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary APPROACH Q&A
work with the approach.
7 1. To understand the concepts of MARXIST APPROACH Literature and Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Marxist approach socioeconomics Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Q&A
work with the approach.

8 1. To understand the concepts of NEW HISTORICISM Literature and culture Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
New Historicism approach APPROACH “The Structures of Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Punishment” by Michael Q&A
work with the approach. Foucault
9 1. To understand the concepts of FEMINIST APPROACH Feminist approach Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Feminist approach Brief discussion of “Little Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Red Riding Hood” Q&A
work with the approach.
11 1. To understand the concepts of POSTCOLONIALISM Literature and culture Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Postcolonialism approach APPROACH “Orientalizing the Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Oriental” – Edward Said Q&A
work with the approach
12 1. To understand the concepts of AMERICAN Literature and culture Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
American Multiculturalism MULTICULTURALISM Literary excursion “The Discussion,
approach APPROACH Dinosours” - Q&A
2. To be able to analyze literary Cosmicomics
work with the approach.
13 1. To understand the concepts of STRUCTURALISM Literature, language, and Lecturing, Group Task 3x50
Structuralism approach. APPROACH its Structures of Meaning Discussion,
2. To be able to analyze literary Q&A
work with the approach.

14 1. To understand the concepts of MODERNISM & Literature, language, and Lecturing, Group Task 3x50
Modernism and Postmodernism POSTMODERNISM its Structures of Meaning Discussion,
approach. Postmodernism Q&A
2. To be able to analyze literary APPROACH
work with the approach.
15 1. To understand the concepts of POSTSTRUCTURALISM & Literature, language, and Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
Poststructuralism and DECONSTRUCTION its Structures of Meaning Discussion,
Deconstruction approach. Excerpt from film : Q&A
2. To be able to analyze literary Derrida – 2002
work with the approach.

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