Time Line

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Asia / Pacific Timeline

Lucas Fu, Khyle, Neyder, Catherine, Brendan, Emily, Andrew, Ruth, Deborah, Nida,
Paris, Melody, Andre, Quynh

● September.18 918 Incident.-Lucas Fu
● Sept 19 Japan invades Manchuria - Khyle

● Jan:Chinese boycotts and Japanese troops protecting the Japanese in Shanghai
broke out.--Ruth
● Feb: Manchuria was declared an independent country, in fact the Japanese
government of Manchukuo.-Ruth
● March 9 Puppet Manchuria was established.-Lucas Fu

● Jan: the Soviet Union invaded in the Republic of China, the Soviet Union invaded
● Dec19:Japan abolished the Washington Naval Treaty.--Ruth

● Feb 26:February 26th incident: Japanese primary military coup attempt.-Ruth
● Nov: Japan and Germany signed the "Anti-Communist International Convention",
concluded two threats to the Soviet Union.—Ruth
● Dec25: Xi'an Incident--Ruth

● February 20: In Japan, the liberal Minseit party wins the electoral victory. -Neyder
● July.7 Double-Seven Incident/Marco Polo Bridge Incident in China initiates
invasion of mainland China.-Lucas Fu/Catherine
● July 26: Japanese troops advance on Chinese territory.-Neyder
● Aug 13. Battle of Shanghai - Catherine
● Dec 9 -Dec 13. Nanjing massacre (Chinese provisional capital falling to the
Japanese -Catherine
● Feb 18. (bombing of Chongqing) Increased Japan-China Hostilities - Catherine
● March to mid-April Battle of Taierzhuang.-Lucas Fu
● Mar. 24.- May 1. Battle of Xuzhou -Catherine
● Novr: Japan announces "New East Asian Order".-Ruth

● Feb: Japan occupied Hainan Island.--Ruth
● May-Sept: The border conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union near the
Kharka River in Mongolia finally halted the Battle of Halkisin Gore.--Ruth
● September 16: Japan declared a ceasefire with Soviet forces in
● Oct. 8 - China won Battle of Changsha - Brendan
● Dec. 1 - Russian continues war with Finland - Brendan
● Dec. 7 - ​Italy again declares its neutrality. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark -
● Dec. 13 - Battle of the River Plate - Emily
● June. 14 - Japanese blockade British concession at Tientsin, China - Quynh

● June 26: Relation between Japan and the United States deteriorate as America
initiates first trade embargo on war related goods to the Asian nation - Quynh
● June 24: The Japanese demand the closure of the British-controlled Burma
highway used to send supplies to Chinese troops. -Neyder
● September - Japan invades French Indo-China -Andrew
● September 27 Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. -Neyder
● December - Chinese troops in Northern China blew up rail lines disrupting
Japanese coal supplies (Andrew)
● December 27 - Imperial Japan signed the Tripartite Pacts (Andrew)

● Apr.13:The Soviet Union and Japan signed a neutral treaty- Ruth
● June 22: Germany invades the Soviet Union with the so-called "Operation
● July 18: Japanese troops land in southern Indo-China.-Neyder
● Aug.14:Roosevelt and Churchill publish the Atlantic Charter-Ruth
● December 1: Japan officially approves the start of the war against the United
States and the Commonwealth countries.-Neyder
● October - ​Konoe (Japan’s P.M.) resigns from office and is succeeded by ​war
minister, General ​Tōjō Hideki​ - Deborah
● Dec. 7 - Japanese attack Pearl Harbour - Deborah
● Dec. 8 - Britain, USA, and New Zealand declare war on Japan - Emily
● Dec 8 Battle of Guam - Khyle
● Dec 8 Japan invades the Philippines - Khyle
● Dec 9 - China declares war on Japan - Nida
● Dec 10 - Japanese invaded the Philippines and also seized Guam. - Paris
● Dec 11 - Japanese Invaded Burma. - Paris
● Dec 15 - First Japanese merchant ship sunk by a U.S submarine. - Paris
● Dec 17 - British withdraw to Perak River, Malaya - Quynh
● Dec 18 - Japanese invade Hong Kong- Nida
● Dec. 25 - Canadian troops have to surrender to the Japanese at Hong Kong
(Black Christmas) - Deborah
● Dec 26 - Manila declared an open city - Nida
● Dec- 27- Japanese bomb Manila - Nida
● Dec. 31 - Martial law declared in Singapore - Emily

● January 1- Declaration by United Nations-Lucas Fu
● January - Japan occupies Manila - Deborah
● Jan 7 - Japanese attack Bataan in the Philippines - Nida
● Jan 11 - Japanese invades Dutch East Indies and Dutch Borneo. - Paris
● Jan 14 - Australian Division ambushes Japanese at Gemas - Quynh
● Jan 15 - Battle for Muar River crossing, Australians withdraw - Quynh
● Jan 16 - Japanese begin an advance into Burma. - Paris
● Jan 19 - Japanese take North Borneo. - Paris
● Jan 27 - First Japanese warship sunk by US submarine
● 30 January - Japanese within 25 km of Singapore - Quynh
● February - President Rosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 (this law removes
Japanese Americans from the west coast) - Deborah
● Feb 15 - British surrender at Singapore - Nida
● Feb 23 - First Japanese attack on the U.S mainland as a submarine shells on oil
refinery near Santa Barbara, California - Paris
● Feb 27 - Battle of Java Sea(The Japanese amphibious forces gathered to strike
at Java) - Melody
● Mar 4 - Two Japanese flying boats bomb Pearl Harbour - Nida
● Apr 18 - Doolittle Raid (a surprise attack on Tokyo, Japan, by U.S bombers.) -
● May - Japanese force the British out of Burma - Deborah
● May 5-6 - Japanese enter China from Burma - Quynh
● May 7- 8 - Battle of Coral Sea ( Japanese forces heading for Port Moresby turn
back) - Emily
● June 3 Japan attacks Alaska - Khyle
● June 4 - Battle of Midway (American forces stop the Japanese at Midway Island,
thus protecting the west coast of North America) - Deborah
● June 7 - Japanese seizes Attu and Kiska in Aleutian. - Melody
● Sept. - about 21,000 Japanese Canadians in B.C. are put into internment camps
- Deborah
● October - Battle of Santa Cruz (one of the many battles to get Guadalcanal) -

● Jan. 22 - In New Guinea Japanese fail to attack Port Moresby and The allies
counter attack and end the threat of the Japanese to Australia - Andre
● February - Americans take Guadalcanal - Deborah
● February - Wingate begins operations against Japanese in Burma - Quynh
● May - Chinese Nationalists counterattack along the Yangtze - Quynh
● May 30 - Attu Invasion (Us Retakes Attu) - Andre
● June 30 - Macarthur in New Guinea - Andre
● Aug. 27 - Tokai Maru sunk by Submarine snapper in Abra Harbour - Andre
● October 3 - Japanese launch “Rice Offensive” in Central China - Quynh
● Nov. 1 - Admiral Halsey starts planning to invade Bougainville - Andre
● Nov. 20 - Admiral Nimitz begins “island hopping” through Micronesia - Andre
● December 31 - Battle for Razavil - Quynh

● January - Chinese offensive in Hukawng Valley - Quynh
● February 3 - Japanese Arakan Offensive - Quynh
● March 8 Battle of Imphal ( Japan tries to invade India ) - Khyle
● May 8 - Japanese launch offensive against British troops in Burma - Emily
● June 16 - China based B-29s bomb southern Japan - Emily
● July 5-13 - Japanese retreat in Burma - Quynh
● October - Battle for the Philippines (first use of “Kamikaze” pilots) - Deborah
● November 5 - Allied planes bomb Singapore - Emily
● November 24 - B 29s bomb Tokyo - Emily
● November 24 - Last Japanese attack on Calcutta - Emily

● Feb.19--Mar.17-U.S. and Japanese battles on Iwo Jima-Ruth
● April 1 - June 22 - Battle of Okinawa (American troops sustain heavy casualties
but still take the heavily guarded island of Okinawa) - Deborah
● May - the Allies liberate Burma - Deborah
● May 8th - VE day ( victory in Europe) - Emily
● July 16 - first successful detonation of an A-bomb was done in New-Mexico -
● July 26 - The ​Potsdam Declaration​ is issued - Deborah
● Aug. 6, – Aug. 9,Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Khyle
● Aug. 8 - the Soviet Union declares war on Japan and marches on ​Manchuria with
little resistance - Deborah
● Aug. 9 ​Soviet invasion of Manchuria - Khyle
● Aug. 9 - Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan - Emily
● Aug. 14 - VJ Day (Pacific time) - Deborah
● August 15 - VJ day (Victory in Japan ) - Emily
● August 15 Korea is becomes independent - Khyle
● August 17 Korea becomes north and south Korea - Khyle
● Aug. 30 - British troops re-occupy Hong Kong - Emily
● S​eptember 2 Japan surrenders and end of WWII - Khyle
● September 9 The surrender ceremony of China's war zone in the Second World
War.-Lucas Fu
● October 24, The United Nations is founded - Khyle

● April 29 The Tokyo trials begin - Khyle

● May 3 The Constitution of Japan is rewritten - Khyle
● August 15 India becomes independent from Britain - Khyle

● December 23 The prime minister of Japan Hideki Tojo is Executed for war crimes
- Khyle

● October 1 Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China - Khyle

● Jun 25 The Korean War starts - Khyle

● Sept. 8 - ​Japan signs the Treaty of San Francisco - Deborah

● ​April 28 - the Allied military occupation of Japan comes to an end after seven
years - Deborah

● May 15 - the Allied military occupation of ​Okinawa ends - Deborah

● Aug 10 - Regan apologizes to the Japanese Americans who were in internment
camps ($1.6 billion was eventually given to the Japanese) - Deborah

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