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A Primer on Water Quality

What is in the water? How is water quality measured?

Is it safe for drinking? Can fish Some aspects of water quality can
and other aquatic life thrive in be determined right in the stream
streams and lakes that are affected or at the well. These include tem-
by human activities? What is the perature, acidity (pH), dissolved
water quality? To answer these oxygen, and electrical conduc-
questions, it is helpful to under- tance (an indirect indicator of dis-
stand what “water quality” means, solved minerals in the water).
how it is determined, and the nat- Analyses of individual chemicals
ural processes and human activi- generally are done at a laboratory.
ties that affect water quality.
Why do we have water-quality may dissolve minerals in rocks
standards and guidelines? and soil, percolate through organic
Standards and guidelines are material such as roots and leaves,
established to protect water for and react with algae, bacteria,
designated uses such as drinking, and other microscopic organisms.
recreation, agricultural irrigation,
or protection and maintenance
of aquatic life. Standards for
drinking-water quality ensure that
public drinking-water supplies are
as safe as possible. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) and the States are
What do we mean by “water responsible for establishing the
quality”? standards for constituents in water
Water quality can be thought of that have been shown to pose a
as a measure of the suitability of risk to human health. Other stan-
water for a particular use based dards protect aquatic life, includ-
on selected physical, chemical, ing fish, and fish-eating wildlife
and biological characteristics. To such as birds.
determine water quality, scientists
first measure and analyze char- How do natural processes affect
acteristics of the water such water quality?
as temperature, dissolved mineral Natural water quality varies from Water may also carry plant debris
content, and number of bacteria. place to place, with the seasons, and sand, silt, and clay to rivers
Selected characteristics are then with climate, and with the types and streams making the water
compared to numeric standards of soils and rocks through which appear “muddy” or turbid. When
and guidelines to decide if the water moves. When water from water evaporates from lakes and
water is suitable for a particular rain or snow moves over the land streams, dissolved minerals are
use. and through the ground, the water more concentrated in the water

U.S. Department of the Interior Printed on recycled paper FS-027-01

U.S. Geological Survey March 2001
that remains. Each of these natural easily in rainwater or snowmelt mixtures of chemicals typically
processes changes the water qual- runoff. Excess nutrients carried to are found in water, but health-
ity and potentially the water use. streams and lakes encourage abun- based standards and guidelines
dant growth of algae, which leads have not been established for
What is naturally in the water? to low oxygen in the water and the chemical mixtures.
The most common dissolved sub- possibility of fish kills.
stances in water are minerals or What about bacteria, viruses, and
salts that, as a group, are referred other pathogens in water?
to as dissolved solids. Dissolved The quality of water for drinking
solids include common constit- cannot be assured by chemical
uents such as calcium, sodium, analyses alone. The presence of
bicarbonate, and chloride; plant bacteria in water, which are nor-
nutrients such as nitrogen and mally found in the intestinal tracts
phosphorus; and trace elements of humans and animals, signal that
such as selenium, chromium, and disease-causing pathogens may be
arsenic. present. Giardia and cryptosporid-
In general, the common con- ium are pathogens that have been
stituents are not considered harm- found occasionally in public-water
ful to human health, although supplies and have caused illness
some constituents can affect the in a large number of people in
Chemicals such as pharmaceu-
taste, smell, or clarity of water. a few locations. Pathogens can
tical drugs, dry-cleaning solvents,
Plant nutrients and trace elements enter our water from leaking septic
and gasoline that are used in
in water can be harmful to human tanks, wastewater-treatment dis-
urban and industrial activities have
health and aquatic life if they charge, and animal wastes.
been found in streams and ground
exceed standards or guidelines. water. After decades of use, pes-
How can I find out more about my
Dissolved gases such as ticides are now widespread in
water quality?
oxygen and radon are common in streams and ground water, though
natural waters. Adequate oxygen they rarely exceed the existing Contact your local water supplier
levels in water are a necessity for standards and guidelines estab- and ask for information on the
fish and other aquatic life. Radon lished to protect human health. water quality in your area. The
gas can be a threat to human Some pesticides have not been USEPA requires public-water sup-
health when it exceeds drinking- used for 20 to 30 years, but pliers to provide water-quality data
water standards. they are still detected in fish and to the public on an annual basis
streambed sediment at levels that in an understandable format. State
How do human activities affect pose a potential risk to human agencies that deal with health,
water quality? health, aquatic life, and fish-eating environmental quality, or water
wildlife. resources also can provide infor-
Urban and industrial development,
mation on the quality of your
farming, mining, combustion of
water. Additional resources can be
fossil fuels, stream-channel alter-
found on the Internet at:
ation, animal-feeding operations,
and other human activities can
change the quality of natural
waters. As an example of the
–Gail E. Cordy
effects of human activities on
water quality, consider nitrogen There are so many chemicals
and phosphorus fertilizers that are in use today that determining the
applied to crops and lawns. These risk to human health and aquatic
plant nutrients can be dissolved life is a complex task. In addition,

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