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Group members:

Hanzalla Nadeem
Sap id: 70059682
& Hamza Saleem
Sap id: 70073062
Submitted to:
Ma’am Mahnoor
Principles of Marketing
BBA 4th
“Final Project”
Principles of Marketing
Product: Cadbury

➢ Vision:

The Trust’s vision is of a just and peaceful society which

recognises the equal value of all people.
➢ Mission:
The Trust’s mission is to use all of our assets, especially
our money, to work with others to bring about
structural change for a more just and equal society.

➢ SWOT Analysis of Cadbury:

Cadbury is one of the world’s best-recognized

confectionery brands. With a wide range of chocolate
bars in its product range and a geographical presence
spanning Europe, Australasia, and North America, the
company is extremely well established. As a result,
you might think Cadbury is here to stay for good but
is it?

In this article, we’ll use SWOT analysis which reviews

the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
affecting a business to dive into the inner-workings of
Cadbury. With that, we’ll be able to better predict the
future of this popular sweet goods brand!

❖Strengths in the SWOT analysis of Cadbury:

▪ World leader – Cadbury is the world’s leader in
chocolates. Known to have the best manufacturing
and a wide distribution channel, Cadbury has a
presence in 160 or more countries.

▪ Powerhouse brands and Products – Cadbury has

many strong brands in its product portfolio such
as dairy milk, Bournvita, Oreo, five star and others.
The product are high quality products and some of
them are cash cows for Cadbury.

▪ Brand name, brand equity and Brand loyalty –

Cadbury products are blessed with a fantastic
brand loyalty. Due to its marketing and
strong branding over the years, the brand equity of
Cadbury is also high and hence Cadbury is
comfortable charging a premium for its product
because of the high brand equity. Finally
some brand names within the Cadbury family are
known world wide and are desired by many.

▪ Positioning as gift – The smartest tactic that

Cadbury has done over the years with products like
dairy milk and celebrations is that these chocolates
are positioned for gifting. In fact the recent
bournville, has a complete focus on the gifting
position. Due to this smart strategy Cadbury has
safely differentiated itself from majority of its
▪ Promotions – With an amazing tag line of “kuch
meetha ho jaye” along with fantastic ATL and
BTL activities, Cadbury has one of the strongest
promotions in the fmcg industry. This further
imparts strength to Cadbury because it provides
excellent brand recall.

❖Weaknesses in the SWOT analysis of Cadbury:

As mentioned previously, a brand like Cadbury is
expected to have many strengths and few weaknesses,
and the same is the case. Cadbury’s weakness is its
rural distribution considering India has such a wide
rural diaspora which can be covered.

At the same time, A few cases here and there have

happened based on the quality of the product where
cockroaches or other rodents were found in the
chocolate. It is inexcusable for a brand like Cadbury to
show such ignorance because such infected chocolates
should not leave quality control at all. Thus quality
control needs to be strengthened.

❖Opportunities in the SWOT analysis of Cadbury:

Rural markets – What is a weakness can become
an opportunity. Penetrating rural markets and
distribution in rural markets can be a large
opportunity for Cadbury. It is present in foreign
countries and a rural presence is much needed for
Cadbury which will boost the brands presence and
New Tastes – Indian consumers have a sweet tooth
and they frequently like to eat small chocolates as
well as chocolate bars. On top of it, there are
various flavors which consumers like. Thus, new
tastes and new flavors are an opportunity which
Cadbury can generate regularly.

❖Threats in the SWOT analysis of Cadbury:

Cost and price increase – With an increase in fuel
cost as well as cost of transportation, distribution
cost has gone up. At the same time, the cost of
procurement and manufacturing is high as well.
Thus, over the years, the constant increase in
costing and thereby pricing of the product is a
threat to Cadbury as it creates a gap for other
companies to enter.

Health consciousness on the rise – Health

consciousness is on the rise amongst the Indian
population. Many people prefer drinking health juices
as well as fruits rather than having chocolates. Every
week you will see articles on news papers as well as on
blogs which advice against eating chocolate and
propagate the benefits of staying healthy. At the same
time, many parents have stopped giving chocolates to
their kids looking at the adverse affects.

Decreasing importance of festivals – Cadbury has spent

years to get the position of a gift on festivals and
occasions. What happens when the importance of these
festivals drops? The buying of chocolates also drops.

Rising demand of people, growing purchasing power

– Nowadays, if you gift a chocolate to children, they are
likely to demand a toy car, a bicycle or for a young
adult, a computer. Thus, with a rise in purchasing
power, the demands of gifts also has gone up in value
and just a chocolate will not suffice. This is also a threat
for Cadbury.

➢ Target Market:
Cadbury is a trade name with a long times past in
New Zealand and a loving assurance to make every
person believe cheerful. Cadbury is
a confectionery company owned by Kraft Foods. Its
main headquarter is in Dunedin. John Cadbury shaped
the business in 1824 on the name of Cadbury. The
business started as a shop in a fashionable place.
A description of Cadbury’s and their aims of Cadbury
is a worldwide company that makes market and sells
exclusive branded chocolate. Cadbury have done this
effectively for over 200 years. The cause they are so
successful is because they have a comprehensible
understanding of the needs of their consumers,
customers and other stakeholders
▪ Product and services
The specific product that will be the focus of this
assignment is Cadbury roses. It is considered to be
the best confectionary worldwide. It has almost
various sorts of flavors shapes and 100% gluten free.
▪ Market of Interests
Cadbury Confectionery Ltd is the most leading player
in chocolate making in New Zealand. The company
rebound from unhelpful media interest in 2009 to
recover a lost percentage position in assessment
allocate during 2010, to account for 52%, production
it by far the major participant in chocolate
confectionery. (Euro monitor, 2011)
Chocolate is known to be the best confectionary for
everyone. The first is the upward share that high-
cocoa dark chocolate makes up of the likely $350
million to $400m of chocolate each year. (Wikipedia,
2012). Dark Ghana slabs are now Whittaker’s major
supplier, and therefore hold 20% of NZ market share,
whereas cocoa Old Gold is Cadbury’s best ever-
growing line mirror rising 70% (Whitakers, 2012)
Cadbury is a confectionery company that makes 7.3%
of the worlds, 27% of the world’s gum, and 7.4% of
its chocolate. Australia and New Zealand are the
largest markets in the region. Cadbury’s foremost
chocolate brand name in Australia is Cadbury Dairy
Milk and in New Zealand, brand contain Cadbury
Dairy Milk. Cadbury has a number one location in New
Zealand’s confectionery marketplace by means of a
47% contribute to.
➢ Marketing mix (4 P’s):

Marketing Mix of Cadbury analyses the

brand/company which covers 4Ps (Product, Price,
Place, Promotion) and explains the Cadbury marketing
strategy. As of 2020, there are several marketing
strategies like product/service innovation, marketing
investment, customer experience etc. which have
helped the brand grow.
Marketing strategy helps companies achieve business
goals & objectives, and marketing mix (4Ps) is the
widely used framework to define the strategies. This
article elaborates the product, pricing, advertising &
distribution strategies used by Cadbury.
Let us start the Cadbury Marketing Mix & Strategy:
▪ Cadbury Product Strategy:
The product strategy and mix in Cadbury marketing
strategy can be explained as follows:
The product range of Cadbury is pretty large and they
make it count. The products in the marketing mix of
Cadbury are classified according to the seasons and
they are also varied according to the sales in each
country. There are a lot of standard products which
are there. The other Cadbury products are based on
festive occasions like Halloween and Christmas. The
products are not only related to the chocolates but
there are other products like beverages and desserts,
which are also in their product line. We find that
Cadbury also prefers to segregate the products
according to the demographic areas. The Cadbury
company has ventured into the ice-cream segment
and biscuits. With such a huge product line up we can
gauge the targeted customer base and they carter to
a lot of people and their needs. There are a lot of
Cadbury products namely Bournville, Crunchie,
Cadbury Dairy Milk, Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut, Caramel,
Cadbury Five Star, Perk, BournVita, Bytes, Pretzel,
Crème Egg, Oreo, Blackcurrant Mini Rolls, Caramel
Cake Bars, Fruit Sundae, Brunch Hazelnut, etc. among
the huge product list. Cadbury has made a huge
impact in this industry and is continuing to grow at a
rapid rate.
▪ Cadbury Price/Pricing Strategy:
Below is the pricing strategy in Cadbury marketing
Cadbury products are priced as per the quality of
them. The prices are high for a few products like
Bournville and there are products which are priced
low to carter to the needs of the other segments.
These items are like Eclairs, Perk, Five Star. The
marketing mix pricing strategy of Cadbury depends on
competition, demand and packages. They also have
other options for the people which is according to the
size of the products. Cadbury has strategically placed
the price of the products so that all the targeted
segments can be met. We find that the products are
compiled into gifts package so that they can be
available to the people. They are mainly targeted for
the festive seasons and these products are priced
strategically so that the customers have an affinity to
buy them. Constant marketing of Cadbury products
have made sure that they reach to the people with
different taste buds and also carter to the friendliness
of the purse. Health drinks like Bournvita are also
priced keeping in mind the targeted customers
▪ Cadbury Place & Distribution Strategy:
Following is the distribution strategy of Cadbury:
Cadbury products of the available all over the world.
The main way Cadbury has made a huge impact in the
global market is just because of the distribution
channel it has. The company has made sure that their
products are available all over the world and the
carter to a huge customer base. The products are
available both in the urban and rural areas. We find
that this has helped in a way for the company. The
places of distribution has made the products available
to a lot of customers and the in turn has generated a
profit for the company both in terms of customer base
and the revenue. Cadbury is a worldwide name and
has made its name in almost more than 200 countries.
This shows the distribution channel and the places
where it has made its product reach.

▪ Cadbury Promotion & Advertising Strategy:

The promotional and advertising strategy in the
Cadbury marketing strategy is as follows:
Cadbury has a wide range of ways of promoting itself.
We find that the promotion strategy in the marketing
mix is done through the television, posters,
newspaper, online, radio. We have seen that the
company has made great efforts to make its product
reach the people and make the people aware of it
items. There are various kinds of taglines which are
attached with various brands of Cadbury. In India,
Cadbury has “kuch meeta ho jai” which shows that the
brand is trying to promote itself in the market of
sweets. Again for a different brand like Bourneville we
find that the company wants it to be something like
“you earn it.” The company also has various brand
ambassadors for various types of products so that
each of them is used to make an impression in the
mind of the people. Cadbury has not left any stones
unturned to promote itself. This concludes the
Cadbury marketing mix.

➢ Product attributes of Cadbury:

Cadbury is a leading global company, which was in

Birmingham in England when John Cadbury started his
family grocery shop with side business of cocoa and
chocolate products in around 1824. His two sons,
Richard and George, expanded their family business of
cocoa and chocolate. Their headquarters are in the
UK. Cadbury enjoys a value market share of over
70%. CADBURY IN INDIA: In India, Cadbury began its
operations in 1948 by importing chocolates. After 60
years of existence, it...

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